Download - Prime Matter- The Explanation for Atoms- Neal Adams

Page 1: Prime Matter- The Explanation for Atoms- Neal Adams

A New Model of the Universe Neal Adams June 11, 2006 This is the important part of the growing Earth/Growing universe theory. The "standard model" says..." 4 particles (at this stage), make the whole (matter) universe.

1. The Electron 2. The Electron-neutrino 3. The Up Quark 4. The Down Quark "This new model says, there is only one Particle, the Prime Matter particle. 1. The Prime Matter (the "Ocean" that is our universe.) Which is 1 whole particle (the other two are thrust from this.) 2. The Electron. 1/2 particle 3. The Positron. 1/2 particle These single particles fill the universe from edge to edge. An ocean of Prime Matter particles. If one of these Matter particles is struck by a photon of energy, it is thrust in half, into two half pieces. These two half particles are the only two basic matter particles of the universe. Every particle of every sort is made of these three, or some combination of them, and the only field in the universe is the field between these two half particles, which is merely trying to bring these particles back together again, JUST as the universe is trying to hold the universe apart. (From spin.) These Prime Matter particles are invisible to us because their magnetic field is inward facing. A matter particle’s (electro)-magnetic field is by comparison to its field like a fly in a baseball stadium. If that same field is flowing only within, the electron shell (bubble) to the positron at the core this is a very small field indeed. Though as strong as an electron positron pairs combined field. And only when a photon strikes a Prime Matter particle and splits it, does its magnetic field blossom out and become revealed and apparent to us, as matter.

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Once the positron is understood to be "The Other Half-Particle" The Standard Model becomes obsolete....AND the universe becomes completely balanced in energy AND mass. 100.0 percent. (Remember the Positron is only "Anti-matter" relative to Electrons, just as ELECTRONS are ANTI-MATTER to POSITRONS, And Electrons are 'inconveniently' on the outside of the atom and so they are IN-HARM'S-WAY). SO … to put a fine point on it … Every electron in the universe is matched perfectly, energy for energy, mass for mass, by the single positron that is inside each proton. Commonly it is thought that the proton does not contain a positron … for a number of reasons … yet in positive beta decay a positron is ejected. Most would say the positron is produced, but it is truly in there. One day soon … a collider will pop out, (if it doesn’t find an electron first.)

The positron is the "plus one" of the proton. All other particles balance out neutral, unless you ‘manage’ or 'fudge' the physics. In this theory it has to be there … it is what built the proton and it provides the ‘strong force’ that binds it. It had to be in there! All other 919 particles that make up the proton are neutral prime matter "WHOLE" particles. Why such an odd number as 919?? Well the positron is the 920th (half) particle in the proton. When we add the other half- particle, the electron, we get 920 or...1840 electron 1/2 electron weight! Just as electrons in shells exchange energy, the Prime Matter particles that make up the Proton and Neutron, exchange energy,...and so are mistaken for, what we call Quarks and such. Still, they are Prime Matter particles. At this level stronger than the electrons exchange rate in atom’s shells. Prime matter particles, also, exchange or borrow and share CHARGE. Inner particles need greater charge so they borrow from the particles we call quarks. Too simple? It has to be….simple, doesn’t it? And first….the math works. This model has strong advantages over THE STANDARD MODEL.

Page 3: Prime Matter- The Explanation for Atoms- Neal Adams

With your permission and indulgence? A Short Story...from a time matter existed. The forever universe…a universe of seeming emptiness exists. It's inactive, no apparent energy, as we know it. Energy, in our matter reality, is defined as, well, tension under stress, waiting to be released! Wound up energy. It’s almost like you wind up some ...area and set it there and put a pin in it and wait until something comes along to release it. All atoms of matter have this…potential energy E=mc2. Gives us a headache to think of it. If someone tells you they understand it…they’re certainly exagerations. This forever universe has the same potential, but its not wound all, to make matter from this nothing, we must do something, wind it up, stress it, make it ...different! Future generations will discover what this emptiness is...but, it is there, and we know it…because WE EXIST and our universe EXISTS..........WITHIN IT. How big is it all? (Whew) Bigger than you or I have the ability to imagine and more and more beyond that. (We, our known universe, are in a small goldfish bowl of this universe.) Let's say...for a minute we can use our small matter Galaxy as a model of this big super-universe, and some of the same rules apply relative to, say, movement. We say there are some areas of movement that our perception would consider random, (but which is probably not random at all), like the movements of galaxies. We actually see galaxies pass through other galaxies out there. Let’s say a portion of the super universe rides by another, say galaxies....or the gases on the outer surface of Jupiter. On the surface of Jupiter gases ride BY each other in layers. When this happens the layers are traveling at differing speeds, like trains riding by each other at differing speeds. One train going faster than the other causes a series of whirlpools of air between the trains. On Jupiter we see the same thing. Two streams of gas side by side, one is faster than the other and so BETWEEN THE LAYERS we see rolling balls of gas. (The same thing happens to initiate the eddies that become the suns in a galaxy like ours. In the super-universe one of those spinning balls of gas is our universe. (This action, likely, is what creates our matter galaxies, also.)

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Here then is the birth of 'our' non-matter universe. This one small ball of ...universal spin makes 'our' universe.....! That's all. Though this, our, universe is NOTHING (to our perception). The spin pulls outward at this nothing. But this....NOTHING doesn't 'want' to be" thinned out",...IT RESISTS! THE PULLING WINS! But we don't get one big bubble of less emptiness. Planke sees to that. Billion upon billions of tiny bubbles are created, stretched out. Held by tendrils of force, (The same stuff, stretched out. The magnetic "lines" are the stretched stuff in-pulling. the spaces between the lines are the tear-aparts and they are negative. It's a mighty tug of war between and on these 'lines') This asks the question, do the magnetic line around the Sun hold the planets “ON” the lines, or does the space between the lines “PUSH” the planets to the lines? (Or both?) Each bubble holds a portion of that pulling apart....At the core OF each bubble is the "Attracting" in-pulling point object. We call it a positron. "ALL THE POSITRONS IN OUR UNIVERSE ARE HOLDING THE UNIVERSE TOGETHER AGAINST THE IMPOSSIBLE FORCE OF A SPINNING AND OUT-PULLING UNIVERSAL FORCE." This force, out pulling replaces the Big Bang, as the universe grows. Each bubble absorbs a tiny amount of the pulling outward force. The bubble shape that surrounds the positron is called the ELECTRON! Their negative lines are connected to the outer edges of the universe and those lines pull constantly outward to the edge of our universe. We, in our simple understanding would call it outward (pulling) pressure, and scratch our heads if we are asked what that means. The unit of positron center and the electron bubble combined, is what I call Prime Matter Particles.

The pulling between the two and on out into the edge of the universe...the elastic bands of force is called magnetic force or electro-magnetic force. Its JOB is to pull things together, in truth they are both attractive forces, but they are separated in a kind of spectrum focusing on the spectrum from CLOSE to FAR AWAY, this spectrum of distances is what confuses us, causing us to use

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different names for different levels. There is only one force in the universe. One FIELD! And what we see here is the simple play of this one field. Brilliant people on Earth, logically assume that the universe is MORE COMPLICATED than this…because it 'seems' complicated, and only FOR ONE HISTORICAL REASON. The scientific community decided THREE GENERATIONS ago...that the positron was ANTI-MATTER. (An error of fantastic proportion). The error? Well…it sort of made sense, at the time, because, when the positron was spotted, there was no outward sign of the electron that is created at the same instant as the positron. The Electron wasn't noted or seen until AFTER the positron was dubbed ANTI-MATTER. Had the two been discovered at the same time…Was there a chance that they would be considered...TWO HALVES OF CREATION???? (No, we couldn't have stumbled across something so significant as all casually, and ignored it). With the moniker ANTI-MATTER, the truth was then hidden, and the new "complicated universe" was pursued with renewed vigor. ....And science began it's slide down the razor blade of life, that led to brilliant discovery after brilliant discovery, true, till we have the whirlwind of particles we know today. Dazzling work in every venue. True. Yet…the POSITRON continued to be ignored.... As a result…CREATION IS mutual agreement! This, I believe, is unacceptable! Listen to this, please. EVERYONE in science concedes that, though ENERGY IS EQUAL, plus to minus…MASS IS NOT! Because the proton is so much bigger than the Electron. This...of course, can't be acceptable! I say, the truth is, mass is also equal! It must be exactly the same. CREATION DOESN'T SUPPORT RAINY DAY SCIENCE! The concept of PARITY is anti-science. If you coat a positron with 5 layers of equally plus and minus prime matter particles, all you need really consider is the ONE positron inside…equal to the electron.

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Another poor result of "complicated science" is the many KINDS of particles! Especially particles that have no CREATION EVENT. The STANDARD MODEL becomes far too flexible here. Yes, different particles are real (As constructs) but their origin events are a matter of fanciful theory or laboratory experiment. Solid reasoning says…if there's a way we can use Positrons, Electrons and prime matter particles, to make all the other particles then we can show and prove there are only two basic particles. It turns out that all these particles can be constructed from Electrons, Positrons and prime matter particles. Anti particles simply need a positron. Even if this were only an outside possibility, this is far more valid and logical than the standard model...which REQUIRES NEW particles of unknown origin and fantasy far-out theory. Two simple examples, the muon and the tau, (and their anti-particles). The Muon: weighs 207 times the mass of an Electron. It has 4 layers of prime Matter particles with 5 added to each corner .9 extended by the field. That’s 64 with 40 added (5 per each corner equals 104 (times) 2, (electron/positron ) minus 1, that’s 207. The Tau: Is an electron with 14 layers (in successive cube layers of prime matter particles with corner particles limited by the same field and ending abruptly. That's 92 from each corner, times 8 corners That’s 726 Prime Matter particles which totals 2018 prime Matter particles. Double that and you get 4036 Electron weight. Anti-particles, remove the core electrons and replace with positron. Neutrinos:....Remove electrical. All protons and neutrons have a core positron and 919 Prime Matter particles. The neutron has an added Electron. That’s 1838 wt. for the proton and 1840 for the neutron. Neal Adams