Download - Q muhlenbergia-rigens


Deer Grass – Muhlenbergia rigens (mull-en-BERGE-ee-uh RIG-ens)

Family: Poaceae (Grass family)

Native to: CA (coast and foothills) to Texas and northern Mexico. Occurs in canyons, stream bottoms,

grassland openings in forests, chaparral.

Growth characteristics: perennial bunchgrass mature height: 3 ft mature width: 3-4 ft

Warm-season perennial bunchgrass. Evergreen with long, narrow leaves.

Blooms/fruits: Flowers born on long, slender stems above the foliage from June-Sept.

Uses in the garden: Showy accent/specimen plant, background, mass plantings. Good substitute for

Pampas Grass and Fountain Grass. Useful for dry slopes (stabilizer), streambanks, along driveways or other narrow spaces, xeriscape (low-water) and desert gardens, around pools. Pet safe grass. Provides

a nice vertical element in mixed landscapes.

Sensible substitute for: non-native medium sized ornamental bunchgrasses.

Attracts: butterflies and ladybugs; provides nesting site, nesting materials and cover for birds. Forage

for deer.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun (including very hot) to partial shade

Soil Not particular. Very tolerant of wide range of soil textures, pH.

Water Once established 1-2 times/month to keep green. Tolerates summer drought (will become dormant and slightly brown) or regular watering

Fertilizer low

Other Best in well-drained soils

Management: low maintenance. Shear (cut back) every few years to reduce accumulated dead material and increase vigor. Shearing should be done in Fall/winter after seed is shed and plant is dormant.

Propagation: from seed: collect seed in fall by bundling flower stalks and beating over bucket or tarp. Direct seed, late spring/summer, and keep soil moist. Germination: 14-60 days. Can also grown in flats,

pots. By divisions: divide in winter, taking divisions from outer edge. Pot up divisions and grow until next fall/winter, when they can be planted out.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-5, 9-14, 16, 20, 21, 24-28 2/10/11 © Project SOUND

Muhlenbergia rigens

Deer grass