Download - Puerto Vallarta Vacation Nov 14


Thank you for a wonderful vacation and experience!


Casa Del Leones Beach Getaway Begins!

Touching down in Puer to Val la r ta a i rpor t

the warm a i r welcomes us as wel l as the

105 cab dr ivers who t ry to get our

bus iness . As Megan maneuvers her way

through customs and gets a green l ight I

c l inch my Adv i l PM drugged jaw and hope

my l ight tu rns green too. I made i t . . . th i s

t ime…I was not so lucky las t t ime. . . and

David i s there to p ick us up to s tar t our

Puerto Val la r ta November 2014 t r ip !

SPARKLING POOL Day one s tar t s w i th a cool d ip in the

spark ing pool watch ing the local

vegetar ians n ibble on some of the

fo l iage on the 2 s tory wal l . I decided

to catch up on a few emai l s . Sa l ly

was mov ing and shak ing put t ing

remarkable deals together . Megan i s

s leeping in . But we are a l l a l ready

t h i n k i n g a b o u t w h a t ’ s f o r

l u n c h ! . . . . . D a i q u i r i D i c k s … . e v e n

Bent ley l icked h i s l ips .

Y NOT A day for sea far ing and fun ! The whole

crew p lus Danie l en joyed the day. We

saw dolph ins sw imming in our wake, f ly ing

s t ingrays , and a swordf i sh jump out of the

water . Af te r landing on a cool beach

and en joy ing the local hosp i ta l i ty we took

a d ip in the ocean and headed back

home to a n ight of wine, sa lad, and

roasted ch icken.

LAUGHING “Are there sharks in bay?” Sa l ly says .

Danie l repl ies “ I don’t know”

“Not even Great B lacks?”

We a l l laugh….”yes on ly in Mex ico they

have the shark known as the Great

B lacks . .and there i s snake behind you


Scream. . .now I am s i t t ing on the ground

next to Sa l ly !

DOG SHAMPOO Bent ley knows how to pose for a

p icture . H i s model ch ic comes

through as he was the h igh l ight of

the secluded beach. Noth ing

phased h im as he sp lashed in the

sur f and re laxed under the table .

Noth ing l i ke a bath on board the

boat .

Th i s where Megan suggested to

Dav id he wash Bent ley wi th dog

shampoo. And Dav id qu ick ly

rep l ies . . .do you have some in your

purse? We laughed so hard.

BEACHES Need I say more!

COLORS There were amaz ing colors on th i s t r ip

f rom the reddest sunset we have ever

seen to co lo r fu l l candies .

I was in t roduced to these candies when

we were on the boat t r ip and Sa l ly ex -

cla ims “the nuts are here!” I am af ra id to

tu rn a round th ink ing there are crazy jun-

g le people behind me. When I tu rn I see

an amaz ing assor tment of candies and

nuts neat ly d i sp layed on a cart . The nuts

d id indeed ar r ive . P resent company

i nc luded;0)

WINE AND TILE T i le - A hot topic of the t r ip . F ind ing the

r ight t i le for the house and the bathroom

went to the las t minutes of the t r ip . We

a l so en joyed the topic of wine and

especia l ly P inot Noi r ! The g i r l s rea l ly l i ked

the Chi lean or Argent ine P inot’s .

FRIENDSGIVING OMG we ate so much at our favor i te

res taurant . . .Cafe De Ar t i s tes ! Then we

had to dance our but t s of f t i l l 3 in the

morn ing. We ate soooo much foooood.

F rom Octopus Carpaccio , Duck – Suck l ing

P ig– Shor t R ib T r io of tacos , espresso

mouse gelato af fogato,wine, to af ter

d inner cockta i l s . . .ohhhh soooo much


ALL INCLUSIVE Apparently the hotels and resorts are all

inclusive...or at least the ones Megan and I

accidently snuck into…..

BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday Sally!!! WE laughed so

hard on this dinner excursion on the river!


them all. Our first view of the lion exhibit was

of them mating...need I say more of how

comical our zoo visit went. Next the monkeys

got into a screaming match and all the big

cats started freaking out. We steered clear of

the ostriches as they looked like they could just

walk out of their enclosure. There were

monkeys, reindeer, camels, ponies, bunnies,

flamingos and our visit with the monkeys and

tigers!!! It was a fun and funny trip to the zoo

We kept all our fingers that day...