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Dear Parents We are already into the seventh week of the school year! The boys have settled into routines very quickly and there is a real sense of focus around the school. A wide range of activities have taken place for both the boys and their parents.


Coming up we have an evening for all new parents to Wellesley on Wednesday 18th March at 6.30pm This is always an enjoyable evening and I look forward to seeing you there.

Camps and Outdoor Education

As usual at this time of year, outdoor education is very much on the agenda with the whole school involved. It really is a feature of Wellesley. The Junior School enjoyed their sleepover and fishing while the Y4-5 camp was loved by all. The Y8 camp at Castlepoint and the Y7 outdoor educational experience were both successful. The school pool has been very warm and classes have enjoyed the opportunity for a lesson or a dip. The sea swimming for the older boys has again been a highlight.

Open Day and Information Evening

Our Open Day on Sunday 8th March was a great success with nearly 50 families taking the opportunity to visit the school. The Information Evening on Wednesday 11th March was also well attended. Boys who had undertaken the Leadership Training earlier in the term undertook the tasks of meeting and greeting, hosting tours and serving afternoon tea at the Open Day and speaking at the Information Evening. They were well received by our guests and we attracted some very positive feedback. I must send my congratulations and thanks to all staff and boys involved in both events as they really embodied Wellesley’s values.

Strategic Planning and 2015+

The School is at an exciting point in its life. The future holds many challenges and exciting opportunities arising in an ever-changing world for our boys. Wellesley is, and has, always focussed on boys and building positive relationships with individuals to equip them with a myriad of skills, both in and outside the classroom, facilitated by competent and professional staff. This will remain extant and the warm and positive relationships we experience with our community are fundamental to future direction. To that end, it is a focus over the coming year to invigorate our discussions around what Wellesley does well and how we articulate this to the broader community. Communicating who we are and what we value gives clarity to our thoughts in preparation for a future thinking focus. We will draw on current research and what the learning environment must look like to maintain our strengths whilst being innovative and dynamic enough to face the future educational, vocational and worldly challenges our boys may face. We will focus on keeping warm and strong relationships with our community with the understanding that it’s about the boys, and keep lines of communication open to engage our stakeholders to make considered, measured and informed decisions. It’s an exciting prospect and a journey I look forward to making with you all.

Wellesley College Newsletter # 2 17th March 2015

Castle Point Camp Photos

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Civil Defence

Many thanks for your support with the can and water collection. We now have a good supply should an emergency occur.


If your son is sick or away from school for any reason, please ring the school office before 9.00am. Our absentee number is 562 8030 then press 2.

Science and Technology Even though the science room has been out of action, it’s been great to see lots of classes making the most of the good weather and enjoying some science and technology – outdoors. We have been having a blast in the Junior school. All the boys have been making water bottle rockets and launching them in Williams Park. We were fortunate to have Dr Stirling come and share his rockets with Year 2. Thank you for sharing all your useful tips and ideas. We’ve been learning about air pressure and its effect on the world around us. Each boy is also making their own wooden label to hang above their coat peg in the cloak room. Robotics has started up again with some classes and once the science room is back to normal boys will be able to join either the Year 5 and 6 lunchtime club, or the Year 7 and 8 lunchtime club. We will also be having more whole class sessions. A large part of the science teacher role is to support the classroom programme. The Year 5 classes have been looking at the stream study in their class and then I have been helping them out with some practical investigations. We have been testing the water clarity, the temperature and investigating the stream habitat. I think they had the most fun feeding the eels and watching them swim upstream over the rocks and branches! As part of the Year 6’s learning about being Sunsmart we have been investigating the UV intensity under different conditions and the boys have found some surprising results. Some of the Year 7’s revised how to conduct a fair test. They looked at how to make the perfect jelly and investigated the amount of Thriftee and gelatin required to get the right flavour and wobble! Patience paid off when they all finally got to taste their jelly.

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As part of the National Seaweek it was great to have a class join me to help clean up our Days Bay beach. The group were surprised at just how much rubbish we collected. Great effort boys! I also took down a few classes to the beach at low tide and we had a great time exploring the rock pools and discovering the marine life right at our doorstep. Once again I am hoping to get the lunchtime science club up and running. We have got a couple of sessions in the pipeline but would love some other parents who can spare some time to come along and share an interest or passion with the boys. I’m open to any kind of science/technology ideas! Please send me an email if you are keen to help or if you have any questions. There are further details and information on my science blog: Jo Hawthorne

Buddy-Up Time Once again this year, we are making a big effort to encourage Year 7 + 8 interaction with the Junior boys. A buddy system, where on regular occasions the older and younger pairs get together for activities, has already been established. This liaison fosters leadership skills in the Seniors and provides peer support for the Years 1-4 and not surprisingly is a relationship valued by both boys. The younger boys have also been buddied up with the older boys for bus travel.

Years 4 – 5 Camp Report

We had a very successful Years 4 and 5 Middle School Camp in Week 3. Apart from a bit of a restless night on Wednesday, the boys were amazing and made the most of the activities on offer. On the Wednesday we went on a tramp over to Butterfly Creek. The boys managed this walk well, and really looked forward to their well-deserved swim at Eastbourne Pool in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday were full-on with a variety of sessions. This year the boys participated in kayaking, camp art, camp cooking, fishing, orienteering, paddleboarding and golf. Group 1 took out the fishing prize, catching a record 15 fish in one session! The golfing activity had a bit of a competitive element to it this year, to see who could hit the furthest. Jude in Year 4 accomplished this and was presented with a t-shirt in School Assembly. Paddleboarding and Kayaking were activities the boys found both enjoyable and challenging, especially in the afternoon when the sea became choppier. It was great to see the boys working in pairs in the double kayaks and pair-paddling on the paddleboards. Most managed to stand up and control their boards. A big thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped in so many ways. This included help with transport, getting the food organized, staying overnight and the activities. A special thank you to the parents who helped with the cleaning up.

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We would particularly like to thank Nic Nelson, our ‘Camp Mum’ for her time and hard work in keeping us all fed and happy. There is a lot of organizing that goes into the food side of camp. Nic had everything running like clockwork, injured finger and all! A big thank you also to Georgina Astwick who helped out in the ‘Camp Mother’ role and will be taking on the role officially next year. Also thanks to the ‘Days Bay Boatshed’, Sam from ‘Wellington Sports Programme’ and Ray from ‘First Tee Golf’. All the instructors were very encouraging towards the boys. Lastly thanks to the boys themselves who made this Camp such a success. They were enthusiastic and made the most of the great weather and activities. Christine Trummer

Junior Sleep Over

What a great success this was for our Junior School. Over fifty-five excited children and staff took on the challenge of our overnight stay. The afternoon started with fun swimming in our pool. Next, biscuits and drinks for everyone. Time for the sleeping quarters to be organised, and for children to find their special places in the classroom. For some children, this was the first time away from home. Pyjamas, pillows, sleeping bags etc, organised for bedtime. Fish and chips were collected and we enjoyed a sumptuous pre-ordered meal. Twilight fishing, amazing- a magical night! Thank you so much for being part of this wonderful experience. The 1:1 parent child ratio makes all the difference. Small hot drinks of milo were enjoyed by everybody. Bedtime, toilet and teeth cleaning. Torches off and sleep time at about 9.45pm. Everybody was fast asleep at about 10.45pm! Last child at 11.15pm!

Parents and caregivers from the Middle school fed us with toast and cereal and later, a wonderful lunch. A special thanks to the Middle school parents especially Nic and Georgina, for co-ordinating the food for breakfast and lunch and providing the child: parent ratio overnight. I would like to personally thank the Junior Staff who provided this opportunity for your child to have a wonderful overnight experience. A lot of work goes in behind the scenes ensuring that the safety of your child is at the forefront of the experience. Not many Junior Schools take on this challenge! I know many parents have acknowledged and thanked staff for this experience.

Some of the photos of the sleepover can be viewed on the Year 3 class page.

Year 3 class page: Alison Garland


Congratulations to Toby Marks, Efe Karagedikli and David Lillis who performed beautifully at the Information Evening recently. Toby plays the saxophone; Efe and David learn the violin, and all three learn from Wellesley tutors and are members of our school orchestra. Interest in instrumental and vocal tution has been high and lessons are now underway. It is fantastic to see violin and vocal lessons really taking off. We are keen to foster more interest in cello as well. If your son is interested, please contact Mrs Morgan. The Senior auditioned choir had their first rehearsal last week and are busy preparing for the Easter service. Year 6 choir will commence in Term 2. Orchestra gets under way in Term 2 and notes have gone out to boys who have indicated interested in joining. Boys who have around two years or so experience on their instrument are welcome to join us, no matter what age.

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Performance opportunities include WEBO (Wellington Bands and Orchestra Festival); Grandparents Day; and the Itinerant's Music Concert. We also hoping to arrange an exchange with Chilton St James School this year. If your son is interested but missed out on the note, copies are available from the school office. The orchestra is run by Mrs Morgan and Mr Paris (our woodwind tutor). Auditions for rock band are in progress! The rock band is run by our guitar tutor Rob Joass with support from Mrs Morgan, and rehearsals are held on Wednesdays during lunchtime. The whole school are attending the bi-annual Capital E Arts Festival in Wellington City over the next few weeks. The boys will see a variety a performances and be exposed to a wide range of material!

Mary-Anne Morgan, Carolyn Currington and Ruth Hooke

Golf Day

On Friday 27 March we hold our Biennial Golf Competition at Boulcott Farms Golf Course in the Hutt. An Ambrose tournament starting at midday, it is a fun day with the WCPA trophy to play for and fun games along with the way. We have lots of interest but are asking for those registrations to be completed by the end of this week. Please find the link on:

On a last note, we are still on the lookout for more of our generous sponsors for the golf tournament. This can come in many forms; an item for our auction (goods, holiday homes, services etc.), sponsoring something on the day or sponsoring a hole (with your signage) that includes a round for 4.

EOTC, Sport and PE

Junior Swimming National Champion. Ben Stirling won 4 medals and is now the national 12 year old 50m and 100m breaststroke champion. The boys swam very well at the four different school swimming sports. The following were the final individual and house results:

Year 4 – 1st Mitchell Heberley, 2nd James Bain and 3rd Ned Dassanayake

Year 5 – 1st David Lillis, 2nd Gaurav Navalkar, 3rd Arthur Egerton

Year 6 – 1st Thomas Bain, 2nd Oliver Pope, 3rd Krishin Cox

Year 7/8 – 1st Ben Stirling, 2nd Thomas Pou (1st Y7), 3rd Kyle Foo

Year 4/5 – Marlborough

Year 6 – Wellington

Year 7/8 – Croydon

If you have something you can help us with, we would appreciate it. Please contact [email protected].

Hope to see you soon Wellesley College Parent's Association

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The Year 7 and 8 Athletics team competed in the Zone event at the Petone Recreational Ground last week. Ther e were a lot of great performances and the boys enjoyed the meet. A group of Wellesley boys are entered in the Weetbix TRYathlon on Sunday 29 March at Kilbirnie Park. The race packs should arrive during the week of the event. Parents are encouraged to look at the web site for general information. The boys are the responsibility of their parents on the day and all Wellesley boys competing can go in the Wellesley photo after the prize giving.

The Year 7 boys took part in the Yachting New Zealand “Have-A-Go” programme in Week 3. The boys spent half a day learning the basics of sailing in Yachting NZ boats at the Seaview Marina. We hope to book the Year 8 boys in at the end of the year. A Year 4 Rippa rugby team played in the Wellington rugby tournament. The team played very well in winning all their games and their pool. Year 3 and 4 boys playing basketball have started their Randwick School based league on Monday nights. The boys are working hard to develop their skills. Return basketball slips for Year 5 to 8 boys wishing to play next term were due back today. The Cricket World Cup has captured the nation. The Year 8 boys played cricket with their junior buddies to highlight the start of the competition. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of boys playing at breaks. Wellesley entered the Year 6 and 1st XI cricket teams in the two Active Post Cricket Wellington competitions. The Year 6 team beat Karori Normal, Hutt Central and Muritai comfortably to progress to the semi-final against Scots College. The team had beaten Scots in our traditional fixture earlier in the term so have been put through to the final. The 1st XI beat Muritai and Ferguson Intermediate comfortably to progress to the quarter-final against St Bernard’s College. The traditional fixture with Scots College took place on Thursday 26 February. The three cricket teams, two tennis teams and softball team won all their games. This was a great result and illustrates the strength of our teams. Last week four teams played St Mark’s School. The weather cleared beautifully for the fixture at Wellesley and Te Whiti Park. The following boys were appointed 1st team captains:

Cricket – Matthew McCallum

Tennis – Oliver Hall

Softball – Zach Coventry

The School Underwater Hockey team won the silver in the first tournament of the year which was a fantastic achievement so early in the season. There is strong interest so we have been able to enter two teams in the second tournament this weekend. Thank you to David Stirling who is managing the teams this year. Boys in Year 6 (Tuesdays) and Year 7/8 have the use of the school table tennis tables during breaks and lunch times. These boys require their own bats and balls but equipment is supplied when used as part of the PE programme across Year 4-8 levels. The boys receive badges for various teams they are involved in and value these highly. The school covers the cost of the initial ribbon badge and individual badges but will charge for any replacement badges ($6 for ribbon badges and $4 individual badges).

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The uniform shop has school tracksuits for sale and they are a compulsory item for Year 7/8 boys. They will be well used in the winter months so contact Fiona Donnelly in the uniform shop for more information if your son doesn’t have one. Both the old and new styles can be worn but please name them clearly! The old winter 1st team gear bags are being replaced by a new version. These bags are suitable for all Year 5 to 8 boys who will be bringing training gear to school and travelling away with teams next term. The bags can be ordered through the uniform shop. They are embroidered with the Wellesley logo and the initials of the individual. Cost: $50

Darren Houston

B269a Signature Sports Bag

600D polyester/ PVC

Large U-shaped zip main compartment

Zip pockets each end

Removable, adjustable shoulder strap & pad


Size: w59.5 x h30 x d32 cm

Capacity: 57L

Wellesley Sports bag


Orders to through the uniform shop.

Embroidered with school crest/name and individual initials.

Suitable for Year 5 to 8 boys who will be bringing winter sports gear.

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Uniform Shop Hours

The uniform shop is open: Tuesdays 8.30am – 10.30am Thursdays 10.30am – 1.30am

Scholarships to Secondary Schools Families interested in considering applying for a scholarship to any of the Independent Schools should make contact with their school(s) of choice.

Key dates

Wednesday March 18 New Parents Welcome Drinks 6.30pm

Friday March 20 Years 7/8 Dance - Wellesley

Monday March 23 Powhiri for Brendan Pitman

Wednesday March 25 Hereworth Sports Trip, Havelock North

Friday March 27 Wellesley Golf Tournament 12.30pm

Sunday March 29 Weetbix TRYathlon

Tuesday March 31 School Cross Country

Thursday April 2 Last Day Term 1

Friday April 3 Good Friday

Monday April 20 First Day Term 2


Please note that notices posted in this section of the Principal’s Pen have not necessarily been vetted by Wellesley College. We therefore advise that if you are interested in any of the services

advertised that you check them out yourself.

Autumn Holiday Programme @ Waterloo School, 7 – 17 April 2015

Our quality programme offers exciting field trips, fun games, art & craft and

sport activities for primary aged children. Our experienced team members are

looking forward to meeting your child. All staff trained and police vetted. For enquiries and/ or

enrolment please ph. 234-6440 or e-mail [email protected]. The programme is OSCAR

approved. Everyone welcome . Boys Hip Hop Dance Classes Tuesdays 4:30-5:15pm St Ronans Hall, 234 Muritai Rd To register call Pump Dance Studios on (04) 384 7867 or visit

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Drama Club - after school drama classes for children - specialising in poetry, characterisation, public

speaking and plays. Speech and drama examinations are available for children of all ages. I have small

classes of approximately 5-8 pupils and all classes are grouped by age. Enrol your child

at, or email Bridie at [email protected]. Alternatively you can contact

Bridie on 021 054 2593. Spaces still available for this term.

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