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Page 1: Prepare your loved one's home for winter

Prepare your loved one’s home for winter

Page 2: Prepare your loved one's home for winter

With winter quickly approaching, here is a quick checklist to help you prepare your loved one’s home for the cold and snow.

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Page 3: Prepare your loved one's home for winter

Clear gutters of all debris. The extra weight during rain, snow or ice storm could cause damage.

Inspect roof for damage.

Get winter clothes ready. Check winter clothes inventory (hats, gloves, etc.)

Call an HVAC professional to inspect the furnace and clean ducts.

Clean and cover outside air conditioner unit.






Page 4: Prepare your loved one's home for winter

• De-draft the home. • Make sure the home is well insulated and that there is weather stripping around all doors and windowsills to keep the warm air inside. • Switch out summer screens with glass replacements from storage. • If there are storm windows, install them.

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Page 5: Prepare your loved one's home for winter

Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Buy indoor candles and matches /lighter for use during a power shortage.

• Have an alternate heating source available in case of a power outage. • Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone in the house knows how to use them. • House fires pose an additional risk as more people turn to alternate heating sources without taking the necessary safety precautions.

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Purchase flashlights and extra batteries and place them all over the home in case of a power outage.

Find the phone numbers for your utility companies and tape them near your phone or inside the phone book.

Store extra bottled water and non-perishable food supplies (including pet food, if they have a pet), blankets and a first-aid kit in a dry and easy-to-access location.

Store extra blankets in an easy-to-access location in case a heat source is compromised.





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• If the chimney hasn’t been cleaned for a while, call a chimney sweep to remove soot and creosote.

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• Buy firewood or chop wood. Store it in a dry place away from the exterior of the home.


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