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Communication Skills(2110002)

Branch_Batch: IT_D1

Name of Faculty:

Prof . Hetal Mam

Student Name :- (1) Fithani Pooja (150120116019) (2) Gelani Ravi (150120116020) (3) Ghai Simran (150120116021)

Topic: Preparing for Presentation

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Presentations Strategies

• Plan• Prepare• Practice• Perform

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Introduction What is presentation?

A successful presentation is that in which combines rich and interesting content through an effective delivery.

The successful presentation is needed to draw audience’s attention.

The purpose of presentation

The purpose of your presentation is not only to decide the content and style of your presentation, but also to affect the amount of audience interaction.

For example:- when your purpose is to provide information, you and the audience generally interact in a limited manner.

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On the other hand, when your purpose is to indulge people to take a particular action, or to collaborate with them in solving a problem, or making a decision, the interaction would be more.

Depending upon your purpose to inform, to analyze or to pursuit, you should be flexible enough to adjust to new input and unexpected audience reaction.

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Strategy How to prepare an effective presentation? To prepare an effective presentation one should focus on the following points.

1) Analyzing audience & locale2) Organizing content

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Analyzing Audience & locale

Your audience may be your friends, your foes(enemies),colleagues,, clients, sometimes unfamiliar faces, or a combination of these.

The nature of your audience has a direct impact on the strategy you implemented for your presentation.

Hence, it is necessary to have some prior knowledge of audience’s characteristics. To analyze your audience, you need to know:- 1) what are their interest, likes and dislikes

2) are they familiar with the topic 3) what is the size of the group4) age, gender, etc.

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Organizing Content

People vary in their ability to speak confidently in public. When you face an audience you should follow certain aspects mentioned below:-

1) Always prepare more material then required.2) Make sure you are well rehearsed.3)Warm up with relaxation exercises which help you to avoid feeling nervousness.4) Expect the unexpected

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To prepare an effective presentation you should focus on the following parts of the presentation:

1)Introduction:- The introduction includes the porch or the opening statement the aim & the purpose.

The porch can be question, a sincere greeting or a starting statement.

This catches(draws) the attention of your audience and prepares then to listen the rest of your presentation.

After the porch, state clearly and precisely(briefly) the purpose of your presentation

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2) Main body:- The main body or the discussion follows to introduction and supports your aim or

purpose. Depending upon your topic and your introduction you can choose from any of

the following patterns to prepare the main body of your presentation:- a) Chronological b) General to specific c) Specific to general d) More important to less important e) Less important to more important f) Categorical g) Problem and solution

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¡) Chronological:- You can have this pattern for organizing the details the details which you can arrange in a sequence. This method is useful for the topics such as ‘The profile of your institute’, ‘The

History of India’ , etc.¡¡) Categorical:- This is one of the easiest and most commonly adopted patterns for many topics. The entire presentation can be divided into various topics and subtopics can be

arranged on the basis of co-ordination. This can be used for the topics like, ‘Impact of cinema on children’, ‘Internet-

Boon or Ban’¡¡¡) Cause and effect:- You can adopt this whenever there exist a cause and effect relationship. It is used for the topics, ‘Smoking on youth’.

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¡v)Problem solution:-

In this pattern you can divide the presentation into two parts In first part you can describe the cause & effect of the problem. After the analysis you need to explain solution of the cause in 2nd part. It is very useful & effective way for persuasive presentation. These can be used for the topics like, ‘Population Explosion’

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3) Conclusion:-

You can conclude your presentation by reviewing the following points:-

¡) Give a signal such as, ‘To serve up’ , ‘To conclude’.¡¡) Remind the audience briefly about the purpose of your presentation.¡¡¡) You can also conclude with a quotation recall a easier story,

joke , anecdote with which you can prepare a purposeful presentation.

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Thank you….