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Page 1: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Sri Wahyuni S Farm Apt

Quiz What is pharmacokinetics

What your body does to the drug The quantitative analysis of the time course of

drug What are the steps of pharmacokinetics

Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion

Nasib Obat dalam Tubuh(Farmakokinetika)Apa yangterjadi padaobat setelahmasuk ke tubuh kita


Definition quantitative study of absorption distribution metabolism and elimination of chemicals in the body as well as the time course of these effectsSummary

- absorption- distribution- metabolism- elimination

Pharmacokinetics science that studies routes of administration absorption anddistribution bioavailability biotransformation and excretion of drugs

key factors in the drug experience

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 2: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Quiz What is pharmacokinetics

What your body does to the drug The quantitative analysis of the time course of

drug What are the steps of pharmacokinetics

Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion

Nasib Obat dalam Tubuh(Farmakokinetika)Apa yangterjadi padaobat setelahmasuk ke tubuh kita


Definition quantitative study of absorption distribution metabolism and elimination of chemicals in the body as well as the time course of these effectsSummary

- absorption- distribution- metabolism- elimination

Pharmacokinetics science that studies routes of administration absorption anddistribution bioavailability biotransformation and excretion of drugs

key factors in the drug experience

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 3: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Nasib Obat dalam Tubuh(Farmakokinetika)Apa yangterjadi padaobat setelahmasuk ke tubuh kita


Definition quantitative study of absorption distribution metabolism and elimination of chemicals in the body as well as the time course of these effectsSummary

- absorption- distribution- metabolism- elimination

Pharmacokinetics science that studies routes of administration absorption anddistribution bioavailability biotransformation and excretion of drugs

key factors in the drug experience

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 4: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Definition quantitative study of absorption distribution metabolism and elimination of chemicals in the body as well as the time course of these effectsSummary

- absorption- distribution- metabolism- elimination

Pharmacokinetics science that studies routes of administration absorption anddistribution bioavailability biotransformation and excretion of drugs

key factors in the drug experience

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 5: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Pharmacokinetics science that studies routes of administration absorption anddistribution bioavailability biotransformation and excretion of drugs

key factors in the drug experience

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 6: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Farmakokinetik Farmakodinamik

Bioavailabilitas Aksi Obat Efek Obat

1048633Rute pemberian1048633Absorpsi1048633Distribusi- Difusi- Kelarutan lipid- Ionisasi- Ikatan depot1048633Metabolisme1048633Ekskresi

bullReseptor- Hubungandosis-respon- Antagonisme

-Efek samping-Indeks terapi-Perubahan perilaku


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 7: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Concentration of a drug at its site of action is a fundamental determinant of its pharmacologic effects

Drugs are transported to and from their sites of action in the blood ndash because of that the concentration at the active site is a function of the concentration in the blood

The change in drug concentration over time in the blood at the site of action and in other tissues is a result of complex interactions of multiple biologic factors with the physicochemical characteristics of the drug

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 8: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Pharmacokinetics Drug molecules interact with target sites to

effect the nervous system The drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and

then carried to the target site(s) Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug

absorption distribution within body and drug elimination Absorption depends on the route of administration Drug distribution depends on how soluble the drug

molecule is in fat (to pass through membranes) and on the extent to which the drug binds to blood proteins (albumin)

Drug elimination is accomplished by excretion into urine andor by inactivation by enzymes in the liver


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 9: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 10: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Processes that Determine Drug Processes that Determine Drug PKPK

Absorption how the drug enters the blood The amount of acid in stomach or amount of food changes

the amount of drug absorbed This is why some drugs must be taken with or without food or

can not be taken with antacids

Distribution how the drug travels in the blood and how it goes into and out of other areas of the body

Metabolism how the body changes a drug usually in intestine and liver

Drug Elimination how the body gets the drug out via kidneys through urine or via liver though stool


Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 11: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Routes of Administration

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 12: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Carajalur pemberian(Routes of administration)

1048698 Bagaimana dan di mana obat memasuki tubuh akan menentukan seberapa banyak obat mencapai

tempat aksinya dan pada gilirannya menentukan besarnya efek

1048698 Jalur pemberian dapat mempengaruhi absorpsi obat1048698 Yang menentukan adalah Luas permukaan absorpsi Banyaknya membranbarrier yang harus dilewati Banyaknya obat yang terdegradasi Jumlah ikatan dengan depot

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 13: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Macam cara pemberian obat 1048698 bull Intravenous Injections (iv) 1048698 bull Intramuscular Injections (im) 1048698 bull Subcutaneous Administration (sc) 1048698 bull Intraperitoneal Injections (ip) 1048698 bull Inhalation 1048698 bull Oral Administration (po) 1048698 bull Other (eg Sublingual Topical

Transdermal etc)

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 14: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Injeksi subcutaneous

Sublingual Injeksi Intramuscular

Intra vena Inhalasi ip

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 15: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Anestesi epidural pada akan melahirkan

Anestesi epidural pada ibu yangakan melahirkan

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 16: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Sebelum dapat memberikanefek obat harus masuk kedalam sirkulasi sistemik

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 17: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Routes of administration

Time course of drug blood levels depends on route of administration They are also associated with differential duration of drug effect

bullCp maxbullTmaxbullOnsetbullClbullT12


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 18: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 19: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Liberation Applies to drugs given orally Components

Release of drug from pill tablet capsule Dissolving of active drug in GI fluids

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Ex Enteric coated Ex Enteric coated aspirin slows absorption in aspirin slows absorption in

stomach vs non-coatedstomach vs non-coated

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 20: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Absorption Movement from administration site into


Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 21: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Absorpsi Obat

Adalah perpindahan obat dari tempat pemberian menuju ke sirkulasi darah dan target aksinya

Untuk memasuki aliran sistemikpembuluh darah obat harus dapat melintasi membranbarrier merupakan faktor terpenting bagi obat untuk mencapai tempat aksinya ( misal otak jantunganggota badan lain)

Obat harus dapat melewati berbagai membran sel (misalnya sel usus halus pembuluh darah sel glia di otak sel saraf)

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 22: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Mekanisme perpindahantransport obat 1048698 Difusi pasif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah merupakan mekanisme transport sebagian besar

obat 1048698 Transport aktif Perpindahan obatsenyawa dari kompartemen yang berkonsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi membutuhkan energi dan protein pembawacarrier mekanisme transport obat-obat tertentu

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 23: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Difusi Pasif Transport Aktif

Senyawa lipofilik Senyawa hidrofilik carrier

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 24: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Difusi pasif Tergantung pada bull ukuran dan bentuk molekul obat bull kelarutan obat dalam lemak bull derajat ionisasi obat

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 25: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Pengaruh kelarutan obat dalam lipid

1048698 Membran sel tersusun oleh molekul lipid (lemak) 1048698 Akibatnya obat yang dapat larut dalam lipid (lipid soluble) akan

berdifusi melalui membran lebih mudah dibandingkan obat yang

larut dalam air (water soluble) 1048698 Kelarutan obat dalam lipid dinyatakan sebagai Koefisien Partisi (P)

angka yang menunjukkan perbandingan kelarutan obat dalam

lipid dan air 1048698 P = rasio obat yang tidak terionkan yang terdistribusi pada fase air

dan lipid pada keadaan kesetimbangan (equilibrium)

1048698 Pow = (CoilCwater)equilibrium 1048698 P gt 1 lipofilik P lt 1 hidrofilik 1048698 Dengan demikian faktor utama kelarutan dalam lipid adalah derajat


Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 26: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Derajat ionisasi

Adalah banyaknya obat yang terionkan (menjadi bermuatan)

ketika dilarutkan dalam air Faktor penentu utama ionisasi 1048698 Sifat asam-basa obat asam lemah atau basa

lemah (sebagian besar obat adalah asam lemah atau basa lemah)

1048698 Sifat asam-basa cairan solven (pelarut)-nya asam atau

basa (obat yang bersifat asam lemah akan lebih terionisasi pada

suasana basa sedangkan obat yang bersifat basa lemah akan

terionisasi pada suasana asam)

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 27: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Contoh obat dan sifat keasamannyaBasa Diazepam Klordiazepoksid Trimetoprim Morfin Norepinefrin Dopamin Propranolol Amfetamin Klorokuin

Asam Levodopa Penisilin Aspirin Metotreksat Sulfametoksazol Klorotiazid Fenobarbital Fenitoin Asam askorbat

Makin basa

Makin asam

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 28: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Aturan Molekul akan menjadi kurang bermuatan (tidak terionisasi )


berada pada suasana pH yang sama dan akan lebih bermuatan jika

berada di pH yang berbeda Semakin bermuatan suatu molekul akan semakin sulit

menembus membran Semakin kurang bermuatan suatu molekul akan lebih

mudah menembus membran Dapat menjadi prediktor terhadap sifat absorpsi obat Contoh

Aspirin (bersifat asam lemah) akan lebih mudah terabsorpsi di lambung atau usus


Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 29: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Factors Affecting LiberationAbsorption Formulation factors

Tablet disintegration Inert ingredient

solvent effects Solubility Drug pH Concentration

Patient factors Absorbing surface Blood flow Environmental pH Disease states Interactions with food

other drugs

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 30: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Lipid Bilayer

Small uncharged

Large uncharged

Small charged ions

H2O urea CO2 O2 N2

Glucose Sucrose

H+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl- HCO3





Membranes and Absorption

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 31: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form

Aspirin is an acidic drug In the stomach will it exist mostly in ionized or non-ionized form


A real live actual clinical question


Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 32: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Lipid Bilayer

How will this affect aspirin absorption

Ionized form (charged) Ionized form (charged) A-

Ionized form (uncharged) Ionized form (uncharged) HA HA

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 33: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Moral of the story

Acidic drugs are best absorbed from acidic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments

Basic drugs are best absorbed from basic environments


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 34: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipacidify the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

To absorption of an acidic drughellipalkalanize the environment

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 35: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Absorpsi pada Blood-Brain Barrier(sawar darah otak)

Agar dapat menembus sawar darah otak

suatu obat harus Tetap tidak terionkan pada pH darah Memiliki koefisien partisi yang tinggi (larut dalam lipid) Atau menggunakan bantuan suatu

mekanisme transport (misalnya L-DOPA)

Khusus untuk obat-obat yang tempat aksinya ada di otak ia harusdapat menembus sawar darah otak

Guna sawar darah otak melindungi otak dari bahan-bahan yangmungkin berbahaya


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 36: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 37: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Distribution Rate of perfusion Plasma protein (albumin) binding Accumulation in tissues Ability to cross membranes

Blood-brain barrier Placental barrier

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 38: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Distribution The movement of drug from the blood

to and from the tissues

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 39: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Distribusi -- Ikatan depot

1048698 Adalah ikatan suatu obat dengan suatu bagian tidak aktif seperti albumin (pada darah) otot tulang lemak atau liver

Perlu diingat bahwa

1048698 Efek suatu obat tergantung kepada konsentrasi obat di tempat

aksinya (reseptor)

1048698 Hanya obat dalam bentuk bebas (tidak terikat) yang dapat dengan bekerja di tempat aksinya menghasilkan efek

1048698 Obat terikat dan tidak terikat berada dalam kesetimbangan dalam darah digambarkan dgn persamaan sbb

D + A harr DA

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 40: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Efek ikatan depot terhadap efek terapi

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 41: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Plasma Protein Binding Many drugs bind to plasma proteins in the blood

steam Plasma protein binding limits distribution A drug that binds plasma protein diffuses less

efficiently than a drug that doesnrsquot

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 42: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin warfarin (Coumadin) is highly protein bound (99) Aspirin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin binds to the same site on serum proteins as does Coumadin If a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happenIf a patient on Coumadin also takes aspirin what will happen

The available Coumadin will increase

Plasma Protein Binding

1) Why2) Why do we care

1) Why2) Why do we care

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 43: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly The blood brain barrier consists of cell tightly packed around the capillaries of the CNS packed around the capillaries of the CNS What characteristics must a drug possess to What characteristics must a drug possess to easily cross this barriereasily cross this barrier

Non-protein bound non-ionized and highly lipid soluble

Blood-Brain Barrier



The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 44: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


The irreversible removal of the parent drugs from the body


Drug Metabolism (Biotransformation)


Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 45: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Metabolism (Biotransformation) Two effects

Transformation to less active metabolite Enhancement of solubility

Liver = primary site Liver disease

Slows metabolism Prolongs effects

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 46: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Metabolisme(biotransformasi) Suatu proses kimia di mana suatu obat diubah di dalam tubuh menjadi

suatumetabolitnya Organ metabolisme utama liverhepar

Hasil metabolisme bisa Lebih atau kurang aktif inaktif atau tidak

berubah dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitasnya

umumnya menjadi bentuk yang kurang aktif

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 47: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Hepatic lsquoFirst-Passrsquo Metabolism Affects orally administered drugs Metabolism of drug by liver before drug

reaches systemic circulation Drug absorbed into portal circulation must

pass through liver to reach systemic circulation

May reduce availability of drug

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 48: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

First-Pass Metabolism Obat yang digunakan secara oral akan melalui liverhepar

sebelum masuk ke dalam darah menuju ke daerah lain dari tubuh

(mis Otak jantung paru-paru jaringan lainnya) Di dalam liver terdapat enzim khusus (yaitu sitokrom P450) yang

akan mengubah obat menjadi bentuk metabolitnya Metabolit umumnya menjadi lebih larut dalam air (polar) dan akan

dengan cepat diekskresikan keluar tubuh (melalui urin feses

keringat dll) Hal ini akan secara dramatik mempengaruhi kadar obat dalam

plasma obat-obat yang mengalamifirst past metabolism akan

kurang bioavailabilitasnya efek berkurang

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 49: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Oral Administration





Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 50: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Type Metabolisme

Nonsynthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase I)1048698 Oxidasi reduksi hydrolysis alkilasi dealkilasi Metabolitnya bisa lebih aktiftidak dari pada senyawa

asalnya Umumnya tidak dieliminasi dari tubuh kecuali dengan

adanya metabolisme lebih lanjut

Synthetic Reactions (Reaksi Fase II) Konjugasi (glukoronidasi sulfatasi) Penggabungan suatu obat dengan suatu molekul lain Metabolitnya pada umumnya lebih larut dalam air dan

mudah diekskresikan

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 51: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Skema metabolisme obat

Absorpsi Metabolisme Eliminasi

Fase I Fase II

Obat A Konjugasi

Obat B

Obat C

Obat D







Lipofilik Hidrofilik

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 52: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Faktor yang mempengaruhi metabolismeobat1 Induksi enzim dapat meningkatkan kecepatan biotransmormasi

dirinya sendiri atau obat lain yang dimetabolisme oleh enzim yang

sama dapat menyebabkan toleransi

2 Inhibisi enzim kebalikan dari induksi enzim biotransformasi obat

diperlambat bioavailabilitas meningkat efek menjadi lebih

besar dan lebih lama

3 Kompetisi (interaksi obat) terjadi pada obat yang dimetabolisir

oleh sistem enzim yang sama (contoh alcohol dan barbiturates)

4 Perbedaan individu karena adanya genetic polymorphisms

seseorang mungkin memiliki kecepatan metabolisme berbeda

untuk obat yang sama

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 53: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Consequences Of Metabolism Drug metabolism = Drug inactivation The metabolite may have

Equal activity to the drug No or reduced activity Increased activity (Prodrugs) Toxic properties not seen with the parent drug


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 54: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Kidneys = primary site Mechanisms dependent upon

Passive glomerular filtration Active tubular transport

Partial reabsorption Hemodialysis

Renal disease Slows excretion Prolongs effects


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 55: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


Obat akan dieliminasi dari dalam tubuh dalam bentuk metabolitnya

atau bentuk tidak berubah Organ ekskresi utama adalah ginjal urin Namun bisa juga melalui paru-paru keringat air liur

feses ASI

T12 (half-life) waktu yangdibutuhkan obat sehinggakonsentrasinya dalam darah menjadi separonya

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 56: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Active Tubular Transport

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

Probenecid is moved into the urine by the same transport pump that moves many antibiotics Why is probenecid sometimes given as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy

It competes with the antibiotic at the pump and slows its excretion

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 57: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

A patient has overdosed on phenobartital A patient has overdosed on phenobartital Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the Phenobarbital is an acid If we lsquoalkalinalizersquo the urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen urine by giving bicarbonate what will happen to the phenobarbital molecules as they are to the phenobarbital molecules as they are filtered through the renal tubulesfiltered through the renal tubules

They will ionize

Urine pH and Elimination


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 58: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums


HA H+ + A-

How will this affect phenobarbital reabsorption by the kidney

Decreased reabsorptionDecreased reabsorption

Increased eliminationIncreased elimination


Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 59: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Thank U Matur Nuwun

See U Next week

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 60: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

ADME - Summary

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 61: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

PK DefinitionsPK Definitions

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time Postdose (hr)






a C






Cmax Maximum concentration ndash may relate to some side effects

AUC Area under the curve (filled area) = overall drug exposure

Cmin minimum or trough concentrations may relate with efficacy of HIV drugs


Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 62: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Drug Levels amp ResistanceDrug Levels amp Resistance

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 63: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

How Do Drug Interactions HappenHow Do Drug Interactions Happen

They occur due to changes in the pharmacokinetics

of a drug Changes in the absorption distribution

metabolism and excretion (ADME) of a drugToxic



0 6 12 18 24 TIME





Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 64: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Concentration versus Time Profiles

One-Compartment Model Assumes body as one compartment 1

Two-Compartment Model

Central compartment (drug entry and elimination)

Tissue compartment (drug distributes)

1 2





Broadly the concentration ndash time profiles can be viewed as two different ways

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 65: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

The one compartment model linear assumes that the drug in question is evenly distributed throughout the body into a single compartment

This model is only appropriate for drugs which rapidly and readily distribute between the plasma and other body tissues

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 66: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

The distribution phase for aminoglycosides is only 15-30 minutes therefore we can use a one-compartment model with a high degree of accuracy

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 67: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Drugs which exhibit a slow equilibration with peripheral tissues are best described with a two compartment model

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 68: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Vancomycin is the classic example its distribution phase is 1 to 2 hours Therefore the serum level time curve of vancomycin may be more accurately represented by a 2-compartment model

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 69: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Plasma Concentration-Time Profile for a Drug Following a Single Oral Dose

Rate of drug accumulation at any time dDBODYdt= dDABSdt - dDELIMdt

Absorption PhasedDABSdt gt dDELIMdt

At time of peak drug concdDABSdt = dDELIMdt

Post-absorption PhasedDABSdt lt dDELIMdt

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 70: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

Effect of a Change in Absorption Rate Constant (Ka) on Plasma Drug Concentration Versus Time Curve



B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order






Page 71: Prinsip Farmakokinetika Farmasi Fkg ums

B AmsdenCHEE 440

Open one-compartment model

process of distribution to each compartment is much faster than absorption into blood and elimination

drug concentration everywhere in the compartment is equal (CSTR)

elimination processes are pseudo-1st order




