Download - Project Acronym EXTREMAL-FLOATER Infrastructure Accessed ... · The project will include at least 5 trans-national access calls where applicants can submit proposals for testing in

Page 1: Project Acronym EXTREMAL-FLOATER Infrastructure Accessed ... · The project will include at least 5 trans-national access calls where applicants can submit proposals for testing in

Marinet2: Infrastructure Access Report: EXTREMALFLOATER

Status: FINAL

Version: 2

Date: 22/12/2019 Infr









EXploiting Tidal Renewable Energy and reducing MArine Litter by

a FLOATing barriER


Project Reference Number 3222

Infrastructure Accessed CRIACIV_LABIMA - Wave Current Flume

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The MaRINET2 project is the second iteration of the successful EU funded MaRINET Infrastructures

Network, both of which are coordinated and managed by Irish research centre MaREI in University

College Cork and avail of the Lir National Ocean Test Facilities.

MaRINET2 is a €10.5 million project which includes 39 organisations representing some of the

top offshore renewable energy testing facilities in Europe and globally. The project depends on

strong international ties across Europe and draws on the expertise and participation of 13

countries. Over 80 experts from these distinguished centres across Europe will be descending on

Dublin for the launch and kick-off meeting on the 2nd of February.

The original MaRINET project has been described as a “model of success that demonstrates what

the EU can achieve in terms of collaboration and sharing knowledge transnationally”. Máire

Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, November 2013

MARINET2 expands on the success of its predecessor with an even greater number and variety of

testing facilities across offshore wind, wave, tidal current, electrical and environmental/cross-

cutting sectors. The project not only aims to provide greater access to testing infrastructures across

Europe, but also is driven to improve the quality of testing internationally through standardisation

of testing and staff exchange programmes.

The MaRINET2 project will run in parallel to the MaREI, UCC coordinated EU marinerg-i project

which aims to develop a business plan to put this international network of infrastructures on the

European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap.

The project will include at least 5 trans-national access calls where applicants can submit proposals

for testing in the online portal. Details of and links to the call submission system are available on

the project website

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement number 731084.

Document Details

Grant Agreement Number 731084

Project Acronym MaRINET2

Title Exploiting Tidal Renewable Energy and reducing Marine Litter by a Floating barrier

Distribution Public

Document Reference MARINET-TA1-EXTREMAL-FLOATER–3222

User Group Leader, Lead Author

Fabio Dalmonte SEADS - Sea Defence Solution Ltd 22, Kent Road, SN13NJ, Swindon, UK

User Group Members, Contributing Authors

Stuart Walker British University of Sheffield United Kingdom

Irene Simonetti Italian University of Florence & AM3 spinoff Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139, Florence, Italy

Infrastructure Accessed CRIACIV_LABIMA - Wave Current Flume

Infrastructure Manager or Main Contact

Lorenzo Cappietti

Document Approval Record

Name Date

Prepared by Irene Simonetti, Stuart Walker, Fabio Dalmonte


Checked by Lorenzo Cappietti 12/12/2019

Approved by Lorenzo Cappietti 22/12/2019

Disclaimer The content of this publication reflects the views of the Authors and not necessarily those of the European Union. No warranty of any kind is made in regard to this material.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 4

1 Introduction & Background ........................................................................................... 5

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Development So Far .............................................................................................. 6

1.2.1 Stage Gate Progress ....................................................................................... 6

1.2.2 Preparatory work and pervious tests ................................................................ 6

1.2.3 Plan for this Access ........................................................................................ 7

2 Outline of Work Carried Out .......................................................................................... 8

2.1 The Floating Barrier tests (FB tests) ........................................................................ 8

2.1.1 The FB model ................................................................................................ 8

2.1.2 Wave-Current flume set-up & Instrumentation .................................................. 9

2.1.3 Test Matrix .................................................................................................. 10

2.2 The Floating Barrier + Turbine tests (FBT tests) .................................................... 11

2.2.1 The FBT model ............................................................................................ 11

2.2.2 Wave-Current flume set-up & Instrumentation ................................................ 12

2.2.3 Test Matrix .................................................................................................. 15

3 Results and Database ................................................................................................. 17

3.1 Structure of the database .................................................................................... 17

3.2 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 17

4 Main Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................ 17

4.1 Progress Made .................................................................................................... 17

4.2 Key Lessons Learned ........................................................................................... 18

5 Further Information ................................................................................................... 18

5.1 Website & Social Media ....................................................................................... 18

References....................................................................................................................... 19

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1 Introduction & Background

1.1 Introduction

Tidal stream power is a highly dense renewable energy source, which has the favourable feature

of being predictable. Its harvesting is the aim of many technological initiatives contributing to the

development of renewable energy sector, one of the main societal challenges. A second major

societal challenge is to cope with the marine litter, an issue that is presently growing to the

attention of both the scientific research and the technological sector. EXTREMAL-FLOATER project

deals with an innovative concept of hybrid structure, where the tidal turbine is integrated into

floating barriers conceived to cope with marine litter.

Tidal turbines, installed in hostile oceanic environments, are subject to relevant hydrodynamic

loads which contribute to fatigue and should be accurately quantified over the entire lifetime of

the device. Such a quantification is crucial to the efficient and cost-effective design of tidal turbines

[1,2]. Both the performance of a tidal turbine and the hydrodynamic loads acting on it are strongly

design and installation site dependent (e.g. the support structure has been proven to have a

relevant effect on both these aspects [3]). It is therefore essential to perform specific study for

the foreseen design and met-ocean conditions of installation.

AM3 srl is studying the performance of different tidal stream turbines in the framework of a

roadmap toward the development its own technology. SEADS ltd has proposed special floating

barriers to prevent the dispersion into the sea of plastic debris coming from river mouths.

The integration of tidal turbines in such a system results in an innovative concept, allowing to

jointly cope with the fundamental challenges: producing clean renewable energy and reducing

plastics debris in the marine environment.

The synergic interaction between the floating barriers and the tidal turbine could concern, e.g.,

the following positive aspects:

(i) The floating barriers, blocking the propagation of plastic debris downstream, would create

clean flow conditions, limiting the possibility of damage/obstruction of the turbine, hence

increasing both structural safety and the electricity production;

(ii) The converted energy could be used directly onsite, e.g. to power conveyor belts or other

electrical equipment needed for the plastic debris collection system;

(iii) The barriers shape could also be optimized in order to create favourable conditions for

increasing the performance of the turbine and controlling the hydrodynamic loads.

SEADS ltd barriers concentrate the water stream toward a filtration system. The installation of the

turbine after the filtration system might enhance the turbine performance. Moreover, the

performance is also affected by the feature of the ambient flow turbulence [4,5]. In the system

studied here, a relevant impact on the downstream turbulence is expected to be caused by the

presence of the floating barriers, possibly improving turbulence conditions in favour of the turbine

if adequate position will be studied.

The effect of the barriers on the hydrodynamic loadings acting on the turbine must also be carefully

quantified prior to proceeding to the detailed design stage of such a system.

The proposed systems are tested in a small-scale model in a LABIMA wave-current flume, under

the influence of a range of realistic met ocean conditions taken from hindcast data and

representative of possible installation sites.

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1.2 Development So Far

1.2.1 Stage Gate Progress

Previously completed:

Planned for this project:


Stage 1 – Preliminary studies

Numerical modelling of the SEADS lts Blue Barriers

Design and Test of a bottom-mounted tidal turbine

Selection of realistic met ocean conditions taken from hindcast data

Stage 2 – Model design and construction

Select Blue Barriers (SEADS lts) model scale based on LABIMA flume size

Select turbine model scale based on LABIMA flume size

Produce the Blue Barriers small-scale model (SEADS lts)

Produce CAD model of turbine blades and manufacture by SLS

Install strain gauge array and generator to record deflection and turbine


Stage 3 – Experimental Testing

Investigate the Blue Barriers (SEADS lts) efficiency for different configurations and

flow conditions.

Investigate structural deflection and performance of the turbine integrated in a floating barrier under a range of wave and tidal flow conditions, to include:

Upstream-facing blades Waves with tidal flow

Stage 4 – Long-term development

Generate annual turbine performance forecasts for benign, moderate and extreme


To quantify survival conditions and mooring behaviour

1.2.2 Preparatory work and pervious tests

Relevant preparatory work for this project had been carried out before the EXTREMAL-FLOATER

tests at the wave-current flume of Florence University, LABIMA-WCF, concerning both tidal turbine

testing and SEADS barriers testing.

As far as the turbine model is concerned, a previous experimental campaign, funded by MaRINET2

through the SPECuWaTT trans-national access project [6] and [7] has been completed. Such

previous tests were mainly aimed at expanding the knowledge base on the impact of concurrent

wave and current on a tidal turbine (Fig. 1). Turbine performance and structural deflection data

were collected and analysed.

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Figure 1: Bottom-fixed tidal turbine tested at LABIMA-WCF during the SPECuWaTT MaRINET2 project.

The Blue Barriers system proposed by SEADS ltd are composed of two floating barriers moored to

the riverbed that serve to divert from the main stream the waste that floats on the water and trap

it in a collection basin where it can be easily removed [8] (Fig. 2, left). As preparatory work carried

out before this access, a numerical study commissioned by SEADS ltd [9] was performed at LABIMA

to assess: i) the effectiveness of the device in holding floating waste for a set of design

configurations, ii) the modifications induced on a water current in terms of elevations of the free

surface and velocity field (Fig. 2, right). Numerical simulations had been implemented at the

laboratory-scale model, in order to also aid in the develop the final design of the experimental

activities to be conducted at LABIMA infrastructure in the framework of the EXTREMEAL-FLOATER

project. Moreover, an experimental validation of the results obtained in such a preliminary study

will be provided by the laboratory data collected in this access.

Figure 2: The Blue Barriers patented by SEADS [1] (left); Velocity fields at the free surface and floating objects position obtained in the numerical model for a specific barrier geometry and flow condition [9]


1.2.3 Plan for this Access

The objective for this trans-national access were to study:

i) the plastic collection efficiency of the Blue Barriers patented by SEADS ltd for different

geometry configurations (tests referred to, hereafter, as FB tests, i.e. Floating Barrier


ii) the effect of floating barriers on the turbine performance and the hydraulic loads acting

on the turbine connected to a floating barrier (tests referred to, hereafter, as FBT tests,

i.e. Floating Barrier + Turbine tests).

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Different flow conditions arrangements of the FB and of the FBT systems have been tested, in

order to comparatively assess the effect of the investigated parameters on the plastic collection

efficiency (FB tests) or on the turbine performance and hydrodynamic loads (FBT tests).

The effect of integrating the turbine in the barrier will be evaluated by means of a comparison

with the performance and the hydraulic loads of the same turbine in isolated-bottom mounted

conditions (i.e., not connected to a floating barrier), as previously tested during the SPECuWaTT

- Structural and Performance Effects of Current and Waves on Tidal Turbine – project [6].

2 Outline of Work Carried Out Laboratory tests were carried out on two different scale models:

(i) The Floating Barriers (FB) model, aimed to assess the plastic collection efficiency of

the Blue Barriers. Such tests are described in Section 2.1.

(ii) The model of the turbine connected to a floating barrier (FBT). Such tests are described

in Section 2.2.

Both models were tested in LABIMA-WCF. LABIMA-WCF is a structure completely made of steel

and glass side walls, with a total length of 3700 cm, and a width and height of 80 cm. The piston

type wave generator is installed at one end of the wave flume and it has a stroke equal to 150

cm, driven by an electromechanical system with an absolute encoder of 0.01 cm accuracy in

position. The WCF is equipped with a bi-directional recirculation system with maximum flow rate

of 150 l/s.

2.1 The Floating Barrier tests (FB tests)

2.1.1 The FB model

The scale FB model was designed according to Froude similarity and the geometrical scale chosen

is 1:20. The model of the barriers have been provided by SEADS ltd and is shown in Fig. 3. Each

barrier model was composed by joining 6 barrier units (Fig. 3, right), made of polyvinyl chloride


Figure 3: Layout at Laboratory scale.

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The basic dimensions and characteristics of the barrier models were the following (symbols as in

the definition sketch in Fig. 4):

Barrier length, La=Lb=0.6 m;

Barrier width, b=0.065 m;

Barrier height, g=0.05 m;

Width of collection basin, c=0.07 m;

Distance between upstream and downstream barrier, D=5, 15, 12 m;

Barrier inclination, α=30-45°;

Water level in the WCF, h=0.2 m.

Figure 4: Definition sketch of the FB model: plain view (top) and cross section view (bottom).

The barriers were moored by using vertical stainless-steel bars, connected to the WCF bottom by

means of metal plates.

In order to assess the plastic collection capability of the barriers, laboratory-scaled floating objects

were released in the WCF. As floating objects, plastic floaters with characteristic size between 1

and 2 cm have been used. The plastic floaters were specifically selected to be representative of

HDPE (high-density polyethylene) and LDPE (low-density polyethylene).

To calculate the effectiveness of the FB model, the number of floating objects collected in the

collection basin have been counted. The effectiveness, expressed by Φ [%], can be computed as

the ratio of the retained objects over the total.

2.1.2 Wave-Current flume set-up & Instrumentation

The sketch of the FB model position in the WCF is reported in Fig. 5. The WCF was instrumented

with 5 ultrasonic Wave Gauges (WGs), to measure the effect of the barriers on the water surface

level. The details of the locations from the paddle is given in Fig. 5. The employed WGs measure

the free surface displacement with an accuracy of 1 mm at a distance from the sensor in the range

60-500 mm and belong to Series 943-M18-F4V-2D-1C0-330E by HONEYWELL (Fig. 6).

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Figure 5: Experimental set-up of the WCF for the FB model tests, plan view.

Figure 6: Ultrasonic wave gauges HONEYWELL Series 943-M18-F4V-2D-1C0-330E (left) and technical data sheet (right).

2.1.3 Test Matrix

The performance of the FB model was tested under 5 different flow rate conditions (codes V1-V5

in Table 1. The test matrix, with the definition of the barriers’ geometry configurations tested, is

reported in Table 2.

Table 1: Flow conditions tested for the FB model.



Velocity (prototype

scale) [m/s] Velocity (model scale) [m/s] Flow rate [l/s]

V1 1.0 0.23 36.2

V2 1.5 0.34 54.4

V3 2.0 0.45 72.4

V4 2.5 0.57 90.5

V5 3.0 0.68 108.6

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Table 2: Test matrix showing naming of the tests, flow condition and FB configuration tested. Symbols as in Fig. 4.

Test code Flow

condition D [m] α h [m]

C2V1A3050PZ V1 5 30 0.2

C2V2A3050PZ V2 5 30 0.2

C2V3A3050PZ V3 5 30 0.2

C2V4A3050PZ V4 5 30 0.2

C2V5A3050PZ V5 5 30 0.2

C2V1A4550PZ V1 5 45 0.2

C2V2A4550PZ V2 5 45 0.2

C2V3A4550PZ V3 5 45 0.2

C2V4A4550PZ* V4 5 45 0.2

C2V5A4550PZ* V5 5 45 0.2

C3V1A3050PZ V1 15 30 0.2

C3V2A3050PZ V2 15 30 0.2

C3V3A3050PZ V3 15 30 0.2

C3V4A3050PZ V4 15 30 0.2

C3V5A3050PZ* V5 15 30 0.2

C4V4A3050PZ V4 12 30 0.2

C4V5A3050PZ V4 12 30 0.2

2.2 The Floating Barrier + Turbine tests (FBT tests)

2.2.1 The FBT model

The scale FBT model was designed according to Froude similarity and the geometrical scale chosen

is 1:81. In this set of tests, a turbine model is connected to a floating barrier model (Fig. 7).

Figure 7: Turbine model on fixed base as in SPECuWaTT tests (l), and fixed to floating barrier as in FBT tests (r).

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The floating barrier model has a parallelepiped shape and is made of made of polyvinyl chloride.

The barrier model has the following basic dimensions and characteristics:

Barrier dimensions (symbols as in Fig. 7, right): L x W x D=0.79 x 0.097 x 0.09 m;

Barrier freeboard, Fb=0.072 m;

Barrier weight: 1.169 kg;

Water level in the WCF, h=0.3 m;

Four markers (Fig. 7, right) are attached to the floating barrier, to be used by the motion tracking

system used to track the motion of the floater (described in Section 2.2.2). The total weight of the

four ball markers is 6 g. A mooring system connected the scale barrier model to the wave flume

bottom through four chains with a length of 1.115 m each. Each chain was connected to steel

base, to hold the structure in position. The steel bases are located 0.9 m away from the barrier

model (2 upstream and 2 downstream, as in Fig. 9, left).

The 1:81 scale turbine model used in this study was a three-blade horizontal axis turbine. The

blade profile was based on that of a commercial design and was manufactured in polyacrylate at

the University Of Sheffield Department Of Applied Inkjet Printing. As aforementioned, a similar

turbine was previously tested in LABIMA-WCF in a bottom mounted configuration [6]. The turbine

blades were each 100 mm from root to tip, with a 12° degree root-tip twist, a tip chord of 8 mm

and a root chord of 26 mm. The blades were mounted on a nacelle, which was itself fixed to the

turbine generator. No gearbox or other power transfer mechanisms were used. The support

structure of the turbine was a simple 8 mm diameter cylindrical bar, connected to the floating

barrier. The total weight of the turbine (including its support structure) is 0.142 kg.

2.2.2 Wave-Current flume set-up & Instrumentation

CAD schematics of the LABIMA Wave-current flume set-up for the FBT model tests during the

EXTREMAL-FLOATER project are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 10. The FBT model is located 21.83 m

away from the wavemaker and 12.6 m from the channel end.

An absorbing structure (wave dissipation ramp) was added to the channel to diffuse wave power

and reduce reflection from the end of the channel. This perforated steel structure was 2.4 m in

length and reached across the channel, angled upwards from the base to above the height of the

highest waves to be tested. The absorbing structure used is shown in Fig. 8 (bottom) and Fig. 9


Turbulence is critical in water channel tests. Water flume turbulence characteristics must match

those of real tidal installation cases, in order to ensure accurate replication of reality. Prior to

testing, turbulence intensity and flow profiles in the WCF had been characterized, as documented

in [6-7]. Turbulence-generating structures were installed in the flume in order to obtain turbulence

intensities in the empty WCF comparable to those expected in a real tidal installation site.

Turbulence-generating structures were installed both upstream and downstream of the turbine. A

combination of blocks and mesh (denoted as “turbulence promote nets” in Fig. 8) were used. Cubic

stone blocks of 120 mm width were installed with a cross-channel separation distance of 150 mm

and a streamwise separation distance of 200 mm between rows (Fig. 9, left). Alternating rows of

two and three blocks were used, covering a total distance of 2.4 m. The first and the second array

of bricks were placed 11.5 m and 29.53 m away from the wave-maker, respectively (Fig. 8). Two

turbulence promote nets, made of stainless steel and with a 12 mm grid size, ware installed across

the channel and over its full depth, at a distance of 15.1 m and 28.33 m from the wave maker,


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Figure 8: FBT model layout at Laboratory scale.

Figure 9: Turbulence-generating blocks (left) and wave absorbing structure (right).

The FBT model was equipped with the following instrumentation, described below (Fig. 10):

Ultrasonic Wave Gauges (WGs);

Optitrack Video motion Tracking system (VT);

Strain Gauges (SGs).

Figure 10: Position of the sensors and of the mooring system for the FTB model.

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Ultrasonic Wave Gauges (WGs):

5 WGs have been used (Fig. 10). The employed WGs are of the Series 943-M18-F4V-2D-1C0-330E

by HONEYWELL (described in Section 2.1.2 and Fig. 6). Location of the WGs is summarized in

Table 3.

Table 3: Position of the WGs in the WCF for FBT tests.

Sensor Name Distance from the wave-maker [m] Sensor type

WG1 2.92 Ultrasonic Wave Gauges

WG2 21.83 right side of the WCF (on the floater) Ultrasonic Wave Gauges

WG3 21.41 left side of the WCF Ultrasonic Wave Gauges

WG4 22.26 right side of the WCF Ultrasonic Wave Gauges

WG5 22.26 left side of the WCF Ultrasonic Wave Gauges

Optitrack Video motion Tracking system (VT):

The VT system, used for tracking the movement of the floating barrier with six degrees of freedom

(6DOF), was located perpendicular to the LABIMA-WCF axis, at a distance of 20.95 m from the

wave paddle (see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11). A sketch of the coordinate system used for the obtained 6-

DoF data is shown in Fig. 11-b. The calibration of the VT system was checked comparing the

measurements with that of an ultrasonic wave gauge used to measure the motion of the barrier


Figure 11: The VT OptiTrack video motion tracking system: the three cameras of the VT attached on a single axis (a); sketch of the coordinate system used for the VT system (b).

Strain gauges (SGs)

In order to measure performance and structural deflection, the turbine model was equipped with

a generator and strain gauges (SGs). A small DC motor (model MFA RE-385) was used as a

generator. The voltage produced by the generator was measured using the LABIMA Data

Acquisition system. Since the key performance output of the turbine in this study is the relative

power generation, generator output was not scaled or calibrated to rotational speed. Instead,

generator voltage was used to give a direct comparison between cases.

The copper foil SGs (model BF350, 350Ω with sensitivity coefficient 2.1) were installed on the

turbine support structure at a distance of 58.5 mm below the lower surface of the floating barrier.

One gauge was installed on the upstream-facing portion of the support structure, and another

perpendicular to this on the side of the support structure. Gauges were installed in a half-bridge

configuration, and were supplied with 5V via the LABIMA data acquisition system and deflection

recorded using the same system.

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In order to correlate support structure deflection and strain gauge voltage output, the gauges

were calibrated using a load cell. A rigid steel bar was fixed between the load cell and the centre

of the nacelle, and the turbine was incrementally moved towards the load cell whilst recording

both strain gauge and load cell outputs. Testing was repeated multiple times and were found to

be unaffected by the direction of movement of the structure (i.e. whether the turbine was moving

towards or away from the load cell). A linear relationship was found between the deflection of the

structure and the load applied, as illustrated Fig. 12.

Figure 12: Strain gauge / load cell calibration.

2.2.3 Test Matrix

The FBT model was tested under different combinations of wave and flow rate conditions. Waves

and flow conditions were chosen to be comparable with that used for the SPECuWaT project [6],

where the turbine model fixed to the WCF bottom was tested. Regular waves only are tested.

The following combination were considered:

FBT model under waves only (wave characteristics and codes as in Tab. 4);

FBT model under current only (flow condition as in Tab. 5);

FBT model under waves + current, with current and waves coming from the same


The full matrix of tests carried out and the naming convention used is shown in Tab. 6. Each test

with waves took the following form: first, a 10 second period without waves, and then a period of

wave generation as in Tab. 4, followed by a 30 second period without wave generation.

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Table 4: Wave parameters for FBT tests (values at model scale 1:81 / values at prototype scale).

code Wave height, H [m] Wave period, T [s] Wave length, L [m] Test duration [s]

lab. scale

H2 0.05 / 4.05 1 / 7.2 1.37 / 111 44

H4 0.05 / 4.05 0.8 / 9.0 0.96 / 79.4 51

H5 0.05 / 4.05 1.2 / 10.8 1.77 / 143.4 41

Table 5: Flow parameters for FBT tests (values at model scale 1:81 / values at prototype scale).

Code Flow direction Flow rate [m/s]

F2 same as the waves 0.16 / 1.3

F3 same as the waves 0.21 / 1.7

F7 same as the waves 0.26 / 2.1

Table 6: Test matrix showing naming of the tests, flow condition and FB configuration tested. Symbols as in Fig. 4.

Test code Flow Condition Wave

condition Test duration [s] lab scale

Turbine blades angle


depth h [m]

F2angle2 F2 no waves 60 30 0.3

F3angle2 F3 no waves 60 30 0.3

F7angle2 F7 no waves 60 30 0.3

H2F2angle2 F2 H2 44 30 0.3

H4F2angle2 F2 H4 51 30 0.3

H5F2angle2 F2 H5 41 30 0.3

H5F3angle2 F3 H5 41 30 0.3

H4F3angle2 F3 H4 51 30 0.3

H2F3angle2 F3 H2 44 30 0.3

H2F7angle2 F7 H2 44 30 0.3

H4F7angle2 F7 H4 51 30 0.3

H5F7angle2 F7 H5 41 30 0.3

H5 angle2 no current H5 41 30 0.3

H4 angle2 no current H5 51 30 0.3

H2 angle2 no current H2 41 30 0.3

NoWaveNoCurrent** no current no waves 60 30 0.3

** test performed to obtain the reference acquisition values at rest for the different instruments

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3 Results and Database The EXTREMAL-FLOATER project had the main outcome to produce a database containing all

significant variables related to the tested models, the FB model and the FBT model (i.e. free-

surface elevation for both models, plastic collection efficiency of the FB model, motion of the floater

in its 6-DoF, turbine strain gauge and generator output for the FBT model).

The data acquired during the EXTREMAL-FLOATER project are stored in an online archive

accessible (password protected) via the link:

3.1 Structure of the database

The data resulting from the EXTREMAL-FLOATER project has been stored in the LABIMA online

archive. The database has the following basic structure:

3.2 Data Analysis

Analysis of the data collected is ongoing, and it is intended that a journal publication and

conference presentation will result from such analysis.

4 Main Learning Outcomes

4.1 Progress Made

The tests on the FB tests (SEADS barriers) performed during the EXTREMAL-FLOATER projects

allowed to understand how the barriers behave under high speed water flow conditions

(corresponding to flooding conditions). The results allowed to improve the barrier stability in order

to optimize their effectiveness and the possibility of more easily being integrated effectively with

the tidal turbine.

As for the FBT tests, the major progress made during the EXTREMAL-FLOATER project is the

expansion of the knowledge base on the impact of concurrent wave and current on a tidal turbine

connected to a floating barrier, which can be compared to previously performed test on a similar

turbine fixed to the bottom. This knowledge base has been added to with both turbine performance

and structural deflection data.

The knowledge globally arising from this project, besides the aforementioned progress made for

the two tested models (and the related technologies) individually, could constitute a base for the

future development of the synergic interaction between the floating barriers and the tidal turbine.

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4.2 Key Lessons Learned

A small number of lessons learned have been identified at this stage. It is anticipated that more

specific points will arise during data analysis.

Key lesson learned from the FB tests (SEADS barriers):

The optimal angle of the barriers that allows to maximize their stability, especially for the

one downstream, is 30°, differently from what considered previously.

Increasing the speed of the water the barriers sink not homogeneously along their lengths,

the end of the barrier sinks much more than the rest of the structure.

The sinking was not due in majority to the forces applied by the anchorage (as previously

expected), but from the turbulence created behind the barriers. This is confirmed by the

sudden sinking ones the water overcome the border of the barriers.

In order to allow the barriers to float with sufficient stability and improve the value of the

synergy with the tidal turbine in high speed condition of the river flow the design needs to

be slightly modified in accordance to the results of the tests.

Key lesson learned from the FBT tests:

Visually, the turbine performance in the FBT cases did not appear significantly different to

the performance recorded during the SPECuWaTT project tests with a fixed turbine. Full

analysis of the data will confirm whether this is the case.

In some wave cases, the motion of the floater was sufficient to drive the turbine and

generate power, despite there being no flow rate.

5 Further Information

5.1 Website & Social Media


The project post access report, database and picture and video are available at:

LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook Links:

Some updates have been published on Twitter at and

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