Download - PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices · PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices Anne Reith, Ph.D. Reiki Master/Teacher Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher Director of the Institute

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Suggested Practices

Anne Reith, Ph.D. Reiki Master/Teacher

Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher

Director of the Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, & Reiki Training (IMPART)

IMPART Press Anne Reith, Ph.D. © 2002-2010

All Rights Reserved

Page 2: PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices · PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices Anne Reith, Ph.D. Reiki Master/Teacher Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher Director of the Institute Anne Reith, Ph.D. © 2002-2010 Page ii


This ebook is dedicated to Margaret McCormick

who has taught me so much about how to protect myself

and about how to teach my students to protect themselves.

I am forever grateful for your friendship, guidance, and support!

Copyright © Anne Reith, Ph.D. 2002-2010

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced by any mechanical,

photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be

stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other

than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews – without prior written

permission of the author.

The author of this document does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any

technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice

of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information

of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In

the event that you use any of the information in this document for yourself or others, which is

your constitutional right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

The ideas presented in this document are those of this author alone and do not necessarily

represent the ideas of others either inside or outside the metaphysical and healing arts

community. You are strongly encouraged to search until you find answers that “feel right” to


Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, & Reiki Training

im⋅part (v.): to bestow sacred knowledge upon

Published by IMPART Press A Division of Anne Reith, Ph.D., Inc.

1439 W. Chapman Avenue, #187

Orange, CA 92868

(714) 599-0017


Email: [email protected]


Page 3: PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices · PSYCHIC PROTECTION 101 Suggested Practices Anne Reith, Ph.D. Reiki Master/Teacher Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher Director of the Institute Anne Reith, Ph.D. © 2002-2010 Page iii

Introduction to

IMPART Educational Material

im⋅part (v.): to bestow sacred knowledge upon

Welcome to the IMPART family! Whether you are just starting out on your metaphysical

journey or you would like to explore a specific topic or skill in more depth, the staff at IMPART

is here to provide you with information, training, and support as you develop your abilities to

connect with Spirit.

It is very likely you have questions, and we hope to provide you with the answers! Just a few of

the questions you might be asking yourself include:

How do I know if I‟m psychic, a medium, and/or a healer?

How do I learn how to connect with God/Source/Spirit, my guides, angels, archangels,

ascended masters (e.g., Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha), and/or deceased loved ones?

How do I use a specific divination tool (e.g., cards, runes)?

How do I learn how to be a healer?

How can I use my abilities to help others?

To address your questions, we have created a series of educational products (e.g., ebooks, audio

recordings) that are designed to meet the following standards:

Organized: We always endeavor to provide a detailed Index and/or Table of Contents that

will help you find the information that you need.

Clearly Communicated: We always strive to make complex information as understandable

as possible. Additionally, we do our best to stay away from obscure words or convoluted

wording. We do not believe that a dictionary should be required when reading IMPART


Concise: We, here at IMPART, understand that most of you are trying to fit your

metaphysical studies around jobs, relationships, families, and various other responsibilities.

Therefore, we do our best to provide you with information that is accurate, thorough, and


Helpful to Beginners (as well as those who are more advanced): We all were new to

specific topics at one time, and we always strive to create educational materials that would

have been helpful to us when we first started out. We want to provide you with a good

foundation for each of the topics in our educational series.

IMPART‟s overall goal is to provide you with high quality training programs and educational

material that will help you whether you are brand new to the field of metaphysics or you are

more experienced but want to learn more about a specific topic. Through the use of these

products and on-going support, our goal for you is to . . .

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Develop a wonderful new sense of confidence in your ability to connect with

Spirit/Source/God through the development of a set of tools and skills that will allow you to

have access to spiritual guidance and support on a daily basis.

Connect with like-minded others that provide a support system through IMPART classes and

workshops. You never need to feel alone on your spiritual journey. We are here for you!

Feel exhilarated by your deepening connection with God/Source/Spirit.

Feel significantly better about all areas of your life, including your health, relationships, work

satisfaction, and emotional well-being.

Experience a new sense of peace and well-being about your day-to-day life.

To learn more about IMPART training programs or educational material, be sure to join our on-

line community at

Again, welcome to the IMPART family, and many blessings on your journey toward


IMPART Teachers, Authors, & Staff Members

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eBooks & Audio Recordings

Basic Definitions of Terms for Psychics, Mediums, & Healers

Business 101: Learn How to Create & Run Your Own Profitable Business (upcoming)

Channeling 101

Connecting with Your Angels & Guides (upcoming)

Dream Interpretation 101 (upcoming)

Emotional Freedom Techniques: Basics of Meridian Tapping for the 21st Century (upcoming)

How to Use Metaphysical Tools (e.g., Cards, Runes) (upcoming)

Karuna Reiki® Manuals: Karuna Reiki® I Practitioner, Karuna Reiki® II Practitioner, &

Karuna Reiki® I & II Master/Teacher

Lives Between Lives (upcoming)

Mediumship 101 (upcoming)

Past Lives (upcoming)

Pendulums 101 (upcoming)

Psychic Development: An Essential Primer! (upcoming)

Psychic Development 101: “The Clairs” (upcoming)

Psychic Protection 101: Suggested Practices

Reiki Manuals: Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III/Advanced Reiki Training, Reiki Master/Teacher

Symptoms of the Ascension Process: You Aren‟t Going Crazy! (upcoming)

Tarot 101 (upcoming)

Rune Products & Manuals

ColoRunes®: A Unique Divination System Based on the Metaphysical Meanings of


Metaphysical Meanings of Over 200 Crystals and Stones

NumeRunes®: A Unique Divination System Based on Numerology

Runes: An Ancient Divination Technique with Modern Applications

Rune Products (sold separately)




Audio Recordings

Guided Meditation: Psychic Development

Guided Meditation: Trip to the Akashic Records

Workbook by Anne Reith, Ph.D. & Mary Giuliani, MCC

24 Weeks to Mastering the Law of Attraction: The 24 Processes of Abraham-Hicks (upcoming)

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About the Author

Dr. Anne Reith is the Founder and Director of IMPART (the Institute for Mediumship, Psychic,

Astrological, and Reiki Training). She is a Reiki Master/Teacher and Karuna


Master/Teacher, and she teaches a large number of energy healing classes at various locations

throughout the Southern California area. Anne is also a DivinePeaceHealing® Practitioner and

Sai Maa Diksha Practitioner.

In addition to her work in the healing arts, Anne is also an internationally known psychic,

medium, astrologer, dedicated teacher, and spiritual coach. She is an author who has written on

a wide range of topics, including Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, tarot, runes, astrology, pendulums, past

lives, lives between lives, mediumship, and the Law of Attraction. Anne has recorded several

meditation CD‟s and has also developed several highly effective divination tools, including

NumeRunes® and ColoRunes®.

Previous to Anne‟s work in the metaphysical and spiritual fields, she earned her doctorate in

Counseling Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She worked for over

30 years in university settings as a Psychologist and tenured faculty member. She currently lives

in Orange County, California with her loving partner and their two cats.

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Page Number

Introduction to IMPART Educational Products……………………………………………... iii

IMPART Products………………………………………………………………………………… v

About the Author…………………………………………………………………………………. vi

Psychic Protection 101: Suggested Practices………………………………………… 1

Is There Really “Dark Energy”?..…….……………………………………………... 1

Why Do We Need To Know About “Dark Energy”?….…………………………… 1

What Is “Dark Energy”?….………………………………………………………… 2

How Do You Recognize “Dark Energy”? ….……………………………………… 2

Watch For Signs of “Dark Energy” ….…………………………………………….. 2

Protecting Yourself from “Dark Energy”….……………………………………..… 3

Using Your Free Will to Protect Yourself….………………………………………. 3

Additional Protective Measures You Can Take….………………….……………… 4

When All Else Fails . . . Get Help! ….……………………………………………… 4

Suggested Protective Actions….………………………………………………………. 6

Internal Protective Actions….………………………………………………………. 6

Ways to Increase Your “Light”….………………..………………………………… 6

External Protective Actions….……………………………………………………… 7

How To Use Energy Shielding….…………………………………………………….. 8

Directions for Shielding….…………………………………………………………. 8

How Often Do I Need To Re-Establish the Shield? ….……………………………. 8

Colors Used in Energetic Shields….……………………………………………….. 8

How To Create an Energy Grid….…………………………………………………... 10

Directions for Creating an Energy Grid….………………………………………… 10

How Often Should You Re-Grid? ….……………………………………………… 11

Additional Directions for Energy Gridding….…………………………………….. 11

Using Prayer….……………………………………………………………………….. 12

If Prayer Is Not Comfortable for You….…………………………………………… 12

How to Pray….……………………………………………………………………... 12

What Should You Pray For?….………………………………….………………… 12

Structure of More Formal Prayers….………………………………………………. 13

The Light Invocation….……………………………………………………………. 13

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Suggested Practices

Those new to psychic development, mediumship, or the healing arts (and even those who have

been around for a while!) sometimes worry about “dark” or “evil” energy. Although anyone of

any background may be concerned, this is most often the case for (a) those who were raised in

religious traditions that believe in something akin to the Devil (e.g., Catholicism), (b) those who

were raised in cultures where there is strong emphasis placed on dark entities or haunting by

deceased family members (e.g., some Eastern cultures), or (c) those who have watched a lot of

horror movies.

The purpose of this publication is twofold: (a) to help you understand what dark energy is and

how to recognize it and (b) to present a wide range of possible protective actions that can be

taken in order to feel fully protected.

Is There Really “Dark Energy”?

Sadly, the answer to this question is “Yes.” I wish this weren‟t the case, and there was a time

when I would have answered this question “No.” When I first started taking my psychic

development classes, I was surprised when my teachers began talking about “dark energy.” I

thought I was in class to learn about God and angels, not “dark stuff.” When I expressed my

surprise to a fellow student, she told me that she had decided that if she didn‟t give any attention

to “negative stuff,” then she believed it couldn‟t impact her. Because I didn‟t want to think

about anything “dark, “this approach sounded good to me!

Boy, was I wrong! Through a series of difficult but enlightening experiences, my guides

lovingly brought me to my senses. They helped me realize how important it was that I be fully

informed and aware of “dark energy.” Because they knew that I was meant to be a metaphysical

and healing arts practitioner and teacher, they knew that I needed to be fully versed in this

subject. This would permit me to (a) better protect myself and (b) teach my students how to

protect themselves.

Why Do We Need To Know About “Dark Energy?”

What my guides taught me was that all Lightworkers (i.e., those of us who work with the Light)

need to become familiar with what “dark energy” is all about so we will recognize it when we

encounter it. Why is that important? Why can‟t we just focus on the Light and ignore

everything else? To answer these questions, let me use an analogy.

Let‟s say that no one ever taught you about poison oak or poison ivy. Because you‟d never

heard of it and you don‟t know what it looks like, you might decide to take a bouquet of it home

with you. Obviously this is not a smart idea! The same holds true for “dark energy.” If you are

choosing to work with the Light, then it is essential that you learn how to recognize the signs of

“dark energy” so you can avoid it. You do NOT want to unknowingly take a bouquet of dark

energy home with you!

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What Is “Dark Energy”?

The answer to this question is highly debated and filled with theories of many, many kinds. To

fully answer this question is beyond the scope of this publication. Some of the more commonly

referred to theories include:

The existence of “fallen angels”

Beings from other dimensions or planets that want to stop or slow down humanity‟s growth

People who have died but haven‟t yet crossed over because they want retribution for a

“wrongful” death or for mistreatment during their last lifetime

Energy that is sourced by an entity referred to as “The Devil” or “Satan”

For the purposes of this ebook, you simply need to know that “dark energy” exists, and its

purpose is to make your life more difficult. Dark energy thrives in environments in which

“negative emotions” exist (e.g., anger, jealousy, hatred, fear). Because it “feeds” off of these

emotions, it wants to create conditions that will produce these feelings. Luckily, dark energy is

very easy to recognize and avoid!

How Do You Recognize “Dark Energy”?

The bottom line is that energy that is “of the Light” will never make you feel fearful and will

always be filled with love. To help clarify how true this is, I‟ve compiled the following list of

what “dark energy” might feel like, sound like, or act like when you encounter it.

Dark energy might . . .

Speak in a demanding or abusive manner

Make you feel afraid, nervous, worried, fearful, angry, jealous, hateful, etc.

Give you information that feels “wrong”

Tell you to do something that violates what you believe or violates your integrity

Direct you to act from a fear-based position (e.g., “If you don‟t do X then Y will happen”)

Ask you to do something that interferes with your ability to make free will choices

Tell you to do something that would harm someone else emotionally, mentally, physically, or


Bargain with you (e.g., “If you do X then you will get Y,” “If you do A then B won‟t


Coerce, trick, or talk you into doing anything

NOTE: The preceding list of characteristics is not exhaustive, but it does touch on the most

common ways in which dark energy will manifest.

Watch for the Signs of “Dark Energy”

Messages from Source/God/Spirit should always make you feel NOTHING but loved, supported,

cared about, encouraged, etc. Unfortunately, dark energy can be very “sneaky.” A message

coming from a dark source can seem like it is “of the Light” . . . even providing you with words

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that sound loving, supportive, caring, encouraging, etc. However, once you educate yourself,

dark energy is easy to recognize. For example, if the message contains ANY of the

characteristics listed in the preceding section, then it is very likely coming from a dark place.

Why is dark energy sneaky? Keep in mind that it needs to gain your trust because then it can

control you, use you, and move you away from your Divine purpose. This is what dark energy

wants. And it will do whatever it needs to do in order to gain your trust, so it is essential that you

keep you guard up! Use the characteristics listed above to make sure that the messages you are

receiving are “from the Light.‟ This includes messages that you received directly through

prayer/meditation and messages that you receive from others, including psychics, mediums, or


Protecting Yourself from “Dark Energy”

So, given how sneaky “dark energy” can be, is it possible to protect yourself? ABSOLUTELY!

That‟s what this publication is all about. Overall . . .

Your most important tool in protecting yourself is knowledge. As was just discussed, it

is essential that you learn how to recognize what dark energy looks like, sounds like, and

feels like. When you know how to recognize it, then you can avoid it.

The second most important tool you have in your arsenal is coming to believe, down to

the very core of your being, that you are incredibly powerful and darkness cannot harm

you. Darkness cannot exist where there is Light! Light is much more powerful than

darkness. Therefore, doing whatever you can to increase your “Light” will be important, and

we will discuss how to increase your “Light” in the next section of this document.

Your third most important tool is understanding the importance of Free Will . . .

Using Your Free Will to Protect Yourself

The Law of Free Will is paramount on the other side of the veil. It is a Law and cannot be

violated. Because of this Law, we each have the right to choose. And one of the most important

choices that “Lightworkers” can make is to choose to connect only with the Light.

However, the Law of Free Will also states that you can choose to connect with ANY energy on

the other side of the veil, which means that you can choose to connect with Light or dark energy.

Of course, no one reading this document would consciously choose to do this! But unless you

know the characteristics of Light and dark energy, you could inadvertently choose to connect

with dark energy. Due to the Law of Free Will, your guides cannot stop you from doing so . . .

although they will do their very best to give you a lot of warning signs before you do this!

But the Law of Free Will also provides you with an additional tool in your “protection arsenal”

. . . entities of the Light and entities of the dark both must abide by the Law of Free Will.

Therefore, if dark energy is around you, you have the right, due to the Law of Free Will, to tell it

to go away. Even though the intention of dark energy is to do harm, it must abide by your

directive! It is Law! (NOTE: If you prefer to not even communicate with dark energy, you can

tell your guides to take the dark energy away, and they must do this for you.)

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Therefore, if you do encounter energy that you suspect is dark, you can tell it to go away (or tell

your guides to take it away). If the energy that you told to go away is dark energy, then

congratulations! You have protected yourself! However, if you‟ve made a mistake and the

energy was “of the Light,” please do not worry! Energy that is “of the Light” never wants to do

anything that will make you feel uncomfortable, and it has unending patience with us! If it is “of

the Light,” then it will come back. But when it returns, it will approach you in a different way so

you will know for sure that it is “of the Light.”

Additional Protective Measures You Can Take

In addition to (a) recognizing the signs of dark energy so you know to avoid it, (b) coming to

believe in your heart-of-hearts that you are more powerful than darkness, and (c) using your Free

Will to ONLY connect with energy that is “of the Light” and to tell dark energy to go away if

you sense it around you, there are a large number of actions you can take to protect yourself.

Numerous options are included on the following pages. The word “options” is underlined

because there is no one “right” way to protect yourself. What works for one person may not

work for another.

As with so many things in the metaphysical field, your belief in what you are doing and your

intention are both of the utmost importance. So if you believe that the action will help you feel

protected and your intention is to use that action to protect yourself, then it will do just that! So

I encourage you to take a trial-and-error approach to the following suggestions and find what

feels right to you!

NOTE: You do not need to do everything listed in the following pages in order to be fully

protected. Simply select one or two that feel “right” to you.

NOTE: Some people may not need to use any of the actions suggested on the following pages

in order to feel totally protected. That‟s OK too!

When All Else Fails . . . Get Help!

Do you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions?

Are still afraid and would like to obtain further protection from dark energy?

Do you feel your home or office is filled with dark energy and you would like to have it


Do you feel you (or someone you love) might be “carrying” dark energy (e.g., “dark

entities,” “implants,” “curses”) with you (them) and you would like to have this energy


If you fall into any of these categories, then I would like to refer you to someone by the name of

Margaret McCormick. She is a woman of the highest level of integrity and an amazing

Lightworker. As a teacher, I focus all of my energy on teaching people how to connect with the

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“Light,” and Margaret is dedicated to clearing out any darkness so people are better able to

connect with the Light . . . and so they can lead happier and healthier lives!

Some of the reasonably priced and highly effective services that Margaret provides include . . .

Removing negative or dark energy that is attached to your aura. After this is done, Margaret

and the guides that she works with will install a protective “gold mesh” around you. This

mesh provides you with “lifetime protection” against the attachment of negative or dark

energy to your aura. This can provide great peace of mind!

Conducting house clearings so the space around you will be peaceful and calm.

Checking to see if a deceased loved one has crossed to the Light. If not, then Margaret and

her guides will assist the soul to cross so he/she can be at peace.

If you would like to explore any of these services, I invite you to visit Margaret‟s website at Margaret and I often do presentations together, and we have

gathered amazing research findings to support the effectiveness of her techniques. I‟ve had these

services done for myself and my family, with amazing results. I cannot recommend her highly


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Suggested Protective Actions

The following list includes actions that either represent a mind set (internal protection), a ritual

(external protection), or a combination of these two things

Internal Protective Actions

All of the following internal protections are important:

Educate yourself about “dark energy.” Learn enough so you will know what “dark

energy” looks like, sounds like, and feels like. By doing this, you will know to walk away

when you encounter it.

Firmly believe that “dark” or “evil” energy cannot harm you (unless you permit it to do

so through the Law of Free Will). Come to believe that darkness cannot exist where there is

Light! And then take actions to increase your “Light,” as will be discussed in the section


Use your Free Will to ONLY connect with “the Light.” If you sense a dark entity is near

you, FIRMLY tell it to go away (or FIRMLY tell your guides to remove it). Due to the Law

of Free Will, what you say must be followed by those on the other side.

Ways to Increase Your “Light”

It is difficult for dark energy to be present when there is Light. It makes dark energy feel

uncomfortable to be in the presence of Light, and dark entities actually become agitated and

irritated when in the presence of strong sources of Light. Therefore, they usually will choose

another environment.

Therefore, another tool you can use to protect yourself against dark energy is to shine as brightly

as possible. The way we describe this in the metaphysical field is that it‟s important to keep your

“vibrational rate” as high as possible. Why do we refer to it as “vibrational rate”? All of our

cells are vibrating; and the faster they vibrate, the more energy we emit. This energy is another

term for the “Light” that we emit. So the faster our cells vibrate, the brighter we shine. And the

brighter we shine, the less likely dark energy will be comfortable around us.

There are many ways to keep your vibrational rate high. Just a few of these include . . .

Increase your “vibrational rate” by taking classes in psychic development and the healing arts

(e.g., Reiki)

Read spiritually uplifting material

Keep yourself in the most positive environment and positive mindset as possible (e.g., avoid

the news/negative media, avoid gossip or negative conversation, avoid abusive relationships

or environments)

Pray and/or meditate (if you find either of these helpful and calming)

Keep your chakras clear and cleansed (energy healings like Reiki can assist with this)

Live a healthy lifestyle (e.g., do what your body needs to get optimal nutrition and rest)

Have fun and laugh! Darkness hates to be around happy people!

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External Protective Actions

All of following external protective actions fall into the category of “rituals.” Rituals are actions

that we do with the belief that they will result in a certain outcome . . . in this case the outcome is

to protect us from dark energy.

As discussed previously, your belief in these actions is paramount. If you believe that an action

will protect you, then the action will protect you. It‟s that simple. Why? Because by

participating in an action (a) we reinforce our belief that we are more powerful than the darkness

and (b) we reinforce with our guides our Free Will choice to ONLY work “with the Light.”

Use the techniques described in the next three sections:

o Energy shielding (AKA Psychic Shielding)

o Energy gridding

o Prayer

Wear protective crystals or keep them around the house (e.g., citrine, onyx, hematite, black


Place salt at the 4 corners of your house and/or on both sides of your front door (NOTE: The

salt does not need to be visible and can be either inside or outside the home.)

Place a mirror opposite your front door to reflect back dark energy.

Place turquoise by your bed. (This is done because it helps strengthen & align your chakras

while you sleep, which makes you more resistant to dark energy).

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How To Use Energy Shielding

(AKA Psychic Shielding)

Energy shielding is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself, particularly

when you are in an area in which there is toxic or dark energy.

Directions for Shielding

Creating an energy shield only takes a few seconds, and it is incredibly simple! Ask your guides

to surround your body with a protective layer or cocoon of light (i.e., energy) of a particular

color. That‟s it. The light will be installed around you immediately . . . without exception.

NOTE: If you want to, you can visualize, feel, or even think of yourself surrounded in a

cocoon of light. However, this isn‟t necessary for the shield to be installed or for it to

be fully effective.

NOTE: You can also (a) ask that objects (e.g., your car, your house) and (b) other people be

surrounded in light.

How Often Do I Need To Re-establish the Shield?

Shields do wear off, so you will need to periodically re-establish your shield(s). How quickly

they wear off depends on the type of environment you are in. In relatively peaceful

environments, shields can remain in place for up to 8-12 hours. However, in more stressful or

toxic environments, you will need to re-shield more often.

Colors Used in Energetic Shields

You can use any color to create a shield around you, and different colors can be used for

different purposes. The following is a list of the more commonly used colors and what they are

used for:

White Light – Good for general protection. Invokes angels to protect you from any harm.

Often used for protection against crime or physical attack.

Gold Light – Gold is often the color associated with archangels and carries with it a very

high vibration. Only energy of the highest good can get through gold light so it can be used

for general protection and will often increase your vibrational rate.

Pink Light – Protects against negativity. Helpful when you have to be around someone who

is negative, complaining, or gossiping. Only love can permeate a pink shield.

Purple Light – Protects against psychic attack or dark entities.

Green Light – Protects against acquiring an illness when you are around someone who is

sick. You can also use a green shield to assist someone who is injured or ill.

Lead Shield – This is the ultimate shield against toxic energy, because nothing can permeate

lead. Use it whenever you are going to be in a very toxic environment, whenever you are

going to be around a conflict, or when you are feeling vulnerable. See or feel yourself

completely surrounded by lightweight lead. The down side of this shield is that some people

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find that they can‟t pick up external energy (e.g., psychic messages) as well when this shield

is in place.

Mirrored Ball – Use this technique if you are feeling vulnerable to attack or when you have

to go into a particularly harsh environment (e.g., a crowd, intense business meeting). See or

feel yourself stepping inside a mirrored ball. All dark energy bounces away from the ball.

Double or Triple Shield – Pick 2 or 3 of the shields described above and layer them around

you for ultimate protection. (NOTE: It is recommended that you not install more then 2 or 3

layers because this would install too much energy and you might feel agitated or confused.)

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How To Create an Energy Grid

Grids are created to (a) protect a space from unwanted energy coming into an area and (b) to

energize the space within the grid with certain qualities.

Directions for Creating an Energy Grid

NOTE: A grid can be created without crystals; however, the use of crystals (as suggested

below) “anchors” the energy so it will last longer.

1) Select 3 crystals of the same kind (e.g., 3 clear quartz crystals). Size does not matter; i.e.,

they can be very small or very large. Crystals can be selected based on their metaphysical


o All-purpose clear quartz (ask the crystal to serve whatever purpose you need)

o Healing aventurine, malachite

o Love rose quartz

o Protection citrine, hematite, black tourmaline

o Psychic work sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst

2) Place the crystals in the shape of an equilateral triangle (or as close as possible) around the

area that you wish to protect or empower. The crystals do not need to be on the same level,

and they do not need to be visible.

3) Stand on the outside the triangle and between 2 of the crystals (see picture). (NOTE: You

can stand on any one side of the triangle.)

4) Begin by asking your guides to help you to empower this grid.

5) OPTIONAL: If you wish, you can state the purpose of the grid (e.g., protection, healing).

6) Imagine a white light above your head that is whiter and brighter than anything you‟ve ever

seen on the Earth plane. Begin pulling that white light down through your crown chakra (the

top of your head). Imagine the white light flowing down your arm and out the palm of your

dominant hand. Once you feel, sense, see, or “know” that the energy is flowing . . .

a) Start by crossing your dominant hand across your body (i.e., start to your left if you are

right-handed or to your right if you are left-handed). Direct your hand toward the crystal.

b) Move your hand toward each of the crystals in a clockwise direction until you have

completed 3 complete circuits and have returned to where you started (i.e., you will finish

with your dominant hand crossing your body).

NOTE: Stay with each crystal as long as you are guided to do so.

7) Thank your guides for helping you to empower this grid.

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NOTE: You may use more than one type of crystal in each corner. However, it is

recommended that you use no more than 3 different kinds per grid because the

energies involved may begin to interfere with each other. An example grid might be

as follows:

1 citrine in each of the 3 corners for protection

1 rose quartz in each of the 3 corners for love

1 amethyst in each of the 3 corners to increase psychic communication

NOTE: If you are guided to do anything differently, trust that guidance (e.g., using your non-

dominant hand, starting with a different crystal, moving in a counter-clockwise


How Often Should You Re-Grid?

Grids do need to be re-established because the energy grid will weaken over time. How often

you need to re-grid, though, will vary from situation to situations. Factors that may help you

determine how often you need to re-grid include:

Grids created in peaceful environments will last longer than stressful or toxic environments.

Grids created with crystals tend to last longer than grids created without crystals.

If you use crystals and one of the crystals is moved, then you need to re-grid because this

breaks the energy circuit you‟ve created.

If you have created a grid with crystals and it is located in a peaceful environment, then you

might want to re-grid once a month. However, if you have created a grid without crystals or you

have created a grid with crystals that is located in a stress environment, you might want to re-grid

once a week or even more often.

NOTE: If you are sensitive to energy, you will start to “feel” when your grid needs to be re-


NOTE: If some time has passed and you suddenly begin thinking about your grid, then this is

very likely your guide‟s way of getting the message to you that it‟s time to re-grid.

Additional Directions for Energy Gridding

Although the area inside the triangle is the most powerful area in the grid, you can ask your

guides to broaden the protected area to include space outside the triangle.

While creating the grid, you may choose to recite a prayer or mantra of some kind. For

example, when I create my grids, I repeat the following phrase several times:

“I empower this grid and the surrounding area with Christ‟s white light.”

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Using Prayer

Students who enter the field of metaphysics and/or the healing arts tend to fall into two very

broad categories: (a) those who are comfortable with prayer and religious terms such as God,

and (b) those who are not. And the reality is that most people fall along a continuum between

these two extremes.

If Prayer Is Not Comfortable for You

If you are someone who is not comfortable with prayer, then please understand that prayer is not

the only way in which you can protect yourself from dark energy. In fact, if prayer makes you

feel uncomfortable, then it‟s likely going be counterproductive. If this is true for you, then go

back over the suggestions made in the preceding pages and select actions that feel “right” to you.

Eventually, you may feel comfortable using prayer, but please be patient with yourself while

your relationship with God heals!

How to Pray

Prayer is often defined as a form of meditation in which the mind focuses on sending messages

to God/Source/Spirit, angels, archangels, our guardian angels, our guides, etc. For those who are

comfortable with using prayer, it can be a powerful protective tool. By mentally focusing our

attention on sources “of the Light,” such as God, we raise our vibrational rate and increase our

resistance to “dark energy.”

Let‟s start by covering some general information about prayer:

There truly is no “right way” to pray. “How” someone prays is a very private and personal

matter, and Spirit truly doesn‟t care how you pray. What they care about on the other side is

that you talk with them. They want to hear from you on the other side . . . often! So you can

pray while you are walking, driving, working, eating, etc. Just do it!

You can engage in a formal prayer (e.g., Lord‟s Prayer) or you can just start talking to the

other side.

You don‟t need to direct the prayer to a particular entity (e.g., God, Father/Mother, All That

Is, guides, Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha). All prayers are heard by God, because all spiritual

entities are part of the same spiritual source. So just start talking . . . your prayers will be


You can prayer silently to yourself (think) or aloud. Both forms of prayer are equally


Some people believe that angels, and particularly archangels, love the color of gold.

Therefore, you may want to imagine yourself sitting inside or surrounded by a sparkling gold

bubble of light when you invoke their presence.

What Should You Pray For?

When praying, it is helpful to ask for general things (e.g., “A job that is personally satisfying,

financially rewarding, and that brings me joy”) rather than specifics (e.g., “The job I just

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interviewed for”). The reason for this is that what you think you may want or need in your life is

not what is for your “highest good.” We need to learn to trust that God always has the “big

picture” in mind and will provide us with what is for our highest good or for the highest good of

those for whom we pray. Therefore, God is in charge of “how” our prayers will be answered;

and God will always make sure that we have “what” we need in order to learn our life lessons.

Structure of More Formal Prayers

More formal prayers will often include the following three parts:

1) They will begin with an “invocation” of some kind (e.g., “Dear God,” “Father/Mother/God,”

“I invoke Archangel Gabriel”). This lets the other side know you want their attention.

2) There is typically a request made and/or an expression of gratitude.

3) A prayer may include a closing of some kind (e.g., “Amen,” “Let it be so,” “And so it is”).

The Light Invocation

For those who are comfortable with prayer and are metaphysically oriented, I would like to

suggest using “The Light Invocation.” This is a prayer that has been translated into many

different languages and is used in very diverse cultures.

Here are two versions of the Light Invocation that can be used:

I invoke the light of the Christ within.

I am a clear and perfect channel.

Light is my guide.


I invoke the light and love of the Universe.

I am a clear and perfect conduit.

Light and love are my guides.

NOTE: You can use The Light Invocation to pray for someone else by replacing the pronoun

“I” with “you,” “she,” “John,” “we,” etc.

NOTE: If you feel uncomfortable using the word “Christ,” then feel free to replace the word

“Christ” with a word that is more comfortable to you. For example, you could use

words or phrases like “Source,” „Divine,” or “the light within me.” (NOTE: As used

in the Invocation, the word “Christ” simply represents “God-like energy” and is used

because it works well with the meter of the Invocation.)