Download - Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

Page 1: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

.. ',....,.,.., .. . :


:r I


Q ~UMBER-.8. ·

'Light is ~he ta&k : whe~ many ~-bar~' the· teiJ .•. ; .. Jiiad ::: ... . ~: . . . . . ' . . ; .·. = . ' - ' . ,_,_.

Page 2: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge


A tuntn~e torlc Ia to ba APPiirut to A b<ir'• 11mlete>d throat to that bo mar eat It Ia won. for tuluro effect, that tunlo~t liJ. not dont!. 'iflt1f'kn!rf!W. ·

Tlll!ro wu oneo a chaulfour . who waa compelled to rldo hofl!flbaelt. Tho hone trolto4 "Ab,".,.ld tbo ctu.utraur, "hi• aboek abiOtbor fa.~ wot:kiAI, 11&4!• Jy.'"

A nutralo t:!lorgrmllll (,O~tdn't mw II COhiU'f'JiltiOh .Unll1 :hO tf&rtJ4-.,t. . rlu of flfttlfln·mlnute · ·

]'ut: Jiu !R l]ji(_CS1:lm:mlnhl\er:r&'lllrlv-t"·"~ , .. ,.-.. ..-t-.=----:--"'-~·-·

Thlrtetn·Yoar-Oid Girl Elitii Flnt TI~M Blri09 Ago of Two.

Fort Wll>:llo, IPII-P'or ~ thlrt!lon )'OAti KJthorlno DIIIIBO Oi )Uilstndt, 11{., llll•· bel."ll kopt-m~by_.numt~!ruOood Jnto ber- 11lomach through her atlltf. but now ello Ill .begfnnlng, at tho ,ag~ o' ftUilcn years; to oot food, and tor tho t!rJt Um<J In tha~ l!OrlCkl to ltnow how food tallCIIJ . -~-WJi~n i!be: cwu"two..:r.oar•--.old.. ':!Ul,tadt, Jtbo drank }yo and hllr throat. w.AII so J>adlt burned 'that It ndbl!.roi\ and c~olled tho eaopbagus.

IJ'h• &trlljl 1101¥' Jn St. J(lllOPh'j;hOil• pltAllnAhlll ettr~ •

At rfrat, allk . t':bi!Wt lm4 lD,!li!Jc·~lrcllJtl8--Srll.(lUIIW:f

down n ... , ...... ,. UttH~~lleiii.·AIIlll-ii--DlUJL.Jm

Page 3: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

·, ' '


' '

~-t-·"'-.&~ .... <W--0~ ·COMPANY .S PEClALS< ! ·' .·'f., •''

. r· ,

.. ;



henUl~~ 'lJni!ed $tate~.A~-my M~rchlnfi ~$hoe~ in 'Blacks.and fans1

foi- .lne~ want .. · ,-~--~~-_, ··· -,-:~· : ~;-. · -, ; · . · . ·-' ,·~-the:Jlest•::~_:Positi¥ely---.'tJ;te~:bes-t;'""Ji.nA~;:;;...:.:..r~~~i:~..--=:.~~~ri.A::.~"';.T . .,..~-~--,--~'"~r~~-"-..,.:...-~~--:-~~~~--~c

··'~ .· .. : ... :~». ..,"'". :. . . ~.·- '· ·'_i .•• • ·,1 ~ ·~.";~. ...•.

1 . , .

•• > .,

· . ·Reduced prices onJ:;Jpthing. and[::__-·•~--1\.~L~.-~~~~~.-~G~~:t:JllJ~~llllliJl~~~p.~ng:;~}~r.--~~~~~~ _. · _____ . __ :, .. ·_. ~~···FitnCy-~ni·stapl~ ·a_r~ceries~:Always on-Hand~

·FREE . DELIV.ER,Y ·TO ALL POINTS • ' . • _ , V ;_,.,.~~~,.~ .. ~,. .. ,_"~~" .. '::.•llu:><Jr.l'';'"''"~"";-'". _:,~-· ·---·- -·-- __ ~-·-- ..

.•. . -·..---.~· . _ -·-~-'-1"-- ___ ~ -·-~· -~:~.,.: ~_::;:.~'~:-.,~--:.,::::·:' ;:;_~:· _--·~~~~~, ::;;-: ·v::-::::.c:..:::: .. .;:~-:·--: ~~-:-. _ ~-~. :~::-~~::r:; ·:.__:.-_· .. ··:. -~ -- _;~~~:~:._::o_;:--::' :.:~-- ~- ::~~: · "· ,~ • i:::.::;"::.._':!.~"-- -- :._~. ~-~:.::."'- • '·-


. . 0, L. Kc.une!ly came gQWil ye$.• !rom JictlriU!\ •.

• ••• ..

• • • • •

. . . . .

Carrizozo./ Livery Chat. A. Ste\rena1 Propri~l?r

Garage Cqcatecl e'a,t (Jf. Po.tof!lce

~~--11-~----1----~~~~~~~~q. ·rrv.e.ry-Barns ~ .

Best-- ·Corrals, El Pa•o .Aucrnue

General Tran;fer and Dra>:all.e Busl'ne••·-~Prompt Service· " - ---~ .. ~· .

Ole/ anc{New Buggie•, Wag-.( . . .. . . .. ons, Hack• ancl Harn.. · -. C9/1

Auto Repair• · ancl Supp/i~J

· . 'Tourists'. Side Trips a! ·· Catl or uu Me Phomt, No •. 32 ... Chauffeur'• Phone, f'!o. to



---~ -~-~

· 'l'tltffsn~ts it GetternJ )Jankhrg: llusit1es!l 1ssues~Pritlts <nJ.·all Ptit1dpd CitfeJ .uf .., Ute WotJd, Accords tct Borti>wers >~'

· f!V(!t';Y--iic~ommormttmt""'C'J:tsi~tcut. wlllr · · - ~------- -- •~--~--.~ ·~ - --s~de ty. A ccoun tg

IN'rEREst P.t\ID:ON TIME DEPOSIT~ ~ · . - . . . . . .. --- ~- ,-:-:'· --·-:,-:--:-·::--c.-;:-:--"""'";""---_-··:~:·-~-:.--·-------;~----·:-,.------.-.~~":----'--~-··.-~--

~-.- · . ... : .... • ..... ;D.lL.~I'f0.-.1\:fUat!l:l!u~tt:t~----.~-n"i~~~~r:::-.::·~~: ~~~!-!----~~..!.......-~Ualtt-PW"-:rot:.t~em.-1~1(-tlteu--a~~,....._:;;;;;;-rrizozo ·Eating H·ouse .. " P. w; QtJ(tNIW •. Man•-~t.. . . ";'·· .•.

Page 4: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

a'. ' .. -w:miz~.. , •. . ,flis'C(,)I'JS~j~lli:ll.t_~

The prcaent legislature tia!i ·a.c~ .!}Om~ Are w'Rge clirners1 otb~ complished liit,le during the sl,~~.Y era !lre mantdilcture)rs, · iltlters. day SCllsion which end11 today, mcrcb;~nt~~ and so ·ott. lfbey unless it has ru11hcd some matters have c.Qnflictinl{ views and iut~i:'· lbiough during 1htL ~os.i.ns.:-- .4tl!~..:4!~rmerScw~nt-tbe-pa-rc!!lltb:irstdnm;:h;~--IJr hours. Any legislation put pPst; country mcrc:banttr de) 'not; through during the closin_g hours mann! a 1nm an .Y or 111:1 it i!l hastily drawn, ill allvi~>.cd 11 nd little con11hl,~red. Much of


dosing lwuts, much of it was ed at all. MultfpiJ this typicaJ not printed and few of the mem·: member by the number In (;on· bers had, or could have, a knowl· gn•sll, nnd ·to thnt body present Nlge or ll!! nature. I the complicated (}Ul·stions w~icb

• , ·. . arise in a great mollcrn soctety, I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr•

bought _,. paclJMge of CJuunber.· lain'" tablet!!, and since Jlllipg tbeml hll.v~ ftlt perfectly well• l hall previously used any nUm• bet or different medicines, but none of -tbeut were of any 1al\tfHg bene tit." J.t"orsale by all deah:ra,

S.:hool lllw pas!wd at th~ first toiuty, fccblcncs", iucffi~leucy-"~:slliou of t ~~~· leJ: l!llature has be• 'ever Increasing with the growing .Htlicc (Ofnt"-a.low. It mnkes mor_e ~cf•' coinplcxity of ~ociety. In short D•Jfllthae~~t "' 8tato Eartoen. · llllli!.lhc terms 0 ~ lhe url~tlllal the presl•nt rcprcseotatjve o • ~oohppllmlun1lP, lit w sn tbat it provule!f cXtllk~li.Y gonizntian wns desig-ned 1o ntctl &uta Fe, "ti'b.ttif,~"ioJ:J,. r~,r the_ fl'\:ngn.ltion of H~glt th9 nccdtt ttf n society brgc1y Motlrel•b•nbuh~llth•U.n&ho2lkh S.-hools 111 operullon ul the ttmc rttrf.!l whkh1tsclt ··ttla. to whll

1~1e oril{lllal Act wuu CDIICi~d. Oit a f•w Jarge, ~imple Jines. . ... ~CJIIIIIJofLiowto~B:.•ot Ntw Jlul.o, l.ntJlU!IIIaon .. bly that wa" the an· Ancllbcrcmed 7 Wlty--an"n• ma••••'l!IJ>Pll~lonwtht8tato&

r I . . I . I I • ... Mew Hf'JIM tor. fi"I'IJIIUn GJ)Jotnprlat• fr(IID· lcntu lie orllftna lll;l, JUt IIOIIIC tircly ffCW fC(IrcliCntutlve urgnni• lb•pllbllowal(t•l•flbft8talll~•f a;o., .tl•~lc:o, of 11~ lt'r11111 were vague, und the utiou not '"eoi•rn'pbtcal but Hllfb•Pill'llllt'IMinnb\obo m'lito ,,.,!!1 Arto~•

, • - t 1 , j 1 1 1 r ' "" n dtl Jlubo at a~W•ln~ frntn 8111. t the !Cd t()l', nutcntunen c ur• up 11 11111 1

•• Jnrweh• economic-by groups, ac• .. ra.o. uT.Gfi.,JI.n R lllm•anttiJ 5:.o n'B, _gui lin. lJ ndcr 1 he (lrovitllomt of· cordi orr to theJr dcmiuant ei:o-, rltU.Otmtllotant b,mo~t"" ut dt,mloa.- wotfl•

1 1 t J'k C i•l "! • arashoea ft.P'!ttll<!.latobo O•llt.,.dtul-'loda_ 1 le omt>~! ment vwn• 1 e nrr ·nomic IIJif're,.t!l. .lt'tnally a man l~tii'T;41J. u.rr&ut l>r ~~>Mil• uf dhn.

11nzo hovlnJl conducted ll rt•gulor would 110 10 Conareu not to r • &Jnndamol>ft tu8lapd thuo a&O<I tor ltrlp. Jl h S ·I 1 , • b , · f " ,. l'JI tlua Alld d•1111wlo purp,.,... Tho 8tato R1111l• 1

K ~ L

100 C:OU~!\e CtOIJI.C t\ rc!lent lhc bcterugcnCOIIII J)()pulu· nrnwllltahtbl••t•:dltel1unnptoroontw-r.·\:ni{OIZCII ll•uh School nnd en· tion ur u giv"n ntlmbnr "' ... u r tlun on ll!DZ)Ibdarof Nl\1 IP.W. oa<l .u .... ,.

I I • 1 ; b 2 'II • •· · "' " <><I u 0 ao"••hamat.OJ•II"YII"'llf•nlltlJ' .-.ttnoabM.-111 t•r to parllc JJ»Ie n 1

c . mt 'miles in Ylcbigon, but to rcpr.• IJlU•lflJ,t llttlt aW«lluu.aot.Liilk levy for au.t1 JIUrposcs, without IINit bct'l·llll"nr "rower• or wool -.ftl·l••lr• wltb u .. ~ ••• Ecl•lnHr

1 f ·1 f 1 ·t · • "' ~ ' """' wllb !IJ•J•IIcaat en or biifuto &bat d!U .. 1 Jc orma

1Y fl

110 e ··~ 1011• rui&cl'll, or minc:orn or brakC'mcn. •Ju. A. hrxcu,Htau<tr,

Tb(llllWCIUhncut ,.J,. .. ifloa lh,. ~it. i''''·•••••I••"J ..,11 ,.- 1 n.un \ltOUid 1 c __ .,.._.,_ ••t\-t..?. ~'-"' M'llll.,..._ uutton extalmg in mnn)'COlllllte!l, 'a Con"r .. f t 11 1 .. _."'_c_l4:-%11.----------

PROFS$.5101"/\1 .. CARDS.

. ..•s .. 0 ""PCrB-Whl:l unci parttcularly npt,l•ea to l*ltl• would be worth oln 1\omc dlr· •uln county. I g II _.

' a ... 2M .. A... lftth'C!' to !ICC -SatUi'clay Evening N I~L ·

ot fJIIIJ' hn the United Stale~t --=-,-..--• .:.;;;;---------+a-· .. ~otma te changt·d ha- pOiit1a -~it


-~'lii!W~M,.,. tiM-..,;~- •• ... -

. ' ,' '· ,_ .. .,.,_._..,;_<\- f"o ~ .. ,,.. • ,.....,-,.., e ,• ' ' o..{-..,_ •f'

. . . ..


· ·Are~~a~y.for:you~~o'Y~·· W~ve brought. together a v~ry won~ derfut line ot ·:suits ma4e · espe·

.. c.i~u)rtor~u$J~~Y, ·;. · · · ;: ,,... • ' - - -~ . "' ~.l ' t ' - '.

~ • ..-...... ,.00 nom the be$t wu.r~~ thewo1~ld!'~itvlE~S''Created~v' t}f - -~f a -.,__ _____ ':. . • . . e :ma er esJgpers; :ta.iJPted in the mO!t Pedect · Mruinet;~:the.lle3t

. ·CIQthes. fQr you to buy: · •· ' .

• Our Hat Department Js r~a4y with~he

· affifljfoa(s"'"':Stet.,on ·aud tborougbbred. · ·See tbem todaY,,

. .fJoresbe~m--Shoes --·and--Oxford~·

••For tb~ Man \\-ho Cares··· i"

A s"~ell line of new onesJq aU , leathers and toes; See the Bull, tlie- ·Bear and the O.wl. They're.

hen: awaiting. yo~r Inspection.. · F.loresheini .Shoes $5 and $6. Other Brands ·at $3 to $

CAit11%b%(). II WiirrS 0AIC5 ·:~.~

. I'


'l'inll\-.~• "Pailfti~ "-Glisll; UifsiJf 'illflei"iiai;'=.,...."-" cc-:·-:~=--"-= --.,. t Harnes"• A!Hmunf\iod, Etj:, - - - - - - - ----

JOHNlf.BOYD O~neral, .... Merchandise 0SCUR6. NEW .. MEX.

~weltest In Lln~ln County. FEED CORAL NOTARY PUBLIC


• _- t; ~

,. ,./<-,..--_,;;_•o-yf-:.-_,._,__,_·--:··i-.::CP·~.-;:.-;."'1..-;..,..::,,.J-~~•, ~~---~ t• "" ··"-'~·#~.-•;~. . '

Page 5: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

Tho Rot~l Vlllllfn, ·•'Are. you the villain of thla troupe1"

.asked the baggagoman. who .was finn· dlmr theatrical trunka. "No," .replied thQ Youth with blnck, curlY hulr. "1 n..!!M w be, but the real vlllnln Is tho trilillurer or the complll!Y. and by thla tlmo bo muot bo about ·five hundred m!les on blo way to somewhere west:: -Wublngtoo Star.

High Coat of t.lvlng. ~fndam-Wcro )'!U' ~Q'wnww~

.ciO.Yt Man'?- - · ---- .: ; .Ma.Jd-Yu, mum: .nn' things coat ao,

mum. 1 •pent. $11 mum, nn• only got . .a. hat. & o.r » • .1111' ~m9 lqns.

f" . -'£lOVCif,-J\II!go. .


Quoey: 111 a brido selt-I!Olloeeocd er her tnther slv~alior nway?,

FOR THE AFTERNOON TI:A Hqw ~o M•ko Several Ktnda of OalntY Mlniaalppl ~lv•r ~~tl!m • .-. Orlglrui~od.

· $;m!lwlchea · With Swoot . · . Co!lnCimon Ttuat Haa· Now P•· . . · • Fllllnga. · ··, • .. !lQmll•; •• ·· ~ ' ·. ~

.~~iliiiind' .JPID..;l:!l_~~~+. J)aipty aanc1\VIcll~ !!llllll1 proPI\r!'-1 Qn tll~ · )(!,al,•lppl · rh't!r ·in old~n ,tpr ~t\'!rD09II t!f~ bave 19'Wel!t fllUn$1\ .d!l-fil the ),lll1111enger •(~ltl~911-tJI · . :J~rown, .:wbUe .qr~'" qe. ~feild .•. wltb VE!r}" orn~tiJI· ~l:t'a.lrs, vyln~r. Wltll I!Mh t;J.rusts ,rcbove!l lln4 11llc,ed verY thin, otl,!;er ill. 8lrhlb Jloey. OJVi ow.11er lllt ' J,llay l>o used, or tlle·ml~t1ll1'11 1tto AIC:e. on the';lqe~ 0t ·~allliDJS 'hl.s · 11tea.n1•

Jeli~'h11e ~lly ~~~bte(l·~< fQQ\IW1Hu-4be. t)'$t\lm, 11 penon 'liM l(l tl.ka 11- ~o~ or t'lf!) of ~~, good tcmlc l~~c'l(~ti~ ·tlu~ ·gre~~ ·~jot. . itr Pf ~'l§<l!l .of ~lekne!lll wo11lil w P~'!i!"

.. ~ Sltllth-Frlenda are a crcat con~~DI•

tton. . ·Jones-Not It you're brok•.

on. 'Unlel\YIJI~!M.! 'WA(~j~Jll. 9!' · _ b,ut~er:ed .. b.()li'!l <il!lM~ .. ~n!!te~d i,lt emcke".- /o.. pleasant vart~ir' ta to tJ\ern;, !;!o l\e Jjll.l:I\C1tl tl;l!!ro ln. "PTE!!d edsJi butter!lcl to11.1t 'Wl.tll tM thi:t st11te11 ·~;~c tlle \lnlQn; · · Oil bigs Jnsttlad of mis.litng JJ;i 11.:nd~lelr above. tlif) d<m· tllii silt. rorJil. · · · · · • I! tate, '·the bll. centi'l1l

· Ouif; llho1\Td lie· k~plf · -ua 1\ JW1!Vel).UY«r wi•h cbidly t4?.

' 'A tb'e ''Te:X~s," 11tter

tn;t )&ltl Or Pl'l!IOM'OII, fO(ld with .Pteed trulta or Ma~raJichllno. lbei'rle•,. or ba_nai:ra.a martnatelf.

STUFFED SPANISH . ONION~ Ttlt)' AI'CI Flllod With Sauaago, 8UI'

ropndod With ·Gravy, Baked and .scrvod Hot.

St!lect SPIUIIJ!h onlo!ia. tt tltll.l are not largo one onion for each person may not be too much. Remove the outer layora Of tho skiD and boll tho Ot.llona In water cnotl'gh to cover them until they aro tender, but not unttl thor brenk. Dlancb them by covor­lp_g them with cold water. W.hen quito cold rcmovo 1t part. ot tho· Interior ond put aomo lll1Uiaio m sta place. Place the onions aldo by aldo .tn .._ .baltlJls:.:-<Uah.. . Drt~dfSO them wJth Jl(lppcr, sa.U and tlour.~ Pour arounc! them a. gmvy (tho gmvy lcfJ over trom tltc chicken ph; wtll do well) or n eauco prepared rrom bcflf extract dluolved In a little bolllnn water. .Add the onion (cut up), which wua eceo~H!d out, to fluor lt. Dako the ontona tor nbout tllrcc-qua;tora of an hour or unUl tho 1111Ullll.t;O boen thoroughly cooked. Dnate them wJth tlul amvy or 1111Ucc about ovttry ton mlnutoa. When read)' tor 11orvlnr put the onions on a ptnttcr, thicken tho gravy with ttour, atralo U over .the .and. .Jierm.,

American D111Jgh~ Suro to provo a de1lgbt to tho lltUo

folka nro tho novel dalnUoa h~ro given. Dako a cltocolato cake mlJt· lul'O, nnd when eool eeoop trom It soo! ba.Jill. Roll them in wbllo froatln_g, and when eot outllno wltb melted cbocolnto ·on wltb a amall

.. ,., .. n>na. -anti .two ~~quar~• of melted cltocolata. Deal wi!ll.and bnka thirtY· nve to forty mlnutea.-Harpcr'a &­ar.

· New .Jar Opener. • TM n~'IV fruit ·opener op~eratea

liy means of the wlto loop nt ono with whleb n.: grips thoc cover ot tho jnr and with o. sllgbt twist of the

Old S&w-It'a money nmkes tho · muc ~o. - ·

Young 'Duck-AM It tliltilll blit wnds of 1t to make 'fllY automobile go.

What a Funny' Teacher. • .An enDt Dido Jnd or alx uummcro boa

a· ~blld'a faculty tor tJcolng tblllgl!, ottcn In tbe way they arc not. Ho came homo from acbool the other day UDd found -biB tat110r l'4la.dlllg lbc aatly papcr.

''Pop," be aold, "my tt~ll<'!'cr. don't know nothln'!"

"\Vby, DOD, wbat'a tho matter now!" aakcd tho ta.thcr • •'-\V(>Ili' replie-d ttl& youngntcr, "uhc. hold n big rod npplo up In front of un tbl• 11\0mlng and ollld: 'Children. wbnl 'Ill tbla I In my bnnd?' "-lndlnn· aRQIIIl N()WII. #-------

Not a Compliment.

"Mlu tJrcwn:• anld tbo art inapco­tor. panning botore o: ntudcmt'• fnUOI. "rou misl•t with All llJ'Ollfl.ctY wonihlp that .drawing ot youra."


remedr I• a arC:tt •k>~l moro In t~10 pt>~vcntton ot di!Wllill tlm'll in tho ruro. .After n prrvon liB• really b~romo sick, tither '\\;th · nn nc•Jto or chronic ail· ment, tho ntle ahoulll be to employ 11

pll)·•id:m, or aomll Ot}O whn.ciln gjn;1 tho 1'\114' hill p~fi!On!ll nltl'ntinn. But long l,xl• Coree tbi! ht!ppcllA tl10 l!£n'Dn will fOmplnin o! t.hla. or tbnt .IYD!Piom. wlikll .1• n~t ~e. n:rc• enough to intn[cro wllh bia l'l'I!IIIAr acth·itie.. Il at th•• 11bco bcf,)ru tho

Serious Matter. Grlggll-1 1111 w Uw doctor'o <'nrrlngo

iit rour dot'lr ycstorifll). .Anytnmg Jlll-rloun? · •

Drhn;n-1 11hould IIDY ool Ill• Wllllt· od to colloct. hln bUl. nuutun En•nlnll Trnnocrlpt.

---· --- -.~ .. Important-to Mothoro

Examine~ cnrcCully over)' bottlo of Ci\STOUfA,u.aalc a.nd ouro remedy for 1

Infants and children, nnd oco thut It '

Dcnratho ~ Slgnaturoot • • ~ Jn·Uap- For Ovor 30 <'nra. · Children Cry lor Flolchcr'o Cnatoria

Following Ordara. Doctor (to Mro. J, wboao btulbnnd

111 very lll)-U1111 he bad uny lucid .In· tcrvaloT

fltnr. ,J.-·'l<!'u 'nd nothing (':Wilpt what you or~~.~ cl't"d, · doctor.~~l.lppln· cotl'n. \

The Army of Coris6nation I• ·Growln&r S'mallor Evel')' Day. "' CARTER•s LITTLE UVER PILLS nrn ret~poMiblo- they potonlyglvorelicf .

U!l them !or . Billoa&Mu, J•4ll'atlta• .sick Bui&dae. !alltw .5kiL SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL Pille&

Genuine must bear Signature·

,4~~~ .......... ~~


ft sustains and oheen ............... ~. . ....... , -~

w_ t.J. u... JJ~tNYllll.. NO. . .i.U:IJ. ..

Addressed to WoJDen .... That-:Baekache of Yoilrs

.. ~titteTSWatnuigS\Vlietliilfllie Joy O!liviflg 1uJS vanlsbed because of trouble peculiar to womankind. Don't disregard this warning. Don't procrastinate. Now f3 the time to take . steps to regain health and s~gth.

:pr •. rl~~~~- F.~l'~~te Presmption NO. ALCOHOL .,NO NARCOTICS r .

Ha3 beeft recommended fot over forty ye:u-s rui a remedy for ailments peeutbr to women. . women have testified to its will find it Dl:ncfieiaL.

remedy !or reg\lli11llng

=:~~ :::rh~l~ ·~41\1..~ • tulft ron.-ftciill

· ~Evert WOiDru1 ought t~ ~sess Dt •. ~·great boo~ tho People'• Common . sene •J.ted.k:al MY!aer; a tnagnUlc:.ent · •

·· ::..~Cf.ipagilt-llluliU.te<l-volume.--IF - -H~~~~ .. ;;;:;;<,..;ic1-YA":Fu,;;.

_ ~~-m~-· bow.:~to· ~ !orc.Jhe!L __ ~l•·:!~·l~'tr.JJ'i~~]~~.!'t~~1' clilldr= -ana tlietniclves. lt is tho llCst .~ to ~ve in tb• 110ul0 ln c::ase' or . . c!Ql~Ctgi!:tl .. ICY· OVer Jm1t a lt1il1lon ·~:.~~:!::.~~~~~bgfftri.oif"t'\_..,. __ ,.c•~"

Page 6: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

Wf1t~.t will it iofor me? lfotrJ fvl~fl 'WJ11 it do It? ·JJ~w lonlf t:Jilt It do t.t?

. IV" wciut.t 1/~c tlil' i1;Jpnrl:m11)• lp u7l J!lt/1 ntotl about i/, '

. Wrltl(for frl!d baiJlt offlllr 11ew/l!odtJl Pl11e. ~ -· .· ... , --~--~--- --~---···--· ·-·. ·- '-~ ~ -~~-:-·---~--+::::·· :~ .. :·~~ ·-::;_-:-~.-- -~:-:-:·.,.;;., ·;. . ... -::~-:=-~- ""' 11 .• :.:···:

:t. C, SMJTTr""& BROS.'TYPEWRITl3R CO. llf~J Of/It' lor IJ~~;~m:~ 4/IJ lofl~tiillulinmi fiYRACIJSI!, N, y,, tl, fl.· A.

Put·-ln a. Telephone BIUi'ORE THE SPIUNG BEGIN!

thu t~rilr and nwbed.

Uongn!ssionAl ~e;u!er!'f ·or'llcc1:ie;..l-·:c;-::.·~-"'·:;:.c·'~- ..

.. ~

. ~·

. Sp~fal A.luoaacoatellt ·

· ·owirtg to circumstances {be­.IJmtfeci U .re{iLTcl!Uhe li<iat· eapnc:itj•J. we regret to bnve •

""-~ to ~nnounce ·that .altho~.tglt U1e ··• 'NotJel .No, ·~!4 • · big V<~udtviUe ttlJOW to bb givut •

AvnlleatiM lot l'.ahtlit I lMttrl fltatt1l lAnd 'O'TlC~> Jf Libtary H:df l\t lt"or~ St~nto•t

Jlo-~ll,f\,,..lJ,llitv, Ftb.ll 111i:t. Murch•25tlt. bns b~~u· advertjsetl. .atrllu tr ••. t u.u "('•'J:urtd" n~ free w~ !IU1si ha\'u ft well "11:..

puatUAJ..<tati.'IJIIIWIIlJ'," .c:'lllp!l!llllltll,' !>t .Jtlhlt~ · " . " • , " " l!'!

'"CCIIlfllt:ll!•l llllli>:run!IJ/II•·l.hnna1tbp)•11·j derstood t_h!lt Jt ~J~~ _to~_ •1~.!< .. ---"""rra-~-''l'.h.e..._.ptl~hfcpL~Hi:'f::;.~.,ia~)\::!i~!;.;; ®!WaUoii"..J•J4ultnff811~:~··~111r1~:~·~~~·~t~t loril!.,..'l'.icu: r~!lidents of t11c Po~Jt Moiintai n. ·states~Tt.leptione · And. Telegraph~ Company Welch·&. TitsWorth

<> ' -. •• ~.. • •

·---·.J::;+.l·-=-~:--L·::::::::~--:::!<t: ·~..-.::'":-::~ >~~ ·o~"'·~-"~-.... 'j-,;.':."(,··"~ ___ :_ -~---;;..._ ___ ---,----·-·-·:--wnolestire ~and ketiifirferdnints=-·~· _~--- ·.

AU Uon~led • . .$1.7$ per Q11att, t'Jr'i. \\fine · .• A • .sn per Qq:.rt.

__ Bl~_!fk·b~rr,.t llrllit. ,..:_ . -•-~ ~.... - "' -->~r=-~•59-'P(riJitifrtr · Old ~ln~t~ottt~!JI~nded \V~iske,r • if,OOpetGallon.


· Dynannte, Barbed Wire, Steel Rooling, Portland _(&ment~an.d­the old :and justly ·- celebrated

· "-~,:_,~~.:~~~-··=··'StUdebaker Wagon$. b ~~

Page 7: Q ~he whe~ many the·… · I he amendment to t_hc JJ •gh The rcF.nlt is confusion unccr• bought _,. paclJMge

' tl . '

... . ._:.~~- -~-(t.~!J.!a~ ' .' '· :.:.• ., .. · .. .··,, ... . .. . .

L .. C:. Smith· & )Jr~$. Typewriter . • · · ' ... : . . . Cl1al{.l[~qtll!Jt:::.L1mr:fW.edl:Jf!8~~:.....~~ . .:....:..~ .. ·,,.1. l+l,!p<~r-!!r~Itl ItllrWirtilit!lg'·bj,l:>\ ·-·-.----·::-: _-:::~':. :·:··~ ~~~ -~-'---- ·: ... -~. ·- ... ~ , . . . .

: ln 1 btWJng ~ ty'_;~~~.VrltCr ~·~~. :ar.t '11 satlsfa~;ory a~swe;· ~0 . thr~e esdons: · --·-·-"•' · ·: ~ .. ·. ·

~ ·~ . ' ( -. . .

TYII.r.~t'f.iJ/11 it d~> foif_ me? • · ~. " 1!Qt;J f:'.ldl Wlll1t i1o it? ·

1/tJ.W lam: t;JJ!I -~t· d_o It?

By .answerlnc tbcs.e c:ucrJe;~· vlt!1 the need$ ot ~h~ . aml user in mind, t!:~ t. C. Sml!h ~ lko.s.

= ... .·

. Put in· if Te·J~phone llUFORI~ TIIE · SPIUNG' .WINDS· BEGIN!

It will &'\Ve door~ mnny_

• opening the time~ nnd let-. .

The 1.\'luuntnin .J:1tates Tt..l~p~_citl~­. _: __ A-iiiF.T-elegrztplt.:Coh)paiiy · · "1':S···-,. · 'l~ should b~ t'as,. to

find ucuscs lor our. ldcu~!\ when tllcir raults ar~ Mr:ri witli . th·.:au, and .'Wlum .tbcy~-art!' rewet than

fl.rrizozo Bar . · All lloucl~d W11ildce1 l'~cnt Witte • • • Dlackb<!.rr,t Uraud1 ; •. •

~()let Kingdom U{e~.~~~d )Vb:iskl!,r

' $1.'1$ v~r Q"lltt. · · .• !0. pel' Qu:wt. · .$0 per Quart. $-f.OOper-G:tllorJ.

us · : . · · xqak~ the folloWing . reasolui;bie"-7:"-· ·

:\ -.. . ~

--~ ~- "--..:.:~_p.lic~.t.o_out.custom~rs: · ·-cranu- .. ~l-~~ 1:.mtt:·SattJima:t·•~\'tmbrJt:tlie4C);tllif\ latetlSugar: $$.50-per ~ cwt.- .. lJt ~

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··· .. · ·n&:Tt~SWOR.T-ft · • New Mexico

l, •