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Company’s value & Social Media -----------Laurity Gao

What is Value

Three Levels of Value

1. Espoused Values

2. Perceived Values

3. Actual Values

Espoused Values

The values an organization or leader intends. They are formal and communicated both in writing and verbally.

This is “ What I say who I am”

Perceived Values

Those values the employees believe the organization or leader actually embody. They are the values the employees believe are behind actions.

Actual Values

Those values which actually underlie how the organization operates. They may or may not be articulated, or even conscious.

Why by Social Media

1. Large number of current and potential customers.

2. To accept a value need time. (There is a difference between accept cash and accept values.)

3. Along way evaluation.(Interact, and grow up with customers further customer loyalty)

How to do Make social media pages along with companies value.

Social media stage

Repetitively talking about company’s value in related campaign on the social media channel

Act as says

Nurture your value in your target audience’s heart not force them to accept.

Water is stronger than metal

Social Media stage

Make social media pages closely connect with organization’s value

Be simple but not boring

Fast, high quality news, and free talks

Act as Says

To help audience understand organization’s value by launching related campaigns and topics, post them on the social media channel.

Water is Stronger than Metal

Water can saturate sand.

Water =soft skills to illustrate organization's value.

Dry sand=groundswell

Bad Examples

Mcdonald’s wanted to reintroduce its mint flavor Shamrocking, by encouraging customers to post like an captain.

McDonald's brand mission is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat.

What Li and Bernoff says

First, it is important to take this step by step.

Second, each of these stepping-stones leads in a natural progression to the next step.

Third, you have to have executive support.

ReferencesBernoff, C. L. (2011). The groundswell transforms. In C. l. Bernoff, Groundswell (p. 331). Boston, MA, US: Harvard business review press.

Eichman, L. (2012). Project Management-strategic project leadership. Worcester: Eichman Louise.

Mcdonalds. (2010, 1 1). Mcdonald's . Retrieved 12 05, 2012, from Mission & Values:

McDStories, McDonald's Twitter Hashtag Promotion, Goes Horribly Wrong . (2012, 1 23). Retrieved 12 5, 2012, from huff post:

Nudd, T. (2012, 3 14). McDonald's Fabricates Awkward Internet Meme With #Shamrocking Pose like a poor man's Captain Morgan . Retrieved 12 5, 2012, from Adweek:

times, N. y. (n.d.). New tork times. Retrieved 12 05, 2012, from New york times: