Download - Primary Spanish Module 1 - 2nd Ed

  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Spanish Lessons For Very Young Learners (Foundation) Preface This Module introduces the Spanish language in a cultural context to very early learners in Primary Schools. The emphasis is very much on fun and enjoyment, and the main aim of the games and other activities is to stimulate the childrens natural enthusiasm for language learning. The vocabulary covered features simple everyday words and phrases. Learning a language opens up an exciting new world of culture and customs to the children, and the benefits of broadening their horizons at Primary level will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Permission to use this resource has been given to schools taking part in Northern Irelands regional Primary Modern Languages Programme commencing May 2008. This programme has been funded by Northern Irelands Department of Education and is delivered under the auspices of the regional Project Management Board. The teaching materials are designed for use by a visiting tutor with a very good command of the Spanish language. For any other copying or use of the activities in this Module, permission must first be sought in writing. Any queries regarding usage of this material or any other related issues may be addressed to either of the Programme Coordinators: W A Brodie, Adviser, NEELB. 17 Lough Rd. Antrim BT41 4DH E-mail: [email protected] Anne Rowan, Assistant Adviser, SEELB. Grahamsbridge Road. Dundonald BT16 2HS E-mail: [email protected] Acknowledgements These materials have been devised by Vanessa Brodie, International Officer with the Curriculum Advisory and Support Services of the Education and Library Boards, Northern Ireland. Thanks to Diana Delargy and Christa Brodie for their help with the graphics in this Module. Have fun and happy learning for all!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Contents Effective Practice P3 Initial Greetings P 5 Numbers P 7 Colours P 9 Games/Simple commands P 10 Feelings P 12 Rhymes and Songs P 13 Body Parts p16 Animals P 17 Fruits P 20 Relating Activities to Areas of Learning P22 EXTRA RESOURCES Supplementary List P 24 Navidad P 25 Story and pictures P 26 Por Qu Soy Tan Pequeo? (for reading or dramatising). More visuals for P 32 Creative Play

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Effective Practice in Teaching Languages to Young Learners

    Fun and Enjoyment Lets make the childrens

    first experience of a foreign language a positive one!

    Activity / game based. Children learn through play emphasis on doing or making.

    Avoid grammar jargon.

    Lots of varied repetition a variety of games and

    activities to reinforce vocabulary being taught, using a multi-sensory approach.

    Encouragement and praise. This helps to build self-

    confidence. Correct errors gently.

    Cultural context similarities / differences / customs / festivals.

    Encourage good pronunciation and intonation younger

    children can mimic the sounds more accurately and enjoy doing so.

    Relevant topics relevant to the age of the children you

    are teaching.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Transferable skills listening &speaking / social skills / presentation skills / music / drama / dance /ICT /numeracy

    Careful lesson planning If you are not sure what you

    are doing when you walk into a classroom, you will be stressed, and with good cause! Have everything to hand that you need for the class photocopies / CD player /soft ball / flashcards etc. A lesson plan helps establish a comfort zone for the children and promotes confidence. Keep things fresh by varying the pace of lessons- a mix of high-energy activities and quieter moments. (Learning objectives and outcomes / activities / materials / reflect and evaluate).

    Display activity sheets / art-work/ ICT related worksheets this is motivational for the children, especially if you have added an extra comment fenomenal! / estupendo! / fantstico!

    Let the children perform and present what they have

    learned to parents, pupils or even Spanish visitors.

    Be dramatic! Lose your own inhibitions. The response will amaze you!

    Above all, be enthusiastic - Much of the magic of

    teaching comes from the teachers enthusiasm!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Initial greetings

    Hola! Buenos das Introduce these words to the children and get them to do a Mexican wave in small groups as a fun way to practise saying the words. Encourage them to put a lot of enthusiasm into the action/words!

    Hola! Children stand in a space around room. Ask them to crouch into a little ball on the floor and then slowly uncurl and stand and stretch as high as they can. While they do this they whisper the word Hola, getting slightly louder as they grow. Eventually they will shout it! To cool down, they go slowly back to the ball shape, gradually lowering their voice into a final whisper.

    Sentaos por favor ( Please sit down) Sit down with the children (on the floor or on cushions if possible very informal ) and talk a little about Spain. Bring some things that represent Spain to show the children eg a flag ( una bandera), a fan ( un abanico), a bull ( un toro), castanets ( castauelas), a doll in traditional costume, posters or photos from Spain ( la feria / festivales / carnavales / Reyes Magos) etc.

    Me Llamo .Cmo te llamas? Introduce yourself and talk about how the children can introduce themselves in Spanish. Translate as many of their names into Spanish as possible. If there is not a direct translation, give them another name that sounds similar.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Normally the children love to know and say their name in Spanish, but there may be one or two children who do not like the idea. Allow them to keep their English name and maybe say it with a Spanish accent. Remember we are introducing a new language in a fun way. The aim is to inspire the children to learn the language as they actively participate in a variety of activities in a stress-free environment. Children respond positively in a relaxed, happy atmosphere where there is plenty of praise and encouragement. Use the ball to ask children their names: Cmo te llamas? Dont worry if they only say their name at first eg Susana. You can encourage them to reply with Me llamo Susana as the weeks continue. Return to Contents

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Nmeros Introduce numbers 1-6 only to begin with. Uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis You can introduce them with rhythm eg Uno ( clap clap clap) dos ( clap clap clap) tres ( clap clap clap ) etc Or ask the children to say the numbers and do an action at the same time eg Tapping their head / stamping their feet / marching / etc. Everyone copies the leader and does the same action.

    En La Casa De Pinocho Todos Cuentan Hasta Ocho, Uno,dos tres cuatro, cinco, seis,siete ocho , PINOCHO! Introduce numbers up to eight with this rhyme. Children join hands and walk around in a circle saying the rhyme. Then point to a child who starts saying UNO and the children beside him continue up to OCHO. Everyone then lifts their hands up and shouts PINOCHO! As the children learn the numbers up to 10, they can learn a variation of this rhyme:

    En la casa de Fernandez todos cuentan hasta diez Uno dos tres .etc FERNANDEZ!


    Lively Spanish song repeating numbers 1-10. This seems to be equally popular with the 5 year olds and the 11 year olds! Teach the children some actions/dance movements to go with the song!

    El pescador y su red (The Fisherman and his net)

    Four or five children go outside the door with their teacher. You choose a number between 1 and 10 in collaboration with the remaining children. Stand in a circle holding hands with arms

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    raised up (as in In and Out the Dusty Bluebells). The others come back into the classroom and start going in and out from under the arms. Children start to count out loud. When the chosen number is reached, the children drop their arms and shout Atrapados ( caught). Those caught in the middle are counted and join in the circle. Others are chosen to play again.

    Number Voices Once children are confident with Spanish numbers, introduce different voices e.g. ask the children to say a number sequence in a certain voice tired / angry / happy / baby voice / posh voice etc Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco - with actions for a calming


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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Colores Introduce colours a few at a time using brightly coloured objects (e.g. bean bags).

    Rojo Amarillo Azl Verde Blanco Negro Violeta Rosa Naranja ( Gris Marrn Morado)

    You can play lots of games to reinforce the learning process.

    1. Qu falta? Which one is missing? Ask the children to close their eyes(Cerrad los ojos) and then you take one of the coloured objects away. Then ask children to open their eyes( Abrid los ojos) and guess the missing colour: Que Falta? The child who guesses correctly can take your place and have a turn at hiding one of the colours. Tell the children that they must not be tramposos (cheaters!).

    2. Busca el color . Ask the children to find you different coloured objects around the room: Carlos, el color rojo por favor When Carlos brings back an object the other children have to say if he has brought back the correct colour, correcto, or the wrong one, falso / incorrecto

    3.Tocad el color Teacher calls out a colour and the children have to go and touch the colour somewhere in the room. 4.Las Cuatro Esquinas de Colores Put 4 coloured flashcards around the room. Children move to music and when this stops they go to one of the coloured flashcards and shout out: Qu color?

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    If you say Amarillo, all those standing at the Amarillo flashcard are out. Everyone says Adis! and those children sit back at their desks. Winners are the last remaining few children. Everyone loves this game and will want to play it again and again!

    5.La Bomba

    Ref. Module 2, Unit 4 Children love this game. Your ball becomes una bomba. They throw it back to you saying colours but must not say the same colour as the person before them. If they do, or can not think of a colour fast enough (5 segundos!), they are out, Eliminado/a or Adis!

    6.Saltar A La Cuerda (ref. Module 2 Unit 8) Jump the rope game another firm favourite . Coloured skipping rope is placed on the floor and three/four volunteers stand in a row facing you to one side of the rope. You hold up two colours on one side of rope and two on the other side. As you call out a colour, children jump to the appropriate side. NB: They must not stand on the rope at any time but must jump from one side to the other. If you call the same colour twice or the same colours on the same side, they have to jump on the spot on the same side. 7.Cambiad Todos! Please refer to Unit 3 of Module 2 Spanish for details.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Games With Simple Commands

    Children do the following activity with their teddy bears or soft toys. You lead them with the actions. Once they get to know the vocabulary the children may like to take the lead with the words and actions.

    Osito Osito levntate Osito Osito levntate lift teddy up Osito Osito sintate sit teddy down Osito Osito baila teddy dances! Osito Osito salta teddy jumps! Osito Osito durmete teddy goes to sleep! Simn Dice

    Well known game of Simon Says to reinforce commands in the new language. Choose from the following commands. Introduce a few to begin with and increase according to the ability of the children.Remember the pupils only obey the commands if Simn lo dice! Simn dice .. levantte / sintate / baila / salta/ escucha (listen) / mira (look) / anda ( walk) / un aplauso (clap). Return to Contents

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Feelings - Sentimientos Introduce Qu tal? or Cmo ests? Use the smiley/sad faces and teach: Muy bien, gracias / estupendo/a / regular / as as / mal / fatal Use drama and mime puppets can be used to great effect. Gradually introduce some new feeling words such as triste, aburrido(a), cansado(a), enfadado(a),tmido(a), valiente, emocionado(a). Again, use mime, gesture, flashcards.

    Juego: Quietos,por favor! Children move around the classroom to music or a Spanish song. When music stops, teacher calls out a feeling word eg enfadado! and children mime the word using dramatic gestures. Ask the children to freeze Quietos! Teacher takes photos of the children portraying different moods!

    Make wall freezes depicting different moods!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Ms Canciones y Rimas para los Pequeitos (More Songs and Rhymes for Little Ones)

    Saludos - For the beginning of the lesson: Hola todos, s,s,s S s s S s s (tune of London Bridge is falling Hola todos, s s s down) Buenos das Buenos das, Buenos das Cmo ests? Cmo ests? Muy bien gracias (tune of Frere Jacques) Muy bien gracias Adis Adis (Vamos Vamos)

    Buenos das, Cmo ests? ( Cmo ests?) x2 Yo estoy bien, y t? (Muy bien!) Buenos das, Cmo ests? MUY BIEN!

    (Tune of Head and Shoulders)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Number / Animal Song

    Los Patitos Dos patitos se fueron a nadar CUA CUA CUA El ms pequeito no saba nadar CUA CUA CUA ( Use lots of gestures/ actions with this song. Use finger puppets / soft toys) Lloran lloran los patitos Lloran lloran los patitos Tres patitos .. Cuatro patitos .. Cinco patitos ..

    Make a collage of Patitos to decorate classroom!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Finger Rhymes Toc Toc Toc Dedo Gordo Dnde ests? Ssh! Estoy durmiendo ( snore snore! ronquidos) Toc Toc Toc Dedo Gordo Dnde ests? Estoy aqu Hola! ( kiss kiss!) Dedo Gordo, Dedo Gordo, Dnde ests? Dnde ests? ( tune of Frere Jaques) Yo estoy aqu, Yo estoy aqu, Ya me voy, Ya me voy.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Body parts - Partes del Cuerpo

    Body Chant

    Mis manos hacen clap,clap,clap Mis pies hacen stamp, stamp, stamp Mi boca hace la, la, la Cintura hace cha cha cha

    Cabeza Ojos Nariz Y Boca Cabeza, ojos, nariz y boca x3 Vamos a bailar! ( Like head, shoulders, knees and toes)

    El Payaso Pln Pln

    El payaso pln pln Se pinch (ay!) la nariz, Y a los cinco minutes, Hizo fuerte achs! (Sing to the tune of Happy Birthday and use a red nose if possible)

    Con El Dedo Dedo Dedo As Baila el Marinero

    Con el dedo dedo dedo x2 As baila el marinero Baila baila baila Baila el marinero x2 Return to Contents

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Animalitos Introduce some animals with this age group but relate them to the rhymes / songs that you are teaching. Talking about animal noises in the different languages is interesting for the children. Use puppets/ soft toys. Making venetian masks -conejo (rabbit) or Gato (cat) is a popular activity for the younger learners. Photocopies included.

    Los Patitos ( See page 8) Venetian Masks Children colour in masks and cut them out with the teachers help. Attach a straw to the back of the mask so that the children can hold them up in front of their faces. Conejo, conejo, dnde ests?

    Estoy aqu! Gatito Gatito, dnde ests? Estoy aqu! En La Granja de Perico ( Old Macdonald had a Farm) ( next page) Una Pequea Bestia (this rhyme is a hit with P1s!)

    Una pequea bestia Que sube, sube, sube, A la cabeza A la nariz A la boca (swallow, dramatically!) QUE ES? Una araa! (Repeat with una oruga ) (Use finger puppets and lots of dramatic gestures!)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    En la Granja de Perico (Old Macdonald had a Farm)

    1. En la granja de Perico, i a i a o En la granja de Perico, i a i a o Con el perro, guau, perro, guau Perro, perro guau, guau, guau En la granja de Perico, i a i a o

    2. En la granja de Perico, i a i a o (x2)

    Con el perro, guau, gato, miau, Gato, gato, miau miau miau En la granja de Perico, i a i a o

    3. En la granja de Perico, i a i a o (x2) Con el perro, guau, gato, miau, vaca, mu, Vaca, vaca, mu mu mu En la granja de Perico, i a i a o

    4. En la granja de Perico, i a i a o (x2)

    Con el perro, guau, gato, miau, vaca mu, pato, cua Pato, pato, cua, cua cua En la granja de Perico ... etc!

    (Add other animals if you wish!)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Po, Po, Po, Pa Po, Po, Po Pa Pajarito cantars. Po, po, po, pa Pajarito volars Po Po Po Po, Po, Po Po, Po Pa, Este pajarito Dormido est.

    These bird rhymes have a calming effect on the children and may be used to finish a session or when you want to quieten things down.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Las Frutas Introduce the following fruits: manzanas, naranjas, pltanos, fresas, uvas, peras. Bring in artificial (but realistic!) ones if you have them, or better still, a sample of the real thing so that the children can eat them afterwards! If possible, have a selection peeled and chopped so that the children can taste them. This is always popular!

    Go over the vocabulary, holding up fruit or flashcards and encouraging the children to echo all the words.

    They can then try to repeat this rhyme con ritmo y

    dando palmadas en la mesa It goes to a 3 beat rhythm: clap clap clap/clap clap clap Manzanas y naranjas Pltanos y fresas Uvas y peras Manzanas y naranjas

    You can tell them of the Spanish custom to eat doce

    uvas at midnight on New Years Eve as the clock chimes to bring in the New Year doce uvas para la buena suerte

    Las Frutas.

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Game /Song Activity

    Clap, clap, clap x 4

    Manzanas y naranjas, Pltanos y fresas Uvas y peras Manzanas y naranjas Choose two volunteers who each pick their favourite fruit from the list without telling the rest of the class. The two pupils then form an arch and the rest of the children pass underneath singing manzanas y naranjas etc to the tune of Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clements. When it comes to the last line of the song, the two pupils put their arms down and catch one or two children inside. Taking them to the side they ask eg Uvas o Fresas?( depending on the fruits they have decided upon).Whoever chooses Uvas goes behind the pupil who had chosen this fruit or if they chose Fresas, they would line up behind the other pupil. Game continues in the same manner and the winner is the one with the most Followers. Cuntos chicos/chicas les gustan las uvas? ( Count them in Spanish) .11 .. y las fresas? Los ganadores son las uvas!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Relating the Spanish Activities to Areas of Learning at Foundation Stage Initial Greetings :

    Hola, Buenos Das Language and Literacy (listening and remembering / listening and responding / developing an awareness

    of sounds / talking). Physical Development and Movement (movement sequences / moving with

    control, confidence and imagination!)

    Sentaos por favor The World Around Us (finding out about another country / different life-styles / similarities and differences / asking questions to satisfy curiosity.) Language and Literacy (listening to sounds and repeating them).


    Mambo The Arts (music listen and respond expressively to music).

    Physical Development and Movement (movement sequences / moving with control and confidence)

    Mathematics and Numeracy ( sequence of numbers 1-10 in Spanish) The World Around Us ( music and rhythm from another country)

    Number Voices Mathematics and Numeracy / The Arts (

    Drama -exploring emotions. Music and rhythm). Personal Development (Feelings and Emotions)

    Colours: Saltar a la Cuerda Language and Literacy (listen and carry out

    instructions /listen and respond) Physical Development and Movement (move with control and co-

    ordination /listen and respond with movement) Personal Development social skills (taking turns and showing

    consideration) Games With Simple Commands : Osito Osito Levntate! Language and Literacy (Listening and

    talking /learning a simple rhyme/ responding to instructions). Physical Development and Movement (co-ordinated actions).

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Personal Development social skills (taking turns and working as a team). The Arts- ( Drama Acting out the rhyme and dressing up!)


    Quietos por favor! The Arts (music, drama, art and design). Physical Development and Movement (respond appropriately to

    instructions and stimuli /awareness of personal and general space) Personal Development (developing understanding of emotions)

    Language and Literacy ( listening and responding to the feelingwords).

    Rhymes and Songs:

    Los Patitos The Arts ( music, drama and art and design) Mathematics and Numeracy / Physical Development and Movement

    / Personal Development ( understanding feelings) Language and Literacy ( Listening and responding to a song or rhyme

    /learning the song /developing awareness of rhythm and rhyme ).

    Con El Dedo Dedo Dedo As Baila el Marinero The Arts ( music and drama). Physical Development and Movement- (co-ordinated actions and movements) Language and Literacy ( listening and responding to a song/rhyme and learning the song / developing awareness of rhythm and beat.

    Las Frutas: Manzanas Y Naranjas Language and Literacy ( listening and responding to rhyme and rhythm / discriminating between sounds) Physical Development and Movement- (developing physical skills through play /playing group game ) Personal Development ( Social skills - listening to others /taking turns / showing consideration /discussing likes and dislikes ) The Arts (Music - responding to the beat with actions ) Story: Por Qu Soy Tan Pequeo? Language and Literacy (Listening and responding to a story / Listening for familiar phrases / identifying sounds of animals / re-telling the story using puppets and pictures ). Personal Development (talking about feelings /developing positive attitudes ). The Arts (drama - acting out the story using puppets, different voices, animal noises ,sound effects). Return to Contents

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Supplementary List of Resources for Early Spanish Learning

    Lets Sing and Learn in Spanish - Tape/book ISBN 0 8442- 7079 2 Also in CD

    Canciones Populares Infantiles- Consejera de Educacin (see details below)

    Los Trotamundos Audio cassettes(2) 020943 or CDs and video karaoke 020944 available from or European Schoolbooks Ltd Tel: 01242 245252

    Early Start Spanish T Y Yo Worksheets /Video ISBN 0-9536977-0-3 Usborne Internet.Linked Spanish For Beginners -Good

    for teachers own reference Posters in French, German & Spanish maps/ colours /

    numbers / parts of body / seasons / time / weather Puppets - (Website which includes

    Spanish work sheets) Great ideas for teaching Prescott Primary School Spanish activities for

    whiteboard / powerpoint. Excellent site Mainly French, but good generic ideas for game activities Babelzone website (Select Spanish) Also contact Spanish Embassy, London, for Primary

    Spanish resources/ posters: Jos Antonio del Tejo, Spanish Education Counsellor

    Consejera de Educacin, 20 Peel Street London W8 7PD Tel: +44 (0)207 221 8347. Fax: +44 (0)207 229 4965 [email protected]

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Navidad Navidad Feliz Navidad

    Navidad Navidad, iFeliz Navidad! Estamos muy contentos Porque es Navidad, iS! Navidad Navidad, iFeliz Navidad! Estamos muy contentos Porque es Navidad, iS!

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    Por Qu Soy Tan Pequeo?

    Haba una vez .. UN PATITO ( en voz alta y dramtica) Un da, Patito se mir al espejo. -Por qu soy tan pequeo?- dijo. ( en voz triste y deprimida) - Por qu no puedo ser tan grande como un perro? dijo

    - O tan alto como una jirafa? - Por qu no puedo ser tan gordo como un gato y pasarme

    todo el da durmiendo ..? dijo Patito

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

    - O tan largo como un cocodrilo? - Por qu soy tan pequeo? - No eres tan pequeo, dijo una vocecita

    - A m me pareces muy alto, y largo y gordo y redondo,

    dijo ratoncito - Por qu no puedo ser yo tan grande como t?

    El FIN ..y patito y ratoncito vivieron felices hasta el fin de sus das ! (Go over the names of the animals in Spanish and then choose actions/noises that the children will do when the different animals are mentioned. E.G Patito = cua cua cua / Cocodrilo = move arms like mouth of crocodile/perro =guau guau. After a lot of repetition, children may be able to say the phrase, Por qu soy tan pequeo? and the names of the animals as they appear in the story. Use actions for pequeo / grande / alto / gordo).

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS) Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

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  • Partnership Management Board Module 1 Spanish (FS)

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    ContentsInitial greetingsIntroduce these words to the children and get them to do a Mexican wave in small groups as a fun way to practise saying the words. Encourage them to put a lot of enthusiasm into the action/words!Nmeros Uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis Uno,dos tres cuatro, cinco, seis,siete ocho , PINOCHO! En la casa de Fernandez todos cuentan hasta diezColoresGames With Simple CommandsFeelings - SentimientosMs Canciones y Rimas para los Pequeitos (More Songs and Rhymes for Little Ones)

    Hola todos, s,s,sS s s S s s (tune of London Bridge is falling Hola todos, s s s down)Buenos dasBuenos das, Buenos das Los Patitos

    Dos patitos se fueron a nadarLloran lloran los patitosFinger Rhymes

    Toc Toc TocBody parts - Partes del Cuerpo

    Mis manos hacen clap,clap,clap Cabeza Ojos Nariz Y Boca

    Cabeza, ojos, nariz y boca x3As baila el marineroAnimalitos Conejo, conejo, dnde ests?( next page)

    Una Pequea Bestia (this rhyme is a hit with P1s!)

    Una pequea bestiaA la cabezaEn la Granja de Perico (Old Macdonald had a Farm)Po, Po, Po PaPo, po, po, paPo, Po, PoRelating the Spanish Activities to Areas of Learning at Foundation Stage

    Physical Development and Movement (movement sequences / moving with control and confidence) Con El Dedo Dedo Dedo As Baila el Marinero The Arts ( music and drama). Physical Development and Movement- (co-ordinated actions and movements) Language and Literacy ( listening and responding to a song/rhyme and learning the song / developing awareness of rhythm and beat.Supplementary List of Resources for Early Spanish Learning Lets Sing and Learn in Spanish - Tape/book ISBN 0 8442- 7079 2 Also in CD ISBN 0-9536977-0-3 Usborne Internet.Linked Spanish For Beginners -Good for teachers own reference Posters in French, German & Spanish maps/ colours / numbers / parts of body / seasons / time / weather

    Navidad Navidad Feliz NavidadPor Qu Soy Tan Pequeo?

    El FIN