Download - Premier Fall 08 Andrew Kao

  • 8/14/2019 Premier Fall 08 Andrew Kao



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    UNLV Alumnus George Maloof

    takes success in stride

    takes success in stride

    UNLV Alumnus Geor e Maloof

    Palmsin his


  • 8/14/2019 Premier Fall 08 Andrew Kao




    Student Spotlight

    A s a frequent visitor to Las Vegas as a child,Andrew Kao got to know the city prettywelleven mapping out the entire FashionShow Mall floor plan in his head. Now, at 20-

    years-old, Kao is mapping out his future.A triple major in hospitality, meeting

    and events, and lodging management, plus

    focusing on a Japanese minor, Kao relies onhis iPhone and Google calendar to coordinate

    the days and nights that he seemingly eats,breaths and sleeps the hotel college. Nostranger to the hospitality profession (his

    father runs a hotel in California), the Burbank,Calif. natives ambitious career path is already

    taking shape. He attends class and worksfull-time, assists with special events in town,

    attends professional luncheons, conventions

    and meetingslocally, around the nation andoverseasand chairs the UNLV International

    Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE)student chapter.

    The allure of working in hospitality brings ina mix of all his interestsfrom working behind

    the scenes in an office setting and managingfinances to interacting with people and creatinginnovative ways to enhance a customers

    experience. Hes energetic about what he doesand will sign up for any project that comes to

    him.I want to learn what every industry does

    and every segment of how a hotel runs. Thereare so many parts of a hotel that have to cometogether for the guests experience, Kao says.

    Everything is done very glamorously here. Itsa very good concentration of everything that

    is good about the hospitality industry, whichis packed in this tiny strip. You cant find thisanywhere else in the world.

    Kao began working at Tahiti Vacation Club,a time-share company, as a front-desk agent

    two years ago and is now a shift manager.He plans to graduate in 2010, and hes aiming

    for general manager before graduation. Hes

    aware graduates traditionally do not reach thatlevel of management before they move their

    tassels to the left, but that doesnt stop Kaofrom looking ahead. An MBA and owning his

    own hotel are also on his list of things to do.My main goal is to end up in the lodging

    industry. A large property does have several

    departments under it, Kao says. A goodgeneral manager or above should worry about

    and understand all these departments.Being in IAEE and attending networking

    and educational events helps hotel college

    students like Kao gain practical experience

    needed before entering the workforce, saysCurtis Love, associate professor in the tourismand convention management department and

    advisor for IAEE.Hes already creating a professional

    network as a student. Hes building a niceresume to make him more marketable in this

    economy, says Love. Kao encourages fellowstudents to be involved, actively recruits newmembers and keeps the group up to date on

    the latest events and IAEE news. Hes a verymotivated, driven and hard worker.

    Attending seminars and conventions canbecome costly, especially on a students

    budget. However, the hotel college uses privatedonations to pay for all or portions of student

    trips. Kao received a $500 scholarship fromGES Exhibition Services and the $2,500 HelenBrett scholarship.

    Thanks to a $7,500 scholarship, Kao waspart of a four-student group that traveled with aUNLV professor to Austria for the International

    Tourism Students Conference held in April.There they presented research on the history

    and future of meeting and event managementin the U.S. Exchanging ideas and meeting

    students from abroad gave the group globalperspectives on how hospitality works aroundthe world, Kao says. Through the Internet,

    Kao has been able to stay connected with thestudents he met.

    Kao and other students just like him haveattended meetings and conferences in San

    Diego, Las Vegas, Seattle and, in the nextfew months, will be heading to Miami forthe IAEE national convention and to New

    Orleans to attend the Professional ConventionManagement Association.

    Scholarship money makes this possible,Kao says. Our goal is to get every studentwhos actively involved in our organization a job

    before they graduate.

    Every chance Kao gets is an opportunityto talk about UNLV and the hotel college. Hesays hes going to be an alumnus one day and

    wants to raise awareness about the quality andcapabilities of students at the hotel college.

    At a recent luncheon with the Las Vegas

    Hotel Association, Kao marveled at howmany UNLV graduates represented several

    companies.Its exciting to see that this is what Im

    going to be doing a couple of years fromnow.

    Andrew Kao

    Afsha Bawany



