Download - Preventing Burnout Reflection


Emily Ferjuste 1/24/15

Preventing burnout among general practitioners: is there a possible route?

Burnout seems to be something that is common in many healthcare professionals. This article studies different techniques that are used in preventing burnout in general practitioners. Authors have suggested using supervision groups or Balint groups as a way of preventing burnout. These groups had someone that was nurturing to their development process. This forced the general practitioners to become more aware and reflective of their work experience. The groups met regularly for presentations, role playing, and an interview of their experience. In these groups they focused on all the problems of their professional like but mostly the troubles of the doctor-patient relationship. This was very interesting to me because they seemed to all have some issues that they eventually learned to voice but did not let it get to the point where they were burnt out. They had someone specifically set aside to listen to their problems and help them find a way to make it work in a good environment for themselves and the patients. Having the regular meetings allowed them to not let problems pile up and instead let them address them when they occurred. The results of this study showed that the general practitioners benefited from the supervision. They found ways to organize their work and patients that were once tiresome are now considered a challenge. They have been able to find a different way to speak to their patients and have been able to be more compassionate. These groups have also helped improve their lives at home in the evenings where they had the energy to listen and talk their spouse and children. Overall it seems as though the practioners in this article simply appreciated the opportunity to develop a more reflective position that was able to help in many aspects of their lives. Although this may not be a complete solution to preventing burnout but it seems to be extremely beneficial. Works Cited

Nielsen, Helena Galina, and Charlotte Tulinius. "Preventing Burnout Among General Practitioners: Is There A Possible Route?."Education For Primary Care20.5 (2009): 353-359.Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.