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  • 1. The Friendship Only Lasted a Few SecondsBy Lilly Lee AdamsDone byDervelle and Raheem

2. He said "Mom," And I responded Someone called the speaker mom and she answered to it. 3. And I became her. I never lied to him She played the mom role for the man and was honest with him. 4. And I couldn't Explain that to others. I got all and more back. She couldn't explain what she did by being there for the man. 5. But the friendshipOnly lasted a few seconds.. The friendship didn't last beacuse the person died. 6. And he called me Marry. Someone called the speaker Marry. 7. I wished she could Be there for him. The speaker wished the real Marry could be there for the man thats calling her name.The Real Marry 8. I felt I was inSecond place, But I did theBest I could Even though she wasnt Marry, she did her best to fill Marry's place. 9. And the friendshipOnly lasted a few seconds. The friendship only lasted a few seconds because that peson soon died afterwards. 10. And he told me, "I don't believe this, I'm dying for nothing" A dying person tells the speaker he is dyingfor a cause thats not really worth dying for. 11. Then he died. The dying man died. 12. Again, the frienshipOnly lasted a few seconds. The friendship just like the many others ended within a few seconds because he also died. 13. How can the WorldUnderstand any of this? How can the world comprehend relationships like this. 14. How can i keep the World from forgetting? How can she makes this unforgettable to everyone? 15. After all the friendship Only lasted a few seconds. Every friendship she made with a person eventually died within seconds afterwards. 16. Statement The speaker offered to be the person who is needed at the time to give the dying people peace so they dont feel afraid. She did this out of an act of kindness. They indicated that the people were dying and calling out for a special person in their life to be there, but that peson wasn't there. The speaker tookth role of that special person to give the dying men peace. No one wants to die alone. They want the one they love near by. 17. Credit By Dervelle and RaheemMusic: Jay-Z Lost OnesPictures: Google Poem: