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1. You know that you are successful when your students have completed the course successfully and even better when they are able to apply the principles, skills and used the knowledge when they practice them in the work place.

2. As a teacher its imperative that you know the many aspects of facilitation and process where you can facilitate effectively learning of your students. its critical that you will be able to quickly adjust if one style is not working and switch rather quickly to the one that will bring out the best learning for your students.

3. Must have an acute awareness and responsibility that education is part and parcel of the bigger socio, economic, cultural and political aspects of the world we live in and as teachers we have a responsibility to honor these fields in everything that we teach.

4. As teacher we should take it upon ourselves to study, research and master even the subject matter we are teaching. We owe it to our students not only to understand but to able to apply the knowledge learned and skills acquired.

5. As a teacher its not enough that we teach the same way and same style all the time. We must be able to apply different styles and different ways of teaching from the time we develop our materials, to lesson planning and the actual teaching itself, after all our audience varies and as well as more often than not they also learn differently.

6. Before becoming a full pledged teacher we must experience observing a class, how are teachers teach and adopt your own personal style and apply what you have learned and observed when you are about to do the teaching yourself.

7. We must at all times conduct ourselves professionally and ethically when teaching as teaching being a noble profession requires discipline, fairness and integrity at all times.

8. As teacher we must be acutely aware at all times that are learners are different and learn differently hence we must be able to use various ways of facilitating skills and methodologies and styles to ensure that we meet the needs of our learners. One must also be very quick to adapt to these changes as well as be patient and not get frustrated when one approach is not working.

9. As a teacher we must be constantly balance and checking if our teaching is effective and we are delivering the best program and topics where we maximize the learning of our students. its also important to always be cognizant of the bigger forces that surround and impact the learning institutions, our neighborhood and the whole country in general.

10. We must constantly strive to find new and exciting ways to deliver the lessons we are teaching to ensure that students learning is seamless, fun and effective. We must be able to apply these new methods and ways and see which one works well on certain taupe of leaders, environment and subject matter being taught.

11. Learning is a life lone journey and as teachers we are not only given the rare privilege of learning ourselves but being able to impart knowledge to the future generation that will carry forward these knowledge. One must not stop learning and we learn everyday and with everyone we come in contact with.




As a teacher one must have a steadfast commitment t constantly improve oneself just like learning itself that is never ending. Even if you achieve your objectives for a subject you are teaching you must continuously strive to be better and find ways to better your craft and devotion as a teacher. You not only owe to your students but to yourself as well. Along the journey there will be ups and downs and you must be cognizant of these ups and downs when you know that a certain approach yield very good learning experience as well as must be acutely aware if something that you taught was not effective leaving your students not improving or worse confused. Teaching is such a noble profession that us teachers must set aside our ego and personal feelings sometimes to ensure that our first priority is how our students should learn and the best and acquire knowledge and skills if you will in the most effective and seamless manner. This is hard to do when personal interest is involve but in the same token one must reach out from within them to be able to be effective teachers. The best teachers are the ones that provide unforgettable learning experiences to their students, somehow how harbor energy from within themselves and integrate those in their day to day teaching duties.