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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research andVolume 5 Issue 3, March-April

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD400

Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in AgricultureJerald Astin D

1UG Scholar, Department of 2Professor, Department of

ABSTRACT With accelerated globalization and excessive opposition with inside the market, food deliver chains have come to be longer and extra complicated than ever before. There are a few not unusual place issues in food chains along with food traceability, food protection and quality, meal and deliver chain inefficiency, which upload extra dangers at the whole society, financial system and the fitness of human. The block chain is a ledger of bills and transactions which can be written and saved with the aid of using all participants. It guarantees a dependable supply of reality approximately the country of farms, inventories and contracts in agriculture, in which the gathering of such data is frequently exceedingly

KEYWORDS: Block Chain, Supply Chain, Retailers

INTRODUCTION Block chain is able to recording the facts of a product from its provenance to the retail shop. It gives a stable and immutable manner of storing records gathered on the beginning of the deliver chain, e.g., Food merchandise, pesticide residues of grain or vegetables. Such facts may be checked and validated through any celebration concerned with inside the deliver chain of the product. Collecting such records for all merchandise may be very costly; however it may be performed on samples. The transparency of such facts can assist detect, e.g., the containment of undeclared meat like took place with inside the 2013 horse meat scandal in Europe.

Many answers facilitated through block chain era had been proposed to enhance the traceability of agricultural merchandise. Tian (2016) proposes an agricultural mealdeliver chain traceability device the usage of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a noncomputerized identity communication era. It can hint merchandise with relied on facts with inside the whole deliver chain. The use of block chain ensures that the information of manufacturing, technique, shop and distribution with inside the device are dependablegenuine.

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and DevelopmentApril 2021 Available Online: e

40016 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021

Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in AgricultureJerald Astin D1, Vignesh Raj R1, Ahmed Mudassar Ali

UG Scholar, Department of IT, S. A. Engineering College, Thiruverkadu, Tamil Nadu, Department of IT, S. A. Engineering College, Thiruverkadu, Tamil Nadu

With accelerated globalization and excessive opposition with inside the market, food deliver chains have come to be longer and extra complicated than ever before. There are a few not unusual place issues in food deliver chains along with food traceability, food protection and quality, meal and deliver chain inefficiency, which upload extra dangers at the whole society, financial system and the fitness of human. The block chain is a ledger of

which can be written and saved with the aid of using all participants. It guarantees a dependable supply of reality approximately the country of farms, inventories and contracts in agriculture, in which the gathering of such data is frequently exceedingly costly.

Block Chain, Supply Chain, Retailers

How to cite this paperVignesh Raj R"Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in AgricultureInternational Journal of Trend Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 24566470, VolumeIssue-3, April 2021, Copyright © 20International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(http://creativecommons

Block chain is able to recording the facts of a product from its provenance to the retail shop. It gives a stable and

gathered on the beginning of the deliver chain, e.g., Food merchandise, pesticide residues of grain or vegetables. Such facts may be checked and validated through any celebration concerned with inside the deliver chain of the product.

ds for all merchandise may be very however it may be performed on samples. The

transparency of such facts can assist detect, e.g., the containment of undeclared meat like took place with inside the 2013 horse meat scandal in Europe.

Many answers facilitated through block chain era had o enhance the traceability of agricultural

an agricultural meal deliver chain traceability device the usage of Radio

tification (RFID), a non- touch communication era. It can hint

handise with relied on facts with inside the whole deliver chain. The use of block chain ensures that the information of manufacturing, technique, shop and

side the device are dependable and

PROPOSED WORK The Proposed solution is to use the block chain expertise helps establish a trust relationship with consumers and build up the reputation of their products, by transparently providing individual product information in the block chain. Enterprises can better accomplish the value of theirproducts and thus add to their competitiveness. This would make it difficult for suppliers of fraud and lowquality products to stay in markets and strength all suppliers to develop the quality of products in the whole agricultural and food sectors. From the consumer’s perspective, the block chain makes true and reliable information about how food available. It helps address consumer’s distress about safety, quality and environmental friendluse of block chain provides the vision for consumers to interact with producers because consumers can understand the food production process more conveniently and in more detail.

Development (IJTSRD) e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

1 Page 972

Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in Agriculture Ahmed Mudassar Ali2

Thiruverkadu, Tamil Nadu, India Thiruverkadu, Tamil Nadu, India

How to cite this paper: Jerald Astin D | Vignesh Raj R | Ahmed Mudassar Ali Quality Product Supply Using Block

Chain in Agriculture" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 |

3, April 2021, 4, URL:

Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and ational Journal of Trend in

Scientific Research and Development This is an

Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)


The Proposed solution is to use the block chain expertise helps establish a trust relationship with consumers and build up the reputation of their products, by transparently providing individual product information in the block

r accomplish the value of their products and thus add to their competitiveness. This would make it difficult for suppliers of fraud and low- quality products to stay in markets and strength all suppliers to develop the quality of products in the whole

food sectors. From the consumer’s perspective, the block chain makes true and reliable information about how food is produced and transacted

address consumer’s distress about the safety, quality and environmental friendliness of food. The use of block chain provides the vision for consumers to interact with producers because consumers can understand the food production process more



Page 2: Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in Agriculture

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD40016 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 973


RELATED WORK Currently farmers sell their crops directly to the co-operative society and mandi. The buyers (Broker or industries) will buy them through Dutch auction. The farmers cannot sell their crops directly to the end consumer as it isn’t viable when you are producing at large scale. The management has already initiated a plan to set up a gateway and disseminate the price information through various channels such as mobile applications, text messages and electronic displays in mandis.


Processor : i5

Ram : 8GB

Hard Disk : 256GB


Front End : html, css, js

Programming Language : java – J2EE


MODULE 1 Farmer If the user is new, the user registers. During the registration process the user says whether they are farmer or dealer or Company and submits proof along with it. Then the user logins and the home page as per their role are displayed. If the user is farmer then the home screen for farmer is displayed.

MODULE 2 Company Module If the user is new, the user registers. During the registration process the user says whether they are farmer or dealer or Company and submits proof along with it. Then the user logins and the home page as per their role were displayed. If the user is farmer then the home screen for farmer is displayed.

MODULE 3 Dealer Module The Home screen for the dealer is created and displayed. The dealer buys product from the farmer and sells it to the company. The details are uploaded using Ack No generated by the farmer.

CONCLUSION The block chain expertise enables the traceability of information in the food deliver chain and thus helps improve food safety. It provides a protected way of storing and managing data, which facilitates the progress and use of data- driven innovation for smart farming and smart index-based farming assurance. This include the secure handling and storing of directorial records and digital authentication to make stronger scholarly property rights and patent systems, as well as bring precision, throughout the supply chain, reduce food frauds and recover food safety. In this paper, Block chain provides a secure and an unchangeable platform where this data can be stored and accessed by every member in the supply chain. It will rationalize the supply chain, reducing retailers' costs.

Page 3: Quality Product Supply Using Block Chain in Agriculture

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD40016 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 974


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