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Page 1: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

Presidential Candidates 2012

Who is “closest” to you?

Page 2: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?


a. Pro-life in all circumstances

b. Pro-life except in the case of rape, incest or death of mother

c. Pro-choice with the exception of late term abortion

d. Pro-choice in all circumstances

Page 3: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?


a. New jobs should be created in anyway possible through private or government creation

b. We should balance the budget (have no debt) whether it takes higher taxes and/or cutting spending

c. Jobs should be created by giving private companies tax cuts

d. We should balance the budget by cutting the military budget.

e. We should balance the budget by putting higher taxes on the wealthy.

Page 4: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?


a. Public school should be given government funding.

b. There should be vouchers for students to choose between private and public schools from the government.

c. The government should test students more, like No Child Left Behind, pushes for.

d. Reward successful teachers with “merit” pay.

e. All school should teach the theories of creationism and evolution.

Page 5: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?


a. I oppose intervention in all countries: including Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

b. We should start to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan very soon.

c. We need to be involved in foreign nations to preserve democracy and American safety.

d. We shouldn’t spend money on any foreign wars.

e. Some wars on necessary, but many should be avoided.

Page 6: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

Candidate A

Abortion: Life is the first right; I'm 100% pro-life from conception.

Budget/Economy: Raising debt ceiling is just a blank check for spending.

Education: The SOAR Act award five-year grants on a competitive basis to nonprofit organizations to carry out a expanded school choice opportunities to students who are District of Columbia residents and who come from households:

War and Peace: Voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan. Against Libyan presence.

Page 7: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

Candidate B

Abortion: Abortion only for rape, incest, or maternal health.

Budget/Economy: People are tired of spending on programs we don't want.

Education: Choose from mix of public, charter & private schools.

War and Peace: Secure freedom for oppressed people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Candidate C

Abortion: firmly pro-life; including Court nominations

Budget/Economy: Can't balance budget by cutting waste; must cut spending too

Education: School choice over fat-cat CEOs of teachers' unions.

War and Peace: We should withdraw from Afghanistan after 2012.

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Candidate D

Abortion: Day-after pill allows individual moral choice.

Budget/Economy: We spend $1.5T on wars; start by cutting there.

Education: Competition helps, but vouchers invite bureaucratic control.

War and Peace: Out of Iraq; stay out of Libya; stop bombing Yemen.

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Candidate E

Abortion: Stop forcing pro-choice morality on religious organizations.

Budget/Economy: No sequel to failed stimulus & job-killing policies.

Education: I liked charter school programs in Obama's Race to the Top.

War and Peace: Get out of Arab region rapidly; make new strategy.

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Candidate F

Abortion: I am committed to protecting this constitutional right Ok for state to restrict late-term partial birth abortion.

Budget/Economy: bringing in a progressive tax code which would involve raising the tax rates for the high income category proportionately and increasing the tax cuts and credits of the middle and low income stratum.

Education: Educate to Innovate campaign: make US top in math & science.

War and Peace: The Iraq war has undermined our security. Troops will begin to exit Afghanistan in July 2011.

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Candidate G

Abortion: No abortions even in cases of rape; one violence is enough.

Budget/Economy: Govt has averaged 18% of GDP and we're now at 25%.

Education: Expose kids to legitimate debate of evolution & creationism.

War and Peace: · No isolationism on Libya; but Obama did it wrong. (Sep 2011)

· We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly.

Page 13: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

Candidate H

Abortion: Supports a right to life amendment. Budget/Economy: Clear out the cobwebs;

debt is a cancer. Education: Reward good teachers with flex

pay. War and Peace: Bring troops home from


Page 14: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

A: Michelle Bachmann

Page 15: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

B: Rick Perry

Page 16: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

C: Mitt Romney

Page 17: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

D: Ron Paul

Page 18: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

E: Newt Gingrich

Page 19: Presidential Candidates 2012 Who is “closest” to you?

F: Barack Obama

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G: Rick Santorum

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H: Jon Huntsman