Download - President’s Report to the AdCom Don Tan, President PELS AdCom Meeting Mar. 20, 2014.


President’s Report to the AdCom

Don Tan, President

PELS AdCom MeetingMar. 20, 2014

Notes from Feb 2014 TAB Meeting

IEEE Professional Productivity and Collaboration Tool– Aug 2014 Roll out

New expedited approval process for co-sponsored new journals with a new non-IEEE entity who has an established journal alreadyOpen access– Legislation passed the Congress, IEEE is developing a

strategy– CHORUS: Clearing house for open research for US


Notes from Feb 2014 TAB Meeting

TAB Future Directions is transitioning the Transportation Electrification to societies– Jun/14 decision on transition plan, Nov/14 TAB, final approval

(More later)

IEEE Electrification Magazine launched– Can take filler ads for free for sponsoring societies

IEEE and TAB financial data transparency


New Election Results

President-Elect– Bram Ferreira

Members at large, 2014-2016– Vladimir Blasko– Silva Hiti– Dan Kinzer– Zhengming Zhao– Pat Wheeler– Mario Pacas


New Fellows

Class of 2014 (through PELS)

Pedro Rodriguez Charles SullivanCursino Jacobina


New NAE Members

Dushan Boroyevic Ned Mohan


New Appointments

Henry Chung– EiC, IEEE Power Electronics Letters

Ali Emadi– EiC, IEEE Transactions on Transportation


Ashok Bindra (on staff)– EiC, IEEE Power Electronics Magazine

Jonathan Kimbel– APEC leadership rotation


1. Establish Industry Advisory Board

Bill Peterson, chair of the ad-hoc committee– Bill Peterson, Bob Guenther, Phil Krein, Dushan

Boroyevich, Don Tan, Pete Stemer (Europe), Shinzo Tamai (Asia), reps from, China, Korea, etc.

PELM Editorial Board separated to be its own: Ira leads

Goals– Industry’s best magazine in power electronics– Special editorial policy / peer review policy


2. Grow the MembershipIncreased Global Collaborations– Agreements with CES, May, 2013– Collaboration w/ CPSS: Nov., 2013/ Mar., 2014– Collaboration w/ EPE collaboration: The even year

conference starting in 2014 & APEC meeting– IFEEC with TiPEA– India, Singapore on PEDS and membership

development– Brazil hosting the 1st SPEC in 2015 (journal in


Focused membership drive– 100-for-100 student membership drive– Chapter chair training pilot at IPEC– Senior membership drive


3. Improve Organizational Effectiveness

Refine society organizational structure– In progress

Develop operation manuals / procedures– In process of developing society-level policies and

procedures– Efficient structure with governance and consistency

with TAB and PELS policies– Three out of 7 TCs have approved their P&Ps

More agile volunteering– Retain long-time volunteers / home for global members– Develop younger generation of leaders across the globe– Collaboration with sister societies


3. Improve Organizational Effectiveness (cont’d)

Society staffing has significantly improved– Mike Kelly, Executive Director– Donna Florek, Conf, governance, membership– Jo-Ellen Snyder, Financials and MOUs– Mike Markowyzc, Web, webinars, and pubs

– In process of consolidating pub administrative support since we have now 5 achievable publications



2013, 4 issues published

2014, 1 issue appeared, the rest issues on



5. Launch PELS Magazine

Inaugural Issue – March, 2014


6. Launch “the Southern Conference Series”

First steering committee meeting in Denver, 2013Detailed proposal for SPEC was discussed on March 18, 2014 and approved by the meetings committee on Feb. 20, 2014


7. Launch a Mobile App for PELS Members

The society needs a user-friendly app for mobile applications to attract more people, especially young generation of engineers– PELS mobile serves the purpose


8. More Agile Activities in Publicity and Education

Publicity– Established a committee and people with marketing

background– Many ideas are being pursued by Ali K.– Synergy between membership development

Education– Workshop on Power Electronics Education

Different focus than what PELS is pursuing– More interchange among educator around world on

teaching and lab materials Need initiatives

– PELS Webinars are on line


9. Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Power Electronics Society

Special logo / videoYear-long celebrationSouvenirsHonoring the long-term volunteersWith all members at ECCE, Denver


25th Anniversary Reception Photos


PELS tie was the most popular item

in all souvenirsTwo giant sheet cases to help celebrate PELS

25th anniversary

25th Anniversary Reception Photo


The PELS 25th Anniversary Reception attracted all the PELS past presidents for the first time, together with the current IEEE President

10. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

Obtained TAB approval for Ph2 proposal to host IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification– Phase 2 proposal has the following split on society

shares PELS/IAS/PES/VTS (%): 45/30/15/10

– PELS is now the home for two out of five major thrusts under IEEE Transportation Electrification Initiative

Motion: To approve the Phase 2 share split for TTE Phase 2 proposal


Fellow Advisory Committee

To ensure adequate quality nominations to the fellow committee– TCs are tasked to help nominate candidates– Edu committee to help nominate candidates

in the area– Society to appoint an ad-hoc committee by

ECCE in Sep Nomination advisory committee chaired by a

formal committee chair Past members of the fellow committee

IEEE TE Transition

IEEE TAB Future Directions Committee is transitioning the TE Initiative to a group of societies– We have formally expressed our intent to be the host

society for TE when the Initiative completes in 2014 VTS is the other society expressed similar interest

– Other societies also interested in financial sponsoring PES, IAS, VTS, IES, and ITS

– There are total of 19 interested societies from IEEE– The lead society will be the voice for entire IEEE on TE

Motion: PELS to establish an ah-hoc committee on transportation electrification to help secure PELS

as the home for TE


PELS Plan for Hosting IEEE TE

The TE hosting provides a significant growth opportunity for PELS– Growth in technical scope– Growth on membership and global outreach

Challenges– Increased financial responsibility– Increased staffing need– Relationship to other vital areas– Expanded executive meeting in April– Regular Long Range Planning committee meeting in
