Download - Primary Election 2012 Newsletter

  • 7/31/2019 Primary Election 2012 Newsletter



    North Suburban Republican ForumPrimary Ballot Special Newsletter June, 2012

    Our next meeting is from 9:30-11:30 am, Saturday, July 14th. Youll be able to hear from

    your Board of Education members. They will discuss budgets, issues, unions, bond & mill

    levys and answer questions from NSRF attendees. Please Bring your checkbook and/or time to

    volunteer as our candidates need your support to win on November 6th. We meet at the Anythink

    Huron Street Library community room, 9417 Huron St, Thornton, CO, 80260.

    NSRF upcoming calendar in 2012:

    July 14 -- Board of Education officials discussing issues in their school district

    August 11 -- RTD members with transportation concerns and FasTracks

    September 8Colorado State Treasurer Walker Stapleton talking about PERA

    October 13Possible State of Colorado elected official and discussion of the November 6 ballot issuesNovember 10 -- Election recap and discussion

    December 8 -- Colorado Senate and House members talking about the bills they will introduce in 2013

    Primary Election, Tuesday, June 26th. (Polls open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)

    All ballots must be in the hands of the county clerk by 7:00 p.m. on election day.
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    If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app for the QR code on the left, it will takeyou to our web site,

    Join fellow Republicans

    and candidates on

    Tuesday, June 26th starting at 7pm to watch

    the Primary ballot results at the Outback

    Steakhouse, 497 E 120th

    Avenue in Thornton.

    The proprietor, Rich Johnson, has hosted us

    in the past as is very favorable to Republican

    groups. The Trumpeteers meet at the

    Outback every month for their meetings.
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    Will Everyone Really be Insured?No. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), even if everything worked outas the supporters of

    the law claim, there would still be 22 million Americans without health insurance.

    How will the newly insured be covered?According to the CBO, 47% of the newly insured will be covered under Medicaid or other government-sponsored

    insurance. The states will be responsible for most of the expenses for these new enrollees. This will add to the

    financial burden on the states and be paid for by YOU, the taxpayer.

    Will Obamacare decrease my premium costs?

    Since Obamacare passed, healthcare premiums have increased from 10-22%! The CBO estimates that thepremium costs for a typical family of 4 will be $20,000 per year by the year 2016. Thats how much you or your

    employer will have to pay. You may be eligible to receive a subsidy from the government, but that money must

    come from state or federal funds, and therefore, from YOU, the taxpayer.

    Will Obamacare decrease overall healthcare costs?The only way this law proposes to decrease overall healthcare costs is by restricting patient access to tests and

    treatments (healthcarerationing), or by decreasing payments to doctors and hospitals, forcing many qualified
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    providers to stop seeing Medicaid and Medicare patients. Massachusetts has a similar plan to Obamacare, and

    the average wait time to see a primary care physician there is 48 days!

    How Will Medicare be affected?Overall, over $500 Billion dollars is scheduled to be cut from Medicare. Obamacare is the ONLY healthcare

    reform plan being proposed that decreases benefits to CURRENT Medicare recipients! All other plans, including

    those proposed by Congressman Paul Ryan and Republicans, do NOT affect current Medicare patients. Many

    services, such as hospice, home health care, outpatient surgery, will be restricted. In addition, federal subsidies for

    Medicare Advantage will be severely cut, leaving millions of Medicare patients unable to afford the premiums.

    How will my doctor be affected?Obamacare directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (now Kathleen Sebelius,NOTa physician) todetermine, through government bureaucrats, how doctors are allowed to diagnose and treat patients. If doctors do not

    comply with their rules, they may not be paid, they could be fined, or even put in jail! 45% of physicians surveyed

    have said that they will stop practicing medicine if these rules are allowed to go into full effect.

    What are the waivers Ive heard about?Because the premium costs of the proposed government plans are so high, and the rules that businesses have to

    follow are so extensive, many businesses have requested waivers so that they will not have to participate inparts ofObamacare. Even the entire state of Nevada (Senator Harry Reids state) was granted a waiver!Many small employers will stop offering health insurance to their employees altogether, since the premium

    costs will be so high. We may end up with MORE uninsured after this law goes into effect!Why did the American Medical Association support Obamacare?

    Thats a really good question! The AMA only represents 17% of physicians, most of whom are not actuallypracticing physicians. So most of the physicians affected by this law are NOT represented by the AMA!

    So what CAN we do to fix the Healthcare system?There are lots of great ideas being discussed that use market-based solutions rather than government

    bureaucracy to solve the broken healthcare system. To learn more, watch this YouTube video series:

    Please join us on June 15th to:

    get the latest update from State Treasurer Walker Stapleton regarding various matters including thestatus of the PERA legal action

    learn all about The Libre Initiative from Western Regional Director Mike Barrera learn about the TABOR Foundation v. Colorado Bridge Enterprise lawsuit from CRBC Board member

    Rich Sokol

    Michael L. Barrera - Mr. Barrera is an attorney with over 30 years of business, legal, non-profit and governmentexperience. As a recognized national leader in the business community and as the Western Regional Director forthe The Libre Initiative (LIBRE), Mr. Barrera oversees coalition building efforts, provides counsel on brokering newalliances with the Hispanic and Latino business community, and helps build LIBRE's member resources. He haspreviously served as President of the Business Information Clearinghouse, a national non-profit providing multi-lingual business resources for entrepreneurs; he also served as President/CEO of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of
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    Commerce, representing over 2 million Hispanic businesses and local chambers; Mr. Barrera served as theNational Ombudsman for the U.S. Small Business Administration, where he assisted small businesses in regulatorydisputes with federal regulators. In 2008, Latin Business Magazine named him one of the top 100 influentialHispanics in business and in 2007, Diversity Business.Com named him as one of "America's Top DiversityAdvocates" a list that included former President Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey. He received his law degree fromthe University of Texas School of Law and his bachelor's degree from Kansas State University.

    Walker Stapleton - State Treasurer Walker Stapleton's roots run deep in Colorado, his family has been activelyinvolved in the State since the early 1900's. Until being sworn in as Colorado's 43rd State Treasurer, Walker servedas CEO and CFO of various private and publicly traded companies. His extensive private sector background infinance uniquely prepared him for the job of State Treasurer. His duties include: investing Colorado's tax dollars;overseeing the unclaimed property division, which distributes property back to its lawful owners; and serving on theBoard of our Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA).

    Walker envisions a more fiscally responsible and effective state government. His priorities as Colorado's StateTreasurer are to safely and prudently invest Colorado's tax dollars, reform PERA, and bring a higher level ofaccountability and transparency to government. Walker earned his bachelor's degree from Williams College, hisgraduate degree in business economics from the London School of Economics and an MBA from Harvard BusinessSchool.

    Friday, June 15, 2012, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.,Brooklyn's by the Pepsi Center, parking $1 in Lot A - tell attendantyou're going to the CRBC luncheon; $20 member, $25 non-member, $15 student;

    menu choices; RSVP (not required, but appreciated)[email protected]. Please note that the luncheon feeswere increased this year due to CRBC's efforts to raise more money for its Small Donor Committee to supportColorado House and Senate candidates who are committed to helping protect the interests of small business.

    Thank you.

    Andy Anderson,

    Please join the Independence Institute and Liberty on the Rocks for apresentation and book signing with

    Randal O'TooleOToole is anIndependence Institute Senior Fellow and Cato

    Institute Senior Fellow working on urban growth, public land, andtransportation issues.

    The American dream of families owning their own homes has become a victim

    of class warfare, with the middle class attempting to suppress homeownershipamong the working class and other people they view as undesirable neighbors

    That, at least, is one of the major themes of"American Nightmare: How Government Undermines the Dream of Home


    Wednesday, June 20, 2012Independence Institutes Meeting Room, 727 E. 16th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 802035:30 PM Refreshments 6:00 PM Presentation RSVP [email protected] 303-279-6536X102

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    Please join us for a fundraiser for:

    Beth Humenik, House District 31 Candidate

    Saturday, June 16, 20124 pm 6 pm

    Joe PalookasMission Trace Shopping Center

    3923 E. 120th Avenue

    Thornton, CO 80233

    Host Co-Chairs

    Don Lambuth, Business Owner

    Kevin Priola, State RepresentativeErik Hansen, Adams County Commissioner

    Heidi Williams, Mayor

    Suggested contribution$100

    Juno $25Pearl $50

    Gemini $75

    June bug $100

    Juneberry $250

    Moonstone $400

    (Under Colorado law the contribution maximum per individual to a candidateis $400 per election cycle.)

    Make check payable to:

    Friends of Beth Humenik

    RSVPto303-907-6995 or [email protected]

    Paid for by Friends of Beth Humenik

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Please join Congressman Tom Tancredo and Candidate KaarlHoopes for County Commissioner District 1 for a Flag Day

    Event on:


    7295 Washington Street, Denver, Co

    Come and enjoy a casual setting, refreshments, and ask Kaarl any questions you may havebefore voting in the Primary.


    Please RSVP by visiting and clicking on the EVENT RSVP tab.



    An extremely important movie is coming this summer - - It is called simply "2016".

    The speaker here is Dinesh D'Souza, college president in New York and author of many

    New York Times best sellers. The movie is from Gerald R. Molen, producer of Academy

    Award winning Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, and Brave Heart.

    It explains in plain language who Barack Obama really is, what he stands for, and the

    danger of him being re-elected for another four years.

    Watch this short informative video preview of this movie and share it with others. Listen to

    what Dinesh has to say about Obama. Please take the time to hear this and pass it on:
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    We all have times when we want to communicate on a topic and we know our own position butcannot find the words or way to frame the conversation with others. This great new website,

    Barbeque Logic, simplifies the topic and then provides talking points geared to the various votertypes, God & Guns, Fair and Care, etc.

    You will love this! Please share it with your friends and let Tom Ryan know if there are difficult topicsthat you would like him to tackle. And please thank him for providing his skill and knowledge to help

    us communicate better.

    PresidentCOPAC - Colorado Patriot Coalition

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    NFRW Public Relations Committee Conducting Survey Among RepublicanWomen

    The NFRW Public Relations Committee is putting the final touches on an in-depth,anonymous survey that will be used to gather data from Republican women,

    particularly members of the National Federation of Republican Women and femaledelegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention.

    The survey questions will be available with a link on the NFRW website starting

    July 1 for all NFRW members and other Republican women to participate. Thesurvey will cover a wide range of topics and issues that are relevant to this year's

    critical elections.The NFRW will publicly release the resulting data to the media after the

    Republican National Convention in Tampa in an effort to provide an accurateanalysis of Republican women's values, opinions and backgrounds, and will

    continue to publicize the results throughout the fall."The survey is a very important tool in the NFRW's efforts to dispel the myths and

    outright lies that are being perpetuated this year about the Republican Party andwomen," NFRW President Rae Lynne Chornenky says.

    A big thank you to committee member Lisa May of Nebraska, who is utilizing herbackground with the Gallup Organization to develop a survey that is both credible

    and effective.Instructions on how NFRW members can access and participate in the survey will

    be forthcoming.National Federation of Republican Women website:
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    Responsible Ballot TransparencyColorado Secretary of State sent this bulletin at 06/07/2012

    The governor recently approved a new state lawoutlining public access to voted ballots. The law attempts to

    strike a balance between transparency and voters anonymity. Though this bill is a step in the right direction, we

    still have work to do.

    Since the crescendo of the final days of the legislative session, some groups have expressed trepidation about

    the new law. In some ways I agree with their concerns. For instance, new procedures and timelines fit

    awkwardly within the current recall provisions, creating confusion.

    Unfortunately, chances to make improvements were limited.

    This important issue deserved a robust discussion at the legislature to vet differing viewpoints and forge a

    compromise. But the state Senate squandered this ideal in the name of partisan politics. Senate Majority Leader

    John Morse sat on the billbecause of an unrelated policy disputeuntil the final days of the session, leavingthe House and the public only three days to vet the measure.

    Even The Denver Postquestioned the Senates antics saying, There was speculation that Morse was holding

    the bills until he had support on the inactive voter measure.

    Unfortunately, these partisan actions cheated the public from a thorough vetting, which would have benefited

    the bill.

    This summer, Ill work with legislators, county clerks and the public to identify ways to improve upon the law. Iwill work toward a policy that clearly defines procedures that preserve election transparency, while

    safeguarding voters privacy. Hopefully we can strike the right balance and create a better law next legislativesession.

    In the meantime, Coloradans wanting to learn more about the elections process can contact their county clerkand become paid election judges. There, voters get hands-on experience tabulating ballots and learning about

    the safeguards in place. These are important positions that help provide accountability in our elections.

    Please visit to learn more about how you can get involved.


    Scott Gessler
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    Join us on Thursday, July 5 from 6-9pm for the Reagan Club of Colorado monthly meeting at CADA with CD-4Representative Cory Gardner & CD-6 Representative Mike Coffman. Youll be able to mingle with local Denvercandidates and hear from our Representatives about whats going on in Washington.

    Admission is only $10 per person for members and $15 for non-members. You can pay at the door or buy your ticketonline

    The Colorado Auto Dealers Association (CADA) is located at 290 E Speer Blvd, Denver, CO, 80203

    PURPOSE: To promote the core principles of conservative Republicans and to support candidates with the same values

    MISSION: To support and promote candidates who believe in the Constitution, smaller government, lower taxes, andpersonal freedom and to make available venues for fund raising events and candidate promotions

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Questions contact Art Foss 303-596-5401

    This year, it goes without saying, that the Presidentialelection is paramount to our future and that of ourchildren and grandchildren. However, let us not forget

    our local elections.

    Our local candidates will need boots on the ground, andthose boots are yours!Please take the time to get to know your local candidates,even those outside your local precinct, as candidatesoutside your district will be needing help too.

    Here is a link to candidates for 2012:

    Please help in any way you can. Donate your time and treasure, make phone calls, walk your precinct, help at fairs, putout signs, and march in parades. Its fun and youll have a good time.

    The future is up to you!!

    Thank you!

    John Frantum

    Volunteer/Membership Coordinator of The Reagan Club of Colorado

    Email me [email protected] call me at 720-404-5675 and I will help you get started.[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    George Brauchler is a criminal and civil trial attorney for Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Arapahoe, Boulder,

    Adams and El Paso Counties, as well world-wide representation on military justice matters. Mr. Brauchler is

    a former state prosecutor and current military JAG officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. His legal career hasinvolved nearly every type of criminal charge, including the Columbine massacre and the Kobe Bryant case.

    His current practices include criminal defense, representing victims of drunk drivers and wildlife law, to

    name a few. Mr. Brauchler is admitted to practice in Colorado and California.

    Mr. Brauchler's experience in the courtroom has made him one of the most sought after lecturers in the

    country. In addition to lecturing trial attorneys worldwide for the Army and Navy, Mr. Brauchler has

    lectured for numerous state prosecution councils, including Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, South Carolina,Delaware, and Texas. As a prosecutor, he served as a regular faculty member for the National College of

    District Attorneys and the National District Attorneys Association. Mr. Brauchler continues to serve as

    faculty for various programs sponsored by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, as well as area policeand sheriff academies. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado School of Law and the

    University of Denver College of Law.

    Mr. Brauchler received the Outstanding Young Lawyer Award from the First Judicial District BarAssociation in 1999. He was also a regular speaker for the Colorado District Attorneys Association and

    received their Outstanding Faculty Award in 2003, and received the Outstanding Forty under 40 Award byThe Denver Business Journals in 2008.

    Mr. Brauchler can be heard on 850 KOA and 630 KHOW as a regular fill-in host.


    Wednesday October 3, 2012

    Watch the 1st

    Presidential Debate with The Lincoln Club of Colorado!The Lincoln Club of Colorado Founded 1918
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    RACIST: Dems Require ID for Convention

    One of the key tactics of the left is to cry racism when conservatives work towards asking voters to identifythemselves before casting a vote. Requiring an individual to provide identity of some sort seems like a logical policy.You do, after all, need to show ID to purchase wine, get on a flight, rent a car, enter certain government buildings,

    etc. Are those instances racist as well? Of course not.

    We all know the race-card is used in this instance because it's a desperate attempt to demonize what should beseen as a common sense policy. Asking individuals to identify themselves before being granted access to an action

    is common practice in every day life. There is nothing racist about it at all.

    Ironically, as the left calls conservatives racist for wanting to identify voters,the Democrat Party is requiring

    identification for their convention. If we're to hold them to the same standard they hold us, are they not committingan act of racism?

    Of course they aren't. And the story just goes to show how extreme their arguments are becoming.

    Click here to read the full report.

    Colorado voters are already returning their primary ballots, which mean more turnout results for you.

    Our first report will be released Friday, June 8, followed by subsequent reports on June 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25

    and 26. These reports will include the number of ballots returned by party and county.

    As a reminder, counties have the option to hold all-mail ballot primaries and 49 have elected this method. The

    rest will hold traditional elections. Please [email protected] [email protected] with any questions. Thanks. See the chart below for results so far.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Primary election totals as of June 12, 2012

    Remember to return you primary ballot by 7pm on Tuesday, June 26th. Otherwise your vote will not count.

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    NSRF Board of Directors Email Address TelephoneJohn Lefebvre President [email protected] 303-451-5558

    Dana West Vice President [email protected] 303-280-0243

    Jan Hurtt Treasurer [email protected] 303-451-0934

    Phil Mocon Secretary [email protected] 303-452-4709

    Brian Vande Krol Membership [email protected] 303-466-4615

    Gary Mikes Membership [email protected] 303-252-1645

    Leonard Coppes Membership [email protected] 303-287-9145

    Wanda Barnes Membership [email protected] 303-373-1521

    Kevin Allen Membership [email protected] 303-319-3011

    Join the North Suburban Republican Forum on the Internet and Facebook:

    Yearly membership dues are $20, while a couple is $30. Make checks payable to NSRF. It onlycosts $3 per person to attend the monthly meeting and a continental breakfast and beverage(coffee, tea, orange juice or water) is included. A membership application is located on thelast page. Fill it out and bring it along with you.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe from our monthly newsletter, send an email with your name and

    subscription instructions in the body to:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:fljcoppes@mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:fljcoppes@mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Politically, is there really a difference? You decide:Democrat platform Republican platform

    Bigger government Smaller government

    More onerous rules and regulations Less onerous rules and regulations

    More government control over your life Less government control over your life

    More government spending & higher tax rates Less government spending & lower tax r

    Anti-business policies Pro-business policies

    Gun control & weak national defense Gun rights & strong national defense


    Equality of outcome

    Social justice


    Community and social responsibility-based

    Private health care choices

    Equality of opportunity

    Personal responsibility


    Individual rights and justice-based

    The U.S. debt is due to a revenue problem The U.S. debt is due to a spending proble

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