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Page 1: Private Activity

Invitation Only

Private Activity

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

Page 2: Private Activity


PRIVATE ACTIVITYWhat is A private Activity?

Private Activity is a concept embraced by

private groups of individuals and has been

in existence for many years. Our private

activity does not involve network

marketing, multi-level marketing, or a

business or commercial activity.

There are no business transactions,

investments and/or securities involved in

this activity.

There is no business or company name or

location and there are no directors,

officers, shareholders or

principals. Individuals simply support each

other in a team concept and help change live

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

Page 3: Private Activity



The concept of private gifting is based upon the

fact that both American and Canadian citizens

have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash

and other assets, and are subject to the rules and

regulations established by the laws. The U.S.

gifting rules are found in the IRS Tax Code, Title

26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.

The law states that one or more individuals can

give a gift to another individual of up to $12,000

each per calendar year without any tax liability to

either the giver or receiver of the gift, because the

tax on the gift has already been paid. WE ARE

NOT GIVING TAX ADVICE. Please consult a local

CPA regarding your decision to pay taxes on your

gifts or not.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

Page 4: Private Activity


PRIVATE ACTIVITYHow did this concept begin?

Giving private gifts to one another is an expression of kindness,

which has been going on for centuries. Governments have

allowed its practice for individuals to share their wealth with

families, friends and others. It has been a means of helping and

blessing others on special occasions or when the need arises.

Many cultures gift as a matter of course. Asian, Jewish and South

American communities gift individuals within their culture on a

regular basis so that they may start a business or buy a home.

They in turn gift someone else to help enhance their lives. Habitat

for Humanity is a great example of private gifting. Everyone

participates with their time, their talents and materials to build a

home for someone else. Some participate with a hammer, some

with nails, some with food and others with the monetary gifts to

purchase the supplies, but all create a team that works together

to bless someone's life.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

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How does Cash Gifting work?

This activity is offered only by means of an

exclusive one-to-one invitation. When someone

accepts the invitation, they move through a

natural progression from the giving to the

receiving stage of the activity. In this activity,

there is no fixed hierarchy of individuals who

have an advantageous position or unfair

advantage over new participants.

This Activity is Not at all associated with an investment scheme, a company or a business. We are not a company, just a private sharing club. We have zero sales quotas, we do not sell positions.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

Page 6: Private Activity


PRIVATE ACTIVITYWho can participate?This is a private sharing group, and is offered only through an exclusive one-on-one invitation to individuals over 18 years of age. You are invited to learn more about our activity and become part of something extraordinary. Your geographical location is totally irrelevant with our individual sharing activity.

Anyone can do this. Whether you are currently employed part-time or full-time, unemployed, retired, disabled, a student, single parent or a busy housewife, people from all walks of life are helping each other daily!

With our unique community support system behind you, it really makes no difference whatsoever, whether you're an absolutely new to our Private Activity,Or familiar with crowdfunding, and otherPhilanthropic communities.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

Page 7: Private Activity



Is this a company?

There isn't a company. We are a team of

individuals and we give "Gifts" to one another.

We are not a business or an investment. A

company can't withhold or misplace our gift.

We are totally in control and in charge of our

own gifts and gift directly one to another.

Why would I want to participate?"Gifting" has changed countless lives for the better. People who were about to lose their cars and homes have been saved from financial ruin, college education's have been made possible, and nearly forgotten dreams have come true, all from participation in "Gifting". "Gifting" is the fastest way I have found to legally and ethically give directly to someone in need and not have it going to some agency administration fees.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.

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What do I do next?

Accept this private invitation to

our community by filling out the


This sends your contact

information To your inviter who

will contact you To begin to see

how we can help you help others with us.

I have shewed

you all things,

how that so

labouring ye

ought to support

the weak,

and to remember

the words of the

Lord Jesus, how

he said, It is more

blessed to give than to receive.