Download - Props rd vid

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Tia Kelly Hunnigale

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LAYER 1Layer one is a 1 minute scene between the members of the band walking up a street. This layer is a scene without music or the lyrics in the song so we don’t need to use any specific props for this scene. Possible props would be a mobile phone for one of the girls. This will be seen but not used in the first layer of the music video. The prop that we use is appropriate for our video as it relates to our target audience (15-18) and is a typical prop in videos with our genre. Other music videos that use this prop are ‘Telephone’ by Lady Gaga , which also appeals to our target audience as well.

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LAYER 2Layer two is a scene in an alleyway where the girls dance and perform their song. In this layer we have bicycles a prop. Whilst the girls walk/sing down the alleyway the extras in the video sit on the bicycles and interact with the girls. This is typical of teens in our target audience age range and it also sets the scene and style of our video.

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LAYER 3Layer 3 is a hangout for teens. For this layer we will only need a few chairs for our members to hang out on as this scene is a natural scene showing teens relaxing. The location again relates to the lifestyle of teenagers in our target group and also has some relation to the lyrics in the song as they suggest ‘chilling out’ or ‘hanging out’.

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LAYER 4This scene requires the most props. We will need to have lights, alcohol bottles and things relating to alcoholic drinks such as lemons and we will also need a CD player and some chairs. This scene is a club scene of the teens entering the club. This is a direct link to the lyrics and theme of the song as it is about being in a club. This layer mimics target audience experiences as teenagers this age regularly attend parties\clubs. In this layer we will use lights set up in the location and also we will use handheld lights such as glow sticks, torches etc.. This is to set the scene and mood of the music video and to show the lyrics and visuals and how they link.

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LAYER 4The basketball court layer is a performance scene with the girls dancing and singing. We will need extra’s to play basketball in the background so our prop will be a basketball. This is all that is needed for this layer because it is a performance layer and the focus in on the girls performing rather than the scenery.

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LAYER 5Or layer 5 shows a dance-off between a group of teens. For this scene we need skateboarders in the background which will require skateboards. Again because if the focus of the layer we will not need many props. The scenery also helps set the scene with graffiti and the layout of the scene so the focus will be on that and the dancing.

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LAYER 6Our finale layer if under a train station. This layer requires no props.

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• For our video we don not require many props as it is mainly a performance video so the focus is on the performers and the music rather than certain props or instruments.