Download - Present Continuous Class 14 May

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May



    I am delivering some old letters, he said.Mmm I do not believe him, He is lying Ithought. Knock knock. Who is there? I

    said. Your letters are waiting for you! Theman replied. I cannot open the door, I am

    studying now and it is raining! Come

    back tomorrow.


    Find out three sentences in present continuous




  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May



    I am studying now and it is raining.

    I am not studying now and it is not raining

    To make the negative form of the Present Continuous you add the word NOTafter the verb to be (AM-IS-ARE)

    The Kidneys are filtering my blood now

    The Kidneys are not filtering my blood now

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    PRESENT CONTiNUOUS interrogative FORM

    To make the interrogative form of the Present Continuous you simple change the position of the verb to be (AM-IS-ARE)

    Yes or Not answer

    Is the space shuttle taking off? Yes, It is / No, it is not

    WH Questions

    What is happening? The space shuttle is taking off.

    What are the people doing?They are

    Are they looking at the sky? Yes, they are / No, they arent

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May



    Complete with the correct form of the Verb to be and the verb inPresent continuous form . (+) (-) (?)

    1) Look, it ___ ______________ outside! (rain)

    2) Excuse me, I ___ ____________ for the bank. (Look)

    3) ___ they _______________ on a roller coaster now ___. (?/ride)

    4) I ___ ________________ bubble gum. (not/chew)

    5) ___ we ________________ cars ___. (?/drive)

    6) The alien ___ ________________ his eye (not/wink)

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    (+) The ______________________ now.( - )( ? )

    (+) The ___________________ at the moment.( - )( ? )

    (+) A _____________________ in Egypt.( - )( ? )




    In the following sentences choose the correct subject and form of the Verb tobe, then pick out the appropriate verb. DO NOT FORGET ADDING ING TO

    THE VERB!!

    AM/ IS / ARE



  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Look at the image then make 2 questions using WH questions, 3 YES or NOT questionsand finally 3 affirmative sentences.

    WH questionEg; What are they pointing out?They are pointing out the clouds

    Yes or Not questionis it raining?No, it is not

    (+) They are standing on the grass

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May



  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    The following sentences are in Can you write them inPresent continuous?

    1. The heart always pumps blood in my body.

    2. People usually vote in the presidential elections

    3. The geo logist doesnt study ancient cultures.

    4. Does global warming kill animals?

    5. Does the caterpillar turns into a butterfly?

    6. Syrian people dont live in peace.

    7. The earth revolves around the sun at 30 km/s. (108,000 km/h)

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    What are they doing?

    Write the questions that appear in the video Write the negative answer to the question (-) Write what they are really doing (+)

    Present continuous

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Students cut out the pictures and write sentences in present continuous.

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    The first solid mealthat a baby koala Eats

    Is its mothers poo.

    A koala sleeps for

    about 20 hours a day.

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Dolphins sleep with

    only half of the brain ata time and one eye open.

    Dolphins use ablowhole on top of their

    heads to breathe .

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    The koala issleeping at the


    The dolphin issleeping with one

    eye open now.

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Frequency adverbs

    Always Never Often Hardly ever Now - At the moment Right now


    ( ? ) Does a baby koala eat its mother poo?

    Yes , he does / No, he does not

    ( ? ) Is the baby koala eating its

    mother poo now ?Yes, he is / No, he is not

    ( - ) I dont eat my mother poo

    ( + ) Dolphins always sleep with one eye open ( + ) Dolphins are sleeping with oneeye open at the moment.

    ( - ) I am not eating my mother poo

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Add S / IES/ ESto theverb (She-He-It)

    Things that arehappening now

    Use verb to be ( Am-Is Are)Add ING to the verb

    Things that alwayshappen ( Routines,facts )

    Use Do-Does to makequestions.

    Use Am-Is-Are tomake questions .

    Use Dont or Doesnt

    to makenegative sentences

    Use Not to makenegatives sentences

    Use frequencyadverbs ; Never,Often,

    sometimes , etc

    Use expressions ; now,at the moment, right

    now, etc.

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Complete the following sentences according to Present simpleor Present continuous rules.

    1) ____ the gorilla eating bamboo? (+) Yes ____________

    2) ____ cheetahs hunt for food at night? (-) No, ___________

    3) The giraffe ___ _________ water now. (drink )

    4) _____ he study at night? No, __________

    5) They __________ ___________ together. (Usually/ eat dinner)

    6) The frog is ___ _________ its eggs on land. ( not/lay )

    7) The zookeeper ________ wake up at 12 pm. (not)

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Write P/C ( Present continuous) or P/S ( Present simple)next to every sentence.

    1) The clock is ticking now. P/C2) Do journalists collect news and other information?.

    3) Is the airplane landing in Santiago now?. ______

    4) Does a leopard hunt his prey at night?

    5) Helga is not playing.

    6) It doesnt rain in summer in Talca.

    7) Australians dont have coastline.

    8) Is SpongeBob squarepants hitting a clock?

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Complete the following sentences with the correct Verb to be and Verb (Action).

    1) Please be quiet. I ___ _________ now.

    2) Look! Somebody ___ ______________ in the lake.

    3) Where is Sam? He ___ _____________ a shower now.

    4) Why dont we go home? It ___ ___________ a lot!

    5) ___ you ____________ for the bus? No, I ___ ___

    6) Does a dolphin _____ with one eye open? Yes, it ____

    7) Do you _____ beans? No, I ____8) She always _____ her mother with the housework.

    VERBSLike - sleep rain swim take help play work - wait

    Verb to beAm/Is/Are

  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


  • 7/31/2019 Present Continuous Class 14 May


    Name 7 daily routines

    Name 5 frequency adverbs

    Name 5 animals

    Name 7 Verbs in PresentContinuous form.

    Name 5 WH questions

    Name 3 verbs to be

    Circle the negative form

    She-He- It = Dont /Doesnt

    They-you-we- I = Doesnt/Dont

    Write the negative formI am ___

    She is ___They are ___