Download - presents ISCINDORE SUPER CHARGERS · Additional Options : None of these are essential, but if you have the space,

Page 1: presents ISCINDORE SUPER CHARGERS · Additional Options : None of these are essential, but if you have the space,


Volume 01 | July 2020

The recent COVID-19 Outbreak will make all of us rethink our priorities for the coming years. From now onwards, things will have to be set to new normals as baselines. So it will be for the workout freaks. But we cannot stay away from our workout. You will save the travel time associated with getting to and from your local workout centre and increase the amount of sessions you can get in each week.

But rst you need to ask yourself the following, crucial question: Is this going to be good for you?

Having a home gym can be great for convenience, but it isn’t for everyone. Some people draw genuine motivation from the group environment of the social gym. They enjoy the expert classes and nd respite from working out in gym chat. If that sounds like you, no matter how convenient training at home may sound, it's probably not perfect for you. But you will have to get used to it.


Building a home gym doesn’t have to be particularly expensive. People waste a lot of money on unnecessary cardio equipment, multi gyms and overpriced specialist products that quite frankly aren't particularly useful in a commercial gym, let alone a home training space.

Keep in mind that your home gym will evolve over time. Start with the very basics and keep an eye out for the upgrades you need. When the time and price is right you can make those additions.

Essential Equipment

1. Barbell & plate set : This is the most important piece of equipment you’ll need for your home gym and will be the foundation of pretty much all of your workouts.

Here is a list of the basic exercises you’ll have available to you with a barbell set:

Legs: Front squat, Back squat, Lunges, Deadlift Back: Barbell row, Upright Row, Power Cleans Shoulders: Military Press, Behind the neck press Chest: Bench Press (at incline & decline) Arms: Bicep curls, Skull crushers, Close grip bench press

2. Bench : To make the most of your barbell sets, you'll need a bench. Always go for a bench that has incline and decline functionality: you may not use these often, but if you decide to go for a split bodybuilding style training phase it’ll come in handy.

3. Rack : The rack is an important element of your gym set-up; it’ll be the biggest piece of equipment and also the most expensive. Without one, heavier leg, chest and shoulder workouts become almost impossible. There is also the safety element to consider as again, most of the time you will be training alone so will want the reassurance of being able to rack the bar easily. You may also want to seek out a rack that

can easily take attachments. For example, pull up bars are a great addition.

4. Flooring : A very important aspect of gym planning is the ooring, which must protect your property and help make your gym equipment last longer. Proper gym ooring will also help reduce the sound level coming out of the gym.

5. Kettlebells : Opt for a pair of relatively heavy kettlebells (12-16kg) over a rack of dumbbells. Some won't agree with this, but kettle bells are a far more versatile piece of equipment. They can replicate most of the exercises you would perform with dumbbells and also bring an element of momentum and functional training to your workouts, providing 100s more variations without taking up much extra space in your gym

6 The cardio issue : If you really have to run, go outside and hit the pavements! Maintain social distancing and you will have to miss your group runs. That way you save a lot of money and space. So skip the Treadmill at home as far as possible.

Additional Options : None of these are essential, but if you have the space, money, and inclination, they will help you vary your workouts:

Suspension Trainer

• Dumbbells : A rack of dumbbells is very easily recognisable and the lower weights make a low barrier to entry, so if you are trying to get your partner or young family interested in exercising with you, this may be the way to do it. If space is an issue you always have the slightly more expensive option of a set of adjustable dumbbells, which will take up next to no space and still typically reach weights of about 25kg.

• Punch Bag : Adding a punch bag to your home gym is going to allow you to enjoy great stress-busting, high intensity workouts. Be sure to put the bag up with enough room in every direction so that you can really work it.

How to create



Page 2: presents ISCINDORE SUPER CHARGERS · Additional Options : None of these are essential, but if you have the space,


• Spin Bike : Sitting on a spin bike while watching your favourite TV series, listening to a podcast or making a phone call can be an effective way to kill two birds with one stone.

• Mirrors : Again, know thyself. Some guys nd motivation from mirrors; others don't. Avoid the mistake of adding a mirror to your home gym set-up and then only training chest, biceps and abs – ie the 'mirror muscles. A schoolboy error!

And nally Once you have your gym, it's time to get working. But before you do, it's worth considering the following:

Make sure you have the right program

Get the technique right

Remember you will now be training all alone, so there won't be anyone to check your technique or warn you if you are putting yourself at risk. If you are unsure about any of the exercises in your regime, investing in just one session with a good trainer to show you how it's done could pay dividends later if you consider the cost of picking up an injury.


Benets of Cross-Training

Alternative forms of exercise have denite benets: improved your tness, injury prevention and rehabilitation, quicker recovery, and boredom busters. The trick is to approach cross-training as a runner. Runners have their obvious strengths: power, endurance, tenacity. But within those strengths lies the potential for weakness: quads that overpower our hamstrings, neglected upper bodies, and poor exibility-qualities that could lead to problems.

Cross-Training for Runners

Four keys to cross-training for runners

Ÿ Choose workouts that are closest to running in terms of muscles used and aerobic systems taxed. Good options include elliptical trainers, cross-country ski machines, stationary bikes, and water running.

Ÿ When cross-training, keep your heart rate at or above 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (220 minus your age) most of the time. In other words, you should be working hard and sweating a lot.

Ÿ Check your morning heart rate regularly. An elevated morning heart rate is a sign of overtraining, which can occur if you add too much cross-training too soon.

Ÿ Combine cross-training with running to maximize running tness with lower actual mileage. You can substitute 25 to 30 percent of your weekly "mileage" with cross-training.

Just don't let cross training take over your workouts. Old-school

purists and new-school coaches on the cutting edge of training will both tell you there's no replacement for running. You need to run a heavy dosage of miles to build your aerobic base and then ne-tune your training with fast running in the form of intervals, tempo runs and fartleks.

How to Incorporate Cross-Training into Your Fitness Plan

Ÿ Jump in: Pool workouts help you build tness, strength, and exibility—without risking injury.

Ÿ Be dynamic: Try a dynamic exibility routine to help reduce the muscle friction in your stride.

Ÿ Borrow something: Steal from the toolboxes of other sports that require some combo of endurance, speed, and strength.

Ÿ Get healthy: As long as you do it right, cross-training can help you achieve overall health if you do it right.

Ÿ Lose weight: Add cross-training to your weekly workouts to shed some extra pounds.

Ÿ Prevent injury: Cross-training prevents injuries—as long as you take a healthy approach.

CHOOSE WISELY. Cross-training can help you stay t when you can’t run, but some activities can make injuries worse. If you’re hurt, check with your doctor before doing any activity. Runner and sports podiatrist Stephen Pribut, D.P.M., of Washington, D.C., offers the following guidelines.

Cross-TrainingCross-training, sometimes referred to as circuit training, refers to combining exercises of other disciplines, different than that of the athlete in training. In reference to running, cross-training is when a runner trains by doing another kind of tness workout such as cycling, swimming, a tness class or strength training, to supplement their running. It builds strength and exibility in muscles that running doesn't utilize. It prevents injury by correcting muscular imbalances. And the variety prevents boredom and burnout.

Stationary Bike Elliptical Swimming Rowing Machine

Runner’s Knee Sometimes Sometimes Yes No

IT-Band Syndrome Sometimes Sometimes Yes Sometimes

Calf Strain/ Achilles Pain Yes Yes Yes Yes

Plantar Fasciitis Yes Yes Yes Yes

Shinsplints Sometimes No Yes No

Stress Fractures Sometimes No Yes No


Jitesh DeepchandaniHealth & Fitness Enthusiast. (CFT, ISSA)

@jiteshdeep @Ayakshma

Ath Manish Goud National Level Athlete, Indore Corporation Athletic Team Captain, Marathon & Track

Event Winner in Deferent Compititions,Marahone / Running Coach & Fitness Traininer

Page 3: presents ISCINDORE SUPER CHARGERS · Additional Options : None of these are essential, but if you have the space,

“ Run the rst third of a race with your head, the middle with your personality, and the last third with your heart.”

This quote by Mike Fanelli encapsulates the simplest, best way to run a race. It’s helpful to start a race logically at your goal pace. Don’t go out way too fast- think it through.

The middle third of a race can be run with your personality – this means whatever is most comfortable for you that could include

Staying on your goal pace, Running faster than goal pace, Sticking with a group of runners near you.

Then when you reach the nal third of the race, you run with your heart! Pour your soul into the race and see what your body is capable of doing. You might just surprise yourself.

Stop fretting about your VO2 Max .

It seems that every runner who is serious about training is obsessed with their VO2 Max score – the maximum amount of oxygen that your body can transport and utilise during exercise. Sure, VO2 Max can increase with training, but it's not a good indicator of how fast you’ll be able to run on a race day.

Some runners have a really high VO2 score but poor running economy(efciency) so they’re slower. Other runners are the opposite and run signicantly faster. The lesson here is that there are better things to focus on -things that you can actually control in your training – so don’t worry too much about your VO2 Max.

Make sure you do a warm down after every run.

Do something after you run - either body weight strength exercises, core work, or a exibility work; it will dramatically lower your injury risk by increasing your functional exibility and general strength. Just 5-10 minutes of easy or moderate exercises doe in your living room or front lawn (don't mind your laughing neighbours) is all you need.

This type of work helps you properly warm down from a running workout and can help make you a more efcient runner (plus cut down on pesky injuries). For many runners, it might be best to cut back on your run so you can include more strength exercises after you nish. If you're consistently injured, this could help you stay healthy.

Be a



Nutrition is a major contributor to an athlete's overall sports performance. At the most basic level, nutrition is important aspect people involved in sports or any form of physical activity. Balanced

nutrition provides nutrients required to perform the activity and accomplish the task. The food we eat impacts on our muscular strength, cardio vascular endurance, daily training schedule, performance and recovery. The main role of sports nutrition is to "support" the training program. So, eating for performance will change as the training regimen changes. Poor nutrition can lead to injury, fatigue and poor recovery, all three of which can hinder how well an athlete performs. Improper nutrition or fad diets increases the risk of illnesses and low immunity also. Not only is the type of food important for sports nutrition but the times we eat

throughout the day also has an impact on our performance levels and our bodies ability to recover after exercising.

Sports nutrition is more than carbohydrates to fuel activity and protein for mending muscles and fats for proper functioning of hormones and absorption of fat soluble vitamins. . All of the vitamins

and minerals play a role in helping our bodies be the best they can be. Make sure you decide your daily plan on the individualized approach so that your performance can get better. Climate, food availability, medical condition, age, gender, time of training, rest period and lot other factors contribute to the nutritional needs of the individual.

#stayt #stay nourished By Dr Shivani Lodha, PhD, Consultant Nutritionist

[email protected], 9165306356

Do we really need to look at our nutrition?


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Manali - Chandratal

CYCLE EXPEDITION Initially we were planning for a very Popular cycling trek from Manali to Leh, but because of time constraint we searched for some small duration cycling expedition in valleys of Himalaya and fortunately we came to know this route in valley of kullu and spiti of Himalaya, which is equally challenging and a beautiful trek.

We booked the tour by a private tour operator Bikat adventures in May 2017and star ted preparing for the same.

We started from Indore on 30 June and reached there on 1 July. Here we met our lead cyclist Mr. Gulam Jeelani and fellow cyclists. We also got

our mountain terrain bike and did a trial cycling of around 5 km. with the new bike.

On day 2, we left from our base destination Jagatsukh , a village 6 km. away from Manali at 7:30am. Targeted distance was around 44 km. and almost 90% of that was uphill. Excitement, thrill, joy and curiosity everything was there on it’s peak. Initially, we were full of energy and altitude was only 6000 feet above sea level therefore cycling was not difcult but as altitude increased, and time passed, it became more and more difcult. The reward of this trek was a lush green surrounding with long pine trees on either side .On cycling uphill with gear 1:1 and frequent breaks, the pace was not more than 5-6 km per hour and after 30 km, we were quite tired, elevation was increasing, altitude was increasing and all of this lead to further decrease in the pace. We negotiated all this trouble and nally reached Marahi, our target destination at around 5 pm. Tea and refreshment which we got on reaching Marahi was not less than sanjeevani booti. Marahi was a very beautiful place located at altitude of 10,400 ft above sea level and the weather there was one step ahead. Support team served dinner at around 8 pm and we were in our tents by 9 pm in deep sleep within no time.

Whole night,it was raining in Marahi. That day, we also learnt to x tents and toilet tents.

Day 2: Marahi to Chhatru via rhotang pass.

Target distance was 50 km. we again started quite early at 7:30 and rst target was Rhotang pass around 20 km. From Marahi it was all steep uphill trails. Weather was awesome. We were in clouds all the time and rains accompanied us for majority of uphill course. Enjoying this, we reached rhotang pass at around 12:15 pm. In between we also negotiated an unexpected landslide, and thousands of eyes staring at us with curiosity and thumbs up with appreciation. Reaching rhotang pass was a great sense of achievement and here we had our rst mega photo session also. The trail from here was downhill for around 10-12km. For Initial 5-6km, road condition was good but afterwards, it became horrible. Energy consumption had decreased but risk of fall had increased. We rode this trek with continuous rear brake on position. After around 14 km, we left manali- leh highway and entered the Spiti valley. In this region road condition became bad to worse. Whole, so called, road was covered with stones, sand, pebbles and small water bodies. Greenery had started disappearing and Rocky Mountains were seen.

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Date 1st July to 6th JulyCycling days-4 | Total Distance- 140 km

by Dr Rajesh BharaniEmail : [email protected]