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Page 1: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,
Page 2: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,


I am especially honoured to have been appointed the Editor ofAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry, and to be associated with a highlycited, very successful series. The series began in 1959, edited by H.J.Emele¤ us and A.G. Sharpe, and at that time included reviews onRadiochemistry.WithVolume 31, Professor A.G. Sykes assumed the edi-torship and extended the area of interest to include bioinorganic studies.He prefaced that issue with an outline of his views on the aims of theseries, and (paraphrasing) he intended to continue to provide a forumfor scholarly and critical reviews by recognized experts, rather thanseeking to catalogue each and every event. Those opinions and othercomments were very appropriate then and remain so, now and in thefuture.Contributionswill be solicited by the editor, whowill also be guided by

the Editorial Advisory Board. Issues on thematic topics will in generalinvolve a co-editor as a specialist in that particular ¢eld. Suggestionsfor subjects for reviews in the future will be welcome at any time. Of par-ticular interest will be reviews of rapidly developing areas that do notnecessarily ¢t into traditional subject sub-areas, thus appealing tonewer readers and research colleagues. It is felt that a presentation ofdiverse topics will assist in creative thinking and help to ensure thatthe overall subject of Inorganic Chemistry continues to develop andthrive. In this respect, I would like to welcome the newAdvisory Boardmembers and will look forward to interacting with them.To honour the accomplishments of Professor Geo¡ Sykes, both in his

own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic andBioinorganic Chemistry, and as editor of this series, the present volumeon Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms is dedicated to him.The Publisher’snote in Volume 53 referred to the high impact factor as a re£ectionof the high standards set and the quality of the contributing authors.I echo these comments and personally acknowledge Professor Sykes’


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signi¢cant contribution to the success of the series. I am delighted andfeel privileged to succeed illustrious editors and will endeavour tomatch their high standards.

For my ¢rst volume as Editor, I have invited Professor Colin D.Hubbard (University of Erlangen-Nu« rnberg, Erlangen, Germany andUniversity of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA) as co-editor.Professor Hubbard studied chemistry at the University of She⁄eld, andobtained his PhD with Ralph G.Wilkins. Following post-doctoral workat MIT, Cornell University and University of California in Berkeley, hejoined the academic sta¡ of the University of New Hampshire, Durham,where he became Professor of Chemistry in 1979. His interests cover theareas of high-pressure chemistry, electron transfer reactions, proton tun-nelling and enzyme catalysis.

The ¢rst chapter by F.A. Dunand, L. Helm and A.E. Merbach is a com-prehensive account of the mechanism of solvent exchange processes.Metal complex formation can be controlled by solvent exchange. Thistopic, as well as ligand substitution in general, form the subject of thesecond chapter by J. Burgess and C.D. Hubbard. Following this, J.H.Espenson describes ‘Oxygen Transfer Reactions: Catalysis by RheniumCompounds’. The fourth chapter by P.C. Ford, L.E. Laverman and J.M.Lorkovic is an account of the reaction mechanisms of nitric oxide withbiologically relevant metal centers. In chapter 5, U. Fekl and K.I.Goldberg discuss ‘Platinum Involvement in Homogeneous HydrocarbonC^H Bond Activation and Functionalization’. Chapter 6 by M.H. Halland H.-J. Fan is titled ‘Density Functional Studies of Iridium CatalyzedAlkane Dehydrogenation’. ‘Recent Advances in Electron TransferReactions’are reported by D.M. Stanbury.The ¢nal chapter by I. Fa¤ bia¤ nand V. Csorda¤ s is on ‘The Kinetics and Mechanism of Metal IonCatalyzedAutoxidation Reactions’. I thoroughlybelieve that these contri-butions cover the present advances accomplished in the general area ofInorganic Reaction Mechanisms.

Rudi van EldikUniversity of Erlangen-Nu« rnbergGermanyDecember 2002


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PUBLISHER’S NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . ixPREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

Solvent Exchange on Metal Ions


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1II. Solvent Exchange onMain Group Metal Ions . . . . . 8III. Solvent Exchange on d-Transition Metal Ions . . . . . 16IV. Solvent Exchange on Lanthanides and Actinides . . . . . 41V. Appendix: Ligand Abbreviations, Formulae, and Structures . . 52

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Ligand Substitution Reactions


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 72II. Inert Octahedral MII and MIII Complexes . . . . . . 75III. High Oxidation State Complexes . . . . . . . . 94IV. Square-Planar Complexes . . . . . . . . . 96V. Reactions at LabileTransitionMetal Centers . . . . . 109

VI. Transition MetalTriangles and Clusters . . . . . . 126VII. Reactions of Coordinated Ligands . . . . . . . 128

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Oxygen Transfer Reactions: Catalysis by Rhenium Compounds


I. Rhenium Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . 158II. Oxygen AtomTransfer: The ReactionsThemselves . . . . 165III. Kinetics of Pyridine N-oxide Reduction . . . . . . 166IV. The Chemical Mechanism of Pyridine N-oxide Reduction . . . 168V. Digression to Ligand Exchange and Substitution . . . . 173

VI. Additional Oxygen AtomTransfer Reactions . . . . . 180


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VII. Other Oxorhenium(V) Compounds as Catalysts . . . . . 184VIII. SulfurAtom Abstraction . . . . . . . . . 187IX. TheActivation of Molecular Oxygen . . . . . . . 190X. Imido-rhenium Compounds . . . . . . . . . 196XI. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Reaction Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide with BiologicallyRelevant Metal Centers


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 203II. Formation of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes . . . . . . 206III. Reactions of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes . . . . . . 219IV. Examples from the Chemical Biology of Metal

Nitrosyl Complexes . . . . . . . . . . 237V. Overview and Summary . . . . . . . . . 245

VI. List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . 248References . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Homogeneous Hydrocarbon C–H Bond Activation andFunctionalization with Platinum


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 260II. Classic Division of the Hydrocarbon Functionalization

Cycle intoThree Parts . . . . . . . . . . 263III. Mechanisms for the C^H Activation Sequence:

Formation of a Pt(II) Hydrocarbyl Complex from Pt(II) and Hydrocarbon 264IV. Mechanisms for the Oxidation Step: From Pt(II)-Hydrocarbyl to

Pt(IV)-Hydrocarbyl . . . . . . . . . . 299V. Mechanisms for the Functionalization Sequence:

Carbon-Heteroatom Coupling to Release the Product . . . . 306VI. Summary and Concluding Comments . . . . . . . 311

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 314

Density Functional Studies of Iridium Catalyzed Alkane Dehydrogenation


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 321II. Cyclopentadienyl Iridium Complex . . . . . . . 323


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III. Fundamental Steps . . . . . . . . . . 329IV. Transfer Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . 336V. Acceptorless Reaction . . . . . . . . . . 337

VI. Geometric Factor . . . . . . . . . . . 340VII. Reaction Conditions . . . . . . . . . . 340VIII. Model with tert-butyl Phosphine . . . . . . . . 342IX. Anthraphos Rhodium Complex . . . . . . . . 342X. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . 343XI. Computational Details . . . . . . . . . . 344

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

Recent Advances in Electron-Transfer Reactions


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 352II. Outer-Sphere ElectronTransfer Reactions . . . . . . 352III. Radical Electron-Transfer Reactions . . . . . . . 361IV. ‘‘Small-Molecule’’ Intramolecular Electron-Transfer Reactions . . 369V. ElectronTransfer with Metalloproteins . . . . . . 372

VI. Double ElectronTransfer . . . . . . . . . 379VII. Electrochemical Electron-Transfer Reactions . . . . . 381

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 392

Metal Ion Catalyzed Autoxidation Reactions:Kinetics and Mechanisms


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 395II. General Considerations . . . . . . . . . 397III. Autoxidation of L-Ascorbic Acid . . . . . . . . 400IV. Autoxidation of Catechols and Related Compounds . . . . 411V. Autoxidation of Cysteine . . . . . . . . . 426

VI. Autoxidation of Sulfur(IV) . . . . . . . . . 431VII. Autoxidation of Miscellaneous Substrates . . . . . . 442VIII. Exotic Kinetic Phenomena . . . . . . . . . 449IX. Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

References . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463CONTENTS OF PREVIOUS Volumes . . . . . . . . 473


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This special volume of Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, with thethematic title Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, is the ¢rst volume to bepublished under the auspices of the new editor, Professor Rudi van Eldik.A Dutch national, Professor van Eldik studied chemistry at

Potchefstroom University in South Africa, where he gained his D.Sc. in1971. After a number of years working abroad, he was appointedProfessor of Chemistry at Potchefstroom in 1979. In 1982 he received hisHabilitation at the University of Frankfurt where he was Group Leaderat the Institute for Physical Chemistry between 1980 and 1986. From1987 to 1994 he was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Universityof Witten/Herdecke, Germany and was then appointed to his presentposition as Professor of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at theUniversity of Erlangen-Nˇrnberg in Germany. In the intervening yearshe has travelled widely, being a Visiting Professor at the University ofUtah in the USA, the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, BenGurion University in Israel and at the moment is Wilsmore VisitingProfessor at the University of Melbourne in Australia.A proli¢c author, Professor van Eldik has been responsible for some

580 papers in refereed journals, and four books as editor or co-editor.His current research intrests are the application of high pressure techni-ques in mechanistic studies; metal-catalyzed autoxidation processes;and bioinorganic studies. As such he is eminently quali¢ed to edit theprestigious Advances in Inorganic Chemistry.We are con¢dent that he isa worthy successor to Professor Geo¡ Sykes and that he will maintainthe high standards for which the series is known.


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Institut de chimie moleculaire et biologique, Ecole polytechnique federale deLausanne, EPFL-BCH, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

I. IntroductionA. General AspectsB. Experimental MethodsC. Classification of MechanismsD. TheVolume of Activation

II. Solvent Exchange onMain GroupMetal IonsA. General CharacteristicsB. Divalent Main Group IonsC. Trivalent Main Group Ions

III. Solvent Exchange on d-Transition Metal IonsA. General CharacteristicsB. Divalent First-RowTransition MetalsC. Trivalent First-RowTransition MetalsD. Second andThird Row Octahedral ComplexesE. Effect of Non-Leaving LigandsF. Square-Planar Complexes

IV. Solvent Exchange on Lanthanides and ActinidesA. Trivalent LanthanidesB. Divalent Eu(II)C. Actinides

V. Appendix: Ligand Abbreviations, Formulae, and StructuresReferences

I. Introduction


Solvent exchange reactions on metal cations are among the mostsimple chemical reactions: a solvent molecule situated in the ¢rst coordi-nation shell of the ion is replaced by another one, normally enteringfrom the second shell. They are generally considered as fundamentalreactions for metal ions in solution, since they constitute an importantstep in complex-formation reactions on metal cations. The reaction is


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

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symmetrical: reactants and reaction products are identical, which hasimportant drawbacks in the determination of the rate constants.

The rates of solvent exchange vary widely with the nature of the cationand, to a lesser extent, with that of the solvent. As an example Fig. 1shows that kH2O, the exchange rate constant for water molecules, coversnearly 20 orders of magnitude. At the ‘‘slow end’’of the lability scale themean life time of a water molecule in the 1st coordination shell of[Ir(H2O)6]3+, �H2O (=1/kH2O) is about 290 years (1), whereas at the otherextreme the shortest mean life time is 2�10�10 s (=200 ps) directly meas-ured on [Eu(H2O)7]2+ (2).Variation of the rate constant with solvent onthe same metal ion is less pronounced and generally below 2 orders ofmagnitude. Strong back-bonding from the metal to solvent molecules,however, can slow down the exchange process by several orders ofmagnitude, as observed for example for [Ru(MeCN)6]

3+ (3). It is thereforeconvenient to divide the discussion of solvent exchange into categoriesof metal ions.

FIG.1. Mean lifetimes of a particular water molecule in the first coordination sphereof a given metal ion, �H2O, and the corresponding water exchange rate constants, kH2Oat 298K. The filled bars indicate directly determined values, and the empty barsindicate values deduced from ligand substitution studies.

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The ¢rst category includes the main group ions, which exhibit in gen-eral, for a given ionic charge, increasing exchange rate constants, kex,with increasing ionic radius. This is nicely illustrated by the waterexchange on Al3+, Ga3+ and In3+, all being six-coordinate, with a rateincrease of more than 6 orders of magnitude. Solvent exchange onmono-valent alkali and large divalent alkali-earth ions is very fast andthe exchange rate constants can only be deduced from complex-forma-tion reactions (4,5).The second category is the d-transition metal ions. Their solvent

exchange properties are strongly in£uenced by the electronic occupancyof their d orbitals. This is best illustrated by the 1st row transitionmetal ions. On the basis of their ionic radii, rM, they should all showlabilities similar to Zn2+ for the divalent ions and similar to Ga3+ forthe trivalent ones. However, the water exchange rates vary by 7 and 15orders of magnitude, respectively, depending largely on the electroniccon¢guration of the metal ion. Within this category, square-planarcomplexes constitute a special sub-category.The third category is the high coordination number lanthanides and

actinides.The trivalent lanthanides show a decrease in rM with the pro-gressive ¢lling of the 4f orbitals, called the lanthanide contraction.Since the 4f orbitals are shielded by the ¢lled 5s and 5p orbitals, the elec-tronic con¢guration has no remarkable e¡ect and therefore the variationin rM and an eventual change in coordination number and geometrydetermine the lability of the 1st coordination shell.Solvent exchange reactions have been reviewed several times in the

last 10 years. A comprehensive review by Lincoln and Merbach was pub-lished in this series in 1995 (6). More recent reviews focused moreon high pressure techniques for the assignment of reaction mechanisms(7^9) or on water exchange (10).This review is a follow up of the exhaus-tive Lincoln and Merbach review (6). The main features of solventexchange on metal ions will be pointed out, taking into account develop-ments and new results from the last 10 years.


Only a few experimental techniques are available to measure solventexchange rate constants directly. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)spectroscopy has shown the widest range of application. Most exchangerate constants given in this review were determined by NMR using avariety of speci¢c methods. A common method is the observation ofNMR lineshape (11). If the exchange rate constant is in the range de¢nedby the natural linewidth of the NMR resonance and there is a chemical


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shift di¡erence between resonance signals of bulk solvent and solventmolecules in the 1st coordination shell (both in rad s�1), kex can bedirectly determined from the NMR spectrum. This means that rates inthe order of several s�1 can be measured by 1H or 13C NMR as well asrates of the order of 106 s�1 if chemical shift di¡erences are large due toparamagnetic e¡ects. Even faster exchange rates can be determinedusing methods based on relaxation rate measurements. Using thesemethods, the fastest rate measured by NMR up to now is � 5�109 s�1

(2). Relatively slow exchange reactions from kex 0.1 to 10 s�1 can be fol-lowed using magnetization transfer experiments. By exciting spins on achemical site, well de¢ned by its NMR signal, and observing how thisexcitation is transferred by the chemical reaction to another site, reac-tion rates can be obtained if the reaction proceeds faster than nuclearspin relaxation (12,13).

Very slow reactions can be followed by isotopic labeling techniques.The solvent molecules in the 1st shell of the metal ion or the bulk solventmay be labeled either using stable isotopes as for example 2H, 13C, 15N or17O or either radioactive isotopes as 14C or 3H. The exchange of thelabeled molecules can be followed with various techniques like NMR,mass spectroscopy, or radiation counting after precipitation.There is inprinciple no lowest limit of kex to be measured by the labeling method;samples can be stored in a thermostated bath for months and transferredfrom time to time into a NMR spectrometer to record the progress ofthe reaction.To accelerate the reaction, measurements can be performedat high temperature.Water exchange on the extremely slow [Ir(H2O)6]3+

was measured at temperatures from 358 to 406K and the value at 298Kwas then extrapolated from these data (1).

Measuring very fast solvent exchange rates is very di⁄cult, especiallyon diamagnetic ions where the NMR technique described above cannotbe applied. Some information on the dynamics of water protons in aque-ous ionic solution is available from high-resolution incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (IQENS). Based on di¡erences of translationaldi¡usion constants for bulk and bound water, this technique allows oneto establish a time-scale for ion-water proton binding (14). From theexperimental data it can be decided if the binding time �H2O is short(�10�10 s) or long (�5�10�9 s) on the IQENS observation timescale (15).Between these two limits binding times can be estimated from theIQENS spectra. Very fast water exchange rates can be estimated fromrates of complex formation on the aqua ions, measured by ultra soundabsorption or temperature-jump techniques (4,5). If the formation of theinner sphere complex involves the movement of a ligand from thesecond to the ¢rst coordination sphere and this is the rate-determining

4 F.A. DUNAND et al.

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step in the complex-formation reaction, then this rate can be consideredto be close to the water exchange rate.Measuring the pressure dependence of the exchange rate constant

leads to activation volumes, �V z, and this technique has become a majortool for the mechanistic identi¢cation of solvent exchange mechanisms(8,16,17 ). In the last 25 years high-pressure, high-resolution NMR probeswere developed which allow the application of all NMR techniquesdescribed to pressures up to several hundreds of mega Pascals (18).


The mechanistic classi¢cation generally accepted for ligand substitu-tion reactions was proposed by Langford and Gray in 1965 (19).This clas-si¢cation was often discussed in the literature and its principles areonly summarized here for convenience.

MXn ��������!�X

þXMXn�1� �


�YMXn�1Y ðD ¼ dissociativeÞ ð1Þ

MXn ��������!þY

�YMXnY� �


þXMXn�1Y ðA ¼ associativeÞ ð2Þ

MXn � � � Y ��������! MXn�1Y � � � X ðI ¼ interchangeÞ ð3Þ

Langford and Gray divided substitution reactions into three categoriesof stoichiometric mechanisms: associative (A) where an intermediate ofincreased coordination number is inferred, or dissociative (D) where anintermediate of reduced coordination number is inferred, and inter-change (I) where there is no kinetically detectable intermediate [Eq. (3),MXn � � �Yrepresents an outer-sphere complex].They further distinguishtwo categories of intimate mechanisms: mechanisms with an associativeactivation mode (a) and mechanism with a dissociative activation mode(d). In the ¢rst case the reaction rate is sensitive to the nature of theentering group whereas in the second case the reaction rate is not sensi-tive to the variation of the entering group but to the nature of the leavinggroup.All A mechanisms must be associatively and all D mechanisms must

be dissociatively activated. The interchange mechanisms (I) include acontinuous spectrum of transition states where the degree of bond-making between the entering ligand and the complex ranges from verysubstantial (Ia mechanism) to negligible (Id mechanism) and inversely


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for bond-breaking (16). For a solvent exchange reaction, the forward andbackward reaction coordinates must be symmetrical.

How can mechanisms be assigned to solvent exchange reactions? Therate law for solvent exchange reaction can be determined using an inertdiluent. Unfortunately such a diluent does not exist for all solvents:there is no inert diluent known for water for example. The variation ofthe enthalpy and entropy of activation, obtained from variable tempera-ture experiments, within a series of similar ligand substitution systemscan give a guide to a mechanistic changeover.Thus d-activated reactionstend to have greater �Hz values than do a-activated reactions, and �Sz

tends to be positive for d- and negative for a-activated reactions.However, the magnitudes of the contributions to these two parametersarising from interactions that occur beyond the 1st coordination shellcan be uncertain; hence the determination of �Sz is often prone to sys-tematic errors. By the choice of adequate conditions, the precision ofmeasurement of �V z is high and there is a direct relationship betweenits sign and the increase or decrease of the rate constant with pressure.Therefore, establishment of the dependence of the exchange rate con-stant on pressure, leading to volumes of activation �V z, provides amajor tool for the experimental identi¢cation of solvent exchangemechanisms (20^22).


The volume of activation,�V z, is de¢ned as the di¡erence between thepartial molar volumes of the transition state and the reactants. It isrelated to the pressure variation of the rate constant by Eq. (4):


� �T¼ �



Assuming that �V z is slightly pressure dependent leads to the approxi-mate Eq. (5),

lnðkPÞ ¼ lnðk0Þ ��Vz0PRT



where kP and k0 are the rate constants at pressures P and 0, respectively,�Vz0 is the activation volume at zero pressure and ��z is the compressi-bility coe⁄cient of activation. For solvent exchange the quadratic termin Eq. (5) is very often small compared to the linear one for pressures gen-erally applied in kinetic studies (typically 0^150MPa) and therefore�Vz ffi �Vz0 .

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The interpretation of the activation volume for solvent exchange reac-tions on metal ions is based on application of the transition statetheory (23), where no di¡erences due to pressure variation in solventinteractions beyond the ¢rst coordination shell are taken into account.The measured �V z is usually considered to be the combination of anintrinsic and an electrostriction contribution. The intrinsic contribu-tion, �Vzint, results from a change in internuclear distances and angleswithin the reactants during the formation of the transition state,whereas the electrostriction contribution, �Vzelec, arises from changesin the electrostriction between the transition state and the reactant(24). For solvent exchange processes, where the charge of the complexremains unchanged, �Vzelec � 0 and therefore �Vz ffi �Vzint. Conse-quently, the observed activation volume is a direct measure of thedegree of bond formation and bond breaking on going to the transitionstate, assuming no changes in bond length of the non-exchanging watermolecule.The relation between the pressure induced changes of the observed

exchange rates and the underlying solvent exchange reaction mecha-nisms is visualized in Fig. 2. Applying pressure to a d-activated exchange

Reaction Coordinate



Mechanism Rate constant











Metal ion with first coordination sphere

Leaving solvent molecule

Entering solvent molecule

FIG. 2. Volumeprofiles, connected to the transition states, for the spectrumof solventexchange processes.


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process will result in a decrease in the observed reaction rate, kP,because the approach to the transition state (mainly bond-breaking)requires an increase in volume. For an a-activated exchange process,however, where the approach to the transition state (mainly bond-making) requires a decrease in volume, the observed reaction rate isincreased. Brie£y, a negative �V z is indicative of associatively activatedprocesses and a positive�V z is indicative of dissociatively activated pro-cesses. It is, however, more di⁄cult to decide on the basis of activationvolumes if the mechanism is a limiting one, A or D, in the two extremecases, or an interchange I with a relatively strong contribution of theentering solvent molecule (Ia) or with a negligible contribution of theentering solvent molecule (Id). As a rule of thumb we can say thatthe larger the absolute value of the activation volume, j�V zj, the closerthe mechanism is to a limiting one. There are, however, exceptionsto this guideline and every case has to be considered individually.

II. Solvent Exchange on Main Group Metal Ions


There are only very fewmain groupmetal ions where solvent exchangereactions can be studied experimentally: Be2+, Mg2+, Al3+, Ga3+, andIn3+. All alkali metal ions and the large alkaline earth ions Ca2+, Sr2+,and Ba2+ are very labile due to the low surface charge density and theabsence of ligand ¢eld stabilization e¡ects.The only direct experimentaldata onwater exchange rates of some of these ions come from incoherentneutron scattering (IQENS) (14,25). IQENS has an observation timescale tobs�1ns and allows to give limits for ion to water-proton bindingtimes �i (Table I, (26)). Therefore, the rate constants given in Fig. 1 arethose deduced from ligand substitution reactions (4,27 ).

An estimation for the rate of water exchange on Sr2+ can be obtainedfrom comparison with Eu2+. This divalent lanthanide behaves similarlyto main group ions with the same ionic radius. The characteristicrate constant for H2O substitution on Sr2+ estimated by Eigen (4)(kH2O � 2� 108 s�1) using ultra sound absorption is about 25 timesslower than that for water exchange on Eu2+ measured by 17O NMR(kex� 5�109 s�1, �M� 0.2 ns). Recent structural investigations usingEXAFS have shown that the aquated Sr2+ ion is similar to Eu2+ althoughnot identical (discussed in Section IV.B).

8 F.A. DUNAND et al.

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The only divalent main group ions where exchange rates and activa-tion parameters are experimentally available are beryllium(II), which isalso the smallest metal ion (rM=27pm) (28,29),1 and magnesium(II)(rM=72pm). An important consequence of this substantial di¡erence inionic radii is that Be2+ forms predominantly tetrahedral complexes (30)andMg2+ is in general surrounded by six solvent molecules forming octa-hedral complexes (31).Beryllium(II) is the only tetrahedral metal ion for which a signi¢cant

quantity of solvent exchange data is available (Table II, (30,32^36 )).Water exchange on [Be(H2O)4]2+ is characterized by a very negativeactivation volume �V z (�12.9 cm3mol�1) (30 ) close to a calculated lim-iting contribution for an A mechanism. This is strong evidence foroperation of a limiting A mechanism for water exchange on[Be(H2O)4]

2+. In non-aqueous solvents the bulkiness of the solvent mole-cules becomes an important parameter that determines the exchangemechanism. The data in Table II indicate that solvent exchange on[BeS4]2+ (S= solvent) occurs according to a general rate law asexpressed in Eq. (6).

kobs ¼ k1 þ k2 ½S ð6Þ

For DMSO, TMP, DMMP and MMPP the second-order term, k2, domi-nates and either anAor an Iamechanism operates, as it is also indicatedby the negative �V z measured for DMSO and TMP (30). Both terms



�i<0.1 ns �i>0.1ns �i>5ns

Li+ Zn2+ Mg2+

Cs+ Nd3+ Ni2+

Ca2+ Dy3+ Al3+

Cu2+ Cr3+

F� Fe3+

Cl� Ga3+



1All ionic radii in this revue are from Refs. (28,29 ).


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Solvent k1 (298K) a

(s�1)k2 (298K) a

(dm3mol�1 s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

H2Ob 730 13.2 c 59.2 +8.4 �13.6 A (30)

DMSO d 213 35.0 �83.0 �2.5 A, Ia (30)140 51.1 �32.3 A, Ia (32)

TMP d 4.2 43.5 �87.1 �4.1 A, Ia (30)1.5 56.0 �54.0 A, Ia (33)

DMMP d 0.81 60.2 �44.4 A, Ia (33)MMPP d 0.22 68.7 �26.1 A, Ia (34)DMFd 16 52.0 �47.5 �3.1 A, Ia (30)

0.2 74.9 �7.3 D (30)8.5 58.1 �32.0 A, Ia (35)

0.1 83.6 +16.3 D (35)NMA d 0.32 76.8 +3.1 A, Ia (35)

0.23 71.5 �17.3 D (35)DMA d 0.34 66.7 �30.1 A, Ia (35)

0.38 56.9 �62.1 D (35)DEA d 0.59 68.5 �19.6 A, Ia (34)

0.044 76.4 �14.6 D (36)DMADMP d 0.0073 89.1 +12.6 D (33)TMU d 1.0 79.6 +22.3 +10.5 D (30)

1.4 77.1 +16.4 D (32)DMPU d 0.1 92.6 +47.5 +10.3 D (30)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6 ).bNeat solvent.c In kgmol�1 s�1, corresponds to 730 s�1/55.5mol kg�1.d In d3-nitromethane diluent.




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apply for DMF, NMA, DMA and DEAwhich is consistent with a paralleloperation of d- and a-activated mechanisms. For the most bulky solvents,DMADMP, TMU, and DMPU, a D mechanism dominates: only the k1term applies and the �V z measured on TMU and DMPU are very posi-tive (Table II). In summary, a crossover from a- to d-activation is observedas the steric hindrance at the metal center increases with increasingsize of the solvent molecules.The increase in ionic radius from Be2+ to Mg2+, which is accompanied

by an increase in coordination number from 4 to 6, is responsible for asubstantial increase in lability (Table III, (37^43)). The two activationvolumes measured are positive as well as all the activation entropies.The rate laws determined for non-aqueous solvents in inert diluent are¢rst order, showing a limiting D mechanism for all solvent exchangereactions on [MgS6]



Solvent exchange on Al3+ (rM=54pm), Ga3+ (rM=62 pm), and In3+

(rM=80pm) are most conveniently discussed together with Sc3+

(rM=75pm) which has also a closed shell electronic con¢guration.Together, they permit the assessment of the in£uence of metal ion sizeon solvent exchange on octahedral trivalent metal ions. The generaltrend observed from the data in Table IV (16,44^57 ) is that the lability ofthe solvent exchange process increases with increasing size of the[MS6]3+. There is, furthermore, a change in the rate law and activation




Solvent k1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

H2Ob 6.7�105 49.1 +31.1 +6.7 D, Id (37 )

H2Ob 5.3�105 42.7 +8 D, Id (38)

MeOH b 4.7�103 69.9 +59 D, Id (39)EtOH b 2.8�106 74.1 +126 D, Id (40)DMFc 4.3�105 54.8 +46.8 +8.5 D, Id (41)DMFd 6.2�106 77.8 +146 D, Id (42)TMP d 7.4�105 51.3 +39.5 D, Id (43)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bNeat solvent.c In d3-nitromethane diluent.d In d2-dichloromethane diluent.


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[M(solvent)n]3+ k1 (298K) a

(s�1)k2 (298K) a

(dm3mol�1 s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Al(H2O)6]3+ b 1.29 84.7 +41.6 +5.7 Id (44)

2.0 73 +6.0 (45)+5.6 (ab initio) D (46)

[Al(OH)(H2O)5]2+ 3.1�104 36.4 �36.4 (47 )

[Al(DMSO)6]3+ c 0.30 82.6 +22.3 +15.6 D (48,49)

[Al(DMF)6]3+ c 0.05 88.3 +28.4 +13.7 D (48,49)

[Al(TMP)6]3+ c 0.78 85.1 +38.2 +22.5 D (16)

[Al(TMP)6]3+ c 0.38 98.3 +76.1 D (50)

[Al(DMMP)6]3+ c 5.1 79.5 +33.0 D (50)

[Al(HMPA)4]3+ c 4800 32.2 �42.7 A (50)

[Ga(H2O)6]3+ b 400 67.1 +30.1 +5.0 Id (51)

+4.8 (ab initio) D (46)[Ga(OH)(H2O)5]

2+ 1�105 58.9 +6.2 Id (51)[Ga(DMSO)6]

3+ c 1.87 72.5 +3.5 +13.1 D (48,49)[Ga(DMF)6]

3+ c 1.72 85.1 +45.1 +7.9 D (48,49)[Ga(TMP)6]

3+ c 6.4 76.5 +27.0 +20.7 D (16)5.0 87.9 +63.2 D (52)




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[Sc(TMP)6]3+ b 1200 37.4 �60.5 �20.1 A, Ia (53)

[Sc(TMP)6]3+ c 38.4 21.2 �143.5 �18.7 A, Ia (16)

[Sc(TMP)6]3+ c 45.3 26.0 �126 A, Ia (54)

[Sc(DMMP)6]3+ c 13.2 29.7 �124 A, Ia (55)

[Sc(TMU)6]3+ c 0.21 91.2 +47.8 D (56)

[In(H2O)6]3+ b

�4�104 19.2 �96 A, Ia (57 )>3�104 �5.2 (ab initio) A (46)

[In(TMP)6]3+ c 7.6 32.8 �118 �21.4 A, Ia (16)

[In(TMP)6]3+ c 7.2 35.6 �109 A, Ia (53)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bNeat solvent.c In d3-nitromethane diluent.







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for Al3+ and Ga3+ (1st order, d) versus Sc3+ and In3+ (2nd order, a). Thisshift is clearly shown by the values of �V z; these were obtained forTMP exchange on all four ions and change from +22.5/+20.7 (Al3+/Ga3+)to �18.7/�21.5 cm3mol�1 (Sc3+/In3+) (16). Unfortunately, there are noexperimental data on water exchange on Sc3+ and only lower limits forkex on [In(H2O)6]

3+ (46). Ab-initio theoretical calculations suggest thatthe mechanisms of solvent exchange at [Al(H2O)6]

3+, [Ga(H2O)6]3+, and

[In(H2O)6]3+ areD, D, and A, respectively (46).The activation volume for

water exchange on In3+, not yet available experimentally, has beenpredicted to be �51cm3mol�1 (Fig. 3).

Kowall et al. (46) also gave, within the limits of their computationalmodel, an alternative view of interpretation of �V z for water substitu-tion mechanisms. Swaddle rationalized the systematic trend in �V z forH2O exchange on [M(H2O)6]

z+ through a More-O’Ferral type diagram(Fig. 4a) (58). The bond-making and -breaking contributions to �V zareplotted on the two axes, which are scaled to volumes for limiting D andA mechanisms, calculated from a semi-empirical equation as +13.5 and�13.5 cm3mol�1, respectively (58^60). The only measurable point on thecurves is the volume change between transition and ground state, �V z,and it is not obvious where to place it on the two-dimensional space. If,as Swaddle argued (61), all water exchange reactions had interchangemechanisms spanning a continuum from very dissociative to veryassociative interchange, the transition state would lie on the dasheddiagonal in Fig. 4a. It should be stressed that in this model theA and Dmechanisms are considered as the limiting cases for the interchangemechanistic continuum and are therefore following the edges of thesquare diagram with ‘‘transition states/intermediates’’ located at thecorners of the square diagram.

However, when intermediates can be identi¢ed for solvent exchangereactions, a di¡erent view of the square diagram has to be de¢ned. Forconcerted mechanisms I, the single transition state lies as before on the�V zaxes diagonal. However, for stepwise mechanisms, the intermediatelies on the diagonal (and not necessarily on a corner), while the two sym-metric transition states lie symmetrically o¡ to the diagonal. Computedstructures and volume changes for Al3+, Ga3+, and In3+ water exchangecan be used to introduce the position of transition states and inter-mediates in the diagram. Figure 4b shows that the transition statesare about half way between the reactant and the intermediate. Thisis the reason why for a non-concerted A or D mechanism the volume ofactivation can be quite far away from the estimated limiting values of�13.5 or +13.5 cm3mol�1, respectively. It is interesting to note thatthe unfavorable dissociative reaction of In3+, which can nevertheless

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be computed (Fig. 3), gives rise to a quite peculiar reaction pathway(Fig. 4b).Water exchange on aluminium(III) complexes has received an increas-

ing interest in recent years due to the geological importance of this ion.Caseyand co-workers have studied H2O exchange on di¡erent complexescontaining 2, 4 or 5 water molecules (TableV (44,45,47,62^66)). A common

FIG. 3. Volume change (reactants-transition states-intermediates) for a dissociativeDwater exchange (top) and an associativeAwater exchange (bottom) estimated fromab-initio cluster calculations.

FIG. 4. Interpretation of volumes of activation (in cm3mol�1) for water exchange onaqueous MðH2OÞzþ6 in terms of contributions from bond-making and -breaking: (a)summary of volumes of activation for metal aqua ions; (b) calculated curves forAl(III), Ga(III), and In(III) with use of the Connolly volumes inTable IV.


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feature of these data is that water exchange is progressively enhanced byseveral orders of magnitude in substituting the ¢rst shell water mole-cules by £uoride, malonate, methylmalonate or salicylate.

III. Solvent Exchange on d-Transition Metal Ions


The labilities and the solvent exchange mechanisms of the transitionmetal ions are strongly a¡ected by the electronic occupancy of their d-orbitals. The order of reactivity on 3d transition metal ions(V2+<Ni2+<Co2+<Fe2+<Mn2+<Cu2+) is independent of the reactionmechanism and semi-quantitatively correlates with the ligand ¢eldactivation energies (LFAE). The variations of ionic radii, rM, LFAE forD and A mechanisms, �Gz298:2 and �V z for water exchange on[M(H2O)6]

2+/3+ are shown in Fig. 5 for the 3d series. The LFAE valuesare calculated as the di¡erences in ligand ¢eld energies betweenoctahedral ground states and square pyramidal and pentagonal bipyra-midal transition states for D and A mechanisms, respectively, using a



[M(solvent)6]3+ k1 (298K) a




[Al(H2O)6]3+ 1.29 84.7 +41.6 (44)

2.0 73 +6.0 (45)[Al(OH)(H2O)5]

2+ 3.1�104 36.4 �36.4 (47 )[Al(F)(H2O)5]

2+ 1.1�102 79 +60 (45)[Al(F)(H2O)5]

2+ 2.3�102 65 +19 (62)[Al(F)2(H2O)4]

+ 1.71�104 66 +57 (62)[Al(F)2(H2O)4]

+ 1.96�104 69 +70 (45)[Al(C2O4)(H2O)4]

+ 1.09�102 68.9 +25.3 (63)[Al(mMal)(H2O)4]

+ 6.6�102 66 +31 (64)[Al(mMal)2(H2O)2]

� 6.9�103 55 +12.8 (64)[Al(ma)(H2O)4]

2+ 3.4�102 63 +14 (65)[Al(ma)2(H2O)2]

+ 1.95�103 49 �19 (65)[Al(Sal)(H2O)4]

+ 4.9�103 35 �57 (66)[Al(sSal)(H2O)4]

+ 3.0�103 37 �54 (66)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).

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one-electron formula (17,67 ).The variation of LFAE re£ects the variationof �Gz298:2: a small LFAE coincides with a high lability and a largeLFAE with a smaller lability. The relative labilities predicted by LFAEfor [MS6]2+/3+ (S=solvent) are similar for all solvents.The increase of the exchange rate constants for solvent exchange on

[MS6]2+/3+ in the sequence MeOH<MeCN<DMF<H2O is independent

of the metal ion and cannot be linked to speci¢c properties like dielectricconstant, donor number or size. It appears to re£ect the ‘‘overall charac-teristics’’of the solvent.

FIG. 5. Variation with successive filling of d-orbitals of ionic radii, rM, ligand fieldactivation energies, LFAE, calculated for D (j) and A (u) mechanisms, �Gz298:2 and�V z for water exchange on [M(H2O)6]



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Solvent exchange on the octahedral ¢rst-row transition metal com-plexes has been extensively studied as can be seen from Table VI (68^101). For the small solvent molecules H2O, MeOH and MeCN the solventexchange mechanism changes from Ia to Id as the number of d-electronsincreases and the ionic radius decreases. This variation in mechanismcan be explained with the combined e¡ect of: (i) the steric crowding(decrease in rM); (ii) increase in t2g electron occupancy which increasesthe electronic repulsion between an entering solvent molecule approach-ing on a trigonal face in an a-activated mechanism; and (iii) increase ine�g electron occupancy which facilitates solvent-metal bond breaking ina d-activated mechanism. Thus, [VS6]

2+ and [MnS6]2+ exchange solvent

molecules through a-activated mechanism, while their Fe2+, Co2+ andNi2+ analogues show d-activated mechanism.

In a series of articles Rotzinger investigated H2O exchange reactionson 1st row transition metal ions with ab-initio quantum-chemical calcu-lations (102^104). The activation energies for D, A and Ia, I, Id mecha-nisms can be computed on the basis of Eqs. (7)^(9).The transition states,designed by [ � � � ]z, are characterized by a single imaginary vibrationalfrequency whereas intermediates with lower or higher coordinationnumber have no imaginary frequency.

MðOH2Þnþ6 ! MðOH2Þ5 � � � OHnþ

2� �z

!MðOH2Þ5 �OHnþ2 ðD mechanismÞ


MðOH2Þ6 �OHnþ2 ! MðOH2Þ6 � � � OHnþ

2� �z

!MðOH2Þ7 ðA mechanismÞ


MðOH2Þnþ6 ! MðOH2Þ5 � � � ðOH2Þ


� �zðIa; I; Id mechanismÞ ð9Þ

The Ia andA mechanisms are mutually exclusive, since the 7-coordinatetransition state has an imaginary mode that either describes a concertedentry/leaving of the ligands and the mechanism is Ia (Fig. 6a) or onlythe motion of the entering (or leaving ligand) and the mechanism is A(Fig. 6b) (104). The Id and D mechanisms are not mutually exclusive andup to now no Id has been computed, most probably due to the omissionof the second coordination sphere (104).

Rotzinger’s calculations con¢rmed the mechanistic crossover forwater exchange on the ¢rst-row transition metal ions. The calculationspredict Ia mechanisms for V2+ Mn2+ and D (or Id) mechanisms forMn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+. Ad-activated mechanism for water exchange

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[M(solvent)6]2+ d-Electronic

con¢gurationk1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[V(H2O)6]2+ t32g 8.7�101 61.8 �0.4 �4.1 Ia (68)

[Cr(MeOH)6]2+ b t32geg 1.2�108 31.6 +16.6 Id (69)

[Mn(H2O)6]2+ t32ge

2g 2.1�107 32.9 +5.7 �5.4 Ia (70)

[Mn(MeOH)6]2+ 3.7�105 25.9 �50.2 �5.0 Ia (71,72)

[Mn(DMF)6]2+ 2.2�106 34.6 �7.4 +2.4 Id (73)

2.7�106 35.8 �2 +1.6 Id (74)6.3�105 17.5 �75.1 +4.2 Id (75)

[Mn(MeCN)6]2+ 1.4�107 29.6 �8.9 �7.0 Ia (76)

1.3�107 28.6 �13 �5.8 Ia (77 )1.2�107 30.3 �8 Ia (78)3.1�107 35.9 +19 Ia (79)

[Mn(EtCN)6]2+ 1.3�107 29.6 �10 �2.1 Ia (77 )

[Mn(PrCN)6]2+ 9.9�106 31.3 �6 �5.0 Ia (77 )

[Mn(PriCN)6]2+ 1.1�107 40.0 +24 �2.5 Ia (77 )

[Mn(ButCN)6]2+ 9.3�106 35.6 +8 +0.6 I (77 )

[Mn(PhCN)6]2+ 1.2�107 36.9 +14 (77 )

[Mn(DMTF)6]2+ 3.9�107 +11.5 Id (75)

[Mn(HOAc)6]2+ c 1.6�107 29 �10 +0.4 Id (80)

[Mn(OAc)2(HOAc)4]d 4.8�107 32 +9 +6.7 Id (80)

[Mn(en)3]2+ 1.7�106 24.7 �43 �0.6 I (81)

[Mn(tn)3]2+ 2.5�106 21.9 �50 +0.1 I (82)

[Mn(pa)6]2+ 3.7�107 26.2 �13 (82)








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[M(solvent)6]2+ d-Electronic

con¢gurationk1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Fe(H2O)6]2+ t42ge

2g 4.39�106 41.4 +21.2 +3.8 Id (70)

[Fe(MeOH)6]2+ 5.0�104 50.2 +12.6 +0.4 I (71,72)

[Fe(MeCN)6]2+ 6.6�105 41.4 +5.3 +3.0 Id (76)

[Fe(DMF)6]2+ 9.7�105 43.0 +13.8 +8.5 Id (73)

[Fe(en)3]2+ 4.3�104 46.3 �1 �1.2 Ia (81)

[Fe(tn)3]2+ 3.9�105 47.9 +23 +5.8 Id (82)

[Fe(pa)6]2+ 6.9�107 32.4 +14 (82)

[Co(H2O)6]2+ t52ge

2g 3.18�106 46.9 +37.2 +6.1 Id (70)

[Co(MeOH)6]2+ 1.8�104 57.7 +30.1 +8.9 Id (83,84)

[Co(AcOH)6]2+ 1.3�106 37 �6 (85)

[Co(MeCN)6]2+ 3.4�105 49.5 +27.1 +8.1 e Id (84,86,87 )

[Co(DMF)6]2+ 3.9�105 56.9 +52.7 +6.7 Id (84,88)

[Co(DMSO)6]2+ 4.5�105 49 +28 (89)

[Co(TMU)6]2+ 1.7�107 26 �20 (90)

[Co(en)3]2+ 5.4�103 56.5 +16 +0.9 Id (81)

[Co(tn)3]2+ 2.9�105 49.3 +25 +6.6 Id (91)

[Co(pa)6]2+ 2.0�108 36.2 +35 Id (91)

[Ni(H2O)6]2+ t62ge

2g 3.15�104 56.9 +32.0 +7.2 Id (70)

[Ni(MeOH)6]2+ 1.0�103 66.1 +33.5 +11.4 Id (83,84)




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[Ni(MeCN)6]2+ 2.8�103 64.3 +37 +8.5 Id (84,87 )

6.2�103 41.4 �30 +12.0 Id (92)[Ni(EtCN)6]

2+ 1.3�104 42.0 �25 +13.7 Id (92)[Ni(PrCN)6]

2+ 1.0�104 43.3 �23 +13.1 Id (92)[Ni(PriCN)6]

2+ 1.6�104 43.3 �19 +12.4 Id (92)[Ni(BuCN)6]

2+ 1.0�104 47.1 �10 +14.4 Id (92)[Ni(PhCN)6]

2+ 9.4�103 51.6 +4 +13.1 Id (92)[Ni(DMF)6]

2+ 3.8�103 62.8 +33.5 +9.1 Id (83,88)6.9�103 54.4 +25.0 Id (93)7.7�103 39.3 �37.7 Id (94)3.7�103 59.3 +22.3 Id (95)

[Ni(DMTF)6]2+ 8.7�106 57.4 +80.5 +20.6/+21.8 D (75)

[Ni(en)3]2+ 2.0�101 69 +10 +11.4 Id (81)

[Ni(tn)3]2+ 3.1�103 61.3 +28 +7.2 (82)

[Ni(pa)6]2+ 1.3�107 37.1 +16 (82)

[Cu(H2O)5]2+ t62ge

3g 5.7�109 (96 )

[Cu(H2O)6]2+ b 4.4�109 11.5 �21.8 +2.0 Id (97,99)

[Cu(MeOH)6]2+ b 3.1�107 17.2 �44.0 +8.3 Id (98)

[Cu(DMF)6]2+ 9.1�108 24.3 +8.1 +8.4 Id (99)

[Cu(en)3]2+ 1.4�107 9.2 �77 Id (100 )

[Zn(H2O)6]2+ >5�107 (46)

[Zn(H2O)6]2+ <1010 (QENS) (101)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bTetragonal distortion.c0.02M HClO4 in d2-dichloromethane diluent.d0.0M HClO4 in d2-dichloromethane diluent.eAverage of +9.9, +6.7, and +7.7 cm3mol�1.







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on Zn2+ was also found by DFT calculations performed by Hartmannet al. (105).

The e¡ect of bulkiness of solvent molecules on exchange mechanismswas studied on Mn2+ (77 ) and Ni2+ (92) using a series of nitriles withonly small di¡erences in donor numbers. The six nitriles, in the orderof increasing molar volume MeCN (V 0 = 52.9 cm3mol�1), EtCN (V 0 =70.9 cm3mol�1), PrCn (V 0 = 87.9 cm3mol�1), iPrCN (V 0 = 90.3 cm3mol�1),PhCN (V 0 = 103.1cm3mol�1), and BuCN (V0 = 104.6 cm3mol�1), formoctahedral complexes with both metal ions. Exchange rate constants forsolvent exchange are relatively constant within both series (Table VI).The activation volumes measured on Ni2+ are all positive and do notvary along the series. It was concluded that the mechanism of the nitrileexchange at the nickel(II) ion is of similar dissociative character fornitriles of di¡erent bulkiness (92). The observed increase in �Sz wasattributed to changes in solvent^solvent interactions due to the decreasein dipole moment. On Mn2+ the exchange of the smallest solvent mole-cule (MeCN) proceeds via an Ia pathway as concluded from negative�V z and �Sz values (77 ). The �Hz and �Sz both increase graduallyin the order MeCN<EtCN<PrCN<BuCN<PhCN<iPrCN and thereaction mechanism is concluded to be less associative with increasingbulkiness, but it never becomes as positive as with the stericallyhindered solvent DMF.

Solvation of the divalent copper ion requires some special remarks. Insolid state hexa-coordinate Cu2+ shows Jahn-Teller distortion: themetal^ligand bonds of four ligands in the equatorial plane are shorter

FIG. 6. Structure and imaginary modes of transition states: (a) ½VðOHÞ2Þ5 � � �ðOH2Þ

2þ2 z imaginary mode describes concerted entry and leaving of H2O; (b)

½MnðOHÞ2Þ6 � � � ðOH2Þ2þz imaginary mode describes only the motion of the enter-

ing H2O.

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than those of the two axial ligands (31,106,107 ). In solution this e¡ect isexpected to be dynamic. The distortion axis jumps very rapidly and onaverage all ligands become in time, axial and equatorial. The axialligands are only loosely bound to the metal ion which partially explainsthe very high lability of all copper solvates (Table VI). The positive �V z

values obtained for MeOH (98) and DMF (99) indicate that these solventmolecules exchange via a d-activation mode: molecules at the axial posi-tion can easily dissociate. 17O NMR studies on the aqua ion of Cu2+

allowed the determination of the water exchange rate and a characteris-tic time for the inversion of the tetragonal distortion (� 5 ps at 298K)(97 ). These results were based on the commonly accepted assumptionthat Cu2+, in analogy to the solid state, is also six-coordinate in aqueoussolution (108). The activation volume measured by variable pressure 17ONMR is relatively small (+2.01.5 cm3mol�1) (99) and, in agreementwith results on MeOH and DMF, a d-activation mode was proposed forwater exchange. However, a complementary experimental and computa-tional study, performed by double di¡erence neutron di¡raction andby ¢rst principles molecular dynamics, respectively, was publishedin 2001 and showed evidence that the coordination number of copper(II)is 5 in solution (96). The ab-initio molecular dynamics (Car-Parrinello)results show two structures: a square pyramid and a trigonal bipyramidin rapid exchange (Fig. 7). The 17O NMR kinetic data could successfullybe reinterpreted in terms of a ¢ve-coordinated copper ion with

FIG. 7. Structures of five-coordinate Cu2+ from first principles molecular dynamics.A Berry twist mechanism for the interconversion of the two structures is shown (fromleft to right): the reorientationof themain axis of a square pyramidal configurationbypseudo-rotations via a trigonal bipyramidal configuration. The grey atoms in theplane of the trigonal bipyramid are all candidates for becoming apical atoms in asquare pyramid.


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interconvertion between the two limiting structures. More recently twogroups tried to use XANES and EXAFS to verify the coordinationnumber in solution. Unfortunately this technique is not conclusive: onegroup obtained 5 (109) and the other 6 coordinated water to Cu2+ (110).


Solvent exchange on the trivalent transition metal ions shows asimilar variation in lability and mechanism with d-electronic con¢gura-tion as their divalent analogues (Table VII (111^121)). The most inertsolvent complexes of 1st row transition metal ions are formed by Cr3+.This is a consequence of the large LFAE leading to large �Hz values ofmore than100 kJmol�1 (TableVII).The interactionof Cr3+ with surround-ing water molecules is so strong that even second shell molecules arerelatively tightly bound: a lifetime of over 100 ps has been measuredexperimentally by 17O NMR and was con¢rmed by molecular dynamicssimulations (116). A 1H NMRD study showed that the exchange time ofsecond shell water protons is longer than both the di¡usionalcorrelation time and the rotational correlation time of the complex,both being around 70 ps at room temperature (122). Molecular dynamicssimulations on trivalent lanthanides in aqueous solution gave secondshell lifetimes about 10 times shorter (123) which illustrates the excep-tionally strong second shell binding in the case of Cr3+. The moleculardynamics simulations on [Cr(H2O)6]3+ in solution allowed the proposalof a model for the exchange between the second coordination shell andthe bulk. In a ¢rst step a water molecule enters the second coordinationsphere and increases the coordination number temporarily. In a secondstep a ¢rst sphere water molecule, close to the one entered, rotatesaround its oxygen^chromium bond, one of the hydrogen bonds formedto second sphere waters breaks up, and a new hydrogen bond to thewater molecule that has entered, is formed. During the rotation thesecond hydrogen bond is maintained. The third step is the leaving ofthe water molecule which lost its hydrogen bond from the secondsphere. The activation mode which can be attributed to this reactionfrom the MD simulation (116) is associative.

The important in£uence of the LFAE is also nicely demonstrated onthe labilities of V2+ andV3+.The smaller LFAE of t22g [V(H2O)6]

3+ makesit about six times more labile than t32g [V(H2O)6]

2+ despite the smallercharge of the 2+ complex (Fig. 5). Both exchange processes are a-acti-vated with negative volumes of activation of �8.9 (V3+) (113) and�4.1cm3mol�1 (V2+) (68).

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[M(solvent)6]3+ d-Electronic


(298K) a (s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Sc(TMP)6]3+ t02g 1.21�103 37.4 �60.5 �20.1 Ia (53)

[Ti(H2O)6]3+ t12g 1.8�105 43.4 +1.2 �12.1 A, Ia (111)

[Ti(DMF)6]3+ 6.6�104 23.6 �73.6 �5.7 Ia (112)

[V(H2O)6]3+ t22g 5.0�102 49.4 �27.8 �8.9 Ia (113)

[V(DMSO)6]3+ 1.31�101 38.5 �94.5 �10.1 Ia (114)

[Cr(H2O)6]3+ t32g 2.4�10�6 108.6 +11.6 �9.6 Ia (115)

[Cr(H2O)6]3+ (2nd sphere) 7.8�109 21.3 +16.2 (116)

(2nd sphere) 6.9�109 b (116)[Cr(H2O)5OH]2+ 1.8�10�4 111.0 +55.6 +2.7 I (115)[Cr(DMSO)6]

3+ 3.1�10�8 96.7 �64.5 �11.3 Ia (117 )[Cr(DMF)6]

3+ 3.3�10�7 97.1 �43.5 �6.3 Ia (118)

[Fe(H2O)6]3+ t32ge

2g 1.6�102 64.0 +12.1 �5.4 Ia (119,120)

[Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ 1.2�105 42.4 +5.3 +7.0 Id (119,120)[Fe(DMSO)6]

3+ 9.3 62.5 �16.7 �3.1 Ia (121)[Fe(DMF)6]

3+ 6.3�101 42.3 �69.0 �0.9 I (121)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6 ).bBy molecular dynamics method.







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Inspection of the �V z values for [MS6]3+ shows that they become lessnegative upon proceeding along the row fromTi3+ to Fe3+. If Ga3+, whichis not a transition metal butwhich is in the same row in the periodic tableis added, the activation volumes become even positive (Table IV). As inthecase of the divalentmetal ions, there is acrossover in solventexchangemechanism from associative to dissociative activation.The�V z value forwater exchange on Ti3+ is markedly more negative than the followingones and it is close to the limiting value estimated by Swaddle(�13.5 cm3mol�1) (58,60) for a limiting A mechanism (111). The smalleractivation volumes measured for V3+, Cr3+ and especially Fe3+ supportthe attribution of an Ia mechanism for these cations. A limiting Amechanism for [Ti(H2O)6]3+ was also concluded from computational stu-dies with the Hartree-Fock method (103) andwith DFT (124).


Experimental data for solvent exchange on octahedral second- andthird-row transition metal ions are limited to the Ru2+/3+, Rh3+ and Ir3+

and to water and acetonitrile solvents (TableVIII (3,125^129)).Acomparisonof the exchange rates ofH2OandMeCNmeasuredon the

low spin t62g Ru2+ metal center (TableVIII) with the analogous high-spin

t42ge2g Fe2+ (TableVI) shows that the low-spin complexes are many orders

of magnitude less labile, largely as a consequence of their much larger�Hz values. To a certain extent these larger activation enthalpies arisefrom a smaller ionic radius (rM=73pm for low-spin Ru2+, rM=78pm forhigh-spin Fe2+) but mainly from the larger ligand ¢elds generatinglarger LFAE values.

On the same ion, the lability of [Ru(MeCN)6]2+ is eight orders of magni-tude less than that of [Ru(H2O)6]2+ (125).This is a consequence of a morethan 50kJmol�1 increase in�Hz, arising probably fromvery strong back-bonding from the electron-rich t62g Ru

2+ into theMeCN p* orbital. For theiron(II) center the change in lability is less than one order of magnitudecon¢rming that back-bonding is less important on [Fe(MeCN)6]

2+ (76).For the low-spin t62g aqua ions [Ru(H2O)6]2+, [Rh(H2O)6]3+, and

[Ir(H2O)6]3+ a d-activation mode would a priori be predicted. Theapproach of a seventh water molecule towards a face or edge of the coor-dination octahedron is electrostatically disfavored by the ¢lled t2g orbi-tals which are spread out between the ligands. Rate constants foranation reactions of Cl�, Br�, and I� on [Ru(H2O)6]

2+ are very similar,indicating identical steps to reach the transition state, namely thedissociation of a water molecule (130). An extension of this study to alarge variety of ligands demonstrated clearly that the rate determining

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[M(solvent)6]2+ d-Electronic

con¢gurationk1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Ru(H2O)6]2+ t62g 1.8�10�2 87.8 +16.1 �0.4 I (125)

[Ru(MeCN)6]2+ 8.9�10�11 140.3 +33.3 +0.4 I (3,125)

[Rh2(MeCN)10]4+ 3.1�10�5 (eq) 66 �111 �4.9 Ia,A (126)

[Re2(MeCN)10]4+ 3.1�10�7 (eq) 109 +6 I (127 )

[Ru(H2O)6]3+ t52g 3.5�10�6 89.8 �48.3 �8.3 Ia (125)

[Ru(H2O)5OH]2+ 5.9�10�4 95.8 +14.9 +0.9 I (125)

[Rh(H2O)6]3+ t62g 2.2�10�9 131 +29 �4.2 Ia (128)

[Rh(H2O)5OH]2+ 4.2�10�5 103 +1.5 I (128)

[Ir(H2O)6]3+ t62g 1.1�10�10 130.5 +2.1 �5.7 Ia (129)

[Ir(H2O)5OH]2+ 5.6�10�7 �0.2 I (129)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6 ).







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step of the monocomplex-formation reaction is independent of the natureof the entering ligand and an Id mechanism was proposed (131). A near-zero activation volume was measured for the water exchange on[Ru(H2O)6]2+ (TableVIII) and an I mechanism without a or d characterwas attributed (125). However, for water exchange on the isoelectronic[Rh(H2O)6]

3+ and its third row analogue [Ir(H2O)6]3+, a-activation

mechanisms have been assigned from the negative �V z values (1,128).Quantum chemical calculations on [Ru(H2O)6]

2+ embedded into apolarizable continuum failed to compute a transition state for an inter-change mechanism (132). The calculated energy di¡erence between thetransition state and the ground state, �Ez, for a D-mechanism(71.9 kJmol�1) is close to both experimental �Gz298 (83.0 kJmol�1) and�Hz values (87.8 kJmol�1). This suggests that water exchange on octa-aqua ion of Ru2+ proceeds via d-activation, either by Id orDmechanism.Calculations on [Rh(H2O)6]

3+ yielded activation energies of136.6 kJmol�1 and 114.8 kJmol�1 for D and Ia mechanisms, respectively(Fig. 8).This energy di¡erence of 21.8 kJmol�1 together with the negative�V z measured on this ion are both in favor of an Ia mechanism. So,why do Rh3+ and Ir3+ on one hand and Ru2+ on the other, undergo water

D mechanism[Rh(OH2)6]3+

[Rh(OH2)6OH2]3+ [Rh(OH2)6 OH2]3+

[Rh(OH2)5 OH2]3+

{[Rh(OH2)5 OH2]3+}‡







∆V‡exp=−4.2 cm3 mol−1 ∆V‡

exp=−0.4±0.7 cm3 mol−1



kJ mol−1









Ia mechanism[Rh(OH2)6]3+

D mechanism[Ru(OH2)6]2+

{[Rh(OH2)5 (OH2)2]3+}‡ {[Ru(OH2)5 (OH2)]2+}‡

[Ru(OH2)5 (OH2)2]2+


FIG. 8. Energies calculated with a polarizable continuum model, differences ofthe sums of all metal^oxygen bond lengths, ��(M^O), and energy profiles for waterexchange on rhodium(III) and ruthenium(II) hexaaqua ions.

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exchange via disparate mechanisms although theyare isoelectronic? Thedi¡erent ionic charge a¡ects particularly the M^O bond strength. Thecalculated activation energies for exchange via theDmechanism re£ectsthis di¡erences: 71.9 kJmol�1 for Ru2+ and 136.6 kJmol�1 for Rh3+ (132)(Fig. 8). The strong Rh^O bonds constrains water exchange on[Rh(H2O)6]

3+ to proceed via an Ia mechanism, whereas the samereaction on [Ru(H2O)6]

2+, which has considerably weaker Ru^O bonds,follows the Id orDmechanism.The low-spin t52g [Ru(H2O)6]3+ is four orders of magnitude more labile

than the t62g [Ru(H2O)6]2+ and exchanges water by an Ia mechanism(125). The slow water exchange on both complexes allowed the directmeasurement of the electron exchange of the [Ru(H2O)6]3+/2+ couple inacidic solution (Eq. (10)) (133).

M�ðOH2Þ3þ6 þMðOH2Þ

2þ6 !M�ðOH2Þ

2þ6 þMðOH2Þ

3þ6 ð10Þ

At 298.15K the rate constant k is 20M�1 s�1and the enthalpyand entropyof activation are�Hz=46.0 kJmol�1 and�Sz=�65.7 JK�1mol�1, respec-tively, for a solution 2.5M in ruthenium concentration and 5.0M inionic strength, the counter-ion being tri£uoro-methanesulfonate. Theself-exchange of the [Ru(H2O)6]3+/2+ couple can be considered as aprototype of an outer-sphere electron transfer reaction (133).


Exchange of various solvents has been studied on [VO(Seq)4(Sax)]2+

(Table IX (134^143)). Exchange rates of equatorial solvent moleculesincrease in the order H2O�MeOH�DMF<DMSO<DMA<MeCN. ForH2O and DMF rate constants could also be measured for axial ligands.In both cases axial solvent molecules exchange substantially faster thanequatorial ones. A similar observation was made on [TiO(DMSO)]2+,the only titanyl complex where solvent exchange could be studied. Theexchange of the oxo ligand in aqueous solution is much slower onVO2+

(kO(VO)= 2.4�10�5 s�1) (144) than on TiO2+ (kO(TiO) = 1.6�104 s�1) (145)a di¡erence that cannot be assigned to electronic e¡ects alone.Whereas a [H+] dependence of oxygen exchange on titanium is observed,the exchange of the vanadyl oxygen is base catalysed (145). The oxoligand of TiO2+ is easily protonated and thereby labilized.Replacing several solvent molecules on di- and trivalent transition

metal ions by non-leaving ligands can have dramatic e¡ects on thesolvent exchange rates of the remaining solvent molecule(s) (Tables X,XI, XII and XIII (70,71,83,86^88,92,95,96,146^166 ) (115,119^121,167^181 ) (125,128,129,167,168,181^193 )). For example replacing three MeCN solvent


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[MO(solvent)5]2+ k1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)�V z


[TiO(DMSO)5]2+ b 161 (eq) 57.5 �9.9 +4.8 (134)

6100 (ax) 59.8 +28.3 +1.6 (134)

[VO(H2O)5]2+ 500 (eq) 87.8 +16.1 �0.4 (135,136)

�109 (ax) +1.9 (135,137 )

[VO(MeOH)5]2+ 565 (eq) 39.6 �59.4 (138)

[VO(MeCN)5]2+ 2850 (eq) 29.5 �83.7 �1.0 (137,139)

[VO(DMSO)5]2+ 1760 (eq) 60.1 +18.5 �5.3 (140,141)

[VO(DMF)5]2+ 575 (eq) 30.3 �87.7 (142)

200 (eq) 54.8 �17.2 �6.8 (137,143)46,000 (ax) 64 +58.0 (143)

[VO(DMA)5]2+ 4700 (eq) 42.3 �33.1 �9.7 (137,143)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6 ).bStudied in d3-nitromethane diluent.




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Complex k1 (298K) a (s�1) Reference

[Mn(H2O)6]2+ 2.1�107 (70)

[Mn(EDTA-BOM)(H2O)]2+ 9.3�107 (146)[Mn(EDTA-BOM2)(H2O)]2+ 1.3�108 (146)

[Co(MeCN)6]2+ 3.4�105 (84,86,87 )

[Co(dmgH)2(MeCN)2]2+ 2.3�105 (147 )

[Co(dmg)2(BF2)2(MeCN)2]2+ 1.4�105 (147 )

[Co(MeOH)6]2+ 1.8�104 (83,84)

[Co(dmgH)2(MeOH)2]2+ 2.8�104 (147 )

[Co(dpgH)2(MeOH)2]2+ 7.2�105 (147 )

[Ni(H2O)6]2+ 3.15�104 (70)

[Ni(NH3)(H2O)5]2+ 25�104 (148)

[Ni(NH3)2(H2O)4]2+ 61�104 (148)

[Ni(NH3)3(H2O)3]2+ 250�104 (148)

[Ni(en)(H2O)4]2+ 44�104 (149)

[Ni(en)2(H2O)2]2+ 540�104 (149)

[Ni(dien)(H2O)3]2+ 120�104 (150)

[Ni(trien)(H2O)2]2+ 290�104 (150)

[Ni(tren)(H2O)2]2+ b 82/900�104 b (151)

[Ni(cyclen)(H2O)2]2+ 2100�104 (152)

[Ni(Me4cyclam)(H2O)2]2+ c 1600�104 (153)

[Ni(Me4cyclam)(H2O)]2+ d 160�104 (153)[Ni(bpy)(H2O)4]

2+ 4.9�104 (154)[Ni(bpy)2(H2O)2]

2+ 6.6�104 (154)[Ni(tpy)(H2O)3]

2+ 5.2�104 (155)[Ni(H2O)5Cl]

+ 14�104 (156)[Ni(H2O)2(NCS)4]

2� 110�104 (157 )[Ni(H2O)(EDTA)]2� 70�104 (158)[Ni(H2O)(HEDTA)]� 20�104 (158)

[Ni(DMF)6]2+ 3.8�103 (83,88,95)

[Ni(DMF)5Cl]2+ 5.3�105 (95)

[Ni(pyMa)(DMF)]2+ 3.3�103 (159)

[Ni(MeCN)6]2+ 2.8�103 (92)

[Ni(pyMa)(MeCN)]2+ 3.8�102 (159)

[Cu(H2O)5]2+ 5.7�109 (96)

[Cu(tmpa)(H2O)]2+ 8.6�106 (160)[Cu(tren)(H2O)]2+ 2.5�105 (161)[Cu(tpy)(H2O)2]

2+ 6.6�108 (162)



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molecules on [Ru(MeCN)6]2+ by a (Z6 -C6H6) or by a (Z5 -C5H5) acceleratesthe exchange of the remaining three MeCN by 6 or 11 orders of magni-tude, respectively. Replacing three water molecules however on the cor-responding hexa-aqua complex by (Z6 -C6H6) increases the exchangerate of the remaining H2O molecules only by a factor of 640.Substituting one or two water molecules by small monodentate ligandsallowed a study of the in£uence of axial and equatorial water moleculeson the lability. Water exchange proceeds on the substituted complexesby a d-activated mechanism. This has been shown on [Ru(H2O)5(H2C¼CH2)]2+ where positive �V z have been measured: +6.5 and+6.1cm3mol�1 for the exchange of axial and equatorial waters, respec-tively (185). An increasing cis-e¡ect order was established for the labilityof the equatorialwatermolecules in the correspondingmono-substitutedRu(II) complexes: F2C¼CH2�CO<Me2SO<N2<H2C¼CH2<MeCN<H2O. The following increasing trans-e¡ect order, established from thelability of the axial water molecule, has been found: N2, MeCN<H2O<CO<Me2SO<H2C¼CH2<F2C¼CH2.


Square-planar stereochemistry is mostly con¢ned to the d8 transitionmetal ions. The most investigated solvent exchange reactions are thoseon Pd2+ and Pt2+ metal centers and the mechanistic picture is well estab-lished (Table XIV (194^203)).The vast majority of solvent exchange reac-tions on square-planar complexes undergo an a-activated mechanism.This is most probably a consequence of the coordinatively unsaturatedfour-coordinate 16 outer-shell electron complex achieving noble gas



Complex k1 (298K) a (s�1) Reference

[Cu(fz)2(H2O)]2+ 3.5�105 (160)[Cu(tren)(MeCN)]2+ 1.7�106 (163)

[Cu(DMF)6]2+ 9.1�108 (164)

[Cu(Me6tren)(DMF)]2+ 9.1�108 (165,166)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solventmolecule (6).

bThe two inequivalent H2O exchange at different rates.cRRSS form of the macrocycle.dFive coordinate RSRS form of macrocycle.

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Complex k1 (298K) a

(s�1)Reference Complex k1 (298K) a


[Cr(H2O)6]3+ 2.4�10�6 (115) [Co(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ 5.7�10�6 (177 )

[Cr(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ 5.2�10�5 (167 ) [Co(CH3NH2)5(H2O)]3+ 7.0�10�4 (168)[Cr(CH3NH2)5(H2O)]3+ 4.1�10�6 (168) cis-[Co(en)2(NH3)(H2O)]3+ 1.1�10�6 (178)[(H2O)4Cr(m-OH)2Cr(H2O)4]

4+3.58�10�4 (trans) (169) p-[Co(tren)(NH3)(H2O)]3+ 1.1�10�5 (176)

0.66�10�4 (cis) (169) t-[Co(tren)(NH3)(H2O)]3+ 1.2�10�5 (176)1.14�10�5 (bridging) (169) [Co(cyclen)(NH3)(H2O)]3+ <1.4�10�4 (179)


4+1.24�10�2 (trans) (169)

0.475�10�2 (cis) (169) [Co(cyclen)(H2O)2]3+ 2�10�4 (176)

1.47�10�3 (bridging) (169) [Co(N-Mecyclen)(H2O)2]3+ 2�10�4 (176)

[Fe(H2O)6]3+ 1.6�102 (119,120) [Co(NH3)5(OH)]3+ <1.4�10�7 (177 )

[Fe(CDTA)(H2O)]� 1.3�107 (170) p-[Co(tren)(NH3)(OH)]3+ 1.7�10�4 (176)[Fe(EDTA)(H2O)]� 7.2�107 (170) t-[Co(tren)(NH3)(OH)]3+ <1�10�6 (176)[Fe(HEDTA)(H2O)] 7.8�107 (170) [Co(cyclen)(NH3)(OH)]3+ 8 (179)[Fe(EDDS)(H2O)]� 4.3�105 (170)[Fe(PhDTA)(H2O)]� 1.2�107 (171) cis-[Co(en)2(OH)2]

3+ 3.0�10�5 (175)







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[Fe(a-EDDADP)(H2O)]� 2.5�108/2.7�106 b (170) trans-[Co(en)2(OH)2]3+ 2.3�10�6 (175)

[Fe(TPPS)(H2O)2]3� 2.0�106 (172) [Co(tren)(OH)2]

3+ 9.7�10�5 (p) (176)1.4�107 (173) 2.2�10�7 (t) (176)

[Fe(TMPyP)(H2O)2]5+ 4.5�105 (172)

7.8�105 (173) cis-[Co(en)2(H2O)OH]3+ 9.3�10�4 (175)[Fe(TMPS)(H2O)2]

3� 2.1�107 (172) trans-[Co(en)2(H2O)OH]3+ 1.2�10�3 (175)[Co(tren)(p-OH2)t-OH]3+ 0.05(p) (176)

[Fe(DMF)6]3+ 6.3�101 (121) [Co(tren)(t-OH2)p-OH]3+ 0.03(p), 0.01(t) (176)

[Fe(PhDTA)(DMF)]� 3.4�107 (171,174) [Co(cyclen)(H2O)OH]3+ 12 (176)[Co(N-Mecyclen)(H2O)OH]3+ 15 (176)

cis-[Co(en)2(H2O)2]3+ 7.5�10�6 (175)

trans-[Co(en)2(H2O)2]3+ 1.1�10�5 (175) [Co(CN)5(H2O)]2� 5.9�10�4 (180)

[Co(tren)(H2O)2]3+ 3.7�10�5 (p) (176) [Co(Z5 -C5Me5)(H2O)3]

2+ 60 (181)8.7�10�6 (t) (176) [Co(Z5 -C5Me5)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 0.6 (181)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bTwo exchange processes observed.




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con¢guration in the ¢ve-coordinate transition states or reactive inter-mediate (204).Solvent exchange on Pd2+ and Pt2+ complexes shows a variation in

lability of about 16 orders of magnitude and is generally characterizedby either negative or near zero�V z values.The exchange of non-aqueoussolvents has been studied in inert diluents and was found to have a



Complex k1 (298K) a (s�1) Reference

[Ru(H2O)6]2+ 1.8�10�2 (125)

[Ru(Z6 -C6H6)(H2O)3]2+ b 11.5 (182)

[Ru(Z6 -C6H6)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 6.8�10�2 (181)[Ru(Z6 -C6Me6)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 10.2�10�2 (181)[Ru(Z6 -cymene)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 8.5�10�2 (181)[Ru(DPMet)2(tpmm)(H2O)]2+ 7.0�10�5 (183)[Ru(DPPro)2(tpmm)(H2O)]2+ 66 (183)[Ru(CO)(H2O)5]

2+ 2.54�10�6 (eq) (184)3.54�10�2 (ax) (184)

[Ru(CO)2(H2O)4]2+ 1.58�10�7 (eq) (184)

4.53�10�4 (ax) (184)

[Ru(MeCN)(H2O)5]2+ 1.5�10�3 (eq) (185)

[Ru(DMSO)(H2O)5]2+ 1.9�10�5 (eq) (185)

[Ru(H2C¼CH2)(H2O)5]2+ 2.8�10�4 (eq) (185)

[Ru(CO)(H2O)5]2+ 2.5�10�6 (eq) (184)

[Ru(F2C¼CF2)(H2O)5]2+ 9.3�10�6 (eq) c (185)

[Ru(MeCN)(H2O)5]2+ 3.9�10�4 (ax) d (185)

[Ru(DMSO)(H2O)5]2+ 6.8�10�2 (ax) d (185)

[Ru(H2C¼CH2)(H2O)5]2+ 2.6�10�1 (ax) d (185)

[Ru(CO)(H2O)5]2+ 3.8�10�3 (ax) d (184)

[Ru(F2C¼CF2)(H2O)5]2+ 5.6�10�1 (ax) d (185)

[Os(Z6 -C6H6)(H2O)3]2+ b 11.8 (182)

trans-[Os(en)2(Z2 -H2)(H2O)]2+ 1.59 (186)

trans-[Os(en)2(Z2 -H2)(MeCN)]2+ 2.7�10�4 (186)

[Ru(MeCN)6]2+ 8.9�10�11 (3)

[Ru(Z6 -C6H6)(MeCN)3]2+ b 4.07�10�5 (187 )

[Ru(Z5 -C5H5)(MeCN)3]+ b 5.6 (187 )

[Ru(Tp)(MeCN)3]+ b 1.2�10�8 (188)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bAll three H2O or MeCNare equivalent.cAt 308.4K.dAt 279K.


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¢rst-order rate dependence on free solvent concentration. The size ofthe solvent molecules has an important e¡ect on the lability. Replacingthe less sterically hindered [Pd(Me2S)4]2+ by [Pd(Et2S)4]2+ increases theexchange rate constant by more than 400-fold. Even more, solventexchange on [Pd(DMA)4]2+ is slower than on [Pd(DMF)4]2+, despite thestronger nucleophilicity of DMA, as shown by the Gutmann donornumbers of 27.8 and 27.0 for DMA and DMF, respectively. Such stericin£uence on reaction rates is consistent with the operation of an a-acti-vated mechanism.

Solvent molecules with hard donor atoms, like H2O, MeCN, DMF, andDMA, have exchange rates on Pd2+ which di¡er less than a factor of 15.



Complex k1 (298K) a (s�1) Reference

[Ru(H2O)6]3+ 3.5�10�6 (125)

[Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ 2.3�10�4 (189)

[Rh(H2O)6]3+ 2.2�10�9 (128)

[Rh(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ 8.4�10�6 (167 )[Rh(CH3NH2)5(H2O)]3+ 1.06�10�5 (168)[Rh(Z5 -C5Me5)(H2O)3]

2+ 1.6�105 (181)[Rh(Z5 -C5Me5)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 1.6�103 (181)

[(H2O)4Rh(m-OH)2Rh(H2O)4]4+ 1.26�10�6 (trans) (190)

0.85�10�6 (trans) (191)0.49�10�6 (cis) (190)0.54�10�6 (cis) (191)

not obs. (bridging) (190)[(H2O)3(OH)Rh(m-OH)2Rh(OH)(H2O)3]

4+ 3.44�10�6 (trans) (190)2.68�10�6 (cis) (190)

not obs. (bridging) (190)

[Rh(Z5 -C5Me5)(MeCN)3]2+ 3.7�101 (192)

[Rh(Z5 -C5Me5)(DMSO)3]2+ 3.6�103 (192)

[Ir(H2O)6]3+ 1.1�10�10 (129)

[Ir(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ 6.1�10�8 (193)[Ir(Z5 -C5Me5)(H2O)3]

2+ 2.5�104 (181)[Ir(Z5 -C5Me5)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ 2.2�102 (181)[Ir(Z5 -C5Me5)(MeCN)3]

2+ 8.8�10�2 (192)[Ir(Z5 -C5Me5)(DMSO)3]

2+ 2.5�103 (192)

aRate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).

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Complex k2 (298K) a

(kgmol�1 s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z


[Pd(NH3)4]2+ b 0.016 67.3 �54.1 (194)

[Pd(Et2S)4]2+ c 5.0 50.4 �62.8 �11.6 (195)

[Pd(H2O)4]2+ 10.2 d 49.5 �60 �2.2 (196)

560 e 49.5 �26 �2.2 (196)[Pd(DMA)4]

2+ c 34.8 43.2 �76.2 �2.8 (195)[Pd(MeCN)4]

2+ c 48.8 45.4 �60.1 �0.1 (195)[Pd(CN)4]

2� f 82 23.5 �129 �22 (197 )[Pd(HCN)(CN)3]

� f 4.5�103 (197 )[Pd(DMF)4]

2+ c 153 41.9 �62.3 �0.2 (195)[Pd(Me2S)4]

2+ c 2140 31.9 �74.3 g�9.4 (195)

[Pd(1,4�dithiane)2]2+ c 9780 22.9 �91.6 �9.8 (198)

[Pd(MeNC)4]2+ h 1.06�106 16.4 �74.5 �3.1 (195)

[Pt(NH3)4]2+ b 9.5�10�10 d 125 +4 (199)

[Pt(H2O)4]2+ 7.1�10�6 d 89.7 �43 �4.6 (200 )

3.9�10�4 e 89.7 �9 �4.6 (200 )[Pt(H2O)2(C2O4)2] Pt(IV) 7.0�10�6 d 115 +42 (201)[Pt(Me2S)4]

2+ c 1.54 42.1 �100.2 �22.0 (198)cis[Pt(Me2SO)2(Me2SO)2]

2+ c,i 2 47 �74 �5 (202)cis[Pt(Me2SO)2(Me2SO)2]

2+ c,j 3200 32.8 �62.0 �2.5 (202)[Pt(CN)4]

2� f 11 25.1 �142 �27 (197 )







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[Pt(1,4-dithiane)2]2+ c 28.8 32.9 �106 �12.6 (198)

[Pt(MeNC)4]2+ h 6.2�105 13.8 �87.9 �3.7 (195)

[Au(CN)4]� f 6240 40.0 �38 +2 (203)

[Au(Cl)4]� f 0.56 65.1 �31 �14 (203)

[Ni(CN)4]2� f 2.3�106 21.6 �51 �19 (197 )

[Ni(HCN)(CN)3]� f <10�106 (197 )

[Ni(HCN)2(CN)2]f 63�106 47.3 +63 �6 (197 )

aSecond-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).b In aqueous solution.cStudied in d3-nitromethane diluent.dUnits are dm3mol�1 s�1.eFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular water molecule (6).f In water.gMisprint in Ref. (195) corrected in Ref. (198).hStudied in d3-acetonitrile diluent.iSulfur bonded.jOxygen bonded.




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Solvents such as MeS2 and MeNC with much softer binding atoms, havemuch faster exchange rates. In the case of MeNC this may be due to theformation of a ¢ve-coordinate intermediate stabilized by p back bondingfrom the metal center to MeNC. The dependence on the softness of thebinding atom is aptly demonstrated by the DMSO exchange on cis-[Pd(Me2SO)2(Me2SO)2]

2+ where two Me2SO are O-bonded and two areS-bonded (202).The soft donor Me2SO exerts a strong trans e¡ect on thehard donor Me2SO which is a good leaving ligand, and vice versa. As aconsequence, Me2SO exchanges much more rapidely than Me2SO. Therelative labilities of Pd2+ and Pt2+ complexes vary with the nature of thesolvent molecules (Table XIV). Hard solvents exchange six orders of mag-nitude slower on Pt2+ than on Pd2+, while exchange rates of soft solvents,with the exception of 1,4-dithiane and Me2S, are very similar for bothmetal ions.Mechanistic interpretation of activation volumes on square-planar

complexes is complicated by the geometry. The sterically less crowdedcomplexes may have loosely bound solvent molecules occupying theaxial sites above and below the plane. Replacing them in the formationof a ¢ve-coordinate transition state or intermediate may result by com-pensation in relatively small volume e¡ects. It is therefore di⁄cult to dis-tinguish between Ia and A mechanisms from the value of the activationvolume. Nevertheless, the �V z values are negative and together withthe second-order rate laws observed, point to an a-activation for thosesolvent exchange reactions.However, strong s-donor ligands such as phenyl and methyl encourage

the operation of d-activated mechanisms, with the formation of a three-coordinate intermediate (205). The exchange rate of Me2SO on[PtPh2(Me2SO)2]2+ is nearly independent of free Me2SO-concentrationin CDCl3 diluent. Activation volumes on complexes of the form[PtR2S2]

2+ (R=Ph, Me; S=Me2SO, Me2S) are all positive. The overallmechanistic picture has been taken as the ¢rst clear-cut evidence forthe operation of a D mechanism involving a 3-coordinate 14-electronintermediate for simple ligand substitution on square-planar complexes(206) (Table XV (196,198,200,202,206^211)).Deeth et al. have used density functional theory (DFT) to model water

exchange on square-planer [Pd(H2O)4]2+ and [Pt(H2O)4]2+ (212).Their cal-culations strongly support that H2O exchange on these complexes pro-ceeds through an a-activation mechanism, in full agreement withexperimental assignments. The agreement between the experimentaland calculated activation enthalpy is better than 10kJmol�1 for an Iamechanism, whereas it di¡ers by more than 100 kJmol�1 for a calculatedId mechanism.


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Complex k2 (298K) a

(kgmol�1 s�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Reference Complex k2 (298K) a

(kgmol�1 s�1)Reference

[Pd(H2O)4]2+ 10.2 b

�2.2 (196 ) [Pt(en)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 9.4�10�6 (211)560 c

�2.2 [Pt(Me4en)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.15�10�6 (211)[Pd(dien)(H2O)]2+ 93 b

�2.8 (207 ) [Pt(2 -ampy)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 3.5�10�3 (211)[Pd(Me5dien)(H2O)]2+ 3.4 b

�7.2 (208) [Pt(dps)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.0�10�2 (211)[Pd(Et5dien)(H2O)]2+ 0.053 b

�7.7 (208) cis-[Pt(py)2(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.6�10�2 (211)[Pt(Me4phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 2.66�10�2 (211)

[Pt(H2O)4]2+ 7.1�10�6 b �4.6 (200) [Pt(en)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 9.4�10�6 (211)

[Pt{C6H3(CH2NMe2)2 -2,6}(H2O)]2+ 130 b�9.2 (209) [Pt(Me4phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 2.66�10�2 (211)

[Pt(dipy)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 5.3�10�2 (211)[Pt(Me2S)4]

2+ d 1.54 �22.0 (198) [Pt(Ph2phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.0�10�1 (211)cis-[PtPh2(Me2S)2]

2+ e 0.21 (in s�1) +4.7 (206) [Pt(bpy)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.6�10�1 (211)cis-[PtMe2(Me2S)2]

2+ d 1.38 (in s�1) +4.9 (206) [Pt(phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 1.8�10�1 (211)cis-[PtPh2(DMSO)2]

2+ h 1.24 (in s�1) +5.5 (206) [Pt(NO2phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 3.3�10�1 (211)cis-[PtMe2(DMSO)2]

2+ d 1.12 (in s�1) +4.9 (206) [Pt(cy2dim)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 9.2�10�1 (211)cis-[Pt(Me2SO)2(Me2SO)2]

2+ d,f 2 �5 (206) ½Ptðpri2dimÞðCH3ÞðDMSOÞþ i 7.9�10�1 (211)cis-[Pt(Me2SO)2(Me2SO)2]

2+ d,g 3200 �2.5 (202) [Pt(Me2phen)(CH3)(DMSO)]+ i 3.81�104 (211)

aSecond-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule.bUnits are dm3mol�1 s�1.cFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular water molecule (6 ).dStudied in d3-nitromethane diluent.eStudied in benzene diluent.fSulfur bonded.gOxygen bonded.hStudied in d3-chloroform diluent.iStudied in d6 -acetone diluent.




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IV. Solvent Exchange on Lanthanides and Actinides


The trivalent lanthanide ions La3+, Ce3+, Pr3+, Nd3+, Pm3+, Sm3+,Eu3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+,Yb3+, and Lu3+, represent themost extended series of chemically similar metal ions and are denotedcommonly as Ln3+. The progressive ¢lling of the 4f orbitals from La3+

(rM=121.6 pm with CN=8, 116.0 pm with CN=9) to Lu3+ (rM=103.3 pmwith CN=8, 97.7 pm with CN=9) is accompanied by a smooth decreasein atomic radius. This so called lanthanide contraction is a conse-quence of the poor shielding of one 4f electron by another owing to theshapes of the orbitals. The repulsions between electrons being addedon crossing the f block fail to compensate for the increasing nuclearcharge. The dominating e¡ect of the latter is to draw in all the elec-trons, and to result in a more compact ion (213). The geometry of the1st coordination shell is little a¡ected by directional e¡ects from themetal center, but by the electrostatic attraction exerted by the stronglycharged ion on polar solvent molecules and by electrostatic and stericrepulsion between the solvent molecules.The coordination numbers of the Ln3+ ions in water are now well

established from di¡erent experimental techniques (214^221). Thelighter La3+^Nd3+ ions are predominantly nine-coordinate, Pm3+^Eu3+

exist in equilibria between nine- and eight-coordinate states and theheavier Gd3+^Lu3+ are predominantly eight-coordinate. The change incoordination number is also re£ected in the absolute partial molarvolumes, V0

abs, of several Ln3+ ions determined in aqueous solutions(222,223).For eight-coordinate heavy lanthanides (Gd3+ toYb3+) rate constants

for water exchange can be determined by oxygen-17 NMR relaxationand chemical shift measurements (224^226). Water exchange on theselanthanides is characterized by a systematic decrease in kH2O as theionic radius decreases from Gd3+ to Yb3+ (Table XVI (2,224^228)). Both�V zand �Sz are negative indicating an a-activation mode.The directlydetermined rate constants, kH2O, are closely correlatedwith the rate con-stants for interchange, k298i , between inner-sphere water and a SO2�

4 ionfrom outer-sphere coordination (Fig. 9) (229).The k298i values reach a max-imum in the middle of the series where the coordination number changesfrom nine to eight. Unfortunately, for nine-coordinate early lanthanides([Nd(H2O)9]

3+ and [Pr(H2O)9]3+), only lower limits for water exchange

rate constants could be determined at the available magnetic ¢eld of14.1T (230).


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Complex k1 (298K) a

(107 s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Eu(H2O)7]2+ 500 b 15.7 �7.0 �11.3 Ia,A (2,227,228)

[Gd(H2O)8]3+ 83.0 14.9 �24.1 �3.3 Ia (226)

[Tb(H2O)8]3+ 55.8 12.1 �36.9 �5.7 Ia (224,225)

[Dy(H2O)8]3+ 43.4 16.6 �24.0 �6.0 Ia (224,225)

[Ho(H2O)8]3+ 21.4 16.4 �30.5 �6.6 Ia (224,225)

[Er(H2O)8]3+ 13.3 18.4 �27.8 �6.9 Ia (224,225)

[Tm(H2O)8]3+ 9.1 22.7 �16.4 �6.0 Ia (224,225)

[Yb(H2O)8]3+ 4.7 23.3 �21.0 (224,225)

aFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bThe value originally published for a CN=8 in Ref. (227 ) was corrected for CN=7 in Ref. (228).




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The picture for water exchange on the lanthanide ions, conceived onthe basis of structural and kinetic results, is as follows (Fig. 10). Overthe whole Ln3+ series eight- and nine-coordinate ions are close inenergy. Nine coordination is favored for the larger ions and eight coordi-nation for the smaller ones. The slightly less favored coordination statecan, however, be similar to the transition state/intermediate in anexchange process. The energy barrier for a water exchange is thereforelow, leading to very high reaction rates. Also a change in mechanism is

FIG. 9. Absolute partial molar volumes, V0abs of [Ln(H2O)n]

3+ in aqueous Ln(ClO4)3solutions (u), comparedwith the calculated values for [Ln(H2O)8]

3+ and [Ln(H2O)9]3+

indicated by the upper and lower solid lines, respectively. Interchange rate constants,ki, for the substitution of SO2�

4 on [Ln(H2O)n]3+ are shown as s, and water exchange

rate constants, (298K) for [Ln(H2O)8]3+ are shown as �. Activation volumes, �V z, are

shown asj.


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predicted by this model: the a-activated mechanism for the small eight-coordinate ions, determined via the negative activation volumes, shouldbe replaced by a d-activated mechanism for the larger nine-coordinateions. This change in mechanism is supported by a computational studyusing classical molecular dynamics simulation.

In recent years the subject of water exchange on lanthanide complexesattracted increasing attention owing to the use of Gd3+ as a contrastagent in medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A review of theextensivework performed in this domain exceeds the scope of this articleand suitable, comprehensive accounts can be found in recent publi-cations (231^233). Nevertheless, we will present here a brief overview ofthe results. Nine-coordinate gadolinium(III) complexes with one innersphere water molecule have water exchange rates which are at least twoorders of magnitude slower than that of the aqua-ion (Table XVII(226,228,231,234^249)). The positive �V z values indicate a d-activationmode for water exchange. This could be expected, considering that in anine-coordinate (240^244,246,248^250) lanthanide complex there is nolonger space for a second water molecule to enter before the subsequentdeparture of the bound water molecule. The eight-coordinate transitionstate is high in energy resulting in a high energybarrier for the dissociat-ing water molecule to cross. Another important factor is the rigidityof the coordination sphere of the Gd3+: whereas the eight water

FIG.10. Possible mechanistic paths for water exchange on eight- and nine-coordinatelanthanides.

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Complex k1 (298K) a (106 s�1) �Hz (kJmol�1) �Sz (JK�1mol�1) �V z (cm3mol�1) Reference

[Gd(H2O)8]3+ 830 14.9 �24.1 �3.3 (226)

[Gd(PDTA)(H2O)2]� 102 11.0 �54.6 �1.5 (226)

[Gd(tris(2 -hydroxymethyl)-TREN-Me-2,3-HOPO)(H2O)2]

62.5 2.6 (234)

[Gd(DO2A)(H2O)3]� 1.0 21.3 �39 (235)

[Gd(DO3A)(H2O)2]� 1.1 33.6 +2.4 (236)

[Gd(DTPA)(H2O)]2� 4.1 b 52.0 +56.2 +12.5 (237 )4.0 c 52 (239)

[Gd(DTPA-BMA)(H2O)] 0.43 46.6 +18.9 +7.3 (240)

[Gd(DOTA)(H2O)]� 4.8 b 48.8 +46.6 +10.5 (237 )5.4 (M)/500 (m) c 55/50 (239)

[Gd(DOTMA)(H2O)]� 150 (241)[Gd(DOTA-2DMA)(H2O)]� 0.74 (M)/70 (m) (242)[Gd(DOTAM)(H2O)]3+ 0.5 (243)[Eu(DOTAM)(H2O)]3+ d 0.008 (M)/0.33 (m) 53.1/44.2 +8.4/+8.8 +4.9/� (244)

[Eu(H2O)7]2+ 5000 e 15.7 �7.0 �11.3 (2,227,228)

[Eu(ODDA)(H2O)] 430 22.5 �4.0 �3.9 (246)[Eu(DTPA)(H2O)]3� 1300 26.3 +18.3 +4.5 (247 )[Eu(DOTA)(H2O)]2� 2460 21.4 +6.9 +0.1 (248)[Eu(2.2.2)(H2O)2]

3+ 310 30.6 +20.5 +1 (249)

aFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bAnalysis of 17O NMR data only.cCombined analysis of EPR, 1H and 17ONMR data.d Independent analysis of the bound water NMR signal of each species.eThe value originally published for a CN=8 in Ref. (227 ) was corrected for CN=7 in Ref. (228).







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molecules in the aqua complex can easily rearrange, the poly(aminocarboxylate) ligand is very rigid and its rearrangement requires highenergy. In summary, the di¡erence in the inner-shell structure andhence the di¡erence in the mechanism, explains why water exchange onnine-coordinate Ln(III) poly(amino carboxylate) complexes is generallymuch slower when compared to the eight-coordinate [Gd(H2O)8]3+ (250).

Cyclic ligands like DOTA or DOTAM are known to exist in two iso-meric forms in solution, usually termed M for the major and m for theminor isomer (Fig. 11). They interconvert slowly on the NMR timescale(251^253). It was demonstrated by NMR that them-isomer exchanges its1st shell water much faster than the M-isomer, most probably due tosteric e¡ects (238,244).

Gadolinium(III) complexes with two inner sphere water moleculeshave faster water exchange rates than monohydrated chelates. Theeight-coordinate complex [Gd(PDTA)(H2O)2]

� (226) exchanges watermuch faster than the nine-coordinate mono-aqua complexes (250). Themechanism for the former is a-activatedwith much less associative char-acter than for the latter aqua-ion.This e¡ect is most probably due to therigidity imposed by the PDTA ligand. A temperature-dependent UV^visible spectrophotometric study on [Eu(DO3A)(H2O)n] indicated thepresence of a hydration equilibrium (n=1, 2), strongly shifted towardsthe bisaqua species (K298

1”2 ¼ 7:7) (236). The limited gain in the waterexchange rate compared to that for the DOTA complex (Table XVII) canbe explained in terms of a rigid inner sphere structure introduced bythe macrocyclic ligand which makes the transition from the reactant tothe transition state di⁄cult, and consequently, results in a slowerexchange as compared to that for [Gd(PDTA)(H2O)2]�. If two carboxylate

FIG. 11. Schematic structure of the two diastereoisomers of the complex [Eu(DOTAM)(H2O)]3+. The coordinated water molecule, located above the plain of thefour oxygens, has been omitted for clarity.

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arms on the DOTA are replaced by H there is space for two to three H2Omolecules in the ¢rst coordination shell of lanthanide complexes (235).For the corresponding Eu3+ complex a stability constant K298

2”3 ¼ 4:0was measured. The small increase in the water exchange rate of[Gd(DO2A)(H2O)2^3]+ (Table XVII) relative to that of [Gd(DOTA)(H2O)]� is a consequence of an unfavorable interplay of charge andhydration equilibria (235).Apromisingnewclassof stableGd3+ complexesbasedonTREN-Me-3,2-

HOPO shows relatively fast water exchange rates. The water solubletris(2-hydroxymethyl)-TREN-Me-3,2-HOPO complex is eight-coordinatewith twowatermolecules in the ¢rst coordination sphere (234).Thewaterexchange rate is more than one order of magnitude faster than on DTPAandDOTAcomplexes and the mechanism is proposed to be a-activated.The exchange of DMFon lanthanide(III) ions could be observed over

the whole series of paramagnetic lanthanide ions in neat solvent and inthe diluent CD3NO2 (254). For the light lanthanides Ce3+, Pr3+, andNd3+, an equilibrium between eight- and nine-coordination is observedat low temperature. The reaction volume, �V 0, for the addition of aDMFmolecule to [Nd(DMF)8]3+ was determined spectrophotometricallyto be �9.8 cm3mol�1. For the heavier lanthanides, Tb3+ to Yb3+, kineticparameters for DMF exchange were measured by variable temperatureand pressure 1HNMR.The exchange process is characterized by positive�V z values, a systematic increase in�Hz and a change from negative topositive�Sz values as the ionic radius decreases (Table XVIII (254,255 )).d-Activation occurs for these exchange processes with a mechanisticcrossover from Id to limitingD at erbium (256). Kinetic rate law determi-nations using CD3NO2 as diluent indicate that an interchange mecha-nism Id operates for Tb3+ whereas a D mechanism is operative forYb3+.For Er3+ a mixed rate law with a ¢rst- and a second-order term isobserved showing that the Id and the D transition states are beingsimilarly favored by this ion.A decrease in coordination number of Ln3+ complexes results, in gen-

eral, in a decrease in lability. Solvent exchange rates measured on[Ln(TMU)6]3+ are much slower than corresponding values measured on[Ln(DMF)8]3+ (56,257^259) (Table XIX (56,257^259)). The exchange rates,measured in an inert diluent, were found to be independent of freeligand concentration, consistent with a d-activation mode.


The only easily accessible divalent lanthanide is Eu2+ which isisoelectronic with Gd3+ and very similar in size to Sr2+ (260). An


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EXAFS study on Eu2+ and Sr2+ in both solid state and aqueous solutiongave coordination numbers of 8.0 for strontium(II) and 7.2 foreuropium(II) (228). The water exchange rate measured on the divalenteuropium aqua ion is the fastest ever measured by 17ONMR (Table XVI)(2). The activation volume is much more negative (�11.7 cm3mol�1) thanthose determined on trivalent lanthanide aqua ions clearly indicatingan a-activation mechanism which is most probably a limiting




M3+ rMa

(pm)k1 (298K) b

(105 s�1)�Hz


(JK�1mol�1)�V z

(cm3mol�1)Mechanism Ref.

Tb3+ 104.0 190 14.1 �58 +5.2 Id (254)Dy3+ 102.7 63 13.8 �69 +6.1 Id (254)Ho3+ 101.5 36 15.3 �68 +5.2 Id (255)Er3+ 100.4 130 23.6 �30 +5.4 D and Id (254)Tm3+ 99.4 310 33.2 +10 +7.4 D (254)Yb3+ 98.5 990 39.3 +40 +11.8 D (254)

aSix-coordinate ionic radii from Ref. (255).bFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).



M3+ rMa

(pm)k1 (298K) b




Tb3+ 92.3 1380 38.2 �56.7 ^Dy3+ 91.2 1290 38.6 �56.0 ^Ho3+ 90.1 510 40.9 �55.9 ^Y3+ 90.0 253 27.1 �108 D, IdEr3+ 89.0 214 35.5 �81.3 D, IdTm3+ 88.0 145 29.3 �105 D, IdYb3+ 86.8 65.5 38.3 �81.8 D, IdLu3+ 86.1 41.9 41.7 �74 D, IdSc3+ 74.5 0.90 68.6 �15.7 D, Id

Adapted from Refs. (56,257^259 ).aSix-coordinate ionic radii from Ref. (255).bFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).

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A mechanism (from comparison with �12.1cm3mol�1 for [Ti(H2O)6]3+,Section III.C). The EXAFS study showed that an equilibrium betweenseven- and eight-coordinate states is possible which would explainthe very low energy barrier between the transition state (eight-coordinate for an associative mechanism) and the ground state[Eu(H2O)7]

2+ (228).It has been shown above that water exchange on poly(aminocarboxy-

late) complexes of Gd3+ is about three orders of magnitude slower thanon the eight-coordinate aqua ion. Such a tremendous loss in lability isnot observed for europium(II) complexes (Table XVII). The inner spherewater molecule on [Eu(DTPA)(H2O)]3� exchanges only � 4 times slowerthan a water molecule on [Eu(H2O)7]2+ (247 ). As a consequence of thelower charge and the larger ionic radius, the charge density is signi¢-cantly smaller on the Eu2+ ion as compared to Gd3+. Furthermore, thewater exchange has less dissociative character for [Eu(DTPA)(H2O)]3�

(�V z=+4.5 cm3mol�1, Id mechanism) as compared to that for[Gd(DTPA)(H2O)]2� (�V z=+12.5 cm3mol�1, D mechanism) indicatingless steric crowding around the divalent europium ion. On[Eu(ODDA)(H2O)] however, the negative �V z (�3.9 cm3mol�1) andthe slightly negative �Sz (�4.0 JK�1mol�1) provide evidence for ana-activated exchange process, most probably via an Ia mechanism (246).The solid state structure of the corresponding Sr2+ complex, which is iso-structural with that of europium(II), and solution EXAFS data (261)show that in the case of ODDA the inner shell water molecule coordi-nates close to the macrocyclic plane and not close to the carboxylatearms, as is the case for the poly(aminocarboxylate) ligands (Fig. 12).Thewater molecule coordination site is far less crowded and less electro-statically constrained in the ODDA2� than, for example, in the DOTA4�

or DTPA5� complexes. The change in mechanism from Id (for[Eu(DTPA)(H2O)]3�) to Ia (for [Eu(ODDA)(H2O)]) is plausible becausea d-activation mode is disfavored in the case of the second complexdue to the short Eu^OW distance of 2.54— (as compared to 2.62— forDTPA), and because of the much more open coordination site on[Eu(ODDA)(H2O)] allowing a second water molecule to approach theinner sphere.


Reports on studies of solvent exchange reactions on actinide com-pounds are very scarce.The most studied cation is UO2þ

2 .The commonlyobserved solvated species have ¢ve (H2O, DMSO, DMF, TMP) (262,263)


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or four (HMPA) (264) solvent molecules in the ¢rst coordination shell.For complexes of the form [UO2S5]

2+ (S= solvent) the exchange ratesmeasured in inert diluents are nearly independent of concentration ofS, and for S=TMPa positive �V z was measured (6).This is indicative ofa d-activation mode for solvent exchange on these compounds. The ratelaw for HMPA exchange on [UO2(HMPA)4]2+ however, is second-order.This together with the very negative �V z, led to the attribution of anA mechanism for the exchange of HMPA. An experimental study ofwater exchange on [UO2(H2O)5]

2+ was performed only recently and theexperimental data alone do not provide enough information to decideon the mechanism for water exchange (Table XX (265^269)). An ab-initioquantum chemical study together with the experimental data gavestrong evidence that the water exchange on [UO2(H2O)5]2+ takes placethrough an A- or I-mechanism (270). In [UO2(C2O4)2(H2O)]2� the waterexchange seems to follow an A-mechanism with an activation energysimilar to that of the penta-aqua complex (270). Water exchange on[NpO2(H2O)5]

2+ and [PuO2(H2O)5]2+ is very rapid and has therefore

been studied in an acetone/H2O mixture at low temperature (269)(Table XX). As the �Sz values become more negative with increasingatomic number, a mechanism with more pronounced associativecharacter was proposed for the heavier species.

The ¢rst experimental informationon thekinetic parameters for waterexchange on a tetravalent metal ion was published in 2000 for U4+ andTh4+ (265,268,271). The coordination numbers for these two complexeswere determined by EXAFS to be 101. Based on the high coordinationnumber (there are no complexes known with unidentate ligands andcoordination numbers larger than 10) a limiting associative mechanism(A) is unlikely and a d-activated mechanism is probable. Surprisingly,

FIG. 12. X-ray structures of [Eu(DTPA)H2O]3� (left) and [Sr(ODDA)] (right).

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Complex k1 (298K) a



(JK�1mol�1)Mechanism Reference

[Th(H2O)10]4+ >5�107 (265)

[Th(H2O)9]4+ 2.4�109 (2nd sphere) (266)


� 5�106 � 35 � 0 (265)[U(F)(H2O)9]

4+ 5�106 36 +2.5 (265)

[UO2(H2O)5]2+ 1.4�106 38 �12 (267 )

1.3�106 26.1 �40 I orA f (268,270)[UO2(H2O)5]

2+ 11.8�103 b 32 �60 (269)460�103 c 31.7 �30 (269)

[UO2(C2O4)2(H2O)]2� A f (270)[UO2(C2O4)(F)(H2O)2]

� 1.8�104 45.4 �11.3 (268)

[NpO2(H2O)5]2+ 5.3�106 d 20.2 �72 (269)

[PuO2(H2O)n]2+ 5.7�104 e 12 �115 (269)

aFirst-order rate constant for the exchange of a particular coordinated solvent molecule (6).bSolution composition (molar ratio): MO2þ

2 /H+/H2O/acetone: 1/0.57/69.1/177.9.cSolution composition (molar ratio): MO2þ

2 /H+/H2O/acetone: 1/4.1/86.9/161.6.dSolution composition (molar ratio): MO2þ

2 /H+/H2O/acetone: 1/3.8/78.7/153.4.eSolution composition (molar ratio): MO2þ

2 /H+/H2O/acetone: 1/2.2/67.3/174.7.fBy quantum chemical methods.







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the coordination of one £uoride or one hydroxide to U(IV) had nodetectable e¡ect on the water exchange rate.


The authors gratefully acknowledge ¢nancial support from the Swiss National ScienceFoundation and the Swiss O⁄ce for Education and Science (COST Program).Furthermore, we wish to thank the large number of people who have contributed over theyears to the work performed in Lausanne.

V. Appendix: Ligand Abbreviations, Formulae, and Structures

l (2.2.2) = 4,7,13,16,21,24-hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo-[8.8.8]hexacosane

l 2-ampy= 2-(aminomethyl)pyridine

l bpy= 2,20 -bipyridine

l BuCN=valeronitrile =NCCH2CH2CH2CH3

l C2O2�4 = oxalate=�OOCCOO�

l Z5 -C5Me5�=pentamethylcyclopentadienyll Z6 -C6H6=benzenel Z6 -C6Me6=hexamethylbenzenel CDTA4�= trans-1,2 -diaminocyclohexanetetraacetate

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l cyclen=1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane

l cy2dim=N,N 0-dicyclohexylethylenediimine

l Z6 -cymene= p-isopropyltoluenel DEA=N,N-diethylacetamide=OC(Me)N(Et)2l dien=diethylenetriamine

l dipy= 2,20 -dipyridylamine

l 1,4 -dithiane

l DMA=N,N-dimethylacetamide=OC(Me)N(Me)2l DMADMP=O,O0-dimethyl-N,N-dimethylphosphoramidate =OP

(Me)2(NMe2)l DMF=N,N-dimethylformamide=OC(H)N(Me)2l dmgH�=dimethylglyoximate

l dmg2�

l DMSO=dimethylsulfoxide=OSMe2


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l DMMP=dimethyl methylphosphonate=OP(OMe)2(Me)l DMPU=dimethylpropyleneurea

l DO2A2�=1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,7-bis-(carboxymethyl)cyclododecane

l DO3A3�=1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7-tris-(carboxymethyl)cyclododecane

l DOTA4�=1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7,10-tetrakis-(carboxymethyl)cyclododecane

l DOTAM=1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7,10-tetrakis-(carbamoylmethyl)cyclododecane

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l DOTMA4�=1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7,10-tetrakis-(carboxymethyl)cyclododecane

l dpgH�=diphenylglyoximate

l DPMet=di(1-pyrazolyl)methane

l DPPro=di(1-pyrazolyl)propane

l dps= 2,20 -dipyridylsul¢de

l DTPA5�=1,1,4,7,7-pentakis(carboxymethyl)-1,4,7-triazaheptane

l DTPA-BMA3�= 1,4,7-tri(carboxymethyl)-1,7-bis[(N-methylcarba-moyl)methyl]-1,4,7-triazaheptane


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l a-EDDADP4�= a-ethylenediaminediacetatedipropionate

l EDDS4�= s,s-ethylenediaminesisuccinate

l EDTA4�=ethylenediaminetetraacetate

l EDTA-BOM4�: R=H, R0 =BOM

l EDTA-BOM4�2 : R=R0 =BOM

l en= 1,2-diaminoethane

l Et5dien=N,N 0,N00-pentaethyl-diethylenetriamine

l EtCN=propionitrile =NCCH2CH3

l fz = ferrozine= 3-(2 -pyridyl)-5,6 -bis(4-phenylsulfonic acid)-1,2,4-triazine

l HMPA=hexamethylphosphoramide=OP(NMe2)3

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l HOAc=acetic acidl ma�=maltolate= 3-oxy-2 -methyl-4-pyrone

l MeCN=acetonitrile =NCCH3

l Me4cyclam=N,N 0,N00,N000-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane

l Me5dien=N,N,N 0,N00,N00-pentamethyl-diethylenetriamine

l Me4en=N,N,N 0,N 0-tetramethyl-1,2-diaminoethane

l Me2phen= 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline

l Me4phen= 3,4,7,8 -tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline


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l Me6tren= 2,20,200 -tri(N,N-dimethylamino)triethylamine

l mMal2�=methylmalonate=CH3HCðCOOÞ2�2l MMPP=methyl methylphenylphosphinate=OP(OMe)(Me)(Ph)l NMA=N-methylacetamide=OC(Me)N(H)(Me)l N-Mecyclen=N-methyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecanel NO2phen= 5-nitro-1,10-phenanthroline

l ODDA2�=1,4,10,13-tetraoxa-7,16 -diazacyclooctadecane-7,16 -diacetate

l pa=n-propylaminel PDTA4�=1,3-propylenediaminetetraacetate

l PhCN=benzonitrilel PhDTA4�= o-phenylenediamine-N,N,N 0,N 0-tetraacetate

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l phen= 1,10-phenanthroline

l Ph2phen=4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline

l Pri2dim=N,N 0-diisopropylethylenediimine

l PrCN=butyronitrile =NCCH2CH2CH3

l PriCN= isobutyronitrile

l py=pyridinel pyMa=3,7,11-tribenzyl-3,7,11,17-tetraazabicyclo[11.3.1]



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l Sal2�= salicylate

l sSal2�= sulfosalicylate

l TMP= trimethylphosphate=OP(OMe)3l tmpa= tris(2 -pyridylmethyl)amine

l tpmm= tri(2 -pyridyl)methoxymethane

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l Tp�=hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borate

l TPPS=meso-tetrakis(p-sulfonatophenyl)porphinel TMPyP=meso-tetrakis(N-methyl-4pyridyl)porphinel TMPS=meso-tetrakis(sulfonatomesityl)porphine

l TMU=N,N,N 0,N 0-tetramethylurea=OC(NMe2)2l tn= 1,3 -propanediaminel tpy= 2,20,200 -terpyridine

l tren= 2,20,200 -triaminotriethylamine


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l trien= triethylentetramine

l tris(2-hydroxymethyl)-TREN-Me-2,3-HOPO=tris(2-hydroxymethyl)-tris[(3-hydroxy-1-methyl-2 -oxo-1,2-didehydropyridine-4 -carbo-xamido)ethyl]amine


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aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UKbInstitute for Inorganic Chemistry, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg,

91058 Erlangen, Germany

I. IntroductionII. Inert Octahedral MII and MIII Complexes

A. Cobalt(III)B. Chromium(III)C. Rhodium(III) and Iridium(III)D. Low-spin Iron(II) ComplexesE. Ruthenium(II) and Ruthenium(III)F. Osmium

III. High Oxidation State ComplexesA. Platinum(IV)B. Vanadium(IV) andVanadium(V)C. Binary andTernary Cyanide Complexes

IV. Square-Planar ComplexesA. GeneralB. Platinum(II)C. Palladium(II)D. Nickel(II)E. Gold(III)F. Rhodium(I) and Iridium(I)

V. Reactions at LabileTransition Metal CentersA. Metal(II) CationsB. Metal(III) Cations

VI. Transition MetalTriangles and ClustersVII. Reactions of Coordinated Ligands

A. Nucleophilic Attack at Coordinated LigandsB. Metal-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Organic CompoundsC. Template ReactionsD. Supramolecular ChemistryE. Rotaxanes, Catenanes, and KnotsReferences


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

Page 78: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

I. Introduction

In this review we attempt to give an overview of recent progress in thearea of kinetics and mechanisms of ligand substitution.Wehave of neces-sity had to be very selective (and have, of course, been subjective in ourchoices for inclusion ^ they re£ect the authors’ interests, perforce) ^ theRoyal Society of Chemistry’s Annual Reports list several hundred rele-vant references each year, and thus provide a splendidly comprehensiveview of progress (1). We have concentrated on publications whichappeared in 2000 and, especially, 2001 and the early part of 2002, buthave included a sprinkling of earlier papers, back to the much regretteddemise of the series of volumes containing regular surveys devoted toinorganic kinetics and mechanisms (2). Although our emphasis is onclassical complexes1 we have included a selection of bioinorganic reac-tions, re£ecting the growing importance of this bridging area, a fewreferences of relevance to inorganic pharmacology (1999 saw the publica-tion of a complete issue of Chemical Reviews devoted to this subject (3)),and a very few organometallic systems where these seem particularlyappropriate to our main discussion.

Mechanisms of ligand substitution have been reviewed in severalarticles, ranging from comprehensive accounts (4) to a succinct retro-spective view of substitution in labile octahedral complexes (5). Anoverall view has been provided in the appropriate Chapters of a bookon inorganic reaction mechanisms (6 ). Mechanisms of ligand, and sol-vent, exchange for s-, p-, d-, and f-block cations have been discussed indepth, with kinetic parameters fully documented, alongside those forsolvent exchange (7 ). In recent years there has been much use of activa-tion volumes in the establishment of reaction mechanisms. This areaforms a major part of a book on high pressure chemistry (8), and hasattracted several reviews by some of its main practitioners. Theseinclude a comprehensive documentation of activation volumes in inor-ganic, and in organic, chemistry reported in the period 1987^1997 (9),and an overview of apparatus and techniques, combined with detaileddiscussion, emphasising volume pro¢les, of a range of substitution andelectron transfer reactions and of small molecule activation (10). Thematerial in this latter review is dealt with rather more brie£y elsewhere(11), whereas volume pro¢le analysis is the main concern of a fourth

1Abbreviations for ligands which make only one appearance are generallyde¢ned at the appropriate point in the text, whereas ligand abbreviationswhich appear in more than one place are listed and de¢ned at the end of thisChapter.


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review (12). Further contributions in this area discuss e¡ects of highpressure alongside those of high temperature, and mechanism in paral-lel with synthetic applications (13), the role of activation volumes inestablishing mechanisms in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry (14),and the use of high pressure in probing photochemical reactions of inor-ganic complexes and organometallic compounds (15). A review dedi-cated to reaction mechanisms of coordination complexes, in whichactivation volumes feature alongside other aspects of the subject (16),is closest in coverage to the present Chapter; it covers the period up to1998. The signi¢cant, sometimes dominant, role played by solvationchanges consequent on transition state formation has long been recog-nized (17). Recently it was claimed that solvent viscosity should not beneglected in the interpretation of �Vz based on an apparent solventviscosity acceleration of typical Diels-Alder reactions (18). Thusactual �Vz values may be several cm3mol�1 less negative than indi-cated by the experimental rate/pressure data. However, it has beenshown that the apparent viscosity dependence of such reactions is sig-ni¢cantly smaller than claimed, such that the consequence of thise¡ect on reported activation volumes is minor (19). MolecularDynamics and ab initio calculations have provided support for the useof activation volumes and volume pro¢les in assignment of mechanism(20). Appropriate computations have supported the assignment of Idand Ia mechanisms for spontaneous aquation of classical cobalt(III)and chromium(III) complexes, respectively, helping to clarify conclu-sions from activation volume data (21).Aquation of a selection of penta- and tetra-ammine or amine complexes

of Co(III) and of Cr(III) involving the uncharged leaving groups DMSO,DMF, or DMAC has been studied in order to probe how electronic andsteric e¡ects can be used to ¢ne-tune mechanism within the Ia, I, Idrange, using activation parameters �Hz, �Sz and �Vz for diagnosis ofmechanism (22). Initial steps have been taken towards establishing a gen-eral interchange mechanism scale, i.e. scale of ‘‘the extent of inter-change’’ in the A, Ia, I, Id, D continuum for substitution at inerttransition metal complexes (23). A general view ^ a ‘‘computational per-spective’’ ^ on kinetics and mechanisms of reactions of transition metalcompounds and complexes has also been o¡ered (24). The assignment ofmechanisms to their position in theA, Ia, I, Id, D sequence remains oneof the main aims of kinetic studies of substitution, both for straightfor-ward ligand-by-ligand replacement and for more complicated processes,such as chelate ring closure. Kinetic studies of reactions involving che-late ring formation or opening remain popular, for Co(III), Cr(III) and,especially, Pt(II), with recent examples often involving multidentate


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ligands of biochemical relevance. Isokinetic plots continue to appear,recent examples involving Rh(III), Pd(II), and several organometallicreactions (25) ^ most of the plots relating to the organometallic reactionsare convincing, those to Rh(III) and Pd(II) less so. An unusual appli-cation of isokinetic relationships has been to spin-crossover systems,especially of Fe(II) complexes (26).

Activity in the area of medium e¡ects (27) has declined greatly inrecent years, though there has been some interest in kinetics andmechanisms in supercritical £uids (28). Indeed activation volumes forring closure reactions of diimine-carbonyls M(CO)n(diimine) show someof the most dramatic medium e¡ects. Thus �Vz values range from +66to +4 cm3mol�1 on going from 7% benzene in supercritical CO2

(at 35 8C) to 100% benzene (at 25 8C) (29).Inorganic photochemistry continues to be a very active ¢eld, though

recent work has concentrated on redox processes and tended to avoidphotosubstitution in classical coordination complexes. However, therehave been useful and interesting surveys of such photochemistry in theissue of Coordination Chemistry Reviews marking A.W. Adamson’s 80thbirthday (see Cr(III), Ru(II), and Pt(II) below). A theoretical approach tospeci¢c site labilization in photosubstitution in octahedral transitionmetal complexes deals with di¡erences in behavior, especially thoseassociated with s and p metal^ligand bond formation, according to dn

con¢guration (30). A copiously referenced (350 citations) review of link-age isomerization reactions concentrates on pentacyanoferrates andruthenium complexes (31). The kinetic trans-e¡ect in octahedralcomplexes, including those of Co(III), Rh(III), Ir(III), Fe(II), and Ru(II),is documented descriptively in one section of an extensive review of thetrans-e¡ect and trans-in£uence (32).

There is increasing interest in so-called hemilabile ligands (a subclassof heterodi-functional ligands (33)), bi- or poly-dentate ligands contain-ing both substitution-inert and -labile donor groups (34,35). The formermodify reactivity of the latter, whose loss permits access by, then activa-tion of, small molecules. Reversible loss of the labile moiety may beinvolved in £uxional or intramolecular rearrangement of complexes con-taining such ligands. The ‘‘Hard and Soft Acids and Bases’’ principlemay be involved, e.g., MeOCH2CH2P(cyclohexyl)2 (L) binds to softruthenium(II) considerably more strongly through P than through O ^the bond to the latter donor atom can break fairly easily, generating anactive site at the metal in e.g., RuL2RCl (36). Pyridylphosphines (soft P,hard N) (37,38) provide similar examples, as in designing ligandsfor Au(I) and Ag(I) to generate potential anti-tumor compounds ofhigh selectivity (39). Hemilabile ligands are perhaps of more interest in


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organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis than in classicalcoordination chemistry, but there are a number of recent examples inthe latter area (as, e.g., ring closure kinetics of bidentate hemi-labileP,N and P,S ligands in a Pt(II) complex (40)). In a sense complexes ofhemilabile ligands are intraligand analogues of ternary complexes suchas pentacyanometallates, [M(CN)5L]

n�, various hemes and porphyrincomplexes, [FeLXY] with L a tetraazamacrocycle, and even ternarycobalt(III)^ammine or amine^anion complexes, where rate constantsfor the loss of the anionic ligand, or for nitrito to nitro linkage isomeriza-tion (41), depend considerably on the nature of the non-reacting ligands.A rapidly developing areawhere mechanistic information is currently

minimal but could usefully be greatly increased is that of self-assemblyand supramolecular chemistry. Towards the end of this review we dealbrie£y with catenanes, rotaxanes, helicates and knots, to give a qualita-tive view of the development of mechanistic investigation and under-standing in this ¢eld. Substitution at copper(I) is an important featureof supramolecular chemistry, especially in relation to catenane forma-tion; it is also currently being recognized as of relevance to certain bio-inorganic systems. Mechanistic developments should be imminent inrelation to the ligand replacement reactions which are an integral partof the entry of copper into cells and of its subsequent central role inmetalloprotein mediation of such processes as iron uptake and energygeneration through electron transfer.

II. Inert Octahedral MII and MIII Complexes


1. Aquation and Related Reactions (42)

Using the criteria of maximum information and minimum complica-tion, the best set of substrates is provided by the [Co(NH3)5X]n+ series,for which relevant data, assembled over many years (4,43), are collectedin Table I.2 The most labile members included in the list, i.e.X ¼ CF3SO

�3 or ClO�4 , are determined by the time taken to get the reac-

tion started. Indeed the ease and rapidity of loss of tri£uorosulfonate

2Throughout this Chapter rate constants and activation volumes are at 298 K,in aqueous solution, unless otherwise indicated (temperatures are given in Kor 8C as quoted by authors).


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ligands is of great value in preparative coordination chemistry, espe-cially when dealing with very inert centers such as Rh(III) or Os(II).The rate constants in Table I cover an enormous range, of �1010.Nonetheless there is a good correlation ^ a very good correlation if onesticks to mononegative ligands ^ between aquation rate constants andstability constants for formation of the respective complexes (44,45).This is hardly surprising since the reverse (anation) process takes placeat rates that are essentially insensitive to the nature of the enteringligand, other than its charge.

Rate constants and activation volumes for aquation of trans-[Co(MeNH2)(NH3)4X]n+, with X=Cl�, Br�, NO�3 , SO2�

4 , have beencompared with values for their penta-ammine analogues. Both seriesillustrate the importance of solvation and electrostriction e¡ects inthese reactions. Thus, for example, the activation volumes for sulfateloss are 10 or more cm3mol�1 more negative than for the complexes ofuninegative leaving groups (46). Activation volumes for aquation of aselection of penta- and tetra-ammine or -amine complexes of Co(III)and of Cr(III) involving the uncharged leaving groups DMSO, DMF, orDMAC lie within the range +2 to +17 cm3mol�1. The observed rangesuggests that steric and electronic e¡ects of the various ligands mayhave a small but signi¢cant e¡ect on the degree of dissociativeness ofthe interchange mechanism here (22).

The azide and thiocyanate complexes [CoLX], where L is a dinegativeN2S3 donor ligand making the ¢ve-coordinate [CoL]+ moiety resemble



Leaving group kaq (s�1) kOH (dm3mol�1s�1)

ClO�4 8.1�10�2

CF3SO�3 2.7�10�2 >104

4-NO2C6H4SO�3 6.3�10�4 2.7�102

CH3SO�3 2.0�10�6 5.5�101

NO�3 2.4�10�7 5.5Me2SO 1.8�10�7 5.4Cl� 1.8�10�6 2.3�10�1

SO2�4 8.9�10�7 4.9�10�2

CH3CO�2 2.7�10�8 9.6�10�4

N�3 2.1�10�9 3.0�10�4

NH3 5.8�10�12 7.1�10�7

a In aqueous solution at 298K.


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the active site in nitrile hydratase, dissociate very rapidly by normalcobalt(III) standards (k=2.1�10�2 s�1 for loss of azide, 7.2�10�1 s�1 forthiocyanate (but cf. ClO�4 , CF3SO

�3 in Table I). Such rates are much

more appropriate for biological activity than those characterizing stan-dard cobalt(III) complexes (47).The kinetics and mechanisms of formation, acid-catalyzed aquation,

reversible anation and photochemistry of the trans-(aqua)-(sul¢to-S)[N,N-ethylenebis(salicylidiniminato)]-cobaltate(III) anion have beeninvestigated in aqueous media (48). The trans-e¡ect of the sul¢te ligandis unusually small in these reactions. On the other hand, the trans-e¡ectof carbon-bonded ligands is generally particularly high, as may be illus-trated by a pulse radiolysis study of kinetics and reaction mechanismsof complexes with Co^carbon sigma bonds of the type [(NH3)5Co-R]n+ inaqueous solution (49) and by the high lability and large positive �Vz forsubstitution at [Co(NH3)5Me]2+, which clearly has a limiting dissociative(D) mechanism (see also Section IV.B.4 below). Replacement of ammineligands in [Co(NH3)5Me]2+ by ethane-1,2-diamine is characterized by�Vz=+14 and +24 cm3mol�1 for the two stages. The subsequent slowcis!trans isomerization of the [Co(en)2(NH3)Me]2+ produced has�Sz=+86 JK�1mol�1 and �Vz=+14 cm3mol�1. Dissociative activationis thus indicated for all three stages (11,50).The mechanism for acid-catalyzed aquation of [Co(en)L2(O2CO)]+

(L= (methyl)-imidazole) (51) and of [Co(imid)4(O2CO)]+ (52) is of rapidreversible ligand protonation followed by rate-determining carbonatechelate ring opening, in turn followed by rapid loss of monodentate^OCO2H�. An extensive studyof non-leaving ligands e¡ects on acid-cata-lyzed aquation of [CoL4(O2CO)]+, L4 = a tetradentate ligand such astrien, 2,3,2-tet, cyclam, cyclen, or edda, revealed a rate constant rangeof over 104-fold. Reactivity depends on chelate ring size and the relationof this to intramolecular hydrogen-bonding. In turn this determines theease and extent of weakening Co^ligand bonding and labilization of theleaving protonated carbonate. Activation parameters range from 55 to83 kJmol�1 for �Hz, and from �52 to +7 JK�1mol�1 for �Sz (53). Liganddenticity e¡ects have also been documented, for [CoL4(O2CO)]+ withL4= (NH3)4, (en)2, trien, tren, nta (54); this study also compared[Co(NH3)5(OCO2)]+ with its Rh and Ir analogues. Relevant to acid-cata-lyzed aquation of carbonato^cobalt(III) complexes is the demonstrationof both mono- and bi-dentate bonding modes of bicarbonate in Cu(II)complexes (55). The recent demonstration that carbonic acid is, at leastunder certain conditions, considerably less unstable than heretoforegenerally believed (56) may also be relevant to the overall reaction insuch systems.


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Another rather unusual case of rapid aquation is provided by thoseoxoanion ligands MOx�

n in which the M^O bond is su⁄ciently weakfor it to break rather than the Co^O bond.This time we have an intramo-lecular reaction of a coordinated ligand. A recent example is providedby aquation of the [Co(NH3)5(OMoO3)]+ cation (57). This aquationpathway is actually more commonly encountered for chromium(III)complexes.

The rate constant for aquation of [Co(CN)5(ONOO)]3�, the ¢rst stabletransition metal complex of peroxonitrite, is 4.9�10�6 s�1 (58). Acid-cata-lyzed hydrolysis in daylight gives [Co(CN)5(H2O)]2�, plus decompositionproducts of the peroxonitrite; in the dark there is isomerization of coor-dinated ONOO� to coordinated nitrate (59). Peroxonitrite may be ofimportance invivo, where it couldbe formed from nitric oxide plus super-oxide. Peroxonitrite forms an adduct with carbon dioxide, ONOOCO�2 ,whose dissociation rate constant is about 400 s�1. It is unreactivetowards £avonoids and towards many organic carbonyl compounds, butreacts with such substrates as catechol or hydroquinone to give therespective quinones. The rate law for these reactions is zeroth-order inorganic substrate, but reactionwith acetone (in dilute aqueous solution)is ¢rst-order in acetone (60). There is a similar dichotomy in relation toinorganic substrates, for reaction with [Fe(CN)6]4� or [Mo(CN)8]4� iszeroth-order in complex, with [Ni(cyclam)]2+ is a bimolecular reaction.The activationvolume for this last reaction is�7 cm3mol�1, but for perox-onitrite decomposition in the presence of varying amounts of nitrite,and for the zeroth-order-in-complex oxidations �Vz is between +6and +14 cm3mol�1, indicating rate-controlling dissociative decomposi-tion (61).

2. Biochemical Models and Systems

Ligand substitution at trans-[Co(en)2(Me)(H2O)]2+, a coenzyme B12

model, and trans-[Co(en)2(Me)(NH3)]2+ with cyanide, thiocyanate, azide,

or imidazole (X) gives trans-[Co(en)2(Me)(X)]n+, reactions of the amminecomplex proceeding via the aqua complex. For trans-[Co(en)2(Me)(H2O)]2+!trans-[Co(en)2(Me)(NH3)]2+ �Sz=+3 JK�1mol�1 and �Vz=+5.7 cm3mol�1; for the reverse reaction�Sz=+40 JK�1mol�1 and �Vz=+9.0 cm3mol�1.These reactions take place by dissociative interchange, asfor water replacement by pyridine in vitamin B12 (aquacobalamin(III))(62), with some participation by the entering group in the transitionstate (63). An equilibrium study of ¢ve coordination and adduct forma-tion in cobalt(III) corrinoids is relevant, indeed important, to kineticsand mechanism in this area, in facilitating the dissection of ligand


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substitution into its component steps (64). It established the volumechange on removing a water molecule from cobalt(III) in vinylcobina-mide to be +12 cm3mol�1, a value which is reassuringly close to thecalculated activation volume of +13.1cm3mol�1 for water loss from ametal(III) center by a limiting dissociative (D) mechanism.50 -Deoxyadenosylcobinamide reacts with cyanide to form dicyanocobi-

namide plus adenine plus 1-cyano-D-erythro-2,3 -dihydroxy-4 -pentenol.Saturation kinetics were observed at high cyanide concentrations. Thiskinetic behavior, coupled with solvent e¡ects on reactivity, suggestsa two-step mechanism in which rapid equilibrium formation of a(b-adenosyl)(a-cyano)cobinamide intermediate is followed by solvent-assisted rate-determining cleavage of a cobalt^adenosyl bond. The useof a DMF-rich medium, in which the intermediate is relatively long-lived, permitted answering the long-standing question as towhethercya-nide attacks at the a or at the b site of the corrinoid moiety of coenzymeB12 (5

0 -deoxyadenosylcobalamin) (65). Thermodynamic and kinetic stud-ies on the reaction between the vitamin B12 derivative b-(N-methylimi-dazoyl)cobalamin and N-methylimidazole indicate ligand displacementat the a-axial site of cobalamins. The inverse dependence of rate con-stants on incoming ligand concentration suggests the intermediacy of asolvento-intermediate; activation entropies and volumes indicate a disso-ciative mechanism (66). There is kinetic and direct 1H spectroscopic evi-dence for a (b-5 -deoxyadenosyl)(a-cyano)cobalamin intermediate in thereaction between coenzyme B12 and cyanide when this is conducted in92% DMF. Rapid reversible addition of cyanide is followed by slow(k=9�10�5 s�1) Co^C bond cleavage (in water the ¢rst step is rate-limit-ing) (67).Equilibrium and kinetic studies on the reaction of alkylcobalamins

with cyanide reveal that the cyanide ¢rst substitutes the 5,6 -dimethyl-benzimidazole moiety in the a-position, then the alkyl group in theb-position. The ¢rst step proved too fast to monitor for standard alkylgroups, but for their CF3 and CH2CF3 analogues saturation kineticsand activation parameters suggest D and Id mechanisms, respectively(68). Exceptionally, the carbon-bonded ligand in coenzyme B12 does notguarantee dissociative activation ^ the markedly negative activationvolume (�10.0 cm3mol�1) for replacement of adenosyl by cyanide pointsto considerable associative character to substitution at cobalt(III) here(69).The activation parameters�Sz and�Vz for formation and dissociation

of the nitric oxide adduct of cobalamin

cobalaminðIIÞ �H2OþNO ��! cobalaminðIIIÞ �NO� þH2O


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are positive, consistent with substitution by dissociative interchange inboth directions (70). The reverse aquation is of Co(III) if one uses theformalism of NO� as ligand in the adduct and thus couples substitutionwith internal electron transfer.

Aquacobalamin (vitamin B12) does not bind NO in aqueous solution ^nitrite impurities account for the reaction observed (71).

Steric factors play an important role in reactions of bromomethylaqua-cobaloxime with substituted imidazoles ^ 1-methylimidazole reacts atapproximately the same rate as imidazole itself, but the presence of analkyl substituent in the 2-position of the incoming imidazole reducesthe rate dramatically (72).

3. Base Hydrolysis

Base hydrolysis is much faster, at any signi¢cant hydroxide ion concen-tration, than aquation but, as is apparent fromTable I the two reactionsexhibit comparable ranges of rate constants. Indeed the two sets of rateconstants correlate very well, over more than nine orders of magnitude,with a slope close to unity for a correlation plot.

The long-running dispute over the mechanism of base hydrolysisof cobalt(III)-ammine and -amine complexes, SN2 versus SN1CB(better termed Dcb), was several years ago resolved in favor of the latter(73). Recent activity on reactions of this type has concentrated onattempting to locate the precise site of deprotonation of the complex,an exercise successfully accomplished for the complexes syn,anti-[Co(cyclen)(NH3)2]3+ and syn,anti-[Co(cyclen)(diamine)]3+ (diamine=H2N(CH2)2NH2,H2N(CH2)3NH2) (74).

The kinetics of base hydrolysis of several complexes of the type[Co(NH3)3L3] have been examined in order to see whether the mecha-nism for these uncharged complexes is the same as that operating forbase hydrolysis of the standard cationic complexes (75). A comparison ofkinetic parameters ^ a small selection is given in Table II (76,77) ^ sug-gests that all cobalt(III)-nitro-amine complexes, charged and uncharged,undergo base hydrolysis by the SN1CB (Dcb) mechanism.

Rate constants and activation parameters (�Hz, �Sz, and �Vz) forbase hydrolysis of trans-[Co(MeNH2)(NH3)4X]n+, with X=Cl�, Br�,NO�3 , SO

2�4 , have been comparedwithvalues for their penta-ammine ana-

logues.The trans-MeNH2 ligand appears to increase the dissociativenessof these SN1CB (Dcb) reactions. As in the case of aquation (see above),both series show important solvation and electrostriction e¡ects (46,78).

Non-leaving ligand e¡ects, for a series of 13-, 14- and 15-memberedtetraaza-macrocycles with amine or carboxylate pendant groups, have


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been documented for the stereoretentive base hydrolysis of their respec-tive chlorocobalt(III) complexes (79). Chlorocobalt(III) complexescontaining tetrapodal pentaamine ligands have provided new insightinto details of base hydrolysis mechanisms, particularly for relativelyrigid complexes. These tetrapodal ligands are comprised of two^C(CH2NH2)2CH3 groups attached either to ^CH2NHCH2^ or to 2- and6-CH2 substituents on pyridine. The former ligand gives a chlorocobalt(III) complex with unusually high base hydrolysis reactivity (80);activation parameters, especially �Sz and �Vz, for base hydrolysis ofthe chlorocobalt(III) complex of the latter strongly indicate a Dcb

mechanism (81).


A review of recent advances in chromium chemistry (82) supplementsearlier comprehensive reviews of kinetics and mechanisms of substitu-tion in chromium(III) complexes (83). This recent review tabulateskinetic parameters for base hydrolysis of some Cr(III) complexes, men-tions mechanisms of formation of polynuclear Cr(III) species, and dis-cusses current views on the question of the mechanism(s) of suchreactions. It seems that both CB (conjugate base) and SN2 mechanismsoperate, depending on the situation. The important role played by ion-pairing in base hydrolysis of macrocyclic complexes of chromium(III)has been stressed. This is evidenced by the observed order, greater



k (dm3

mol�1 s�1)�Hz



[Co(NH3)5(NO2)]2+ 7.1�10�7 153 +149 (76)

cis-[Co(en)2(NH3)(NO2)]2+ 5.0�10�5 141 +145 (77)

trans-[Co(en)2(NH3)(NO2)]2+ 7.5�10�5 145 +164 (77)

cis-[Co(NH3)4(NO2)2]+ 4.4�10�7 147 +126 (76)

trans-[Co(NH3)4(NO2)2]+ 1.5�10�6 143 +125 (76)

cis-[Co(en)2(NO2)2]+ 3.8�10�5 134 +119 (77)

trans-[Co(en)2(NO2)2]+ 1.5�10�4 134 +130 (77)

mer-[Co(NH3)3(NO2)3] 1.2�10�6 135 +96 (76)mer-[Co(dien)(NO2)3] 1.6�10�1 105 +93 (75)mer-[Co(en)(NH3)(NO2)3] 1.2�10�4 119 +77 (75)

a In aqueous solution at 298K.


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than 1, with respect to hydroxide in the rate law for base hydrolysis of[Cr(cyca)(H2O)X]2+ (X=NCS, N3, Cl) and of its cycb analogue in the pre-sence of high concentrations of inert electrolytes. The base hydrolysismechanism involves a reactive conjugate base formed by proton transferwithin the ion-pair (84).

Kinetic parameters for aquation at corresponding Cr(III) and Co(III)complexes have been compared for a series of complexes cis-[ML4XY]n+,where L4= (NH3)4 or (en)2, X=Cl� or H2O, andY=an uncharged leavinggroup (DMSO, DMF, or DMAC). The uniformly negative activationvolumes (�Vz between �2 and �11cm3mol�1) for the chromium com-plexes contrast withuniformly positive activationvolumes (�Vzbetween+3 and +12 cm3mol�1) for the cobalt complexes ^ �Vz values provide amore clear-cut contrast than �Sz values here (22).

Rate constants for formation of Cr(III) complexes with such ligands aspyridine carboxylates, anthranilate, salicylate, and amino acids rangefrom kf = 6 to 660�10�5M�1 s�1. Both the range and the fact that the ratesfor all these formation reactions are considerably faster than that corre-sponding to water exchange indicate that a dissociative (interchange)mechanism is unlikely to operate (85) ^ i.e. provide further evidence forassociative activation in formation reactions of Cr3þaq .The very slow rateof ligand substitution at [Cr(tren)(H2O)(OH)]2+ (�1/2 for water exchangeis nearly 2 weeks) makes this complex an attractive model probe for inter-action of Fe2þaq with ferritin. The chromium complex binds to ferritin atsurface �CO�2 sites (86). cis-[Cr(bpy)2(H2O)2]

3+ reacts with [M(CN)8]4�

(M=Mo,W) in two kinetically distinct steps, respectively ¢rst-order andzeroth-order in [M(CN)8]4�. The rate law and activation entropy suggestassociative activation in the second, ring closure, step (87).

A mechanistic study of acid and metal ion (Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+) promotedhydrolysis of [N-(2 -carboxyphenyl)iminodiacetate](picolinato)chromate(III) indicated parallel H+- or M2+-dependent and -independent path-ways. Solvent isotope e¡ects indicate that the H+-dependent pathinvolves rapid pre-equilibrium protonation followed by rate-limitingring opening. Similarly, the M2+-dependent path involves rate-determin-ing Cr^O bond breaking in a rapidly formed binuclear intermediate.The relative catalytic e⁄ciencies of the three metal ions re£ect theIrving-Williams stability order (88).

Mercury(II) reacts with organochromium complexes by electrophilicsubstitution. Rate constants have been reported for Hg2+ attack ata series of alkylchromium complexes with the macrocyclic ligand1,4,8,11-tetrazacyclotetradecane, CrR(H2O)([14]aneN4). The Hammettrelationship established for a series of meta and para substitutedbenzyl analogues is consistent with attack of the Hg2+ at a-carbon (89).


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Three reviews in the A. W. Adamson 80th birthday commemorationvolume deal with mechanisms of photochemical reactions of chromiumcomplexes (90); rate constants for photochemical and thermal solvolyseshave been compared for [Cr(NCS)6]3� and for [Cr(NCS)5(H2O)]2� inDMFand in MeCN (91).A few comments on substitutional reactivity of Cr[CH(SiMe3)2]3 are

buried within a 150 page review of three-coordinate complexes (92).


Values of 63 kJmol�1 for�Hzand�129 JK�1mol�1 for�Sz for reactionwith cytidine extend yet further the activation parameter ranges(72<�Hz<93 kJmol�1; �91<�Sz<�49 JK�1mol�1) for complex forma-tion fromRhðOHÞ2þaq .These activation parameters (93), and those for reac-tion with adenosine (94), were claimed to support associative activationas the mechanism for substitution at this hydroxo-aqua-cation. Alkylgroup variation has a big e¡ect on rate constants for water replacementat trans-[Rh(dmgH)2(R)(H2O)] (Table III), whereas the nature of theincoming group has only a small e¡ect on kinetic parameters.Replacement of ^CH3 by ^CH2CF3 (cf. cyanide reactionwith alkylcobala-mins above (68)) results in a changeover from a dissociative to an associa-tive mechanism of substitution (95).The imidazole complex trans-[Ir(imid)2Cl4]

� is stable for days in neu-tral aqueous solution, and for hours in the presence of added thiocyanate.Addition of silver nitrate precipitates the silver salt of the complex,with no indication of Ag+-catalyzed removal of coordinated chloride.Thus this iridium(III) complex is substitutionally much more inertthan its much-studied (because (potentially) anti-tumor) ruthenium(III)analogue (96).



Alkyl group Enteringligand(s) a




CH3 I�, py, tu, tmtu �22 to �61 +2.1 to +7.2CH2Cl tu �51 �0.6CH2CF3 tu �16 �4.0

apy, pyridine; tu, thiourea; tmtu, tetramethylthiourea.


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The mechanism of ligand substitution in a cationic hydridotris(pyra-zolyl)borate-iridium(III) complex has been established as dissociative(D) on the basis of a kinetic study (rate law; reactivity comparisons) indichloromethane (97).The mechanism of water substitution at half-sand-wich iridium(III) aqua cations [(Z5 -C5Me5)Ir(L)(H2O)]n+ (L is an N,N orN,O ligand) is, based on small positive �Vz values, an Id mechanism.However, because of arguments presented a full D mechanism cannotbe ruled out (98).The Z5 -C5Me5 group causes a great increase in labilityof the coordinated water, as in a number of complexes [(Z5 -C5Me5)M(H2O)3]n+. Other recent kinetic and mechanistic studies on substitu-tion in organometallic aqua-cations have involved ruthenium(II) (seeSection II.E.1 below), the technetium and rhenium species fac-[M(CO)3(H2O)3]+ reacting with Schi¡ bases (e.g., pyridine 2-CH¼NNH2)(99), aromatic amines and with thioethers, and fac-[Tc(CO)3(H2O)3]


reacting with carbon monoxide (100). The technetium and rheniumstudies represent the beginnings of systematic investigations of thekinetics and mechanisms of this type of reaction, with the eventualobjective of the e⁄cient design and synthesis of biopharmaceuticalagents incorporating 99mTc (for diagnosis) (101) or 186Re or 188Re (forradiotherapy) (102).


1. Spin Cross-over

Spin cross-over kinetics for Fe(II) complexes (26,103) have beenreviewed. The l.s. ! h.s. (1A1

! 5T2) transition in solution is character-ized by values between 2 and 29kJmol�1 for �Hz, �8 and �75 JK�1

mol�1 for �Sz, for Fe2+ in various environments (i.e. ligands; solvents).These activation parameters may be primarily determined by the easewith which the cooordinated ligands can twist; the ease of twisting maybe determined by solvation e¡ects as much as by intrinsic rigidity of thecomplex itself (104). Activation volumes are, apart from one designedlyexceptional system, between 0 and +10 cm3mol�1 for l.s.!h.s. and closeto 6 cm3mol�1 for the reverse, for a range of tris-diimine (e.g., 2 -pyridy-limidazole), bis-terimine, and hexadentate linked-bis-terimine com-plexes. The derived volume pro¢les thus indicate that transitionstates are approximately midway between initial and ¢nal states (105).XANES gives useful information on structural changes associated withpressure-induced spin-crossover, sometimes showing that the change inspin state is not a simple process. Thus increasing the pressure on a


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high-spin sample of the hydrate or ethanol solvate of the 2-(amino-methyl)pyridine, amp, complex [Fe(amp)3]Cl2 has a major e¡ect on thehydrogen-bonding network in the solid as well as on the iron^ligandbond distances, while increasing the pressure applied to high-spin[Fe(btr)2(NCS)2], where btr= 4,40 -bis-1,2,4-triazole, produces a secondhigh-spin modi¢cation before the change to the low-spin state (106).

2. Diimine Complexes

Activation volumes for aquation of Schi¡ base complexes[Fe(C5H4NCH¼NHR)3]2+ (R=Me, Et, nPr, nBu) are between +11 and+14 cm3mol�1 (107), and thus within the range established earlier (108)for (substituted) tris-1,10-phenanthroline-iron(II) complexes, viz. +11 to+22 cm3mol�1. These positive values are consistent with dissociativeactivation. Kinetic studies of the reaction of a CH2S(CH2)3SCH2-linkedbis(terpy) ligand (L6) with [Fe(terpy)2]

2+ showed avery slow two-step pro-cess.The suggested mechanism consisted of slow loss of one terpy, rapidformation of [Fe(terpy)(L6)], and ¢nally slow displacement of the secondterpy as the partially-bonded L6 becomes hexadentate (109).The mechanism of replacement of benzylideneacetone (PhCH¼

CHCOMe, bza) in [Fe(CO)3(bza)] by diimines is determined by thenature of the incoming ligand, with bpy or diacetyldianil reacting by par-allel associative and dissociative pathways, but 2-acetylpyridine anilreacting solely by a limiting dissociative mechanism (110). Replacementof the 2,4,6 -tri(20 -pyridyl)-s-triazine, tptz, in [Fe(tptz)2]2+ by phen or bpyis alleged to occur by an associative mechanism (111). Cyanide attack at[Fe(ttpz)2]2+, where ttpz is the terdentate ligand 2,3,5,6 -tetrakis(2-pyri-dyl)pyrazine, follows a simple second-order rate law; activation para-meters are comparable with those for other iron(II)-diimine pluscyanide reactions (112). Although the mechanism of hydroxide or cyanideattack at such complexes, i.e. nucleophilic attack at iron versus attack atthe coordinated ligand, is still not unequivocally established there is nodoubt of the bimolecular nature of the major or sole second-order termin the rate law. Such second-order rate constants provide a useful probefor medium e¡ects, as can be seen in the gathering together of ligande¡ects on reactivity for base hydrolysis of low-spin iron(II)-diimine com-plexes in methanol^water (113) and in DMSO^water (114), and in thee¡ects of methyl-D-glycopyranosides on reactant hydration and thus onkinetics of base hydrolysis of [Fe(bpy)3]

2+ (115). Attenuation of substitu-ent e¡ects on reactivities of low-spin iron(II) complexes of Schi¡ baseligands has been assessed through base hydrolysis kinetics (116), as have


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salt e¡ects on reactivities of low-spin iron(II) complexes of diazabuta-diene and Schi¡ base ligands (117).

The cylindrical helical binuclear complex [Fe2L3]4+, where L is the bis-diimine Schi¡ base 1, exists as two enantiomers, whose interactionswith DNA di¡er markedly. The more strongly interacting enantiomertargets the major groove (cf. ruthenium(II) complexes, Section II.E.1below) and induces dramatic tightening of the DNA coil (118).

3. Diphosphine Complexes

Ligand concentration dependences, activation parameters, and solvente¡ects for reaction of trans-[FeH(H2)(dppe)2]

+ with MeCN in MeCN,THFor acetone present a not altogether consistent mechanistic picture.In particular the large negative activation volumes are unexpected.These reactions cannot be simple dissociative, in contrast to earlier-stud-ied similar reactions of iron(II)-phosphine complexes (119). The sugges-tion is that the rate-limiting step is some sort of associative ring closureafter easy initial opening of the dppe chelate ring (120).

4. Complexes of Macrocyclic Ligands

Detailed kinetic studies of the reaction of Fe(II) in cyclophane hemeswith O2 and with CO probed polarity and steric e¡ects; the e¡ects ofdeformation of the porphyrin skeleton from planarity were assessed forone compound (121).Volume pro¢les have been established for reactionsof a lacunar Fe(II) complex with CO (122), for myoglobin with O2 andwith CO and for hemerythrin with O2 (123).

Investigations continue of ligand replacement reactions of the twocoordinated solvent molecules of iron(II) phthalocyanine in DMSO(124). It has been con¢rmed that both steps can be monitored for theincoming ligands pyridine, 4-aminopyridine, or imidazole. Rate and equi-librium constants are presented for both stages for the reactions withall three incoming groups (125). The relatively weak electron-donatingproperties of alkylthio-substituents are re£ected in the rate constantsfor addition of a second cyanide (addition of the ¢rst is very fast) toocta-n-butylthiophthalocyanine-iron(II) (126).


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5. Pentacyanoferrates(II)

Kinetics of formation and dissociationof several pentacyanoferrate(II)complexes [Fe(CN)5L]

n�, and of their formation from [Fe(CN)5(H2O)]n�,have been established. Ligands L include several S- and N-donor hetero-cycles (127), 3 - and 4-hydroxy- and methoxy-pyridines (128), and 3-Meand 3-Ph sydnones (129), cyanopyridine complexes of pentaammine-ruthenium-(II) and -(III) (130), and some bis-pyridine ligands (131). Aselection of rate constants is given in Table IV; comparative values formany other ligands L are tabulated elsewhere (132). Both formation anddissociation rate constants for the sydnones are very much lower thanfor most other uncharged ligands. This exceptional behavior may arisefrom the mesoionic nature of these ligands (formation), and from consid-erably more p-bonding than in, e.g., pyridine^pentacyanoferrate(II)complexes (dissociation). Formation of the 4-hydroxypyridine complexis also exceptionally slow, because 4-hydroxypyridine exists almostcompletely in the keto form (K(keto/enol) = 1310). The bis-pyridine specieswere investigated in relation to the generation of [Fe(CN)5L]-capped




L kf (dm3mol�1 s�1) kd (s

�1) Ref.

Ammonia 4.6�102 3.2�10�2 (133)py a 3.7�102 1.1�10�3 e

3OH^py 1.7�102 2.3�10�3 (202)4OH^py 2.7�10�1 b 1.1�10�3 (202)3OMe^py 4.2�102 2.4�10�3 (202)4OMe^py 3.8�102 2.1�10�3 (202)py^X^py c 5.7�102 to 7.6�102 5.9�10�4 to 8.0�10�4 (131)py^X^py�cyclodextrin 3.0�10 to 2.2�102 (131)FeII(CN)5(py^X^py)

3� d 1.6�102 (131)RuII(NH3)5(py3CN)2+ 1.9�103 3.9�10�3 (130)RuII(NH3)5(py4CN)2+ 2.0�103 2.4�10�3 (130)RuIII(NH3)5(py3CN)3+ 3.0�103 10�10�3 (130)RuIII(NH3)5(py4CN)3+ 3.0�103 8�10�3 (130)3Me-sydnone 5.4�10�2 1.4�10�5 (129)3Ph-sydnone 8.8�10�2 4.7�10�5 (129)

apy, pyridine.bSee text concerning this exceptionally slow reaction.cX=one of four bridging groups (^CH¼CH^; ^CH¼N^N¼CH^; ^N¼N^; ^CMe¼N^N¼CMe^) link-

ing the 4-positions of two pyridine rings.dX here is ^CH¼N^N¼CH^.eSee pp. 186, 308 of Ref. (6).


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rotaxanes based on cyclodextrins (see Section VII.E.1 below). Kineticsand mechanisms of the formation, dissociation, and interconversion oflinkage isomers of pentacyanoferrate(II) complexes of ambidentateligands have been discussed in detail (31).

The volume pro¢le has been established for the reaction:

½FeðCNÞ5ðH2OÞ�3�þNH3 �



�Vz=+14 cm3mol�1 for both the forward and the reverse reaction.Thatthis �Vz value is markedly less than the partial molar volumes of waterand of ammonia (25 and 18 cm3mol�1, respectively) indicates limitingdissociative (D) activation (133), as do the �Sz values of close to+70 JK�1mol�1 in both directions. Overall, the current situationwith regard to thermal substitution at pentacyanoferrates(II) appearsto be that an Id mechanism can also operate for reactions of[Fe(CN)5(H2O)]3�, whereas the D mechanism operates for all other[Fe(CN)5L]

n� complexes (134).The hexadecyltrimethylammonium cation causes a modest increase in

rate constant for the anion^anion reaction [Fe(CN)5(4-CNpy)]3�+CN�.This can equally well be interpreted according to the pseudophasemodel developed from the Olson-Simonson treatment of kinetics inmicellar systems or by the classical Br�nsted equation (135).

Examination of the photolability of nitroprusside as a function ofwavelength revealed signi¢cant release of cyanide only below 480 nm;above 480 nm there is almost exclusively loss of nitric oxide (136).Synthesis of 57Fe-enriched [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2� may facilitate mechanisticstudies by permitting readier Mo« ssbauer examination of metastablestates and intermediates (137). EPR and relativistic density functionalcalculations suggest that although [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2� is, as usuallyassumed, best regarded as anNO complex of iron(II), there is substantialelectron transfer from metal to ligand in the ground state, i.e. FeIII^NO� (138) (cf. the Fe^edta^NO system mentioned in SectionV.A.2 above).

It has been known since the 19th century that hexacyanoferrates(II)react with concentrated sulphuric acid to give carbon monoxide; thepreparation of [Fe(CN)5(CO)]3� from these reagents was reported in1913. It now seems likely that the conversion of coordinated ^CN into^CO proceeds through ^CONH2, here as in certain iron-containinghydrogenases (139). The stereospeci¢c formation of fac-[Fe(CN)3(CO)3]�

then cis-[Fe(CN)4(CO)2]2� from [Fe(CO)4I2], as well as the stereospeci¢c

production of trans-[Fe(CN)4(CO)2]2� from iron(II) chloride plus cyanide

in an atmosphere of CO, appears to be under kinetic control. cis-[Fe(CN)4(CO)2]2� decomposes in minutes in aqueous solution, whereas


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the trans isomer, ¢rst reported in 2001 (140), decomposes considerablymore slowly (141).


Linkage isomerism has been discussed forO,S andN,O ligands both atRu(II) and at Ru(III), with particular mention of relevance to redox reac-tions of DMSO complexes (31).

1. Ruthenium(II)

Dissection of observed second-order rate constants, kf, into pre-asso-ciation equilibrium and interchange rate constants, Kos and ki, for arange of uncharged, 1�, and 2� incoming ligands reacting with Ru2þ

aqdemonstrates, through the near-equality of all the ki values, dissociativeactivation (142).The volume pro¢le for dmf substitution at Ru2þ

aq also sup-ports an Id mechanism (143) for complex formation in this solvent.Theseapproaches to the diagnosis of an Id mechanism for water replacementat Ru2+ are considerably more convincing than arguments based on�Sz values, which are often surprisingly negative for a dissociative proc-ess (144,145). However, it must be said that activation entropies (�Szf ) forreaction of Ni2þaq (146) and Cu2þ

aq (147) with simple ligands are between�45 and +70 JK�1mol�1 and between �110 and �10 JK�1mol�1, respec-tively, depending on the charge on the incoming ligand; values of �Szifor Ni2þaq are typically around zero (148).The plot of rate constant versus incoming ligand concentration for

reaction of cis-[Ru(bpy)2(H2O)2]2+ with dimethylglyoxime (perforce in10% ethanol rather than in water) shows marked curvature. This wasinterpreted in terms of slow dissociation of one water ligand followedby more rapid, bpy-assisted, loss of the second and relatively rapidchelate ring closure of the incoming dmg.This system is very similar toreactions of cis-[Ru(bpy)2(H2O)2]

2+ with acetylacetone, 8-hydroxyquino-line, cysteine, and pyridine 2-aldoxime; activation parameters for the¢ve incoming ligands span relatively small ranges (59<�Hz<67 kJmol�1and�101<�Sz<�124 JK�1mol�1).This pattern is consistentwith dissociative activation (149), even if the �Sz values are again (cf.preceding paragraph) remarkably negative for dissociative activation.Enormousaccelerationof substitutionatruthenium(II)canbeobtained

by appropriate choice of ligands. Following the demonstration ofremarkably rapid water exchange and complex formation (Id or Din mechanism) at the organometallic aqua-ion [Ru(Z5 -C5Me5)(H2O)3]


(150), comparably rapid substitution has been demonstrated at


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[Ru(LLL)(LL)(H2O)]2+, where LLL=mer-terpy or fac-tpmm {tris(2-pyri-dyl)-methoxy-methane} and LL=a bidentate N,N-donor. Thus there is a107-fold increase in rate constant on going from the complex withLLL= tppm and LL=phen, where the slow rate is characteristic ofthis normally substitution-inert center, to that with LLL=dppm andLL= the £exible aromatic ligand 2,20 -(dipyrazol-1-yl)propane (dpzPr, 2).The explanation o¡ered invokes ‘‘super-scorpionate’’ (151) behavior aris-ing from the relative geometric dispositions and consequent synergybetween the tppm and dpzPr ligands (152). Rate constants for replace-ment of the coordinated water in two 2,20 -(dipyrazol-1-yl)alkane com-plexes [RuL(tpmm)(H2O)]2+, where L=dpzMe or dpzPr (2), di¡er bya factor of almost 106, with correspondingly large di¡erences in activa-tion parameters (�Hz=85kJmol�1, �Sz=�38 JK�1mol�1 and �Hz=68kJmol�1, �Sz=17 JK�1mol�1 for methane and propane derivatives,respectively). The di¡erences are attributed to the propane-basedligand exerting a large steric e¡ect facilitating departure of the coordi-nated water (153).

Activation volumes for the forward and the reverse reactions:

½RuðNH3Þ4fPðOEtÞ3gðH2OÞ�2þþ L ��! ½RuðNH3Þ4fPðOEtÞ3gL�


are �Vz=+4.2, +1.9 and +2.0 cm3mol�1 for reaction of the aqua complexwith imidazole, isonicotinamide and pyrazine and �Vz=+7.5 and+10.4 cm3mol�1 for hydrolysis of the isonicotinamide and pyrazine com-plexes. These values indicate dissociative (Id) activation in every case(154).This is as expected, both in the light of the above discussion and ofthe large labilizing e¡ect of P(OEt)3. A rate constant of 3.2�10�5 s�1 isassigned to loss of the second chloride from trans-[Ru{P(OEt)3}4Cl2]in 67% and in 100% ethanol. In neutral solution the product istrans-[Ru{P(OEt)3}4(solvent)2]; in the presence of 10�2 M CF3CO2Hsolvolysis is nearly 10 times faster and the ¢nal product is cis-[Ru{P(OEt)3}2(solvent)4]2+ (155).

There are both geometric and kinetic di¡erences between the interac-tions of �- and �-[Ru(bpy)2(hpimp)]2+ {hpimp=2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)imi-dazo[4,5-f ]-1,10-phenanthroline} and the hexanucleotide d(GTCGAC)2.The �-isomer penetrates more deeply into the major groove of the poly-nucleotide; it also binds more rapidly than the �-isomer to DNA (156).


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This behavior may be compared with that of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ (157) and[Pd(dien)Cl]+ (Section IV.C), which associate with anionic regionsof DNA, of �-[Ru(phen)3]2+ which is believed to bind in the minorgroove (158), and the helical binuclear iron(II) complex mentioned inSection II.D.2, which is accommodated in the major groove (118).The rate constant for aquation of the 4,4 -dithiodipyridine complex

[Ru(NH3)5(dtdp)]2+, k=4.5�10�5 s�1, is almost exactly the same as that

for [Ru(NH3)5(py)]2+, and only slightly slower than that for dissociation

of [Ru(CN)5(dtdp)]2+ in aqueous DMSO. Dissociation of [Ru(CN)5(dtdp)]2+ is, unusually, only 10 times slower than that of its iron(II) analo-gue [Fe(CN)5(dtdp)]2+ (159). Rate constants for formation and dissocia-tion of [(H3N)5Ru(NCpy)Fe(CN)5] were given and referenced in Table IV(Section II.D.5); a useful summary of rate constants for formation anddissociation of pentacyanoruthenates (D mechanism in all cases) formspart of a review of pentacyanometallates(II) [M(CN)5L]

n�, M=Fe, Ru,and Os (134).Three di¡erent isomers are formed consecutively on reacting

[RuCl2(PPh3)3] with 4,6 -bis(pyrazol-1-yl)pyrimidine, bpzpm; the ¢nal pro-duct is cis,trans-[RuCl2(PPh3)2(bpzpm)] (160). Nuclear magnetic reso-nance spectroscopy (NMR) shows facile cis ! trans interconversion for[H(dtbp)Ru(m-Cl)2Ru(dtbp)H], where dtbp=bis[di(t-butyl)phosphano-methane or -ethane. Crossover experiments implicate mononuclearintermediates in these isomerizations (161).The photochemistry of ammine-ruthenium(II) complexes, mainly

photosubstitution at [Ru(NH3)5L]n+ and [Ru(NH3)4LL0]n+ (162), and of

polypyridyl-ruthenium(II) complexes (163), has been reviewed.

2. Ruthenium(III)

Kinetic studies of aquation, at pH 4.6, of cis-[RuCl2(cyclen)]+ showed

Cl� to be released much more readily than from cis-[RuCl2(cyclam)]+;k=3.6�10�3 s�1, �Hz=45kJmol�1, �Sz=+142 JK�1mol�1 for the cyclencomplex (164).Kinetic parameters for forward and reverse complexation and disso-

ciation reactions:

½RuðedtaÞðH2OÞ��þ LH ��!


k�2½RuðedtaÞL�2� þH3O


for LH= the potential thio-ligands cysteine fHSCH2CHðNHþ3 ÞCO�2 g,

N-acetylcysteine fHSCH2CHðNHþ2 COMeÞCO�2 g, 2 -mercaptoethanol {HSCH2CH2OH}, glutathione fHO2CCH2NHCOCHðCH2SHÞNHCOCH2CH2CHðNHþ3 ÞCO

�2 g, and penicillamine fHSCMe2CHðNHþ3 ÞCO

�2 g are


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compared inTableV with values for some analogous reactions, includingreactions with DNA bases (165), and with related potential ligands suchas pyrazine (166), 2 -mercaptopyridine (167), and thiourea (168). Rate con-stants span a moderate range, dissociation constants a much largerrange; activation parameters for the forward reaction are rather similarfor all the ligands mentioned. The negative �Sz2 values, and the reason-ably marked dependence of forward rate constants (k2) on the nature ofthe entering ligand, are consistent with an associative mechanism forthe formation reactions.There are also dissections of observed rate con-stants into their components for variously (de)protonated forms ofaqua-complex and incoming group (169). A comparison of the e¡ectsof S- and N-donor atoms was conducted through a kinetic study of reac-tion of [Ru(edta)(H2O)]� with 4-sulfanylpyridine (4-HS^C5H4N). Rateconstants for formation of the S- and N-bonded products are 1460and 4950M�1 s�1, respectively; the N-bonded product subsequentlyisomerizes to the S-bonded isomer. The N-bonded form is favored



Ligand k2 (dm3

mol�1 s�1)�Hz2





Nitric oxide � 108 b (171)Pyrazine 2�104 24 �84 2�10�6 (166)2-Mercaptopyridine 1.1�104 24 �84 3.4�10�3 (167)Adenosine 8.9�103 (165)Adenine 8.8�103 (165)Pyridine 6.3�103 6.1�10�2 (166)Thiourea 3.0�103 22 �105 �6.8 (168)adp 37 �55 (165)amp 2.9�103 33 �67 (165)azide 2.1�103 6 �9.5 (168)4-Sulfanylpyridine 1.5�103 37 �60 �6.6 (170)Me2thiourea 1.4�103 25 �107 �8.8 (168)atp 1.1�103 38 �59 (165)2-Mercaptoethanol 5.2�102 37 �67 2.3�10�3 (169)Thiocyanate 2.7�102 37 �75 �9.6 5�10�7 (168)Glutathione 2.6�102 38 �71 5�10�4 (169)N-Acetylcysteine 2.4�102 38 �75 3�10�4 (169)Cysteine 1.7�102 40 �71 5.7�10�4 (169)Penicillamine 1.6�10 46 �59 3�10�4 (169)

a In aqueous solution at 298K.bBuffers may have a marked effect by converting the [RuIII(edta)(H2O)]� into less reactive species

such as [RuIII(edta)(OAc)]2�.


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kinetically, but the thermodynamically favored isomer is the S-bondedform. Isomerization of [Ru(edta)(fspy)]2� with N-bonded 4-sulfanylpyri-dine (fspy) to the thermodynamically-favored isomer with the fspy S-bonded has a rate constant of 0.07 s�1 (170).[Ru(edta)(H2O)]� reacts very rapidly with nitric oxide (171). Reaction

is much more rapid at pH� 5 than at low and high pHs. The pH/ratepro¢le for this reaction is very similar to those established earlierfor reaction of this ruthenium(III) complex with azide and withdimethylthiourea. Such behavior may be interpreted in terms of the pro-tonation equilibria between [Ru(edtaH)(H2O)], [Ru(edta)(H2O)]�, and[Ru(edta)(OH)]2�; the [Ru(edta)(H2O)]� species is always the most reac-tive. The apparent relative slowness of the reaction of [Ru(edta)(H2O)]�

with nitric oxide in acetate bu¡er is attributable to rapid formation ofless reactive [Ru(edta)(OAc)]�; [Ru(edta)(H2O)]� also reacts relativelyslowly with nitrite. Laser £ash photolysis studies of [Ru(edta)(NO)]�

show a complicated kinetic pattern, from which it is possible to extractactivation parameters both for dissociation of this complex and for itsformation from [Ru(edta)(H2O)]�. Values of �Sz=�76 JK�1mol�1 and�Vz=�12.8 cm3mol�1 for the latter are compatible with �Sz valuesbetween �76 and �107JK�1mol�1 and �Vz values between �7 and�12 cm3mol�1 for other complex-formation reactions of [Ru(edta)(H2O)]� (168) andwith an associative mechanism. In contrast, activationparameters for dissociation of [Ru(edta)(NO)]� (�Sz=�4 JK�1mol�1;�Vz=+10 cm3mol�1) suggest a dissociative interchange mechanism(172).The reactions of [Ru(edta)(H2O)]� with adenine, and with adenosine

and its phosphate derivatives amp, adp, and atp, involve ring closure ina reversibly-formed intermediate containing a unidentate incomingligand. Both formation (cf. above) and aquation of the intermediates are,on the evidence of the�Sz values for the amp, adp and atp systems, asso-ciative. Rate constants for ring closure are between 0.6 and 4.4 s�1 (165).The mechanism of pyridine exchange at a series of m-oxo-bis(m-

acetato)diruthenium(III) complexes [Ru2(m-O)(m-OAc)2L6]2+ appears todepend strongly on the supporting ligands. Activation parametersfor the complexes with L6 = (py)6 or (4-acetylpy)4(py)2 are �Hz=116,119 kJmol�1 and�Sz=+46, +45 JK�1mol�1, indicating dissociative acti-vation (Id or D). But when L6= (bpy)2(py)2 or (4,40 -Me2bpy)2(py)2 thelower �Hz values of 100, 95 kJmol�1 and the negative �Sz values of �10,�25 JK�1mol�1 indicate signi¢cant associative character (173).Acid-catalyzed breakdown of the trinuclear cation [(H3N)Ru(m-X)

Ru(NH3)4(m-X)Ru(NH3)4(SCN)]6+ (X=Cl or Br) takes place byassociativeattack of water at the central Ru(III) (174).


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Kinetics of ligand interchange in pentacyano-osmate(II) complexes[Os(CN)5L]3� with L=H2O, NH3, or N-heterocyclic ligands are consis-tent with the limiting dissociative (D) mechanism characteristic of pen-tacyanometallates (134,175). For [Os(CN)5(pyrazine)]

3� kdiss is 10�8 s�1,about 104 times lower than the rate constant for dissociation of itsRu(II) analogue.The rate constant for dissociation of [Os(CN)5(NH3)]3�,1.1�10�7 s�1, is dramatically less than that of [Fe(CN)5(NH3)]3�, whichgives the aqua-complex immediately on dissolution in water.

III. High Oxidation State Complexes


Platinum(IV) provides a link between this and previous sections, itslow-spin d6 (t62g) electronic con¢guration relating the substitution behav-ior of its complexes to that of e.g., Co(III), Rh(III), and low-spin Fe(II)complexes. The kinetics of reactions of [PtMe2X(LL)(SR2)], where LL isa C,N-donor imine with a series of phosphines, in particular the depend-ences of rate constants on concentrations of phosphine and of leavingSR2, suggest the operation of a D mechanism. However, �Sz rangesfrom avalue of +48 JK�1mol�1 typical ofD substitution to unexpectedlylarge negative values; hydrogen-bonding and steric e¡ects are invokedto explain the latter. For the special case of [PtMe2F(C5CF4CH¼NCH2Ph)(SMe2)] it is claimed that reaction with P(cyclohexylamine)3is dissociative, but with PPh3 or PPh2Me associative (176).

An NMR investigation of water exchange at [Pt(H2O)2(oxalate)2] isrelevant to the mechanism of formation of one-dimensional mixedvalence oxalatoplatinum polymers. In fact the rate constant for this pre-sumably dissociative (�Sz=+42 JK�1mol�1) reaction is considerablytoo low for water loss to be, as recently proposed, the ¢rst step in forma-tion of these polymers. The mechanism of trans to cis isomerization forthis oxalate complex, and for its (2-methyl)malonate analogues, is intra-molecular (Bailar or Ra“ y-Dutt twist), since there is no concurrent incor-poration of labeled solvent (177).

Kinetics and mechanisms of substitution at Pt(IV) are occasionallymentioned in relation to those complexes which may have anti-tumorproperties. An article on molecular modeling of interactions betweenplatinum complexes and nucleotides or DNA includes a brief mention ofPt(IV) (178).


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Oxygen exchange with the axial O inVIVO2+ complexes is usually slow,as for example in the case of a series of Schi¡ base complexes of tetraden-tate salen-type ligands. Here rate constants are between 6�10�7 and6�10�5 s�1 for exchange with a dilute solution of H2

18O in DMSO. Rateconstants vary with electronic e¡ects and ligand hydrophobicity; the18O-exchanging water molecule approaches predominantly from thesame side of the vanadium as the vanadyl-oxygen, in contrast tovanadium(V) analogues where approach is trans to vanadyl-oxygen (179).Interest is developing in high oxidation state vanadium complexes in

relation to their role in biological systems, especially their apparentpotential in the treatment of diabetes (180). Both substitution and elec-tron transfer maybe important in the mechanisms of action of 3-hydroxy-pyridinone complexes (181). Citrate complexes are obvious candidatesfor investigation in a biochemical or pharmacological context. A ¢rststep in such investigation is represented by a study of isomerizationin V2O2(citrate)n complexes, whose interconversion, involving variouscitrate coordination modes, is facile and rapid on the NMR time-scale (182).


The photochemistry of octacyanometallates, and of mixed cyano-dii-mine complexes of the type [W(CN)6(diimine)]2� and [MO(CN)3(bpy)]

{M=Mo,W}, has been reviewed (183). The authors pay particular atten-tion to the role of the counterion in this type of reaction; they also callattention to questions which were, at the time of writing, unresolved. Amainly structural and redox review of octacyano-, nitridotetracyano-,and oxotetracyano-metallates (Nb, Ta; Mo, W; Tc, Re) contains somekinetic and mechanistic information on thermal and photochemical sub-stitution in these complexes, with the main conclusion being that muchmore needs to be done on such reactions (184).Following on from these two reviews, both of which indicated the need

for further study of key unanswered questions, a few relevant contribu-tions have appeared. These have included an investigation of oxygenexchange, cyanide exchange, and inversion at [MO(L)(CN)4]n�

(M=MoIV, WIV; TcV, ReV; OsVI; L=H2O, OH�, O2�) and several otheranions (185), and proton exchange at protonated forms of [MO2(CN)4]


(M=MoIV,WIV; TcV, ReV), examined by 13C and 17O NMR to obtain ratelaws and rate constants (186). Photochemical reaction of [M(CN)8]

4�,M=Mo or W, in the presence of bpy or phen, is now believed to give


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[MO(CN)3(diimine)]�, rather than [M(CN)6(diimine)]2� as proposed ear-lier. The [MO(CN)3(diimine)]� produced may react further, e.g., to give[MO(CN)2(diimine)2] by subsequent thermally activated substitution. Ageneral reaction scheme is presented (187). The primary photoproductfrom irradiation of [Mo(CN)8]4� within the range 400^480 nm has beencon¢rmed, partly through its reaction with trans-[Os(en)2O2]

2+ to givethe heterotrinuclear anion [(NC)7Mo^O^Os(en)2^O^Mo(CN)7]

4�, as[Mo(CN)7(H2O)]3� (188).

The [WO(CN)5]3� anion reacts with molecular oxygen, either in thesolid state or in ethanol^acetone solution, to give the peroxo complex[WO(O2)(CN)4]2�, as con¢rmed by X-ray structural characterization ofthe product. In solution this reaction is a second-order process, withactivation parameters �Hz=55 kJmol�1 and �Sz=�46 JK�1mol�1.Themechanism must be more complicated than implied by the simplesecond-order rate law, though the ¢rst step is believed to involve initialnucleophilic attack by O2, displacing cyanide. Electron transfer andrate-limiting further reaction with O2 give the intermediate[WVIO(O2)2(CN)4]2� (189). The ¢rst step in the reaction of the pyrazinecomplexes [MO(CN)4(pz)]2� with O2 is, similarly, attack by O2 at themetal (Mo orW) with displacement of pz (190). The rate-limiting step inthe reaction of trans-[MO2(CN)4]4�with salicaldehyde is chelate ring clo-sure subsequent to rapid displacement of water, probably dissociativelyactivated (Id or D mechanism) from the doubly protonated form of thesubstrate, viz. trans-[MO(H2O)(CN)4]

2� which is in equilibrium withtrans-[MO(OH)(CN)4]3� in acidic solution (191).There is kinetic evidencefor a ring closure step in the reaction of cis-[Cr(bpy)2(H2O)2]3+ and[M(CN)8]4� (M=Mo,W) (87)).

IV. Square-Planar Complexes


Kinetic parameters for substitution at four square-planar metal cen-ters, viz. Pt(II), Pd(II), and Ni(II) (192), and alsoAu(III) (193), can be com-pared in terms of cyanide exchange at the respective [M(CN)4]2�

complexes (TableVI).Kinetics and mechanisms of substitution at Pt(II) and Pd(II) have

been reviewed and compared with respect to reactions of nitrogenbases such as imidazole, pyrazole, inosine, adenosine, and guanosine-50 -monophosphate with ammine, amine, pyridine carboxylate, and


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pyridoxine complexes (194) and to substitution and isomerization ofaqua-ammine, -en, or -diencomplexeswith histidine and histidyl-contain-ing peptides (195).


1. Substitution

It has long been known that substitution at the anion of Zeise’s salt,[Pt(CH¼CH2)Cl3]

�, is, thanks to the high trans e¡ect of the coordinatedethene, very fast. Recent developments in low-temperature stopped-£owapparatus have now permitted the study of the kinetics of substitutionat Zeise’s and other [Pt(alkene)Cl3]� anions in methanol solution.Thesesubstitutions obey the customary two-term rate law (i.e. with kobs = k1+k2[nucleophile]), with large negative �Sz values for the k2 term asexpected for SN2 processes (196).The nucleophilicities of undissociated thiols towards square-planar

platinum(II) complexes have been compared with those of thiourea fordisplacement of chloride from [Pt(bpy)(NO2)Cl] and [Pt(terpy)Cl]+. Theobserved trends can be understood in terms of the inductive and sterice¡ects of the various groups on the sulfur; thiols containing suchgroups as ^OH, ^CO2H, or �NHþ3 are more reactive thanks to favorablehydrogen-bonding with the leaving chloride (197). Reactions of[PtL(H2O)]2+, where L=one of a range of ¢ve terdentate nitrogen donors(from fully aromatic terpy through e.g., 2,6 -bis-(aminomethyl)pyridineto fully aliphatic dien) with thiourea and its dimethyl and tetramethylderivatives, follow essentially second-order rate laws, as expected fromthe high a⁄nity of these S-donor ligands for Pt(II). The kinetic results







[Ni(CN)4]2� b 2.3�106 21.6 �51 �19

[Pd(CN)4]2� 8.2�10 23.5 �129 �22

[Pt(CN)4]2� 1.1�10 25.1 �142 �27

[Au(CN)4]� 6.2�103 40.0 �38 +2

aThese values are for the second-order pathway for reaction with CN� ^ see Refs. (192,193) for otherpathways.

bKinetic parameters are for formation of [Ni(CN)5]3�.


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permitted a separation of spectator ligand cis and trans e¡ects. Perhapsunexpectedly, the cis-p-acceptor e¡ect was found to be larger than thetrans ^ at least in this system. Even more unexpected was the discoverythat it is electronic interaction or communication between p-acceptorligands in the ¢ve-coordinate intermediate or transition state, ratherthan simple primary p-acceptor e¡ects, that leads to enhanced reactivity(198). Base hydrolysis of [Pt(terpy)Cl]+ follows the usual two-term ratelaw,

rate ¼ fk1 þ k2½OH��g½PtðterpyÞClþ�

k1 here has a value over 200 times larger than for [Pt(dien)Cl]+, quantify-ing the di¡ering e¡ects of the dien and terpy ligands (199). The stronglylabilizing e¡ects of coordinated diimine and terimine ligands are wellillustrated by the k2 value (>105M�1 s�1) for reaction of [Pt(terpy)Cl]+

with PPh3 in dichloromethane (200).Substitution (hydrolysis ! anation by X�) reactions [Pt(LL)X2] !

[Pt(LL)(H2O)X]+ ! [Pt(LL)(H2O)2]2+, where LL= cis- or trans-(NH3)2,

H2NCH2CH2NH2, or H2N(CH2)3NH2, and X=Cl or Br, have activationvolumes in the range �5 to �11cm3mol�1, entirely consistent with theestablished associative activation (201). Activation volumes between �4and �10 cm3mol�1 for the forward and reverse reactions comprising thehydrolysis equilibria of [Pt(R1-en)Cl2], where R1-en= (1R,2R,4S)-exo-2 -(aminomethyl)-2 -amino-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, a ligand chosen inthe light of the anti-tumor properties of several Pt-substituted en com-plexes, indicate the expected associative interchange mechanism forboth aquation and both chloride anation steps (202). The kinetics of thereversible hydrolysis of [PtCl(dien)]+ and of [PtCl(NH3)3]+ have been re-examined, in order to resolve a con£ict of opinion as to the mechanismsof these reactions (203). It now appears that a combination of relativelyfast anation and of equilibrium compositions very close to 100% chloro-complex prevent the detection of the hydrolytic contribution under cer-tain experimental conditions. The hydrolysis rate constant determinedhere for [PtCl(dien)]+ agrees well with that estimated earlier fromkinetics of reaction of this complex with guanosine-50 -monophosphate;the rate constant for reaction of [Pt(dien)(H2O)]2+ with chloride is con-sistent with previously published values.

Kinetic studies of aquation of dinuclear [{trans-PtCl(NH3)2}2(m-NH2(CH2)6NH2)]2+ established rate constants for the loss of the ¢rstand second chloride ligands (7.9�10�5 and 10.6�10�4 s�1), and for thereverse anations (1.2 and 1.5M�1 s�1). Reactivities here are very similarto those in analogous mononuclear systems [Pt(amine)3Cl]

+ (204).A kinetic and equilibrium study of axial ligand substitution reactions


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of the head-to-tail a-pyridonate-bridged cis-diammine-platinum(III)dinuclear complex has shown transmission of the trans e¡ect ofone axial ligand through the Pt^Pt bond to the opposite axial ligand(205). Rate constants for loss of the ¢rst and second chlorides fromthe bifunctional trinuclear complex Cl(NH3)2Pt^NH2(CH2)6NH2^Pt(NH3)2^NH2(CH2)6NH2^Pt(NH3)2Cl, a potential chemotherapeuticagent currently undergoing clinical trials, are essentially identical. At7�10�5 s�1 they are only slightly higher than the rate constant for aqua-tion (loss of ¢rst chloride) of cisplatin, which is 2.4�10�5 s�1, at 25 8C(206). Likewise the two anation rate constants for the reverse reactionare almost identical. Clearly the two terminal platinum atoms are verywell insulated from each other by the long alkyl chains of the bridgingligands (207).Irradiation of [Pt(hfac)2] with an excess of ethene at 350 nm produced

an X-ray-characterized ¢ve-coordinated intermediate containingboth hfac ligands still bidentate (i.e. limiting A mechanism) (208).Quenching of photoexcited [Pt(terpy)Cl]+, and 40 -substituted terpy andNCS� analogues variously, by a range of Lewis bases, such as MeCN,DMSO, py, acetone, has been documented (209).Relative reactivities of dichlorobis(sul¢de)platinum(II) complexes and

of their dimethyl sulfoxide analogues with the oximes of acetophenoneand of benzaldehyde illustrate that sulfoxides are the better leavinggroups from platinum(II). Orthoplatination of acetophenone oxime bycis-[Pt(dmso)2Cl2] exhibits a kinetic pattern of consecutive but coupledreactions. Essentially instantaneous replacement of one dimethyl sulfox-ide ligand is followed by chloride loss with concurrent ring closure, inturn followed by proton loss from the oxime ligand, postulated tooccur through a ¢ve-coordinated intermediate containing a hydrideligand (210).

2. Ring Closing and Ring Opening

[Pt(en)(H2O)2]2+ reacts with indole-3 -acetamide, ita, to give

[Pt(en)(ita)]2+ in which the ita is C,O-bonded. The rate law is zeroth-order in platinum complex, ¢rst-order in ita. The interpretation of thisunexpected rate law is of rapid replacement of one water by unidentateita, with subsequent ring closure and loss of the second water ligandrate-determining (k=0.002 s�1) (211). Reaction of [Pt(en)(H2O)2]2+ withL-glutamine at pH 4 involves predominantly the diaqua form of thecomplex and the zwitterionic form of the entering ligand. The observedkinetic pattern corresponds to ligand-assisted anation (�Hz=44kJmol�1; �Sz=�123 JK�1mol�1) followed by chelate ring closure


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(�Hz=40kJmol�1; �Sz=�204 JK�1mol�1). The activation parametersindicate associative activation for both steps (212). Associative chelatering closure here is consistent with the mechanistic pattern establishedin organometallic systems (213), where this process is associative for[M(CO)5(diimine)] where M=Mo orW (though dissociative for M=¢rst-row Cr (214)) and the diimine does not carry bulky substituents.

In reactions of the platinum(II) complex cis-[PtPh2(CO)(SEt2)] withdiphosphines Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2 (pp), when n=2 or 3 the ¢rst observableproduct is [PtPh2(pp)] ^ ring closure must be rapid compared with theinitial attack of the ligand at the platinum. But for n=1 or 4 the kineticpattern is two-stage, with initial formation of [PtPh2(CO)(pp)] followedby slow ring closure to give [PtPh2(pp)] (TableVII).There is a remarkabledi¡erence between the activation parameters for formation of the four-and seven-membered chelate rings, re£ecting both the highly strainednature of the four-membered ring and the much lower probability ofseven-membered ring closure (215). In an extension of this study to com-plexes of bidentate hemi-labile P,N and P,S ligands {Ph2P(CH2)nX withX=e.g., SPh, SEt, NH2, NMe2} it was found that ring closure kineticswere much a¡ected by the nature of the N- or S-donor group, ratherlittle by the size of the chelate ring formed (n=2 or 3). The reverse ring-opening reactions are mechanistically noteworthy for their two-termrate law which indicates parallel dissociative (D) and nucleophilicattack by dppe pathways (40).

Reactions of [Pt(dipic)Cl]�, dipic = dipicolinate, with 1-methylimida-zole or with 1,2-diaminoethane, monitored in DMF solution, involvereplacement of chloride followed by opening of the dipic chelate ring(216). Kinetic data for acid-catalyzed ring opening in hydrolysis of[Pt(dipic)Cl]� and of [Pt(glygly)Cl]� (217) are compared with those forcarboplatin (218) inTableVIII.

Ring opening reactions are the main feature of a brief review (thoughwith 69 references) of kinetics and mechanisms of hydrolysis and substi-tution reactions of platinum(II) complexes (219).



krc (s�1) �Hz (kJmol�1) �Sz (JK�1mol�1)

[PtPh2(CO)(dppm)] 2.0�10�2 88 +17[PtPh2(CO)(dppb)] 2.7�10�3 38 �169


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3. Systems of Biochemical and Pharmacological Relevance

Two examples of aquation/anation studies of chloro-platinum(II) com-plexes of possible medical relevance appeared in subsection 1 above(202,207). Aquation of cisplatin is slower in the presence of DNA but notin the presence of phosphate (220). DNA also inhibits substitution in[Pt(terpy)(py)]2+ and related complexes. For reaction of these chargedcomplexes with iodide ion inhibition is attributable to electrostatic inter-actions ^ the complex is concentrated on the double helix and thus sepa-rated from the iodide, which distances itself from the helix. Intercalationof these complexes within the helix also serves to make nucleophilicapproach by neutral reagents such as thiourea more di⁄cult (221).Rate constants for reaction of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)Cl]+ with phosphate

and with 30 - and 50 -nucleotide bases are 4.6�10�3, 0.48, and 0.16M�1 s�1,respectively, with ring closure rate constants of 0.17�10�5 and2.55�10�5 s�1 for subsequent reaction in the latter two cases (220).Kinetic aspects of interactions between DNA and platinum(II) com-plexes such as [Pt(NH3)3(H2O)]2+, cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2]

2+, and cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)Cl]+, of loss of chloride from Pt^DNA^Cl� adducts, andof chelate ring formation of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)(oligonucleotide)]n+ inter-mediates implicate cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2]2+ rather than cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)Cl]+, as usually proposed, as the most important Pt-binder (222).The role of aquation in the overall scheme of platinum(II)/DNA interac-tions has been reviewed (223), and platinum(II)^nucleotide^DNA inter-actions have been the subject of molecular modeling investigations (178).Glutathione readily replaces the GSMe on platinum in the

reaction with [Pt(dien)(GSMe)]2+ (GSMe=S-methylglutathione) ^ thissystem is claimed to be an e¡ective model for cisplatin^proteininteraction (224). Rate constants and activation parameters have been



k a

(dm3mol�1 s�1)�Hz



[Pt(glygly)Cl]� 2.3�10�2 36� 5 �158 (217)[Pt(dipic)Cl]� 1.6�10�3 67�7 �78 (217)Carboplatin b 5.9�10�4 88 �15 (218)

aAt 303K.bCarboplatin, cis-diammine(cyclobutane-1,1-dicarboxylato)platinum(II).


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determined for reaction of cis-[Pt(NH3)2L1L2]2+, where L1, L2 = adenosineor guanosine, N1- or N7-bonded to the platinum, with thiourea. Largenegative �Sz values in all cases indicate associative activation (225). N7to N1 linkage isomerization is slow, both for cis-[Pt(NH3)2L1L2]2+ withL1, L2 =adenosine or guanosine and, especially (�1/2 of several days at85 8C), for cis-[Pt(NH3)2(9-methyladenine)2]

2+ (226). The formation of N7linkage isomers from diaqua precursors is kinetically favored, but theN1 isomers are thermodynamically favored. The same applies to[Pt(dien)L]2+, where L=N7-adenosine or N7-guanosine, reacting withthiourea or with iodide ^ both to the k1 and the k2 pathways (227). Themost interesting aspect of this system is that after dissociation of[Pt(dien)L]2+ in acid solution in the presence of thiourea, the [Pt(N,N-dienH)(tu)L]2+ produced reforms [Pt(dien)L]2+ on raising the pH ^ thetrans e¡ect of the thiourea ligand is overshadowed by the much largernucleophilic power of the incompletely chelating amine. Semi-quantita-tive kinetic information on the conversion of carboplatin into cisplatinin aqueous chloride media (>18% Cl�) can be gleaned from the Figuresin Ref. (228).

In relation to chemotherapy involving cisplatin, a number of sulfur-donor ligands are being tested as ‘‘rescue agents’’ ^ complexes whichprotect healthy tissues from toxic side e¡ects of cisplatin and other plati-num anti-tumor agents. In this connection relevant kinetic informationon reactions of model complexes and ligands, involving variously cispla-tin, [Pt(dien)Cl]+, [Pt(dien)(GSMe)]2+ {GSMe=S-methylglutathione},or cis-[Pt(NH3)2(GSMe)2]2+ reacting with glutathione, thiourea, thiosul-fate, or diethyldithiocarbamate (ddtc), has been published. All reactionsobey a simple second-order rate law, as expected for ligands with suchhigh a⁄nities for platinum(II). The second-order rate constants span arather small range, from 0.2 to 8M�1 s�1, with ddtc being both the fastestand the most e¡ective rescue agent. Despite the small range of rate con-stants the activation parameters are very ligand-dependent, with �Hz

values from 47 to 73 kJmol�1, �Sz values from �25 to �92JK�1 mol�1

for the reactions of [Pt(dien)Cl]+. Negative activation entropies areconsistent with the SN2 mechanism indicated by the rate law (229).

Rotamer distribution and interconversion rates give biochemically-relevant information on hydrogen-bonding and steric interligandinteractions in [Pt(Me3dien)(guanine)]2+ (230).

4. Dissociative Substitution

Dissociative substitution at square-planar centers (231), particularlyplatinum(II), was a matter of controversy for several years, with the


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initial report (232) allegedly being held up by disbelieving referees(194,233). Early attempts used the strong trans-labilizing e¡ects of cer-tain sulfur-donor ligands in e¡orts to promote ligand dissociation todominate over nucleophilic attack,3 and steric barriers, in the form ofpolyalkyl substitution in the dien ligand of [Pd(dien)Cl]+, to the approachof the incoming nucleophile.The latter approach certainly led to greatlyreduced reactivity, but the mechanism remained associative (234). Arecent variant on this steric hindrance approach utilized phosphineexchange at trans-Pt(SnPh3)2(PMe2Ph)2. This follows a second-orderrate law and has �Sz=�131JK�1mol�1. The mechanism is again asso-ciative despite the presence of the bulky ^SnPh3 groups ^ the p-acidityof ^SnPh3 may favor interaction with the incoming group (235).The fail-ure of the S-donor and Rn-dien routes to impel dissociative substitutionled to attention being switched to C-donor ligands as powerfulstrong trans-labilizers. Kinetics of ligand exchange and of water replace-ment at [Pt(N\C\N)(H2O)]+, where N\C\N is the ligand 2,6 -(Me2NCH2)2C6H3 (see Ref. (236) for a review of this and related ligands),were studied in the hope that the Pt^C bond might promote dissociationof trans-water and thus a dissociative mechanism. Substitution rateswere dramatically increased, but activation volumes were decidedlynegative, indicating associative activation yet again (237).Further e¡orts along these lines to promote dissociative substitution

at platinum(II) have combined this use of trans-labilization by carbon,silicon, and antimony s-donors with the established (238) labilizationby p-acceptor ligands (e.g., [Pt(phen)(H2O)2]2+ reacts 100 times fasterthan [Pt(en)(H2O)2]2+ with thiourea). Although activation volumes arenow small, they remain negative (239), suggesting that the changeoverto dissociative activation has been approached but not yet quiteachieved. However, the isomerizations cis- to trans-[PtR(PEt3)2(MeOH)]+ have activation volumes between +16 and +20 cm3mol�1, inmarked contrast to the negative values for the formation of cis-[PtR(PEt3)2(MeOH)]+ from cis-[PtRR0(PEt3)2] (R, R

0 are alkyl groups).The isomerization is therefore believed to proceed by dissociation ofMeOH to give a three-coordinated intermediate (240). A kinetic andcomputational study has been carried out of substitution and phosphineexchange at tetrahedrally distorted ^ allegedly by electronic ratherthan steric factors ^ cis-Pt(SiMePh2)2(PMe2Ph)2 (241). The evidence fora dissociative mechanism is the observed dependence of rate constants

3See Section IV.B.2 above for a recent example of the balance between disso-ciative (D) and associative mechanisms, in the case of ring opening ofplatinum(II) chelates of hemi-labile ligands.


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on nucleophile concentration for reaction with dppe, the fact thatPMe2Ph exchange in toluene has rate1 [PMe2Ph]0, and the activationparameters, notably the high �Hz (118 kJmol�1) and very positive �Sz

(+120 JK�1mol�1). The three-coordinate species may be a transitionstate or an intermediate.

Returning to the strongly labilizing N\C\N ligand, sulfur dioxideexchange with the ¢ve-coordinate adduct [Pt(N\C\N)I(SO2)] is zeroth-order in SO2, and is therefore believed to procede by a D mechanism ^ aconclusion supported by the negative activation entropy (�Sz=+33 JK�1mol�1) for this exchange (and indeed by some ab initio studiesof this system) (242).

Whereas C-bonded ligands tend to promote dissociative substitution,suitable diimine and terpyridyl ligands encourage associative substitu-tion (200,237). When these two opposing e¡ects are combined in oneligand, as in 6-substituted-C-deprotonated alkyl, aryl, or benzyl 2,20 -bipyridyl ligands (N\N\C, e.g., 3 and 4), it has been established that thediimine moiety dominates, as the reaction of [Pt(N\N\C)Cl] with PPh3gives [Pt(N\N\C)(PPh3)]+ and Cl� in a simple second-order process.This behavior contrasts with the analogous reactions of [Pt(bpy)RCl](R=Me or Ph), which involve a four stage reaction sequence of chloridereplacement, a monodentate bpy intermediate, cis!trans isomerization,and ¢nally loss of bpy.These associative processes also contrast with dis-sociative ligand exchange at [Pt(bphy)(SR2)2], where bphy is the chelatingtwo-carbon donor ligand doubly deprotonated 2,20 -biphenyl (200).A combined kinetic and theoretical approach (243) shows that cis-PtR2(SR

0)2+CO is not dissociative, thanks to the strong p-acceptorproperties of CO.

The reaction of cis-[PtMe2(dmso)2] with pyridine in toluene exhibitstwo-stage kinetics. The ¢rst stage has parallel A (established throughsaturation kinetics; �Vz=�11.4 cm3mol�1) and D (limiting dissociativeestablished by e¡ects of added dmso, i.e. by dependences of rate con-stants on leaving and incoming ligand concentrations) pathways. Thesecond is predominantly dissociative (�Sz=+86 JK�1mol�1), though


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there is also a minor associative path at high pyridine concentrations(244).

5. Intramolecular Processes

Intramolecular coordination site exchange reactions in square-planarplatinum(II) complexes [Pt(tbte)Cl]+ of the potentially four-donor-atomtripodal ligand tris[2 -(t-butyl-thio)ethyl]amine (tbte) N,S,S-bondedoccur through a trigonal bipyramidal ¢ve-coordinate intermediate(245). Inversion at sulfur (also selenium and, occasionally, tellurium)coordinated to Pt(II), and indeed to a number of other transition metalcenters, e.g.,W(0), Re(I), Rh(III), and especially Pt(IV), has been studiedextensively over several decades (246). Observation of the kinetics ofsuch processes is often complicated by concurrent changes elsewherein the complex, for example by hindered rotation about C^S in thesquare-planar complexes [(XS)2Pt(m-SX)2Pt(SX)2]2� with X=C6F4H,C6F5, C6F4(4 -CF3). Resolution of the observed kinetics here indicatedbar-riers (�Gz) of between 54 and 59kJmol�1 for inversion at coordinatedsulfur, between 40 and 60 kJmol�1 for the hindered rotation (247).


Pd2þaq reacts reversibly with (bi)sulfate; the forward reaction follows a

simple second-order rate law, with k2ðHSO�4 Þ ¼ 119M�1s�1 (248). Forreactions of Pd2þ

aq with 13 carboxylic acids, where stability constants inthe region of unity permit the ready determination of forward andreverse rate constants, �Sz values for the formation reactions are in therange �7 to �78 JK�1mol�1, for the dissociations �12 to �42 JK�1

mol�1.�Vz values, for formation and for dissociation of ¢ve of these com-plexes, are within the range �1 to �9 cm3mol�1. These results, �Sz and�Vz values reported earlier (and conveniently collected here) for forma-tion reactions of Pd2þ

aq , and volume pro¢les are all consistent with theexpected associative activation. The slope of a correlation plot of �Vz

with �V8 indicates that bond-making dominates the transition state forcomplex formation. There is a good isokinetic plot for these Pd2þaq pluscarboxylate reactions (249).Activation parameters�Hz,�Sz and�Vz have been determined for all

nine combinations of [Pd(LLL)(H2O)]2+, LLL=dien, terpy, or bis(2-pyri-dylmethyl)amine reacting with L-cysteine (cys), DL-penicillamine (pen),or glutathione (glu) (250). All �Sz and �Vz values are negative, consis-tent with associative activation, but there is no �Sz/�Vz correlation,except for the three reactions with pen. Indeed all the reactions with


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cys and glu have essentially the same�Vz, although�Sz ranges from�54to �102JK�1mol�1. [Pd(glycyl-L-methionine)Cl]+ reacts more slowlythan [Pd(dien)Cl]+ with such nucleophiles as glu, cys, or pen (reactivitiesglu>cyst>pen); the range of �Hz values (38^60 kJmol�1) and negative�Sz values (�20 to �76 JK�1mol�1) indicate associative activation (251).

Electrostatically-controlled pre-association interactions have animportant e¡ect on rates for [Pd(dien)Cl]+ reacting with thione-contain-ing nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides, as is often the casefor reactions between metal complexes and this type of biologicalligand. Interaction between the charged complex and the polyanionic oli-gonucleotide surface leads to an increase in both enthalpy and entropyof activation in the DNA or model environment (252).

Products of substitution of inosine and guanosine 50 -monophosphatefor chloride or for water on ternary aminocarboxylate complexessuch as [Pd(mida)(D2O)], where mida=N-methyliminodiacetate, or[Pd2(hdta)Cl2]

2�, where hdta= 1,6 -hexanediamine-N,N,N 0,N 0-tetraace-tate, is subject to mechanistic controls in terms of number of coordinateddonor atoms and pendant groups and of the length of the chain joiningthe functional groups in the bis-iminodiacetate ligands. These factorsdetermine the nature and stereochemistry of intermediates and the rela-tive amounts of mono- and bi-nuclear products (253).

Diimines such as bpy and phen replace 2-(arylazo)pyridine ligands(aap) in [Pd(aap)Cl2] by a simple second-order process, whose detailedmechanism may depend on the nature of the incoming ligand (254).Three phthalocyanine units, each containing Zn2+, can be bonded to tet-rahedral phosphorus, to give [PPh(pc-Zn)3]+. Mechanistic proposals areadvanced for this novel exchange reaction in which palladium-boundphthalocyanine replaces phenyl on phosphorus (255).

Brief mentions of kinetics and mechanisms of reactions of nitrogenbases with a selection of palladium(II) complexes with ammine, amines,pyridine-2 -carboxylate, pyridoxine, and related ligands are included ina review of analogous platinum(II) reactions (194).

Reaction of [Pd(pica)(H2O)2]2+ (pica= 2-picolylamine) with cbdc, cyclo-butane-1,1-dicarboxylate, to give [Pd(pica)(cbdc)(H2O)], containingmonodentate cbdc, is characterized by an activation volume close tozero, indicating a balance between a negative contribution from associa-tive activation and a positive contribution from solvational changes asso-ciated with transition state formation (256).

Reaction of the binuclear complex [(bpy)Pd(m-OH)2Pd(bpy)]2+ with DL-

methionine (met) obeys a simple second-order rate law (�Hz=46kJmol�1; �Sz=�101JK�1mol�1). The mechanism suggested israte-determining associative attack of the methionine-sulfur to give


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[(bpy)Pd(met)(m-OH)Pd(OH)(bpy)]2+ followed by rapid attachmentof the coordinated sulfur to the second Pd to give [(bpy)Pd(m-met)(m-OH)Pd(bpy)]3+ (257).For intramolecular coordination site exchange reactions in

[Pd(tbte)Cl]+ (tbte is the four-donor tripodal ligand tris[2 -(t-butyl-thio)ethyl]amine) it is possible, in acetone-d6 solution, to see the four ! ¢vecoordinate equilibrium involved (245). Barriers to isomer interconver-sion in [Pd(pzpym)XCl], pzpym=pyrazolylpyrimidine, X=Me or COMe,have been determined from NMR coalescence temperatures (160).Activation parameters (�Hz and �Sz) for £uxional behavior ofpyramidal (apical Br, I) tetranuclear complexes [Pd4(2,4,6 -tris(tri£uoro-methyl)phenyl)4X5]� have been discussed in terms of three possibledynamic processes (258). Binuclear complexes X^Pd^terpy^spacer^terpy^Pd^X, where X is pyridine with an anthracene-bearing carboxy-late substituent, may act as molecular receptors. Such a function wouldrequire intramolecular stereochemical rearrangement, of one X groupwith respect to the other; NMR shows this to be a rapid process withthe barrier to interconversion � 40 kJmol�1 (259).


Large negative �Sz values for redistribution and replacement reac-tions of planar Ni(II) complexes ofN-alkyl-a-aminoxime ligands:

NiLþ2 þNiL0þ2 ! 2NiLL0þ and NiLþ2 þ L0 ! NiLL0þ þ L

indicate a rate-determining step of dissociative Ni^L bond breaking ineach case (260).The replacement of both N-alkylsalicylaldiminate ligands in a bis-

ligand complex NiL2 by a tetradentate ligand of the salen type follows asimple second-order rate law, interpreted in terms of rapid reversibleaddition of the incoming ligand to the nickel, to give a six-coordinateintermediate. This intermediate loses the two bidentate ligands in tworelatively slower steps which may be kinetically distinguishable. Suchreactions involving optically active complexes showmodest chiral discri-mination (261).Formation and dissociation kinetics of nine Ni(II)-macrocyclic tetra-

thiaether complexes (eight macrocyclic, one linear; in acetonitrile) havebeen compared with those for Cu(II) analogues and for Ni(II) complexeswith macrocylic tetramines (262).Whereas for the tetramine complexesconformational changes may be apparent in the kinetics this is not thecase for the tetrathiaether complexes, where there is no kinetic evidencefor slow conformational changes after initial bonding of the ligand to


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the nickel. Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes exhibit similar patterns in theirformation kinetics, but not in dissociation.

Kinetic parameters for formation of [Ni(CN)5]3�, which strictly is addi-tion to [Ni(CN)4]2� rather than substitution, may be found inTableVI inSection IV.A above.


A review of the photochemistry of gold(III), and of gold(I), complexesdeals both with substitution and redox reactions (263).

Studies of substitution at gold(III) are severely restricted by the oxidiz-ing properties of this metal center. However, chloride and cyanide bothresist oxidation by gold(III), and it is therefore possible to establishkinetic parameters for chloride and for cyanide exchange. Rate con-stants are102 to 103 times larger than for platinum(II). Chloride exchangeobeys a second-order rate law, with �Sz and �Vz values of�31JK�1mol�1 and�14 cm3mol�1 indicating an associative mechanism.The situation in respect of cyanide is more complicated, with a strongpH dependence ^ the overall rate law indicates three parallel pathways.Values of �38 JK�1mol�1 and +2 cm3mol�1 for �Sz and �Vz suggest,but do not unequivocally indicate, an interchange with modest associa-tive character for cyanide exchange (193). Kinetic parameters for cyanideexchange with [Au(CN)4]� are compared with those for cyanideexchange at other square-planar centers in Table VI (see Section IV.Aabove).

Kinetic and equilibrium studies have established a rate constantof 0.018 s�1 for hydrolysis of [Au(terpy)Cl]2+ and provided an esti-mated value of �16 000M�1 s�1 for the reverse reaction, formation of[Au(terpy)Cl]2+ from [Au(terpy)(H2O)]3+ (264).


The mechanism of substitution at these centers can conveniently beprobed through CO exchange at the cis-[M(CO)2X2]� anions (M=Rh, Ir;X=Cl, Br or I). The rate law for these exchanges, and the activationparameters shown in Table IX, suggest the operation of a limiting Amechanism (265).

Replacements of ferrocene-substituted b-diketone ligands, b-dik, incyclooctadiene-rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(b-dik)(cod)] by 1,10-phenan-throline are characterized bylarge negative activation entropies, indicat-ing the operation of the expected associative mechanism, although the


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authors feel that Rh^N bond making actually contributes rather little totransition state formation. Rate constants are largely controlled/deter-mined by substituent electronegativities and ligand pKvalues (266).

V. Reactions at Labile Transition Metal Centers


1. General

Ni2+ was very popular in the early days of the investigation of mecha-nisms of complex formation, since the time-scale for its reactions withsimple ligands was so convenient for the then recently developedstopped-£ow technique. However, interest has now moved on to other¢rst-row cations, especially to Cu2+. A review of the kinetics andmechanisms of formation of tetraazamacrocyclic complexes concen-trates on Ni2+ and Cu2+, and their reactions with cyclam and similarligands (267). The tetra(4 -sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin complexes of Ni2+

and of Cu2+ react immeasurably slowly with cyanide, but their N-methylderivatives do react, albeit extremely slowly. The relevant time scalesare hours for removal of Ni2+, months for the removal of Cu2+, by 10�4Mcyanide at pH 7.4 (268).Rate constants for complex formation betweenMn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+

and Zn2+ and 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin in acetonitrile correlatewith rate constants for acetonitrile exchange at these cations, though ofcourse the reactions with the porphyrins are much (104 to 106 times)slower than the corresponding rates of solvent exchange (269).The kinetics of reaction of Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, or Zn2+ with terpy in

DMSO^water mixtures are complicated, possibly both by the terdentate



X �Sz (JK�1mol�1) �Vz (cm3mol�1)

[Rh(CO)2X2]� [Ir(CO)2X2]

� [Rh(CO)2X2]� [Ir(CO)2X2]

Cl �125 �135 �17.2 �20.9Br �123 �122I �98 �107


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nature of this £exible ligand and by the fact that both solvent compo-nents are potential ligands. Extensive studyand discussion lead to a pro-posed mechanism centered on rate-determining ring closure in abidentate-terpy intermediate (270). Kinetic studies of the transfer of aquadridentate N2S2 ligand from M2+ (M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co or Ni) to Cu2+

(271) and of reaction of Cr2þaq with bipym (272) provide rare examples ofligand substitution studies involving the very labile, air-sensitive, andstrongly reducing Cr2+. The N2S2 ligand-transfer study revealed unex-pected reactivities of bimetallic intermediates. The rate constantfor reaction of Cr2þaq with bipym (kf = 1.6�108M�1s�1) is similar tothose reported for the few previously-studied complex-formationreactions of Cr2þaq .

It is by now well established that �Vz trends for complex formationand for solvent exchange show a change of mechanism from associativeto dissociative as one goes from left to right across the ¢rst row of thetransition metal 2+ cations. A recent illustration is a¡orded by amineand diamine reactions at MnII, FeII, NiII; exchange of 1,3-propane-diamine also shows how steric bulk may a¡ect mechanism (273).

2. Iron(II)

Activation volumes for formation (�Vzf ¼ þ 6:1 cm3 mol�1) and fordissociation (�Vzd ¼ þ 1:3 cm3 mol�1) of FeðNOÞ2þaq indicate dissociativeinterchange mechanisms in both directions, though the very smallnegative values for the activation entropies (�Szf ¼ �3 JK

�1 mol�1,�Szd ¼ �15 JK

�1 mol�1) suggest that the character of the process isclose to the pure interchange boundary ^ not altogether unexpectedlyfor Fe2+. Interestingly, Mo« ssbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) spectra of the product suggest that a formulation based on FeIII^NO� (cf. cobalamin(III)^NO� in Section II.A.2 above (71)) is to bepreferred to the FeI^NO+ form usually given in text books (274).Aminocarboxylatoaqua-complexes of iron(II) react somewhat morequickly with nitric oxide than does Fe2þaq (275); there is good agreementbetween equilibrium constants for formation of these NO complexesdetermined from kinetic measurements and values determined spectro-photometrically (276). Activation volumes for reactions of most amino-carboxylatoaqua-complexes of iron(II) with NO indicate dissociativeinterchange, though the negative value of �Vz for reaction of[Fe(nta)(H2O)2]

� with NO suggests a mechanism of associative inter-change in this case (277).

Reactions of NO with water-soluble Fe(II), and Co(II), porphyrin com-plexes are very fast (k� 109M�1 s�1) and characterized by small positive


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values of �Sz and �Vz, suggesting di¡usion-dominated dissociativeinterchange (278). Reversible binding of NO to iron(II) may be tuned byusing aminocarboxylate and related complexes in aqueous solution(276). Formation of Fe(tpp)(NO2) occurs with traces of NO2; coordinated^NO2 labilizes the coordinated ^NO in the reversibly-formed intermedi-ate [Fe(tpp)(NO)(NO2)] (279).

3. Cobalt(II)

Kinetic studies on complex formation reactions of the tripodal tetra-mine complex [Co(Me6tren)(H2O)]2+ with pyridine, 4-methylpyridine,and imidazole yielded activation parameters �Hz and �Sz. Activationparameters and dependences of rate constants on incoming ligand con-centration indicated that the formation mechanism ranged from disso-ciative for the weaker and bulkier incoming ligands (py, 4-Mepy) toassociative for the more basic and less bulky imidazole; 2-methylimida-zole occupies an intermediate position (280).Rate constants for aquation of the trigonal bipyramidal

[M(Me3tren)(H2O)]2+ complexes of Co2+ and Cu2+ are remarkably simi-lar, at 34 and 106 s�1, respectively (281). Co2þaq reacts with a typical zinc¢nger peptide with kf = 7.5�104M�1 s�1; the product reacts with Zn2þ

aqrather slowly (k=5.3�10�2 s�1) by a dissociative mechanism (282).Redistribution of 6 -borneolterpy (brnterpy) ligands on cobalt(II):

½CoðS-brnterpyÞ2�2þþ ½CoðR-brnterpyÞ2�

¼ 2½CoðS-brnterpyÞðR-brnterpyÞ�2þ

is remarkably slow for a d7 metal center. The system requires about aday to reach equilibrium (k2� 6�10�5M�1 s�1). Analogous reactionsfor complexes of 40 -substituted terpyridyls are much faster (k2� 103

M�1 s�1), as reported earlier for 5,500 -disubstituted analogues (k2� 103

M�1 s�1 (283)), except for the 40 -ferrocenylterpy system, where redistribu-tion is again slow (k2� 6�10�5M�1 s�1) (284).A plot of kobs against DNA concentration for reaction of tetraphenyl-

porphyrin-1-tryptophan-cobalt(II) with calf thymus DNA is linear;kf� 2�104M�1 s�1 at room temperature.The suggested mechanism is ofrapid reversible addition of water to 5-coordinate [Co(trp)(tpp)] followedby rate-limiting reaction of [Co(trp)(tpp)(H2O)] with the DNA (285).

4. Nickel(II)

Reaction of Ni2+ with 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N,N 0,N 00-triacetate(tcta3�) is relatively slow (k288 between 20 and 90 s�1; pH dependent);


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the rate-limiting step is a ¢rst-order rearrangement, coupled to protonrelease, of rapidly and reversibly formed [Ni(tctaH)] (286). NiðdmfÞ2þ6reacts with tetra-N-alkylated cyclam ligands, as with cyclam, in twokinetically-distinct stages. Rapid complex formation, with formation ofthe second Ni^N bond probably rate-limiting, is followed by slow isomer-ization of the kinetically-favored to the thermodynamically-favoredform of the product. These reactions are markedly accelerated by addedchloride, due to rapid formation of [Ni(dmf)5Cl]

+, which is more labilethan [Ni(dmf)6]2+ (287).

Kinetics of H+-promoted dissociation of the Ni2+ complex of a tetra-dentate aza-oxa-cryptate derived from tren, conducted in acidic aqueousacetonitrile, indicate that its dissociation rate is smaller than that of[Ni(tren)(H2O)2]2+, despite the much higher thermodynamic stability ofthe tren complex ^ a ‘‘kinetic cryptate e¡ect’’ is invoked to rationalizethis (288).

Kinetic evidence obtained for intramolecular proton transfer betweennickel and coordinated thiolate, in a tetrahedral complex containingthe bulky triphos ligand (Ph2PCH2CH2)2PPh to prevent interferencefrom binuclear m-thiolate species, is important with respect to themechanisms of action of a number of metalloenzymes, of nickel (cf.urease, SectionVII.B.4) and of other metals (289).

5. Copper(II)

a. Formation Reactions of Cu2þaq Cu2þaq reacts with the polyamine

Me2octaen (L) to give 1 :1 and 2 :1complexes, in varying degrees of proto-nation. Reaction of Cu2þ

aq with H6L6+ seems to proceed by the ICBmechanism, with the rather small ICB e¡ect here (very much smallerthan for Ni2þaq +Me2octaen) attributed to the rapidity of the reaction atJahn-Teller-distorted Cu2+ (290). A kinetic study of complex formationwith 12 tripodal aminopolythiaether and aminopolypyridyl ligands inaqueous solution indicated formation of the ¢rst Cu^N or Cu^S bondto be rate-limiting, except when all three arms contain S-donor atoms.In this case it is formation of the second Cu^S bond which is rate-limiting (291).

Formation kinetics for eight tetraaza macrocycles of the cyclam typereacting with copper(II) have been analyzed in terms of rate constantsfor reaction with [Cu(OH)3]� and with [Cu(OH)4]2�. There is a detaileddiscussion of mechanism and of speci¢c steric e¡ects (292). Complexformation from cyclam derivatives containing ^NH2 groups on the ring^CH2CH2CH2^ units proceeds by formation followed by kinetically-dis-tinct isomerization. The dramatic reactivity decreases consequent on


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protonating these ^NH2 substituents suggests that they playa key role inthe initial formation step (293). Formation kinetics for several pendantarm macrocycles reacting in strongly alkaline solution with copper(II),i.e. with [Cu(OH)3]� and [Cu(OH)4]2� indicate a two-stage process, of for-mation and isomerization (294). Equilibrium studies on the protonationand Cu(II) complexation by an hexaaza macrocycle containing p-xylylspacers between dien units are complemented by the crystal structureof the hexaprotonated ligand and the kinetics of decomposition of itsmono- and bi-nuclear Cu(II) complexes. Di¡erences between the com-plexes with p-xylyl and m-xylyl spacers are remarkably small (295).Comparison of rate constants for formation of mono- and bi-nuclear com-plexes of a £exible octa-azamacrocycle, at high pHs, demonstrates thatthe kinetics of formation of the binuclear complex are statistically con-trolled (296).In a study of the mechanism of Cu2+ incorporation into a series of four

bis-tetraazamacrocycles (L) with various combinations of 12- and 14-membered rings it proved necessary to isolate intermediates, and tocharacterize them spectroscopically and kinetically, in order to analyzethe kinetic data fully.The mechanism is particularly interesting for bis-macrocycles which contain a 12-membered ring, for here a Cu2+ ion maybe partially coordinated by both rings at an intermediate stage, with akinetically-signi¢cant intramolecular rearrangement prior to reactionwith the second Cu2+ to form the ¢nal CuL2 product (297).Formation kinetics have been established for Cu2þ

aq reacting with theaminoglycoside neamine (5) andwith 2-deoxystreptamine (6). Despite thecomplicated nature of neamine, its reaction with Cu2+ in water at pH� 7is a simple two-step process, in methanol a single-step reaction (298).These reactions are remarkably slow for complex formation from Cu2þ

aq .


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Chelate ring opening is suggested to be the rate limiting stepin the reaction of Cu2+ with tris-((4 -methoxy)-2 -diphenyl-dithiolenato)tungsten(VI), and with its 4-dimethylamino analogue. These reactionsprovide interesting examples of a coordination complex as incomingligand in complex formation kinetics (299).

The transfer of a quadridentate N2S2-donor ligand from M2+ (M=Cr,Mn, Fe, Co or Ni) to Cu2+ (271), already mentioned in SectionV.A.1, hasa formal connection with an investigation of the mechanism of copperdelivery to metalloproteins, such as copper zinc superoxide dismutase.Both are ligand exchange reactions of the type ML+CuL0!ML0 +CuL(300).

The kinetics for Cu2+ reacting with four porphyrins, to form Sitting-Atop (SAT) complexes, in aqueous acetonitrile illustrate both the di¡er-ence in reactivity between [Cu(MeCN)6]

2+ and [Cu(MeCN)5(H2O)]2+

and the e¡ects of peripheral substituents.There is a range of at least 103

in rate constants as a consequence of substituent e¡ects on porphyrin£exibility (301). Rate constants for deprotonation of the copper(II)-5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin SATcomplex by bases such as 3-picoline,DMF, or DMSO, in aqueous acetonitrile, correlate linearly with the s-donor properties of the respective bases. The kinetic results indicate amechanism of nucleophilic attack by the base at a pyrrole proton,and also provide evidence germane to mechanisms of porphyrinmetallation (302). Intercalation of tetrakis-(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphinecopper(II) into DNA is very rapid, despite this complex beingoverlarge and thus forcing structural modi¢cation of the DNA.However, aggregation of this complex on the surface of DNA is muchslower, typically with a half-life of a few hundred seconds, and is auto-catalytic (303).

b. Dissociation and Ligand Replacement The copper(II) complex of theN-methylene-(phenylphosphinate) derivative of cyclam dissociates muchmore rapidly than its cyclen analogue, which in turn dissociates muchmore rapidly than its parent [Cu(cyclen)]2+ cation. The dissociationmechanism for the phosphinate derivatives involves protonation priorto dissociation, with the transfer of a proton from a phosphinic pendantarm to the azamacrocyclic ring being an important feature of themechanism (304).

Acid-promoted aquation of the binuclear complex Cu2L of the hexaazamacrocycle L= 2,5,8,17,20,23-hexaaza[9.9]paracyclophane, whose half-lifeis of the order of a second, exhibits simple one-stage ¢rst-order kinetics.This is attributed to parallel reactions at each Cu(II) center havingidentical rate constants (305). The kinetics of dissociation of mono- and


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bi-nuclear Cu(II) complexes of a hexaaza macrocycle containing p-xylylspacers have alreadybeen mentioned (295). Comparison of rate constantsfor acid-promoted dissociation of mono- and bi-nuclear Cu(II) complexesof an octaaza macrocycle show that kinetics of dissociation of the binu-clear complex are, as for its formation (v.s.), statistically controlled.Apparently this macrocycle is both £exible enough and large enough(no Cu � � �Cu interaction) for substitution at two coordination centersto be independent processes (296). The e¡ect of SCN� as ancillaryligand on kinetics of decomposition of binuclear copper(II) complexeswith a symmetrical hexaaza macrocycle has been analyzed in terms ofcontributions from the species Cu2L4+, Cu2L(OH)3+, Cu2LðOHÞ2þ2 ,Cu2L(NCS)3+, and CuLðNCSÞ2þ2 (306).There are parallel ligand-dependent (claimed to be associative) and

ligand-independent paths in the reactions of [Cu(bigH)]2+, big =bigua-nide, with aminoacids (aaH); rate-limiting formation of the intermediate[Cu(bigH)(aa)]+, is followed by rapid formation of [Cu(aa)2] (307).

c. Five-coordinate Copper(II) The most interesting aspects of ternaryaqua-copper(II) complexes are the great changes both in reactivity andin mechanism on going from Cu2þ

aq to aqua-complexes containing certainpolydentate ligands, for instance tren, tris-(aminoethyl)amine,N(CH2CH2NH2)3. Rate constants for substitution at such complexes arevery much smaller than for Cu2þ

aq , there being a 103 to 104 reduction inrate constants on going from Jahn-Teller distorted octahedral Cu2þ

aq to¢ve-coordinate ternary aqua-Cu2+. The tren ligand restricts motionwithin [Cu(tren)(H2O)]2+ and thus diminishes the e¡ects of the Jahn-Teller distortion. Activation volumes of between �7 and �10 cm3mol�1

indicate a changeover from dissociative to associative activation(Id! Ia). However, the incorporation of six methyl substituents intothe tren ligand causes su⁄cient steric crowding for substititution atthe Me6tren complex to be around a thousand times smaller and for themechanisms to revert to dissociative activation (281,308,309) (see alsoRef. (158) in Chapter 1, Table X). [Cu(Me3tren)(H2O)]2+ dissociation inacidic aqueous solution has �Sz and �Vz values of �6 JK�1mol�1 and+0.3 cm3mol�1. It is suggested that these near-zero values represent dis-sociative interchange with the e¡ects of one ligand arm coming awayfrom the copper compensated by partial bonding of the incoming watermolecule to the Cu2+ ion (281).Volume pro¢les for the [Cu(tren)(H2O)]2+/pyridine and [Cu(Me3tren)(H2O)]2+/pyridine systems indicate Iamechanisms. For the Me3tren complexes, there are similar contractions,of �8.7 and �6.2 cm3mol�1, for replacement of water and of pyridine,respectively (309). Activation volumes of �3.0 and �4.7 cm3mol�1 for


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water exchange at [Cu(tmpa)(H2O)]2+ and at [Cu(fz)2(H2O)]2+ {tmpa=tris(2 -pyridylmethyl)amine; fz = ferrozine} (310) (see also Ref. (157) inChapter 1, Table X) are relevant here, for they emphasize the contrastbetween Id substitution at Jahn-Teller-distorted Cu2þ

aq and Ia substitutionat ¢ve-coordinated Cu2+.

The weakly bonded axial water in ¢ve-coordinate [CuL(H2O)], whereL=N,N 0-bis(2-pyridylmethylene)-1,3-diamino-2,2-dicarboxyethylpropane(7), is rapidly replaced by chloride in aqueous hydrochloric acid, withsubsequent slow dissociation in two kinetically-distinct steps. The acid-independent pathway of the ¢rst stage is suggested to involve Cu^Nbond rupture preceded by rate-limiting displacement of axial chloridebya ligand ^NH^ group.The acid-dependent pathwayhas an [H+]2 depen-dent term, suggesting that both coordinated ^NH^ groups have to be pro-tonated prior to ligand loss; again there is axial site involvement (311).

Rate constants for the replacement of water by azide or thiocyanatefrom the ¢ve coordinate (2tyr; 2his, 1H2O) copper center in Fusariumgalactose oxidase decrease with increasing pH, due to the greater di⁄-culty of displacing OH� (312).

6. Rhodium(II)

There is continuing interest in substitution at binuclear rhodium(II)complexes, both for intrinsic interest and in relation to organometalliccatalysis kinetics (313). The weakness of the metal^metal bond and rela-tive stability of Rh^C and other Rh^L bonds favor Rh^Rh bond breakingas the ¢rst step in such catalysis. However, substitution at therhodium(II) without Rh^Rh bond ¢ssion is possible, and indeed activa-tion parameters �Hz and �Sz have been reported for substitution ofequatorial acetonitrile in the [Rh2(OAc)2(MeCN)4]2+ cation. For reactionwith PMe3 or P(cyclohexyl3) the substitution mechanism comprises fastreversible replacement of one axial MeCN followed by relatively slowformation of a bis-substituted (one axial, one equatorial) derivative,these ligand replacements being of an interchange character (314).


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Activation parameters for Rh^Rh bond ¢ssion in a tetra-t-butyl-salicylaldiminatodirhodium(II) complex are �Hz=65kJmol�1 and�Sz=+22 JK�1mol�1. �Hz is about 10 kJmol�1 higher than �H8 forbreaking the Rh^Rh bond, a di¡erence within the normal range. Thisbinuclear complex is remarkably more reactive, e.g., with respect to reac-tionwith ethene, in benzene than inTHF (315).The octaethyltetraazapor-phyrinatorhodium dimer, [Rh(oetap)]2, reacts more slowly than itsoctaethylporphyrin parent, [Rh(oep)]2, with ligands such as trimethyl-phosphite ^ and indeed fails to react with some ligands that react with[Rh(oep)]2. These observations are interpreted in terms of a strongerrhodium^rhodium bond in [Rh(oetap)]2 (316).

7. Zinc(II); Cadmium(II); Mercury(II)

Ligand release in the reaction of bis(N-alkylsalicylaldiminato)zinc(II)complexes with ammonium ions in acetonitrile follows ¢rst-orderkinetics, albeit in double exponential form for the t-butyl complex. The¢rst bond to break is Zn^O (317).The identi¢cation of di¡erent carbonate binding modes in copper(II)

and in zinc(II)/2,2 0 -bipyridine or tris(2 -aminoethyl)amine/(bi)carbonatesystems, speci¢cally the characterization by X-ray di¡raction techniquesof both Z1 and Z2 isomers of [Cu(phen)2(HCO3)]+ in their respective per-chlorate salts, supports theories of the mechanism of action of carbonicanhydrase which invoke intramolecular proton transfer and thus partici-pation by Z1 and by Z2 bicarbonate (55,318).Relative reactivies of the species Zn2+, Zn(OH)+, ZnðOHÞ�3 , and

ZnðOHÞ2�4 have been established for the reaction of zinc(II) with tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrins in basic solution (319).The rate constant forreaction of a typical zinc ¢nger peptide with Zn2þ

aq has been estimated as2.8�107M�1 s�1, for dissociation of this complex 1.6�104 s�1 (282).The demonstration of the formation of a hexanuclear zinc complex

with the S-donor ligand 2-aminoethanethiolate, containing Zn3S3 andZn4S4 cyclic units, contributes to the building up of a pattern of polynu-clear complex formation based on coordination preferences of the metalions involved (320) ^ reaction of Zn2+ with salicylideneamino ligandsand pyrazine can give linear tetranuclear complexes (321). Another hexa-nuclear zinc complex appears in the section on supramolecular chemis-try below (SectionVII.D).Reactivities of Zn2+ and Cd2+ have been compared with those of Ni2+

in a study of kinetics of dissociation of their respective 1,7-diaza-4,10,13-trioxacyclopentadecane-N,N 0-diacetate and 1,10-diaza-4,7,13,16 -tetraoxa-cyclooctadecane-N,N 0-diacetate complexes. Cu2+ was used as scavenger,


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as its complexes are, as usual, more stable than their Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+

analogues.Measured rate constants are independent of the Cu2+ concen-tration, indicating rate-limiting complex dissociation prior to thereleased ligand reacting relatively rapidly with (the very labile) Cu2+aqspecies. Interpretation and comparisons are, however, complicated bydi¡ering relative importances of H+-dependent and H+-independentterms (322). A study of metallothionein turnover in mussels (Mytilusedulis) has given some idea of the timescale for the release of Cd2+ fromthe relevant cadmium^metallothionein complex. This complex is veryinert, at least in situ, with the half-life for Cd2+ release of the order of300 days (the half-life for Cd2++metallothionein is a mere week or so)(323).

A rare example of substitution kinetics at mercury(II) is provided bythe adaptation of replacement of coordinated 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinolby 1,2-cyclohexanediamine-N,N,N 0,N 0-tetraacetate to analysis for sul¢teor thiosul¢te (324).

8. sp-Block Elements

Relatively slow incorporation of Mg2+ into porphyrins can be attribu-ted to relatively slow water loss from Mg2þaq ; incorporation of Mg2+ intothree isomeric water-soluble near-planar porphyrins is an order of mag-nitude slower than into bent porphyrins (325).

TheMg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, andBa2+ ions in their complexeswith1,4,7,10-tetra-kis(2 -hydroxyethyl)- and 1,4,7,10-tetrakis(2-methoxyethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetra-azacyclododecane, thec and tmec, respectively, are eight-coordinate,except for seven-coordinate Mg2+ in [Mg(tmec)]2+. Rate constants for�/� enantiomerization for the [M(thec)]2+ complexes range from445 s�1 for M=Ba to 2310 s�1 for M=Mg; activation entropies are nega-tive.The mechanism is certainly intramolecular overall, but there couldbe some transitory M^N bond-breaking to facilitate the numerousinversions at nitrogen donor atoms required for enantiomerization.Therate constant associated with Mg^N bond-breaking and -making inseven-coordinate [Mg(tmec)]2+ is 1.6� 105 s�1 (very similar to that forwater exchange at Mg2þaq ); �Sz=�25 JK�1mol�1 (326).

The role of Ca2+ in inducing refolding of a-lactalbumin is re£ected inclean two-stage kinetics, with rate constants 6.0 and 1.3 s�1. The maxi-mum concentration of the intermediate, monitored by stopped-£ow£uorescence and time-resolved photo-CIDNP NMR, occurs at about200ms (327).


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1. Iron(III)

Interest continues in kinetics and mechanisms of complex formationfrom iron(III) species in aqueous solution, with ligands ranging fromrelatively simple species such as gallic acid (3,4,5 -trihydroxybenzoicacid) (328) to complicated species of biochemical or pharmacologicalinterest. It is well established that Fe3þaq generally reacts with potentialligands by an associative mechanism (Ia), but that FeðOHÞ2þaq generallyreacts by dissociative interchange (Id) (329). Iron(III) complexation by 5-nitrotropolone (330) follows this pattern, with dinuclear Fe2ðOHÞ2


reacting by an Id mechanism as does FeðOHÞ2þaq . The half-life ofFe2ðOHÞ4þ2 at room temperature is a few seconds. An improved modelfor the kinetics of dissociation of this dinuclear cation recognizes signi¢-cant participation by Fe2ðOHÞ3þ3 at higher pHs, thus clearing up earlierslight anomalies in this area (331). The kinetics of reaction of Fe(OH)2+

and of Fe2ðOHÞ4þ2 with variously protonated forms of phosphate, phos-phite, hypophosphite, sulfate, and selenite have been investigated,mainly at 283K.The formation mechanism from the dimer is somewhatcomplicated, e.g., by formation of mononuclear complexes, probably viam-hydroxo-m-oxoanion di-iron intermediates, after the initial Id com-plexation step (332). The kinetics and mechanism of complex formationin the iron(III)-phosphate system in the presence of a large excess ofiron(III) involve the formation of a tetranuclear complex, proposed to beFe4ðPO4ÞðOHÞ2ðH2OÞ

7þ16 (333).

A new aminocarboxylate chelator of potential therapeutic value,N-(2 -hydroxybenzyl)-N 0-benzylethylenediamine-N,N 0-diacetate, reacts asLHþ4 and LH3 with FeðOHÞ2þaq by dissociative activation with rate con-stants of 770 and 13 300M�1 s�1, respectively. These rate constants aresimilar to those for reaction of FeðOHÞ2þaq with edta and with nta.Theseformation reactions are, however, considerably faster than with simpleligands of identical charge thanks to the zwitterionic properties of ami-nocarboxylates (334).Formation of L-lysinehydroxamato-iron(III) complexes occurs by an

interchange mechanism; formation and dissociation (acid-catalyzed)are signi¢cantly a¡ected by charge repulsion {the ligand isH3N+(CH2)4CH(NHþ3 )CONHOH} (335). Rate constants for complex for-mation between Fe3þaq and two synthetic chelators of the dicatecholsper-midine family are, at 450 and 500M�1 s�1 (336), similar to that fordesferrioxamine.


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The acid-catalyzed aquation of iron(III)-(substituted) oxinate com-plexes involves iron^oxygen bond breaking and concomitant protontransfer in transition state formation. The latter aspect contrasts withthe much slower acid-catalyzed aquation of hydroxamates, where protontransfer seems not to take place in the transition state. Reactivities,with and without proton assistance, for various stages in dissociation ofa selection of bidentate and hexadentate hydroxamates, oxinates, andsalicylates are compared and discussed ^ the overall theme is of dissocia-tive activation (337). A multiple-path mechanism has been elaboratedfor dissociation of the mono- and bi-nuclear tris(hydroxamato)-iron(III)complexes with dihydroxamate ligands in aqueous solution (338). Ironremoval by edta from mono-, bi-, and tri-nuclear complexes with modeldesferrioxamine-related siderophores containing one, two, or three tris-hydroxamate units generally follows ¢rst-order kinetics. Iron removalfrom the trinuclear tripodal complex follows a pattern of consecutive¢rst-order reactions, characterized by seemingly remarkably similarrate constants (339). Kinetic patterns for the proton-driven dissociationof iron(III) from mononuclear and binuclear complexes of the tetraden-tate dihydroxamate siderophores alcaligin (cyclic) and rhodotorulate(linear) have been comparedwith eachother andwith the analogous pro-cess for the iron complex of desferrioxamine.Thehigh degree of organiza-tion of alcaligin (alc) has a marked e¡ect on the dissociation kinetics of[Fe2(alc)3], and causes dissociation of mononuclear [Fe(alc)(H2O)2]

+ tobe very slow (�1=2 is a matter of hours) (340). The kinetics of removal ofiron(III) from its complexes with the aminocarboxylate-anthraquinoneanalytical reagent calcein and with the anti-tumor anthracyclinedoxorubicin by the potential iron(III)-chelating pharmaceutical agent1,2 -dimethyl-3 -hydroxy-4-pyridinone (dppm, known familiarly as CP20,or L1) have been monitored. Rate constants for metal removal arealmost independent of the concentration of the replacing ligand, indicat-ing dissociative mechanisms; they are approximately 1�10�2 s�1 for dis-placement from doxorubin and between 1 and 2�10�2 s�1 from calcein(341).The removal of iron from ferritin is, as one would expect, consider-ably slower. Rate constants are between 1.5 and 7.5�10�5 s�1 for suchremoval by a series of hexadentate ligands each consisting of threesubstituted N-hydroxypyrimidinone or N-hydroxypyrazinone units, therate decreasing with increasing substituent bulk. The slowest rateapproximates to that for removal of iron from ferritin by desferrioxa-mine. The in£uence of chirality on the kinetic barrier provides insightinto the detailed mechanism of removal in these systems (342).

Rate constants for incorporation of Fe(III) into tripodal hydroxamatescontaining [Ala-Ala-b-(HO)Ala] and [Ala-Ala-b-(HO)Ala]2 units, and of


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Fe(III) displacement of Al(III), Ga(III), or In(III) from their respectivecomplexes with these tripodal ligands, have been determined. TheM(III)-by-Fe(III) displacement processes are controlled by the ease of dis-sociation of Al(III), Ga(III), or In(III); Fe(III) may in turn be displacedfrom these complexes by edta (removal from the two non-equivalentsites gives rise to an appropriate kinetic pattern) (343). Kinetics andmechanism of a catalytic chloride ion e¡ect on the dissociation ofmodel siderophore-hydroxamate iron(III) complexes ^ chloride and, tolesser extents, bromide and nitrate, catalyze ligand dissociation throughtransient coordination of the added anion to the iron (344). A catecholderivative of desferrioxamine has been found to remove iron fromtransferrin about 100 times faster than desferrioxamine itself; it formsa signi¢cantly more stable product with Fe3+ (345).The ¢rst step in the reaction of trans-[Fe(salpn)(H2O)2]

+, salpn=N,N 0-propylene-1,2-bis-salicylidiniminate, with sulfur(IV) is the formation of[Fe(SO3)(salpn)(H2O)]�, with the pH-rate pro¢le showing greater trans-labilization by hydroxide than by water, in that trans-[Fe(salpn)(H2O)2]+, reacts 10 times less rapidly than trans-[Fe(salpn)(OH)(H2O)].A limiting dissociative (D) mechanism is proposed for reaction of thelatter; formation of the sul¢to complex is followed by a slow intermolecu-lar redox reaction (346). A similar situation prevails for the analogoustrans-[Fe(salen)(H2O)2]

+/sulfur(IV) system (347).Activation parameters for water exchange at three substituted por-

phyrin complexes [Fe(porph)(H2O)2]3/5+, 57<�Hz<71kJmol�1, +60<

�Sz<+100 JK�1mol�1, and +7<�Vz<+12 cm3mol�1 indicate dissocia-tive activation for water exchange and, by implication, for complexformation reactions of these complexes (348). The Fe(III) tetra-meso-(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphinate complex and its sulfonatomesityl analo-gue react with NO in aqueous solution with large positive �Sz and �Vz

values; values for dissociation of the adducts formed are similar. A Dmechanism is thus believed to operate for each of these reactions (seealso Section V.A.2). Less rapid reaction, and negative �Sz and �Vz, forreaction of these sulfonatoporphyrin complexes with CO indicate asso-ciative interchange here (278). Reactions of metalloporphyrins with NOhave been reviewed (349). See also Chapter 4.Kinetics of formation of the dinuclear iron(III) complex [(tpa)Fe

(m-O)(m-urea)Fe(tpa)]3+ {tpa= tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine} were investi-gated in relation to the suggestion that urease action in vivo involvesan intermediate containing ^Ni(m-OH)(m-urea)Ni^. The mechanism offormation of the di-iron species from [(tpa)(H2O)Fe(m-O)Fe(OH)(tpa)]3+

is proposed to involve three reversible steps (350). Three kineticallydistinct steps are also involved in the deposition of FeO(OH) in


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bacterioferritin (from E. coli), this time with two intermediate m-oxo-di-iron species. The ¢rst is formed in milliseconds from its mononuclearprecursor; it is oxidized in a few seconds to the second, which isdeposited as FeO(OH) in a matter of minutes.The ¢rst step is indubitablysubstitution ^ whether or not electron transfer accompanies substitutionin the second and third stages depends on the assignment of oxidationstates in the second intermediate (351). Self-assembly of chiral dinuclearbinaphthol-linked iron(III)-porphyrin complexes occurs through inter-molecular formation of m-oxo dimers (352).In contrast to the numerous Id mechanisms mentioned above for sub-

stitution at hydroxoiron(III) species, substitution by H2O2 at [Fe(Rtpen)(OMe)]2+ {Rtpen=8), to form the relatively stable [Fe(Rtpen)(Z1-OOH)]2+,is, like complex formation from Fe3þaq , Ia in character (353).

2. Aluminum(III); Gallium(III); Indium(III)

In a rare kinetic study of complex formation from aluminum(III) rateconstants have been determined for its reactions with edta and dtpa.The results for the protonated ligands edtaH2�

2 and dtpaH2�3 were ana-

lyzed in terms of the standard Eigen-Wilkins Id formation mechanism(354). Evidence has been presented for a dissociative interchangemechanism on Ga(H2O)5(OH)2+ in the reaction of gallium(III) with 4-nitrocatechol (355), in conformity with several other Id complex-forma-tion reactions from Ga(OH)2+ (356), and indeed with complex formationfrom Al(OH)2+ and Fe(OH)2+. In recent years similarities between thekinetic behavior of Fe(III) and its Group 13 relatives Al(III), Ga(III), andIn(III) ^ especially Ga(III), as Ga3+ has a very similar ionic radius toFe3+ ^ have often been emphasized (1,343). The formation of multi-connected polynuclear species can give remarkably rigid structures, ashas been demonstrated for a number of bis-catecholate complexesof Al3+, Ga3+, In3+, as well as of Fe3+. Thus, for example, kracn forGa(catecholate)3 is �10 s�1, for a helical dinuclear Ga3+ complexkracn� 0.1s�1, but Ga4(bis-catecholate)6 shows no signs of racemizingover a period of many months (357).


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3. Bismuth(III)

Ligand exchange of nitrilotriacetate and of N-(2 -hydroxyethyl)imino-diacetate at their respective bis-ligand bismuth(III) complexes occurs atrates amenable to following by NMR line-broadening techniques. Inviewof the high coordination number of these complexes in aqueous solu-tion, believed to be eight, a dissociative mechanism (probably involvingtransient aqua-intermediates) seems probable, despite the large negativeactivation entropies (358).

4. Nickel(III)

Chloride substitution kinetics of [NiIIIL(H2O)2]3+, and its protonated

form [NiIIIL(H2O)(H3O)]4+, where L= 14-oxa-1,4,8,11-tetraazabicy-clo[9.5.3]nonadecane, yield kðH2OÞ2¼1400M

�1 s�1 and kðH2OÞðH3OþÞ ¼

142M�1s�1. The reverse, chloride dissociation, reactions havekðH2OÞCl ¼ 2:7 s�1; kðH3O

þÞCl ¼ 0:22 s�1. All four reactions occur through

dissociative interchange mechanisms, like earlier-studied substitutionsat nickel(III) (359).

5. Lanthanides(III)

a. General A few fragments of information concerning kinetics andmechanisms of reactions of lanthanide complexes may be found scat-tered through the nearly 700 pages of 22 articles in the recent thematicissue ofChemicalReviews (360) devoted to lanthanide chemistry.The arti-cle of most relevance to this present review devotes several pages to com-plex formation and to ring inversion in macrocyclic complexes (361).Barriers to stereochemical change, in free and in complexed polydentateligands often have a considerable e¡ect on kinetics of formation and dis-sociation. Likely transition states for isomer interconversions in tetra-azacarboxylate complexes of La3+ and of Y3+ have been explored bycomputational methods ^ NMR and X-ray di¡raction have revealed twoaccessible geometrical isomers in solution and in the solid state (362).

b. Complex Formation from Ln3þaq Despite the rather large uncertainties

in activation parameters, the large positive values for �Sz for both theLa3++HA and the La3++A� pathways for complexation of La3+ by acethy-droxamate indicate dissociative activation (as for analogous reactionsof iron(III), see Section V.B.1 above) (363). Kinetics of formation oflanthanide(III) complexes of trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N 0,N 0-tetraacetate (364) and of cyclen derivatives with two or three CH2CO

�2 -

derivatized pendant arms (365) have been reported.The key rate-limitingstep in formation of these cyclen complexes is deprotonation and


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rearrangement of an intermediate complex; formation rate constantsincrease from Ce3+ along to Yb3+. Both Gd(dotp)5� and Gd(dotpmb)�

form somewhat more slowly than their carboxy analogue Gd(dota)� (see9^11 below); again (de)protonation and rearrangement of intermediatesare kinetically important (366). Perhaps the most complicated complex-formation reactions currently under investigation are those betweenternary aqua-lanthanide(III) complexes of tetraazamacrocyclic ligandsbearing pendant arms with oligonucleotides and other models for DNA.Rate constants for such reactions are controlled by the rate of displace-ment of thewater ligand(s), which in turn maybe controlled by steric con-straints imposed by bulky pendant arm substituents (367). Thereappears, both from kinetic (relaxivities and exchange rates for gadoli-nium complexes) and structural (for a lanthanum complex) observations,to be a particularly low barrier to eight ! nine coordination numberchange in complexes with hexadentate tripodal ligands containinghydroxypyridinone moieties in two of their three legs (368). This couldwell be important in relation to substitution mechanisms for this typeof complex.

c. Complex^Substrate Interactions Currently a main interest in thistype of complex is examination of the nature of the interactions ofapproved and potential MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) contrastagents with model and actual substrates, especially oligonucleotidesand DNA. Kinetic factors loom large, both in the formation of such com-plexes and in their chemical and physical properties. The lifetimes ofcoordinated water ligands have an important e¡ect on relaxivities andtherefore on e¡ectiveness as contrast agents. High inertness of the poly-azacarboxylate, polyazaphosphonate, or other macrocyclic ligand, bothwith respect to dissociation and to racemization, is essential for studiesof detailed mechanisms of substrate^contrast agent interactions.Con¢gurational stability, at least on the luminescence and NMR time-scales, is required for stereochemical studies. Lifetimes of coordinatedwater on Gd3+ in six such complexes are between 30 and 270 ns, with fast-est displacement of water on the sole di-aqua-complex examined (369).Water relaxivities for lipophilic gadolinium complexes of the dotp (9)


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derivative with one �CH2PO2�3 replaced by �CHRPO2�

3 where R=�(CH2)7CH3 or �(CH2)10CH3 increase signi¢cantly in the presence ofalbumin; kinetic and equilibrium studies increaseunderstanding of com-plex-albumin interactions in these systems (370). It should be noted thatluminescence studies of europium analogues suggest it may not be neces-sary to lose coordinatedwater in order to interact with oligonucleotides.1H NMR TOCSYand NOESYstudies of interaction of a gadolinium com-plex interacting with a dodecameric oligonucleotide have located themost favorable intercalation site at the center of the oligonucleotide;the�-isomer of the complex binds more strongly than the�-isomer (371).

d. Dissociation of Macrocyclic Complexes The established widespreaduse of complexes of gadolinium in MRI, and actual and potential uses ofcertain isotopes of yttrium and lanthanides in diagnosis and therapy,have led to a search for very stable and inert complexes (preferablyuncharged and with an appropriate hydrophilic/lipophilic balance) forsuch medicinal uses.What can be achieved may be illustrated by the 4-nitrobenzyldota complex of Y3+, whose dissociation half-life is morethan 200 days ^ dramatically longer than the half-life for water exchangeat Y3þ

aq (�10�9 s) and indeed signi¢cantly longer than the half-life forradioactive decay of the relevant isotope, 90Y ^ at 37 8C (372).Slow solvolytic dissociation of lanthanide(III) complexes with acyclic

polyamino-carboxylate ligands in aqueous solution (probed via ligandexchange and metal exchange kinetics) can be attributed to the largenegative activation entropies, which can be as large as +250 JK�1mol�1

(373).This studycomplements several earlier studies on kinetics of forma-tion of such complexes, where the slow rates of formation may be attribu-ted to ligand strain. The gadolinium complex of a cyclohexyl derivativeof dota has a dissociation half-life twice that of the parent dota complex ^the cyclohexyl ring increases ligand rigidity and makes it harder forthe inversions required to lose the ligand (374). Dissociation kinetics ofGd(dotp)5� and Gd(dotpmb)� have been studied, the latter in particularbecause its much lower charge makes it a viable contrast agent for MRI.These phosphinate complexes undergo acid-catalyzed aquation (at simi-lar rates) about a thousand times faster than Gd(dota)�. Protonationand protonated species and intermediates are important in dissociationas they are in formation (366). Cu2+ and Zn2+, as well as H+, assistdissociation of [Gd(dtpa)]2�, with the respective rate constants 0.93,0.056, 0.58M�1 s�1. The two metal ions are believed to give binuclearintermediates with a dtpa-glycinate bonded to the M2+ (375).Kinetics of dissociation of one yttrium and seven gadolinium com-

plexes of polyazaphosphinic acid ligands, 9 with the four CH2PO2�3


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groups either replaced by four CH2PRO�2 or by three CH2PRO

�2 and one

CH2CONR0R00 have been studied. It is easier to tailor these ligands thandota as they have variable R, and the latter also R0 and R00, groups whichthe CH2CO

�2 pendant arms of dota lack. All these complexes dissociate

slowly enough to have in vivo potential, with the uncharged complexesaquating more slowly than their anionic analogues. Indeed the inertnessof one of the Y3+ complexes approaches that of the complex mentionedin the ¢rst paragraph of this section. Both the Gd3+ and Y3+ complexesof the tetrakis-CH2PMeO�2 complex dissociate only slightly less slowlythan their dota analogues (376). Minimal information on half-livesfor dissociation of lanthanide complexes of dota and its phosphinic ana-logues is vouchsafed in a review on the inertness of lanthanidecomplexes of macrocyclic ligands (377).

e. Polynuclear Cation Formation Formation of polynuclear (Ln12 andLn15) oxo-hydroxo-lanthanide(III) species at high pHs in the presenceof, inter alios, glutamate or tyrosine proceeds through intermediatescontaining such entities as [Ln4(m3 -OH)4]8+ or [Ln6(m6 -O)(m3 -OH)8]8+

(378). These intermediates are reminiscent of such well-established spe-cies as [Ni4(OH)4]4+, [Pb4(OH)4]4+, or [Ln6(m6 -O)(m3 -OH)6]4+. The forma-tion of [Gd4(m

3 -OH)4]8+ is controlled by L-valine (379), of octahedral oxo-

centered [Ln6(m6 -O)(m3 -OH)8]

8+ (Ln=Nd or Gd) by L-serine (380).[Ln15(m

3 -OH)20(m5 -X)]24+ (Ln=Eu, Nd, Gd, Pr; X=Cl, Br) cations are

made up from ¢ve [Ln4(m3 -OH)4]8+ units, vertex-sharing around a centralhalide template, assembled under L-tyrosine and Cl� or Br� control(381). The underlying principles are set out in the L-valine-control paper^ ‘‘the hydrophilic groups lie within the cluster core to hold the metalions together and the hydrophobic groups take up positions on the per-iphery, preventing the core from further aggregation’’. So there ismethod and a degree of control, even if not mechanistic understanding,involved in these assembly reactions.

VI. Transition Metal Triangles and Clusters

Flash photolysis of the dianion of Roussin’s Red Salt, [Fe2S2(NO)4]2�,in particular the initial photoinitiated loss of NO (382) and the reverserecombination reaction, en route to the eventual product, the anion ofRoussin’s Black Salt, [Fe4S3(NO)7]

�, has been documented (383). A 4-RC6H4S

� group (R=H, Me, OMe, Cl, or CF3) replaces one of the chlorideligands in [Fe4S4Cl4]

2� via a ¢ve-coordinated intermediate, with thedetailed sequence of steps acid-dependent (384). Loss of chloride is


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pH-dependent, with the rate depending on the electron-withdrawingproperties of the substituent R (385).Reactions of [Fe4S4Cl4]2� and of [Fe4S4(SPh)4]2�with diethyldithiocar-

bamate are dissociatively activated (386). Reaction of [M4(SPh)10]2�,M=Fe or Co, with PhS� takes place by initial associative attack at oneof the tetrahedralMatoms, to give [M4(SPh)11]

3�, followed by a sequenceof rapid reactions to give the ¢nal product [M(SPh)4]

2�. In contrast the¢rst step in reaction of these [M4(SPh)10]

2� cluster anions with[MoS4]2� is, at least at low [MoS4]2� concentrations, dissociative in char-acter. However, a second-order, presumably associative, term is discern-able for [Co4(SPh)10]2� at high [MoS4]2� concentrations (387).[Cr3(m3 -O)(m-O2CCH3)6]2+ is considerably more reactive than [Cr2(m-

O)(m-O2CCH3)2]2+ (388). Activation parameters (�Hz and �Sz) suggestthat the acid-dependent path for aquation of [Cr2Rh(m3 -OH)(m2 -OH)3]


is Id but that the acid-dependent path involves a more associative disso-ciation of a protonated form of the complex (389). Both electronic andsteric factors are important in determining reactivity for pyridineexchange at a series of nine complexes of the [Cr3(m3 -O)(m-O2CR)6(py)3]2+ type (R=alkyl or chloroalkyl).The activation parameters(�Sz between +35 and +97JK�1mol�1 and �Vz between +9.6 and+14.3 cm3mol�1) suggest a dissociative mechanism (390).The dependence of rate constants for approach to equilibrium for reac-

tion of the mixed oxide-sul¢de complex [Mo3(m3 -S)(m-O)3(H2O)9]4+ with

thiocyanate has been analyzed into formation and aquation contribu-tions. These reactions involve positions trans to m-oxo groups, mecha-nisms are dissociative (391). Kinetic and thermodynamic studies onreaction of [Mo3MS4(H2O)10]4+ (M=Ni, Pd) with CO have yielded rateconstants for reaction with CO.These were put into context with substi-tution by halide and thiocyanate for the nickel-containing cluster (392).A review of the chemistry of [Mo3S4(H2O)9]

4+ and related clusters con-tains some information on substitution in mixed metal derivatives[Mo3MS4(H2O)n]

4+ (M=Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Pd) (393). There are a few asidesof mechanistic relevance in a review of synthetic Mo^Fe^S clusters andtheir relevance to nitrogenase (394).The mechanism of formation of corner-shared double cubes [Mo6HgE8

(H2O)18]8+ (E=S, Se) involves reaction of [Mo3E4(H2O)9]4+ with Hg0 orHg2þ2 . The ¢rst-order dependence on [Mo3E4(H2O)9]4+ suggests that themechanism involves reaction of [Mo3E4]

4+ with Hg, followed by reactionwith the second [Mo3E4]

4+ unit, rather than reaction of two [Mo3E4]4+

units followed by incorporation of the mercury (395).The clusters [Re6Se8(PEt3)5(MeCN)]2+ and [Re6Se8(PEt3)5(dmso)]2+

are substitutionally inert, with MeCN and dmso exchange or


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replacement being characterized by rate constants of the order of10�6 s�1 at laboratory temperatures. Activation entropies of +62 and+28 JK�1mol�1 for MeCNand dmso exchange indicate that substitutionat these clusters is dissociative in mechanism; activation enthalpies of130 and 120 kJmol�1 are high, as expected for dissociative substitution(396).

Two hexanuclear zinc clusters are mentioned elsewhere in thisChapter, one in SectionV.A.7 (on zinc(II) reactions) above, the other inSectionVII.D (on supramolecular chemistry) below.

VII. Reactions of Coordinated Ligands


Rate and equilibrium constant data, including substituent and isotopee¡ects, for the reaction of [Pt(bpy)2]2+ with hydroxide, are all consistentwith, and interpreted in terms of, reversible addition of the hydroxideto the coordinated 2,20 -bipyridyl (397). Equilibrium constants for addi-tion of hydroxide to a series of platinum(II)-diimine cations[Pt(diimine)2]2+, the diimines being 2,20 -bipyridyl, 2,20 -bipyrazine, 3,30 -bipyridazine, and 2,20 -bipyrimidine, suggest that hydroxide adds at the6 position of the coordinated ligand (398). Support for this covalenthydration mechanism for hydroxide attack at coordinated diiminescomes from crystal structure determinations of binuclear mixed valencecopper(I)/copper(II) complexes of 2-hydroxylated 1,10-phenanthrolineand 2,20 -bipyridyl (399).

Nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl-carbon of 4,5-diaza£uoren-9 -one(dzf,12) coordinated to rutheniumhasbeen demonstrated, and amechan-ism outlined, for reaction of [Ru(bpy)2(dzf)]

2+ with 1,8 -diazabicyclo[5,4,0]undec-7-ene (dbu)13, which gives a tris-2,20 -bipyridyl derivative (400).

Whereas heating [Pt(terpy)(N3)]+ in the gas phase gives dinitrogen,

heating in solution in acetonitrile or benzonitrile gives the tetrazolatocomplexes 14 (R=Me, Ph), presumably by nucleophilic attack by RCN atcoordinated azide and subsequent closure of the N4C ring (401).


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New NMR information on the state of coordinated 2-formylglycinatein [Co(en)2(formgly)], showing it to be in hydrate plus enol form ratherthan in aldehyde form, has led to a new theory for the mechanism of thereaction of coordinated formylglycinate with penicillamine (402).cis-[Rh(L)(H2O)2]+, with L= (en)2 or cycb, catalyzes the conversion of

methylglyoxal or, less e⁄ciently, of 1,3-dihydroxyacetone into coordi-nated lactate ^ mechanisms are presented for the former, and forrhodium(III)-catalyzed interconversion between 1,3 -dihydroxyacetoneand glyceraldehyde (403).Hydrolysis of coordinated ligands is a special case of nucleophilic

attack. Two examples involving inorganic ligands have already beengiven in Section II.A on aquation of cobalt(III) complexes. Many furtherexamples will be found in the following Section VII.B on catalysis ofhydrolysis of organic substrates by metal ions and complexes.


1. General

The high levels of activity in recent years ^ for instance the RoyalSociety of Chemistry’s Annual Reports for 1998 cite some 80 referencesin this area, with the Reports for 1998 and 1999 each citing more than30 references on phosphate ester hydrolysis alone (1) ^ continue una-bated.Much of this activity is biologically-related, but the establishmentof optimum conditions and of mechanisms involved depends heavily onthe particular properties of the metal ions or complexes involved. In thefollowing paragraphs we shall cite a selection of recent references togive some idea of the range of activity, both in respect of substrates andof metals involved. Phosphate esters continue to dominate, but thereis considerable activity in relation to carboxy esters, and indeed to avariety of biologically-relevant classes of compound.Inert centers facilitate the detection and characterization of inter-

mediates. Recently investigated systems involving cobalt(III) complexesinclude [Co(L)(OH)(H2O)]2+-promoted hydrolysis of 2,4 -dinitrophenyl


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diethyl phosphate (404) and hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl phosphate bydinuclear cobalt(III) species (405). Molecular mechanics calculationshave been carried out on the mechanism of action of cobalt(III) com-plexes as catalysts for phosphate ester hydrolysis (406).

Labile centers are much more frequently encountered. Now the plausi-ble mechanism of hydrolysis of substrate subsequent to its coordinationto the metal center, through nucleophilic attack by water or hydroxideat an atom whose electron density has been reduced by the nearbymetal cation, is often assumed but rarely demonstrated unequivocally.The water or hydroxide may also be coordinated, giving a template reac-tion. Increasingly it is being found that dinuclear species, generallywith bridging hydroxide or oxide ligands, are particularly e¡ective cata-lysts.M^OH^Munits have been established at the active sites of a varietyof enzymes, including phosphatases, aminopeptidases, and urease.Phosphate ester hydrolysis by a di-iron complex has now been shown toinvolve nucleophilic attack by bridging hydroxide (as proposed but notconclusively demonstrated for several M^OH^M-containing catalyticspecies) rather than byhydroxide bonded just to one Fe (407).The activityof a di-copper(II) catalyst has been shown to be enhanced in the presenceof a third metal ion, Ni2+, Pd2+, or a third Cu2+. Hydrolytic cleavage ofthe phosphodiester 2-hydroxypropyl-4-nitrophenylphosphate exhibitsallosteric regulation in the system 15, where the activities of the twocopper ions bound to the bipyridyl moieties are modulated by the thirdmetal ion, whose radius a¡ects the Cu � � �Cu distance in the active site.The kinetics of the tris-Cu2+ system were examined in detail (408).

2. Phosphate Esters

In addition to the systems just mentioned, recent kinetic and mecha-nistic studies have included those involving copper(II) (409,410) andzinc(II) (411) species, various binuclear metal(II) complexes of ¢rst rowtransition elements (412^414), especially iron (407), cobalt (415), copper(305,416), and zinc (417,418), yttrium (419,420) and lanthanide (421,422)species, and thorium(IV) (423).


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The 104-fold enhancement of ribonuclease activity (uridine 20,30 -cyclicmonophosphate hydrolysis) by a di-zinc bis-imidazole complex is attribu-ted to a combination of Lewis acid and general base catalysis (424). Theunusual third-order dependence of phosphate diester hydrolysis bymono- and di-nuclear lanthanum complexes suggests a mechanismwhere a metal-coordinated hydroxide attacks the phosphorus of thesubstrate on the side opposite the negatively charged oxygens (422).Phosphodiester hydrolysis is also markedly catalyzed by triazacyclononanecopper(II) complexes. There is a half-order dependence on theconcentration of copper complex, ascribed to equilibrium between cata-lytically-active [Cu(tiptcn)(OH)(H2O)]+, tiptcn= tri-isopropyltriazacy-clononane, and a this-time ine¡ective dimer (410).

3. Carboxylate Esters

The use of a lipophilic zinc(II) macrocycle complex, 1-hexadecyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane, to catalyze hydrolysis of lipophilicesters, both phosphate and carboxy (425), links this Section to the pre-vious Section. Here, and in studies of the catalysis of hydrolysis of4-nitrophenyl acetate by the Zn2+ and Co2+ complexes of tris(4,5 -di-n-propyl-2-imidazolyl)phosphine (426) and of a phosphate triester, a phos-phonate diester, and O-isopropyl methyl£uorophosphonate (Sarin)by [Cu(N,N,N 0-trimethyl-N 0-tetradecylethylenediamine)] (427), variousmicellar e¡ects have been brought into play. Catalysis of carboxylicester hydrolysis is more e¡ectively catalyzed byN-methylimidazole-func-tionalized gold nanoparticles than by micellar catalysis (428). Otherreports on mechanisms of metal-assisted carboxy ester hydrolyses dealwith copper(II) (429), zinc(II) (430,431), and palladium(II) (432).

4. Other Substrates

Kinetic and mechanistic studies of other metal-catalyzed hydrolysis(or methanolysis) have included the following systems:

l The tripodal Schi¡ base ligand tris-[2 -(salicylideneamino)ethyl]amine, by Cu(II), Zn(II), Sn(II) (433).Whereas it is possible to isolateand characterize intermediate complexes containing partiallyhydrolyzed ligand when Cu(II) or Zn(II) are catalysts, there is noindication of analogous intermediates when Sn(II) is catalyst;Pb(II) has negligible catalytic e¡ect.

l The activated amide acetylimidazole, by Zn2+, Co2+, La3+ (434).l Thiamine (vitamin B1) in the presence of Me2TlOH (435). Here the

kinetics are much a¡ected, through coordination of TlMeþ2 to thesulfur of the thiamine in its enethiolate form.


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l Peptide hydrolysis by platinum(II) (436) and palladium(II) com-plexes (437). In the latter case there is selective hydrolysis of theunactivated peptide bond in N-acetylated L-histidylglycine; thehydrolysis rate depends on the steric bulk of the catalyst.

l DNA cleavage by copper(II) complexes (410,438).

Hydrolysis rates for lactam rings in nickel(II) cages of the sarcopha-gine type are similar to those for uncoordinated analogues. A detailedstudy involving a bis-carboxymethyl-diamino-sarcophagine-nickel(II)complex showed clean two-stage kinetics (though not an exact ¢rst-order dependence on [OH�]), despite the complicated sequence of inver-sion-at-nitrogen and ring opening steps which must be involved(439). Catalysis of hydrolysis of b-lactams by dinuclear zinc complexes(440), and of nitroce¢n, the standard b-lactam (antibiotic) probe, byZn2+ (441), have been investigated. For the latter there are two concurrentacyl transfer pathways, involving one and two Zn2+ ions, respectively.

Urease is a spectacularlye⁄cientmetalloenzyme, converting urea intohydrolysis products >1014 times faster than the uncatalyzed rate. Theterminal urea of a bis-urea-dinickel complex with m-hydroxy-m-urea-m-bdptz (bptdz = 16) triple bridging undergoes hydrolysis in acetonitrilesolution in two steps, the second being hydrolysis of cyanate formed inthe ¢rst step. The characterization of the cyanate-containing dinickelintermediate lends support to theories of urease action which involvecyanate-containing intermediates (442).The possibility of the intermedi-acy of m-urea species was mentioned in SectionV.B.1 above in connectionwith an iron(III) model system (350). Functional and structural in£u-ences of tetradentate N4-donor tripodal ligands on the base-promotedcatechol cleaving activity of iron(III)-containing model compounds forcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase have been assessed. There is a correlationbetween rate constants for cleaving the coordinated catechol and reduc-tion potentials of the respective iron(III) complexes, over a range of300-fold in rate constant (443).


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Marcus theory, ¢rst developed for electron transfer reactions, thenextended to atom transfer, is now being applied to catalytic systems.Successful applications to catalysis by labile metal ions include suchreactions as decarboxylation of oxaloacetate, ketonization of enolpyru-vate, and pyruvate dimerization (444).


Here ametal ion, complex, or anion isused as a reactioncenter to facili-tate condensation of appropriate precursors. A long-standing exampleis the preparation of Schi¡ bases, some of which form much more readily,cleanly, and in higher yield in the presence of an appropriate metal ion.Thus methylamine readily condenses with biacetyl in the presence ofFe2+ to give a high yield of [Fe(MeN¼CMeCMe¼NMe)3]

2+. A recentexample is a¡orded by the formation of the rhombohedral cage com-pounds [Ag14(C�CtBu)12X]

+, which form on anion templates X�=Cl�

or Br�, whereas reaction with AgBF4 gives an ill-de¢ned polymeric pro-duct (445). A reviewof azamacrocyclic ligands includes somemechanisticdiscussion of the formation of such species by template or condensationreactions at metal ion centers (446). The determination of the crystalstructure of (1,11-bis-benzyl-5,5,7-trimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraaza-undeca-4-ene)nickel(II) perchlorate, the product of the reaction of N-benzylethyl-enediamine with acetone on a Ni2+ template permitted the proposal ofa mechanism for this reaction which may help in understandingsome details of the original Curtis reaction (447) of [Ni(en)3]2+ withacetone (448).


Currently the main interest in template reactions lies in their key rolein the controlled synthesis or the self-assembly of a variety of supramole-cular entities (449). One needs ‘‘a combination of intuition, conjecture,and serendipity’’ (450); a recent example of successfully combining seren-dipity and rational design is provided by the silver(I)-promoted assemblyof one-dimensional stranded chains (451). One also needs an understand-ing of mechanism in order to optimize the selection and design of build-ing blocks and templates for the generation of yet more sophisticatedsupramolecular structures ^ references cited in this present review con-tain at least some kinetic or mechanistic information or speculation.Template routes to interlocked molecular structures have been reviewed(452), while a discussion of switching by transition metal containsa little about the kinetics and mechanisms of this aspect of template


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reactions, i.e. about metal ion translocation in two-compartmentligands (453).

Anion templates have been popular in recent years, with reports oftheir use often includingat least a suggested reaction sequence as a mini-mal mechanistic sketch. Examples of their use include the formation ofthe silver complex mentioned above (445), of pseudorotaxanes (454),rotaxanes, and knots (455) (see below), and of polynuclear hydroxo-lanthanide cations (see Section V.B.5.e above). Anion control of self-organization may be illustrated by the case of [Cu(arginineH)2]2+ (456).Benzene-1,3-disulfonate promotes a layer structure, sulfate (throughanion hydrogen-bonding to guanidinium groups of coordinated argi-nine) a single-helical and benzene-1,3-dicarboxylate a double-helicalstructure. Concentration control of assembly may be illustrated by theCd2+/4,40 -bipyridyl system, where crystallization of solutions having aCd2+ : 4,40 -bpy ratio >3 gives a linear aggregate, at low Cd2+ : 4,40 -bpyratios square Cd4(4,4

0 -bpy)4 aggregates, except at low overall concentra-tions when binuclear Cd2(4,4

0 -bpy)5 is obtained (457).Copper(I) plays a key role in supramolecular chemistry, though cur-

rently there are e¡orts to extend the principles established at this tetra-hedral center to octahedral centers ^ control may then be based oncoordination preferences of metal ions (320). Copper(I) may be importantin biomimetic templates (458); many metal ions and complexes havee¡ects on the hydrogen-bonding and ring-stacking which are so impor-tant in organization and recognition processes in biological supramole-cular chemistry (456). The roles of Cr, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, and Ru insupramolecular chemistry and self-assembly are mentioned at variouspoints in a collection of some 80 articles covering preparative, thermody-namic, and mechanistic aspects of both inorganic and organicsystems (459).

Controlled cleavage of the three-dimensional coordination polymerformed by reaction of zinc acetatewith di-2-pyridyl ketone to give a hexa-nuclear cluster complex provides a rare example of designed synthesis,rather than hit-and-miss self-assembly, in supramolecular chemistry.This controlled breakdown approach may well permit the developmentof rational synthetic methods for clusters of high nuclearity (460). Theproduction of coordination polymers is therefore relevant here, and maybe exempli¢ed by grid formation from copper(I) and the bis-1,10-phenan-throline ligand 17 (461) or by the coordination polycatenanesM(bpe)2(NCS)2�MeOH,M=Fe or Co, bpe= trans-1,2-bis(4 -pyridyl)ethene(462). The assembly of ‘‘molecular panelling’’, i.e. the generation ofthree-dimensional structures, with spaces for the inclusion of guests,from two-dimensional (or even one-dimensional) structures may show


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striking speci¢city, as in the generation of just one isomer (of the hexahe-dral M15L6 product) from 21 individual components in the reaction of[Pd(en)(NO3)2] with 18 (463). Molecular boxes have been generated fromself-organization of 1,2-bis(2 -pyridylethynyl)benzene ligands, containingbulky substituents suitably tailored for their mutual steric interferenceto impose the box shape, on a copper(I) template (464). The one-dimen-sional stranded chains mentioned above, assembled as coordinationpolymers on silver(I), enclose nanometric cavities whose size may bevaried through ligand modi¢cation and also possibly through mediationby weakly coordinating anions (451).

There may be di⁄culties in predicting three-dimensional networks ^copper(I) bromide reacts with 3,30 -dipyridylethyne to form a one-dimen-sional polymer, but this kinetically favored product slowly (�1/2 � aweek) rearranges to a three-dimensional network which could bedescribed as containing interwoven ribbons linked by Cu � � �Br chains(465). Self-assembly of a supramolecular triangle, rather than theexpected square tetramer in a Pt/pyrazine/phosphine system indicatespossible limitations to ‘‘rational design’’ in this area (466). Other unex-pected products from self-assembly reactions include a hexanuclearzinc complex containing Zn3S3 and Zn4S4 cyclic units derived fromthe S-donor ligand 2-aminoethanethiolate (320) and a decanuclearCu(II) wheel (467). The discussion of factors leading to the self-assembly


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of the latter product constitute a minimal review of mechanisticpossibilities.


A useful summary of the various and numerous types of rotaxanes,catenanes, and knots can be found in a reviewof template routes to inter-locked molecular structures (468). Inorganic chemistry is centrallyinvolved in the templating involved in self-assembly and in controlledsynthesis of such species.

1. Pseudorotaxanes and Rotaxanes

Pseudorotaxanes are precursors of both rotaxanes and catenanes;they consist of a guest molecule threaded through a macrocyclic host.Stoppering both ends of the threaded molecule gives a rotaxane, cycliza-tion of the thread gives a catenane. Pseudorotaxane formation mayoccur by spontaneous self-assembly, or may be template-controlled.Anion size can be of paramount importance for such templates ^ Cl� ise¡ective, Br�, I� less good, and PF�6 ine¡ective when the ‘‘recognitionmotif’’demands a small template (454).

Bis-pyridine compounds containing the conjugated spacers ^CH¼CH^,^CH¼N^N¼CH^, ^N¼N^, or ^CMe¼N^N¼CMe^ linking the 4-posi-tions of the two pyridine rings and having a pentacyanoferrate(II)group can be threaded through a cyclodextrin; coordination of a secondpentacyanoferrate(II) moiety to the other pyridine thenproduces a rotax-ane. Kinetic and mechanistic features of these systems have beendescribed (see also Section II.D.5 above) (131). A 1 :1 intermediatehas been characterized and monitored in the ¢rst example of rotaxaneformation using ferrocenyl-b-cyclodextrin stoppers (469).

Ligands comprising a tetraazamacrocycle with a pyridine-containingpendant arm coordinate strongly through the former, relatively weaklythrough the latter. These characteristics result in a monomer ! dimerequilibrium for a zinc-porphyrin complex of this type which has beenexploited in the design and generation of a rotaxane, by reaction of theequilibrium mixture with terephthalic acid, in which two porphyrinentities form the stoppers (470). Other porphyrin-stoppered rotaxanescontaining RuIICO, RhIIII moieties complement such zinc-containingcompounds to give a very wide range of formation and dissociationrate constants.These various systems exhibit kinetic barriers by remotecontrol, through metal coordination to the porphyrin, of rotaxaneformation (471).


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2. Catenanes

Designed assembly may be illustrated by the copper(I)-templated [2]-catenane containing zinc- and gold(III)-porphyrin rings (472), by the useof the complementary binding properties of ruthenium(II) (to nitrogendonors) and tin(IV) (to oxygen donors) (473), and by synthesis using ‘‘pre-determined’’ m-oxo-di-iron-dimers (352). The mechanism of formation ofcatenanes using copper(I) templates has been followed by utilizingruthenium-catalyzed ring closure (474). The use of octahedral templatesrather than the ubiquitous tetrahedral copper(I) for catenand assemblyhas very rarely been exploited (320) but recently the reaction sequencefor the construction of benzylic imine catenates using octahedral metalcenters (Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+) as templates has beenestablished (475).Redox control of ring gliding in a copper-complexed [2]-catenane,

makes use of the common substitution-lability but di¡ering coordinationnumber preferences of copper(I) and copper(II).The synthesis of this spe-cies depends on the design of, and controlled assembly from, precursorscontaining bidentate and terdentate polypyridyl moieties ^ each ringhas to contain one bpy and one terpy unit. The gliding mechanismalmost certainly involves transient ¢ve-coordinate CuI and CuII species;ring-gliding is considerably easier and faster in DMF than inwater (476).

3. Helicates and Knots

Detailed knowledge of the mechanisms of formation of helical com-plexes is still sparse (477). The mixture of mono- and poly-nuclearcopper(I) helices obtained in the preparatively straightforward reactionof copper(I) with 2,7-diimino-1,8-naphthyridine (478) illustrates the com-plications generally involved. A thermodynamic, kinetic, and mechanis-tic study of self-assembly of a tricopper(I) double helicate of the ligands19 (X=CO2Et or CONEt2) resolved the reaction sequence into fourdistinct steps. Intermediates containing Cu+ in stereochemically unfa-vorable coordination lead to the ¢nal product containing three tetrahe-drally coordinated Cu+ ions. The CO2Et and CONEt2 derivatives reactat markedly di¡erent rates, though the respective ¢nal products appearto be of comparable stability (479). Selective self-assembly has beendemonstrated in the formation of double-stranded binuclear copper(I)helicate (480). Directionality in double-stranded helicates ^ head-to-tail(C2 symmetry) versus head-to-head ^ may be controlled by the electroniccon¢guration of the heterocycles in the ligands involved. This is sug-gested by the use of a mixed bipyridine^bipyrazine ligand here ^ bipyra-zine has much less aromatic character than most diimines. Previously


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substituent bulk has been used to control directionality. Stability con-stants for copper(I)-helicate systems are relevant to formation andassembly mechanisms (481).

There are two levels of self-assembly in the formation of tetra-, penta-and hexa-nuclear products from the poly-bipyridyls (L) 20 and 21 andiron(II) salts FeCl2, FeBr2 or FeSO4 ^ the products are anion-dependent.The coordination of three bpy units, from di¡erent ligand molecules, tothe Fe2+ centers produces a helical structure; interaction of these helicalstrands with anions results in further molecular organization to formthe ¢nal toroidal product. The discussion draws parallels between thehelical and toroidal structures here and secondary and tertiary struc-ture in biological systems (482). Thermodynamic and kinetic intermedi-ates have been characterized in the self-assembly of a di-iron triplestranded helicate with bis(2,20 -bipyridyl) ligands (483).

Most helicates have linear axes, though a few helicates with circularaxes are known ^ indeed the chiral (D4) molecular squares formed fromZn2+ and 2,5 -bis(2,20 -bipyridin-6 -yl)pyrazine, 22, may be regarded as cir-cular helicates (450). The formation of circular or linear forms seems todepend on balances between kinetic and thermodynamic control;iron(II)-poly-2,20 -diimine systems with their substitutionally-inert metalcenters provide useful systems for disentangling thermodynamic andkinetic contributions. The mechanism of formation of circular helicatesof this type is believed to entail a kinetically favored triple helicate inter-mediate (484). Self-assembly of chiral-twisted iron(III)-porphyrin dimersinto extended polynuclear species takes place through the intermediacy


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of m-oxo dimers (352). The choice of building blocks is the key to successhere, with the properties (electron and energy transfer; catalysis) of theproduct determined by this choice.The use of somewhat £exible buildingblocks, rather than the rigid ones normally favored, may give opportu-nities for ¢ne-tuning products, as discussed in relation to manganese-containing helixes (485). The assembly of a triple-stranded catechol/8-hydroxyquinoline/gallium(III) helix is highly stereoselective, understringent steric and electronic control (486).

The mechanism of formation of molecular knots via catenanes, usingcopper(I) templates, has been investigated through ruthenium-catalyzedring closure. This latter is the novel feature, which now provides aneasy route to trefoil knot species (474). A bascule (coupled pivot) mecha-nism is proposed for the generation of a trinuclear copper(I) trefoil knotprecursor. The synthesis of the starting materials for this speciesinvolves palladium-dependent aryl coupling (487). The high symmetry ofthis precursor indicates a very ordered mechanism for its formation ^which state of a¡airs may be contrasted with the ‘‘entangled precursors’’invoked in an earlier study of knot formation (488).

Ligand Abbreviations

Abbreviations for ligands which make only one appearance are gener-ally de¢ned at the appropriate point in the text; ligand abbreviationswhich appear in more than one place are listed and de¢ned below.

amp adenosine monophosphate(also adp, atp for di- and tri-phosphates)

bpy 2,20 -bipyridyl (4,40 -bipyridyl is abbreviated as 4,40 -bpy}cod cyclo-octa-1,5-diene


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Solvent Abbreviations

DMAC N,N 0-dimethylacetamideDMF N,N 0-dimethylformamideDMSO dimethylsulfoxideMeCN acetonitrileTHF tetrahydrofuran


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Ames Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University,Ames, IA 50011, USA

I. Rhenium CatalystsA. Attributes of a CatalystB. Catalysis by Molybdenum andTungstenC. A Preliminary Example of Catalysis

II. Oxygen AtomTransfer: The ReactionsThemselvesA. The Reduction of Pyridine N-oxideB. Other Reaction Partners

III. Kinetics of Pyridine N-oxide ReductionA. The Rate LawB. AGeneral Reaction Scheme

IV. The Chemical Mechanism of Pyridine N-oxide ReductionA. The Initial StepB. Pyridine LiberationC. Nucleophilic AssistanceD. The Putative Role of Rhenium(VII)E. The Chemical Mechanism at the PR3 Stage

V. Digression to Ligand Exchange and SubstitutionA. Confronting an Issue of Microscopic ReversibilityB. Pyridine Exchange Reactions of MeReO(edt)PyC. MeReO(mtp)PR3: Phosphine Exchange and SubstitutionD. Monomerization of Dimeric Oxorhenium(V) Compounds by Ligation

VI. Additional Oxygen AtomTransfer ReactionsA. OxygenTransfer from tert-butyl Hydroperoxide to SulfidesB. OxygenTransfer from tert-butyl Hydroperoxide to SulfoxidesC. The Special Case of 4,6 -DimethyldibenzothiopheneD. The Oxidation of Phosphines by tert-butyl Hydroperoxide

VII. Other Oxorhenium(V) Compounds as CatalystsA. Oxidation of PAr3 Catalyzed by a Rhenium(V) dimerB. Two Oxorhenium(V) Compounds withTridentate Ligands

VIII. SulfurAtom AbstractionA. Reactions of Imidorhenium m-S CompoundsB. Abstraction fromThiiranes (episulfides)C. Oxygen AtomTransfer from Sulfoxide to SulfideD. Oxygen AtomTransfer Between Sulfoxides


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

Page 163: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

IX. TheActivation of Molecular OxygenA. Phosphine OxidationB. Other Substrates for {ReO}2(mtp)3, 25C. {ReO}2(mtp)3, 25, as a Catalyst for other Oxygen-Transfer ReactionsD. PhosphineAutoxidation Catalyzed by MeRe(NAr)2(PR3)2

X. Imido-rhenium CompoundsA. Tris(imido)rhenium(VII) CompoundsB. Pairwise Oxo^imido Exchange ReactionsC. Reactions of Tris(imido)rhenium(VII) with AldehydesD. Hydrolysis, Hydrosulfidolysis and Aminolysis of Imido-rhenium Compounds

XI. ConclusionsReferences

I. Rhenium Catalysts

This review deals with the transfer of an atom ^ usually oxygen, occa-sionally sulfur ^ from one species to another. Because the participantshave closed electronic shells (they are octet-rule molecules for the mostpart), electronic interaction between them is not substantial. For thatreason the intervention of a catalyst is nearly always required.


1. Steric Considerations

As one re£ects on what the catalysts must o¡er, or in examining the¢ndings in retrospect, two factors become evident. One is steric: theO-atom donor must be able to coordinate to an active site on the transi-tion metal, which in this case is rhenium.This may entail coordinationto an already-vacant position, or to a site made vacant by the departureof an existing (and presumably more weakly coordinating) ligand.Thusligand addition and displacement reactions are clearly relevant to thesubject, and will ¢nd a place in this narrative.The data point to the pre-existing oxo ligand as playing a substantial role in this respect.Multiple bonding from oxygen to rhenium will greatly weaken ligandbinding to a position trans to the oxo group. For that reason most of theoxorhenium(V) catalysts that we have studied adopt an approximatesquare-pyramidal geometry, the position trans to the oxo group beingunoccupied. If one forces the issue by use of a bidentate ligand, approxi-mate octahedral geometry can be realized; as will be shown, such com-pounds appear to function as catalysts only to the extent that the sixthcoordination site can open, or be opened, during the catalytic cycle.Otherwise, they have proved entirely inactive.


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Stable structures are best supported by chelating dithiolate ligands.The monodentate PhS� ligand gives some analogous compounds, butthey have proved less stable throughout repeated catalytic cycles. Thedithiols from which the chelates used in these studies have been derivedare 2-(mercaptomethyl)thiophenol, 1,2-ethane dithiol and 1,3-propanedithiol.

2. Electronic Structure

The second attribute of the catalyst concerns its electronic structure,or more simply the valence electron count. E¡ective catalysts must, itseems, have <18 VE, such that coordination of a substrate or the depar-ture of a product does not itself pose a major kinetic barrier.Furthermore, it happens that the most stable valence states of the metalwill di¡er by two units. Thus not only will the stoichiometry of atomtransfer be supported, but also the mechanism. In the case of rhenium,the oxidation states are Re(V) and Re(VII); indeed scant indication ofRe(VI) has been found in this chemistry, especially in amononuclear spe-cies. Likewise, there is no indication of the involvement of free radicalchemistry.

3. Structural Data

The tabulation of distances for metal^ligand multiple bonds compiledby Nugent and Mayer (1) has proved to be quite useful. To extend thate¡ort to the new rhenium compounds synthesized during this research,Table I compiles data, which pertain principally to rhenium^oxygenbonds, but also provides data concerning imido- and thio-rheniumgroups.The rhenium^oxygen distances are remarkably invariant among28 compounds, the entire range of values lying between 166.2 and169.8 pm. It is accurate to state that all the rhenium^oxygen distancesare equivalent within the precision of the measurements. Even the onerhenium(VII) compound in the series has a distance of 168.1pm, lying atan average value for rhenium(V)-oxo.In the imido series, however, the rhenium^nitrogen distances for

rhenium(V) average 180.1pm, which is somewhat longer than the averageof the values for several rhenium(VII) compounds, 174 pm. The oneterminal thio-rhenium bond, 209.2 pm, is signi¢cantly shorter than anyof the m-S bonds, which average 231pm.


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Compound d(Re^O) (pm)

Part A. Dinuclear oxorhenium compounds

I. {MeReO(dithiolate)}2dithiolate= edt 167.6

pdt 167.2mtp 167.4

II. {ReO}2(dithiolate)3dithiolate= edt 167.2, 167.9

mtp 167.6, 168.3III. {MeReO(dithiolate)}2L

dithiolate= edt, L=dmso 167.8IV. [{MeReO(mtp)}2(m-OH)]� 168.0V. {MeRe(O)2}2(dithioerythritol)

a 168.1VI. MeReO(mtp)(m-S)MeRe(mtp) 167.5

I. MeReO(mtp)LL=PPh3 169.6PMePh2 168.4NC5H5 168.5

NC5H4C(O)Me 168.62,20 -bipyridine 168.7

S2CNEt2 169.8II. MeReO(edt)L

L=PPh3 168.1bipyrimidine 169.2

ReO(edt)(SCH2CH2SMe)(1,3,5 -phospha-adamantane) 170.0III. Compounds containing PhS�

[ReO(SPh)4]� [2 -Pic2H]+ 168.3

MeReO(SPh)(S2CNEt2) 166.4[MeReO(edt)(SPh)]� 169.2

IV. Other chelatesMeReO(2-picolinate)2 166.2MeReO(SCH2CH2SCH2CH2S) 168.9MeReO(SCH2CH2OCH2CH2S) 167.4MeReO(SC(O)CH2SCH2C(O)S) 167.4MeReO(‘‘NSN’’) 168.4MeReO(8-quinolinethiol) 167.4MeReO(8-hydroxyquinolinate) 167.4MeReS(mtp)[P(OMe)Ph2] 209.2 (Re-ST)MeReO(mtp)(m-S)MeRe(mtp) 219.0, 230.7{MeRe(NAr)2(m-S)}2 234-242{MeRe(NAr)2}2(m-S) 228.9, 229.7



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4. Structural Motif

The multiple bond to the metal in a rhenium(V) compound is bestrepresented by the MO description of it being a triple bond, consistentwith the symmetry of the px and py orbitals on the ligand; see 1 (1). Inkeeping with that, these bonds are found to be relatively short and quitestrong.The structure has also been presented as 1’, a valence bond formu-lation that facilitates the counting of oxidation states but does not pro-vide an accurate representation.

In rhenium compounds that contain two metal-imido ligands, thesetend not to occupy positions trans to one another for the same reason.A trigonal-bipyramidal geometry has been identi¢ed in 2 and 3, even tothe extent that the potentially chelating ligand Ph2PCH2PPh2 acts as amonodentate ligand.


(Continued )

Compound d(Re^O) (pm)

I. MeRe(NAr)2L2L=PMe2Ph 180.9

k1-Ph2PCH2PPh2 179.4II. Imido compounds b

MeRe(NAd)3a 173.9, 175.0

MeRe(edt)(NAr)2a 174.2, 175.0

III. Dinuclear compounds{MeRe(NAr)2(m-S)}2

a 173.9{MeRe(NAr)2}2(m-S) 173.8^176.2{MeRe(NAr)2}2(m-O) 173.7, 174.2

aRhenium(VII) compound.bAd=1-adamantyl; Ar= 2,6 -diisopropylphenyl.


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Indeed, to anticipate the ¢ndings from studies of the catalytic chemis-try, the pre-existing oxo ligand is not a participant in the oxo-transferreactivity. Its role appears to be the enforcement of a square-pyramidalgeometry with an open position for substrate entry. The geometry-con-trolling role of the multiple bond to rhenium can be appreciated by com-paring the structures of two closely-related compounds. One is 4 (2), arhenium(V) compound that is fully analogous to 5 (3), its oxo analogue.The coordination geometry about rhenium is that of an approximatesquare pyramid in both compounds (2).

In contrast, there are two dimeric compounds to consider. One is theoxo,oxo derivative 6, the other a mixed oxo,thio 7 (3). The oxo groups inall of 5^7 occupy terminal positions, as usual, whereas the thio group in7 is in abridging position. Each rhenium atom in 7 is therefore six-coordi-nate by virtue of a short rhenium^rhenium distance, 277.7 pm. Ignoringthat bond, the local geometry about the one rhenium is a severely-dis-torted square pyramid, whereas the oxo-rhenium moiety has a geometrybest described as a trigonal bipyramid.

5. Oxophilicity

Compounds and complexes of the early transition metals are oxophilicbecause the low d-electron count invites the stabilization of metal-oxobonds by p-bond formation. To a substantial extent, their reactivity istypical of complexes of metals other than rhenium. That is particularlythe case insofar as activation of hydrogen peroxide is concerned.Catalysis by d0 metals ^ not only ReVII, but also CrVI,WVI, MoVI,VV, ZrIV

and HfIV ^ has been noted. The parent forms of these compounds haveat least one oxo group. Again the issue is the coordination of the oxygendonating substrate, HOOH, to the metal, usually by condensation:

M ¼ OþHOOH!Mðk2 �O2Þ þH2O ð1Þ

The electropositive metal center polarizes the peroxo group so that ismuch more electrophilic than free peroxide anion. Evidence has beenaccumulated, and it will be summarized later, that such polarizationhappens to the extent that nucleophilic reagents can attack a peroxooxygenwhen it is coordinated to a d0metal. In other words, this situation


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provides electrophilic activation of peroxide (4), enabling attackby nucleo-philes and other electron-rich substrates.The d0 electronic structure o¡ers mutually advantageous situations

for both groups; for an oxo group it invites p-back donation to the metaland the resulting stabilization; for k2 �O2�

2 the d0 structure o¡ersstrong s-bond formation.

6. Syntheses and Characteristics of Oxorhenium Compounds

The easily-prepared compound (5) MeReO3, known as MTO, forms thebasis for synthesizing compounds such as 1 and of MeReO(dithiolate)Lcompounds in general. The reaction by which the latter group of com-pounds can be prepared is:

MeReO3 þ 2 dithiol þ L!MeReOðdithiolateÞLþ disulfide þ 2H2Oð2Þ

This preparation is carried out in an aprotic solvent (e.g. benzene,chloroform) with no special provision other thanworking in awell-venti-lated fume hood to avoid ill-smelling sulfur compounds.Various ligandshave proved successful: phosphines, pyridines, imidazoles, tetra-methylthiourea, etc.When the same reaction is carried out in the absenceof the Lewis base L, a dimer 6 is obtained, which is a useful catalyst inits own right and sometimes a much more active one; see SectionVII.A.The chemical equation for that reaction is,

MeReO3 þ 2 dithiol! fMeReOðdithiolateÞg2 ð6Þ þ disulfideþ 2H2Oð3Þ

These rhenium compounds remain unchanged over at least severalmonths. It is particularly noteworthy that their use as catalysts requiresno special working conditions; benchtop reactions with provision to pro-tect reactions from air or ordinary levels of atmospheric moisture arenot required. This feature is the one that makes these systems of use inactual laboratory procedures that extend beyond their use as catalystsfor the exploration of reaction mechanisms.


An extensive literature deals with catalysis by molybdenum com-pounds (6^15), many of which are isoelectronic with the rhenium analogsof similar but not identical composition. Molybdenum chemistry willnot be covered here except by way of comparison. The major oxidation


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states are the isoelectronic Mo(IV) and Mo(VI) compounds, except thatMo(V) intervenes more directly than Re(VI) does.

Tungsten catalysts are also known, and are of considerable interestbecause they are mimics for tungsten-based oxotransferase enzymesfound in thermochemical bacteria. Studies on such compounds havebeen reported (16,17).


1. Catalyst Structure^Activity Correlations

Running the risk of getting ahead of the story, one example of a perti-nent reaction will be examined. It is the reaction between 4-methylpyri-dine N-oxide and triphenylphosphine,

4-MeC5H4NOþ PPh3 ! 4-MeC5H4Nþ Ph3PO ð4Þ

The structural formulas of a group of related oxorhenium(V) com-pounds that has been examined as potential catalysts are:

The relative catalytic e⁄ciencies of 8 depend on the identity of theligand L. With monodentate phosphines, L=PMePh2 (rel. rate = 109),PPh3 (100) and P(C6H4^4-Me)3 (16), the rate di¡erences manifest onlysteric and inductive e¡ects of the alkyl and aryl groups on phosphorus.When L is the chelating ligand bipyrimidine, the catalyst is lessactive, because the six-coordinate structure must open, or be opened,by picoline N-oxide for the process to begin (18). Compounds withstrongly-coordinating chelates are completely inactive; this includesL= 2,20 -bipyridine, 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene (19,20) and 1,10-phenanthroline (20). For them, the chelate e¡ect is so strong as torender a coordination position unavailable to the substrate. Thebipyrimidine compound, which has a ligand of lower Lewis basicityowing to the additional nitrogen atoms incorporated into its structure,can form a ¢ve-coordinate intermediate allowing entry of the substrate.

2. Thermochemical Considerations

It seems not entirely coincidental that the most e¡ective catalysts arethose with a pre-existing rhenium^oxygen bond; indeed, in our studiesnone that lack this feature are active. According to MO analysis, the


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rhenium^oxygen bond is a triple bond, Re�O. There is every reasonto believe, in the absence of a full set of thermochemical data, that therhenium^oxygen bonds of the ¢ve compounds cited in the precedingsection, and their relatives, are stronger than the phosphorus^oxygenbonds in R3P^O. At least phosphines show no tendency to convertoxorhenium(V) compounds to rhenium(III) derivatives, whether forkinetic or thermodynamic reasons. The existence of the strong rhe-nium^oxygen bond, given the p-back donation to the metal, enforcesa square-pyramidal geometry at the metal. This, in turn, facilitatessubstrate entry to the coordination sphere of rhenium.

II. Oxygen Atom Transfer: The Reactions Themselves


Equation (4) depicts reduction of pyridineN-oxide to pyridine; the ¢nd-ings apply to RC5H4NO in general.The oxygen acceptor in that case is aphosphine, PPh3 or PR3 (R=alkyl, aryl) in general. This transformationholds signi¢cance in its own right, in that it represents a useful reactionfor the deprotection of pyridines.The deprotection is not a facile processand often gives incomplete conversions or di⁄cult workups (21^25).Rhenium compounds such as MeReO(mtp)PPh3 are successful catalysts.On the subject of utility, it should be emphasized that these catalystscan be used in benchtop reactions.However, interesting a case this makes for the examination of mecha-

nism, the point must ¢rst be established that it represents a reactionworth conducting, and second that it can be carried out on a laboratoryscale to give a useful amount of product.With a suitable rhenium cata-lyst, nearly quantitative conversions have been realized within a reason-able time. A total of 15 substrates were studied, such that theinsensitivity to functional groups, steric and electronic variables wereestablished. All the substrates examined gave essentially complete con-version to product on a scale of 1g of PyO, irrespective of a wide rangeof functional groups present (26).


Several other reactions of this general type are catalyzed by 1 and itsrelatives,

YOþ X! Yþ XO ð5Þ


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For example, satisfactory results have been realized from these {YO, X}combinations: {PyO, R2S}, {PyO, R2SO}, {R02SO, R2S}, {ButOOH, PR3},{ButOOH, R2S}, {ButOOH, R2SO} and a few others. One obvious require-ment is that Eq. (5) be spontaneous as written. Except for the case{R02SO, R2S}, this is obviously so from available bond energies (27). Inthe speci¢c case indicated, the combination R0=Ph and R=Me togetherwith a concentration imbalance provides the driving force; the solutionthermodynamics of this combination contrasts with the gas-phasevalues (28).

A second requirement pertains to the inherent reactivityof the compo-nents which may pose a more serious limitation insofar as making thisreaction fully general. For example, neither dinitrogen monoxide norany epoxide has as yet shown the ability to serve as an oxygen donor.Weak coordination of the epoxide to rhenium may be at fault. Interest-ingly, an episul¢de (thiirane) serves as a sulfur donor to phosphines withthe same rhenium catalyst; see SectionVIII.B (29). AsPh3, although ther-modynamically less favorable than PPh3, should su⁄ce but it has notalways proved kinetically competent, perhaps because of its bulk.

III. Kinetics of Pyridine N-oxide Reduction


Much of the kinetic data have been obtained with the speci¢c compo-nents written in Eq. (4), after which determinations were extended tothe generalized compounds RC5H4NO and PR3 to characterize thespeci¢c electronic and steric e¡ects of substituents. It was easy todemonstrate that the reaction went to completion by applying 1H- and31P-NMR spectroscopies. Indeed, the reaction took place so rapidly withthe concentrations used (44mM of each reagent and 1mM of catalyst 1)that product formation was complete before the ¢rst NMR spectrumcould be recorded.

It therefore became more convenient to monitor the reaction progresswith UV/V|sible spectrophotometry, because all the pyridine N-oxideshave strong absorption bands near 330 nm, with "� 103 Lmol�1cm�1.Two approaches for the analysis of the kinetic data were used. In the¢rst but much less precise method, the initial reaction rates werecalculated from the objective method of ¢tting the experimental valuesof [PyO]t to this function (30):

½PyO�t ¼ ½PyO�0 �m1t�m2t2�m3t





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The initial rate is given by the numerical value ofm1 from polynomial ¢t-ting. The rate proved to be a function of three concentration variables,[1], [PyO] and [PPh3].Values of the rate were determined in series withtwo variables maintained constant and the third varied.This led to thistentative rate equation:

v ¼ �d½PyO�

dt¼ kcat

½1� � ½PyO�2


Experiments were then designed in which absorbance readings wereacquired over the full time course of the reaction. These experimentsemployed a low concentration of PyO as the limiting reagent and alarge excess of phosphine. The data ¢t a precise pseudo-second-orderanalysis, and gave kcat = 1.5�104 Lmol�1 s�1 in benzene at 298K; a preci-sion of � 5% was estimated.Two unusual and complex features of this rate equation suggested

additional studies would be informative. An inverse kinetic dependenceon the concentration of one of the substrates was found. Also, the orderwith respect to the other substrate is two, despite which only a singlePyO converts to Py for each cycle of catalysis.


The form of the rate law points to PPh3 being the product of an initialrapid reaction between 1 and PyO; it yields a new rhenium-containingspecies, designatedA.

1þ PyO ��! Aþ PPh3 ðk1; k�1Þ ð8Þ

The second-order dependence on PyO implicates that it is also involvedin a second stage. One can write this reaction step, the signi¢cance ofwhich will be considered in the following section.

Aþ PyO ��! B ðk2; k�2Þ ð9Þ

Pyridine will be released from B in an irreversible step,

B�!Cþ Py ðk3Þ ð10Þ

More rapidly than these steps occur, C returns to 1 upon reaction withPPh3, which will very likely occur in more than a single step with theoverall result

Cþ 2PPh3 �!fast

1þ Ph3PO ð11Þ


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The full Michaelis^Menten rate law that one can derive on this basis is,



k1k2k3½1� � ½PyO�2

ðk2k3Þ½PyO� þ ðk�1k3 þ k�1k�2Þ½PPh3�ð12Þ

The data indicate that there is no [PyO] term in the denominator, whichallows simpli¢cation to the form



k1k2k3½1� � ½PyO�2

ðk�1k3 þ k�1k�2Þ½PPh3�ð13Þ

The data allow further consolidation and interpretation, but only aftera consideration of the chemical steps, which is the subject of the nextsection.

IV. The Chemical Mechanism of Pyridine N-oxide Reduction


Equation (8) appears to represent a reaction in which one ligandreplaces another. Many examples of such reactions of these complexeshave been found with ligands that are not capable of further steps, suchas oxygen loss. In general, these reactions can be represented by thechemical equation,

MeReOðdithiolateÞLi þ Lj ��! MeReOðdithiolateÞLj þ Li ð14Þ

Both thermodynamic and kinetic issues come into play, as doesthe involvement of geometrical isomerization when a dithiolate withinequivalent thiolate donors, such as mtp, participates in the reaction;the ligand mtp is derived from mtpH2, 2 -(mercaptomethyl)thiophenol.

For purposes of pyridineN-oxide reduction, it su⁄ces to say that manyexamples of Eq. (14) have been explored, including those in which PR3

is displaced contra-thermodynamically (pK14 may be ca. 2) by PyO.Invoking such a step in the catalytic cycle is therefore perfectlyacceptable. Actually, the ligand displacement chemistry is a rich andfascinating area in its own right, and for that reason it will be exploredindependently in SectionV.

Experiments were carried out using a series of reagents, P(C6H4R)3.A Hammett correlation of kcat against 3s gave the reaction constant�Pcat ¼ þ1:03. The positive value is consistent with the chemistryproposed at this stage, in that the most weakly-coordinated phosphinewould be expected to be the most reactive catalyst.


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It makes only sense that one di⁄cult step, and most likely the mostdi⁄cult, is scission of the N^O bond of PyO. The rate equation statesthat bond breaking is, in the next stage, not compensated by P^O bondmaking, in that there is not a positive rate dependence on [PR3].Conversion of PyO to Py is a reduction. It can be realized by the

concomitant oxidation of rhenium(V) to rhenium(VII) in the step

MeReVOðdithiolateÞOPy!MeReVIIðOÞ2ðdithiolateÞ þ Py ð15Þ

The data do not support a reaction as simple as this, however, the ratelaw implicates a second PyO at this stage. Similar experiments wereextended with the use of a series of ring-substituted pyridine N-oxides,RC5H4NO, as the substrates. Correlation of the values of kcat against sR

gave a particularly large and negative Hammett reaction constant,�Ncat ¼ �3:84.This is so because PyO enters in three steps of the scheme,each of which is improved by electron donation.


Two transition states can be visualized, one as implied by Eq. (15), theother with an additional nucleophile (here, the second PyO) involved,

The role of PyO in the second of the proposals seems eminentlyreasonable. It assists oxidation of Re(V) to Re(VII) and reduction ofPyO to Py. To test this hypothesis, three other nucleophiles were inde-pendently added to a system in which 2-Me,4-NO2C5H3NO was thesubstrate.They were 4-MeC5H4N, C5H4N, and ½Bun

4N�Br.This substrate,which su¡ers from added steric and electronic barriers to reactivity,was selected so as to lower all of the rates into a more readily measuredtime frame.


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Each of the nucleophiles exhibited the expected rate-acceleratione¡ect. More to the point, the form of the rate equation was altered to:

v ¼ �d½2�Me; 4�NO2C5H3NO�


¼ kcat½1� � ½2�Me; 4�NO2C5H3NO� � ½Nuc�



where Nuc represents the added nucleophile. The major point to note isthat the reaction order with respect to [PyO] has been lowered to unitywith the addition of a ¢rst-order term in [Nuc].This implicates an alter-native reaction,

AþNuc ��! B0 ðk2; k�2Þ ð90Þ

It should also be noted that the added nucleophilic reagents are not(cannot) themselves be transformed in any sense as a result of this chem-istry; they serve as promoters of the rhenium catalyst.


According to the general postulates presented, a dioxorhenium(VII)species intervenes along the reaction pathway. Attempts to detect itunder the conditions of the catalytic experiments were not successful.Indeed, speciesA andBwere not seen either;1was the only rhenium spe-cies found by NMR spectroscopy. In an attempt to provide other valida-tion for a rhenium(VII) intermediate, other experiments were carriedout.

1. Kinetic Competition

A rapid reaction between dioxorhenium(VII) and PPh3 was proposedin Eq. (11) for sake of consistency with the kinetic data. For reasons tobe presented subsequently, this is shown as the addition of the phos-phorus to an oxo oxygen. In e¡ect, this is the reduction of rhenium(VII)with the concomitant creationof a rhenium(V) complex ligatedbyaphos-phine oxide,

MeReVIIðOÞ2ðdithiolateÞ þ PPh3!MeReOðdithiolateÞðOPPh3Þ ð17Þ

Although this reaction occurs too rapidly for direct observation, the rela-tive rate constants for pairs of phosphines were determined by standardkinetic competition techniques. The rate constant ratios for P(C6H4R)3relative to PPh3 correlate well with the Hammett constant 3s, giving�=�0.70.


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2. Direct Detection of Rhenium(VII) by Low-temperatureNMRSpectroscopy

Reactions between MeReO(mtp)PPh3 and four oxygen donors werecarried out at 240K in toluene-d8. No phosphine other than the amountintroduced with the starting reagent was added in these experiments,and ample 4-MeC5H5N was added instead. In each case, a new rheniumcompound was detected in the 1H-NMR spectrum. Most importantly,the same NMR spectrum was obtained when these O-atom donors wereused: 4-MeC5H4NO, C5H5NO, ButOOH and Me2SO.The added 4-picolinestabilized the resulting dioxorhenium(VII), 12, by coordination; thisligand, too, was found in the spectrum in the correct 1 :1 ratio alongwith the dioxorhenium(VII). The fact that the newly-formedMeRe(O)2(mtp)(NC5H4^4-Me), 10, exchanges with 4-tert-butyl pyridineto produce 11 further substantiates these assignments (31).

3. Synthetic Analogues of Dioxorhenium(VII) Dithiolates

Three ligand-stabilized dioxorhenium(VII) compounds were synthe-sized to allow direct evaluations of their reactivities (32). The strategywas to use an alkoxide-thiolate chelate rather than a dithiolate.Compounds 13^15 were obtained.

Only 15 was su⁄ciently stable for isolation and chemical and struc-tural characterization (33). Compounds 12^13 persist for several hoursin chloroform at room temperature and for 2^3 weeks at 251K, particu-larly when water is carefully excluded. All three react readily with PR3,forming oxorhenium(V) compounds that in these cases, unlike thosewith dithiolates, are metastable. The fastest reaction occurs betweenP(p-MeOC6H4)3 and 13, with a rate constant of 2.15�102 Lmol�1 s�1 inchloroform at 298K. Other reactions of PAr3 upon applying theHammett equation yield �=� 0.7. This is the same value of the reaction


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constant that was obtained for MeRe(O)2(mtp) by kinetic competition,which supports the same assignment of mechanism.


The results presented in Section IV.D.1 show that the net loss of thedioxorhenium(VII) species, and the ultimate formation of the phosphateR3PO, must occur in two stages because the rate of reaction (17) shows adirect ¢rst-order phosphine dependence. That said, the chemicalmechanism is still open to discussion: does the ¢rst step entail abstrac-tionof an oxo oxygenoraddition to it? If the former, the cycle is completedby PR3 coordination to a four-coordinate rhenium intermediate; if thelatter, the addition step is then followed by yet another ligand substitu-tion reaction.The alternatives are presented in Schemes 1 and 2.

No data exist for rhenium reactions to support one chemical sequenceover the other. The best that one can do is present arguments on thebasis of precedent and plausibility. Nonetheless, an argument againstthe ¢rst assignment can be made, and another in favor of the second.

The argument against Scheme 1 is a negative one. Its basis derivesfrom extensive studies carried out on the ligand replacement reactionsof oxorhenium complexes of the family MeReO(dithiolate)L (20,34^37).Those studies (Sections V.B and V.C) show that all such processesstudied to date proceed by direct displacement reactions without arecognizable intermediate from unassisted Re^L dissociation. (Indeed,in an early work, a dissociative step was written, but that formulationhas since been revised; see SectionV.D.)

One can prepare derivatives of 4 that contain aweakly-bound ligand L,such as a pyridine or a dialkyl sul¢de. These compounds show no

SCHEME 1. Abstraction mechanism for the reaction of phosphines with dioxorhe-nium(VII).

SCHEME 2. Addition mechanism for the reaction of phosphines with dioxorhenium(VII).


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tendency to dissociate to produce MeReO(dithiolate), but instead equili-brate (again by an associative mechanism, SectionV.D) with a dimer, 6.The coordination number of rhenium(V) in dimer 6 is sustained at ¢ve bythe formation of coordinate bonds with bridging thiolate sulfur atoms.

2MeReOðmtpÞPPh3 ð4Þ ��! 2Lþ fMeReOðmtpÞg2 ð6Þ ð18Þ

The argument in favor of Scheme 2 is that a close model of thebracketed intermediate has been directly identi¢ed in molybdenumreactions (38).The reaction between PEt3 and the dioxomolybdenum(VI)compound LPrMo(O)2(OPh), where LPr =hydrotris(3 -isopropylpyraxol-1-yl)borate, yields a triethylphosphate complex, LPrMoO(OPh)(OPEt3),which has been characterized fully. A relative of it is less stable:LMeMoO(Cl)(OPPh3) was detected by FABMS. Its decomposition occursby replacement of Ph3POby water.Theoretical studies supported the for-mulation of that step as occurring by an associative mechanism. It isfully analogous to the second step of Scheme 2, for which we suggest thesame assignment.

V. Digression to Ligand Exchange and Substitution

The ¢rst step in oxygen transfer is ligand substitution at anoxorhenium(V) center, Eq. (14).The ¢nal step (see Scheme 2, step 2) verylikely is also ligand substitution. We have therefore examined thekinetics and mechanism of several reactions in which one monodentateligand displaces another, represented in general as follows:


As a general statement, the reaction rate in each direction followssecond-order kinetics for all the rhenium compounds studied.Moreover, the rate constants depend on the identities of Li and Lj. Both¢ndings argue for an associative (displacement) mechanism, which isalso supported by the large and negative values of �Sz, that often reach�120 JK�1mol�1 (39).


It would be di⁄cult to envisage entryof Lj into the coordination sphereof rhenium other than at the vacant position trans to the oxo group. It


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is not reasonable, however, to depict the leaving group as departing fromits equatorial position, for the reaction coordinate would then not besymmetrical. In the limit where Li=Lj, or nearly so, this would result ina clear violation of microscopic reversibility. Scheme 3 depicts thedilemma.

It is useful to note that the same issue does not arise in complexes thathave a horizontal symmetry plane. There, a wedge geometry allows Li

and Lj to attain equivalent positions above and below that plane. Theseconceptual issues have been addressed in the case of oxorhenium(V)complexes by two experimental studies, each of which supportsintervention of intermediate(s) that undergo turnstile or trigonal twistmechanisms. In so doing, Li and Lj attain equivalent or at least inter-changeable positions.These studies are the subjects of the next two sec-tions.


On the basis of the preceding discussion, these complexes, wherePy=RC5H4N, should undergo racemization, a process that will accom-pany pyridine exchange.


Studies using 1H-NMR spectroscopy in solutions containing excess Pywere carried out.The width at half-height of the resonance peaks variedin proportion to [Py]. These experiments allowed determination of therate constants for Eq. (20), which ranged systematically from 135 to348Lmol�1 s�1 in C6D6 at 298K as R was changed form 4-NC to 4-Me2N.This is a small substituent e¡ect, yielding �=�0.4. For R= 4-Me,�Hz=28.9 kJmol�1 and �Sz=�104 JK�1mol�1 (20).

When MeReO(mtp)Py complexes were examined, yet anotherphenomenon was revealed. With this ligand, in which the two sulfurdonor atoms are inequivalent, two geometric isomers of the compound

SCHEME 3. A disallowed mechanism that violates microscopic reversibility.


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were obtained. The more stable one, 8 in general, was always the com-pound isolated. It has the methyl group trans to the benzylic sulfur ofmtp. In the case of L=Py, it was possible to detect a mixture of bothisomers.


The less stable isomer is labeled with an asterisk. In this case, L=Py,both forms were detected in an equilibrium proportion withK21 = 0.11, avalue that was barely perceptibly di¡erent among the di¡erent pyridinesused (20).The interconversion between 16 and 16* does not take place intramo-

lecularly. Just as in Eqs. (19)^(20) and in Scheme 3, reaction (21) takesplace by a second-order associative mechanism. This is an interestingresult to contemplate. Many ¢ve-coordinate complexes do rearrangeby an intramolecular (£uxional or pseudorotation) process. In theoxorhenium complexes, the unimolecular mechanism may be disfavoredowing to the oxo group, the presence of which disfavors a geometryother than square-pyramidal. In the case at hand, a suitable mechanismis provided by ligand addition. As the result of forming a six-coordinateintermediate, a trigonal rotational process can proceed. It will bedepicted in the next section.


Equations analogous to Eq. (21) will bewritten showing themetastableisomer as lying on the pathway for phosphine exchange (Scheme 4) andsubstitution (Scheme 5) in MeReO(mtp)PR3 compounds.The phosphine case stands out from that of pyridine in twoways. First,

none of the MeReO(mtp)(Pj)* isomer can be detected at equilibrium.That is, the equilibrium constant analogous to K22 has always beenfound to be �1. Second, readily-detected concentrations of the metast-able isomers are found by both UV/V|sible, 1H- and 31P-NMR spectro-scopies (20,40).The overall reaction kinetics for substitution could easily be resolved

into two stages, as described by these equations:

MeReOðmtpÞPi þ Pj ! fMeReOðmtpÞPjg�þ Pi

v22 ¼ k22 ½MeReOðmtpÞPi� � ½Pj�ð22Þ


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fMeReOðmtpÞPjg�þ Pj!MeReOðmtpÞPj þ Pj

v23 ¼ k23 ½fMeReOðmtpÞPjg�� � ½Pj�


The signi¢cant point is that each stage proceeds at a rate directlyproportional to [Pj]. To make this quite explicit, the multi-step mecha-nism proposed is shown in Scheme 6. It is written as being unidirec-tional, so driven by the use of unbalanced concentrations, [Pj] [Pi],but of course each step is fully reversible except that the reversiblearrows and reagents were omitted for sake of clarity.

The suggestion that equivalent phosphine positions are attained by aturnstile rotation is but one possibility, which is deemed to be the

SCHEME 4. Proposed scheme for phosphine exchange.

SCHEME 5. Proposed scheme for phosphine substitution.


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most likely. One alternative imagines that a pentagonal pyramid isformed, by movement of Lj into the same basal plane as Li. At least inthe case where the ligands are phosphines, this scheme would su¡erfrom severe steric strain, and seems rather less likely than the onedepicted.



The mononuclear compound 8 and a related dimer 6 were character-ized in the early stages of this research (2,3,37). The two forms can beinterconverted by the net reaction


Both equilibrium and kinetic data have beenobtained.Themost exten-sive set of equilibrium constants was determined for pyridines,RC5H4N. Values of K24 lie in the range 2�10�2 (R= 2-Me) to> 5�104

(R= 4-Me2N); according to a Hammett correlation, �=�7.5 (35). The

SCHEME 6. Turnstile mechanism for the ligand substitution reactions of oxo-rhenium(V) compounds.


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reactions between 6 and phosphines proceed essentially to completionwith but a modest excess of phosphine; i.e. K241. In two cases itproved possible to determine quantitatively the Lewis basicity of PPh3relative to pyridine and dimethyl sul¢de in the compoundsMeReO(mtp)L. The relative equilibrium constants lead to these rank-ings: 900 (PPh3) :1.00 (Py) :1.5�10�3(Me2S) (35,41).

Thekinetic pattern for reaction (24) is more complex, and it is the samefor pyridines and phosphines.The general rate expression is,


¼ fka½L� þ kb½L�2g � ½fMeReOðmtpÞLg2� ð25Þ

Values of ka and kb are correlated by the Hammett equation for pyridinesand for triaryl phosphines. Very large negative � values were found forpyridine reactions especially (35). Key values are highlighted inTable II.

Formulatingan acceptable chemical mechanism for each pathway is aninteresting challenge. In aid of that, in the reaction with L=Me2SO,intermediate 17 was isolated and fully characterized. It has a structurein which one dmso molecule is coordinated to a rhenium atom of 6 transto its oxo group.



RC5H4N P(C6H4R)3

ka (R=H)/Lmol�1 s�1 <0.3 1.57�10�2

kb (R=H)/L2mol�2 s�1 1.31�10�1 5.1�10�2


�7.5 ^�a

b�4.8 �1.3


�6.1 �1.0

aSuperscripts a^c refer to the footnotes; subscripts a and b refer to notationused in Eq. (25).

b In benzene at 298K.cCorrelation against (pyridines) or 3 (phosphines).


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This structure validates a point made earlier, that ligand accessoccurs in the indicated position. At the point where this plausible butunproven assertion was ¢rst made, the reference was to reactionsin which pyridine N-oxides were acting as oxygen donors. It remainspertinent for ligand substitution as well, but also for oxygen transferreactions where sulfoxides are the oxygen donor atoms.The pathway that is second-order with respect to [L] may entail a tran-

sition state analogous to 17, save that two L molecules are coordinated;following that severance of both coordinated thiolate bonds would leadimmediately to product 12. Alternatively, following the point where the¢rst L has been added, opening of a single coordinate bond facilitatesentry of the second L. In any event, either sequence leads e⁄ciently to12. Scheme 7 shows the preferred mechanism along both pathways. Thepathway with a ¢rst-order dependence on [L] was ¢rst formulated asinvolving release of a four-coordinate rhenium intermediate from theligated dimer, 17 (34,35). The revised representation is Scheme 7 thusappears preferable (33).

SCHEME 7. Proposed mechanism for monomerization.


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VI. Additional Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions

Additional reactions of the general typeYO+X!Y+XO will now bedescribed. The general conclusions arrived at from the thorough studyof oxygen transfer from PyO to PR3, presented in Sections III and IV,will be valid for these reactions as well. In terms of detail, however,each reaction o¡ers further insight which is the reason such research isrewarding.


1. Substrates, Procedures, Conversions,Yields

The same oxorhenium(V) compounds as used previously, such as 1,catalyze this transformation under mild conditions

RSR0 þ ButOOH �������������!cat:MeReOðmtpÞPPh3

CHCl3; 25CRSðOÞR0 þ ButOH ð26Þ

Provided an excess of the hydroperoxide is not used, sulfoxides areobtained in essentially quantitative yields in short reactions times,usually 0.7^2.5 h (42). The method is uncomplicated and can be carriedout on the benchtop. The long shelf-life of 1 (>3 months) adds to theconvenience of this procedure. A wide variety of functional groups istolerated onR andR0.The reaction a¡ords nearly pure sulfoxideswithoutcontamination from sulfones.The product is obtained simply be evapor-ating the solvent and tert-butyl alcohol. This method avoids aqueousworkup, which is often required when peracids are used (43), and is thusconvenient for water-soluble sulfoxides.

Dibenzothiophene is among the sul¢des oxidized, and its monoxidewas obtained in 89% yield albeit in a longer (6 h) time.Thiophene itselfwas also oxidized, but its monoxide is known to be too labile for isolation(44^46). Instead, it was trapped by a Diels-Alder reaction, as shown inScheme 8.

2. Kinetics of Sulfoxide Formation

The oxidation of methyl tolyl sulfoxide, a representative substrate, wasmonitored by the buildup of the sulfoxide as a function of time undermany sets of conditions (42). A representative concentration^time plotis presented in Fig. 1. In this case, and in all the others, the buildupcurves showed similar features, the most noticeable of which is a distinctinduction period. Its length depends on the concentrations, decreasingwith increasing [ButOOH] and [1]. At the same time the rate itself was


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higher. With increasing [MeSTol], however, the reaction slowed downdramatically and the induction time grew longer.Independent of this study, it has been shown that PPh3 is oxidized by

ButOOH more rapidly than MeSTol, when 1 catalyzes both reactions.Nonetheless, addition of 1.0mMPPh3, along with 34mMMeSTol, reducest1/2 from 3900 to 1900 s. Owing to these complications it was not possibleto present a closed-form expression for the reaction rate.We do note thestrong inhibition by phosphine, which inevitably remains coordinatedto rhenium in a generally less active form, at least until oxidized.

3. The Reaction Scheme and Chemical Mechanism

On the basis of the qualitative observations presented in the prece-ding section, we have formulated a scheme that explains all of thequalitative aspects. Scheme 9 presents the proposal. It includes the now

FIG. 1. Formation of MeS(O)Tol, showing fitted (solid line) versus experimentaldata during the reaction of 33.9mM MeSTol and 83mM tert-butyl hydroperoxide inthe presence of 0.31mM MeReO(mtp)PPh3, 1. Reactions were conducted in benzeneat 298K. The experimental progress curve was modeled by a kinetics simulationroutine that gave the optimum fit to data from six such experiments.

SCHEME 8. Oxidation and trapping of 2,5 -dimethylthiophene monoxide.


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well-precedented ligand substitution reactions (the steps with rateconstants k1, k4 and k5) and the formation of a dioxorhenium(VII) inter-mediate. It was independently observed in the absence of PPh3 by low-temperature NMR experiments, Section IV.D.2.

This modelwas adequately but imperfectly modeled bykinetics simula-tion and ¢tting methods (42).The scheme itself suggests why matching amodel to the observations is a di⁄cult problem. First, PPh3 is slow to bedisplaced, as it is by far the strongest Lewis base in the system.Then, asPPh3 is released, it is subject to oxidation along with, and in competitionwith, MeSTol. For those reasons the reaction starts slowly and thenaccelerates. As PPh3 is oxidized, however, 1cannot remain in its originalform. Thus the predominant form of the catalyst changes over thereaction period.


1. Reactions Forming Sulfones

The same combination of reagents, now with a 3 :1 ratio of hydroperox-ide to sul¢de, gives a quantitative yield of RS(O)2R

0. The reactionsproceed to completion in about 2 h at 323K in chloroform. Only 0.3^0.5mol% of 1 relative to RSR0 was needed. It was shown that oxidationto sulfoxide precedes sulfone formation. Again, the reaction is tolerantof many functional groups (42).

SCHEME 9. Catalytic cycle used for kinetic modeling.


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2. The Oxidation of Thianthrene

Scheme 10 shows the course taken by these reactions. No trace wasfound of the 5,5-dioxide, the 5,5,10-trioxide, or the 5,5,10,10-tetraoxide.This rea⁄rms that sul¢de oxidation precedes sulfone formation (42).


This compound is notorious as a‘‘hard’’sul¢de that cannot be removedfrom petroleum by current hydrodesulfurization processing. Oxidationby tert-butyl hydroperoxide occurs readily when 1 is used as the catalyst.After trying several combinations, this was the most e¡ective: 0.5mmolof DMDBT, 1.75mmol ButOOH, and 0.05mol% of 1were placed in re£ux-ing toluene (384K). A quantitative yield of the dioxide was obtained in2 h. The oxidation product is insoluble in toluene and can readily beremoved by ¢ltration (42).


A further test of whether MeReO(mtp)PAr3 (5) catalyzes other oxygenatom transfer reactions was made through studies of this reaction,

ButOOHþ PAr3! ButOHþAr3PO ð27Þ

The rate law indicates that the uncatalyzed pathway makes a contribu-tion in this case,

v ¼ ½PAr3� � ½ButOOH� � fku þ kcat½5�g ð28Þ

For P(C6H4^4-Me)3 at 298K in chloroform, ku = 1.1Lmol�1 s�1 andkcat = 4.0�104 L2mol�2 s�1. A plausible scheme for this reaction is

SCHEME 10. Oxidation of thianthrene.


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presented in Scheme 11. It resembles what was shown before, except inthe following respects (19). First, the ¢rst intermediate evidently hasboth hydroperoxide and phosphine coordinated, in that no inverse phos-phine concentration dependence was found. Second, external phosphineattack on the coordinated oxygen of the hydroperoxide is, according tothe rate law, needed to complete the catalytic cycle.

VII. Other Oxorhenium(V) Compounds as Catalysts


The oxorhenium(V) dimer, {MeReO(mtp)}2 (6) is remarkably moreactive than its mononuclear phosphine form,MeReO(mtp)PPh3 (1) in cer-tain reactions. Examples of this e¡ect include reactions in which PyO(47) and MeS(O)Ph (48) transfer their oxygen atoms to a triarylpho-sphine. Figure 2 illustrates how much more e¡ective 6 is compared to 1in the PyO reaction.

In the ¢nal analysis, the matter comes down to the fact that avoidanceof phosphine coordination eliminates a substantial kinetic barrier.Because the monomerization reaction between 6 and PAr3 takes placeso slowly, it amounts to but a minor correction during the reactiontime. Without phosphine coordination, the system appears to involve‘‘half-opened’’ derivatives of 6 as intermediates. Scheme 12 depicts thesuggested mechanism.

SCHEME 11. Suggested mechanism for rhenium-catalyzed phosphine oxidation.


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FIG. 2. Concentration^time plot for the reaction between a PyO (44.4mM) andPPh3 (44.4mM), showing the great effectiveness of the dimeric catalyst 6 over itsmonomer-phosphine form. Reactions were conducted in benzene at 298K.

SCHEME 12. Proposed mechanism for reactions catalyzed by {MeReO(mtp)}2.


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Two di¡erent structural types were prepared from MeReO3 by usingbis(2-mercaptoethyl) ether, which gives rise to 18, and thiodiglycolicacid, fromwhich 19 was prepared.

1. An Oxorhenium(V) Compoundwith an‘‘SOS’’ Tridentate Ligand

Compound 18 adopts the now-familiar square-pyramidal structure.Reaction between it and PyO causes its decomposition to MTO and adisul¢de

MeReOðSOSÞ ð18Þ þ 2PyO!MeReO3 þOðCH2CH2SÞ2 þ 2Py ð29Þ

This reaction follows second-order kinetics (k298 = 1.6�10�3 Lmol�1 s�1 inchloroform). Electron donating R groups on RC5H4NO accelerate thereaction sharply; �=�5 (41).

2. An Oxorhenium(V) Compoundwith an‘‘OSO’’ Tridentate Ligand

The rhenium atom in compound 19 is centered in a distorted octahe-dron. Compound 19 also reacts with PyO in a step that uses a moleculeof water as well.

MeReOðOSOÞPPh3 ð19Þ þ 2PyOþH2O

!MeReO3 þ S½CH2CO2H�2 þ 2Py ð30Þ

The rate of this reaction is ¢rst-order with respect to [19] and [H2O];there is no kinetic dependence on the concentration or identity of thepyridine N-oxide used. Electron-attracting substituents on P(C6H4R)3do, however, accelerate this reaction. The full details of the mechanismhave not been de¢ned at this time.


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VIII. Sulfur Atom Abstraction


1. Structural Issues and Isomers

Two m-thio compounds are noteworthy, {MeRe(NAr)2}2(m-S)2, 20, and{MeRe(NAr)2}2(m-S), 21. For comparison purposes reference is alsomade to 22, the m-oxo analogue of 21.

Compounds 21 and 22 are not isostructural: 22 has a syn,synarrangement, whereas 21 exists as the syn,anti form with Cs symmetry.There was no indication that 21 rearranges over time at 243^323K.Even at 263K, 21 shows the two CH3 resonances merged into one, buttwo resonances for the Me2CH proton of the isopropyl groups wereobserved. In contrast, one CH3 and oneMe2CH resonance were observedfor 22.

2. Reaction of 20with Phosphines (49)

The net reaction with excess phosphine is,

fMeReðNArÞ2g2ðm-SÞ2 ð20Þ þ 4PR3

! 2MeReðNArÞ2ðPR3Þ2 ð23Þ þ R3PS ð31Þ

With mono- and di-phosphines the rate laws take di¡erent forms,

�d½20�dt¼ km½20� � ½PR3�

2ðmonodentatephosphineÞ ð32Þ

�d½20�dt¼ km½20� � ½Ph2PðCH2Þ2PPh2� ðbidentatephosphineÞ ð33Þ

With insu⁄cient or equimolar phosphine, the net reaction is,

fMeReðNArÞ2g2ðm-SÞ2 ð20Þ þ PR3!fMeReðNArÞ2g2 ð21Þ þ R3PS ð34Þ

This poses a complication for the mechanism, because a direct studyofthe kinetics shows that 21 reacts with PR3 much more slowly than 20


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does, Eq. (31) (49). The rate law for 21 takes this form for both mono- anddi-phosphines

�d½21�dt¼ km½21� � ½Any Phosphine� ð35Þ

To explore the origin of the term in Eq. (32) with the [PR3]2 dependence,

experiments were carried out with added pyridine. The rate law nowincludes a second term

k ¼ km½PMe2Ph�2þ k0m½PMe2Ph�½Py� ð36Þ

The key issues reduce to these: (a) given that a phosphine sul¢de is theproduct, at what positions do phosphine atoms attack in the transitionstate? (b) What is the role for pyridine? (c) Although 21 is formedfrom 20, with excess phosphine 23 results; given that 21!23 is slowerthan 20!23 and 23!21, is 21 an intermediate along the pathway of the20!23 reaction?

We conclude that only one phosphine attacks a m-S group of 20. Indeed,the phosphine sul¢de product from dmpm is Me2P(S)CH2PMe2, not abis(sul¢de).The other phosphine implicated by Eqs. (32) and (33), whetherfrom a second PR3 or from a di-phosphine, adds as a Lewis base torhenium.The basis for this is that a pyridine easily replaced one of thephosphines in the mechanism. This proposed mechanism should steerthe reaction directly towards formation of 21, but owing to the dilemmaposed in point (c), an intermediate likely intervenes. It can partitionto the slowly-reacting 21 or to 23, the latter step requiring additionalphosphine; Scheme 13 shows the postulated mechanism. The dual rolefor phosphine and theuse of Py in its place and the proposal for partition-ing are shown in Scheme 14.

SCHEME 13. Proposed mechanism for reactions of a using dmpm as an example.


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Phosphines undergo this reaction very slowly, k�10�5 Lmol�1 s�1

(50^52). An ill-de¢ned catalyst for it was obtained by passing hydrogensul¢de through an acetonitrile solution of MeReO3, followed by vigorouspurging with argon.This allowed nearly every substrate to be quantita-tively converted to alkene in a few hours or less (29).

RS R Ph3P=SPh3P + +cat. MTO/H2S

CD3CN, r.t.ð37Þ

The well-characterized molecular compound, dimer 6, also catalyzesthe same transformation. A slow, stoichiometric reaction occurs betweenpropylene sul¢de and 6. With added PPh3, and only a catalytic amountof 6, a more rapid reaction occurs. The mechanism is currently underinvestigation.


The indicated transformation in dichloromethane solution is sponta-neous (28)

Ph2SOþMe2S! Ph2SþMe2SO �G ¼ �12 kJmol�1 ð38Þ

eventhough it is characterized by �G8=+13 kJmol�1 in the gas-phase(27). One catalyst for the reaction is 24, which loses a tri£uorosulfonateion to give rise to a cationic form. The reaction kinetics are complex,however, because both substrates compete for binding sites on the cata-lyst.The catalytic pathway is carried forward by coordination of Ph2SO,release of Ph2S as a relatively long-lived dioxorhenium(VII) is formed. Itpersists for days at 263K in acetonitrile (28).

SCHEME 14. Proposed mechanism for the pyridine effect.


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The dinuclear compound {ReO}2(edt)3, 25, catalyzes the same reaction(41). The complex kinetics are much the same as for catalyst 24. There isan inverse dependence on [Me2S]. The rate increases linearly with[Ph2SO] to a maximum and then decreases to a steady, non-zero value.


The net result is the disproportionation of the sulfoxides, e.g. (28)

2Me2SO!Me2SO2 þMe2S �G ¼ �105 kJmol�1 ð39Þ

Complex 24 catalyzes this reaction, although the process occurs muchmore slowly than does Eq. (38). An extensive set of kinetic data leadto the mechanism presented in Scheme 15. It features two sequentialsulfoxide reactions, one to form dioxorhenium(VII), the next to reconvertit to 24.

IX. The Activation of Molecular Oxygen

As noted previously, the rhenium-catalyzed reactions dealt with to thispoint can be carried out in vessels open to the atmosphere.This is advan-tageous because of the convenient working procedures it allows. On theother hand, it means that molecular oxygen is not available as the stoi-chiometric oxidizing reagent (53^55).Three rhenium(V) compounds, 24^26, have been prepared that do activate O2.

SCHEME 15. Mechanism suggested for sulfoxide disproportionation.


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1. Rhenium-Phosphine Coordination

These compounds, unlike their near-neighbors {MeReO(dithiolate)}2and MeRe(dithiolate)L, catalyze the oxidation of selected substrates byO2. The ¢rst indication came with the ¢nding that 25 is air-sensitive,unlike the others. The preparation of 25 is represented by the chemicalreaction:

Re2O7 þ 5H2mtp! fReOg2ðmtpÞ3 þ 2RS–SRþ 5H2O ð40Þ

where RS^SR is the cyclic disul¢de of mtp. Unlike many other com-pounds, 25 and 26 lack a methyl group bound to rhenium. It appearsthat this is probably not a crucial issue, at least as far as oxygen reactiv-ity is concerned.In the absence of O2, avery rapid (<0.5 s) reaction occurs between PAr3

and 25, leading to the quantitative formation of the adduct 25^PAr3.Under these conditions, and indeed throughout oxygen catalysis, it isthe only form of the catalyst that can be detected by NMR spectroscopy.Smaller phosphines, e.g. PMePh2 and PMe2Ph, engage in more complexinteractions such that three species were seen.They are the two isomersof 25^PR3, featuring coordination at either rhenium atom as well as atthe bis-phosphine compound 25^(PR3)2 (56).

2. Kinetics of Phosphine Oxidation

The ¢ndings will be illustrated for a typical substrate, tri(para-tolyl)-phosphine. Typical conditions are 1^30mM PTol3, 0.1^9.1mM O2 and 5^500 mM 25. The major product was Tol3PO (>90%), accompanied by asmall amount of Tol3PS, evidently from side reactions between PTol3and a dithiolate ligand of 25.The kinetic pattern follows theMichaelis-Menten pattern, the rate law

for which is,

v ¼k1k2½25–PTol3� � ½O2� � ½PTol3�

k1½O2� þ k2½PTol3� þ k�1ð41Þ

The value of k1 proved to be so small that it could be omitted from thedenominator. The initial rate increased with PTol3 towards saturationlimit in accord with Eqn. 41. The series of reagents P(C6H4R)3 were stu-died, but the rate constant pattern is not uniform because the active cat-alyst, 25^PR3, as well as the substrate is changing (56).Scheme 16 shows a mechanism for the catalysis that is consistent with

the kinetics and other data. 1H-NMR experiments in toluene-d8 at 250K


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gave evidence of a new species. Its resonance reached a maximum inten-sity in ca. 30min and had disappeared by 5^6 h.The spectrum is consis-tent with, but not proof of, the peroxo intermediate shown in the scheme.


Phosphines o¡er the advantage of forming the strongest bonds tooxygen. In that sense their reactions should be most preferred.The steri-cally-encumbered reagent P(o-Tol)3 was oxidized slowly by this method.With 25mMof the phosphine in air and 5% 25, only 10% (o-Tol)3PO wasformed after 16 h. When 1.0mM P(p-Tol)3 was also added at the start,then the yield of (o-Tol)3PO was 6.3mM (25%); at the same time 1.0mM(p-Tol3)PO (100%) was obtained. It is likely that the para isomer initiatesformation of the peroxo intermediate more e⁄ciently.

Experiments were also carried out with selected sul¢des, dienes andcyclohexene. Essentially no oxidation occurred. Addition of (p-Tol3)3Pmarginally improved the extent of oxidation, but yields were still onlyin the range 0.5^14% (56).



In the absence of oxygen, 25 catalyzes the oxidation of PR3 by Me2SOand PyO

PR3 þ YO! R3POþ Y ð42Þ

These reactions require a modest excess of the sulfoxide and 5mol% of25, and result in 65^90% conversions to R3PO (56).

SCHEME 16. Mechanism for activation of oxygen by {ReO}2(mtp)3.


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1. Competition Experiments for OxygenTransfer from PyO

In one family of experiments, a pair of phosphine reagents wasused to evaluate the relative reactivities of PyO towards the peroxointermediate. The reactivity ratio proved to be independent of thePyO used, consistent with the absence of the Py group in the intermedi-ate. The most reactive phosphines were those with electron-donatingsubstituents (57).

2. Kinetics of OxygenTransfer from PyO

v ¼k1½25–PPh3� � ½PyO� � ½PPh3�

ðk�1=k2Þ½PyO� þ ½PPh3�ð43Þ

With more reactive forms, a simpli¢ed rate equation could be attained,

v ffi k1½25–PPh3� � ½PyO� ð44Þ

A scheme with two reaction steps can be written, a presented inScheme 17.Direct evidence was obtained that one of the two rhenium atoms is

present as dioxorhenium(VII) in the active intermediate (57).


1. Phosphine Dissociation and Substitution

The following dynamic process has been established for 27 by variable-temperature 1H- and 31P-NMR studies

MeReðNArÞ2ðPR3Þ2 ð27Þ ��! MeReðNArÞ2PR3 þ PR3 ð45Þ

The rates vary widely with the identity of the phosphine. PMe3 andMe2P(CH2)2PMe2 (dmpe) equilibrate slowly as compared with the NMRtime scale, whereas low temperatures are needed to observe a sharpresonance for others: PMe2Ph, 283K; P(OMe)2Ph, 253K; P(OMe)3, 243Kand P(OEt)Ph2, 223K (58).


A−PAr3 Ar3PO






Int. +

PyInt. +



SCHEME 17. Reaction scheme of oxygen transfer.


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Equilibrium constants have been reported for the stepwise conversionof MeRe(NAr)2(PR3)2 to the mixed-phosphine and then the ðPR03Þ2 deriva-tive. Both steric and electronic factors come into play, typical of phos-phines. The stability ordering is PMe3>dmpe>PMe2Ph>P(OMe)2Ph>PEt3>P(OEt)3>PMePh2>P(OEt)Ph2>PPh3 (58).

2. Reactions with Oxygen

The various MeRe(NAr)2(PR3)2 compounds react with O2 directly, intwo steps.The rate law for phosphine oxidation is,

v ¼ kcat �½27� � ½O2�

Kþ ½PR3�ffi kcat½27� � ½O2� ð46Þ

With a limiting amount of oxygen and excess P(OMe)3, the absorb-ance of MeRe(NAr)2[P(OMe)3] at 580 nm decreased very rapidly, butgradually returned to its original value. This phenomenon repeatsitself as further increments of oxygen are added. Two reactions occur,

MeReðNArÞ2ðPR3Þ2 ð27Þ þO2!MeReðNArÞ2O ð22Þ þ R3POþ PR3 ð47Þ

MeReðNArÞ2O ð22Þ þ 3PR3!MeReðNArÞ2ðPR3Þ2 ð27Þ þ R3PO ð48Þ

From these equations one can predict that MeRe(NAr)2O, 22, will be ane⁄cient catalyst for reactions between PR3 and O2. Scheme 18 showsthe proposed mechanism.

SCHEME 18. Reactions of MeRe(NAr)2(PY3)2 with oxygen.


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The catalytic cycle can be considered in two parts. First, arhenium(V) species is generated from MeRe(NAr)2O as (MeO)3PO isformed. This step has been studied independently, because 22 has beenindependently isolated and characterized. A reaction occurs between22 and PMe2Ph

MeReðNArÞ2Oþ 3PR03 !MeReðNArÞ2ðPR03Þ2 ð27Þ þ R03PO ð49Þ

This reaction is ¢rst-order with respect to each rate constant, the valuesof which re£ect a combination of steric and electronic e¡ects. Thevalues are summarized in Table III. The values can be interpreted interms of Giering’s QALE procedure (59).When only 0.5 equiv. of P(OMe)3 was added to MeRe(NAr)2O, the solu-

tion changed ¢rst to brownish-green and then slowly to orange^red.These analytical and structural data con¢rmed the formation of{MeRe(NAr)2}2O, 22, under these conditions,

2MeReðNArÞ2Oþ PðOMeÞ3! fMeReðNArÞ2g2ðm-OÞ ð22Þ þ ðMeOÞ3PO ð50Þ

A reaction scheme is presented in Scheme 19, showing the di¡erentpathways for the reaction.



L k298(Lmol�1s�1)

P(OMe)3 0.72(1)P(OMe)2Ph 72(3)P(OMe)Ph2 21.7(6)P(OEt)3 0.57(1)P(OEt)2Ph 37.0(5)P(OEt)Ph2 9.4(1)PMe3 1.46(4)�10�3

PMe2Ph 2.15(2)�10�4

PEt3 1.01(5)�10�3

Dmpe 1.85(3)�10�3

PCy3 <5�10�6

a In C6H6 at 298K; errors represent one standard deviation.


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X. Imido-rhenium Compounds


Three compounds with the formula MeRe(NR)3 have been reported,with R= tert-butyl (60), 2,6 -diisopropylphenyl, 28 (60), and 1-adamantyl,29 (61).They are prepared by the reaction:

MeReO3 þ 3RNCO!MeReðNRÞ3 þ 3CO2 ð51Þ


Redistribution reactions between 28 and 29 to form mixed-imido com-pounds were not detected. On the other hand, oxo^imido interchangereactions readily take place between MeReO3 and 29. As a consequence,new compounds are formed, MeReO(NR)2, 30, and MeReO2NR, 31. Theproduct obtained is largely under stoichiometric control, as representedby these equations (62):

MeReO3 þ 2MeReðNRÞ3! 3MeReOðNRÞ2 ð52Þ

2MeReO3 þMeReðNRÞ3! 3MeReO2ðNRÞ ð53Þ

The isolated products are not perfectly pure owing to further redistri-bution reactions. Several reactions steps in the sequence do not giverise to observable net reaction, e.g.,

MeReOðNRÞ2 þMeReO2ðNRÞ !MeReO2ðNRÞ þMeReOðNRÞ2 ð54Þ

SCHEME 19. Reactions of MeRe(NAr)2O with phosphines.


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The three exchange reactions that do lead to net observable chemicalchange are:

MeReO3 þMeReðNRÞ3 ��! MeReO2ðNRÞ þMeReOðNRÞ2 ð55Þ

MeReO2ðNRÞ þMeReðNRÞ3 ��! 2MeReOðNRÞ2 ð56Þ

MeReO3 þMeReOðNRÞ2 ��! 2MeReO2ðNRÞ ð57Þ

Only two of them are independent, and the following thermodynamicand kinetic relationships are required to be met,

K55 ¼ K56 �K57;k55k�55¼




The equilibrium constants were evaluated for R=1-Ad and Ar by integra-tion of NMR signals. Kinetic data were obtained by 1H-NMR and UV/V|sible spectroscopies.The results are presented inTable IV.The tabulation shows that the reaction favors the mixed oxo^imido

complex in each case. The rate constants span a large range.The valuesof kf for Eqs. (55)^(57) are greater than those of kr, often by a largemargin. Where determined, �Sz has large negative values, �134 and�175 JK�1mol�1 (62).A mechanism involving a 4-centered transition state has been well

documented in other instances (1). The data in Table IV show that therate constants decrease with the total number of 2,6 -diisopropylimidoligands, suggesting steric crowding in the transition state plays a signi¢-cant role. The diagram in Scheme 20 shows how that e¡ect is manifest,using a small circle for oxo and a larger one for imido.



K298 kf,298 (Lmol�1s�1) kr,298 (Lmol�1 s�1)

Reaction (R=Ad)(55) 10(1)�105 � 102 � 10�3

(56) 3.7(3)�102 � 0.2 � 5�10�4

(57) 2.60(25)�102 7.4(3)�10�1 2.8(3)�10�3

Reaction (R=Ar)(55) 1.8(2)�103 1.7(1)�10�2 9(1)�10�6

(56) 2.2(2)�101 � 2.4�10�3

� 10�4

(57) 8.4(7)�101 2.7(1)�10�1 3.0(3)�10�3

a In C6H6 at 298K; errors represent one standard deviation.


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A reaction between 29 and ArCHO occurs,

MeReðNAdÞ3 ð29Þ þ 3ArCHO!MeReO3 þ 3ArCH ¼ NAd ð59Þ

This is a stepwise process during which two mixed oxo^imido com-pounds were detected, MeRe(O)2NAr, 31, and MeReO(NAr)2, 32. Theseintermediates could be prepared independently, as described in the pre-ceding section.The ¢rst stage is,

MeReðNAdÞ3 ð29Þ þArCHO!MeReOðNAdÞ2 ð30Þ þArCH ¼ NAd ð60Þ

The rate constants are presented inTableV. It is clear that a change insubstituent X for the substrates XC6H4CHO gives rise to a substantialkinetic e¡ect. Electron-donating groups lower the rate; the Hammettreaction constant is �=+0.9 (61).

The mechanism suggested for this reaction is represented inScheme 21. The involvement of a four-centered transition state is gener-ally accepted for many related (2+2) exchange reactions (1,63).

The conceptual combination of Eqs. (59) and (60) suggests thatMeReO3 will catalyze this reaction,

ArNCOþArCHO! ArCH ¼ NAdþ CO2 ð61Þ

Indeed, 4-NO2C6H4CH¼NAd was formed from these reagents in thepresence of MTO in re£uxing toluene (61).

SCHEME 20. Transition state diagrams for oxo^imido reactions, illustrating stericeffects.


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The compoundMeRe(NAd)3, 29, reacts with acidic protons.Water pro-duces AdNH2 and additionally MeReO(NAd)2, 30, which can undergofurther reaction to 31. In reaction with H2S both 30 and 31 form{MeRe(NR)2}2(m-S)2.The rate constants for these reactions are summar-ized inTableVI.Scheme 22 summarizes the mechanism proposed. As in the case

of oxygen exchange between MeReO3 and H2O, the proposed intermedi-ate was not detected. Examples of analogous intermediates that carryout the hydrolysis of imines and the aminolysis of ketones are welldocumented (64^66).



C6D6 AT 298K


k1 (10�4 Lmol�1 s�1)

4 -NO2 7.0 a

CHO 5.6 b

MeOC(O) 3.2 b

H 1.4 b

MeO 0.42b

Me2N 0.28b

aBy direct kinetic determinations.bBy competition kinetics against the first compound.

SCHEME 21. Methathesis reactions with aldehydes and MeRe(NAd)3.


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XI. Conclusions

The catalytic capabilities of rhenium compounds burst on the sceneabout one decade ago, featuring MeReO3 as a catalyst for reactions ofhydrogen peroxide. It was quickly veri¢ed that peroxorhenium(VII) com-pounds were the active intermediates. With them, practical reactionsand fundamental questions of mechanism could then be resolved.

A new generation of oxorhenium compounds has now been prepared.Theycatalyze oxidation reactions of a di¡erent type, and appear to func-tion by a di¡erent mechanism.They are oxorhenium(V) compounds thatform usually metastable dioxorhenium(VII) intermediates.The mechan-isms feature ReV(O)-to-ReVII(O)2 interconversions and catalyze oxygenatom transfer reactions. The mechanisms show a certain diversity as tothe steps that enter in a kinetic sense.Yet the schemes presented in thisreview show a great deal of similarity in their overall mode of action.


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SCHEME 22. Mechanism proposed for hydrolysis (etc.) reactions of MeRe(NAd)3.




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CH3Re(NAd)2O 9(1)�10�3 95(10)CH3Re(NAr)2O 4(1)�10�6 a,b 3.3(3)�10�3 a,c

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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California,Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

I. IntroductionII. Formation of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes

A. Ruthenium Ammine ComplexesB. Ruthenium(III) salen ComplexesC. MetalloporphyrinsD. Kinetics of NOReactions with Heme ProteinsE. Mechanism Studies with Iron Porphyrin Systems

III. Reactions of Metal Nitrosyl ComplexesA. ElectronTransfer ReactionsB. Nucleophilic Reactions with the Coordinated NitrosylsC. Reductive Nitrosylation ReactionsD. Electrophilic ReactionsE. NODisproportionationF. Reactions with Dioxygen

IV. Examples from the Chemical Biology of Metal Nitrosyl ComplexesA. Activation of Heme Containing EnzymesB. Formation of SNO-Hb

V. Overview and SummaryVI. List of Abbreviations


I. Introduction

Nitric oxide is important to awide varietyof mammalian physiologicalprocesses (1,2), beyond being a constituent of air pollution (3). Naturalphysiological activities are nowknown to include roles in blood pressurecontrol, neurotransmission and immune response, and a number of dis-ease states involving NO imbalances have been reported (2,4) as theresult of extensive research activity into the chemistry, biologyand phar-macology of NO. Understanding the fundamental reaction mechanisms


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

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of NO chemistry provides the basis for understanding the physiologicalfunctions of this ‘‘simple’’molecule.

The reactions and interactions of NO with metal centers are of parti-cular interest since transition metal centers such as hemes are wellestablished as targets for NO reactions in mammalian biology. In thiscontext, we present an overview of developments in mechanistic chemis-try involving the formation and reactions of selected metal nitrosyl com-plexes. Such studies provide quantitative understanding of pathways inwhich NO may participate and allow one to evaluate those which maybe the most signi¢cant among the multitude of chemical trajectoriesthat must be considered in interpreting biological systems. Notably,nitric oxide complexes have long been of interest to transition metalchemists, and numerous reviews have appeared over the past severaldecades (5). The present article will not duplicate these previous e¡ortsbut will focus on relatively recent mechanistic investigations of metalnitrosyl complexes, especially in the context of possible biomedical roles.

The solubility and transport properties of NO are similar to those ofdioxygen (6,7). The aqueous solution solubility of NO is 1.9mMatm�1 at298K and 1.4mMatm�1 at 310K (6). In organic solvents, the solubility ishigher, ranging from � 3mMatm�1 in DMSO to 15.0mMatm�1 in cyclo-hexane at 298K.NO is readily di¡usible, and a di¡usion constant in solu-tion of 3300 mm2 s�1 has been reported under physiological conditions(7). Di¡usion of NO in cellular and vascular systems has been modeledquantitatively by Lancaster (7b).

NO is a stable free radical with an electronic structure analogous tothe dioxygen cation Oþ2 , and this is understandably a dominant theme inits chemistry. It reacts rapidly with other free radicals andwith substitu-tion labile, redox active metals, but is not a strong one-electron oxidantor reductant.The character of the NO ligand in a complex with a metalcenter can range from that of a nitrosyl cation (NO+), isoelectronic withCO with approximately linear M^N^O bonds, to that of a nitroxyl anion(NO�) for which a bond angle of �120� is expected. The former caseinvolves considerable charge transfer to the metal center, while in thelatter, charge transfer is in the opposite direction. A generalized descrip-tion of the metal^NO interaction was o¡ered some years ago byFeltham and Enemark (8), who proposed the {MNO}n formulation,where n is the sum of the metal d-electrons and the nitrosyl p* electrons.Walsh-type diagrams were used to predict the bond angles of this unit.When the other ligands on the metal include a strong C4v perturbation,as is the case with metallo-porphyrins and trans-cyclam metal com-plexes, the M^N^O angle is predicted to be linear for n � 6 but bent forn>6. Much less common structures are certain metastable complexes

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generated photochemically in low temperature solids that have either anZ1-NO coordinated at the oxygen or an Z2 -NO coordinated with the NObond perpendicular to the metal^ligand axis (9,10). In some polynuclearcomplexes NO has been noted to bridge two metal ions via thenitrogen (11).The redox chemistry of the nitrogen oxides is complex and extremely

medium dependent. For example, the aqueous redox chemistry of NO ishighly sensitive to pH, as both nitrite reduction to NO (2 H+/e�) andNO reduction via HNO to N2O and H2O (1 H+/e�) (12,13) are protoncoupled reductions (Eqs. (1) and (2)). As a result NO is a relativelystrong reducing agent at high pH, and nitrous acid a strong oxidant atlow pH (E1/2 (H+)NO�2 /NO=�0.46 (+1.00) V vs. NHE, pH 14 (0)), but NOis easy to reduce at low pH (E1/2 NO/N2O=+0.76 V vs. NHE at pH=0)(Eq. (1)) (14). Furthermore, the prompt products of NO oxidation andreduction, NO+ and NO�, are unstable in aqueous media, and exactpotentials for these one electron steps have been di⁄cult to obtain.

NO�2 þ 2Hþ þ e����!NOþH2O E� ¼ 0:37V ðvs: NHE; pH 7Þ ð1Þ

NOþHþþ e����!HNO ðsingletÞ E� ¼ �0:55V ðvs: NHE; pH 7Þ ð2Þ

NOþ þ e����!NO E� ¼� 1:2V ðvs: NHEÞ ð3Þ

Nitrosonium (NO+) is a strong oxidant and the reduction potential toNO has been measured in non-aqueous media (1.67 V vs. SCE inCH3CN), and estimated for water (Eq. (3)) (12,15). NO+ is subject to rapidhydrolysis to nitrite ð2Hþ þNO�2 Þ, and therefore if formed in biologicalmediawould be short-lived. However, other less water-sensitive chemicalspecies can act as NO+ donors in reactions leading to the nitrosation ofvarious substrates. For example, the reactions of certain metal nitrosylcomplexes with nucleophiles such as R^SH can lead to the transfer ofNO+ as illustrated in Eq. (4). Such reactions will be discussed in greaterdetail below.

R”SHþ LxM”NO���!R”SNOþ LxM�þHþ ð4Þ

As mentioned above, NO can also be reduced to the nitroxyl anion(NO�) (Eq. (5)), which is isoelectronic with O2, and like dioxygen has atriplet ground state (15).

NOþ e� ���! 3NO� ð5Þ

There is increasing interest in possible biological roles of the nitroxylanion in both singlet and triplet forms as well as of the conjugate


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acid HNO (16). The standard potential for NO reduction (Eq. (5)) hasbeen estimated to be �0.33 V vs. NHE (15), while other estimatesfall in the range �0.5 to �0.8V vs. NHE (16j). Another recent study(13) has concluded that the data used in these estimates were incom-plete and that the reduction of NO is even less favorable. This morerecent work shows that while 3NO� (pKa =�1.8) is more stable than1NO� (pKa = 23), 1HNO (�0.15V, pH=0) is more stable than either3HNO or 3NO� (�0.81V, pH=0). It can be shown from these data thatthe e¡ective pKa for the transformation 1HNOÐ 3NO�+H+ is rela-tively high (�11.3) (13), indicating that if an uncoupled nitrogen (1)species were formed in biological media, it would be present as 1HNO.This is an important distinction because 3NO� is reported to react ata near di¡usion-limited rate with 3O2 to form the peroxynitrite ionONOO�, while the corresponding reaction with 1HNO is spin-forbid-den and slow (13a). Over a longer timescale, 1HNO may dimerize anddehydrate to nitrous oxide (N2O), or add two more equivalents of NOto give N3O

�3 , which also decomposes to give N2O and NO�2 .

II. Formation of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes

When exploring the formation of a metal nitrosyl complex (e.g.Eq. (6)), it is instructive to consider whether or not the free radicalnature of NO leads to di¡erent reaction mechanisms than seen forother small diatomic ligands such as CO. In many cases, the reactivitypattern for NO appears similar to that observed for other smallLewis bases. This might be rationalized on the basis that, since theodd electron of NO resides in the p* orbital, it does not becomeinvolved until the metal^ligand bond is largely formed. Thus thekinetics of a bimolecular reaction, as illustrated by Eq. (6), are domi-nated by the lability of the metal complex MLnX. On the other hand,back reactions of geminate pairs {MLn, AB} formed by £ash photolysisof a MLn^AB complex or M^AB formation from an analogous encoun-ter pair formed by the di¡usion of M and AB together, show signi¢-cant reactivity di¡erences between cases when AB is NO vs. whenAB is CO. Furthermore, in the example described immediately below,kinetics data suggest that the radical nature of NO leads to an asso-ciative substitution pathway, in at least one case involving a paramag-netic metal ion complex.

MLnXþNO)�������* MLnðNOÞ þ X ð6Þ

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Until very recently, there has been little systematic study of the reac-tion mechanism(s) of metal^NO bond formation. An exception was anearly study of the kinetics of nitrosylation of the ruthenium(III) complex,RuðNH3Þ

3þ6 , in aqueous solution (Eq. (7)) (17). Armor, Scheidegger and

Taube (17a) found the rate for this reaction (kNO= 0.2M�1 s�1 at 298K) tobe much faster than the replacement of NH3 by other ligands.They con-cluded that the reaction probably proceeds byan associative mechanism,where the paramagnetic d5 Ru(III) center interacts with the odd electronof NO to give a seven-coordinate intermediate Ru(NH3)6(NO)3+. Theassociative mechanism gained further strong support from subsequentactivation parameter studies by Pell and Armor (17b), who found a small�Hz (36 kJmol�1) but a large and negative �Sz (�138 JK�1mol�1) forthe reaction described by Eq. (7) in acidic solution. A recent study byCzap and van Eldik con¢rmed these activation parameters and anactiva-tion volume of�13.6 cm3mol�1was determined, in support of an associa-tive mechanism (18).

RuðNH3Þ3þ6 þNOþHþ���!RuðNH3Þ5ðNOÞ3þ þNHþ4 ð7Þ

Pell and Armor found entirely di¡erent products in alkaline solution.Above pH8.3, the sole ruthenium product of the reaction of RuðNH3Þ


with NOwas the dinitrogen complex Ru(NH3)5(N2)2+. Under these condi-tions the rate law proved to be ¢rst-order in [RuðNH3Þ

3þ6 ], [NO] and

[OH�]. A likely mechanism is the reversible reaction of RuðNH3Þ3þ6 with

OH� to give the intermediate Ru(NH3)5(NH2)2+, followed by electrophilic

NO attack at the amide ligand and release of water. However, the kineticevidence does not exclude other sequences.


Several Ru(III) salen complexes of the type RuIII(salen)(X)(NO)(X=Cl�, ONO�, H2O; salen=N,N 0-bis(salicylidene)-ethylenediaminedianion) have been examined as possible photochemical NO precursors(19). Photo-excitation of the RuIII(salen)(NO)(X) complex labilizes NO toform the respective solvento species RuIII(salen)(X)(Sol). The kinetics ofthe subsequent back reactions to reform the nitrosyl complexes (e.g.Eq. (8)) were studied as a function of the nature of the solvent (Sol) andreaction conditions. The reaction rates are dramatically dependent onthe identity of Sol, with values of kNO (298K, X=Cl�) varying from5�10�4M�1 s�1 in acetonitrile to 4�107M�1s�1 in toluene, a muchweaker electron donor. In this case, RuIII^Sol bond breaking clearly


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plays an important role in the rate-limiting step for NO substitutionof Sol.


Activation parameters were also measured for the ‘‘on’’ reaction fortwo RuIII(salen) complexes in toluene. Temperature dependent kineticstudies yielded values for �Hz of 34 and 20 kJmol�1 and �Sz of +10 and�46 Jmol�1K�1 for Ru(tBu4salen) and Ru(tBu4salophen), respectively(tBu4salen=N,N 0-ethylenebis(3,5-di-t-butylsalicylideneiminato) dianion,tBu4salophen=N,N 0-1,2 -phenylenediaminebis(3-t-butylsalicylideneimi-nato) dianion). Kinetics for the ‘‘on’’ reaction were also explored as afunction of hydrostatic pressure yielding �Vz values of +22 and+16 cm3mol�1 for Ru(tBu4salen) and Ru(tBu4salophen), respectively.These observations are consistent with kon rate constants that varyover 12 orders of magnitude depending upon the nature of the leavinggroup (Sol in Eq. (8)). Reactions with NO in highly coordinating solventsoccur at substantially slower rates than inweakly coordinating solvents.The large and positive values for the activation volumes are indicativeof a dissociative ligand exchange mechanism in which a solvent ligandmust ¢rst dissociate from the ruthenium center prior to reaction withNO. However, it should be noted that these positive �Vz values weremeasured for NO displacement of a labile ligand, toluene. It remains tobe seen whether this mechanistic argument holds true for a much lesslabile ligand such as CH3CN.


Ligand substitution reactions of NO leading to metal^nitrosyl bondformation were ¢rst quantitatively studied for metalloporphyrins,(M(Por)), and heme proteins a few decades ago (20), and have been thesubject of a recent review (20d). Despite the large volume of work, system-atic mechanistic studies have been limited. As with the RuIII(salen) com-plexes discussed above, photoexcitation of metalloporphyrin nitrosylsresults in labilization of NO. In such studies, laser £ash photolysisis used to labilize NO from a M(Por)(NO) precursor, and subsequentrelaxation of the non-steady state system back to equilibrium (Eq. (9)) ismonitored spectroscopically.

MðPorÞ þNO)�������*kon

koffMðPorÞðNOÞ ð9Þ

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In the presence of excess NO, the observed transient spectra areexpected to decay exponentially with an observed rate constant (kobs)equal to:

kobs ¼ kon½NO� þ koff ð10Þ

Consequently, plots of kobs vs. [NO] should be linear with a slope equal tokon and an intercept equal to ko¡ as illustrated in Fig. 1 for the relaxationkinetics for reaction of the iron(III) heme protein met-myoglobin(metMb), in the presence of excess NO (21^23). In this case, thermalligand dissociation (ko¡) is su⁄ciently fast relative to kon to allow deter-mination of an accurate value of the intercept; thus the ratio kon/ko¡gives a reasonable value for the equilibrium constant (K) for nitrosylcomplex formation. However, for many systems, especially those offerro-heme complexes and certain proteins, the ‘‘o¡’’ reaction is too slowto give acceptably accurate intercepts, and it is di⁄cult to determineeither ko¡ orK from these plots. In certain cases, rates of NO labilizationhave been determined directly by following the thermal disappearanceof the nitrosyl complex in the presence of an e⁄cient trapping agent forfree NO, an example being the Ru(III) complex Ru(edta)� (23).

FIG. 1. Plot of kobs vs. [NO] for the reaction of metMb with NO as measured by laserflash photolysis at different temperatures in pH 7.0 phosphate buffer solution (50mM):15 �C (filled circles), 25 �C (open circles), 30 �C (filled squares), 35 �C (open squares),40 �C (filled triangles), and 45 �C (open triangles) (21c).


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Thekinetics of reactions ofNOwith ferri- and ferro-hemeproteins andmodels under ambient conditions have been studied by time-resolvedspectroscopic techniques. Representative results are summarized inTable I (22^28). Equilibrium constants determined for the formation ofnitrosyl complexes of met-myoglobin (metMb), ferri-cytochrome-c(CytIII) and catalase (Cat) are in reasonable agreement when measuredboth by £ash photolysis techniques (K= kon/ko¡) and by spectroscopictitration in aqueous media (22).Table I summarizes the several orders ofmagnitude range of kon and ko¡ values obtained for ferri- and ferro-heme proteins. Many ko¡ values were too small to determine by £ashphotolysis methods and were determined by other means. The smallvalues of ko¡ result in very large equilibrium constants K for the



Conditions a kon (M�1 s�1) ko¡ (s�1) Reference

Ferric proteins a

metMb b H2O, pH 6.5 1.9�105 13.6 (22)metMb c 50mM phosphate, pH 7.0, 298K 4.8�104 43 (23)CytIII H2O, pH 6.5, 293K 7.2�102 4.4�10�2 (22)Cat H2O, pH 6.5, 293K 3.0�107 1.7�102 (23)Enos 283K, 1mM arginine 8.2�105 70 (24)nNOS pH 7.8, 293K, heme domain 2.1�107 40 (24)NP d 298K 1.5^2.2�106 0.006^2.2 (25)MPO pH 7.0, 283K 1.07�106 10.8 (29)

Ferrous proteins a

HbT4e pH 7.0, 293K 2.6�107 3.0�10�3 (26)

HbR4e pH 7.0, 293K 2.6�107 1.5�10�4 (26)

sGC pH 7.4, 293K 1.4�108 6.8�10�4 (27)sGC pH 7.4, 293K, 3mMMg2+, 0.5mMGTP ^ 5.0�10�2 (27)Mb phosphate bu¡er pH 7.0, 293K 1.7�107 1.2�10�4 (26)CytII H2O, pH 6.5 8.3 2.9�10�5 (22)eNOS 283K, 1mM arginine 1.1�106 70 (24)nNOS pH 7.8, 293K, heme domain 1.1�107 � 0 (24)MPO pH 7.0, 283K 1.0�105 4.6 (29)

aAbbreviations listed in SectionVI.bSperm whale skeletal metMb.cHorse heart metMb.dRate constants are the range for NP1, NP2, NP3 and NP4, pH 5.0 and pH 8.0, the koff displays two

phases.eTwo phases are observed for NO binding.

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ferrous-hemes with the exception of CytII, which also displays a verysmall kon value.The low reactivityof both CytIII and CytII towardNOcan be attributed

to occupation of the heme iron axial coordination sites by an imidazolenitrogen and by a methionine sulfur of the protein (28). Thus, unlikeother heme proteins where one axial site is empty or occupied by H2O,formation of the nitrosyl complex not only involves ligand displacementbut also signi¢cant protein conformational changes which inhibit thereactionwithNO.However, the protein does not always inhibit reactivitygiven that Cat and nNOS are more reactive toward NO than is themodel complex FeIII(TPPS)(H2O)2 (Table II). Conversely, the ko¡ values



‘‘on’’ Reactions a kon(M�1 s�1)





FeIII(TPPS)+NO 4.5�105 69� 3 95�10 9�1 (21c)FeIII(TMPS)+NO 2.8�106 57�3 69�11 13�1 (21c)metMb+NO 4.8�104 63�2 55� 8 20� 6 (23)FeII(H2O)6+NO 1.4�106 37�0.5 �3�2 6.1�0.4 (30)FeII(Hedtra)+NO 6.1�107 26�1 �12� 3 2.8� 0.1 (31b)FeII(edta)+NO 2.4�108 24�1 �4� 3 4.1�0.2 (31b)FeII(nta)+NO 2.1�107 24�1 �22� 3 �1.5� 0.1 (31b)FeII(TPPS)+NO 1.5�109 24� 3 12�10 5�1 (21c)FeII(TMPS)+NO 1.0�109 26� 6 16� 21 2� 2 (21c)FeII(TPPS)+CO 3.6�107 11�6 �64� 2 �6.6� 0.6 (21c)FeII(TMPS)+CO 6.0�107 31�4 6�13 �4.0� 0.7 (21c)CoII(TPPS)+NO 1.9�109 28� 2 26�7 b (21c)

‘‘o¡’’ Reactions ko¡(s�1)





FeIII(TPPS)(NO) 0.5�103 76� 6 60�11 18� 2 (21c)FeIII(TMPS)(NO) 0.9�103 84� 3 94�10 17�3 (21c)metMb(NO) 42 68� 4 14�13 18� 3 (23)FeIII(H2O)5(NO�) 3.2�103 48�1 �15� 5 1.3� 0.2 (30)FeII(Hedtra)(NO) 4.2 73�1 11�4 4.4� 0.8 (31b)FeII(edta)(NO) 91 61� 2 �5�7 7.6� 0.6 b (31b)FeII(nta)(NO) 9.3 66�1 �5� 4 �3.5� 0.7 (31b)FeII(TPPS)(NO) 6.4�10�4 b b b (21c)CoII(TPPS)(NO) 1.5�10�4 b b b (21c)

aAbbreviations given in SectionVI.bNot determined.


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for metMb, CytIII, and Cat are all smaller than for FeIII(TPPS) suggestingretardation of NO dissociation from the iron nitrosyl complex by theseproteins.


Laverman and coworkers have reported activation parameters for theaqueous solution reactions of NO with the iron(II) and iron(III) com-plexes of thewater soluble porphyrinsTPPS andTMPS (21).These studiesinvolved systematic measurements to determine kon and ko¡ as functionsof temperature (298�318K) and hydrostatic pressure (0.1�250MPa) todetermine values of �Hz, �Sz and �Vz for the ‘‘on’’and ‘‘o¡’’ reactions ofthe ferri-heme models and for the ‘‘on’’ reactions of the ferro-hememodels (Table II). Figure 2 illustrates hydrostatic pressure e¡ects on konand ko¡ for FeIII(TPPS).

The large and positive�Sz values and, particularly the large and posi-tive �Vz values obtained (21) for kon and ko¡ represent signatures for asubstitution mechanism dominated by ligand dissociation, for the ferri-heme complexes, i.e.,


k�1FeIIIðPorÞðH2OÞ þH2O ð11Þ

FeIIIðPorÞðH2OÞ þNO)�������*k2

k�2FeIIIðPorÞðH2OÞðNOÞ ð12Þ

FIG. 2. Plots of ln(kon) (circles) and ln(koff) (squares) vs. hydrostatic pressure todetermine activation volume values �V z

on and �V zoff for the reaction of NO with

FeIII(TPPS) in aqueous solution at 298K (21a).

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The H2O exchange mechanism was studied by Hunt et al. (32) whoreported that exchange between aqueous solvent and FeIII(TPPS)(H2O)2occurs with a ¢rst-order rate constant (kex= 1.4�107 s�1 in water at298K) far exceeding the kobs values determined at any [NO]. If thesteady state approximation was applied with regard to the intermediateFeIII(Por)(H2O), the kobs for the exponential relaxation of the non-equilib-rium mixture generated by the £ash photolysis experiment would be,

kobs ¼k1k2½NO� þ k�1k�2½H2O�

k�1½H2O� þ k2½NO�ð13Þ

It may be assumed that k�1[H2O]� k2[NO] since both steps involve trap-ping of an unsaturated metal center and [H2O]� [NO]. Accordingly,kon= k1k2/k�1[H2O] and ko¡ = k�2. In this context, the apparent activationparameters for kon would be:

�Szon ¼ �Sz1 þ�Sz2 ��Sz�1 and �Vzon ¼ �Vz1 þ�Vz2 ��Vz�1 ð14Þ

The k2 and the k�1 steps represent similar (very fast) reactions of theunsaturated intermediate FeIII(Por)(H2O) with an incoming ligand (NOand H2O, respectively), so the di¡erences in their activation parameters(e.g. �Sz2 ��Sz�1 and �Vz2 ��Vz�1) should be small. In such a case theprincipal contributor to �Szon would be �Sz1, the activation entropy forthe H2O dissociative step. The k1 step should thus display a positive�Hz1 consistent with the energy necessary to break the FeIII^OH2 bond,a large, positive �Sz1 owing to formation of two species from one, and asubstantially positive�Vz1 for the same reason.These conditions aremetfor the kon activation parameters for both model complexes (Table II).Furthermore, the values measured by Hunt et al. for �Hzex (57 kJmol�1)and �Szex (84 JK�1mol�1) for the H2O exchange on FeIII(TPPS)(H2O)2(32) are very similar to the respective activation parameters relating tokon obtained for the reaction with NO. The H2O exchange was reexa-mined in a recent study by van Eldik et al. (33) using variable tempera-ture/pressure NMR techniques. These workers reported �Hzex =67 kJmol�1 and �Szex = 99 Jmol�1K�1 and �Vzex = 7.9 cm3mol�1, for FeIII

(TPPS)(H2O)2, which are in even better agreement with those measuredby £ash photolysis for the kon pathway with NO (21). Thus, the factorsthat determine the exchange kinetics for FeIII(TPPS)(H2O)2 with solventH2O dominate the reaction of NO with the same species. The activationparameters relevant to kon for this iron(III) heme model are largelyde¢ned bya dissociative mechanism, the limiting step being k1 in Eq. (11).Based on the principle of microscopic reversibility one may conclude

that the intermediate(s) in the ‘‘o¡’’ step will be the same as those gener-ated during the kon pathway, thus iron^nitrosyl bond breakage (k�2)


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would be the energetically dominant step. Coordination of NO toFeIII(Por) is accompanied by considerable charge transfer to give a line-arly bonded, diamagnetic complex that can be formally represented asFeII(Por)^(NO+). Thus, the activation parameters of the ‘‘o¡’’ reactionmust re£ect the intrinsic entropy and volume changes associated withthe spin change and solvent reorganization as the charge localizes onthe metal. The large positive �Vzex values for Fe

III(TPPS)(H2O)(NO) areconsistent with the limiting dissociative mechanism as outlined inEqs. (11) and (12).

The speci¢c solvation of NO coordinated to Fe(III) and the resultingsolvent reorganization upon NO dissociation (Fig. 3) ¢nds some analogywith the nitrophorins, which are heme protein systems for NO transferfound in certain blood sucking insects.The crystal structure of one nitro-phorin, NP4, shows that binding of NO to the Fe(III) center leads to acollapse of the protein around the coordinated NO. The distal heme-binding pocket in nitrophorin NP4 is quite open to solvent in the absenceof NO. It was postulated that collapse of the protein around the hemenitrosyl led to increased retention of bound NO at low pH (25).

Activation parameters for the reaction of NO with metMb, Eq. (15),were determined in this laboratory and in collaboration with van Eldikand Stochel (Table II) (23). Comparison of these activation parameterswith those determined for reactions of NO with the water soluble ferri-heme complexes FeIII(TPPS)(H2O)2 and FeIII(TMPS)(H2O)2 (Table II)demonstrate that the latter compounds represent reasonable models forthe kinetics for the analogous reaction with metMb. For example, thekon step would appear to be de¢ned largely by the H2O lability ofmetMb(H2O), although it is clear that the di¡usion through proteinchannels, the distal residues and the proximal histidine binding to theFe(III) center must all in£uence the NO binding kinetics (23,24). Theseproperties may indeed be re£ected in the lower �Sz values for both the‘‘on’’and ‘‘o¡’’ reactions on metMb. In a related study, Cao et al. recently

FIG. 3. Schematic representation of the solvent reorganization that may occur uponthe dissociation of nitric oxide from FeIII(Por) in aqueous solution.

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reported the observation of the 5-coordinate intermediate metMb gener-ated by £ash photolysis of metMb(NO) and trapping of that species byH2O (34b).They further showed that the kon step is several orders of mag-nitude faster for the metMb mutant H64G than for wild type horseheart metMb. Since in the H64G mutant a glycine is substituted for thedistal histidine, the greater reactivity of the mutant was interpreted interms of hydrogen bonding from His-64 stabilizing the coordinatedH2O of the wild type protein. One might expect such stabilization to bere£ected by a higher�Hzon value for the wild type protein, but activationparameters were not reported for the mutant protein.Ferri-heme proteins for which kon and ko¡ values have been reported

include two forms of nitric oxide synthase eNOS and nNOS as well asseveral forms of nitrophorin (Table I, Eq. (15)).

metMbðH2OÞ þNO)�������*kon

koffmetMbðNOÞ þH2O ð15Þ

Hoshino et al. (35) have reported rates for the nitrosylation of modelcompounds M(Por) (M=Fe(II), Co(II), and Mn(II), Por=TPP or OEP) intoluene solutions by £ash photolysis of MII(Por)(NO) in the absence ofexcess NO. The bimolecular rate constants, kon, were obtained directlyfrom analysis of the decay of the transient at various temperatures togive �Hz and �Sz values (35,36). The general pattern observed was thatall the ‘‘on’’ rates are fast, the activation enthalpies are quite small andactivation entropies are negative.This pattern is consistent with bimole-cular NO trapping by a M(Por) species that is, at most, weakly coordi-nated by the toluene solvent. The trapping rates follow the orderMnII(Por)<FeII(Por)<CoII(Por), and it was noted that, since nitrosyla-tion changes the spin state (S=

Pms from 5/2, 2 and 1/2, respectively, to

0, 1/2 and 0) the slower rates were observed for those complexes showingthe largest reorganization of spin multiplicity.The water-soluble ferrous complexes FeII(TPPS) and FeII(TMPS), react

with NO about three orders of magnitude faster than for the iron(III)analogs (Table II). Correspondingly, the activation parameters showmuch lower values of �Hzon and �Szon. The magnitude of the latter isconsistent with rates largely de¢ned by di¡usional factors, although thekon values reported are nearly an order of magnitude less than di¡usion-limited rate constants inwater. High spin FeII(Por) complexes areconsid-erably more labile than the FeIII(Por) analogs not only for the modelcompounds but also for most heme proteins (Table I). Since the ferro-heme center may be 5-coordinate in such cases, formation of a metal^NO bond does not require initial displacement of another ligand, andthus is not limited by the rate of ligand labilization.


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Earlier kinetics studies (20c) of ferro-heme proteins and model com-pounds have led to the proposal of a mechanism in which an encountercomplex, {FeII(Por)jjL}, is formed prior to ligand bond formation accord-ing to Eq. (16).

FeIIðPorÞ þ L)�������*kD


ka FeIIðPorÞL ð16Þ

In this equation, kD is the rate constant for the di¡usion-limited forma-tion of the encounter complex, k�D is the rate constant for di¡usionapart, and ka is that for the ‘‘activation’’ step, i.e. M^L bond formation.Based on the steady-state approximation for the encounter complex con-centration, the apparent rate constant for the ‘‘on’’ reaction is kon = kDka/(k�D+ka), and the activation volume is de¢ned as

�Vzon ¼ �VzD þ�Vza �RTdlnðka þ k�DÞ


� �ð17Þ

There are two limiting cases in this model, one in which the reaction isdi¡usion limited (ka�k�D), the other in which the reaction is activationlimited (k�D� ka). In the activation limited process, Eq. (17) simpli¢es to

�Vzon ¼ �VzD þ�Vza ��Vz�D ð18Þ

where �VzD ��Vz�D is the volume di¡erence between the encounter

complex and the solvent separated species. Although unknown, this dif-ference is likely to be small for a neutral ligand such as NO, since theencounter complex does not involve the formation or breakage of bondsand should have only modest impact on solvation. The dominant termwould be �Vza which should be negative owing to the formation of aFeII^L bond and the concomitant change of the spin state from high(quintet FeII(Por) plus doublet NO) to low spin (doublet FeII(Por)(NO)).

For the condition ka � k�D, the reaction would become di¡usion-lim-ited and Eq. (17) reduces to �Vzon ¼ �VzD. Activation volumes for di¡u-sion in various solvents are positive owing to viscosity increases athigher pressure (+7.5, +9.5 and +0.8 cm3mol�1 in CH3CN, C2H5OH, andH2O, respectively) (38). For FeII(TPPS)(H2O)2 and FeII(TMPS)(H2O)2,the positive �Vzon values are somewhat larger than expected for a di¡u-sion-limited process in aqueous solution but are signi¢cantly smallerthan those measured for the iron(III) analogs.The relevant kinetic datafrom high pressure experiments are consistent with a process having akon value within an order of magnitude of the di¡usion limit in water(kD� 1010M�1 s�1 at 298K) (39). If a similar analysis were made withrespect to �Szon, then �Szon ¼ �SzD in the di¡usion limited case. The

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activation entropy for di¡usion in aqueous solution can be calculatedas � 34 Jmol�1K�1 (40); thus the measured �Szon values for FeII(TPPS)(H2O)2 and FeII(TMPS)(H2O)2 (12�10 and 16� 21Jmol�1K�1, respec-tively) are not entirely inconsistent with a process limited by di¡usion.Similar arguments can be made for the aqueous solution reaction ofNO with CoII(TPPS) (21).In order for NO to act as an intracellular signaling agent at sub-micro-

molar concentrations, it must be generated near the target, and thereactions with ferro-hemes must be very fast to compete with otherchemical and physiological processes leading to NO depletion. Theabove study is consistent with the intuitive notion that the fast reactionsof ferro-heme proteins with NO are due to a vacant or exceedingly labilecoordination site.A model parallel to that described by Eq. (16) applies to the analogous

reactions with CO. The second-order rate constant for the reaction ofFeII(TPPS)(H2O)2 with CO is several orders of magnitude below the di¡u-sion limit. As a consequence, the rate of this reaction must be activationcontrolled. In contrast to the reaction with NO, the �Vzon values for COare negative.These results parallel other studies of ferro-heme complexesthat found reaction with NO to be di¡usion-limited while reaction withCO is activation limited.This model was con¢rmed bya study of the reac-tion of CO with FeII(MCPH) (MCPH=monochelated protoheme, or pro-tohemin 3-(1-imadazoyl) propylamide stearyl ester) in toluene/mineraloil solutions. By exploiting pressure e¡ects it was possible to tune thereaction mechanism from an activation-limited process to a di¡usion-limited process (37).The viscosity of this solvent mixture is very sensitiveto applied pressure and pressure increases led to slower limitingdi¡usion rates (i.e. smaller values of kD and k�D) to the point where di¡u-sion becomes rate-limiting at higher pressures.Flash photolysis techniques were unsuitable for measuring the slow

‘‘o¡’’ reactions for the iron(II) model complexes such as FeII(TPPS)(NO),since the experimental uncertainties in the extrapolated intercepts ofkobs vs. [NO] plots were larger than the values of the intercepts them-selves. When trapping methods were used to evaluate NO labilizationfrom FeII(TPPS)(NO), ko¡ values were found to be quite small but weresensitive to the nature of the trapping agents used. Lewis bases thatcould coordinate the metal center appeared to accelerate NO loss. Morereliable estimates for the uncatalyzed ‘‘o¡’’ reaction were obtained byusing Ru(edta)� as an NO scavenger, and the ko¡ values listed in Table Iwere obtained in this manner (21c).The small ko¡ values found for Fe(II)models are consistent with the trend observed for the ferro-hemeproteins discussed above.


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Another method for estimating ko¡ is shown in Scheme 1.This involvesusing a Born-Haber type cycle to calculate the equilibrium constantKII

NO for formation of FeII(TPPS)(NO) from the value of KIIINO (1.1�0.1�

103M�1) (21) and the reduction potentials for FeIII(TPPS)(NO) (+0.35Vvs. SCE) and FeIII(TPPS) (�0.23V vs. SCE) in aqueous solution (41). Thevalue kIIoff ¼ 2� 10�4 s�1 was estimated using the expression in Eq. (19)below, where kIIon ¼ 1:5� 109 M�1 s�1. This is about threefold smallerthan the value measured by NO scavenging, but given the uncertaintiesin the electrochemical values used in the estimate, the agreement isquite reasonable (21c).

kIIoff ¼kIIon


Kinetics and activation parameters for NO reactions with a series ofiron(II) aminocarboxylato complexes have been obtained (Table II) inaqueous solution (31). Rate constants for these reactions ranged from105 to 108M�1 s�1 for the series of iron(II) complexes studied. The reac-tions of NO with FeII(edta) (edta= ethylenediaminetetraacetate) andFeII(Hedtra) (Hedtra=hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetate) yielded acti-vationvolumes of +4.1and +2.8 cm3mol�1, respectivelyandwere assignedto a dissociative interchange (Id) mechanism (31b). All of the iron(II)aminocarboxylato complexes studied followed a similar pattern withthe exception of the FeII(nta) (Nta=nitriloacetic acid) complex whichgave a �Vz value of �1.5 cm3mol�1. The reaction of this complex with

SCHEME 1. Porphyrin ligand substituents have been omitted for clarity.

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NO was proposed to occur through an associative interchange mecha-nism (Ia). A recent study of the formation of [Fe(H2O)5(NO)]2+ fromaquated ferrous ion (30) resulted in activation parameters similar tothose for chelated ferrous ion (Table II). The small and positive activa-tion volumes were used to assign the reaction mechanism as dissociativeinterchange in character.

III. Reactions of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes

The versatility of NO as a ligand is illustrated by the linear and bentcoordination modes of metal^NO bonding (Fig. 4). Linear coordinationis often viewed in terms of charge transfer to the metal giving (formally)the nitrosyl (NO+) ligand, which is isoelectronic with carbon monoxide.Such charge transfer from the pNO orbital to the metal is qualitativelyconsistent with the relatively high �NO stretching frequencies (�1800^1950 cm�1) and re£ects the nitrosyl triple bond character in these cases.Bent M^NO coordination implies less electronic charge transfer fromNO to M, and consequently the �NO values are lower. Indeed, as theangle approaches 120�, the polarity of the charge transfer is reversed,and the ligand is formally a nitroxyl anion (NO�). In this contextone can easily speculate that a NO molecule coordinated linearly to acationic metal center may be susceptible to nucleophilic attack,while the bent nitroxyl complexes would be more inclined to react withelectrophiles such as H+. This qualitative picture has indeed beenrealized for each limiting case. Such reactivity patterns of coordinatedNO have been reviewed by McCleverty (1977) (16b) and Bottomley(1989) (16d), so the present article will largely focus on more recentexamples.

FIG. 4. Illustration of limiting cases of NO binding to a metalloporphyrin center as:(a) the nitroxyl anion (NO�) with aM^N^O bond angle of�120�; or as (b) the nitrosylcation (NO+) with a M^N^O bond angle of�180�.


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The NO/NO+ and NO/NO� self-exchange rates are quite slow (42).Therefore, the kinetics of nitric oxide electron transfer reactions arestrongly a¡ected by transition metal complexes, particularly by thosethat are labile and redox active which can serve to promote these reac-tions. Although iron is the most important metal target for nitric oxidein mammalian biology, other metal centers might also react with NO.For example, both cobalt (in the form of cobalamin) (43,44) and copper(in the formof di¡erent types of copper proteins) (45) have been identi¢edas potential NO targets. In addition, a substantial fraction of the bacte-rial nitrite reductases (which catalyze reduction of NO�2 to NO) arecopper enzymes (46).The interactions of NOwith such metal centers con-tinue to be rich for further exploration.

There havebeen several studies withvitaminB12 derivatives. For exam-ple, it was claimed that the Co(III) complex aquacobalamin (V|taminB12a) reacts with NO to form a stable complex, and this reaction wasattributed to biological roles (43), in contradiction to an earlier conclu-sion byWilliams and coworkers (47) that B12a is unreactive with nitricoxide. However, van Eldik and coworkers (44a) recently concluded thatthe claimed reactivity with B12a is due instead to the common aqueoussolution impurity NO�2 which forms the B12a^NO2 complex. They alsodemonstrated (44c) that NO reacts rapidly with the reduced form of B12a

(CoII) to give the corresponding nitrosyl complex with a second-orderrate constant kon= 7.4�108M�1s�1 at pH 7.4 (298K). The water solublecobalt(II) porphyrin complex CoII(TPPS) has been shown to react withNO to give the nitrosyl adduct with comparable rates (Table II) (21).

The NO reduction of the Cu(II) complex Cu(dmp)2(H2O)2+ (dmp=2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) to give CuðdmpÞþ2 plus nitrite ion (Eq.(20)) has been studied in aqueous solution and various mixed solvents(42a). The reduction potential for Cu(dmp)2(H2O)2+ (0.58V vs. NHEin water) (48) is substantially more positive than those for most cupriccomplexes owing to steric repulsion between the 2,9-methyl substituentsthat provide a bias toward the tetrahedral coordination of Cu(I). Theless crowded bis(1,10-phenanthroline) complex Cu(phen)2(H2O)2+ is aweaker oxidant (0.18V) (48).

In methanol, the product of the Cu(dmp)2(H2O)2+ oxidation of NO isCH3ONO; in water, it is NO�2 (Eq. (20)). The reaction did not occur inCH2Cl2 unless methanol was added.

CuðdmpÞ2ðH2OÞ2þþNOþ ROH���!CuðdmpÞþ2 þ RONOþHþ þH2O


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The kinetics of this reactionwere followed by tracking the appearance ofCuðdmpÞþ2 at 455 nm, the �max of the metal to ligand charge transfer(MLCT) absorption band. At a ¢xed pH, the kinetics in aqueous solutionfollowed the rate law.

d½CuðdmpÞþ2 �dt

¼ kNO½NO�½CuðdmpÞ2þ2 � ð21Þ

Addition of NaNO2 (50 mM) had no e¡ect on the reaction pro¢le with NOpresent, and no reaction was observed (on the time scale of the stopped-£ow experiment) when NO was absent. However, at higher concentra-tions, anions, including the conjugate bases of various bu¡ers (B�),slowed down the reaction. This was attributed to the competitionbetween water and the anions for the labile 5th coordination site ofCu(dmp)2(H2O)2+.These results can be analyzed in the context of two di¡erent mecha-

nisms. The ¢rst would be simple outer-sphere electron transfer to giveCu(I) plus NO+ followed by hydrolysis of the latter (Eqs. (22) and (23)).

CuðdmpÞ2þ2 þNO)�������*kOS


CuðdmpÞþ2 þNOþ ð22Þ

NOþ þH2O �!khyd

Hþ þHNO2 ð23Þ

Thekinetic scheme of the outer-sphere mechanism canyield two limitingcases, both ¢rst-order in [NO]. One would involve a reversible equili-brium (Eq. (22)) followed by hydrolysis of the nitrosonium ion. In thiscase the second-order rate constant would be kNO=KOS khyd/[CuðdmpÞþ2 ]where KOS= kOS/k�OS and khyd is the rate constant for NO+ hydrolysis.At the other extreme, kOSwould be rate limiting (kNO= kOS), and electrontransfer is e¡ectively irreversible owing to rapid hydrolysis of NO+.Thelatter would appear more likely given the expectation that khyd is quitelarge and that the CuðdmpÞþ2 concentration is initially very small (49).In either case, the reaction rate would be expected to be lower when ananion is coordinated to the Cu(II) instead of H2O owing to the (likely)lower reduction potential of a Cu(dmp)2(B)+ species. For either limitingcase, kOS is the maximum rate constant by which NO reduction ofCu(II) would occur, and a value for this can be estimated from theMarcus cross relationship (50), i.e. kOS � ðk11 kex KOSÞ

1=2 , where k11 is theCuðdmpÞ2þ2 =CuðdmpÞþ2 self exchange rate constant and kex is the self-exchange rate constant, for NO+/NO. This treatment gave� 3�10�3M�1s�1 as an estimate for kOS, a value ¢ve orders of magnitudesmaller than the value of kNO measured for Eq. (20) at lower pH values.


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On this basis, the outer-sphere reaction mechanism was concluded to beunlikely.

An inner-sphere mechanism can be o¡ered as an alternative interpre-tation of the kinetics for NO reduction of aqueous Cu(dmp)2(H2O)2+.

L ¼ dmp

L2CuIIðROHÞ2þ þNO)�������*


½L2Cu1”NOþ�2þ þ ROH ðiÞ

½L2CuI”NOþ�2� þ ROH �������!




¼O�þ þHþ�ðiiÞ

½L2CuI”ðNðOÞOR�þ ���!


þþ RONO ðiiiÞ

rate ¼ kROHKNO½CuðdmpÞ2þ2 �½NO�½ROH� ð24Þ

The three steps would be: (i) the reversible equilibrium displacement ofsolvent (H2O or ROH) by NO to form an inner-sphere Cu(II) nitric oxidecomplex, which is activated toward nucleophilic attack by ROH (step ii)owing to charge transfer from NO to the metal (CuII^NO$CuI^NO+).Dissociation of the RONO complex (step iii) would be rapid owing tothe preference of cuprous complexes for tetrahedral coordination. Thisinner-sphere pathway parallels the reductive nitrosylation mechanismsdiscussed below, with the exception that the CuII^NO complex is formedwith a very low KNO (Attempts to observe formation of the putativeinner-sphere complex [Cu(dmp)2(NO)]2+ gave no UV^Visible spectro-scopic evidence for a new species). In this context the rate law predictedfor Eq. (24) would also be second-order (kNO=KNOkROH) if ROH is thesolvent. While the ROH concentration is not a variable in aqueous ormethanolic solution, kinetic dependence on [MeOH] in methanolicdichloromethane is in agreement with this model.

Even though the rate law for Eq. (20) might suggest a simple outer-sphere electron transfer mechanism from NO to the copper complex,the evidence in this case points to an inner-sphere pathway, involvingNO coordination followed by the reaction with a solution nucleophile.Perhaps this is not surprising given the relatively high potential requiredand slow self-exchange rate for the simple one electron oxidation of NO.


Nucleophilic reactions with coordinatedNOare illustrated by thewellknown reversible reaction of hydroxide ion with the nitrosyl ligand of

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the nitroprusside ion (NP) to give the nitro analog Fe(CN)5(NO2)4�

(Eq. (25)). The rate of this reaction is ¢rst-order in [OH�] and in[Fe(CN)5(NO)2�] (51), so the likely reactive intermediate is the adductFe(CN)5(N(O)OH)3�.The reaction is reversed in strongly acidic solution.Similar reactions are seen with the ruthenium and osmium analogs(51c,d) as well with numerous other simple coordination compounds ofNO (Table III) (52).

FeðCNÞ5ðNOÞ2� þ 2 OH�)�������* FeðCNÞ5ðNO2Þ4�þH2O ð25Þ

Olabe and coworkers (51c,d) have systematically studied the mechan-ism of reaction (25) and the analogous transformations usingRu(CN)5(NO)2� and Os(CN)5(NO)2�.The equilibrium constantKof reac-tion (25) depends on the nature of the metal center with values of1.5�105, 4.4�106, and 42M�2 for the FeII, RuII and OsII species, respec-tively (51c). The much lower K for the osmium complex is consistentwith a relatively low �NO value for this species (�NO= 1897 cm�1 for theOs complex vs.1945 cm�1 for the Fe analog).The rationale for this correla-tion is the higher frequency �NO values re£ect the more electron accept-ing metal centers. A similar correlation has been described foractivation of coordinated CO by nucleophiles (58).Numerous reports describe the reactions of nucleophiles with nitro-

prusside (NP). For example, HS� reacts with NP to give a stronglycolored species thought to be a thiol analog of the nitro product,namely, Fe(CN)5(N(O)S)4�. However, this is not stable and undergoesoligomerization, possibly via the formation of bridging disul¢de bonds(54). NP reacts with mercaptans (RSH) and mercaptides (RS�) appar-ently to form metal nitrosothiolato intermediates with deep red or



Nucleophile Substrate Product Reference

OH� Ru(hedta)(NO)+3 Ru(hedta)(NO2)+ (52a,52c)

ROH, OR� IrCl3(PPh3)2(NO)+ IrCl3(PPh3)2(N(O)OR) (52b)RSH, SR� Fe(CN)5(NO)�2 Fe(CN)(OH2)

�3+RSSR+NO (53)S�2 Fe(CN)5(NO)�2 ½FeðCNÞ5NðOÞS�

6�2 (54)

NH3 Fe(CN)5(NO)�2 Fe(CN)5(OH2)+N2 (52c)RNH2 Fe(CN)5(NO)�2 Fe(CN)5(H2O)3�+N2+ROH (55)N2H4 Fe(CN)5(NO)�2 Fe(CN)2(H2O)+N2O+NH3+H

+ (56)N�3 Ru(das)2(NO)Cl+2 Ru(Cl)(das)2N3+N2+N2O (52d)O¼C^CHR� Ru(py)4Cl(NO)+2 Ru(py)4Cl(N(OH)CCNR (52e)ArNH2 Ru(bpy)2(NO)Cl+2 Ru((bpy)2(N2Ar)Cl (57)


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purple colors (53).These intermediates are unstable and decay via forma-tion of disul¢des and reduced nitroprusside, and the latter subsequentlydecomposes by dissociation to cyanide and NO. Similar processes maybe responsible for the biological activity of sodium nitroprusside, whichis used as an intravenously administered vasodilator drug (59).The reac-tivity of thiols with metal nitrosyls continues to be a fertile ¢eld for dis-covery, particularly in the context of the high in vivo concentrations ofreduced sulfur species such as glutathione.

In solutions with relatively high ammonia concentrations, NH3 reactswith NP to give Fe(CN)5(H2O)3� plus N2, e¡ecting comproportionationof NH3 and NO+ to N2 (60,52c). Likewise, primary amines (RNH2) arediazotized by aqueous NP to give the alcohols (ROH) plus N2, with themaximum rate occurring about pH 10.5 (55).The rates of these reactionsare ¢rst-order in [NP] and [RNH2] and increase with the basicity of theamines.

NP reacts with hydrazine to formNH3 and nitrous oxide (Eq. (26)) withthe rate law: �d[NP]/dt= k[NP][NH2NH2] (61). The hydrazinium ionN2H

þ5 was inactive, so the rate decreased to near zero at pH 6 consistent

with the pKa value of hydrazine.

FeðCNÞ5ðNOÞ2� þNH2NH2���!FeðCNÞ5ðH2OÞ3�þNH3 þN2OþHþ


Reaction of metal nitrosyls with azide ion proceeds with formation of N2

and N2O (56).This can be viewed as the result of a nitrene transfer reac-tion in analogy with the Curtius rearrangement (62) and its organome-tallic counterpart (63).

½ðNCÞ5FeNO�2� þN�3 )�������* ðCNÞ5Fe”O=N ”N=N=N




���!H2O FeðCNÞ5ðH2OÞ

3�þN2OþN2 ð27Þ

Some other reactions of metal nitrosyls LxM(NO) with various nucleo-philes (Nuc) are summarized in Table III. The pattern indicated by thestudies described above is repeated; simple adduct formation occurswhen the coordinated nitrosyls are su⁄ciently electrophilic and thenucleophiles su⁄ciently basic. The ¢rst species formed is probably theN-coordinated nucleophile nitrosyl adduct LxM(N(O)Nuc), e.g. Eq. (27).Subsequent reactions dependon the substitution lability of these species,as well as on the redox stability of the complex and of the ligand.

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For example, the substituted anilineAr^NH2 (Ar ¼ p-CH3OC6H�4 ) reacts

with the ruthenium nitrosyl complex Ru(bpy)2(Cl)(NO)2+ (bpy= 2,20 -bipyridine) to give a complex of the diazo ligand, namelyRu(bpy)2(Cl)(NNAr)2+ (57). Upon employing the 15N labeled nitrosyl com-plex Ru(bpy)2Cl(15NO)2+ this reaction resulted in the 15N coordinatedproduct, Ru(bpy)2Cl(

15NNAr)2+, demonstrating that the reaction occurswithin the metal complex coordination sphere.When the reactions wereconducted in non-protic solvents, these nucleophile-nitrosyl adductscould be isolated.


As described above for Cu(dmp)2(H2O)2+, nucleophilic attack on acoordinated nitrosyl is a logical mechanism for metal reduction by NOwhich in turn is oxidized to nitrite or another N(III) species. Ferric por-phyrins and other redox active metal centers have long been known toundergo reductive nitrosylation in the presence of excess NO (64^66).For example, the iron(III) complex, FeIII(TPP)(Cl), reacts with NO intoluene solution containing a small amount of methanol to giveFeII(TPP)(NO), consistent with the scheme shown in Eqs. (28)^(30)(64,65c). Analogously, aqueous ferri-hemoglobin, (metHb) reacts withNO to give the ferro-hemoglobin NO adduct, Hb(NO) (66).




Additional mechanistic insight into the reductive nitrosylation offerri-heme proteins was obtained from kinetic studies carried out onaqueous solutions of CytIII, metMb, and metHb at various pH values(67). For example, CytIII undergoes reduction by NO to CytII in aqueoussolutions at pH values >6.5. A hypothetical reaction mechanism isshown in Scheme 2 which would predict the rate law presented inEq. (31) (67).

d½FeII�dt¼ kd½Fe



� �KOH½OH��


� �ð31Þ

Because the reaction of NO with CytII to form CytII(NO) is very slow(see Section II), the formation of CytII could be observed directly. Theobserved rates are functions of [NO] and [OH�] as predicted by Eq. (31),


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that is, kobs = kOH�KNO[NO][OH�]/(1+KNO[NO]) at low pH (wherekOH= kd�KOH) and kobs = kOH[OH�] at high [NO]. No evidence for theN-bound nitrous acid complex FeII(N(O)OH) was found for the threeferri-heme proteins studied.Thus, either the formation of this intermedi-ate is rate limiting, or KOH is very small in each case. Values of KNO

were determined from the spectrophotometric titration of the respectiveferri-heme protein by NO, and kinetics studies gave rise to the valuesfor kOH listed inTable IV.

The mechanisms for metMb and metHb reductive nitrosylation arethought to be similar to that for CytIII. However, given that both Mband Hb readily react with NO, the only observable products areMb(NO) and Hb(NO) (67). For metMb, KNO values decreased at higherpH values, suggesting that pH change may induce protein conforma-tional changes. Reductive nitrosylation of metHb also occurs at lowerpH values (<6), implying that metHb(NO) reacts with not only OH� but

SCHEME 2. Porphyrin ligand substituents have been omitted for clarity.



CytIII metMb metHb b

K1 (M�1) 1.4�104 (1.3^0.62)�103 c 1.3�104

kOH (M�1s�1) 1.5�103 3.2�102 3.2�103

kNO (M�1s�1) 8.3 1.7�107 2.5�107

pH 6.1^8.45 6.0^7.2 5.6^7.4

aReprinted with permission from Ref. (5k). Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.bmetHb(NO) reacts with H2O in pH 6 water with a rate constant kH2O ¼ 1:1� 10�3 s�1.cK1 for metMb is pH dependent, decreasing to half its value at higher pH.

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also with H2O (Eq. (32)), with a rate constant, kH2O ¼ 1:1� 10�3 s�1 inaqueous solution at 298K. In contrast reductive nitrosylations ofmetMb and CytIII were not observed at low pH; thus, direct reactions ofmetMb(NO) and CytIII(NO) with H2O appear to be much slower thanfor metHb (67).

HbIIIðNOÞ þH2O���!

kH2O HbIIþONO� þ 2Hþ ð32Þ

Recently, NO reduction of metMb in pH 7.4 phosphate bu¡er, in thepresence of the biological antioxidant glutathione, GSH, was demon-strated (68). Absorbance changes in the porphyrin Q band regionshowed Mb(NO) to be one product while amperometric sensor experi-ments were interpreted in terms of the nitrosoglutathione, GSNO,being the other product. The second-order rate constant for reaction ofGSH with metMb(NO) was surprisingly large (47M�1 s�1) given thatkOH for the smaller and more basic OH� ion (67) is only an order ofmagnitude higher (Table IV).Studies in this laboratory (69) of the water soluble ferri-heme model

FeIII(TPPS) in aqueous solution have shown that this species also under-goes reductive nitrosylation in solutions that are moderately acidic (pH4^6) (Eq. (32)).The rate of this reaction includes a bu¡er dependent termindicating that the reaction of the FeIII(TPPS)(NO) complex with H2O issubject to general base catalysis.The reaction depicted in Eq. (33) is notobservable at pH values <3, since the half-cell reduction potential forthe nitrite anion (Eq. (1)) is pH dependent, and Eq. (33) is no longerthermodynamically favorable.



It was also found that NO�2 accelerated the observed rates of reductivenitrosylation (kNO2

¼ 3:1� 0:1M�1 s�1 in 16mM acetate at pH 4.96) (69).Since nitrite is a product of the reductive nitrosylation reaction inaqueous solution, the system is, in principle, autocatalytic.There are two mechanisms that could explain the catalytic e¡ects of

nitrite; an inner-sphere mechanism inwhich nitrite acts as a nucleophiletoward the {FeIINO+} moiety (Scheme 3, pathway A) and an outer-sphere path in which nitrite is oxidized to NO2 which then reacts withexcess NO to formN2O3 (Scheme 3, pathway B). Although the initial elec-tron transfer step in pathway B is thermodynamically uphill(�E=� 0.3V) (41,70), one cannot rule out pathwayB sinceN2O3 is rapidlyhydrolyzed, once formed (71).


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Nucleophilic attack on coordinated nitrosyl generally occurs at thenitrogen atom bound to the metal, although there are examples in theorganometallic literature of ligand addition to an MLxNO complex witha linear (3 electron donor) nitrosyl giving a Lx+1M^NO species with abent (or one electron donor) NO. Electrophilic attack may be less selec-tive. For example, protonation mayoccur at the metal center, at the nitro-syl nitrogen or at the nitrosyl oxygen (Scheme 4), an important facetbeing the choice of the conjugate base counter-ion. If anion coordinationoccurs at the metal, this promotes electron release to the nitrosylmaking the lattermorebasic.Thus, a strongacidwith a non-coordinatingcounter-ion might not protonate a coordinated nitrosyl, while a weakeracid with a more strongly binding counter-ion would generate an HNOcomplex. The result would e¡ectively be HX oxidative addition acrossM^NO (72). Protonation at the nitrosyl oxygen or the metal center ismore likely when a strong acid with a non-coordinating counter-ion isemployed.

An additional path to protonation of coordinated NO is the reductionof the M^NO unit electrochemically (73). Such coupled reduction/proto-nation schemes have been argued to be relevant to enzymatic nitrogenoxide reductases (41). Farmer and coworkers (74) accomplished suchreductions by using graphite electrodes modi¢ed by depositing


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surfactant ¢lms of Mb(NO) on the surface. Electrochemical reduction ofMb(NO)surface (E1/2=�0.63V vs. NHE) was accompanied by protonationto provide a Mb(HNO)surface complex. The Mb(NO�)surface underwentcatalytic reactionwith excess NO in solution at more negative potentialsto give N2O, suggesting that a N^N coupling reaction occurs betweenthe bound nitroxyl ion and free NO. Mb(HNO) was prepared indepen-dently in aqueous solution by reacting Mb(NO) with Cr2+ (Eq. (34)) andproved to be surprisingly stable (74b). The 1H NMR displayed a singletat 14.8 ppm; however, the pKa of the coordinated HNO was not reported.

MbðNOÞ þ Cr2þ þHþ���!MbðHNOÞ þ Cr3þ ð34Þ

Li+ and BF3 have been shown to bind weakly to Co(salophen)(NO)complexes (salophen=N,N 0-1,2-phenylenediamine-bis(salicylidenimato)),presumably at the oxygen atom, causing �NO to shift � 20 cm�1 to higherfrequency (75). This also serves to labilize the nitrosyl. Dioxygen andother oxidants have also been examined as potential electrophiles inreactions with coordinated NO. Since these reactions are generallyaccompanied by subsequent processes leading to nitro or nitrito ligandsor to dissociated NOx products as well as other transformations of themetal complex, they will be discussed in a following section on reactionswith dioxygen.


In homogeneous solutions NO disproportionation may be promoted bytransition metal complexes, and a variety of mechanisms seem to beavailable owing to the many possible modes of coordination. One exam-ple is the reaction of NO with nickel carbonyl shown in Eq. (35) (76),



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where the nitrogen containing products are N2O (oxidation state for-mally N(I)) and coordinated NO+ and ONO� (both N(III)). A number ofother metal complexes have been shown to promote similar transforma-tions (77).

NiðCOÞ4 þ 4 NO���!½NiðNOÞðNO2Þ�n þ 4 COþN2O ð35Þ

One example was reported by Tolman and coworkers (78) who foundthat the copper(I) complex CuITpR2 (TpR2=tris(3-(R2)-5 -methylpyrazol-1-yl)hydroborate) promotes NO disproportionation via a weakly boundCuITpR2(NO) intermediate (formally a {MNO}11 species). The productsare N2O and a copper(II) nitrito complex (Eq. (36)). The rate law estab-lished the reaction to be ¢rst-order in copper complex concentrationand second-order in [NO], and this was interpreted in terms of establish-ment of a pre-equilibrium between NO and the Cu(I) precursor and theCuI(NO) adduct, followed by rate-limiting electrophilic attack of asecond NO molecule (mechanism B of Scheme 5) (78b).

CuITpR2 þ 3 NO���!CuIITpR2ðNO2Þ þN2O ð36Þ

Complexes of N^N bonded dinitrogen dioxide, such as depicted inpathway B of Scheme 5, would appear to be necessary in order to e¡ectthe formation of the N^N bond.This has been treated theoretically as ametal promoted reductive coupling of 2 NO to form a hyponitritecomplex (79). The CuI(TpR2) system was also shown to catalyze NOoxidations of benzyl and isopropyl alcohol to benzaldehyde and acetone(Eq. (37)). Electrospray mass spectrometry indicated that higher

SCHEME 5. Reprinted with permission from Ref. (78b). Copyright 1998 AmericanChemical Society.

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oligomers of copper are involved in the transfer of oxidizing equivalentsto substrate (80).

2 NOþ R2CHOH������!CuIðTpR2Þ

N2OþH2Oþ R2C¼O ð37Þ

In a related observation, reported by Tanaka et al. (81), the copper(II)complex Cu(tpa)2+ (tpa= tris[(2 -pyridyl)methyl]amine) was shown toserve as a catalyst for the electrochemical reduction of nitrite to N2Oand traces of NO in aqueous solution. NO and/or a copper nitrosyl com-plex would appear to be the likely intermediates in this process (81a).NO disproportionation has been shown to be promoted by the Mn(II)

tropocoronand complex Mn(TC-5,5) (82) (Eq. (38)), and the reaction wasfound to involve three equivalents of NO leading to formation of N2Oand O-coordinated nitrito ligand. The electron balance is provided byoxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III). The mononitrosyl complex Mn(TC-5,5)(NO) was proposed to react with NO to produce an unstable cis-dini-trosyl, Mn(TC-5,5)(NO)2, which is then poised to form an N-coordinatedhyponitrito (O¼N^N¼O) ligand from which oxygen transfer occurs toanother NO (82a). The intermediacy of a hyponitrito ligand parallelsother proposed mechanisms for metal complex promoted NO dispropor-tionation (5a^d).

MnðTC-5;5Þ þ 3 NO���!MnðTC-5;5ÞðONOÞ þN2O ð38Þ

The mononitrosyl complex Fe(TC-5,5)(NO) was suggested to be a logicalintermediate in the disproportionation promoted by the Fe(II) system(82b). However, the NO2 released during the reaction (Eqs. (39) and (40)),nitrates the aromatic rings of the tropocoronand ligand and renders theresulting complex inactive as a disproportionation catalyst.

FeðTC-5;5Þ þ 4 NO���!FeðTC-5;5ÞðNOÞ þNO2 þN2O ð39Þ

FeðTC-5;5ÞðNOÞ þNO2���!FeðTC-5;5-NO2ÞðNOÞ ð40Þ

Ruthenium(II) porphyrin complexes, RuII(Por)CO, react with NO togive the nitrosyl nitrito complex Ru(Por)(NO)(ONO) (Por =TPP, OEPand related porphyrins) (83,84). Stoichiometric quantities of N2O andCO were found to be released (Eq. (41)) (83).

RuIIðPorÞCOþ 4 NO���!RuII

ðPorÞðNOÞðONOÞ þN2Oþ CO ð41Þ

A detailed stopped-£ow kinetics investigation (85) of this reaction(Por=TmTP and OEP) demonstrated that the mechanism occurs in twostages. The ¢rst was quite fast and was suppressed by the presenceof excess CO and other coordinating ligands. Time resolved infrared


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spectral studies indicate that the intermediate formed is the trans-dini-trosyl complex Ru(Por)(NO)2, characterized by a strong, single �NO bandat 1642 cm�1 (for Por=TmTP in cyclohexane solution) (86). The rate ofthe second stage leading to formation of Ru(Por)(NO)(ONO) proved tobe second-order in [NO] (Scheme 6).

The analogous dinitrosyl intermediate was also observed in timeresolved UV^Vis and IR studies of the species generated via the 355 nmlaser £ash photolysis of Ru(Por)(NO)(ONO) in the presence of excessNO (87). Photo-induced dissociation of NO2 from Ru(Por)(NO)(ONO) fol-lowed by trapping with NO yielded Ru(Por)(NO)2 as observed by £ashphotolysis experiments using stepped scan FTIR detection (87). TheRu(Por)(NO)2 species reacted with additional NO to regenerateRu(Por)(NO)(ONO) via the disproportionation reaction shown above.When £ash photolysis was carried out upon unlabeled Ru(P)(NO)(ONO)and doubly labeled 15N18O in solution, only singly and triply labelednitrite ligand and fully labeled 15N2

18O were formed.This indicates thatthe nitrito ligand is formed by an oxygen atom transfer from two 15N18Omolecules to one of the two coordinated NO molecules of the dinitrosyl,one of which must be an unlabeled NO from the original substrate.

Literature reports of NO disproportionation reactions with Fe(II)porphyrins contain many mutually inconsistent observations. Althoughfacile NO disproportionation is promoted by Ru(II) and Os(II)(88) porphyrins to yield N2O and the respective M(Por)(NO)(ONO)complexes, the reactivity appears to be quite di¡erent with analogousFe(II) complexes. Ferrous porphyrins such as FeII(TPP) undergo NOaddition in ambient temperature solution to give the relatively stable

SCHEME 6. Porphyrin ligand substituents have been omitted for clarity.

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paramagnetic mononitrosyl complex, e.g. Fe(TPP)(NO), although therehave been signi¢cant disagreements regarding the subsequent reactionwith excess NO. Fe(TPP)(NO) has been reported to promote NO dispro-portionation to give the N-bonded nitro species Fe(TPP)(NO)(NO2) (89).However, this observed reactivity is apparently due to the presence ofNOx impurities (Eq. (42)). Recent studies (90) in this laboratory havedemonstrated that ambient temperature solutions of Fe(TPP)(NO) dis-play no changes in IR or optical spectra when treated with NO carefullycleaned of higher NOx impurities, consistent with an early ESR study byWayland and Olson (91).


This reaction has been reexamined using optical, IR and NMR spectro-scopic methods to probe NO reactions with Fe(TPP)(NO) and the moresoluble Fe(TmTP)(NO) (92). These studies con¢rmed the formation ofFe(Por)(NO)2 in toluene-d8 at low temperature (Eq. (43)). NMR lineshape analysis was used to calculate K43 = 23M�1 at 253K (3100M�1 at179K, �H� =�28 kJmol�1) (92). The failure of the FeII(Por) complexes topromote NO disproportionation, in contrast to the behavior of therespective Ru(II) andOs(II) analogs, may ¢nd its origin partly in the rela-tively low stability of the dinitrosyl intermediate (K52 estimated to be2.8M�1 at 298K) and unfavorable kinetics of subsequent reaction of thisspecies with NO.

FeIIðTmTPÞðNOÞ þNO)�������*K43


Kadish et al. (93) have reportedUV^Vis and EPR spectra of the 19-elec-tron complex FeðPÞðNOÞþ2 , at room temperature. Recently the 20 electronspeciesMðPcÞðNOÞ�2 (M=Re,Mn, Pc=phthalocyaninato), electronicallyanalogous to Fe(P)(NO)2, was also described (94).


Redox reactions involving nitric oxide have important implicationsbeyond their fundamental chemistry as demonstrated by the controversyin the biomedical literature regarding conditions under which genera-tion of NO leads to the amelioration or the exacerbation of oxidativestress in mammalian systems (95). ‘‘Oxidative stress’’ is de¢ned as a dis-turbance in the balance between production of reactive oxygen species(pro-oxidants) and antioxidant defenses (96). Reactive oxygen speciesinclude free radicals and peroxides as well as other reactants such asoxidative enzymes with metal ion sites in high oxidation states. The


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physiological damage to an organism by oxidative stress during cardio-vascular events, for example, or by less acute problems such as chronicautoimmune disease or infection, is an important issue in many diseasestates.

The biological chemistry of NO is ultimately de¢ned by its activity atthe molecular level. For example, NO readily reacts with other free radi-cals such as HO to give nitrite or with O�2 to give peroxynitrite(Eq. (44)) at near di¡usion-limited second-order rate constants (e.g.k2� 1010M�1 s�1 for O2

�) (97).

NOþO�2 ���!ONOO� ð44Þ

In contrast, processes requiring multiple electron changes, such as thereaction of NO with O2 in aqueous media to give nitrite ion (Eq. (45))are generally much slower under physiological conditions (98).

4NOþO2 þ 2H2O���!4Hþ þ 4NO�2 ð45Þ

The explanation lies in the rate law for the autoxidation of NO inaqueous solution, which follows third-order kinetics (Eq. (46) where4kaq = 9�106M�2 s�1) (98,99).

�d½NO�dt¼ 4kaq½NO�2 ½O2� ð46Þ

At the low [NO] relevant to bioregulatory processes, autoxidation is slowrelative to other depletion pathways, and lifetimes are su⁄cient toallow for fast reactions with ferro-heme proteins in close proximitysuch as guanylyl cyclase (99). However, when much higher NO levels areproduced, e.g. by stimulated macrophages under immune response, auto-xidation is faster and has potentially greater biological signi¢cance.Autoxidation intermediates, most prominently a species with the stoi-chiometry N2O3, are apparently responsible for oxidative and nitrosativereactions that contribute to cytotoxic and mutagenic activities underthese conditions (100,101). Thus, third-order kinetics de¢nes how thisreactive molecule can play important bioregulatory roles in oxygenatedmedia, yet participate in cytotoxic action when generated at higherconcentration.

Another oxidant, peroxynitrite, (formed fromNOplusO�2 , Eq. (44)) hasreceived considerable attention as a possible toxic/mutagenic agentformed during immune response (102). The role of peroxynitrite in thisregard is a matter of continuing debate given that another school ofthought argues that ONOO� is less damaging than the superoxide ion.Hence, reaction of the latter with NO is actually a cytoprotectivemechanism (100a).

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In aprotic solvents NO autoxidation also follows a third-order rate lawbut the product under these conditions is nitrogen dioxide. NO2 ismuchmore reactive than nitrite ion, the autoxidation product in aqueoussolution, especially as a nitrosating reagent (100,103). Autoxidation inaprotic media may have biological relevance owing to the higher solubi-lity of both NO and O2 in hydrophobic media. As a consequence of reac-tant partitioning between cellular hydrophobic and hydrophilic regionsand the third-order nature of this reaction, a disproportionately largefraction of autoxidation may occur in hydrophobic regions to yield nitro-gen dioxide as the key intermediate under these conditions (104).The reactivity of NO with O2 is dramatically a¡ected upon coordina-

tion of one of the diatomic components to a metal center. For example,the second-order reactions of NO with oxyhemoglobin, Hb(O2) andoxymyoglobin, Mb(O2) (e.g. Eq. (47)) are quite fast and have been used ascolorimetric tests for NO (105). The nitrogen product is NO�3 ratherthan NO�2 that is the product of aqueous autoxidation (106). While thereaction of O2 with nitrosyl myoglobin Mb(NO) (Eq. (48)) might super¢-cially appear similar it is much slower and follows a di¡erent rate law(107). Possible mechanisms will be discussed below.

NOþMbðO2Þ ���!metMbþNO�3 ð47Þ

O2 þMbðNOÞ ���!metMbþNO�3 ð48Þ

The possible use of metal nitrosyls to activate the 4-electronoxidantO2

has been of interest for some time and Scheme 7 illustrates somehypothetical pathways for accomplishing this (108,109).Conceivably, autoxidation of a metal nitrosyl complex might involve

NO dissociation followed by uncatalyzed reaction of free NO with O2 togiveNO2, and rebinding to the metal center to give a nitro or nitrito com-plex (pathway (C) in Scheme 7). However, since the NO autoxidationrate is second-order in [NO] in aqueous or aprotic media (99a), accumula-tion of su⁄cient free NO to make such a sequence viable seems unlikely.Alternatively, NO dissociation might be followed by reaction of the deni-trosylated metal center with O2 to give a metal superoxide species (110)of the type LnM^OO known to react rapidly with free NO to form an O-bound peroxynitrite complex LnM^OONO (106,111). The latter speciesmay undergo unimolecular isomerization to the nitrato complex (path-way (D) in Scheme 7) or O^O bond fragmentation to LnM=O+NO2 fol-lowed by recombination to give a nitrato complex (pathway (E)) orreaction of the putative oxo complex LnM=Owith NO to give the nitritoanalog (pathway (F)). The latter reaction has precedence for beingquite rapid. A second-order rate constant of 3.1�106M�1 s�1 has been


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obtained for reaction of a CrIV=O species to produce a Cr(III) nitritocomplex (112), while a value of 1.8�107M�1 s�1 was determined for thereaction of NOwithMbFeIV=O, the‘‘ferryl’’ form of myoglobin generatedby H2O2 oxidation of myoglobin (113). It might also be noted that thereaction of NO with oxo complexes such as CrIV=O to give a nitriteligand ¢nds analogy in a recent report that NO reacts with metal nitrideLnMN complexes to yield the respective NNO complexes that arerelatively labile (114).

Among the important sinks for endogenously generated NO are thevery fast reactions with oxyhemoglobin to form the nitrate ion plusmethemoglobin with a second-order rate constant of 8.9�107M�1 s�1

(Eq. (49), pH 7.0) (111c).The analogous reaction of NO with oxymyoglobin(Eq. (47)), is also quite fast with a second-order rate constant4�107M�1 s�1 (pH 7.0), (106a,111c). Herold and coworkers (111b,c) haveexamined the time resolved spectroscopy of the reactions depictedin Eqs. (47) and (49) and have concluded that NO reacts with theFeII(O2) species to give peroxynitrito intermediates; FeIII(OONO).Under neutral or acidic conditions, the latter rapidly decays to the‘‘met’’, i.e. iron(III), form of the proteins with the quantitative formation


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of nitrate.Thus, the metal mediates the isomerization of peroxynitrite tonitrate (111b,c).

HbðO2Þ þNO���!NO�3 þmetHb ð49Þ

Reaction of the analogous nitrosyl myoglobin complex with dioxygen, areaction of very great importance regarding the stability of curedmeats, is much slower. The kinetics of Eq. (48) were studied by Skibstedet al. (107), who reported that, even at low dioxygen concentrations,the rate displayed limiting ¢rst-order behavior with a kobs of2.3�10�4 s�1 in aqueous solution at 298K, with �Hz=110kJmol�1 and�Vz=+8 cm3mol�1.These authors proposed that the reaction proceededvia prior formation of an O2 complex with nitrosyl myoglobin, for exam-ple an N bonded peroxynitrite (the analog of pathway (A) in Scheme 7).However, the similarityof the limiting rate constant to that forNO disso-ciation (2�10�4 s�1) from Mb(NO) (115) tempts one to think in terms ofa mechanism such as pathway (C) in Scheme 7 where NO dissociatesfrom the iron center to allow formation of the dioxygen species whichcan react according to Eq. (48) above (116). Regardless, formation ofNO�3 as the nitrogen product indicates that the metal must be involvedin the eventual oxidation step, since uncatalyzedNOautoxidation in aqu-eous media yields nitrite ion (Eq. (45)).

IV. Examples from the Chemical Biology of Metal Nitrosyl Complexes

The principal targets for NO under bioregulatory conditions are metalcenters, primarily iron proteins (117). The best characterized example isthe ferro-heme enzyme, soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) which is activatedby formation of a nitrosyl complex with the iron(II) center. Other reportsdescribe NO as an inhibitor for metalloenzymes such as cytochromeP450 (118), cytochrome oxidase (119), nitrile hydratase (120) and catalase(121), as a substrate for mammalian peroxidases (122), and as a contribu-tor to the vasodilator properties of a salivary ferri-heme protein ofblood sucking insects (123). Heme centers are also involved in the invivo generation of NO by oxidation of arginine catalyzed by nitric oxidesynthase (NOS) enzymes (124). There have been thousands of researcharticles published on the physiology and pharmacology of nitric oxide.Here we present selected examples of biological NO activity from therecent literature.NO concentrations generated for bioregulatory purposes are low, and

sub-micromolar values have been reported in endothelium cells for


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blood pressure control (125). In contrast, the NO concentrations pro-duced during immune response to pathogen invasion are much higher,and under these conditions, reactive nitrogen species such as the peroxy-nitrite anion (OONO�) and N2O3 may have physiological importance.The biological relevance of the ‘‘on’’and ‘‘o¡’’ reactions (Eq. (9)) discussedabove is emphasized by noting that activation of sGC involves such an‘‘on’’ reaction where the acceptor site of sGC is a FeII(PPIX) moiety (126).Other biological functions of NO such as inhibition of cytochromeoxidase or catalase also apparently involve coordination at a heme iron,so delineation of the dynamics and mechanisms of the ‘‘on’’ reaction isessential to understanding the biochemistry of NO. Additionalbiologicalprocesses such as sGC deactivation must involve labilization of M^NObonds, so the ‘‘o¡’’ reaction mechanism is equally important. Forexample, the release of NO by the ferric-heme nitrophorin proteins isthe mechanism by which certain blood-sucking insects increase blood£ow to the site of the bite.


Nitric oxide helps to regulate blood pressure in mammalian systems byactivation of the enzyme soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC). This ferrohemeenzyme catalyzes the conversion of guanosine-50 -triphosphate (GTP) tocyclic-30,50 -monophosphate (cGMP) and inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi).cGMP promotes the activation of protein kinase G leading to phosphory-lation reactions and smooth muscle relaxation (127). sGC is a heterodi-mer with two identi¢ed isoforms a1b1 and a2b2 with molecular masses of73 and 70kDa for the a and b subunits, respectively (128a).The imidazolegroup of the H105 residue in the b subunit has been identi¢ed as theligand that coordinates to the heme iron.While no crystal structure ofsGC has yet been obtained, the heme binding region is located in aregion of the b subunit that is likely to be responsible for dimerization(128).

In the inactive state, sGC is linked to the ferroheme group via coordi-nation to the imidazole nitrogen of a histidine side chain. ResonanceRaman and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of sGC indicatethat the iron center is a mixture of low spin six-coordinate and highspin ¢ve-coordinate species. It was postulated that the photolabiledistal ligand was an additional histidine imidazole based on thesimilarity of the Raman spectrum of sGC and the model complexFe(PPIX)(ImH2) (129). Other workers report that sGC in the inactivatedstate is exclusively high spin ¢ve-coordinate under aerobic conditions(130). Regardless of the coordination environment of the heme in the

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inactive state, the distal ligand must at most be weakly coordinated,given the very facile binding of NO to the sGC heme.The kinetics studiesof the ‘‘on’’ and ‘‘o¡’’ rates of water soluble iron porphyrin model com-pounds and metMb with NO, discussed above, indicate that rapid reac-tion with NO involves dissociation of a labile ligand or a vacantcoordination site. Based on these model systems a likely reactionmechanism is given in Scheme 8 below. Zhao et al. have measured therate constant for the ‘‘on’’ reaction of NO with sGC as >1.4�108M�1 s�1

at 4 �C using stopped-£ow methods (131). The kon value is signi¢cantlylarger than for other ferroheme proteins such as Hb and Mb which arealready ¢ve-coordinate (see Table I). The considerable magnitude of therate constant for the kon step is not surprising given the fact that NO isgenerated at sub-micromolar concentrations in vivo for bioregulation(125).Thus, sGC necessarily must have a high rate of reaction to competee¡ectively with other chemical and physical processes leading to NOdepletion.The distal histidine must either be very labile or the ¢rst equi-librium must lie signi¢cantly to the right toward the resting state of theprotein.Measurements of the proximal histidine-iron stretching frequency by

Resonance Raman spectroscopy revealed that this bond is very weakin relation to other heme protein systems (�Fe-His = 204 cm�1) (130).Formation of the sGC^NO complex labilizes this ligand resulting in theformation of a 5-coordinate high spin iron(II) complex, and the confor-mational change responsible for the several hundred-fold increase incatalytic activity (126,129,130).



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The large equilibrium constants for FeII^NObond formation and smallko¡ values for the ferroheme proteins are of biological interest withregard to deactivation of heme proteins. How, for example, does anenzyme such as soluble guanylyl cyclase, once activated by forming anNO complex, undergo deactivation? Kharitonov et al. (27b) have usedstopped-£ow kinetic methods to determine the ¢rst-order loss of NOfrom sGC^NO and determined a rate constant of � 7�10�4 s�1 in pH 7.4bu¡ered solution at 298K. This rate is comparable to those for variousferroheme proteins listed in Table I, but is much less than required forreversible deactivation of the enzyme. However, in the presence ofexcess substrate GTP (5mM) and the Mg2+ cofactor (3mM) the ratewas about 70-fold faster (ko¡� 5�10�2 s�1 at 293K), although the rateacceleration with GTP alone was only �10-fold. A recent in vivo study(132) suggests that the actual rate of sGC deactivation is several ordersof magnitude higher (3.7 s�1 at 310K). Such di¡erences illustratepotential complexities in comparing invitro kinetics of puri¢ed proteinsto analogous reactions in vivo.

Bohle and co-workers (133) have demonstrated that varying the elec-tronic and stereochemical properties of porphyrin substituents canstrongly in£uence the rates of NO labilization (Eq. (11)). For example,the displacement of NO from Fe(TPP)(NO) by pyridine is many ordersof magnitude slower than from Fe(OBTPP)(NO) (OBTPP=octabromo-tetraphenylporphyrin). An analysis of the kinetics of the latter reactionindicated saturation in [L], and the mechanism was suggested to involvereversible formation of Fe(OBTPP)(L)(NO) followed by NO dissociation(Eq. (50)). Clearly changes in porphyrin properties can lead to enhancedreactivity toward NO loss.



FeðPorÞðL2Þ þNO ð50Þ

A similar type of assisted NO loss in sGC is suggested by the observationof shifts in the NO and Fe^NO stretching frequencies of sGC^NO in thepresence of cGMP or GTP by Resonance Raman spectroscopy (134).However, the Fe^Im stretching frequency was unchanged in the presenceof cGMP or GTP indicating that the interaction with the heme centeroccurs on the distal side. A mechanism for deactivation of activatedsGC can be suggested if indeed cGMP assists in labilization of NO fromthe active enzyme. A negative feedback mechanism would occur as theconcentration of cGMP builds up and the enzyme is turned o¡ by loss ofNO. A mechanism of this sort would explain the di¡erences in measuredvalues of ko¡ and provide a reasonable pathway for enzyme deactivation

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in vivo. Additional experiments are required in order to explore thispossibility further.Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a heme containing protein that catalyzes

the two electron oxidation of halides (Cl�, Br� and I�) and pseudo-halide (SCN�) to the corresponding hypohalous acid (Eq. (51)) in a pro-cess that is dependent upon [X�], [H2O2] and [H+] (135). MPO is foundin high concentrations in neutrophiles and plays important roles inimmune response and in£ammation (136).

Cl� þH2O2 þHþ���!HOClþH2O ð51Þ

Recently, NO has been shown to modulate the activity of MPO in twoways depending upon the relative concentrations of NO and H2O2

(Scheme 9) (29,137). When H2O2 is present, NO at low concentrations(<2.5 mM) serves as a one-electron substrate for compounds I and II inthe classic peroxidase cycle (Scheme 9, pathway C). NO accelerates theformation and decay of compound II by 20 and 44 times, respectively,e¡ectively increasing the overall catalytic rate by over three orders ofmagnitude (29). Rapid hydrolysis of theNOoxidation productNO+ gener-ates nitrite ion which is also a one electron substrate for compounds Iand II. The reactive nitrogen species NO2Cl and NO2 are formed by thereaction of nitrite with HOCl and by one electron oxidation of NO�2



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with compound I, respectively (138). Thus peroxidases may serve as animportant sink in vivo for NO giving rise to strong oxidizing speciesduring in£ammatory response.

At higher NO concentrations, MPO activity is inhibited through for-mation of an inactive ferric nitrosyl complexMPO(NO); the rate constantkon is 1.07�10

6M�1 s�1 and the dissociation rate constant, ko¡, is 10.8 s�1

(pH 7.0 phosphate bu¡er at 10 �C) (Scheme 9, pathway A). However, theinhibitory e¡ects of NO are reduced in the presence of plasma levels ofCl� (100mM) where kon and ko¡ rate constants were determined to be1.5�105M�1 s�1 and 22.8 s�1, respectively. The modulating e¡ects of NOonMPOactivity parallel that of O�2 which accelerates activity by servingas a substrate for compound II and inhibits activity by acting as aligand for MPO (Scheme 9, pathway B) (29).

Nitric oxide and nitrite react with other peroxidase enzymes such ashorseradish peroxidase (HRP) (138a,139), lactoperoxidase (138a) and eosi-nophil peroxidase (140) similarly. The rate constants for reaction of NOwith compounds I and II in HRP were found to be 7.0�105M�1 s�1 and1.3�106M�1 s�1, respectively (139). Catalytic consumption of NO asmeasured by an NO sensitive electrode in the presence of HRPcompounds I and II is shown in Fig. 5 where accelerated consumption ofNO is achieved even in deoxygenated solutions (140).

FIG. 5. NO consumption by the HRP/H2O2 system as recorded by an NO sensitiveelectrode. (A) autoxidation of 5mM NO in air saturated phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).(B) Addition of 5mM HRP to a solution containing 5mM NO and 5mM H2O2. (C)Addition of 0.5mM HRP followed by addition of 5mM H2O2 in anaerobic conditions(139). (Reprinted with permission from Ref. (139). Copyright 1999 Academic Press.)

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A detailed mechanistic study of the interactions of NO and NO�2 withMbFeIV=O (an analog of compound II above) was recently conductedby Herold and Rehmann (141). These authors demonstrated thatMbFeIV=O reacts rapidly with NO to form an intermediate possessinga characteristics spectrum, consistent with the formation of the ferricnitrito complex MbFeIII(ONO).This reaction has analogy with the reac-tions of NO with the CrIV =O complex described above (112).


Given themanychemical and physiological pathways by whichNOmaybe consumed one may question how NO can serve as an e¡ective physio-logical signaling agent. It has been suggested that the physiologicalactivityof NOmaybe preserved by sequesteringNO in the form of thioni-trosyl compounds, speci¢cally S-nitrosylated cysteine-b93 in hemoglobin(SNO-Hb) (142,143). In an experiment by Gow and Stamler, a bolus injec-tion of NO is made into aerated solutions of Hb to give a ¢nal ratio ofNO :Hb of 1 :100 (142). At sub-stoichiometric concentrations, NO bindsto a portion of the available iron(II) heme sites in the T-state (tensed) orthe unsaturated R-state (relaxed) Hb. SNO-Hb was reported to beformed when solutions of Hb(NO) are rapidly exposed to air and theNO:Hb ratio is in the physiological range of approximately 1 :100. Theallosteric transition from the T to R state is induced by an increase inoxygen tension. It was claimed that 75^85% of the added NO resulted information of Cys-b93-SNO through intramolecular NO transfer andreduction of O2 to O�2 (143,144).Aproposed physiological NO cycle is summarized in Scheme10. In this

scheme NO binds to Hb in the T-state in veinous (hypoxic) blood.Oxygenation in the lungs is accompanied by an allosteric transition andan autonitrosylation reaction to form SNO-Hb(O2). Further transportthrough the circulatory system to regions of lower oxygen tensioninduces an allosteric transition back to the T-state with subsequentrelease of NO and O2.While in the R-state NO may also be released fromSNO-Hb to other biological thiols such as glutathione (GSH) throughtransnitrosylation reactions (142). The presence of SNO-Hb was meas-ured in-vivo, in veinous and arterial blood in rats revealing an increa-sed concentration of SNO-Hb in arterial (oxygenated) blood (145).Subsequent to these reports, an X-ray crystal structure of SNO-Hb(NO)has been obtained at 1.8— resolution (PDB ascension code 1BUW) (146).A recent investigation into the reaction of NO with red blood cells

(RBC) and with hemoglobin provides additional insight into the forma-tion of Hb(NO) and SNO-Hb in vitro (147). In this work it is suggested


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that the heterogeneous conditions present during bolus addition of NOto solutions of either RBC or Hb(O2) result in the formation of Hb(NO),not through the expected direct nitrosylation of Hb(O2), but through athree-step mechanism outlined in Eqs. (52)^(54), where a key step is thereductive nitrosylation (Eq. (53)).

NOþHbðO2Þ���!metHbþNO�3 ð52Þ

metHbþNO���!Hbþ �NOþ� ð53Þ

NOþHb���!HbðNOÞ ð54Þ

Reaction (52) occurs at the gradient interface of the bolus addition untillocal Hb(O2) concentrations have been reduced, at which point addi-tional NO reduces the iron(III) to iron(II) which can further react withfree NO to form Hb(NO).The validity of this mechanism was veri¢ed bythe observation that addition of CN� ion, which binds irreversibly tometHb to form metHb(CN), signi¢cantly attenuated the formation ofHb(NO) in both cell-free Hb and RBC. Mathematical models used tosimulate bolus addition of NO to cell-free Hb and RBC were compatiblewith the experimental results (147). In the above experiments, SNO-Hbwas a minor reaction product and was formed even in the presence of10mMCN�, suggesting that RSNO formation does not occur as a resultof (hydrolyzed) NO+ formation during metHb reduction. However, forma-tion of SNO-Hb was not detectable when NO was added as a bolus injec-tion to RBC or through thermal decomposition of DEA/NO in cell freeHb (DEA/NO=2-(N,N-diethylamino)diazenolate). SNO-Hbwas observed


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when bolus NO was added to cell-free Hb in aerobic conditions.Furthermore, the SNO-concentration increasedwith each bolus additionsuggesting that contamination may be occurring through the needleused to make the NO injections.Zhang and Hogg have recently reported similar artifacts when NO is

added as a bolus injection to solutions of Mb(O2) (148). These authorsobserved an oxygen concentration dependence when NO was added as abolus injection, and no oxygen concentration dependence when NO wasadded homogenously with DEA/NO. As mentioned above the reaction ofNO with Mb(O2) (Eq. (47)) is used as a quantitative test for NO (105).When NO was added as a bolus injection to aerated Mb(O2), the meas-ured [NO] was half that found in similar experiments with partiallydeaerated Mb(O2). Analogous experiments were performed in the pre-sence of GSH to test for the formation of GSNO. No S-nitrosylated pro-duct was observed when NO was added to a solution of Mb(O2) andGSH using an NO donor compound (DEA/NO). However, when NO wasadded as a bolus injection to a similar solution of Mb(O2) and GSH, for-mation of GSNO was observed (148). These observations suggest thatwhile the reaction of NO with O2 is third-order overall (Eq. (46)), andslow at physiological concentrations of NO and O2 (99,100), the locallyhigh concentrations of NO that exist during heterogeneous mixing frombolus injection of NO to aerated solutions can generate nitrosating spe-cies such as N2O3. As noted above, nitrite ion, another ubiquitous impur-ity in aqueous NO solutions, can catalyze reductive nitrosylation, quitepossibly via N2O3 formation (69). Such considerations place increasingemphasis on the importance of evaluating the role of the NOx impuritiescommon to nitric oxide solutions on the potential artifacts which mayobscure the true reactivity of NO under physiological conditions (90b).

V. Overview and Summary

This Chapter has reviewed certain substitution and redox mechanismstudies involving the interaction of nitric oxide with transition metalcomplexes with a view toward illustrating how these may be relevant tothe known biological functions of NO in mammalian biology (1,2). Thelarge volume of relatively recent information regarding the chemistry,biochemistry and pathobiology of NO is daunting, but one may expectcertain features of NO chemistry to dominate. Clearly, NO as a stablefree radical participates very readily in one electron events such ascoupling to other free radicals. For example, the NO reaction with O�2


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to form OONO� proceeds at rates near the di¡usion limit (97). However,whether the trapping of superoxide in this manner is a particularlydangerous contributor to oxidative and nitrosative stress, owing toformation of the peroxynitrite ion, or is protective to the organism,owing to deactivation of the even more deleterious superoxide ion,remains hotly debated. Such rapid reactions may also be expected withother free radicals and very likely participate in the mechanism for NOsensitization of radiation damage to cells (149). Such chemistry mayo¡er therapeutic potential for NO donors in radiation treatment oftumors.

NO is also very reactive with redox active metal centers, especiallyif these are ligand substitution labile. Substitution reactions of NO onmetal centers as well as reactions with radical species generallydisplay kinetic rate laws that show a ¢rst-order dependence on [NO].This contrasts to reactions where the substrate undergoes two electronchanges, for example, the oxidation of Ph3P (150). The latter requirestwo equivalents of NO in a third-order process unless promoted or cata-lyzed by another reagent. Of particular importance is direct autoxida-tion, the kinetics of which are third order, second-order in [NO]. ThusNO autoxidation and related third order processes are relatively slowunder bioregulatory conditions, i.e. low [NO]. Autoxidation and theformation of highly reactive oxidizing and nitrosative species such asN2O3 may be important in the locale of immune response to pathogeninfection, where higher [NO] is the norm (99). Although the short termfunction is protection of the host organism, the resulting oxidative andnitrosative stress from the generation of N2O3 and perhaps otherspecies such as peroxynitrite may have a long term deleterious e¡ectson the host.

With respect to the bioregulatory roles ofNO in blood pressure controland neurological function, the principal action centers on the reactionwith a metal center to form a nitrosyl complex, namely the activation ofsGC by reaction with the iron(II) site of that ferroheme enzyme (130,131).Given the low NO concentrations generated for such functions, the ‘‘on’’reaction must be very fast in order to provide the appropriate responseto stimuli. Such substitution reactions are generally facile when themetal center has a vacant coordination site or is very labile, but arelikely to be quite slow for non-labile coordinatively saturated metalseven when the net reaction is very favorable. Accelerating ligand labilityby an associative mechanism is certainly plausible, but the only convinc-ing example of this mechanism involves NO displacement of NH3 on theRuIII complex RuðNH3Þ

3þ6 (Eq. (7)), and the second-order rate constant

for this reaction is slow (17). The ‘‘o¡’’ reaction of metal nitrosyls may be

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equally important given, for example, that this is a likely mechanism fordeactivation of sGC. Alternatively, since NO has been demonstrated toinhibit certain metalloenzymes, the ‘‘o¡’’ reaction serves to reactivatesuch systems. Clearly understanding the mechanisms of such metalnitrosyl reactions as functions of the media, conditions and the ligand¢eld is crucial to interpreting the role of NO in activation as well asinhibition of metalloproteins.There is also considerable biological interest in reactions of NO with

ligands coordinated to a redox active metal. For example, the facilesecond-order trapping of NO by Mb(O2) or Hb(O2) is very fast and ismechanistically very distinct (106,111) from the third order autoxidationof NO (99). The result is oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) with simultaneousNO oxidation to NO�3 . In contrast, the facile reaction of MIV=O species(M=Fe or Cr) with NO to give MIII(ONO) (112,113) leads to reduction ofthe metal along with oxidation of NO.The reaction with Hb(O2) is gener-ally believed to be an important sink for NO in the cardiovascularsystem, while trapping of ferryl intermediates (or other strong oxidants)by NO may play a role in reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress mayalso be reduced by NO coordination to metal centers that are catalystsfor Fenton chemistry (the generation of strongly oxidizing intermediatesfromH2O2) (151). It might also be noted that, when oxidative degradationof meats is inhibited by curing with nitrite ions, stable metal nitrosylsare formed (152). On the other hand, the ambiguous nature of possibleNO function in oxidative stress is illustrated by its reaction with cata-lase (121), thereby inhibiting the protective function of this enzymewhich destroys endogenous H2O2.Forming a metal complex may serve to activate NO toward either

nucleophilic or electrophilic attack depending on the nature of themetal complex and its oxidation state. Of particular interest biologicallyare the reactions with nucleophiles since this may well be a mechanismfor thionitrosyl formation (e.g. Eq. (55)) as well as for reductively labiliz-ing metals in insoluble matrices like ferritin.


IIþHþ ð55Þ

The metal center may also promote NO reactivity toward dispropor-tionation or substrate oxidation (2NO+S!SO+N2O) by serving as atemplate where several NO molecules are gathered in association witha substrate molecule. These reactions are less likely to be importantbiologically given the relatively low [NO] generated with the possibleexceptions of localized higher concentrations generated during immuneresponse.


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Lastly, as an editorial comment, it shouldbe noted that there is a legiti-mate concern that a signi¢cant percentage of the seemingly countlessreports of the potential roles played by nitric oxide in biomedical issuesmay be compromised by the presence of NOx impurities such as N2O3

and NO�2 . Such impurities may have an excessive impact in laboratorystudies involving bolus addition of NO owing to the third-order autoxida-tion mechanism as well as the tendency for NOx species to be muchmore soluble in water and other solvents than NO itself.While these con-cerns should not discredit such reports, they add to the importance thatany experimental demonstration of chemical or biological mechanismbe supported by careful control studies to assess the impacts of NOx



Studies related to the mechanisms of nitric oxide reactions with transition metalcomplexes in this laboratory were supported by grants from the U.S. National ScienceFoundation, by a Collaborative UC/Los Alamos National Laboratory Research grant, by agrant from the U.S. Japan Cooperative Research Program (Photoconversion/Photosynthesis) (NSF INT 9116346), and by a grant from the ACS Petroleum ResearchFund.We thank the students and postdoctoral fellows at UC Santa Barbara who partici-pated in this research and acknowledge collaborative studies with Dr. David Wink(National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD, USA), Dr. Mikio Hoshino (RIKEN, Wako-shi,Japan) and Dr. Jon Schoonover (Los Alamos National Laboratory).

VI. List of Abbreviations

Ar p-CH3OC6H4�

bpy 2,20 -bipyridineCat CatalasecGMP cyclic guanylyl monophosphateCyt cytochrome-cDEA/NO 2-(N,N-diethylamino)diazenolatedmp 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthrolineDMSO Dimethylsulfoxideedta ethylendiaminetetraacetic acidESR electron spin resonanceFTIR Fourier transform infraredGSH GlutathioneGTP guanylyl triphosphateHb ferro-hemoglobin

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Hedtra hydroxyethylenediamintriaceteic acidHRP horseradish peroxidaseImH2 ImidazoleIR InfraredMb ferro-myoglobinmetMb ferri-myoglobin or met-myoglobinMCPH monochelated protohememetHb ferri-hemoglobin or met-hemoglobinMLCT metal to ligand charge transferMPO MyeloperoxidaseNHE normal hydrogen electrodeNOS nitric oxide synthaseNP nitroprusside ionNuc a general nucleophileNta nitrilotriacetic acidOBTPP OctabromotetraphenylporphineOEP OctaethylporphinePc PhthalocyaninatoPhen 1,10-phenanthrolinePor a general porphyrinato ligandPPIX protoporphyrin IXRBC red blood cellRSNO a general thionitrosylSalen N,N 0-bis(salicylidenato)ethylenediaminesalophen N,N 0-1,2-phenylenediamine-bis

(salicylidenimato)SCE standard calomel electrodeSGC soluble guanylyl cyclaseSNO-Hb S-nitrosylated Cys 93 HemoglobinSol a solvent moleculetBu4-salen N,N 0-ethylenebis(3,5-di-t-butyl-salicylideneiminato)

dianiontBu4-salophen N,N 0-1.2-phenylenediaminebis

(3 -t-butyl-salicylideneiminato)dianion

TC-5,5 tropocoronand ligandTMPS tetra(sulfonatomesityl)porphyrinTmTP tetra-m-tolylporphyrinTpR2 tris(3-(R2)-5 -methylpyrazol-1-yl)hydroboratetpa tris[(2-pyridyl)methyl]amineTPP meso-tetraphenylporphyrinTPPS tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine


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Department of Chemistry, Box 351700, University of Washington, Seattle,WA 98195-1700, USA

I. IntroductionII. Classic Division of the Hydrocarbon Functionalization Cycle intoThree PartsIII. Mechanisms for the C^HActivation Sequence: Formation of a Pt(II) Hydrocarbyl

Complex from Pt(II) and HydrocarbonA. On the Direct OxidativeAddition of R^H to Square-planar Pt(II)B. Activation of R^H by Pt(II) Complexes Possessing a Labile LigandC. Five-coordinate Pt(IV) Intermediates and Pt(II) s-Complexes in Reductive

Elimination from Pt(IV) and OxidativeAddition to Pt(II)D. Stable Five-coordinate Pt(IV) ComplexesE. Stable s-Complexes and Related SpeciesF. Five-coordinate Intermediates and s-Complexes: Computational

ApproachesG. The Electrophilic Pathway: Computational ApproachesH. Associative or Dissociative Substitution at Pt(II) by Hydrocarbon?I. How Electrophilic are ‘‘Electrophilic’’ Pt(II) Complexes?

IV. Mechanisms for the Oxidation Step: From Pt(II)-Hydrocarbyl to Pt(IV)-HydrocarbylA. Oxidative Addition versus ElectronTransferB. Oxidation by SO3 and Redox MediatorsC. Oxidation of Pt(II) by Dioxygen

V. Mechanisms for the Functionalization Sequence: Carbon-Heteroatom Couplingto Release the ProductA. Five-Coordinate Intermediates Involved in Carbon-Heteroatom Coupling

Reactions from Pt(IV)B. An Alternative toAlkane Oxygenation: Alkane Dehydrogenation

VI. Summary and Concluding CommentsVII. Note Added in Proof



ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

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I. Introduction

The selective functionalization of hydrocarbon C^H bonds under mildconditions is one of the most di⁄cult and most promising challengesfacing chemists today (1^5). It has even been referred to as a ‘‘holy grail’’in chemistry (1). By functionalization, it is meant that the reactionresults in the exchange of hydrogen for a non-hydrogen atom orgroup. As shown in Scheme 1(A), R^H is functionalized to form R^X.Reactions of this type o¡er immense technological promise. Hydro-carbons are abundant and inexpensive feedstocks and such afunctionalization step leads directly to value-added products. To becommercially viable, however, the reaction would have to be selective,involve an a¡ordable and environmentally benign oxidant and avoidharsh and expensive reaction conditions.

The functionalization reaction as shown in Scheme 1(A) clearlyrequires the breaking of a C^H bond at some point in the reactionsequence. This step is most di⁄cult to achieve for R=alkyl as both theheterolytic and homolytic C^H bond dissociation energies are high. Forexample, the pKa of methane is estimated to be ca. 48 (6,7). Bond heteroly-sis, thus, hardly appears feasible. C^H bond homolysis also appears di⁄-cult, since the C^H bonds of alkanes are among the strongest singlebonds in nature. This is particularly true for primary carbons and formethane, where the radicals which would result from homolysis are notstabilized.The bond energy (homolytic dissociation enthalpy at 25 8C) ofmethane is 105 kcal/mol (8).

Thus, a highly reactive species is needed tomake this type of bond acti-vation reaction feasible under mild conditions. In addition, to be useful,the C^H bond activation must occur with both high chemo- and regiose-lectivity. Over the past several decades, it has been shown that transitionmetal complexes are able to carry out alkane activation reactions (1^5).Many of these metal-mediated reactions operate under mild to moderateconditions and exhibit the desirable chemoselectivity and regioselectiv-ity.Thus, using transition metal complexes, alkane activation can be pre-ferred over product activation, and the terminal positions of alkanes,which actually contain the stronger C^H bonds, can be selectively acti-vated. The fact that a hydrocarbon C^H bond has been broken in a



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system under investigation is often inferred from the fact that hydrogenis exchanged, which can be seen, for example, by deuterium labeling asshown in Scheme 1(B). Breaking of the C^H bond is called C^H bondactivation, and is necessary but not su⁄cient for hydrocarbon function-alization. For functionalization, the C^H bond must actually be replacedby another functionality.Among the very few catalytic systems that allow not only C^H bond

activation but also functionalization are those based on platinum(II)catalysts. Soon after the discovery that platinum salts in aqueoussolution catalyze H/D exchange in hydrocarbons (9,10), a hydrocarbonfunctionalization cycle was developed on the basis of this system (11).This cycle is depicted in Scheme 2.This cycle, often referred to as the ‘‘Shilov-cycle’’, converts methane

into methanol and chloromethane in homogeneous aqueous solution atmild temperatures of 100^120 8C (11). However, while Pt(II) (added to thereaction as PtCl2�4 ) serves as the catalyst, the system also requiresPt(IV) (in the form of PtCl2�6 ) as a stoichiometric oxidant. Clearly, thissystem impressively demonstrates functionalization of methane undermild homogeneous conditions, but is impractical due to the high cost ofthe stoichiometric oxidant used. A recent development by CatalyticaAdvanced Technology Inc., often referred to as the ‘‘Catalytica system’’used platinum(II) complexes as catalysts to convert methane into methyl-bisulfate (12). The stoichiometric oxidant in this case is SO3, dissolvedin concentrated H2SO4 solvent.This cycle is depicted in Scheme 3.Sulfur trioxide is not only muchcheaper than hexachloroplatinate, but

the sulfur dioxide formed can in principle be converted back to sulfurtrioxide by oxidation with air. Methylbisulfate can be hydrolyzed tomethanol, and so a complete cycle that converts CH4 and O2 intoCH3OH can be envisioned. Overoxidation of methane to CO2 ^ a majorside reaction of many procedures ^ was relatively limited in the



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Catalytica system.The methanol produced accounted for 81% of the oxi-dized methane.This was determined after 90% of the methane initiallypresent was consumed in a single run.The Catalytica system is, in termsof methanol yield and selectivity, an unmatched achievement in homoge-neous low-temperature methane functionalization (13). Although thiscycle produces methanol in high yield and selectivity, it is still not eco-nomically competitive with established high-temperature (and generallyheterogeneously catalyzed) procedures.This is primarily due to the highcost of product separation, the handling of H2SO4 as a solvent, and thefact that the system is inhibited by the water produced in the reaction.

Thus, an e⁄cient, selective and economically competitive process thatdirectly oxidizes methane to methanol or other alkanes to their desirableterminal alcohols has yet to be developed. However, there is considerableevidence to support that platinum(II) catalyst systems are some of themost promising leads in this e¡ort. In the past several years, a numberof research groups around the world have systematically studied thereactivity of model Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes. Valuable insight intothe mechanisms of the individual reaction steps needed to accomplishthe desired transformations using platinum complexes and suitable oxi-dants has been gained in these studies. A 1998 review article by Stahl,Labinger and Bercaw is highly recommended to readers as a detailedsource of information concerning the mechanism of Shilov’s platinum-catalyzed alkane oxidations (14). The systems based on platinum chlo-rides have been extensively reviewed in 2000 in a book by Shilov andShul’pin (15). We attempt in the current review to present more recentdevelopments in the ¢eld, highlighting particularly those studies whichhave provided signi¢cant mechanistic insight into the individual reac-tion steps involved in alkane oxidation by Pt(II) catalysts.With detailedknowledge of the underlying reaction mechanisms, the rational designof C^H activation and functionalization systems can become a realisticgoal instead of a‘‘holy grail’’.



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The latest developments in the mechanistic understanding of platinumcatalyzed alkane oxidation have involved Pt complexes with chelatingligands having mainly ^ but not exclusively ^ nitrogen donors. Thisreview will focus on recent studies of these chelated Pt systems. Theselection of the literature is somewhat subjective andwill not be compre-hensive. However, it should provide a true £avor of the current state ofprogress in the ¢eld.

II. Classic Division of the Hydrocarbon Functionalization Cycle into Three Parts

Relatively soon after the discovery that aqueous solutions containingPtCl2�4 and PtCl2�6 can functionalize methane to form chloromethaneand methanol, a mechanistic scheme for this conversion was proposed(16,17). As shown in Scheme 4, a methylplatinum(II) intermediate isformed (step I), and this intermediate is oxidized to amethylplatinum(IV)complex (step II). Either reductive elimination involving the Pt(IV)methyl group and coordinatedwater or chloride or, alternatively, nucleo-philic attack at the carbon by an external nucleophile (H2O or Cl�) wasproposed to generate the functionalized product and reduce the Ptcenter back to Pt(II) (step III) (17).This general mechanism has receivedconvincing support over the last two decades (comprehensive reviewscan be found in Refs. (2,14,15)). Carbon-heteroatom bond formation fromPt(IV) (step III) has been shown to occur via nucleophilic attack at aPt-bonded methyl, as discussed in detail below (SectionV.A).The cycle shown in Scheme 4 is also thought to form the basis of

other Pt based C^H functionalization systems (12,18,19). However, thecycle as pictured in Scheme 4 is quite general and the intimate mecha-nisms of the individual steps (C^H activation (I), oxidation (II), andfunctionalization (III)) may di¡er somewhat in each particular system.



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The geometries and energies of the intermediates and transition statesfor each of these steps have been a topic of active research in the past sev-eral years and it is these recent developments that will be highlightedin this review.

III. Mechanisms for the C–H Activation Sequence: Formation of a Pt(II)

Hydrocarbyl Complex from Pt(II) and Hydrocarbon

For the C^H activation sequence, the di¡erent possibilities to be con-sidered are shown in Scheme 5: (a) direct oxidative addition to square-planar Pt(II) to form a six-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediate and (b, c)mechanisms involving a Pt(II) alkane complex intermediate. In (b) thealkane complex is deprotonated (which is referred to as the electrophilicmechanism) while in (c) oxidative addition occurs to form a ¢ve-coordi-nate Pt(IV) species which is subsequently deprotonated to form thePt(II) alkyl product.


Direct oxidative addition of C^H bonds to square-planar Pt(II) to formoctahedral Pt(IV) alkyl hydrides (Scheme 5, a) appears to be extremelyuncommon. In fact, there are no unequivocal examples of this reactionpathway. However, a couple of examples have been reported whereinsuch a direct mechanism may provide the best explanation for theavailable data.

Studies of intramolecular C^H bond activation reactions at Pt(II) (andPd(II)) leading to cyclometalated products have typically found thatthese reactions are facilitated by ancillary ligands that can easily dis-sociate (20,21). In the absence of any weakly bonded ligand, unusually



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slow reactions are observed, and a direct oxidative addition pathway hasbeen proposed. For example, the complexes shown as reactants inScheme 6(A and B) undergo thermal C^H bond activation reactions togenerate cyclometalated products of the type C and t-butylbenzene (22).Regardless of whether tetramethylphenanthroline or diphenylphenan-throline was the ligand in complex B, the cyclometalation reaction ofcomplex B was an order of magnitude slower than the reaction of thebipyridine complex (A). In addition, the kinetic deuterium isotopee¡ect for B (kH/kD= 3.3 for the Ph2phen example) was sign¢cantlylarger than the corresponding e¡ect measured forA (kH/kD=1.3).Theseresults were interpreted in terms of a dechelation mechanism (k1-bipyri-dine) for complex A to yield a highly reactive three-coordinate Pt(II)intermediate prior to C^Hactivation. In contrast, a direct oxidative addi-tion mechanismwas deemed a satisfactory explanation for B (22).For intermolecular hydrocarbon activation, we are not aware of

any example where compelling evidence exists for C^H activationdirectly by square-planar four-coordinate Pt(II), without preceding(or concomitant) ligand loss. In one example, such a direct reactionmay take place but the alternative explanation involving ligand loss isalso consistent with the data. The compound (dmpe)PtMe(O2CCF3)(dmpe=bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane) activates benzene C^H bonds atelevated temperature (125 8C) (23). This reactivity contrasts with that of(dmpe)PtMeCl which is inactive at the same temperature or even at



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150 8C (23). While these results would be consistent with a mechanismwhereby a labile ligand has to be replaced by benzene, no inhibition ofthe reaction was observed with added tri£uoroacetate. Instead a slightenhancement occurred. Since the data do not exclude either mechanism,the authors explicitly left open the question of whether this reactionoccurs by replacement of tri£uoroacetate by benzene or via the directpathway.

Ultimately, direct oxidative addition of C^H bonds to Pt(II) is not anintrinsically forbidden reaction (24,25). However, the paucity of veri¢ableexamples of such a pathway and the signi¢cantly larger and increasingpool of examples in which ligand loss occurs prior to C^H activationappears to point to a conclusion that C^H activation will be a morefacile reaction if at least one ancillary ligand on the metal center islabile. As will be discussed below, this labile ligand can be replaced byhydrocarbon such that the hydrocarbon binds within the square-planarcoordination environment of the Pt(II) center.This binding of the hydro-carbon to the metal dramatically increases the facility of the C^H bondcleavage reaction.


Facile C^H bond activation by Pt(II) metal centers seems to require atleast one labile ligand in the coordination sphere of platinum. One ofthe earliest intermolecular examples of this is the activation of C^Dbonds in benzene-d6 by trans-(PMe3)2Pt(neopentyl)(OTf) at 133 8C,where tri£uoromethanesulfonate (tri£ate, OTf) provides the labilegroup (Scheme 7,A) (26).

Consistent with the proposal that tri£ate is replaced in the coordina-tion sphere by hydrocarbon, inhibition by added tri£ate was observed.The labile group penta£uoropyridine in the cation [(tmeda)PtMe(NC6F5)]

+ (tmeda=N,N,N 0,N 0-tetramethylethylenediamine) serves asimilar role, and activation of methane, as indicated by incorporation of13C from 13CH4 into the methyl group of the complex, was observed at85 8C (Scheme 7, B) (27). Water acts as the labile ligand in recentlydeveloped diimine ligated Pt(II) systems which activate C^H bonds intri£uoroethanol solvent (28^33). An example is shown in Scheme 7(C).Similarly, the tetrahydrofuran (THF) complex shown in Scheme 7(D)activates the benzene solvent under mild conditions. The reaction isslowed down in the presence of added THF (34). In Shilov’s system basedon PtCl2�4 , substitution of at least one chloride by water is assumed tobe necessary to create the active species having a more labile ligand.Inhibition of activity is observed if excess chloride is present (2,15).


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A related base-promoted C^H activation of benzene by Pt(II) wasrecently reported. With the tridentate monoanionic amido ‘pincer’ligand ‘N3’, the tri£ate complex ‘N3’Pt(OTf ), depicted in Scheme 8 wasshown to activate benzene in the presence of base (35). It was noted thatthe chloro complex ‘N3’PtCl was not reactive under these conditions.The activity of the tri£ate complex again appears to result fromthe higher lability of tri£ate which can allow for coordination of thehydrocarbon.All these examples support the concept that hydrocarbon may need

to bind directly to the Pt(II) center as shown in Scheme 9 in order tofacilitate the C^H activation reaction. The product of the reaction



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shown in Scheme 9 is referred to as a s-complex of the hydrocarbon. Forthe alkane example, this would be a s-alkane complex.

What purpose does the alkane binding to the Pt(II) center serve? Forthe electrophilic pathway (Scheme 5, b), this is immediately apparent. s-Alkane complexes should be considerably more acidic than free alkanes,such that deprotonation may become a viable C^H activation pathway.While the acidic character of alkane complexes has not been directlyobserved, it can be inferred from themeasured acidity of analogous agos-tic complexes (36) and from the acidity of the s-complexes of dihydrogen(37), both of which can be regarded models for alkane complexes (seeSection III.E).

For the oxidative addition pathway, however, it is not obvious why theC^H bond cleavage reaction should be more facile if the hydrocarbon¢rst binds in the coordination sphere of the metal (Scheme 5, c). Oneargument could be that the equilibrium between the Pt(II) alkane com-plex and the ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) alkyl hydride has an intrinsicallylow activation barrier. Insight into this question together with detailedinformation about the mechanisms of these Pt(II) s-complex/Pt(IV)alkyl hydride interconversions has been gained via detailed studies ofreductive elimination reactions from Pt(IV), as discussed below.



1. Reductive elimination to form carbon^carbon bonds

While our focus in this section of the review is mainly on reactionswhich make and break carbon^hydrogen bonds, similar reactions




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involving carbon^carbon bonds can serve as excellent models. Bothhydride ligands and metal-bonded alkyls ares-donors and bind similarlyto the metal. Neither has any ability to act as a p-donor or -acceptor. Anin-depth discussion of C^C bond cleavage (38^43) and formation (44,45)at transition metals is beyond the scope of this review. However,mechanistic studies of sp3-C^sp3 -C reductive elimination from Pt(IV)are of signi¢cant value as this reaction serves as a model for the morefacile sp3-C^H coupling reaction.C^C reductive elimination from Pt(IV) has been well studied over the

past 30 years. One of the earliest mechanistic investigations of this reac-tivity concentrated on the formation of ethane from the Pt(IV) complexesL2PtMe3X (L=PMe2Ph, PMePh2, PMe3, X=halide) (46). The rate ofreductive elimination was inhibited by added phosphine, and thisresult, among others, provided strong evidence for a mechanism invol-ving phosphine dissociation to form a ¢ve-coordinate intermediateprior to the C^C coupling reaction (Scheme 10).A similar mechanismwas proposed, based on analogous kinetic beha-

vior, for Pt(IV) tetramethyl complexes with isonitrile ligands (47).Isonitrile dissociation preceded the release of ethane.Chelating ligands have a much lower propensity for dissociation.Yet

detailed kinetic studies on similar systems with bidentate phosphineligands, fac-(L2)PtMe3X (L2= dppe (bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane),dppbz (bis(diphenylphosphinobenzene); X= I, OAc, OPh) also showedthat ligand dissociation was required prior to any C^C coupling (48^51).In this case, however, the X� group rather than the phosphine waslost to form a ¢ve-coordinate intermediate, as shown in Scheme 11. Acompetitive C^X reductive elimination also occurs from these complexesand involves the same ¢ve-coordinate cation (SectionV.A).




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It might be suggested that the pathway involving a ¢ve-coordinatePt(IV) intermediate could be shut down for a C^C reductive eliminationreaction from a tetramethylplatinum(IV) complex of a chelating bidentateligand, L2PtMe4. In this case, no ligand which could be expectedto easily dissociate would be present. Could this situation promotethe elusive direct C^C reductive elimination? A recent detailedstudy on (dppe)PtMe4 complexes (dppe=bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane)addressed this issue and found that even in this case, a ¢ve-coordinateintermediate was involved (52). Dissociation of one end of the chelatingphosphine ligand dppe (Scheme 12) provided access to the reactiveunsaturated species.

Thus to date, virtually all studies of C^C reductive elimination to formalkanes from Pt(IV) have found that these reactions proceed via ¢ve-coordinate intermediates. Only very recently have stable examples ofPt(IV) alkyl hydrides been synthesized (53^69). Detailed studies of C^Hreductive elimination to form alkanes from these related complexeshave identi¢ed similar ¢ve-coordinate intermediates on the reactionpathway (see following section).

2. Reductive Elimination to form C^H bonds from Pt(IV) andOxidativeAddition to Cleave C^H bonds at Pt(II)

There are now a number of quite stable Pt(IV) alkyl hydride complexesknown and the synthesis and characterization of many of these com-plexes were covered in a 2001 review on platinum(IV) hydride chemistry(69).These six-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes have one feature in common:a ligand set wherein none of the ligands can easily dissociate from themetal.Thus it would appear that prevention of access to a ¢ve-coordinatePt(IV) species contributes to the stability of Pt(IV) alkyl hydrides. Theavailability of Pt(IV) alkyl hydrides has recently allowed detailedstudies of C^H reductive elimination from Pt(IV) to be carried out.These studies, as described below, also provide important insight intothe mechanism of oxidative addition of C^H bonds to Pt(II).

a. Methyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) Complexes of Moderate to HighStability The cationic complex (bpma)PtMe2H

+ (bpma=bis(pyridyl-methyl)amine) is an alkyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex which exhibits



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moderate stability in solution at room temperature (62). Soon after itsdiscovery, it was found to be an ideal system for studying the mechanismof methane reductive elimination (64). As shown in Scheme13, the triden-tate nitrogen donor ligand contributes to the octahedral environmentstabilizing the Pt(IV) alkylhydride. The (k3 -bpma)PtIVMe2H+ complexis obtained by protonation of the platinum(II) precursor (k2 -bpma)PtIIMe2.When the Pt(II) precursor is protonated with deuteratedacid, the Pt-deuteride complex (bpma)PtMe2D

+ is obtained (Scheme 13).Scrambling of deuterium occurs selectively into the methyl group transto amine (Scheme 13), whereas it can be demonstrated that the methylgroup that is eliminated is the group cis to amine (italics in Scheme 13).That methane is eliminated at a moderate rate at room temperatureseems to be due to the fact that the bpma ligand can coordinate in thesquare plane of the reductive elimination product (bpma)PtMe+. A com-parison of the (very similar) scrambling rate and the elimination rate,along with the activation parameters for reductive elimination, providedsupport for the proposed mechanism shown in Scheme13, which involvess-methane complexes and ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) as common intermedi-ates for both scrambling and methane reductive elimination (64). Toachieve the methane elimination, the ‘‘dangling’’pyridyl residue replacesthemethane fromamethanes-complex.The di¡erent reactivities (scram-bling vs. elimination) of the two non-equivalent methyl groups (trans toamine and trans to pyridine) were explained in a straightforwardmanner in terms of the geometric arrangement of the ‘‘dangling’’pyridyl



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residue with respect to the corresponding two types of s-bondedmethane: themethane trans to amine cannotbe replaced by the uncoordi-nated pyridyl, whereas the methane trans to coordinated pyridine iswithin reach of the ‘‘dangling’’ pyridyl residue and can be substitutedand thus eliminated (64).

Trispyrazolylborate ligands have proven very useful in the stabiliza-tion of Pt(IV) alkyl hydrides.Trispyrazolylborate ligands (70) can coordi-nate with all three nitrogen donors by capping the face of anoctahedron (facial coordination). However, unlike the bpma liganddescribed above, this tridentate ligand is constrained geometricallysuch that it cannot coordinate in a meridional arrangement.Trispyrazolylborate ligands are abbreviated in this review according tothe Tro¢menko notation (70): trispyrazolylborate=Tp, and the relatedtris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate=TpMe2 (Scheme 14). The use of thenotation‘‘TpR2’’ in this review implies either of these very similar ligands.

Virtually the entire series of Pt(IV) complexes of the type TpR2PtX3(X=Me, H). are now known. The trimethyl complexes TpPtMe3 (71)and TpMe2PtMe3 (72) were reported in 1974 and 1990, respectively.Structural characterization by X-ray crystallography was published in2000 for TpMe2PtMe3 (73). The same paper also contains a structuraland spectroscopic comparison of TpMe2PtMe3 with the £uorinatedanalog, TpðCF3Þ2PtMe3, along with a comprehensive overview of thetrans-in£uence of ligands coordinated to the trimethylplatinum(IV)unit. The trimethylplatinum(IV) complexes of TpR2 are very stable evenat elevated temperature, and ethane reductive elimination to generate aplatinum(II) product from these compounds has never been reported.Very recently, the corresponding trihydride complex TpMe2PtH3 wassynthesized and characterized (74). Whether it undergoes reductiveelimination of H2 was not noted.

In contrast, C^H coupling has been observed from the mixed methyl(hydrido) compounds TpR2PtMeH2 and TpR2PtMe2H.This reactivity and



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the mechanistic insight into C^H reductive elimination from Pt(IV)gained from studies of these complexes are described below.The complex TpPtMeH2 was synthesized by reacting TpPtMe(CO)

with water (66). While it is stable towards reductive elimination ofmethane at 55 8C, deuterium incorporation from methanol-d4 solventoccurs rapidly into the hydride positions and subsequently, more slowly,into themethyl position (Scheme15).The scrambling into themethyl posi-tion has been attributed to reversible formation of a methane complexwhich does not lose methane under the reaction conditions (75,76).Similar scrambling reactions have been observed for other metal alkylhydrides at temperatures below those where alkane reductive elimina-tion becomes dominant (77^84). This includes examples of scramblingwithout methane loss at elevated temperature (78).A computational (DFT) study on theTpPtMeH2 system has given acti-

vation parameters for methane loss versus scrambling of hydride protonsinto methane positions, and, consistent with the experimental data,shows that the barrier for the loss of methane from the s-complex(Scheme 16, A) to yield free methane and the TpPtIIH species B or Cis higher than the barrier for the hydrogen/deuterium scramblingreaction (85). Scrambling was computed to be more favorable thanmethane loss by a ��Gz298 of ca. 5 kcal/mol. It is interesting that the‘‘free’’ pyrazolyl residue, which due to the tripodal geometry is not




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capable of coordinating in the square plane of Pt(II), can still coordinate(in computations) to the axial position. The energy change associatedwith this coordination, however, is close to zero: �H=�0.7 kcal/mol,�G298 =+0.6 kcal/mol for the conversion of B to C (Scheme 16).

The reactivity of the closely related system TpMe2PtMeH2 toward elec-trophiles in arene solvents has also been reported recently (68). Theboron-based Lewis acid B(C6F5)3 induced elimination of methane andformation of an aryl(dihydrido) platinum(IV) complex via arene C^Hactivation (Scheme 17, A!C). The active acid may be either B(C6F5)3 oralternatively a proton generated from B(C6F5)3 and trace water. It wasproposed that the acid coordinates to a pyrazole nitrogen (shown inScheme 17, B) forming an intermediate ¢ve-coordinate platinum(IV)complex, which readily eliminates methane.

Protonation reactions of the related dimethyl(hydrido)platinum(IV)complex TpMe2PtMe2H (58) leading to rapid methane reductive elimina-tion have also been reported (86). This protonation was shown to occurexclusively at the pyrazole nitrogen, presumably forming a ¢ve-coordi-nate Pt(IV) intermediate. This species should undergo C^H coupling,and while a Pt(II) methane complex is not observed, trapping with



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a variety of ligands leads to the platinum(II) complexes shown inScheme 18 which contain a k2 -TpMe2 ligand having one protonated pyra-zole group (86).At elevated temperatures, the compound TpMe2PtMe2H undergoes

reductive elimination of methane without added acid. This thermolysiswas recently studied in detail (87). In particular, the behavior of the deut-erated species TpMe2PtMe2D was instructive since two processes wereobserved: scrambling of deuterium into the methyl positions at 46^66 8Cand reductive elimination of methane accompanied by activation ofC6D6 solvent at 90^130 8C. The kinetic data provided evidence thatmethane loss is dissociative in this case (see Section III.H), and the spe-cies TpMe2PtIIMe is involved as an intermediate.This species is trappedby C6D6 as the Pt(IV) product, and the oxidative addition productTpMe2PtðMeÞðC6D5ÞD is observed. From the di¡erence in activationenthalpies for the H/D scrambling reaction and the C^H reductive elimi-nation reaction, a lower limit for the binding enthalpy of methane (inthe s-methane complex) of 9 kcal/mol was estimated (87).The oxidative addition of alkane C^H bonds to Pt(II) has also been

observed in these TpR2 -based platinum systems. As shown in Scheme 19,methide abstraction from the anionic Pt(II) complex ðk2- TpMe2 ÞPtMe�2by the Lewis acid B(C6F5)3 resulted in C^H oxidative addition of thehydrocarbon solvent (88). When this was done in pentane solution, thepentyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex E (R=pentyl) was observed as a



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stable product. Similarly, using benzene as solvent, the phenyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex was obtained, or using cyclohexane, the corre-sponding cyclohexyl(hydrido) complex. The intermediates shown inScheme 19 (B, C, andD) were not observed.

b. Platinum(IV) Alkyl Hydrides as Intermediate Species in the Proto-nation of Platinum(II) Alkyl Complexes Several of the alkyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complexes discussed above, for example (bpma)PtMe2H


and TpMe2PtMe2H (58,62,64), can be synthesized by protonation ofplatinum(II) precursors. In the precursors to these platinum(IV) alkylhydrides, a pendant nitrogen donor is present. This group coordinatesto Pt in the platinum(IV) product, as for example depicted in Scheme20. The protonation of platinum(II) alkyl complexes which do not havea pendant donor group can also lead to observable alkyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complexes provided that an additional ligand which canoccupy the sixth site is present. In most cases, such reactions have to becarried out at low temperature (53^56).

The observation of stable Pt(IV) alkyl hydrides upon protonation ofPt(II) alkyls has provided support for the idea that the methane whichhad been observed in earlier studies (89^92) of protonation of Pt(II)methyls could be produced via a reductive elimination reaction fromPt(IV). An extensive study of protonation of Pt(II) methyl complexeswas carried out in 1996 (56) and an excellent summary of these resultsappeared in a recent review article (14). Strong evidence was presentedto support the involvement of both Pt(IV) methyl hydrides and Pt(II)s-methane complexes as intermediates in the rapid protonolysis reac-tions of Pt(II) methyls to generate methane.The principle of microscopic



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reversibility provides that these species would also be involved in C^Hactivation reactions at Pt(II). Thus, if we consider Fig. 1, which issimilar to the scheme presented in Ref. (56), there are two reasonablepossibilities for the protonation of a Pt(II) methyl group to formmethane: protonation directly at the methyl group to form in one step as-methane complex (B) or protonation at platinum to form amethyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex (D). If the reverse reaction is con-sidered, activation of methane by Pt(II) (C in Fig. 1), it can easily be seenthat the reaction will proceed via either direct deprotonation of themethane complex B (electrophilic pathway) or via oxidative addition toformD.


FIG. 1. Unified scheme (similar to that presented in Ref. (56)) for protonation ofplatinum(II) methyl compounds and for methane activation.‘‘L’’ is a general two-elec-tron donor ligand. The ligands L on Pt need not be identical, and charges are notshown.


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The question of which pathway is preferred was very recentlyaddressed for several diimine-chelated platinum complexes (93). It wasconvincingly shown for dimethyl complexes chelated by a variety ofdiimines that the metal is the kinetic site of protonation. In the systemunder investigation, acetonitrile was used as the trapping ligand L (seeFig.1) which reactedwith themethane complexB to form the eliminationproductC and also reactedwith the ¢ve-coordinate alkyl hydride speciesD to form the stable six-coordinate complex E (93). An increase in theconcentration of acetonitrile led to increased yields of the methyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex E relative to the platinum(II) product C.It was concluded that the equilibration between the species D and Band the irreversible and associative1 reactions of these species withacetonitrile occur at comparable rates such that the kinetic product ofthe protonation is more e⁄ciently trapped at higher acetonitrile concen-trations. Thus, in these systems protonation occurs preferentially atplatinum and, by the principle of microscopic reversibility, this indicatesthat C^H activation with these systems occurs preferentially via oxida-tive addition (93).


The ¢ve-coordinate alkylhydridoplatinum(IV) complexes, shown asintermediates in the discussion above, have never been directlyobserved. However, recently ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) models for such spe-cies have been synthesized and even crystallographically characterized(94,95). A perspectives article describing the road to ¢nding stable exam-ples of ¢ve-coordinate platinum(IV) species and highlighting theserecent discoveries has also appeared (96).The complexes and their synth-eses are depicted in Scheme 21. A is a trimethylplatinum(IV) complex ofa ‘nacnac’-type b-diiminate ligand (94). It was synthesized by reactingthe potassium salt of the ligand with tetrameric trimethylplatinum tri-£ate. C is a complex of the protonated TpMe2 ligand and can be synthe-sized by protonation of the six-coordinate precursor B (95). Relatedderivatives of the ¢ve-coordinate dihydrido(silyl)platinum(IV) complexdepicted in Scheme 21(C) were also prepared having SiPh3 or SiPh2Hgroups instead of a SiEt3 group (95).

As might be expected given the discussion above concerning the role of¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) in reductive elimination, complex A reductivelyeliminates ethane at elevated temperature (97). This is in contrast to

1See Section III.H.


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six-coordinate Pt(IV) alkyl complexes with nitrogen ligands which aretypically stable to reductive elimination (98^104). The unusually facilecarbon^carbon reductive elimination from A is likely due to its penta-coordinate nature. Also remarkable is the highly £uxional nature of com-plex A in solution, such that the two equatorial and the single apicalmethyl group exchange on the 1H NMR timescale (750MHz) even at�50 8C.This observation provides support for the proposal that ¢ve-coor-dinate Pt(IV) intermediates may be involved in isomerization reactionsof octahedral six-coordinate Pt(IV) compounds (52,105^107). Anotherinteresting feature of A is the photolability of the complex. One methylgroup is, upon irradiation, easily transferred to the central carbon ofthe ligand, as shown in Scheme 22 (94).What speci¢c properties of these complexes have allowed isolation of

¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV), in the form of the trimethyl complex and the dihy-dridosilyl complexes? These two types of complexes are signi¢cantly dif-ferent, and their stability is apparently due to di¡erent factors.Comparing the trimethyl complex in Scheme 21(A) with the related butsix-coordinate complexes of a similarly bulky a-diimine ligand (98),shown in Scheme 23, is instructive. In Scheme 23A, tri£ate is clearlycoordinated, exhibiting an O^Pt distance of 2.276(3)— (98), which istypical for Pt-coordinated tri£ate (108). This tri£ate complex A inScheme 23 was obtained from dry tetrahydrofuran. The aqua complexcation B, also structurally characterized, was obtained from acetonecontaining trace water. An equilibrium between coordinated tri£ateand coordinated water, very likely via a common ¢ve-coordinate inter-mediate, was indicated by NMR spectroscopy (98).



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It appears that the advantage of the anionic nacnac-ligand in stabiliz-ing ¢ve-coordinate species likeA in Scheme 21 mainly lies in its charge.Since the resulting ¢ve-coordinate complex is not cationic but neutral,anion coordination does not occur. The uncharged nature of the com-pound, and presumably also the presence of the isopropyl groups, allowsolubility in alkane solvent, such that the use of potentially coordinatingpolar solvents is not necessary. In addition, the isopropyl groups of A(Scheme 21), although not agostic, e¡ectively shield the open site. It isworth noting here that the anionic ‘nacnac’-type b-diketiminate ligands(109,110) have proven to be very useful chelating ligands in recent years(111^114). A comprehensive review on metal complexes of b-diketiminateligands was published in 2002 (115).

Complex C (Scheme 21) seems to shows stable penta-coordination forapparently very di¡erent reasons. The compound is cationic, but thecounterion is a non-coordinating tetraarylborate. Interestingly, neitherthe dichloromethane solvent nor the diethylether present in the reactionmixture seem to coordinate to the open site in solution. The compoundwas crystallized from a tetrahydrofuran/pentane mixture as the tetrahy-drofuran (THF) solvate, but in the crystal structure, the THF is remotefrom the open site at platinum. The open site is shielded somewhatby the methyl groups of the protonated TpMe2 ligand, but it doesnot appear completely inaccessible. A reasonable explanation for the




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observed ¢ve-coordinate structure is that silicon electronically stabi-lizes high formal oxidation states of transition metals without inducinga pronounced positive charge on the metal. Silicon is relatively electro-positive, and it is only in a formal sense that silyl ligands are consideredas R3Si� anions.This idea is perhaps supported by the fact that a varietyof transition metal complexes have been prepared in unusually high oxi-dation states using silicon-donors (116^120). If it is true that the elec-tron-density in the silicon^metal bond is more localized at the metal,the position trans to the silicon should display reduced electrophilicity.This was already indicated by the crystal structure of the six-coordinateplatinum(IV) complex TpMe2PtðSiEt3ÞH2 (compound B in Scheme 21),where the Pt^N bond trans to silicon was unusually long (2.30—) (74).It is interesting to compare an alternative synthesis of the ¢ve-coordi-

nate Pt(IV) dihydridosilyl complex, by silane activation, with the synth-esis of a somewhat related Pt(IV) silyl hydride complex containing afunctionalized diimine ligand. Both Pt(IV) species can be formed bysilane oxidative addition as shown in Scheme 24. Note that in the forma-tion of the ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complex (Scheme 24, A), the precursorhas a labile ligand (solvent, most likely diethylether) (95). This labileligand is lost in the reaction to allow silane coordination within thesquare-planar geometry of Pt(II). Notably, in the related silane s-bondactivation using the diimine ligand with two pendant ether arms(Scheme 24, B), the precursor has one ether residue coordinated (121).This ether group probably functions as a labile ligand to allowsilane coordination to Pt(II). However, because the ether is covalentlylinked and the ligand has su⁄cient £exibility, this group would be able



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to coordinate to the Pt(IV) center, and a six-coordinate structure forthe product has been proposed.


1. Dihydrogen Complexes of Pt(II)

Both s-silane and s-dihydrogen complexes are useful and in somecases isolable models for the rarely observed s-alkane complexes.Unfortunately, silane complexes of Pt(II) are generally dinuclear(37,122) rendering them less desirable models for Pt(II) s-alkane com-plexes. In contrast, the closely related dihydrogen complexes of Pt(II)are mostly monomeric (123^126).

In a particularly interesting study of Pt(II) dihydrogen complexes,Stahl, Labinger and Bercaw reported the reaction of the complexestrans-Pt(PCy3)2(X)H (Cy= cyclohexyl, X=SiH3, H, CH3, Ph, Cl, Br, I,CN, F3CSO3) with acids (125). Dihydrogen complexes were only observedfor those compounds which have a strong s-donor ligand trans to thehydride (X=H, CH3 or Ph). In contrast, when halides were the transligands (reactants of the type trans-Pt(PCy3)2(X)H), protonationoccurred at the platinum center. However, only six-coordinate Pt(IV)dihydride complexes were observed. The sixth ligand was halide, eitherfrom protonationwith HCl or formed by halide abstraction from startingmaterial. No direct evidence for ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) dihydride specieswas found.

The authors point out that the dependence of the site of electrophilicattack on the ligand trans to the hydride in the model systems may beimportant with respect to alkane activation. If the information is trans-ferable to Pt-alkyls, protonation at the metal rather than the alkylshould be favored with weak (and ‘‘hard’’) s-donor ligands like Cl� andH2O. These are the ligands involved in Shilov chemistry and so by theprinciple of microscopic reversibility, C^H oxidative addition may befavored over electrophilic activation for these related complexes.

2. �2-Benzene Complexes of Pt(II)

The discussion has focused so far on activation of alkanes, whereformation of the s-complex seems to precede oxidative addition. Forarenes, formation of the analogous s(CH)-arene complex is thought tooccur before oxidative addition to form an aryl hydride. These s-com-plexes have never been observed, presumably because they are unstablewith respect to thep-complexes.Bothtypesofarenecomplexesare, for thecase of benzene, shown in Scheme 25: the s(CH)-arene complex as A and


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the p-complex as B. While Pt(II) s-complexes of arenes as shown inScheme 25(A) have not been observed, Pt(II) p-complexes depictedin Scheme 25(B) have been recently observed, and ^ for one example ^even crystallographically characterized. These species are shown inScheme 26.ComplexA (Scheme 26) has been observed by 1HNMR spectroscopy at�69 8C. At �23 8C, benzene and methane are lost to form new specieswithin 1h (29). The related complex B, however, is relatively stable, andloses benzene only slowly at room temperature (127). Complex B wasstable enough to be characterized by X-ray crystallography in additionto NMR studies in solution. Using NMR line-broadening and spin-saturation studies, it was shown that the hydrogens on the coordinatedarene exchange with the metal hydride.This was interpreted in terms ofC^Hactivation by oxidative addition, involving the ¢ve-coordinate struc-ture C, shown in Scheme 26, and a barrier �Gz of 12.7 kcal/mol wasobtained at �21 8C (127,128). Elimination of benzene from complex B inScheme 26 leads to a dihydrido-bridged dimer (129).


The experimental data available to date consistently indicate thatligand dissociation precedes reductive elimination from six-coordinateplatinum(IV). In the reverse direction (oxidative addition), it seemsnecessary that the hydrocarbon molecule coordinates in the squareplane of platinum(II). C^H bond cleavage then forms a ¢ve-coordinatePt(IV) species consistent with the principle of microscopic reversibility.




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The important question then arises of whether this scenario involving¢ve-coordinate and s-complex intermediates must occur for everysystem.This question becomes more intriguing when one considers thatthe related C^H reductive elimination from platinum(II) complexes toyield platinum(0) products does not require prior dissociation of aligand. For example, strong mechanistic evidence has been presented tosupport the direct elimination of methane from (PPh3)2Pt

IICH3(H) (130).This di¡erence in reaction mechanisms of C^H reductive eliminationfrom Pt(IV) and Pt(II) complexes has been examined using densityfunctional theory (DFT). DFT has been used to study reductive elimina-tion from a number of platinum and palladium systems (131). The com-pounds (PR3)2PtIICH3(H) (R=Me, H) were used as models for (PPh3)2PtIICH3(H) (132,133). For both Pt(II) systems, it was found that directreductive elimination to form the Pt(0) complex of the type (PR3)2Pt wasfavored over a mechanism involving prior ligand dissociation.The ener-getics of relevant compounds and transition states (�H298, kcal/mol)are shown in Fig. 2. Note that although the barrier to reductive elimina-tion is lower from the three-coordinate Pt(II) species, the enthalpiccost of losing the ligand is signi¢cant and this results in the directreductive elimination pathway being the lower energy route.

It is also interesting to consider that by the principle of microscopicreversibility, the oxidative addition of methane to Pt(0) should then alsofollow a direct pathway of addition to a two-coordinate Pt(0) startingcomplex. It can be noted as well that the transition state for methaneaddition shows a ‘product-like’ P^Pt^P angle: 109.28 for the bis-PH3

system and 114.18 for the bis-PMe3 system. These data are consistentwith many computational ¢ndings on related systems (134) and explainthe experimental observation that Pt(0) complexes of chelating phos-phines are more active in C^H activation than corresponding linearcomplexes of non-chelating phosphines (135^137). That a smaller bondangle in the Pt(0) reactant leads to more facile C^H activation has beenrationalized using extended Hu« ckel calculations (138).2

The two di¡erent routes, direct reductive elimination and a prelimi-nary ligand dissociation pathway, were similarly investigated for thePt(IV) complexes, (PR3)2Cl2PtCH3(H) (R=Me, H) (132,133). A part ofthis study (dealing with one possible isomer) is summarized in Fig. 3.

2The classic platinum(0) approach to C^H activation, yielding platinum(II)alkyl hydrides as the oxidative addition products, contributed signi¢cantly toour understanding of C^H activation. However, the platinum(II)/(IV) approachhas proven capable of achieving oxidative functionalization of hydrocarbons,and so this review focuses on the higher oxidation state.


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A transition state for the direct methane elimination from the Pt(IV)complex having two PH3 ligands was not observed. Phosphine lossoccurred concomitantly with the reductive elimination. However, theauthors were able to estimate an activation barrier of ca. 16 kcal/molfor direct elimination from this Pt(IV) complex (PH3)2Cl2PtCH3(H)using arti¢cial restraints for the geometry optimization. This value isvery close to the 16.5 kcal barrier obtained for reductive elimination

FIG. 2. Enthalpy diagram (�H298, kcal/mol; B3LYP level of DFT) for reductive elimi-nation of methane from cis-(R3P)2PtCH3(H), PR3=P(CH3)3 or PH3. The diagram wasdrawn using the data from Refs. (132,133).

FIG. 3. Enthalpy diagram (�H298, kcal/mol; B3LYP level of DFT) for reductive elimi-nation of methane from one isomer of (R3P)2Cl2PtCH3(H), PR3=P(CH3)3 or PH3. Thedotted line refers to the P(CH3)3 system, where the relative order of barrier heightschanges in comparison to the PH3 system. The diagram was drawn using the datafrom Refs. (132,133).


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from the Pt(II) analog (PH3)2PtCH3(H). In contrast however, the ligandloss pathway is the favored one for Pt(IV). While the barrier forreductive elimination from the ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediate issomewhat lower than the barrier for reductive elimination from therelated three-coordinate Pt(II)intermediate (3.0 vs. 6.2 kcal/mol), theprimary reason that the ligand dissociation pathway is favored for(PH3)2Cl2PtCH3(H) is that the enthalpic cost of ligand dissociation ismuch lower in the platinum(IV) system (10.2 kcal/mol instead of18.0 kcal/mol for the Pt(II) analog). Conversely, oxidative addition ofmethane is, according to these calculations, enthalpically favored tooccur via a methane complex. Thus one ligand has to be lost fromPt(II) to form a s-complex intermediate.

In contrast, when the more electron-rich phosphine PMe3 is employed,the situation looks somewhat di¡erent (Fig. 3). The direct eliminationpathway was calculated to have a barrier of 16.8 kcal/mol which is veryclose to the barrier estimated for PH3 ligands. However, the increasedbinding enthalpy of PMe3 versus PH3 is signi¢cant enough to causethe ligand dissociation pathway to be enthalpically less favorable by2 kcal/mol relative to the direct pathway. Entropic contributions willaccount for this small energy di¡erence and, at least for monodentatephosphines, a ligand dissociation pathway will likely dominate. On theother hand, a Pt(IV) center with an electron-rich phosphine ligandwhich is chelatingmay undergo C^H reductive elimination directly.

Note that the oxidative addition of methane to (PR3)2PtCl2 is calcu-lated to be uphill by ca. 32 kcal/mol for the PH3 system and by ca.39 kcal/mol for the PMe3 system (Fig. 3). Interestingly, this result indi-cates that ligation by the weaker ligand PH3 leads to a thermodynami-cally more favorable oxidative addition of hydrocarbons. A relatedligand e¡ect was reported by Hill and Puddephatt (139) in a DFT study,where the equilibrium between the cationic methane complexesL2PtMe(CH4)

+ and the corresponding ¢ve-coordinate oxidative additionproducts L2PtMe2H

+ (L=NH3, PH3) was investigated. In accord withthe idea that PH3 should be a better s-donor than NH3, the electron den-sity at platinum was calculated to be greater with L=PH3 than withL=NH3, both in the Pt(II) s-methane complex and in the corresponding¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) cation.Yet when the thermodynamics of oxidativeaddition were investigated, it was found that the less donating spectatorligand results in oxidative addition of methane being more favorable:Using L=NH3, the ¢ve-coordinate oxidative addition product is uphillfrom the methane complex by only 9 kcal/mol, as opposed to 15 kcal/molfor L=PH3.These computational results are in agreement with the gen-eral experimental observation that nitrogen donor ligands stabilize the


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higher oxidation state of Pt and Pd (IV vs. II) more than phosphinederived ligands (98^100,140,141).Finally, computational methods have also been used to point out that

ligand loss to generate unsaturated species is not the only way C^H oxi-dative addition at Pt(II) can be facilitated. Just as bent bisphosphine-ligated Pt(0) complexes signi¢cantly favor oxidative addition of C^Hbonds relative to the linear Pt(PR3)2 species, Pt(II) complexes which areconstrained to a see-saw type geometry rather than a square-planararrangement might be predicted to similarly favor hydrocarbon activa-tion. This e¡ect has been examined computationally (142). Summarizedin Scheme 27 are the ways in which C^H oxidative addition can befavored at Pt(0) and Pt(II) via the geometrical arrangement of ligands.Perhaps not surprisingly, the fragments which can easily insert intoC^H bonds are isolobal to CH2 (143).As seen from the above discussion concerning geometrical constraints

of ligand environments and the e¡ects of ligand donor atoms, computa-tional work may prove useful to the experimental chemist in the searchfor promising new ligands. For example, several tridentate donor systemswhere ligand constraints stabilize Pt(IV) over Pt(II) have been investi-gated computationally (144). Two of the ligands predicted to stabilizePt(IV) methyl hydrides are 1,4,7-triazacyclonane-2,5,8-triene and cyclo-hexane-1,3,5-triamine (A andB, respectively in Scheme 28). Both are cur-rently underutilized experimentally in Pt(IV) chemistry. A is predictedto stabilize d6 systems to such an extent that even a palladium(IV)methyl hydride was predicted to be stable (144). Ligand B has beenused in experimental work with platinum (145,146) and does e⁄ciently



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stabilize Pt(IV) (see Section IV.C below). However, hydrocarbon activa-tion has not yet been pursued with this ligand on platinum.


It should be pointed out that the studies described above (both experi-mental and theoretical) do not provide an answer to the question ofwhether C^H activation at Pt(II) occurs primarily via an oxidativeaddition pathway or an electrophilic pathway. The studies do indicatethat s-complexes are competent intermediates and that C^H oxidativeaddition can occur to generate a ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) alkyl hydride.Thus, the oxidative addition pathway must be considered, but need notbe operating in all Pt(II)-based C^H activation systems. Modi¢cationsof the coordination sphere of the platinum center may lead to a changein the electronic situation such that oxidative addition is favored forone system, but the electrophilic pathway is favored for a di¡erentsystem.Which mechanism is operating in a particular system wherein atrue Pt(IV) alkyl hydride species is not observed, is di⁄cult to addressexperimentally. However, this question has been treated computation-ally by several researchers working with di¡erent Pt(II) species.The dif-ferences in activation energies for these alternative mechanisms can bequite small. This was demonstrated in 1996 in a computational (DFT)study on methane activation by PtCl2(OH2)2, clearly relevant to theShilov system, where the conclusion was drawn that the oxidative addi-tion pathway and the s-bond metathesis pathway are too close in energyto allow a prediction as to which one would be preferred (147). Notably,in this work, an attempt was made to model solvent e¡ects on the reac-tion. One or two water molecules of the second coordination spherewere included in addition to Pt-coordinated water molecules.

A similar conclusion, that the alternative pathways sometimesdi¡er only slightly in the energy barrier, was reached in several morerecent theoretical papers which investigated methane activation in(‘‘N2’’)PtCl2 systems relevant to the Catalytica process. It has beendemonstrated experimentally that compared with (bipyrimidine)PtCl2,



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(NH3)2PtCl2 exhibits higher catalytic activity toward methane function-alization (12). However, under acidic conditions, (bipyrimidine)PtCl2 ismuch more stable than (NH3)2PtCl2 towards dissociation of the nitrogendonor ligand, and this makes the bipyrimidine system superior (12,148).Using DFT calculations and employing a dielectric continuum model tocorrect for solvation, the activation of methane by (NH3)2PtCl2 was stud-ied (149). It was assumed in this work that methane replaces an ammonialigand from the ¢rst coordination sphere to form a s-methane complex.Both pathways, one in which oxidative addition then occurs to form a¢ve-coordinate methyl hydride or deprotonation of the coordinatedmethane occurs to form the Pt(II) methyl were investigated. The Pt-bonded chloride ligand acts as a base for the deprotonation of themethane. It was found that the activation barriers are similar for bothprocesses using cis-(NH3)2PtCl2. Solvation-corrected �Gz298 values of 4.2and 11.0 kcal/mol (gas phase �Ez: 7.9 and 20.2 kcal/mol) were found forC^H bond breaking by oxidative addition and by the electrophilic path-way, respectively. However, for the case of the trans-complex, it waspredicted that oxidative addition would be strongly favored, the solva-tion-corrected �Gz298 being lower by 20.5 kcal/mol (10.3 vs. 30.8 kcal/mol;gas-phase�Ez: 11.7 vs. 32.9 kcal/mol) (149).Computational results were also obtained, in a di¡erent study, for

the possibility that the chloride rather than the ammonia in cis-(NH3)2PtCl2 was substituted by methane (148). In the same contribution,an analogous study examined the reactivity of the (bipyrimidine)PtCl2complex (Fig. 4).Whether the resulting ion pair-type methane complex [(‘‘N2’’)

PtCl(CH4)]+Cl� undergoes the C^H activation reaction by oxidativeaddition or by the electrophilic pathway was answered di¡erently forcis-(NH3)2PtCl2 and for the bipyrimidine-based catalyst. For cis-(NH3)2PtCl2, the oxidative addition pathway was favored by 10 kcal/mol,whereas for the bipyrimidine system the electrophilic pathway wascalculated tobemore favorable by 9 kcal/mol (148). In an earlierDFT com-putational study by another group (150), the cation (bipyrimidine)PtCl(CH4)+ was investigated instead of the tight ion pair [(bipyrimi-dine)PtCl(CH4)]+Cl�, and the opposite conclusion was reached.Oxidative addition was favored over the s-bond metathesis pathway.The reason for this discrepancy appears to be inclusion or omission ofthe counterion. If the chloride counterion is not included, the coordi-nated chloride has to deprotonate the alkane complex. This may have ahigher barrier than deprotonation by non-bonded chloride in the ionpair. Since ion pairing and solvation e¡ects are large in these systems,and calculations of these e¡ects still contain considerable potential


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errors, it is not yet clear whether calculated small preferences in favorof one or the other mechanism represent the physical reality. They do,however, impressively demonstrate that activation energies for thesedi¡erent mechanisms can be very close in energy.

In a studyof themethane complex [(diimine)Pt(CH3)(CH4)]+ (diimine=

HN¼C(H)^C(H)¼NH), relevant to the diimine system experimentallyinvestigated by Tilset et al. (28), theoretical calculations indicate prefer-ence for the oxidative addition pathway (30).When one water moleculewas included in these calculations, the preference for oxidative additionincreased due to the stabilization of Pt(IV) by coordinated water (30).The same preference for oxidative addition was previously calculatedfor the ethylenediamine (en) system [(en)Pt(CH3)(CH4)]+ (151). Thismodel is relevant for the experimentally investigated tmeda system[(tmeda)Pt(CH3)(solv)]

+ discussed above (Scheme 7, B) (27,152). For thebis-formate complex Pt(O2CH)2, a s-bond metathesis was assumed andthe energies of intermediates and transition states were calculated(153). Unfortunately the potential alternative of an oxidative additionpathway was not investigated in this work.

Phosphine complexes are generally regarded more electron-rich thanthe corresponding ammine complexes, and which pathway is preferredunder these electronic conditions has also been investigated. For trans-PtCl2(PH3)2, oxidative addition has been calculated to be much morefavorable than the electrophilic pathway for the activation of methane(154).While the lowest-energy pathway involved, again, ligand dissocia-tion (phosphine) followed by coordination of methane to form the

FIG. 4. Relevant structures for the discussion of methane activation by (bipyrimi-dine)PtCl2: Methane complex of Pt(II) (A); methyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complex,the product of the oxidative addition (B); transition state for intramoleculardeprotonation of the methane complex (‘‘s-bond metathesis’’, sometimes also called‘‘electrophilic’’, C); intermolecular deprotonation of the methane complex (‘‘electro-philic pathway’’, D).


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methane complex (CH4)PtCl2(PH3), the lowest-energy pathway for theactual C^H activation step was the oxidative addition of a C^H bond ofcoordinated methane in the complex (CH4)PtCl2(PH3) to formPtCH3(H)Cl2(PH3). For this reaction, a reaction energy of +11.4 kcal/molwas calculated, and the activation energy was 16.2 kcal/mol. This is insharp contrast to the electrophilic pathway, where the coordinatedchloride in trans-(CH4)PtCl2(PH3) intramolecularly deprotonates thecoordinated methane toyield PtCH3(Cl^H)Cl(PH3). For this electrophilicpathway, a reaction energy of 34.2 kcal/mol and an activation energy of37.3 kcal/mol were calculated.Thus, both kinetically and thermodynami-cally the oxidative addition pathway in this system is more favorable bymore than 20kcal/mol.These gas-phase calculations may have some rele-vance to the reactivity in such non-polar media as hydrocarbons (154).The situation may be quite di¡erent for polar media, but it is interestingto note that a ca. 20 kcal/mol preference for oxidative addition versuselectrophilic pathway was found for the analogous trans-(NH3)2PtCl2system discussed above, and that this barrier did not change signi¢-cantly upon correction for bulk solvation (149). Thus, it seems to be thecase that oxidative addition is preferred over the electrophilic pathwayfor the trans-diammine and the trans-diphosphine complexes when theelectrophilic pathway involves deprotonation by coordinated chloride.However, this may not be true if the deprotonation occurs by externalbase. For the cis-complexes where the energy di¡erences are much smal-ler, the ambiguity between the mechanisms appears to be greater. Ourimpression is that the small preferences recently calculated for one orthe other mechanism do not necessarily represent the chemical reality.More extensive e¡orts to include explicitly treated solvent moleculesand counterions in addition to corrections for bulk solvent are probablyneeded.In the end, while computations on these alternative pathways, oxida-

tive addition and s-bond metathesis, have provided some insight, thequestion by which way does a particular reaction proceed cannot yet beanswered de¢nitively. It is very interesting, however, that both mecha-nisms involve the same Pt(II) intermediate in which the hydrocarbonbinds in the square-planar coordination sphere of the metal.


Although there is now considerable evidence to support the proposalthat a labile group must be replaced by the hydrocarbon prior to afacile C^H activation step, studies to answer the question of how such a


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substitution to form a s-complex of the hydrocarbon proceeds have onlyrecently been undertaken. It is conceivable that the labile group dissoci-ates ¢rst to create a highly reactive, three-coordinate 14-electron species(dissociative mechanism, generally referred to as ‘‘D’’). However, substi-tution mechanisms are also possible which do not involve a three-coordi-nate species. The substitution may either involve a ¢ve-coordinateintermediate (associative mechanism,‘‘A’’) or might be a concerted inter-change (‘‘I’’). Interchange processes are classi¢ed associative or disso-ciative interchange, (‘‘Ia’’ or ‘‘Id’’) if the bond-making or -breaking,respectively, is more advanced in the transition state (155,156). Thesepossibilities are depicted in Scheme 29.

Most substitutions at Pt(II) have been found to proceed via an associa-tive mechanism (157,158).Very few exceptions are known, and it is inter-esting to note that all involve complexes wherein a very strong s-donor(like a Pt-bonded carbon) is present trans to the group which is beingsubstituted (159^162). This electronic situation does not always lead todissociative substitution at Pt(II) (162^164) but has been documented todo so in some well-studied cases.The majority of platinum(II) complexesutilized for C^H activation do not have exceptionally strong trans-direct-ing ligands opposite to the labile group, so an associative mechanismmight be anticipated. However, the classic studies on substitution reac-tions at Pt(II) have traditionally employed relatively strong nucleophiles,and never a hydrocarbon C^H bond, as an incoming ligand.

The idea that a hydrocarbon, an extremely weak donor, might associa-tively attack a square-planar platinum center and thus assist in displac-ing the leaving group seems at ¢rst di⁄cult to accept. However, tworecent mechanistic studies have found convincing evidence to supportassociative pathways for these reactions. One study investigated themicroscopic reverse reaction, methane loss following protonation of a(diimine)PtMe2 complex (Scheme 30) (165).



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Scrambling of deuterium into the methyl position of the product wasobserved, and the extent of scrambling depended strongly on the concen-tration of the added ligand L (acetonitrile). The amount of deuteriumscrambling decreased signi¢cantly with increasing ligand concentra-tion.This is exactly what would be expected for associative substitutionof methane by the incoming ligand L. In contrast, for a dissociativemechanism, no dependence of the extent of scrambling on the concentra-tion of L would be expected. Thus, the conclusion was drawn thatmethane is associatively replaced by the ligand acetonitrile. Based onthe principle of microscopic reversibility, the substitution of acetonitrileby methane, which has not yet been observed experimentally, would inthis same system involve an associative mechanism.In the second study, the actual hydrocarbon activation mechanismwas

studied and the mechanistic conclusions were drawn on the basis of theactivation parameters, including the activation volume (33). Since theactivation volume (�Vz) represents the volume change on going fromthe reactants to the transition state, this parameter gives direct informa-tion about the associative or dissociative nature of a process, which isparticularly useful for the elucidation of reaction mechanisms (166,167).The Pt(II) system that was investigated is shown in Scheme 31 (33). The‘‘N2’’ ligand is again an a-diimine. Kinetic studies were carried outat various pressures using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy (168).Since the observed apparent rate constant included the pre-equilibriumconstantK1, substitution of water by more weakly bonded tri£uoroetha-nol (TFE) solvent to give the more active tri£uoroethanol complex,the �H8, �S8, and �V8 parameters for the pre-equilibrium were also



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determined. This allowed, together with the apparent activation para-meters (which contained the K1-equilibrium and the k2 -step), the deter-mination of the true activation parameters for the k2 -step, the C^Hactivation of benzene. For this crucial step, an activation volume of�9.5�1.3 cm3/mol was obtained (33). This value is very typical for asso-ciative substitution at platinum(II) (169,170) and supports the argumentthat the (diimine)PtMe(solvento)+ cation, reactive in hydrocarbon acti-vation, undergoes associative substitution reactions, even when hydro-carbon is involved. Since a-diimines are moderate s-donors, somewhatsimilar to chloride, this may suggest that in Shilov’s system the hydrocar-bon also binds via an associative step. For systems, however, which areelectronically or even sterically very di¡erent from the diimine systems,the mechanistic pathway may di¡er and a dissociative mechanismremains a possibility. For example, kinetic data for the solution thermoly-sis of the complex TpMe2PtMe2H (Section III.C.2) indicate that thes-methane intermediate TpMe2PtIIMeðCH4Þ dissociatively loses methaneprior to oxidative addition of benzene-d6 to form TpMe2PtMeðC6D5ÞD(87). Further mechanistic investigations can be expected, and should beof considerable value for understanding hydrocarbon activation.

The intimate mechanism of ligand substitution has been suggested toplay an important role in determining the product selectivity of areneC^H bond activation reactions. In a recent study on the regioselectivityof hydrocarbon C^H activation with two a-diimine-chelated Pt(II) com-plexes possessing a labile solvent ligand (H2O/tri£uoroethanol, Fig. 5),surprising selectivities were found. For some substrates, it was observedthat the selectivities depended strongly on the substituents of thechelate ligand (31).

Themeta-selectivity for toluene activation, observed for both systems,is very unusual (Fig. 5). Also remarkable is the switch in selectivityfrom aryl C^Hactivation to benzylic activation in p-xylene, just by chang-ing the chelate ligand from the diimine equipped with tri£uoromethylsubstitutents in the meta-positions of the phenyl residue to the diiminebearing methyl substituents in the ortho-positions (Fig. 5). The authorssuggested that the C^H bond activation is reversible and the isomerics-methane complexes are in equilibrium prior to the substitution of



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methane by solvent. For example, Scheme 32 can be used to explain theortho-, meta-, and para-selectivities observed for toluene activation. Theproduct solvent complexes do not isomerize under the conditionsemployed.The di¡erent barriers (arising both from steric and electronicfactors) for the formation of the solvent complexes by means of an asso-ciative substitution were proposed to determine the selectivities (31).


Given the discussion above detailing that in many systems C^Hactiva-tion at Pt(II) occurs via an oxidative addition pathway, it is perhaps notsurprising that Pt(II) species capable of C^H activation need not bevery electrophilic. On the contrary, it might be intuitively expected thatelectron-rich Pt(II) centers are more suitable to oxidatively add a hydro-carbon molecule. Theoretical analyses, in contrast, seem to suggestrather that electron-poor Pt(II) centers add hydrocarbon moleculesmore favorably (see above, Section III.F). A recent experimental study

FIG. 5. Product selectivities for two diimine-chelated C^H activation systems (31).The coordinated solvent (‘solv’) in the starting complex is H2O, but the C^H activatingspecies is thought to have trifluoroethanol (the solvent employed) coordinated. Theproduct distribution was determined after the reaction mixture was quenched withacetonitrile.


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has shown that the situation is indeed very complex (32). The C^Hactivation of the cationic species (L)PtMe(solv)+ (L=an a-diimineligand, solv = tri£uoroethanol/H2O) was investigated in great detail asa function of various substituents on the arene moiety of the ligand(Scheme 33).The in£uence of the substituents on the electron density atthe platinum center was determined using the CO stretching frequenciesof the corresponding methyl carbonyl cations (similar to the compoundsshown in the left half of Scheme 33 but with CO in place of ‘‘solv’’). Theobserved CO stretching frequencies correlated well with the known s-values, but one important exception was noted: complexes havingmethyl groups in the 2,6 -positions (R2, R6) showed lower electron densityat platinum (higher stretching frequencies) compared to complexeshaving hydrogens in these positions. This was rationalized in terms ofthe dihedral angle between arene planes and the diimine plane, whichis probably di¡erent for the two series. The more bulky methyl substitu-ents were suggested to lock the dihedral angle to ca. 908, whereas steri-cally less demanding hydrogen substituents may allow for greaterorbital overlap and electron-donation from the arene to the platinumvia the diimine. The observation was made that the more electron-richcomplexes were more reactive with respect to hydrocarbon activation(32). Remarkably, the two series, the ‘‘ortho-dimethyl’’ and the ‘‘non-bulky’’series followed the same trend, but apparently for di¡erent reasons.



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For the ‘‘non-bulky’’ series it was concluded from isotope e¡ects that theC^H activation (by oxidative addition) is rate-determining. The rate ofthis oxidative addition was proposed to increase with more electron-rich metal centers. In the case of the ‘‘ortho-dimethyl’’ series, it wasconcluded that substitution of tri£uoroethanol by the hydrocarbon israte-determining. Since these C^H activation rates also increased withmore electron-rich metal centers, it was suggested that the substitutionof solvent by benzene might be faster for electron-rich metal centers. Itis worth commenting here that there exists experimental support forthis hypothesis. Electron-rich Pt(II) centers undergo faster associative(or interchange) substitution reactions than their electron-poor analogs,provided that the increased electron density comes from s-donation(155,163,164,171). On the other hand, the opposite is true concerningp-e¡ects, since substitution rates generally increase with increasingp-acidity of the spectator ligands (158,172^175).The s-e¡ects are normallyexplained in terms of ground-state labilization of the reactant complex,and in the work discussed here, ground state labilization was alsoinvoked (32). The authors noted that a complete interpretation is stilllacking for some data. For example, the complexes having hydrogeninstead of methyl in the backbone (R1-position in Scheme 33) reactmuch slower than expected (32). A greater distinction between s- and p-e¡ects might help in resolving the remaining ambiguities.An important lesson from this study (32) is, that even within the same

ligand series, both electronic and steric e¡ects change the relative ener-gies of reactive intermediates and transition states such that di¡erentsteps can become rate-determining. Only after it has been understood



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which step is rate-determining, might a prediction be possible whichelectronic situation renders the platinum center more active in thisC^H activation. A very similar insight was gained from a study oniridium-based hydrocarbon activation, where electronic e¡ects governedthe overall rate via their in£uence on substitution rates rather than onthe actual C^H activation process (176).

From the discussion above, it also follows that platinum complexescapable of C^H activation need not be cationic, as might wrongly be sug-gested by the fact that most systems that have been studied are cations.However, this cationic charge is, in general, the simple consequence ofthe fact that most chelating ligands used are neutrally charged. Thechemistry of anionic chelate ligands is now rapidly developing, and afew platinum complexes which are not cationic are already known to becapable of C^H activation. One example is the active species in theB(C6F5)3 -induced C^H activation by TpMe2PtMe�2 (see Section III.C.2;Scheme 19). The active species is either the uncharged three-coordinatecomplex TpMe2PtMe (88) or the Lewis acid adduct [TpMe2PtðMeÞ�Me^B(C6F5)3]�,which is evenanionic!Anotherexample of a neutrallychargedPt(II) complex capable of hydrocarbon activation was shown above inSection III.B (Scheme 7, D). In this case, the complex contains a novelanionic chelating diphosphine (34). Benzene activationwas observed, butalkane activation by this diphosphine complex has not been reported.

A very di¡erent neutrally charged complex for alkane activation hasbeen reported recently and is shown in Scheme 34(A). The compound isa hydridoplatinum(II) complex bearing an anionic ligand based on thefamiliar nacnac-type, but with a pendant ole¢n moiety (97).This complexis extremely soluble in arenes and alkanes and activates C^H bonds inboth types of hydrocarbons.This is indicated bydeuterium incorporationfrom deuterated hydrocarbon into the substituents on the arene of theligand and into the Pt hydride position (A!A-d27, Scheme 34).The opensite needed for hydrocarbon coordination at Pt(II) is created by ole¢ninsertion instead of anion or solvent substitution (97).

It is now becoming increasingly evident that platinum(II) complexescapable of C^H activation do not have to bear a positive charge. It hasalready been proposed for Shilov’s system that the active species is anuncharged aquated chloro complex, namely Pt(Cl)2(OH2)2 (2,16,147).However, even aquated chloro complexes are insoluble in higher hydro-carbons. The synthesis of platinum(II) complexes which are soluble inhydrocarbons due to the speci¢c properties of the spectator ligands isan interesting approach. A di¡erent concept, solubilization of partiallyaquated tetrachloroplatinate in higher alkanes using surfactants togenerate inverted micelles, was partly encouraging, but appeared to be


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limited due to decomposition of the surfactant used (177). It seems nowthat many hydrocarbon^soluble platinum(II) complexes will be designedand applied to the problem of alkane functionalization.

IV. Mechanisms for the Oxidation Step: From Pt(II)-Hydrocarbyl to



The oxidation of Pt(II) complexes is thought to proceed in most casesvia addition of an electrophile to the Pt(II) center (141,178^182).This pro-cess does not involve outer-sphere electron transfer. The initial productof the electrophile addition is possibly a ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) species,however, the observable Pt(IV) product is six-coordinate. Coordinationof a sixth ligand, e.g. solvent, occurs (183).This may proceed concertedlywith the addition of the electrophile, in particular if the sixth ligand issolvent, or alternatively after the addition of the electrophile, as shownin Scheme 35.The oxidant in the original Shilov-system was hexachloroplatinate.

Convincing evidence has been presented (see review Ref. (14)) that themechanism of oxidation of the Pt(II) alkyl PtCl3R2� by PtCl2�6 is verysimilar to the mechanism shown in Scheme 35. Formally, Cl+ is trans-ferred in this inner-sphere process (184^186), depicted in Scheme 36.In particular, from a 195Pt-labeling study on both a stable modelsystem (185) and the highly reactive species PtCl3Me2� itself (184), itwas found that the alkyl group stays on the Pt center that is oxidized.This demonstration that alkyl transfer from Pt(II) to Pt(IV) is not



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involved is important since it implies that the oxidation of the Pt(II)alkyl should not be speci¢c to Pt(IV) as an oxidant. Thus, a variety ofother oxidants may be viable for modi¢ed Shilov-type systems.

In the Catalytica system, SO3 acts as the oxidant to convert Pt(II) toPt(IV). In this system, the oxidation step was found to be rate-determin-ing (12). Some other oxidants have also been employed, e.g. elementalchlorine (18) and hydrogen peroxide (19). To date, the oxidation reactionhas received less attention than the C^H activation step, and the generalfactors governing the oxidation of platinum(II) to platinum(IV) areincompletely understood.The di⁄culty in establishing a general theorythat allows one to predict the thermodynamics as well as the kineticsfor this oxidation reaction lies in the fact that every system is uniquedue to the complication that the oxidant forms bonds of varying strengthto the metal center in the oxidized product. A di¡erent oxidant brings adi¡erent set of ligands into the coordination sphere of platinum.Thus, astrong oxidant (based on tabulated redox potentials) can be a weakoxidant towards platinum(II) if it forms weak bonds to platinum inthe Pt(IV) product. Furthermore, the two-electron redox potentials for




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oxidation of platinum(II) complexes to Pt(IV) are not easily measured,since single-electron transfer to form Pt(III) normally occurs uponoxidation of Pt(II). This step is often followed by decomposition ordisproportionation (187). Thus, the ease of oxidation of platinum(II)to platinum(IV) cannot be accurately predicted from electrochemicalmeasurements of one-electron redox potentials. However, an e¡ortto rationalize the ease of oxidation of platinum(II) in a qualitativefashion, based on one-electron redox potentials, has been made (188).The diimine-chelated platinum(II) complexes shown in Scheme 37 wereused. The highly irreversible one-electron oxidation reactions showedthat the methyl chloro complex B is oxidized at a potential that is ca.500mV higher than that of the corresponding dimethyl complex A.Oxidation of the corresponding dichloro complex C is more di⁄cult byanother ca. 400mV. Oxidation by inner-sphere oxidants was also investi-gated, which allows semi-quantitative determinations of the ease ofoxidation by the oxidative addition mechanism (188). For example, asshown in Scheme 38, a variety of diimines appear to stabilize theoxidation state IV better than the more basic diamine ligand tmeda(tetramethylethylenediamine). This observation appears to support thetheory (discussed above in Section III.F) that less donating ligands maystabilize Pt(IV) better.


Concerning the oxidation of Pt(II) to Pt(IV) by SO3 in the Catalyticasystem (12), it seems reasonable to assume that SO3 adds to Pt(II) in anoxidative fashion to generate Pt(IV) and a probably protonated form ofSO2�

3 . Protonation of the sul¢te formed (to yield H2SO3 and ¢nally theexperimentally observed products SO2 and H2O) would be expectedunder the strongly acidic reaction conditions. If the protonation of thesulfur species occurs during the oxidation of Pt(II), this might lower thereaction barrier for this oxidation reaction. In addition, further stabili-zation might be expected if a coordinating ligand is available trans to



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the SO3 to stabilize the Pt(IV) state. Based on these arguments, a cyclicstructure involving hydrogen bonding to the SO3 has been proposed(148), depicted in Scheme 39.While this ground-state structure ^ whichmight precede the transition state ^ has been computationally opti-mized, calculations on the corresponding transition state have not beenreported yet. In fact, the system is complex enough to o¡er a variety ofpossibilities in the order in which the oxidation of the platinum and theprotonation of the reduced sulfur species might occur.

Since SO3/H2SO4 is clearly not the most desirable system for industrialapplications, a formidable challenge is to ¢nd an oxidant that oxidizesPt(II) much faster than SO3 does, operates in an environmentallyfriendly solvent, and can be (like SVI/SIV) reoxidized by oxygen from air.Ideally, the reduced oxidant would get reoxidized in a continuous pro-cess, such that the oxidant acts as a redox mediator. In addition, theredox behavior has to be tuned such that the platinum(II) alkyl inter-mediate would be oxidized but the platinum(II) catalyst would not becompletely oxidized. Such a system that e⁄ciently transfers oxidationequivalents from oxygen to Pt(II) would be highly desirable. A redoxmediator system based on heteropolyacids has been reported for thePt-catalyzed oxidation of C^H bonds by O2, using Na8HPMo6V6O40




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(189). However, not more than three turnovers were observed.Heteropolyacids were also active as redox mediators in an Pt-basedelectrocatalytic C^H bond functionalization system, but the selectivitywas lost after six turnovers (190). Signi¢cant practical progress hasbeen made very recently using copper chloride as a co-catalyst for thefunctionalization of C^H bonds using O2 as the terminal oxidant (191).This system involves K2PtCl4 in H2O/sulfuric acid in the presence of O2.Higher turnover numbers (ca. 50) were achieved in the presence of theco-catalyst CuCl2. The observed selectivity for the terminal position inthe oxidation of ethanesulfonic acid led to the proposal that the samemechanism for the C^H activation step as in the original Shilov systemis operating. However, exactly how copper is involved in this cycle ismechanistically unknown. It is reasonable to assume that copper(II),easily regenerated using air, oxidizes the platinum(II) alkyl intermediateto Pt(IV). Several hypotheses have been discussed to explain the oxida-tion of platinum(II) to platinum(IV) by copper halides, and the involve-ment of polynuclear aggregates having at least two copper centers hasbeen proposed (192^194). However, detailed mechanistic studies areneeded to completely understand the mechanism of Pt(II) oxidation byCu(II). Indeed, further mechanistic studies in general, concerning therole of redox mediators in platinum systems utilizing O2, will assist inthe rational design of such systems.


It is conceivable that oxygen, the most readily available and environ-mentally benign oxidant, could be directly incorporated into a plati-num-catalyzed alkane functionalization cycle. Thus, redox mediators,which were discussed above, might not be needed, since O2 itself mightbe able to oxidize suitably ligated Pt(II) alkyls. The oxidation ofplatinum(II) by dioxygen has been an active area of recent investigation.Several studies, all employing Pt(II) complexes chelated by nitrogenligands, have provided signi¢cant insight into these oxidations by O2.However, a full understanding is still lacking. One of the earliest exam-ples where dioxygen from air appeared to be responsible for the oxida-tion of Pt(II) to Pt(IV) was the demonstration that bipyridine-chelatedPt(II) in the presence of the ligand cyclohexane-1,3,5 -triamine (‘‘tach’’)can be oxidized to Pt(IV) in aqueous solution (146).The product was crys-tallographically characterized, and the structure shown as A inScheme 40 was assigned (146). Later, using NMR spectroscopy, the solu-tion structure at neutral pH was also determined (Scheme 40, B) (145).It has been suggested that the tendency of the tach ligand to coordinate


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in a fac-tridentate fashion stabilizes Pt(IV), and it was also suggested(although not conclusively shown) that O2 from air is responsible for theoxidation of Pt(II) to Pt(IV) in this case (145,146). It is notable in this con-text that the facially coordinating ligands tris(pyridin-2-yl)methanol(195,196) and tris(pyrazolyl)borate (60,197) facilitate the oxidation ofplatinum(II) dialkyls or diaryls such that the corresponding Pt(IV)hydroxo complexes are formed in the presence of water. In these cases,however, the authors attribute the oxidation to water (and not O2)(60,195^197). In contrast, the involvement of O2 as the oxidant was sug-gested by the authors in the reaction of tetrachloroplatinate and 1-thia-4,7-diazacyclonane in aqueous solution to yield a Pt(IV) product (198). Asystem for which it was clearly shown that oxidation of Pt(II) to Pt(IV)in aqueous solution requires the presence of O2 is the oxidation of (k2 -tacn)2Pt

2+ to yield (k3 -tacn)2Pt4+ (tacn= 1,4,7-triazacyclononane) (199).

Similarly, O2 is required for the oxidation of (tacn)PtMe2 to give thehydroxo complex (tacn)PtMe2(OH)+ (65).

Some evidence to suggest that peroxo complexes can be intermediatesin the oxidation of Pt(II) by O2 has been presented. As shown inScheme 41, a Pt(IV) peroxo complex was obtained by reacting cis-PtCl2(DMSO)2 and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane (tacn) in ethanol in the pre-sence of air (200). An alkylperoxoplatinum(IV) complex is obtained inthe reaction of (phen)PtMe2 (phen= 1,10-phenanthroline) with dioxygenand isopropyl-iodide. Under conditions that favor radical formation(light or radical initiators), an isopropylperoxoplatinum(IV) compoundwas obtained (201,202), depicted in Scheme 42.

A well-de¢ned system that has recently been thoroughly investigatedinvolves the oxidation of platinum(II) dimethyl complexes chelatedby nitrogen donors (203,204). Oxidation by oxygen occurs in methanolsolvent, and a methoxo(hydroxo)platinum(IV) complex is ultimatelyformed, shown in Scheme 43 (overall reaction, A!C) (203). This reac-tion occurs within some hours or days (depending on the nitrogenligand and the concentrations employed) at room temperature or slightlyelevated temperature (20^50 8C). Oxidation does not occur if oxygen is



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strictly excluded, which disproved an earlier proposal (205) thatalcohols or water act as the oxidant in this reaction. A hydroperoxocomplex of Pt(IV), shown in Scheme 43 (as B), was identi¢ed as anintermediate in this reaction (204). The hydroperoxo complex wasgenerated preferentially if the concentration of Pt(II) dimethyl complexA was low and the oxygen concentration very high. This inter-mediate B, with the ligand tmeda (N,N,N 0,N 0-tetramethylethylenedi-amine), was fully characterized. When reacted with one equivalent of





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the platinum(II) dimethyl complex A, two equivalents of the ¢nalproductCwere generated.Using kinetic simulations of product distribu-tion under various conditions, it could be convincingly shown that B istruly an intermediate in the formation of C fromA (Scheme 43) (204).

A Pt(IV) hydroperoxo complex has also been observed upon reaction ofa Pt(IV) hydride with dioxygen. As shown in Scheme 44, TpMe2PtMe2H(TpMe2 = tris(3,5 -dimethylpyrazolyl)borate) reacts with O2 to formTpMe2PtMe2OOH which has been fully characterized (206). Based onexperiments with radical initiators and inhibitors, a radical pathwayhas been proposed for this formal insertion of O2 into the Pt(IV)^hydridebond. Note that this reaction is quite di¡erent from the Pt(II) oxidationsdiscussed above, since the complex that reacts with dioxygen is alreadyin the oxidation state IV.Thus the platinum center itself is not oxidizedby O2, but the hydride ligand is oxidized instead. However, this reactionis of particular interest to the selective oxidation of alkanes due to thefact that the reactant TpMe2PtMe2H is very similar to TpMe2PtMeðRÞHwhich can be formed by R^H oxidative addition to Pt(II) (Scheme 19)(88).This type of O2 insertion into a metal^hydride bond mayalso be rele-vant to routes of hydrocarbon functionalization using other metals anddioxygen.

V. Mechanisms for the Functionalization Sequence: Carbon-Heteroatom

Coupling to Release the Product

In the preceding discussion, we have covered recent discoveries whichshed light on the ¢rst two steps of Pt(II) catalyzed alkane functionaliza-tion (Section III; Scheme 4): alkane activation by Pt(II) and oxidationof the resulting platinum(II) alkyl. The ¢nal step is the release of the



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functionalized organic product RX and regeneration of a Pt(II) species.The X� group may either be already attached to the Pt(IV) center ormay react by an intermolecular mechanism with the the Pt(IV) alkyl asshown in Scheme 45. Convincing evidence for an intermolecular mecha-nism is discussed below. A variety of C^X bond forming reactions fromPt(IV) have all been found to involve multiple elementary steps.Convincing evidence has been presented for the dissociation of a ligandfrom the Pt(IV) center prior to the actual reductive coupling.Thus onceagain we see the proposed involvement of ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) inter-mediates.



The involvement of carbon-heteroatom coupling from Pt(IV) as theproduct release step in Shilov’s Pt(II) catalyzed alkane functionalizationscheme has prompted several investigations into the mechanistic detailsof this type of reaction. A signi¢cant portion of these studies has alreadybeen covered in a 1998 review on platinum catalyzed alkane oxidation(14). As discussed in this review, the mechanism shown in Scheme 46 iswidely accepted and most consistent with the large array of availabledata. The platinum(IV) alkyl complexes of the type PtRCl2�5 , includingthe actual ‘‘Shilov-intermediate’’ PtCH3Cl

2�5 , undergo competitive R^OH

and R^Cl reductive elimination in the presence of chloride in aqueoussolution, a process which has received attention from detailed mecha-nistic studies (185,207). The reductive elimination step involves SN2attack of the nucleophile at the alkyl group, demonstrated by showingthat inversion occurred when Cl^CHD^CHD^OH was released uponreaction of the stereospeci¢cally deuterium-labeled model system[Pt(^CHD^CHD^OH)Cl5]2� with chloride (185,207). Kinetic data for

Scheme 45


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competitive C^Cl and C^O reductive elimination for the reaction shownin Scheme 46 were inconsistent with nucleophilic attack at the penta-chloro(alkyl) complex directly and consistent only with nucleophilicattack at either the ¢ve-coordinate species or the aqua complex.Although nucleophilic attack at the aqua complex could not be ruledout on kinetic grounds, the authors regarded it more likely that the¢ve-coordinate species is involved, in light of the many studies pointingtowards ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediates in reductive eliminationand oxidative addition (see references in Ref. (14)). The recentdiscovery of stable ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes lends additionalsupport to the concept of ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) species as intermediates(94,95,97).

Further insight into the carbon^oxygen reductive elimination fromPt(IV) and the involvement of ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediates hasbeen provided recently. The ¢rst direct observation of high-yield C^Oreductive elimination from Pt(IV) was described and studied in detail(50,51). Carbon^oxygen coupling to form methyl carboxylates and methylaryl ethers was observed upon thermolysis of the Pt(IV) complexes(‘‘P2’’)PtMe3(OR) (‘‘P2’’=bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane or o-bis(diphenyl-phosphino)benzene;OR=carboxylate, aryl oxide). As shown in Scheme 47,competitive C^C reductive elimination to form ethanewas also observed.

Strong support for the mechanism shown in Scheme 48 was presented.Dissociation of OR� to form a ¢ve-coordinate cation occurs prior toreductive coupling. C^C reductive elimination occurs in an intramolecu-lar fashion from this cation. In contrast, C^O reductive eliminationoccurs by nucleophilic attack of the OR� on the Pt(IV)-methyl group ofthe ¢ve-coordinate cation.

Although the rate-determining step for C^O bond formation involvesnucleophilic attack of OR� at the platinum bound methyl group (k2),



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the interesting observation was made that the use of less nucleophilicOR� groups actually led to increased rates of C^O coupling. For example,a Hammett plot using the rates of C^O coupling from an analogousseries of complexes with substituted aryloxide groups yielded a positive�-value of 1.44. While this result may initially seem counterintuitive,it is a direct consequence of the required OR� dissociation in the¢rst step (K1); this equilibrium process involving formation of the¢ve-coordinate cation will be favored by more electron-withdrawingOR� groups.Thus, it is a signi¢cant ¢nding that the ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complex

is the species which undergoes nucleophilic attack. It implies that tofacilitate this last step of functionalization in platinum catalyzed sys-tems, the most useful coupling groups may be sulfonates, tri£uoroace-tate, or water, rather than halides, hydroxides, or alkoxides, despite theinitially attractive nucleophilicities of the latter species. It is interestingin this context that the Shilov catalyst system forms methanol bynucleophilic attack of water on a platinum bound methyl group (2,14,15)and the Catalytica system couples a methyl group with bisulfate (12).Electron-withdrawing OR� groups like sulfonates, tri£uoroacetate, andbisulfate also appear to protect the C^O coupled alcohol-derivativeproduct from overoxidation (3,12,208,209).




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As discussed in preceding sections of this review, ¢ve-coordinateplatinum(IV) species have been identi¢ed as key intermediates in bothC^H oxidative addition reactions to Pt(II) and in the functionalizationstep, carbon-heteroatom bond formation from Pt(IV). These 16-electron-d6 intermediates contain an open site in the coordination sphere ofthe metal. This should make b-hydrogen elimination from an alkylgroup extremely facile (210). Yet it has been observed using platinumchloride complexes as catalysts, that functionalization (with reasonableselectivity for the terminal position) is much preferred over dehydro-genation for higher alkanes (15). In a recent short ‘‘opinion’’ article anexplanation for this result has been o¡ered (211). Relevant structuresare shown in Scheme 49.While there is a highly electrophilic open sitecis to the alkyl in the ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) species A that could partici-pate in b-Helimination, it was argued that the deprotonation in aqueoussolution to form the complex [RPtCl3]2� (C) is much faster than b-hydro-gen elimination. For B, the trans-directing in£uence of alkyl makespositioning of the open site cis to alkyl (as required for b-hydride elimina-tion) thermodynamically unfavorable. The same argument applies tochloride dissociation from C, where chloride dissociation would befavored trans to alkyl and not in the cis position. This situation wascontrasted (211) with the alkane dehydrogenation system (CF3CO2)-Ir(PR3)2(H)2 (212), where an open site cis to the alkyl is favored in the¢ve-coordinate d6 intermediate, (CF3CO2)Ir(PR3)2(R)(H), again by thetrans-in£uence speci¢c to this ligand set.

If alkyl groups having b-hydrogens are present on platinum cis to anopen site, b-H-elimination will indeed occur, reversibly sometimes, andit can occur both fromPt(II) and Pt(IV) (52,97,213^219). Catalytic dehydro-genation of an alkane using a soluble platinum complex has beenreported in an early study on acceptorless thermal dehydrogenation. At151 8C, cyclooctane was catalytically dehydrogenated (up to 10 turnovers)



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to yield cyclooctene and H2 with the Pt(II) catalyst precursorPt(SnCl3)2(P(OR)3)3 (R=Me, Et) (220).A stoichiometric dehydrogenation reaction has been utilized for the

synthesis of the natural product Rhazinilam in which the key step was aplatinum-mediated C^H activation, followed by b-elimination (213,214).This step is shown in Scheme 50.This elegant organic transformation is, along with the recent develop-

ment of a Pt(II)-based derivatization procedure for amino acids (221), animpressive example that platinum-mediated C^H activation o¡ers greatpotential for not only the functionalization of simple small moleculesbut also the synthesis of complicated organic targets.

VI. Summary and Concluding Comments

The last several years have seen impressive achievements in elucidat-ing the mechanism of hydrocarbon activation and functionalizationwith platinum(II)/(IV) systems. In particular, the actual hydrocarbonactivation step has been studied in tremendous detail. Kinetic studies,isotope labeling, modeling of intermediates, and computational methodshave all been used to determine the key factors necessary for achievingfacile C^H activation by Pt(II). A general understanding that the alkanemust coordinate to a site within the square plane of the Pt(II) center toform a s-complex has been reached. Information about exactly how thisarrangement can be obtained (substitution, ole¢n insertion, etc.) israpidly accumulating and being exploited. Oxidative addition of a C^H



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bond of the alkane in the s-complex to generate a ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV)alkyl hydride appears to be a viable mechanism for C^H activation andin many cases favored over an electrophilic pathway.

Two additional steps are, however, needed to achieve functionaliza-tion of the alkane: oxidation of the intermediate platinum(II) hydrocar-byl intermediate, and reductive coupling to release the product. Recentstudies have contributed signi¢cantly to our understanding of thecarbon-heteroatombond formation at Pt(IV). Aclassic study demonstrat-ing stereochemical inversion supported nucleophilic attack of the het-eroatom at the Pt(IV)-bonded carbon as the product forming step.Evidence has also been presented in support of the nucleophilic attackoccurring at a ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) center. From a model study usingoxygen donors to form carbon^oxygen bonds, it was concluded thatless nucleophilic oxygen donors enhance carbon^oxygen reductiveelimination from Pt(IV), presumably by favoring the ¢ve-coordinate spe-cies. This last concept is promising, since weakly coordinating ligandsare also needed in the C^H activation step, such that synergistic e¡ectscan be expected from the use of relatively weak donors. In addition, theC^X coupled products with electron withdrawing X groups appear to bemore resistant to overoxidation.

Progress has also been made in understanding the factors involved inthe oxidation of the intermediate platinum(II) hydrocarbyl complexes.It is encouraging that organometallic platinum(II) methyl complexesappear tobemore easilyoxidized than the corresponding inorganic coor-dination compounds. Fine-tuning of an oxidant to achieve selective oxi-dation of the platinum(II) hydrocarbyl intermediate and not theplatinum(II) catalyst appears to be a reasonable goal. Interestingapproaches to incorporate dioxygen as the oxidant have been reported.Both oxidation of Pt(II) centers by dioxygen and the reaction of a Pt(IV)hydride with dioxygen show promise in this regard. The challengeremains to ¢nd a system which quickly and e⁄ciently incorporatesoxygen from air to form a platinum(IV) alkyl. This species, however,should still be labile enough that fast reductive elimination of the pro-duct is possible.This will be a key point. A subtle balance must be foundbetween stabilizing Pt(II) too strongly and stabilizing Pt(IV) toostrongly. Extensive work will be needed to ¢nd the ideal compromise.

In summary, the advances of the past few years havewell demonstratedboth the challenges and the promise of the Pt(II)/Pt(IV) redox couplefor alkane functionalization. It should also be mentioned that theemerging conceptual understanding of the elementary steps involved inthis process has also contributed to the development of methods toactivate and functionalize alkyl groups in complex organic molecules.


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This methodology clearly enriches the tool box of the synthetic organicchemist. Other spin-o¡s from the studies described above, such as theincorporation of dioxygen as an oxidant and the use of alkyl carbon-het-eroatom coupling as a product release step for other metal-mediatedorganic transformations, may also emerge over the next several years.The platinum(II)/(IV) approach to alkane functionalization has long

been viewed as one of the most promising. The rapid progress in theunderstanding of this system that has occurred over the past few years,combined with the increasing numbers of scientists working in thisarea and the active current e¡orts into the development of viable com-mercial Pt systems suggest that selective alkane functionalizationshould no longer be viewed as a ‘‘holy grail’’. Instead, it should be viewedas an achievable goal.

VII. Note Added in Proof

Several relevant papers appeared while this manuscript was in press,listed here with their relevance to particular sections of this review:

Section III.B: ‘‘C^H Activation and C^C Coupling Arenes by CationicPt(II) Complexes’’ (222) were reported. These complexes have diethyl-ether as a labile ligand (see Scheme 7).The C^C coupling is unusual.Section III.C: A ‘‘Hydrido(methyl)carbene Complex of Platinum(IV)’’

(223) and ‘‘Methyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) Complexes with FlexibleTridentate Nitrogen-Donor Ligands’’ (224) are structurally related tothe system shown in Scheme 13 and give additional information on howsteric and electronic factors in£uence the stability of platinum(IV)methyl hydrides.‘‘Isotope E¡ects in C^H Bond Activation Reactions by Transition

Metals’’ (225) were reviewed, and some pitfalls in interpreting kineticisotopewere pointed out.The interpretation of the kinetic isotope e¡ectso¡ered by the authors of the original reports (75,76,85) on the systemshown in Schemes 15, 16 was criticized.‘‘Control of H^C(sp3) Bond Cleavage Stoichiometry: Clean Reversible

Alkyl Ligand Exchange with Alkane in ½LPtðAlkÞðHÞ2�þ (L=[2.1.1]-(2,6)-

Pyridinophane)’’ (226): this complex activates hydrocarbons RH to yieldLPtRHþ2 .This is similar to the C^H bond activation shown in Scheme 17but occurs without added acid.Section III.E: ‘‘Barriers forAreneC^HBondActivation in Platinum(II)

Z2 -Arene Intermediates’’ (227) were measured for the complex shown inScheme 26 (B) and similar derivatives.


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For support, we are grateful to the National Science Foundation. U. F. is additionallygrateful to DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) for various fellowships.Wewould like to thank A.M. Brackett, J. L. Look, A.V. Pawlikowski, and N. A. Smythe for valu-able comments and for proof-reading of the manuscript.


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aDepartment of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 3255 TAMU, College Station,TX 77843-3255, USA

bDepartment of Chemistry, Prairie View A&M University, PO Box 4107, Prairie View,TX 77446-4107, USA

I. IntroductionII. Cyclopentadienyl Iridium Complex

A. BackgroundB. MethodologyC. Basis set ImpactD. Ligand Replacement

III. Fundamental StepsIV. Transfer ReactionV. Acceptorless Reaction

A. Associative Mechanism (A)B. Dissociative Mechanism (D)C. Interchange Mechanism (I)

VI. Geometric FactorVII. Reaction ConditionsVIII. Model with tert-butyl PhosphineIX. Anthraphos Rhodium ComplexX. ConclusionsXI. Computational Details


I. Introduction

Conversions of alkanes to alkenes are important reactions becausesaturated alkanes are the world’s most abundant organic resource butare not as easily functionalized as alkenes (1). The high strength of theC^H bond relative to the p bond in the alkene, makes direct alkane dehy-drogenation highly endothermic with an extremely high barrier(2). Fortunately, transition metal complexes are able to catalyze thereaction by opening lower activation-energy pathways. In the past 20years, most studies in this area have been focused on searching for


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

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e⁄cient catalysts among the late transition metals, such as Ru (3), Os (4),Rh (5), Ir (6), Pd (7) and Pt (8) complexes. Studies have shown that theseendothermic dehydrogenation reactions can be driven thermodynami-cally through either the transfer dehydrogenation reaction (9) (transfer-ring hydrogen to a sacri¢cial hydrogen acceptor) or the acceptorlessdehydrogenation reaction (photochemically (10) or thermally (11)).

The ¢rst examples of transfer dehydrogenation catalysts were reportedin 1979 by Crabtree (12a) and in 1980 by Felkin (12b). However, becauseof the harsh reaction conditions needed, the catalysts decomposed andproduced low turnovers. Because slow reaction rates and catalyst decom-position were problems with most early catalysts, attention was focusedon thermally stable homogeneous catalysts.The higher reaction tempera-ture available with these thermally stable catalysts provides more ther-modynamically and kinetically favorable reaction paths.This allows useof less reactive alkanes, and provides easier educt and product separa-tion (13). Among the catalysts developed, pincer iridium complexes suchas (Z3 -C6H3(CH2PR2)2 -1,3)IrH2 complex, ¢rst discovered by Moultonand Shaw (14), showed promising properties such as thermal stabilityup to 200 �C (11k), and reactivity with both aliphatic and cycloaliphaticC^H bonds (15). The chelating ligand of this catalyst is abbreviated asRPCP because the available chelating atoms of the pincer ligand are thetwo P and C from the arene ring (16). Other pincer rhodium (17) andosmium (4) and ruthenium (18) complexes and pincer-like ligands suchas PCN (19), NCN (20), are also under investigation.

The pincer complexes (RPCP)IrH2 were the ¢rst homogeneous systemsto catalyze alkane dehydrogenation thermally (11k). Although the ¢rstreaction was carried out with (i-BuPCP)IrH2, the (i-PrPCP)IrH2 complexhas shown even higher turnover rates (1,11). Haenel et al. recentlyreported an even more e¡ective, higher temperature (250 �C) acceptor-less catalyst, in which the pincer ligand is replaced by anthracene-1,8 -diphosphine (anthraphos, Z3 -C14H7(PR2)2 -3,13, abbreviated as RAPwhere in initial studies R= tBu) (13a). These experimental studies haveprovided an excellent opportunity for computational chemists to exam-ine the various mechanisms for these reactions and to seek the factorsthat play the key roles in the catalytic properties of these two systems(13a). As a result, the mechanisms for the transfer and acceptorlessreactions have been thoroughly examined. There are three mechanismsproposed for the acceptorless reaction: the dissociative pathway(D), associative pathway (A) and interchange pathway (I) (13a,21),whose importance may depend on the temperature, concentrationof reactive species (alkane, alkene, and dihydrogen), and phosphinesubstituents (22).

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In this chapter, we will study the elementary reaction steps of thesemechanisms focusing primarily on the anthraphos systems.This chapterbegins with a description of the impact of di¡erent methods (coupledcluster, con¢guration interaction and various DFT functionals), di¡er-ent basis sets, and phosphine substituents on the oxidative addition ofmethane to a related Ir system, [CpIr(III)(PH3)Me]+. Then, it comparesthe elementary reaction steps, including the e¡ect of reaction conditionssuch as temperature, hydrogen pressure, alkane and alkene concen-tration, phosphine substituents and alternative metals (Rh). Finally, itconsiders how these elementary steps constitute the reaction mecha-nisms. Additional computational details are provided at the end of thechapter.

II. Cyclopentadienyl Iridium Complex


Bergman and coworkers reported that the compound [Cp*Ir(PMe3)(CH3)(Solv)]+ (Cp*=C5(CH3)5, Solv= solvent (CH2Cl2)) can breakalkane C^H bonds at, or below, room temperature (23). Among themechanisms proposed (23^25), Hall and coworkers (21a,25a^d), showedthat the oxidative-addition / reductive-elimination (OA/RE) pathwaythrough an Ir(V) intermediate is the lowest energy path. No transitionstate could be located for any route involving a four-center intermolecu-lar s-bond metathesis pathway, where all hypothetical routes werefound to be higher in energy (see Fig. 1). In the OA/RE pathway the R^Hbond is broken and two new bonds to the Ir are made. Thus, the Irincreases its formal oxidation state by two. Then, this Ir intermediatereductively eliminates methane. In contrast, the s-bond metathesis

FIG. 1. The proposed mechanisms for [Cp*Ir(PMe3)(CH3)]+.


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would have proceeded through a single transition state (TS) withoutchanging the formal oxidation state of Ir.When this system was exam-ined in the gas-phase and in the absence of alkane, Chen and coworkersfound that the Ir attacks one of the CH3 groups on its phosphine ligandand eliminates methane (24b,c). Calculations by Niu and Hall have con-¢rmed this behavior and have shown that this intramolecular reactionis also an OA/RE process with somewhat higher activation energy thanthe intermolecular one (25a^d).

We choose this reaction system as a model to test the basis set andmethodology because the system is similar to the Ir dehydrogena-tion system but is smaller and relatively well understood. In the follow-ing, we will discuss the impact of methods, basis set and phosphinesubstituents.


In this section, we will examine how the theoretical methodology withbasis set 1 (BS1, double-zeta with polarization functions on all atomsexcept the metal atom) in£uences the energy of the [CpIr(III)(PH3)Me]+

reaction. In addition to Hartree^Fock (26) (HF) and M�ller^Plesset per-turbation theory (27) (MPx), we report con¢guration interaction (CI),including singles and doubles (CISD) (28) (with and without Davidson’ssize-consistency correction), coupled cluster singles and doubles(CCSD) (29), perturbative corrections for triples (CCSD(T)) (30), andDFT functional (31) (B3PW91, MPW1PW91, BP86, B3P86, and B3LYP)calculations for [CpIr(III)(PH3)Me � � �CH4]+ (1), TS (2) and [CpIr(V)(PH3)(Me)(H)(Me)]+ (3) based on the optimized geometries from B3LYP/BS1.The results are summarized inTable I.

For the s-bond (agostic) species (1), we calculated the basis set super-position error (BSSE) between CpIr(III)(PH3)Me and CH4 fragments.The largest BSSE error is found for the CCSD method (3.3 kcal/mol),while HF (0.6 kcal/mol) and DFT, B3LYP (1.1kcal/mol), BP86(0.4 kcal/mol) are smaller.These BSSEs are comparable to the calculatedbinding energies of this s-bond species (1), which are 3.24 (CCSD), 0.55(HF), 0.55 (B3LYP), 0.71kcal/mol (BP86) before the BSSE correction.Therefore, this s-bond species (1) is barely bound and would have lowconcentration at higher temperature although larger van derWaals inter-actions for larger substrates could provide stronger attraction.

The next step, the oxidative addition of alkane to form the Ir(V) inter-mediate is quite sensitive to the methods and presents a challengingproblem to determine which method gives the most accurate answer.The calculated activation (�E 6¼) and reaction (�E�) energies show

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substantial variations. For example, HF predicts a very endoenergeticreaction (�+20kcal/mol), while MP2 predicts a very exoenergetic one(��16 kcal/mol). These two methods represent the two extremes of theresults. HF, of course, has no electron correlation, while MP2’s perturba-tive correction often overcorrects the energy, especially for transitionmetal systems. The other methods predict values between these twoextremes and range from ��7 kcal/mol for MP4(SDQ), which may stillbe overestimating the correlation e¡ect, to �+6kcal/mol for CISD,which is expected to underestimate the correlation e¡ect. For the mostaccurate methods, CCSD and CCSD(T), the energetics are ��2.0 and��4.4 kcal/mol. The CISD with Davidson’s size-consistency correctionproduces a similar value of ��3.2 kcal/mol.Although the B3LYPmethod generally produces excellent results, this

study shows that both BP86 and B3P86 methods predict a more exother-mic reaction in closer agreement with the most accurate ab initio tech-niques. Because these latter methods are expected to yield the mostaccurate results (32), one may conclude that B3LYP underestimates thestability of the higher oxidation states for Ir(III)$Ir(V). Further com-parison to other DFT methods suggests that, of the ¢ve DFT functionalsexamined, the BP86 functional produces an energy di¡erence closerto the most accurate CCSD, CCSD(T) and CISD (with Davidson’scorrection) methods.



�E 6¼ �E�

HF 21.74 19.68MP2 �5.17 �16.59MP3 6.96 �0.37MP4(SDQ) 1.93 �6.52CCSD 5.63 �1.96CCSD(T) 3.63 �4.39CISD 11.32 6.05CISD a 4.6 �3.16B3PW91 4.91 �0.44MPW1PW91 4.12 �0.47BP86 4.25 �1.78B3P86 4.20 �1.54B3LYP 9.95 4.02

aWith Davidson’s correction.


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Four basis sets were examined: BS1 and BS3 are based on the Couty-Hall modi¢cation of the Hay andWadt ECP, and BS2 and BS4 are basedon the Stuttgart ECP.Two basis sets, BS1 and BS2, are used to optimizethe geometries of species in the OA reaction, [CpIr(PH3)(CH3)]


+, at the B3LYP level, while the other basissets, BS3 and BS4, are used only to calculate energies at the previouslyoptimized B3LYP/BS1 geometries. BS1 is double-zeta with polarizationfunctions on every atom except the metal atom. BS2 is triple-zeta withpolarization on metal and double-zeta correlation consistent basis set(with polarization functions) on other atoms. BS3 is similar to BS1 butis triple-zetawith polarization on the metal. BS4 is similar to BS2 but istriple-zeta with polarization on the C and H that are involved in thereaction. The basis set details are described in the ComputationalDetails section at the end of this chapter.

The optimized geometries for thes-bond species 1, the transition state2, and the intermediate product 3 from BS1 at B3LYP level are shownin Fig. 2. The calculated geometries from BS2 are similar to thosefrom BS1 and the calculated bond lengths are listed in parenthesis in

FIG. 2. The bond lengths of the optimized geometries from BS1 and BS2 (in parenth-esis) at B3LYP level.

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the ¢gure. The largest di¡erence between two calculated geometriesis in the Ir^C(CH4) distance of 1. Other bond length di¡erences in thes-bond species 1 occur for the Ir^C(Cp) and Ir^P distances, which are0.01^0.03 — shorter in BS2 and 0.02— longer in BS2, respectively.The dif-ferences at the TS and intermediate product are even smaller (about0.01—). Examining the thermodynamic parameters of the reaction listedin Table II, one can see that BS2 destabilizes both the TS and the inter-mediate product by approximately the same amount of energy. However,the free-energy di¡erences are somewhat larger because of the change(noted above) in the binding of CH4 to Ir in 1.Next, we compare the HF,MP2 and B3LYPenergies for basis sets: BS1,

BS2, BS3 and BS4, at the B3LYP/BS1 geometry. The results are summa-rized in Table III. Although MPx perturbation methods have been



�E 6¼ E 6¼ZPE �H 6¼ �G 6¼

1!2 BS1 9.95 10.39 9.81 12.19BS2 11.63 12.50 10.56 18.34

�E� E�ZPE �H� �G�

1!3 BS1 4.02 6.24 5.51 8.49BS2 6.72 9.16 7.18 14.78



BS1 GEOMETRY (IN kcal/mol)


�E 6¼

HF 21.74 22.37 24.39 24.52MP2 �5.17 �6.93 �8.76 �17.36B3LYP 9.95 10.29 11.24 11.96


HF 19.68 19.91 23.85 23.89MP2 �16.59 �17.92 �19.97 �29.33B3LYP 4.02 4.26 6.33 7.06


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shown to give reliable results for many third row transition metal sys-tems, they show energy oscillations in Tables I and III. MP2 seems tooverestimate the stability of the B3LYP TS with respect to the reactant(negative activation energy). Much of this problem may come from theuse of B3LYP geometries, where the Ir^CH4 interaction, predicted byDFT to be weak, would be stronger by MP2 because of the improvedtreatment of dispersion interactions. The energy variation from BS1 toBS4 found at the HF and B3LYP level was +4 and +3kcal/mol, respec-tively, while that for MP2 is �12kcal/mol.

Since improved basis sets appear to make the Ir(V) intermediate(3) slightly less stable (B3LYP) with respect to the Ir(III) reactant (1),BS1 at the BP86 level may be even closer to large basis set CCSD(T)than to the smaller basis set CCSD(T) results. Thus, BP86 will assumethe role of the most accurate energy method for the system to bestudied here.


Conventionally, PH3 has been used to substitute for PR3 in quantumchemical calculations in order to save computer time and improvee⁄ciency. Hall and coworkers have investigated the e¡ectiveness andsuitability of this replacement on several systems (33). Generally, thesecomparisons focus on structural and energetic changes. Usually, theoptimized geometries using PH3 are similar to those using PMe3 orPPh3. However, since PMe3 is a better s-donor than PPh3 and PPh3 isfairly close in s-donor strength to PH3 (34), PMe3 would be expected tostabilize the higher oxidation-state pathway by donating more electrondensity to the metal. Consequently, model calculations with PH3 wouldbe expected to underestimate the stability of the higher oxidation-statespecies for alkyl phosphine such as that in [Cp*Ir(PMe3)(CH3)(Solv)]+.

In addition to the electronic di¡erence between PR3 and PH3, bulkierligands on the phosphine can change the reaction through their sterice¡ect. Using the R= tBu on the anthraphos system, Haenel et al. calcu-lated the available molecular surface (AMS) around the metal center asa measure of the space available to the alkane (13b). They correlated theAMS to the relative reactivities of the catalysts and the results showthat two bulky tert-butyl groups on each P certainly limit the access tothe metal center, and thus, may reduce the reactivity. Other theoreticalstudies on the pincer complexes showed that this steric contribution/limitation plays a less important role than the activation barriers intro-duced by the catalyst itself (22), where the increase in energy barrierinduced by the bulky tBu is smaller than the original barriers calculated

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using the PMe3 model. Here, we will compare R=H and R= tBu assubstituents on the anthraphos system.Because the [Cp*Ir(III)(PR3)Me(Solv)]+ system has onlyone phosphine

ligand and is less crowded than the pincer or anthraphos systems, weused PH3 and methane as models in this section. Niu andHall also calcu-lated the reaction with a basis sets similar to BS1 but with R=methylin the model (25c). They calculated the transition state at 13.0 kcal/moland the intermediate at 5.2 kcal/mol higher than the reactant. Theseresults are similar to the ones shown in Table II. Thus, the selection of[CpIr(PH3)(CH3)]+ as a model will not be a major concern because forthis reaction pathway the increased steric bulk of PMe3 (disfavoring theIr(V) intermediate) is balanced by its stronger s-donor strength (favor-ing the Ir(V) intermediate).

III. Fundamental Steps

Alkane dehydrogenation with the pincer complexes ((RPCP)IrH2) hasbeen extensively investigated both experimentally (11) and theoretically(21,22). Recently, a more e¡ective and higher reaction temperature(250 �C) acceptorless catalyst, the anthraphos iridium(III) complex(RAP)IrH2, was reported (13). Previous studies show that both complexescould catalyze alkane dehydrogenation by either transfer or thermal(acceptorless) reactions, where the former reaction occurs at lower tem-perature (100 �C less) than the latter. Even though the transfer reactionutilizes a sacri¢cial ole¢n and the thermal reactionuses onlya high reac-tion temperature for the alkane dehydrogenation, both reactions sharemany identical fundamental forward (and reverse) reaction steps.Thesefundamental reaction steps generally include the following seven ele-mentary steps from (I) to (VII) (L=pincer or anthraphos).

ðLÞIrH2 ð4Þ þ RH � ðLÞIrH3R ð5Þ ðIÞ

ðLÞIrH3R ð5Þ � ðLÞIrHR ð6Þ þH2 ðIIÞ

ðLÞIrHR ð6Þ � ðLÞIrH2ðolefinÞ ð7Þ ðIIIÞ

ðLÞIrH2ðolefinÞ ð7Þ � ðLÞIrH2 ð4Þ þ ðolefinÞ ðIVÞ

ðLÞIrH2 ð4Þ � ðLÞIr ð8Þ þH2 ðVÞ

ðLÞIr ð8Þ þ RH � ðLÞIrHR ð6Þ ðVIÞ


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ðLÞIrH2 ð4Þ þ RH � ðLÞIrHR ð6Þ þH2 ðVIIÞ

The intermediates 4 to 8 with the pincer complex as an example areshown in Fig. 3. There are two conformations for all of these intermedi-ates except 8. Our early studies demonstrated that these two conforma-tions represent two reaction pathways beginning with 4a and 4b(L=pincer). The major di¡erence between 4a and 4b is the relativeposition of two hydrides. Species 4a has a small H^Ir^H angle (62.7�)and species 4b has a large one (176.6�). Due to the unfavorability oftwo trans hydrides in 4b, it is about � 9 kcal/mol less stable than 4a.Furthermore, the Ir^H bond lengths in 4b are 0.08— longer than thosein 4a, and the Ir^C(HPCP) bond length is 0.09— shorter than that in 4a.The structure of the TS shows an unsymmetrical structure, in whichone of the H^Ir^C(HPCP) angles is 79.9� and the other is 112.5�. Thus,the conversion between them involves an asymmetric motion, which

FIG. 3. The important intermediates involved in the transfer and acceptorless reac-tions of the pincer complex (anthraphos species are similar).

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occurs when both H atoms initially move the same direction (clockwiseor counter clockwise) rather than toward (or away from) each other.This result is attributed to an orbital crossing between occupied andempty orbitals in the symmetric transformation from 4a to 4b (35).Except for the 9.0 kcal/mol energy di¡erence between 4a and 4b (21a),the energy pro¢les for intermediates and TS states along routes begin-ning with 4a and 4b are quite similar (see Fig. 5).Therefore, in the follow-ing discussion, we focus on reactions starting with species 4a andrelated species without trans-H atoms, and the notations a and b aredropped for simplicity. The calculated thermodynamic parameters(�H 6¼,�H�,�G 6¼, and�G�) for gas-phase species at standard thermody-namic conditions (RTP: 298.15K and 1.0 atm pressure) with B3LYP//B3LYP and BP86//B3LYP methods are shown in Tables IV and V.



Reaction step �H 6¼ �H� �G 6¼ �G�

(I) 15.69 9.37 29.08 22.88(II) 14.14 14.14 14.14 a 3.05(III) 3.70 �10.05 6.72 �7.74(IV) 20.82 20.82 20.82 a 7.68(V) 27.54 27.54 27.54 a 18.95(VI) 1.09 �4.03 13.09 6.98(VII) (11.31) b (23.51) b (24.42) b (25.93) b

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.bThere is a dihydrogen complex formed before H2 loss.



Reaction step �H 6¼ �H � �G 6¼ �G�

(I) 9.71 3.51 23.10 17.02(II) 19.41 19.41 19.41 a 8.32(III) �0.25 �13.54 2.87 �11.23(IV) 25.78 25.78 25.78 a 12.64(V) 30.69 30.69 30.69 a 22.10(VI) �3.98 �7.77 8.02 3.24

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.


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The calculated reaction parameters with BP86//B3LYP methods at twohigher temperatures (150 and 250 �C) are shown in Tables VI and VII,respectively. Further corrections for low H2 and ole¢n pressure/concen-tration and high alkane pressure /concentration (36,37) on BP86//B3LYP values are shown inTablesVIII and IX.

The elementary reaction step I is the oxidative addition of thealkane (RH) to the Ir(III) species, (L)IrH2 (4), to form an Ir(V) species,(L)IrH3R (5). At STP conditions, the B3LYP method shows anenthalpy barrier of 15.69 kcal/mol at the TS and an endothermicityof 9.37 kcal/mol (see Table IV). The calculated Gibbs free-energybarrier for this reaction is almost double, �G 6¼=29.08 kcal/mol and�G �= 22.88 kcal/mol; this free-energy increase comes from the loss ofentropy in this associative step. Under the same conditions and withB3LYP geometries, the BP86 energies are similar but generally about



Reaction step �H 6¼ �H �G 6¼ �G

(I) 9.83 3.79 28.70 22.64(II) 19.93 19.93 19.93 a 3.64(III) �0.37 �13.58 4.18 �10.25(IV) 25.64 25.64 25.64 a 7.14(V) 31.01 31.01 31.01 a 18.50(VI) �3.67 �7.29 13.00 7.78

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.



Reaction step �H 6¼ �H �G 6¼ �G

(I) 10.02 4.12 33.13 27.06(II) 20.15 20.15 20.15 a

�0.24(III) �0.50 �13.54 5.28 �9.46(IV) 25.42 25.42 25.42 a 2.79(V) 31.11 31.11 31.11 a 15.53(VI) �3.38 �6.84 16.91 11.29

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.

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5 kcal/mol lower in energy for both the barrier and the endothermicity(seeTableV). From our results on the related CpIr(PR3)Me+CH4 system,we expect that the BP86 energies will be closer to the most accurateCCSD values.Although the transfer reaction can occur at 100 �C, the anthraphos

iridium complex does not begin to show catalytic activity until 150 �Cand continues to be stable to 250 �C. Therefore, we have madetemperature corrections to 150 �C (423K) in Table VI and to 250 �C(523K) in Table VII. Compared to STP values, the free-energy barriersfor this reaction increase by 5.6 kcal/mol for 423K and 10.0 kcal/molfor 523K. As expected, the enthalpies (�H 6¼ and �H ) hardly change(<0.5 kcal/mol). One can also make corrections for the fact that the




Reaction step �H 6¼ �H �G 6¼ �G

(I) 10.02 4.12 24.97 18.90(II) 20.15 20.15 20.15 a

�7.16(III) �0.50 �13.54 5.28 �9.46(IV) 25.42 25.42 25.42 a

�4.13(V) 31.11 31.11 31.11 a 8.61(VI) �3.38 �6.84 8.75 3.13

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.




Reaction step �H 6¼ �H �G 6¼ �G

(I) 9.83 3.79 22.27 16.21(II) 19.93 19.93 19.93 a

�5.49(III) �0.37 �13.58 4.18 �10.25(IV) 25.64 25.64 25.64 a

�1.99(V) 31.01 31.01 31.01 a 9.37(VI) �3.67 �7.29 6.57 1.35

aEstimated by assuming noT�S contribution at transition state.


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concentrations of the various species involved are not at standard condi-tions (1atm, 1M). The corrections for high alkane concentration (e¡ec-tive ‘‘pressure’’ = 244.66 atm) are 6.43 (423K) and 8.16 kcal/mol (523K)(36,37). As shown in Tables VIII and IX for 423 and 523K, respectively,the pressure corrections lower the free-energy barriers and �G values.

Reaction step II is the reductive elimination of dihydrogen from 5 toform the Ir(III) alkyl-hydride species (L)IrHR (6).This is a very endother-mic elimination reaction (14.14 and 19.41kcal/mol at STP with theB3LYP and BP86 methods, respectively). No conventional transitionstate is found for this elimination; in other words, the recombinationreaction of (6) and H2 has no enthalpic barrier. This type of recombina-tion reaction is often regarded as having a signi¢cant entropic barrier,whose magnitude depends on the degree of entropy lost in forming the‘‘variational’’ transition state.This lack of a barrier has been reported inprevious studies on the pincer complex (21,22). In order to estimate thebarrier for the forward reaction (loss of H2), we have assumed that all ofthe endothermicitycontributes to the free-energybarrier, i.e. the entropycontribution arising from separation of the H2 molecule does notcontribute to the free-energy until it begins to decrease (38). The free-energy of the reaction, shown in Tables VIII and IX, has also beencorrected for low hydrogen pressure, 9.13 (423K) and 6.92kcal/mol(523K) (36,37). Since H2 is a product, this correction only a¡ects the �Gvalues. After both high temperature and low-pressure corrections,this reaction step becomes exoenergetic, but retains a substantialfree-energy barrier.

Reaction step III involves rearrangement to put the b-H close to themetal then b-H transfer to make the ole¢n complex (L)IrH2(ole¢n) (7)from the alkyl-hydride complex (L)IrHR (6). This exothermic reactionhas a relatively small barrier (�H 6¼=3.7 and �H� =�10.05 kcal/mol(B3LYP, STP)). Since this reaction step only involves the intramolecularrearrangement, there is little entropic contribution and the free energiesare similar to the enthalpies (see Table IV). Although Table V shows anegative�H6¼ barrier at the BP86 level, this ‘‘abnormality’’arises becausethere are two rearrangement steps which proceed the b-H transfer. Oneis to rotate about the M^Ca bond to bring the Cb close to the metal, andthe other is to rotate about the Ca^Cb bond to bring the H^Cb to aneclipsed position.The TS states and intermediates of both steps involvesmall energy changes, less than 1.5 kcal/mol. Thus, the ‘‘actual’’intermediate just before the TS for the b-H transfer step (Cb close tometal, eclipsed conformation) is 0.55 kcal/mol more stable than theTS listed in the table. Like B3LYP, BP86 shows a very exothermic reac-tion (�13.54 kcal/mol, STP, Table V) for ole¢n complex formation. The

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calculated free-energy surface gives a barrier of 2.87 kcal/mol and �G�

value of �11.23 kcal/mol (BP86, STP,TableV). Because this reaction stepis a rearrangement with an equal number of reactants and products,little change of the free-energy occurs when corrections from STP toreaction conditions are made (fromTableVI toTable IX).Reaction step IV is the ¢nal step in the dehydrogenation; ole¢n is lost

from (L)IrH2(ole¢n) (7) to form the starting species (L)IrH2 (4). Like theloss ofH2 in step II, this step is endothermicbut has no additional enthal-pic barrier. At STP, the B3LYP method gives 20.82 kcal/mol free-energybarrier (again estimated as �G 6¼=�H�) and the calculated �G� is7.68 kcal/mol (see Table IV). When corrected for high temperature andlow ole¢n pressure, this reaction step also becomes exoenergetic.Reaction stepValso results in H2 loss; however, unlike reaction step

II, step V starts with the reactant (L)IrH2 (4), an Ir(III) species andforms the Ir(I) species (L)Ir (8). At STP conditions, B3LYP methodgives a 27.54 kcal/mol barrier, (the endothermicity assuming noentropy gain) and a calculated �G� of 18.95 kcal/mol (Table IV),which re£ects the entropy contribution due to the loss of H2. As antici-pated, the BP86 method gives values more positive by � 3 kcal/mol(Table V). Higher reaction temperature and low H2 pressure correc-tions reduce the endoenergicity signi¢cantly but not the barrier(Tables VIII and IX).Reaction stepVI is the oxidative addition of alkane to the Ir(I) species

(L)Ir (8) to form the alkyl-hydride (L)IrHR (6). This step has a relativelysmall enthalpic barrier of 1.09 kcal/mol (B3LYP, STP) and is exothermicby�4.03kcal/mol. Because entropy is lost in this associative step, the cal-culated �G 6¼ is 13.09 kcal/mol and �G� is 6.98 kcal/mol (Table IV).Although TableV shows that the BP86 method apparently gives a nega-tive barrier (�3.98 kcal/mol), these systems form s-bond alkane com-plexes and the barrier from this ‘‘agostic’’ complex is positive (3.10 kcal/mol). Regardless of this small barrier, the entropic contribution remainsthe main contribution to the free-energy barrier: 8.02 (BP86, STP),6.57 (BP86, 150 �C, pressure corrected) and 8.75 kcal/mol (BP86, 250 �C,pressure corrected).Reaction step VII involves the concerted oxidative addition of the

incoming alkane and reductive elimination of the dihydrogen.Generally, interchange steps are often classi¢ed as either associativeinterchange or dissociative interchange. A preliminary identi¢cation ofan interchange transition state has been made, but it appears that thisTS leads to a dihydrogen intermediate, a s-bond complex, whichwill sub-sequently need to eliminate H2 to complete the reaction. Thus, with thetransition states determined to date, one cannot con¢rm that this route


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will provide any advantage.Values listed in Table IV for reactionVII arein parenthesis to indicate their tentative nature.

IV. Transfer Reaction

The transfer reaction utilizes a sacri¢cial alkene to remove the dihy-drogen from the pincer or anthraphos complex ¢rst, before the oxidativeaddition of the target alkane.The elementary reaction steps are slightlydi¡erent from the thermal reaction, which is discussed in the next sec-tion, both in their order and their direction. For simplicity, we describethe symmetric reaction where the sacri¢cial alkene is ethylene and thereactant is ethane (21b). The elementary reaction steps for the mecha-nism of this transfer reaction involve IVR, IIIR,VIR,VI, III and IV, wherethe superscript ‘‘R’’ stands for the reverse of the elementary steps listedin Section III.These reverse steps (IVR, IIIR, andVIR) involve the sacri¢-cial alkene extracting dihydride from the metal to create the Ir(I) species8, while stepsVI, III and IV involve oxidative addition of target alkane,b-H transfer and ole¢n loss.

The calculated thermodynamic parameters in Table X are for 150 �C,a value close to typical operating temperatures, and without pressurecorrections, there is no H2 and both alkane and alkene could be at unitconcentration. The bottom part of the table is the same as TableVI. Thefree-energy pro¢le of the transfer reaction mechanism is shown inFig. 4. In the ¢rst step of the mechanism (IVR), sacri¢cial alkene (in thiscase ethylene) was bound to the (L)Ir(H)2 complex 4 to form anole¢n com-plex 7. As mentioned above, the forward reaction of this step has no




Reaction Step �H 6¼ �H �G 6¼ �G

(IVR) 0.00 �25.64 18.50 �7.14(IIIR) 13.21 13.58 14.43 10.25(VIR) 3.62 7.29 5.22 �7.78(VI) �3.67 �7.29 13.00 7.78(III) �0.37 �13.58 4.18 �10.25(IV) 25.64 25.64 25.64 7.14

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enthalpic barrier and �G 6¼ is assumed to be equal to �H �, which is25.64 kcal/mol. This number now becomes the exothermicity of the reac-tion and the free-energy barrier comes from the entropy lost on formingthe ole¢n complex. The next step (IIIR) involves reaction of the boundole¢nwith one of the two hydride ligands to make the alkyl-hydride com-plex 6. This reaction step has a 14.43 kcal/mol free-energy barrier andthe intermediate product (6) is 10.25 kcal/mol less stable than the ole¢nspecies 7. In the next step (VIR) the sacri¢cial alkane is reductivelyeliminated to produce the (L)Ir species 8.This exothermic step completesthe transfer of dihydride from the metal to the sacri¢cial alkene over asmall barrier. Upon formation of the Ir(I) species 8, the reaction isready for the conversion of the target alkane. The next three steps aresymmetric with respect to the three reverse steps discussed above andcan be followed in the ¢gure by starting at the right side and movingback to the left.Thus, stepVI oxidatively adds the target alkane, step IIItransfers a b hydrogen, and step IVeliminates the ole¢n. This last stepprovides the highest free-energy barrier in the transfer reaction.

V. Acceptorless Reaction

A recent study shows that the (RAP)IrH2 complex can catalyticallyconvert alkane to alkene at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250 �Cthrough an acceptorless, thermal reaction. Three suggested reactionmechanisms, associative (A), dissociative (D) and interchange (I) will

FIG. 4. The free-energy (G) profile of the transfer-reaction mechanism at 423K withthe BP86 method and without any pressure corrections. Reaction going from left toright uses up the sacrificial olefin and from right to left generates the target olefin.


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be compared in the following sections. All of these mechanisms lead tothe same key intermediate, the alkyl-hydride (L)Ir(R)(H), 6. From thiskey intermediate all mechanisms, including the transfer reaction,follow the same sequence of elementary steps (III then IV). Thus, thealkyl-hydride proceeds through a series of low energy intermediates(not discussed in detail here) to align a b hydrogen for transfer to the iri-dium and formation of the ole¢n^dihydride complex 7. Ole¢n eliminationthen regenerates the starting catalyst, the dihydride complex 4.Although this last step has one of the highest enthalpic barriers at STP,both the entropic and pressure corrections favor the loss of ole¢n.


The ¢rst reaction step of the associative mechanism is the associationstep itself, i.e. the oxidative addition of alkane to form alkyl-trihydrideIr(V) species 5 (reaction step I). This mechanism then proceeds throughreaction steps II, III and IV. Figure 5 shows the free-energy pro¢le forthis sequence of reactions at 150 �C with pressure corrections (also seeTableVIII). Reaction step I (formation of the Ir(V) species 5) has the larg-est single barrier; this step is followed by step II with another fairlylarge barrier for H2 loss to form an alkyl-hydride Ir(III) species6. Species 6 is � 6 kcal/mol more stable than species 5, and only� 11kcal/mol less stable than species 4 plus ethane. Although the resultsreported here are for the anthraphos complex, similar barriers arefound for the pincer complex (21,22).

FIG. 5. The free-energy (G) profile of the associative mechanism at 423K with theBP86 method and with pressure correction. Numbers in parenthesis are the highestestimated barrier for the H2/olefin loss.

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The ¢rst reaction step of the dissociative mechanism is the reductiveelimination of H2 from species 4 (stepV). This step is followed by oxida-tive addition of alkane (step VI) to form the common intermediate 6.Then, reaction steps III and IV complete the cycle. Figure 6 shows thefree-energy pro¢le at 150 �C with pressure corrections for this dissocia-tive mechanism (also see TableVIII). Like H2 loss from 5 (above), H2 lossfrom 4 has no additional barrier beyond its endothermicity. So the free-energy barrier of reaction stepVequals the endothermicity of this step,� 31kcal/mol. This barrier is �11kcal/mol higher than that in reactionstep II, inwhichH2 is lost from the Ir(V) species, (L)IrH3R (5).The correc-tion for low dihydrogen pressure reduces �G for stepV by � 9 kcal/mol,but the step retains a high kineticbarrier.The next reaction step is oxida-tive addition of alkane, in which the oxidation state of Ir changes fromIr(I) back to Ir(III). This reaction has a relatively small free-energy bar-rier before producing the common intermediate species 6.


Comparing the free-energy pro¢les in Figs. 5 and 6 one ¢nds simi-lar high-energy points at � 30 kcal/mol. An interchange mechanismwould be an attractive alternative if it could take advantage of thefavorable entropy for H2 loss and avoid the steric problem from the highcoordination number of 5 (13). In the interchange mechanism the reac-tion would proceed directly from 4 through a single transition state to6. However, all TS thus far determined lead to an intermediate with a

FIG. 6. The free-energy (G) profile of the dissociative mechanism at 423K with theBP86method andwith pressure corrections. From 6 the reactioncontinues as in Fig. 5.


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fairly strongly bound H2, which leads to a free-energy pro¢le similar tothat of Fig. 6.

VI. Geometric Factor

A particular geometric coordination at the metal can contribute tocatalytic properties of these and other systems. Typically, multidentateligands areused to restrict the allowed coordination geometry. For exam-ple, both pincer and anthraphos ligands impose amer coordination geo-metry about the metal by linking a pair of trans phosphorus donorsthrough a rigid arene ring. Such geometries turn out to be an importantfeature of these catalysts. Hall and coworkers (21) have shown that themer geometry, as opposed to the fac geometry, stabilizes the 16 e� Ir(III)complexes, lowers the barrier for reductive elimination from Ir(V), andweakens the metal^ole¢n interaction, all important aspects of these sys-tems. These e¡ects arise from the relative energy of the singlet and tri-plet state in the transition metal fragment; a mer geometry produces alower energy singlet and a higher energy triplet than a fac geometry.Thus, the constrained geometry imposed by pincer and anthraphosligands is particularly important to this catalytic reaction.

VII. Reaction Conditions

From the energy pro¢les of the associative and dissociative mecha-nisms (above), one can see that the critical energy barriers are oxidativeaddition of alkane, reductive elimination of dihydrogen, and ole¢n loss.At low temperature, the ¢rst associative step seems to be favored, whileat elevated temperature, entropy contributions begin to favor the ¢rstdissociative step (22). Fig. 7, compares the free-energy pro¢les for bothmechanisms at room temperature (298K) and the reaction temperatureof 523K. At higher temperature, the associative pathway (Fig. 7a) showsincreases in free energies (�10 kcal/mol) for the transition states andintermediate 5, while intermediate 6 shows a slight increase.Interestingly, at the higher temperature, intermediate 8 in the dissocia-tive mechanism has a signi¢cantly lower free-energy (�7 kcal/mol),while the free-energy at its transition state shows only small changes.From Fig. 8 one can see the e¡ect of the pressure corrections (highalkane pressure and low ole¢n and dihydrogen pressure) on the

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associative and dissociative paths.While the barriers for the associativepath are lowered signi¢cantly by these corrections, the key barrier onthe dissociative path remains unchanged. From these changes it isclear that at a su⁄ciently high temperature the reaction will proceed bythe dissociative mechanism. At lower temperatures and su⁄cientlyhigh alkane pressure/concentration the reaction could proceed by theassociative mechanism. However, the prediction of the most favorablepath is still too dependent on the methodology to make a ¢rm prediction.In fact the dynamics of the reaction may sample the entire range ofthese pathways and others such as the interchange pathway, mentionedabove, or rebound pathways not discussed here.

FIG. 8. The BP86 free-energy (G) profiles at 423K with and without pressure correc-tions for associative (a) and dissociative (b) pathways (solid line is without pressurecorrections, open bar is with pressure corrections).

FIG. 7. The BP86 free-energy (G) profiles without pressure corrections from 298to 523K for associative (a) and dissociative (b) pathways (solid line is 298K, openbar is 523K).


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VIII. Model with tert-butyl Phosphine

Here again, wewill focus on the steps between 4 and 6 as the remainingsteps are identical for both mechanisms. Due to the large size of thesystem with tBu substituents, we carried out the geometry optimizationwith thekey intermediates (4,5,6, and 8) rather than the transition states.

The results in Table XI show that when tBu’s replace H’s, 5 is stronglydestabilized, 6 is weakly destabilized, and 8 is weakly stabilized relativeto 4 plus ethane.The calculated energy di¡erences agree with the expec-tations of steric arguments. Thus, (L)IrRH3, 5, is much more crowdedthan (L)IrH2, 4, while (L)IrRH, 6, and (L)Ir, 8, are slightly more and lesscrowded, respectively. Similar results are reported in the other studies(22). Because the TS geometry of the associative step resembles 5, andtheTS geometry of the dissociative step resembles 8, one expects similarcorrections for the steric e¡ects of phosphine susbstituents at thesetransition states.The largest correction (�16 kcal/mol) is for the associa-tive Ir(V) intermediate, a result which suggests that the ¢rst barrier inthe associative mechanism will rise signi¢cantly and could become therate determining step for this mechanism. Of course, this correctionadds further to the favorable aspects of the dissociative mechanism asthe dominant route.

IX. Anthraphos Rhodium Complex

Table XII contains the enthalpy and free-energy di¡erences of thecritical intermediate species for the anthraphos Rh catalyst. Althoughno experimental results are available yet, our predicted energies showa much smaller dissociation energy for H2 loss, the ¢rst step in thedissociative mechanism (8 is more stable by �13 kcal/mol relative to 4).In contrast, the oxidative addition intermediate of the ¢rst step in theassociative mechanism, the M(V) species 5, is �14 kcal/mol less stable



4 5 6 8

PH2 model 0.00 3.80 26.28 30.85P(tBu)2 model 0.00 19.77 30.50 26.70

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(relative to the respective starting complex) for Rh than for Ir. Theseresults are consistent with the known behavior of third vs. secondrow transition metals. From these results one can predict that the Rhcatalyst would prefer the dissociative pathway to the associative one.If the dehydrogenation reaction proceeds dissociatively, would the Rhcomplex be a better catalyst?

X. Conclusions

The thermodynamic parameters for the alkane dehydrogenationreaction are calculated for both the pincer and anthraphos iridium(III)complexes.The mechanism of the transfer reaction, and the associative,dissociative and interchange mechanisms for the acceptorless reactionsare discussed and compared. As these reactions typically occur atconditions very di¡erent from STP, important corrections for hightemperature, high reactant (alkane) concentration and low product(H2, ole¢n) concentration are important.Neglecting the small barriers in simple rearrangement steps and the

weakly bound s-bond (agostic) complexes, these reactions can bedescribed by seven elementary reaction steps, I toVII, and the di¡erentmechanisms can be described as di¡erent combinations of these sevenreaction steps. One key intermediate, the 16-electron (L)Ir(III)(H)(alkyl) (6), arises in all of the acceptorless mechanisms and in thetransfer mechanism. This intermediate proceeds through a b-hydrogentransfer (step III) to form an ole¢n complex (7), which then loses ole¢n(step IV) to regenerate the starting complex (4). Although the barrierfor the ole¢n loss is rather high, entropy contributions reduce its free-energy barrier at higher temperatures so that it is rate determiningonly for the transfer reaction.



COMPLEXES (kcal/mol)

4 5 6 8

Ir H 0.00 9.37 23.51 27.54G 0.00 22.88 25.93 18.95

Rh H 0.00 25.04 34.54 14.25G 0.00 37.43 38.27 5.80


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In the acceptorless (thermal) reaction, the choice of mechanism,associative vs. dissociative, is governed by the ¢rst two steps. Withcorrections for both entropy and concentration, one ¢nds that the high-est free-energy critical points are on the associative-mechanism pro¢le.Thus, the calculations predict that the dissociative mechanism isfavored. However, the di¡erence is still rather small for calculations ofthis precision.Therefore, multiple or alternative reaction pathways maybe available to a particular catalyst under speci¢c conditions. The rigidmer geometries enforced by the pincer or anthraphos ligands are criticalto the catalytic activity of these systems as they prevent the systemfrom being trapped in too stable an intermediate. Although the PH2

model is a reasonable choice for most of these calculations and usuallyprovides qualitatively correct electronic results, the calculations withP(tBu)2 show that there is a substantial steric factor, further favoringthe dissociative path.

The major di¡erence between this work and similar calculations byKrogh-Jespersen et al. (22) is the choice of method for the ¢nal energy cal-culations, B3LYP vs. BP86. We choose the latter because it appears togive better results for a similar well studied reaction.The principal dif-ference for the mechanisms that arises from our choice is that the stepsfor reductive elimination have higher barriers, while those for oxidativeadditions have lower barriers.

XI. Computational Details

All the intermediates and transition states (TS) are optimized usingdensity functional theory with the B3LYP functional (39) implementedin a GAUSSIAN 98 program (40). All of the TS obtained in studies wereoptimized by a quasi-Newton method (41), and veri¢ed by separatedfrequency calculations, which showed only one imaginary frequency(42). Single point energies of these intermediates and TS in the anthra-phos complex are also calculated at the BP86 level (39,43).

The model used in anthraphos complex is (HAp)IrH2, (HAp=Z3 -C14H7(PH2)2 -3,13). The basis set for Ir was the modi¢ed LANL2DZof Couty and Hall (44), whose outermost p orbital was replaced by (41)split of an optimized 6p function. The basis set for P was the standardLANL2DZ basis set augmented by a d-type polarization function (45).The e¡ective core potential (ECP) was used for both Ir and P (44a^b).The carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded to Ir were described by theall electron Dunning-Huzinaga double-zeta basis set with polarization

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functions (D95**) (46), and the STO-3G basis set was used for theuncoordinated carbons and hydrogens in the HAp ligand.We also opti-mized the geometry of starting complex 1 with the 3-21G basis set (47)for the uncoordinated carbons and hydrogens in the HAp ligand, no geo-metrically signi¢cant di¡erence was found compared to that with theSTO-3G basis set. For the C and H of ethane, ethene, and H2 ligands, aD95** basis set was used.Because the calculations for the (HPCP)IrH2 model, where HPCP=Z3 -

C6H3(CH2PH2)2 -1,3, were done at earlier times, the basis set used forthe ligand was slightly di¡erent. The basis sets for Ir and P were thesame as described above. In the study of the acceptorless reaction (21a),the Dunning-Huzinaga double-zeta basis set with polarization functions(D95**) (46) was used for the metal-coordinated carbons and hydrogens,and the STO-3G basis set was used for the uncoordinated carbons andhydrogens in the HPCP ligand. In the study of the transfer reaction(21b), the 6 -31G(d, p) basis sets (48) were used for the metal-coordinatedcarbons and hydrogens, and the 3-21G basis set (47) was used for theuncoordinated carbons and hydrogens in HPCP ligand.For the related [CpIr(PH3)(CH3)]+ system, four basis sets were used.

Basis set one (BS1) is the same as the ones described above for Ir and P,but the C and H are described as D95**. Basis set two (BS2) is theStuttgart relativistic, small core ECP basis set (49) augmented with apolarization function for Ir, and Dunning’s correlation consistentdouble-zeta basis set with polarization function (50) for P, C and H.Basis set three (BS3) is the same as BS1 except the d-orbital of Ir wasdescribed by further splitting into triple-zeta (111) from a previousdouble-zeta (21) description and augmented with a f-polarization func-tion (51). Basis set four (BS4) is the same as BS2 for Ir, P, and most ofthe C and H, but the C and H atoms involved in the oxidative additionwere described with Dunning’s correlation consistent triple-zeta basisset with polarization.


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22. (a) Krogh-Jespersen, K.; Czerw, M.; Kanzelberger, M.; Goldman, A. S. J. Chem. Infor.Comp. Sci. 2001, 41, 56; (b) Krogh-Jespersen, K.; Czerw, M.; Summa, N.; Renkema, K.B.; Achord, P. D.; Goldman, A. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 11 404^11 416;(c) Krogh-Jespersen, K.; Czerw, M.; Goldman, A. S. J.Mol. Catal. A 2002, 189, 95^110.

23. (a) Arndtsen, B. A.; Bergman, R. G. Science 1995, 270, 1970; (b) Burger, P.; Bergman, R.G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 10 462; (c) For a review see: Lohrenz, J. C. W.;Hacobsen, H.Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1996, 35, 1305.

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basis sets and ECPs correspond to Revision: Fri Jun 27 1997 of the Stuttgart/Dresden groups; (c) Basis sets were obtained from the Extensible ComputationalChemistry Environment Basis Set Database, Version 1/02/2002, as developed and dis-tributed by the Molecular Science Computing Facility, Environmental andMolecular Sciences Laboratory which is part of the Paci¢c Northwest Laboratory,P.O. Box 999, Richland, Washington 99352, USA, and funded by the U.S. Departmentof Energy. The Paci¢c Northwest Laboratory is a multi-program laboratory operatedby Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under contractDE-AC06-76RLO 1830. Contact David Feller or Karen Schuchardt for further infor-mation.

50. Woon, D. E.; Dunning, T. H., Jr. J. Chem. Phys. 1993, 98, 1358.51. Ehlers, A. W.; Bohme, M.; Dapprich, S.; Gobbi, A.; Hollwarth, A.; Jonas, V.; Kohler,

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Department of Chemistry, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

I. IntroductionII. Outer-Sphere ElectronTransfer Reactions

A. PAF Studies of Very Rapid ElectronTransferB. Outer-Sphere ElectronTransfer Involving Mixed-Valent [Cu2]3+ CentersC. Computation of Self-Exchange Rate ConstantsD. Ion-Pairing Inhibition of Electron-Transfer KineticsE. ElectronTransfer Coupled to a Change in Number of Ligands

III. Radical Electron-Transfer ReactionsA. Oxidation of Br��2 by ClO�2B. Diverse One-Electron Pathways for Reduction of Aqueous Chlorine SpeciesC. Generation of SO��3 in the Oxidation of S(IV) by Fe(III)D. Outer-Sphere Oxidation of ThiolsE. Electron-Transfer Reactions of Phenoxyl Radicals

IV. ‘‘Small-Molecule’’ Intramolecular Electron-Transfer ReactionsA. Picosecond Events in Intramolecular ElectronTransferB. Structural Models of d�/d� Inner-Sphere Electron-TransferTransition

StatesV. ElectronTransfer with Metalloproteins

A. ElectronTransfer in Cytochrome c OxidaseB. Internal ElectronTransfer in Sulfite OxidaseC. Electron-Transfer Kinetics of Blue Copper ProteinsD. ‘‘Wired’’ Cytochrome P450

VI. Double ElectronTransferA. Insights into the Mechanism of theTl3+/ Tl+ Self-Exchange Reaction

VII. Electrochemical Electron-Transfer ReactionsA. Outer-Sphere Oxidation of ClO�2B. Activation Parameters for Coupled ElectronTransfer and Spin ChangeC. Photoelectrochemical CellsD. Metalloprotein FilmVoltammetryReferences


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

Page 355: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

I. Introduction

The ¢eld of electron-transfer chemistry is presently in a stage of rapidgrowth and diversi¢cation. Evidence for this vigorous state of a¡airs isoverwhelming from a survey of the presentations given at the 2002Dalton Discussion meeting in Kloster Banz and the 2001 and 1999Gordon Research Conferences on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms inVentura. The objective of this chapter is to sketch aspects of currentareas of research activity, using the presentations at these threeconferences as a guide to signi¢cant recent advances.

The diversity of topics to be discussed is immense and includes experi-mental studies of single-electron transfer at dinuclear transition-metalcomplexes, across electrode interfaces, between and within metallopro-teins, to main-group radicals, between organic and inorganic molecules;in parallel with these experimental studies, theoretical studies are pro-ceeding apace, with notable advances in the understanding of outer-sphere electron-transfer and two-electron transfer. Another notabletrend has been the increasing technical sophistication in the ¢eld: mole-cules and mechanisms of ever-increasing complexity have been studied,techniques with increasingly improved time resolution, reaction condi-tions that are increasingly demanding of control, and calculations thatrequire ever greater computational power arehallmarks of these studies.

While the following review can hardly be considered comprehensive,it is hoped that the reader ¢nds it interesting, stimulating, andprovocative.

II. Outer-Sphere Electron Transfer Reactions


A signi¢cant technical development is the pulsed-accelerated-£ow(PAF) method, which is similar to the stopped-£ow method but allowsmuch more rapid reactions to be observed (1). Margerum’s group hasbeen the principal exponent of the method, and they have recentlyre¢ned the technique to enable temperature-dependent studies. Theyhave reported on the use of the method to obtain activation parametersfor the outer-sphere electron transfer reaction between [IrCl6]2� and[W(CN)8]

4�. This reaction has a rate constant of 1�108M�1 s�1 at 25 �C,which is too fast for conventional stopped-£ow methods. Since the reac-tion has a large driving force it is also unsuitable for observation byrapid relaxation methods.


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The overall design of the PAF apparatus has evolved extensivelyover the years and is now in its ¢fth iteration. This latest iteration hasprimarily involved modi¢cations to permit accurate temperature controlof the sample solution from 40 �C to less than 0 �C. The fundamentalPAF operation concept is derived from classical continuous-£ow instru-ments.Two stable solutions are £owed turbulently through a mixer, andthe steady-state properties of the mixed reacting solution are measured.There are two major alterations to the basic continuous-£ow design.One alteration is that the £ow rate is accelerated during a single experi-ment, while the solution absorbance is monitored at a ¢xed positionalong the £ow path; this accelerated £ow method greatly facilitates thecollection of data as a function of £ow rate, or, equivalently, of time.The other alteration is that the absorbance of the solution is monitoredcoaxially with the £ow path, which means that at any instant theabsorbance is integrated over a continuous range of solution ages.This ‘‘integrated observation’’ method complicates the mathematicalhandling of the data, but it yields the bene¢t of allowing solutions to beobserved immediately beyond the physical point of mixing, which e¡ec-tively eliminates the dead time (typically 2ms) associated with stopped-£ow methods. A consequence of this experimental design is that solu-tions are not completely mixed prior to observation; it is thus necessaryto deconvolute the e¡ects of the ‘‘mixing time’’ characteristic of theinstrument from the e¡ects of chemical reaction.The mathematics asso-ciated with this mixing-time deconvolution and the integrated observa-tion has been solved for a number of simple rate laws, most notably for¢rst-order rate laws. Rapid computer codes are available to solve theensuing equations and derive reliable ¢rst-order rate constants. Rateconstants as large as 5�105 s�1 have been determined in this way. A sche-matic design of the current PAF instrument is shown in Fig. 1. A single‘‘push’’with this instrument typically consumes 6mL of reactant solutionand is thus much more economical than a classical continuous-£owinstrument.Electron transfer to [IrCl6]2� from [W(CN)8]4� has long been used as

a test reaction for rapid kinetics methods. In the cited study, Beckeret al. conducted the reaction under pseudo-¢rst-order conditions with37mM [IrCl6]2� as the limiting reagent. The loss of [IrCl6]2� was moni-tored at 487 nm at 0, 25, and 40 �C, yielding pseudo-¢rst-order rateconstants in the range of 2� 104 s�1 and activation parameters of�Hz=10.0� 0.8 kJmol�1 and�Sz=�58� 3 JK�1mol�1.These are chemi-cally reasonable results and demonstrate that the PAF method is oneof the most powerful methods available in the study of fast aqueousreactions.


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Although there is a huge body of research on the kinetics of outer-sphere electron-transfer reactions of mononuclear transition-metal com-plexes, there are only a small number of papers on dinuclear systems.When the valences of the two metal centers are localized, currentevidence indicates that the metal centers typically react essentiallyindependently. On the other hand, for delocalized systems this canhardly be the case. Experimental study of electron transfer with such

FIG. 1. Schematic of PAF^V. Key: DM, drive motor; SA, screw assembly; RSA, reac-tant solution A; RSB, reactant solution B; DS, drive syringes; SV, main switchingvalves; PD, photodetector;WB, water bath;WA, waste; FO, focusing optics; M, mono-chrometer; RS, receiving syringe; DL, deuterium lamp; TL, tungsten lamp; ACS,adjustable cell support; C, mixing/observation cell;W, quartz windows; A, reactant Aentrance to cell; B, reactant B entrance to cell; E, product exit from cell; RCS, rigidcell support;T, a portionof the 4.6mof coiled tubing not shown for clarity. Reproducedfrom Ref. (1) by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


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delocalized dinuclear systems has been extremely limited, and, in thecase of Cu2 systems, nonexistent until the recent work from JaneNelson’s laboratories (2).The subject molecules are obtained as dinuclear copper complexes

with the octa-aza cryptate ligands L1 and L2 shown in Scheme 1.X-ray crystallography shows that in the [Cu2L]3+ state the Cu^Cu dis-

tance is short (�2.4—), and ESR and electronic spectroscopy indicatethat the systems are delocalizedwith both Cu centers in the 1.5 oxidationstate. One-electron reduction of both [Cu2L1]3+ and [Cu2L2]3+ leads tothe corresponding [Cu2L]

2+ complexes without any drastic perturbationto the coordination environments at the metal centers. In the case of[Cu2L

1]3+, reduction causes the Cu^Cu distance to increase by 0.09—,but for [Cu2L2]3+ the increase is much larger (0.51—).The kinetics of ¢ve di¡erent electron-transfer reactions of these com-

plexes were studied, all in water at 25 �C and �=0.1M (NaNO3).The twoself-exchange reactions were studied by 1H NMR line broadening meth-ods in the slow-exchange limit, leading to second-order self-exchangerate constants of 8.4�104M�1 s�1 for Cu2L

1 and 2.2�105M�1 s�1 forCu2L

2. The cross electron-transfer reaction between [Cu2L1]3+ and

[Cu2L2]2+ was studied by stopped-£ow methods and found to have a rate

constant of 1.7�105M�1 s�1, in excellent agreement with that predictedfrom the self-exchange rate constants and theMarcus cross relationship.The other two reactions were the oxidation of [Cu2L1]2+ and [Cu2L2]2+

by [Co(ox)3]3�; again, the observed rate constants are in excellent agree-ment with the predictions of Marcus theory. From these results it is evi-dent that all of the reactions occur with rate-limiting electron transferand are not complicated by conformational equilibria along the reactioncoordinate.The above results have great relevance to biochemistry, where it is

found that dinuclear Cu2 (‘‘CuA’’) centers function as electron-transfer

SCHEME 1. Adapted with permission from Ref. (2). Copyright 2001, Society ofBiological Inorganic Chemistry.


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sites in cytochrome c oxidase and nitrous oxide reductase. In theseenzymes the CuA site is required to transfer electrons very rapidly; it isgratifying to see that the ¢rst two examples of synthetic Cu2 modelsalso display high electron-transfer reactivity. However, this insightshould be tempered by the astonishing lack of correlation between theself-exchange rate constants of the two model complexes and the corre-sponding changes in Cu^Cu distances. One may wonder how a 0.51—Cu^Cu distance change could be compatible with such a rapid self-exchange rate constant. Indeed, this would appear to contradict the cen-tral assumptions of the entatic hypothesis. A similar lack of correlationis found in the electron-transfer chemistry of mononuclear Cu poly-thiaether complexes (described below), where metal^ligand bond clea-vage accompanies some very rapid self-exchange reactions. It may bethat the Cu^Cu potential-energy surfaces are remarkably £at, whichwould allow a small reorganizational energy despite the large structuralchange, or else there is a two-step mechanism that is not exposed by theresults obtained so far.


The history of computing electron self-exchange rate constants fortransition metal complexes goes back to the 1950s, but the increasingpower of modern computers has allowed progressively more sophisti-cated models to be investigated. Rotzinger has recently introduced theidea of explicit inclusion of the second solvation sphere in quantummechanical calculations. In a recent paper he has applied the method tothe [V(H2O)6]2+/3+, [Ru(H2O)6]2+/3+, [V(H2O)6]3+/4+, and [Ru(H2O)6]3+/4+

aqueous systems, the latter two being hypothetical (3).Considering the [M(H2O)6]

2+/3+ system as a typical example, Rotzingerhas performed calculations on the species [M(H2O)6�(H2O)12]

n+, wherethe second coordination sphere is described by 12 water molecules thatare hydrogen bound to the six water ligands, an example being shownin Fig. 2.

He calculates at theMCQDPT2 level the energies of the geometry-opti-mized molecules for n=2 and 3, and then he calculates the energies ofthe two species with their charges reversed but with their geometriesfrozen. Taking appropriate sums and di¡erences of these four energiesyields the internal energy change for the vertical electron-transfer pro-cess, �fs. The solvent reorganizational energy, �0ou, is then calculatedusing the classical two-sphere dielectric continuum model, but startingwith the third coordination sphere.


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Explicit calculation of the electronic coupling matrix element, Hab, isperformed by modeling the transition state (Fig. 3) as a supermolecule,½MðH2OÞ6�

5þ2 , and optimizing its geometry under the constraint of

having an inversion center of symmetry. The numerical value of Hab isthen obtained from the energy gap between the appropriate molecularorbitals of the supermolecule.Nuclear frequency factors are calculated directly from the calculated

molecular vibrational frequencies and the reorganizational energies,and these, in conjunction with the calculated Hab values lead to valuesfor the electronic transmission coe⁄cient, kel.

FIG. 2. Perspective view of the VðOH2Þ6 � ðOH2Þ3þ12 ion exhibiting D2 symmetry. The

dashed lines represent the hydrogen bonds within the cyclic water trimers in thesecond coordination sphere. Reproduced from Ref. (3) by permission of the RoyalSociety of Chemistry.

FIG. 3. Perspective view of the ½RuðOH2Þ6�5þ2 dimer with S6 symmetry (the Ru � � �Ru

distance is 6.80—). Reproduced from Ref. (3) by permission of the Royal Society ofChemistry.


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Rotzinger then evaluated �0ou and Hab as a function of the distancebetween the two reactant metal centers. He used the Fuoss equation tocalculate the ion-pairing equilibrium constant to form the precursorcomplex at these internuclear distances. Assembly of these data thenallowed the calculation of the self-exchange rate constants as a functionof the internuclear distance in the transition state, the maximum ratebeing taken as the actual rate.

Several notable results emerge from these calculations. One is that allfour of the reactions are predicted to have electronic transmission coe⁄-cients smaller than 5�10�3, meaning that they are all signi¢cantly non-adiabatic. Another is that the magnitude of Hab is quite sensitive to thesymmetry of the orbitals involved, and hence there are ample groundsto expect theMarcus cross relationship to break down.Thirdly, compari-son of the results with those obtained without explicit inclusion of thesecond coordination sphere shows that hydrogen bonding between the¢rst and second coordination spheres can contribute signi¢cantly tothe total reorganizational energy; this hydrogen-bonding contributionis calculated to be much stronger for the higher-charged 3+/4+ systems,although there are no experimental data to test this prediction. Finally,the calculated self-exchange rate constant for theV2+/3+ system is �10-fold faster than measured (4), which is taken as an indication that themeasured rate constant is in error because of complications arisingfrom the reaction of V2+ with ClO�4 present in the solutions.


Ion pairing in aqueous solution often plays a minor role in electron-transfer kinetics, but in low-dielectric solvents such as dichloromethanethe e¡ects can be much stronger.Wherland’s group has recently uncov-ered a fascinating case where ion pairing drastically inhibits the ratesof outer-sphere electron transfer, even though one of the reactants isuncharged (5).

They have studied the e¡ect in the oxidation of ferrocene by[CoIII((dmg)3(BF)2)]+ in CH2Cl2. Here, ðdmgÞ3ðBFÞ

2�2 is a clathrochelate

ligand composed of three dimethylglyoxime and two BF moieties, whichforms a substitution-inert CoIII complex that is reversibly reduced toCoII. The net electron transfer reaction is ¢rst-order in both [CoIII] and[Fe(cp)2], and the apparent second-order rate constant, k, is found to behighly sensitive to identity and concentration of the background electro-lyte. A typical sampling of data is presented in Fig. 4.

A two-term rate law is inferred, having one term (k0) for reaction of thefree CoIII cation with ferrocene and the other term (kX) for reaction of


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the neutral CoIII�X ion pair with ferrocene. Because of the extensive ionpairing in this solvent, even with no added electrolyte the CoIII complexexists primarily as an ion pair with its BF�4 counter-ion. Thus, evenwith no added electrolyte the kinetic e¡ects of ion pairing are dominant,and the rate constant for the free CoIII reactant can only be obtained bycareful data ¢tting. The results at �20 �C are k0 = 2.8�105M�1 s�1; kXvalues are 1.9�103, 4.8�103, 4.1�103, and 1.7�103M�1 s�1 for the coun-ter-ions BF�4 , Br

�, Cl�, and NO�3 , respectively. We see that ion pairingcan inhibit the rate constants by more than a factor of 100.At ¢rst sight, these strong e¡ects might not seem to be predictable,

given that the ferrocene reactant is uncharged and thus the formationof the precursor complex should be una¡ected by the charge of theother reactant. The reaction of the ion-paired species, however, is not asimple electron-transfer reaction, because transfer of the anion mustalso occur. A detailed understanding of the dynamics of the processremains to be developed.


Cu(II/I) redox couples often present unusual complexities arising fromthe dual features of high lability in both oxidation states and a ‘‘prefer-ence’’ for highly di¡erent structures in the two oxidation states. Thestructural di¡erences arising from reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) canappear either as a loss of coordination number (e.g. from 5 to 4) or as a

FIG. 4. The effect of added electrolyte (Bu4N+ salts) on the reduction of approxi-

mately 20mM [Co(dmg)3(BF)2]BF4 by ferrocene at �20�C in CH2Cl2. The solid linesrepresent the parameters fit to all of the data, as described in the text. From top tobottom: Br�, Cl�, BF�4 , NO�3 . In all cases, the rate constant in the absence of ionpairing, from the fitting, is 2.8�105M�1s�1. Reproduced from Ref. (5) by permissionof Elsevier Science.


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change in the basic geometry at the metal center (e.g. from square planarto tetrahedral). Indeed, it is rather uncommon to ¢nd a copper(II/I)redox system that is free of these complications, and the more typical sys-tems react with outer-sphere electron-transfer reagents through asequence of steps including substitutional or conformational changesas well as redox steps. Disentangling these complexities in the electron-transfer kinetics of Cu(II/I) systems has been a major activity in theRorabacher research group.They have recently applied their methods tothe chemistry of copper ions in the presence of the 1,4,7-trithiacyclono-nane ligand ([9]aneS3) (6).The work demonstrates that such complicatedsystems can be understood in depth, and it shows how electron transferwith major accompanying structural change can lead to the counterin-tuitive result of a large self-exchange rate constant for the net process.

In this comprehensive study of the Cu/[9]aneS4 system, Kandegedaraet al. have performed an unusually wide range of experiments, includingelectrospray mass spectrometry, various electrochemical methods,stopped-£ow kinetics, conventional spectrophotometric equilibriummeasurements, and in both aqueous and acetonitrile solutions (6). Theyused conventional spectrophotometry to determine the binding con-stants for formation of both the mono- and bis-[9]aneS3 complexes ofCu(II) in water, which led to the unusual result that the second bindingconstant is about 100-fold larger than the ¢rst. Stopped-£ow methodswere used to obtain the rate constants for gain and loss of both ligandsfor aqueous Cu(II). Cyclic voltammetry was then used to determine thestandard potentials for the various Cu(II/I) couples and the remainingstability constants for both Cu(II) and Cu(I) inwater. In acetonitrile elec-trospray mass spectrometry was used to demonstrate that Cu(I) existspredominantly bound to a single [9]aneS3 ligand, and square-wave volt-ammetry was used to determine the binding constant for the secondligand. Cyclic voltammmetry was then used to determine the relevantstandard potentials and binding constants in acetonitrile.These studiesshowed that Cu(I) exists primarily as the mono-ligated complex in bothsolvents, which implies that a change in the number of coordinatedligands must accompany electron transfer. Finally, stopped-£ow studieswere conducted to determine the kinetics of oxidation and reduction inboth solvents by a series of classical outer-sphere reagents.

Analysis of the above data led to the conclusion that all of the redoxreactions proceed with electron transfer through the [CuL2]

2+/+ redoxcouple, and that the change in number of ligands occurs in the Cu(I)oxidation state.This interpretation is given as pathway I in Fig. 5.

If self-exchange rate constants for the Cu(II/I) couple are calculated byapplying the Marcus cross relationship to the observed second-order


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rate constants and using standard potentials appropriate to the netreaction (CuL2þ

2 + e�ÐCuL++L), the results span a range of about ¢veorders of magnitude, with the largest being �106M�1 s�1. Note that thistreatment makes the implicit assumption that electron transfer andligand substitution are concerted. The wide range in calculated self-exchange rate constants is to be expected, given that an inappropriatedriving force is used for the actual electron-transfer process.Nevertheless, the large calculated self-exchange rate constants showthat a sequential mechanism can be avery e¡ective means of performingelectron transfer with accompanying major structural change.When the Marcus analysis is corrected to use rate constants and driv-

ing forces characteristic of the CuLnþ2 species the derived self-exchange

rate constants are much more self consistent.We caution, however, thatthe CuL2þ

2 complex likely has all six thiaether atoms coordinated to theCuII center, while the CuLþ2 complex is probably four coordinate. Sinceit is rather unlikely that electron transfer occurs in concert withthis change in coordination number, a further correction will probablybe required in order to obtain physically meaningful self-exchange rateconstants.

III. Radical Electron-Transfer Reactions

Section II focuses on outer-sphere reactions of species that are stablein their adjacent oxidation states, which leads to a degree of con¢dencein the reaction mechanisms and the ability to de¢ne and measure the

FIG. 5. Dual-pathway square scheme mechanism for electron transfer involving theCuII/I([9]aneS3)n system. The vertical reactions involve ligand gain or loss while thehorizontal reactions represent electron transfer. Reproduced from Ref. (6) by permis-sion of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


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pertinent driving forces. In Section III we consider reactions involvingunstable free radicals, which typically have more complex reactionmechanisms and less certainty about the one-electron standard poten-tials.


In a conventional study of the aqueous oxidation of ClO�2 by Br2 it wasfound that a 10-step mechanism was required to explain the data, andthe complex kinetics did not allow the precise resolution of several ofthe rate constants (7).The overall reaction is,

Br2 þ 2ClO�2 �! 2Br� þ 2ClO�2 ð1Þ

The ¢rst step of the proposed mechanism is the reversible electrontransfer from ClO�2 to Br2 as in reaction (2):

Br2 þ ClO�2 )�������* Br��2 þ ClO�2 k1; k�1 ð2Þ

The requisite value for k�1 was only approximately de¢ned by the ¢ttingprocedures, and because of uncertainty in the standard potential forthe Br2/Br

��2 redox couple it was likewise deemed unsuitable to use the

value of k1 and the principle of detailed balancing to derive the value ofk�1. Further reason to be doubtful of the derived value of k�1 was amajor disagreement between it and the value predicted by the cross rela-tionship of Marcus theory.

To¤ th et al. then used laser £ash photolysis as a means to determine thevalue of k�1 independently of the above study (8).They used 355 nm laserlight to photolyze mixtures of ClO�2 and Br2/Br

�3 . Absorption of this

light by Br�3 led to the prompt formation of Br��2 , and the subsequentloss of Br��2 was monitored by its absorbance at 360 nm.The loss of Br��2occurred with mixed 2nd- and 1st-order kinetics due to the parallel 2nd-order self reaction of Br��2 and its pseudo-¢rst-order reaction with ClO�2.These experiments led to a value of 3.6�109M�1 s�1 for k1, which is ingood agreement with the approximate value (1.1�109M�1 s�1) originallyobtained.

There are three points of signi¢cance of this result. One is that it pro-vides strong support for the 10-step mechanism originally proposed forreaction 1. Another is that it facilitates a more robust ¢tting of themechanism to the kinetic data obtained for that reaction.Thirdly, it con-¢rms that reaction 2 has a rate constant that is four orders of magnitudegreater than predicted by Marcus theory. It is concluded that reaction 2is poorly modeled as an outer-sphere process and is better described as


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having signi¢cant transition-state bonding between the two reactants(an inner-sphere mechanism).



Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a very well-known oxidant, and there isgood evidence that the chlorine atom undergoes hydrolysis as in

Cl� þH2O)�������* HOCl�� þHþ pKa � 5:3 ð3Þ

It is thus reasonable to anticipate that HOCl could behave as an outer-sphere one-electron oxidant. Indeed, the standard potential for theHOCl/HOCl�� couple is estimated at 0.25V (9). In prior reports wheresuch a pathway might have been uncovered, alternative pathways gener-ally have been found, such as inner-sphere mechanisms and reactionsvia Cl2. Reactionvia Cl2 is often aviable pathway because of the presenceof Cl� either as a contaminant or reaction product and its reaction withHOCl as in Eq. (4).

Cl2 þH2O)�������* HOClþ Cl� þHþ Kh ð4Þ

An attempt to demonstrate the direct outer-sphere reduction ofHOCl was recently published, in which the reductant was selectedto be [Ru(NH3)5isn]

2+ because of its well-known behavior as an outer-sphere reductant and its relatively low standard potential (10). Inthis reagent the ligand isn is isonicotinamide. Further e¡orts topromote reactionviaHOCl entailed the use of chloride-free preparationsof HOCl.Despite the careful selection of conditions and reactants, the reaction

of [Ru(NH3)5isn]2+ with HOCl proved to be unusually complex (10).The ruthenium(II) reactant is widely employed as a typical outer-sphere one-electron reductant, but a variety of Ru-containing productsare generated in the reaction with an excess of aqueous HOCl. Rapid-scan stopped-£ow experiments showed that the reaction occurs in atleast two phases, and the formation and decay of an intermediatespecies was clearly demonstrated. Spectral comparisons indicated thatthe intermediate is [Ru(NH3)5isn]3+, and direct experiments showedthat solutions of authentic [Ru(NH3)5isn]3+ react rapidly with aqueousHOCl.Kinetic studies showed that the consumption of [Ru(NH3)5isn]


occurs as rapidly as [Ru(NH3)5isn]3+ is produced in the ¢rst phase of

the reaction with HOCl, and hence there might be reasonable hope thatthe ¢rst phase of the reaction corresponds to the outer-sphere reduction


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of HOCl. Stopped-£ow studies showed that the rate law for this ¢rstphase is,


dt¼ 2ðk1Kh½H

þ� þ k3½H

þ�½Cl�� þ k5Kh½Cl

��Þ½HOCl�tot½RuðIIÞ�Kh þ ½H



Here, [HOCl]tot refers to the total reactive chlorine concentration, [Cl2]plus [HOCl]. The three terms in this rate law were attributed to thefollowing three rate-limiting steps:

RuðIIÞ þHOClþHþ �!RuðIIIÞ þH2Oþ Cl� k1 ð6Þ

RuðIIÞ þ Cl2�!RuðIIIÞ þ Cl��2 k3 ð7Þ

RuðIIÞ þHOClþ Cl� �!RuðIIIÞ þ Cl��2 þOH� k5 ð8Þ

Thus, no evidence for the direct bimolecular one-electron reduction ofHOCl could be obtained. Under conditions of relatively high pH andvery low Cl� concentrations, where the three pathways shown aboveshould be minimized, the reaction is autocatalytic, presumably becauseof the production of Cl� and its enhancement of reaction through reac-tions 7 and 8.

These results show that direct outer-sphere reduction of HOCl is noteasily achieved, and theyalso show the remarkable diversity of pathwaysthroughwhich aqueous chlorine can react with outer-sphere reductants.


The Fe(III)/S(IV) reaction has long been of interest because of itsimportance in the catalytic autoxidation of S(IV). The latter reaction isknown to have a complex chain mechanism, and the production of SO��3radicals has been considered to be the essential chain-initiating step. Itis also widely believed that the direct oxidation of S(IV) by Fe(III) is thesource of SO��3 .There is little agreement among the various papers pub-lished on the direct reaction of Fe(III) with S(IV) with regard to itsmechanism, andmuchof this disagreement canbe traced to the potentialfor Fe(III) to bind several S(IV) ligands under the typical conditions ofexcess S(IV).

Lente and Fa¤ bia¤ n have recently reported on the Fe(III)/S(IV) reactionwith excess Fe(III), i.e. with the inverse of the typical concentrationratio (11). This procedure e¡ectively limits the speciation to complexeshaving at most one S(IV) ligand. This simpli¢cation, however, comesat the cost of introducing dinuclear Fe(III) species into the reaction


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mixture. Nevertheless, the inverted concentration ratios lead to data thatimpose substantial constraints on proposed mechanisms, and they pro-vide strong support for one speci¢c pathway in the formation of SO��3 .Also see Chapter 8.When the reaction of Fe(III) with S(IV) is studied by stopped-£ow

methods with excess Fe(III) under rather acidic conditions (pH�1) acomplex series of UV^vis absorbance changes is observed. As is shownin Fig. 6, three distinct phases occur, with variable results depending onthe observation wavelength.An important simplifying consequence of the use of inverted concen-

tration ratios is that the reaction is independent of O2 concentration,which means that unintended O2 contamination should not distort thedata. Because of the complexity of the reaction, the relatively new tech-nique of Matrix Rank Analysis was used to sort out the speciation.Thisanalysis led to the identi¢cation of two sulfur-containing intermediates:[Fe2(OH)SO3]

3+ and [Fe(SO3]+. Other reactant species known to be pre-

sent under these conditions include SO2, HSO�3 , Fe3+, Fe(OH)2+, and

FIG. 6. Typical kinetic traces in the early phase of the iron(III)^sulfur(IV) reaction.pH= 1.40, [Fe(III)] = 25.0 mM, [S(IV)] = 0.50 mM (a); pH = 1.40, [Fe(III)] = 25.0 mM,[S(IV)] = 1.50mM (b); pH= 1.70 [Fe(III)] = 7.5mM, [S(IV)] = 0.50mM (c); T= 10.0 �C;�=1.0M (NaClO4); optical pathlength 1cm. Reproduced from Ref. (11) by permissionof the Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Fe2ðOHÞ4þ2 . A kinetic model was developed that consisted of 10 steps,and it was ¢t to the complete set of time-dependent traces by use of acombined least-squares optimization with numerical integration.

One key feature of the model is that the [Fe2(OH)SO3]3+ species is adead-end intermediate with respect to the overall redox process. Theactual redox reaction consists of only two steps:

Fe3þ þHSO�3 )�������* FeSOþ3 þHþ KH ð9Þ

FeSOþ3 �!Fe2þ þ SO��3 k9 ð10Þ

The ¢rst step is the reversible formation of FeSOþ3 , which occurs in a fewhundred ms.The second step is an intramolecular redox process, whichhas a rate constant of 0.2 s�1 at 25 �C. Formation and dissociation of thedinuclear Fe(III) species are the main sources of the kinetic complexities.

By use of well-established standard potentials, the reported valuesfor KH and k9, and the principle of detailed balancing, one cancalculate that the reverse of reaction (10) has a rate constant (k�9) of2�103M�1 s�1. Normal ligand substitution reactions at Fe2+ are muchfaster than this, which raises questions regarding the nature of the tran-sition state for this reaction.


Organic thiols are widely encountered, and theyare rather susceptibleto oxidation. They have special signi¢cance in biochemistry, wherecysteine undergoes oxidative coupling in the cross-linking of proteinsand the oxidation of glutathione plays many physiological roles.The reac-tions of thiols with one-electron oxidants are ubiquitous, and there havebeen many reports on the kinetics of oxidation of thiols by classicalouter-sphere oxidants. A surveyof these reports reveals that copper cata-lysis is a widespread phenomenon in these reactions, and that outer-sphere oxidations of aliphatic thiols tend to be so sensitive to this e¡ectthat it is generally only the catalyzed pathway that can be detected. As aconsequence, virtually nothing is known about the direct outer-sphereoxidation of aliphatic thiols.

This gap in our knowledge is now closed, as the ¢rst paper on theuncatalyzed outer-sphere oxidation of an aliphatic thiol was recentlypublished (12).This work selected thioglycolic acid (TGA, mercaptoaceticacid, HSCH2CO2H) as a representative thiol because of its high watersolubility, low vapor pressure, and simple structure. The oxidant was[IrCl6]

2�, a well-characterized one-electron oxidant that frequentlyreacts through an outer-sphere mechanism. As is typical of such


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reactions, the oxidation of TGA by [IrCl6]2� proved to be highly sensitiveto trace copper catalysis. It was found, however, that this copper catalysiscould be thoroughly suppressed through the addition of small amountsof bathophenanthrolinedisulfonate (bathophen). Presumably, bathophenfunctions by binding copper ions in solution and thus rendering themnoncatalytic.One fascinating outcome of this work is the ¢nding that the stoichio-

metry of the redox reaction is altered by the addition of bathophen. Inthe absence of bathophen the reaction is,

2½IrCl6�2�þ 2TGA�! 2½IrCl6�

3�þ RSSR ð11Þ

where RSSR represents the disul¢de derived fromTGA. In the presenceof bathophen there is a signi¢cant yield of sulfoacetate (�O3SCH2CO2H),indicating that reaction (11) runs concurrently with

6½IrCl6�2�þ TGA�! 6½IrCl6�

3�þ�O3SCH2CO2H ð12Þ

The conventional wisdom that one-electron oxidants react with thiols toyield disul¢des is apparently derived from reactions in which tracecopper catalysis dominated the chemistry.The rate law for the noncatalyzed reaction is ¢rst-order in both [TGA]

and [Ir(IV)], and it shows a complex pH dependence with the rates gener-ally increasing with pH. It is inferred that only the thiolate forms ofTGA are reactive and that the thiol forms are unreactive. Thus, at highpH the reaction has the following rate-limiting step:

�SCH2COO� þ ½IrCl6�2��!

�SCH2COO� þ ½IrCl6�3� kd ð13Þ

At lower pH the minor tautomeric form of the monoanion becomes thedominant reactant:

�SCH2COOHþ ½IrCl6�2��!

�SCH2COOHþ ½IrCl6�3� kc ð14Þ

A literature value for E� for the �SCH2COO�/�SCH2COO� redox couple(0.74V) was then used in conjunction with the cross relationship ofMarcus theory to derive a self-exchange rate constant of 1.5�105M�1 s�1

for the �SCH2COO�/�SCH2COO� redox couple.A high susceptibility of thiolates to outer-sphere oxidation is thus

implied by the combined action of the relatively low standard potentialand high self-exchange rate constant given above. However, the highpKa of most thiols and the unreactivity of the thiol form suggests thatthiols are resistant to oxidation through outer-sphere mechanisms atphysiological pH or in acidic media.These factors may explain the sensi-tivity of these reactions to copper catalysis, but a full explanation can


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be formulated only after determination of the rate laws for the catalyzedpathways.


Phenoxyl radicals (PhO�), like the thyl radicals discussed above, arewidespread reactive intermediates. The corresponding phenols (PhOH)typically have pKa values around 10, so the properties of the PhO�/PhO�

redox couples become highly relevant above pH 10. Standard potentialsfor a few of these redox couples have been determined by use of pulseradiolysis to generate the unstable phenoxyl radicals in the presenceof appropriate electron donors. These conditions lead to the rapidestablishment of electron-transfer equilibria as in,

PhO� þD�)�������* PhO� þD� ð15Þ

From the measured electron-transfer equilibrium constant and theknown standard potential for the reference D�/D� couple it has beenpossible to determine E� for the PhO�/PhO� couple. The method, how-ever, is non-trivial and does not lend itself to the rapid determination ofstandard potentials for a large series of related compounds.

An alternative electrochemical method has recently been used toobtain the standard potentials of a series of 31 PhO�/PhO� redoxcouples (13).This method uses conventional cyclic voltammetry, and it isbased on the CV’s obtained on alkaline solutions of the phenols. Theobserved CV’s are completely irreversible and simply show awave corre-sponding to the one-electron oxidation of PhO�. The irreversibility isdue to the rapid homogeneous decay of the PhO� radicals produced,such that no reverse wave can be detected. It is well known that PhO�

radicals decay with second-order kinetics and rate constants close tothe di¡usion-controlled limit. If the mechanism of the electrochemicaloxidation of PhO� consists of di¡usion-limited transfer of the electronfrom PhO� to the electrode and the second-order decay of the PhO�

radicals, the following equation describes the scan-rate dependence ofthe peak potential:

Ep ¼ E�

red þ 0:902RTF�RT3F


� �ð16Þ

Here, � is the scan rate, k is the radical self-reaction rate constant, andEp is the CV wave peak potential. The standard potentials obtainedranged from1.28V (4-O2NPhOH) to 0.17V (4-HOPhOH). Good agreementwith the literature values was obtained in those cases where the datawere available.


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An example where electron transfer from PhO� is important comesfrom a related publication on the reaction of phenol with O2 where[Ru(bpy)3]2+ is used as a photosensitizer (14). In acidic media the reactioninvolves generation of 1O2 by quenching of excited [Ru(bpy)3]2+; reactionof 1O2 with phenol leads to the production of benzoquinone.The quantumyields for benzoquinone production are highly pH dependent, showing asharp peak at pH 8.4.This unusual pH dependence arises from the com-petition of several pathways, and one of the most important being theelectron-transfer quenching of [*Ru(bpy)3]2+ by PhO�:


2þþ PhO��!½RuðbpyÞ3�

þþ PhO� ð17Þ

Examination of the relevant standard potentials indicates that thisreaction is favorable.

IV. ‘‘Small-Molecule’’ Intramolecular Electron-Transfer Reactions


The molecule [ReI(MQ+)(CO)3(dmb)]2+ has been a model system forstudying intramolecular electron transfer over the last two decades.Here, MQ+ is the monodentate ligand N-methyl-4,40 -bipyridinium, dmbis the bidentate ligand 4,40 -dimethyl-2,20 -bipyridine, and the three COligands are facially coordinated. Irradiation of this complex at room tem-perature in solutionwith near-UV light leads to a sequence of intramole-cular electron-transfer events as shown in Fig. 7.In brief, irradiation leads to the sub-picosecond oxidation of the Re(I)

center and the production of a mixture of two reduction sites: i.e. eithertheMQ+ or dmb ligand can be reduced. On the time-scale of several pico-seconds inter-ligand electron transfer occurs, converting the mixture ofexcited states to [ReII(MQ�)(CO)3(dmb)]2+.Three types of rapid-spectroscopic studies have recently added to our

understanding of this system (15). In the ¢rst of these, 0.2 ps excitationis followed by picosecond time-resolved visible absorption spectroscopy.Spectral changes con¢rmed the 8.3 ps (in acetonitrile) and 14 ps (in ethy-lene glycol) interligand electron transfer process. The second methodwas based on picosecond-time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy(TR3). The Raman probe wavelength was 600 nm, thus ensuring that theobserved peaks corresponded to the MQ� moiety. Line-narrowing andfrequency shifts were observed on the �10 ps timescale, indicating thatthe [ReII(MQ�)(CO)3(dmb)]2+ state is initially produced vibrationally


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hot and that this excess energy is not concentrated in any speci¢c highfrequency modes. The third method utilized picosecond time-resolvedIR absorption spectroscopy. Features corresponding to the CO stretcheswere observed and taken in support of characterization of the excitedstate(s) as Re(II) species. Spectral evolution on the �10 ps timescaleindicated that the two di¡erent MLCT excited states have signi¢cantstructural di¡erences in their Re(CO)3 moieties. Data of this typeshould be of great value in developing theories to account for the ratesof intramolecular electron transfer.



It has long been assumed that the rates of inner-sphere electron-transfer reactions for transition-metal complexes should be sensitive tothe nature of the donor and acceptor orbital symmetries. E¡orts to

FIG. 7. Excited-state interligand electron transfer in fac-[Re(MQ)(CO)3(dmb)]2+.Reproduced from Ref. (15) by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


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demonstrate these e¡ects have largely focused on the behavior ofintramolecular redox systems because intermolecular reactions haverelatively uncertain transition-state structures, have rates that area¡ected by the magnitude of the precursor complex formation constants,and can be limited by reactant di¡usion. Unambiguous demonstrationof these orbital e¡ects remains elusive, despite the huge amountof e¡ort in intramolecular electron-transfer research, because of thelability of d� metal centers. Thus, most of the dinuclear systemsinvestigated to date have utilized systems in which dp electrons aretransferred.A potential solution to this problem is evident in the recent synthesis

of some dinuclear Cu(II)2L complexes with bridging halide ligands (16).These complexes are based on the ligand

Each tetraazamacrocyclic portion of the ligand can bind a Cu(II) ion, andthe flexible central methylene linkages permit the dinuclear complexes toadopt face-to-faceconformations.DinuclearCu(II)2complexeswithbridg-ing (axial) Cl� and Br� ligands have been characterized by X-ray crystal-lography. UV^vis spectral data indicate that these complexes retaintheir overall structure in solution. Cyclic voltammetry and differentialpulse voltammetry experiments imply that Cu(II) is reversibly oxidizedto Cu(III) in these halide-bridged systems.Magnetic susceptibility meas-urements and ESR spectra show that the electronic coupling in theCu(II)2 complexes is quite weak. This weak coupling is to be expected,since the unpaired electrons reside in ‘‘dx2�y2’’orbitals that are coplanarwith the macrocylic rings and hence do not overlap. Likewise, the elec-trochemical data indicate that the mixed-valent Cu(II)^Cl�^Cu(III) stateis not significantly stabilized by electronic coupling. On the other hand,the complexes display very strong LMCT absorption bands, whichimplies quite strong electronic coupling for these transitions. Thus, thetwo-center M^X coupling matrix elements are large while the three-cen-ter Cu^Cl�^Cu coupling matrix element is small.The implication seemsto be that the three-center Cu(II)2Cl matrix elements should be closelyrelated to those for electron transfer in the related Cu(III)^Cl^Cu(II) sys-tem, and therefore one might expect slow electron transfer rates. Forthe case with a bridging Br� ligand, the presence of two well-resolved


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CV waves is taken as evidence that the Cu(III) state is high spin, whichcomplicates the prediction one might make regarding its electron-trans-fer rate.

V. Electron Transfer with Metalloproteins


Cytochrome c oxidase is an enzyme that couples the one-electron oxi-dation of cytochrome c to the four-electron reduction of O2 and is thus acrucial component of respiration. Cytochrome c contains the redox-active heme c, while cytochrome c oxidase contains a dinuclear CuAredox site in subunit II and three redox-active sites in subunit I: heme a,heme a3, and CuB. It is believed that heme a is an electron-transfer site,while heme a3 and CuB function together at the O2 reduction site.

Recent advances in measuring the kinetics of the various electron-transfer steps in this system have been achieved by use of £ash photolysisof ruthenated derivatives of cytochrome c (Ru^Cc) (17^19). In these stud-ies [Ru(bpy)3]2+ is covalently bound to a surface residue at a site thatdoes not interfere with the docking of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxi-dase. Solutions are then prepared containing both Ru^Cc and cyto-chrome c oxidase, and the two proteins associate to form a 1 :1 complex.Flash photolysis of the solution leads directly to the excitation of theRuII(bpy)3 site, which then reduces heme c very rapidly. This methodthus provides a convenient means to observe the subsequent intracom-plex electron transfer from heme c to cytochrome c oxidase and furtherstages in the process.

In one of the early papers based on this method, yeast cytochrome cand beef cytochrome c oxidase were used (17).The His39 residue of cyto-chrome cwas replacedwith a cysteine residue by site-directed mutagene-sis, and then the cysteine was ruthenated through reaction with[Ru(bpy)2(4 -BrCH2^4

0 -CH3-bpy)]2+. This study demonstrated that thereduced heme c is reoxidized by cytochrome c oxidase with a rate con-stant of 6� 104 s�1. Detection of a transient bleaching at 830 nm thatoccurs with the same rate constant was taken as evidence that the dinu-clear CuA site is the initial electron acceptor in cytochrome c oxidase.Recovery of the 830 nm absorbance occurred with a 1.6�104 s�1 rate con-stant that was the same as for a 604 nm absorbance increase, assignedto reduction of heme a.Thus it was inferred that the CuA site in subunitII transfers its electron to the heme a site in subunit I.


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A more recent study was based on horse heart cytochrome c andRhodobacter sphaeroides cytochrome c oxidase (18). Here, the Lys55 resi-duewas ruthenated and the cytochrome c oxidasewas mutated at severalsurface sites. A model of the complex between cytochrome c and subunitII of cytochrome c oxidase, the heme c and CuA cofactors, and themutated residues is shown in Fig. 8.In one series of experiments the cytochrome c oxidase mutations

replaced acidic residues by neutral ones, and some of them were thusexpected to alter the nature of binding of the protein to cytochrome c.From the pattern of dependence of the heme c to CuA electron-transferrate constant on these mutations it was deduced that the binding ofcytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase is mediated by electrostaticinteractions between four speci¢c acidic residues on cytochrome coxidase and lysines on cytochrome c. In another series of experiments,tryptophan 143 of cytochrome c oxidase was mutated to Phe or Ala.Thesemutations had an insigni¢cant e¡ect on thebindingof the two pro-teins, but they dramatically reduced the rate constant for electron trans-fer from heme c to CuA. It was concluded that electron transfer from

FIG. 8. Model for the high affinity complex between horse Cc and CcO determinedby Roberts and Pique (34). The backbone of horse Cc and CcO subunit II are shownwith the side chains of selected lysines and acidic residues colored blue and red,respectively. The residue numbers on subunit II are for R. sphaeroides CcO.Van derWaals surfaces are shown for Cc heme and subunit II Trp143 and Met263. The CuAcoppers are represented by green Corey^Pauling^Koltun models. Reprinted withpermission from Ref. (18). Copyright 1999, American Society of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology.


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heme c to CuA is dependent on the good electronic coupling fostered byTrp143, which appears to bridge the two sites in the two-protein complex.

Most recently this method has been used with cytochrome c oxidasethat has been mutated at the CuA site (19). One of the mutants hadreplaced histidine-260 (that was a ligand of one of the Cu atoms) withAsn, while the other replaced methionine-263 (that was a ligand of theother Cu atom) with Leu.These mutations had only a small e¡ect on therate constant for electron transfer from heme c to CuA but the rateconstant from CuA to heme a was much more strongly inhibited. Bothmutations led to a signi¢cant increase in the CuA redox potential,which would favor the oxidation of heme c by CuA but hinder the oxida-tion of CuA by heme a. The small e¡ect of the mutations on the hemec-to-CuA rate constant was attributed to an increased reorganizationalenergy that balanced the more favorable driving force. A complex muta-tional dependence of the rate constants for electron transfer betweenCuA and heme awas interpreted as an indication thatHis260 is importantin establishing electronic coupling between the two sites.


Sul¢te oxidase is a dimetallic enzyme that mediates the two-electronoxidation of sul¢te by the one-electron reduction of cytochrome c. Thisreaction is physiologically essential as the terminal step in oxidativedegradation of sulfur compounds.The enzyme contains a heme cofactorin the �10 kDa N-terminal domain and a molybdenum center in the� 42 kDa C-terminal domain.The catalytic cycle is depicted in Fig. 9.

The two-electron oxidation of sul¢te generates a MoIV^FeIII state,which converts to a MoV^FeII state. Cytochrome c then oxidizes thisstate to MoV^FeIII, which then undergoes another internal electrontransfer (k3) to form MoVI^FeII. A second oxidation by cytochrome cforms MoVI^FeIII, which completes the catalytic cycle.

A £ash photolysis method has been developed that prepares the MoVI^FeII state and thus allows the rate constants k3 and k�3 to be measured.Solutions containing 5-deazaribo£avin, semicarbazide, and sul¢te oxi-dase are subjected to 555 nm £ash photolysis. The deazaribo£avin isexcited to a triplet state, which is then reduced by semicarbazide toform the 5-deazaribo£avin semiquinone radical. This radical is thenrapidly oxidized back to its parent species through the one-electronreduction of sul¢te oxidase.

In the initial (1993) application of this method avalue of�1000 s�1wasobtained for the sum of k3 and k�3. Subsequent to that work the 1.9—X-ray crystal structure of sul¢te oxidase was reported (1997), which


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shows that the two metal sites are separated by 32—, a distance too longto support the observed electron-transfer rates. Confronted by this seem-ing paradox, members of the original research group recently conducteda reinvestigation of the kinetics (20).The new study veri¢ed the originalresults, used a determination of the electron-transfer equilibrium con-stant to obtain individual values for k3 and k�3, and investigated thedependence of the rates on pH and anion concentration. Small anionssuch as SO2�

4 and Cl� were found to inhibit the rates. A pH dependenceis to be expected, since the equilibrium (equilibrium constant, k3 /k�3)involves a net proton gain (MoVIO2!MoVO(OH)). The observed pHdependence was somewhat more complex than might be anticipated,because of the competing inhibition by small anions. Overall, however,the results still led to rate constants that are too large for the 32— crys-tallographic separation between the two redox sites. It was thus pro-posed that a £exible �10-residue segment of the peptide chain betweenthe two domains could allow the protein to undergo a large conforma-tional change in solution, bringing the two redox sites much closertogether.The results of a test of this proposal for conformational change

were recently published (21). Rates of electron transfer (k3 + k�3) were

FIG. 9. Postulated oxidation state changes occurring at the Mo and Fe centers of SOduring the catalytic oxidation of sulfite, and concomitant reduction of cyt c. Theone-electron reduction shownwith a dashed arrow connectingMoVIFeIII andMoVIFeII

can be initiated with a laser pulse, in a solution containing 5-deazariboflavin (dRF)and a sacrificial electron donor (AH2). Reprinted with permission from Ref. (20).Copyright 1999, Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry.


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measured as a function of solution viscosity by adding variable amountsof either polyethylene glycol 400 or sucrose. These additions inhibitedthe rates, and the degree of inhibitionwas simplya functionof theviscos-ity rather than the identity of the additive. Moreover, ESR and MCDspectra indicate that neither of the active sites is perturbed by theseadditives. It is evident that viscosity is the principal factor causing therate inhibition. This viscosity dependence was taken as evidence thatthe measured rates are signi¢cantly controlled by the rate of conforma-tional change required to bring the two active sites to close proximity.


‘‘Blue’’copper proteins, typi¢ed by plastocyanin and azurin, contain asingle copper atom that is ligated to several of the protein residues andfunction as electron-transfer agents. The copper cycles between theCu(II) and Cu(I) oxidation states, and does so quite readily. These pro-teins have been subjected to intense scrutiny, and a number of signi¢cantconcepts have developed from these studies. Perhaps most signi¢cantly,the concept of the entatic state was heavily grounded on the examplesprovided by the blue copper proteins. The precise de¢nition of thisconcept is not easily stated, but in approximate language it asserts thatnatural proteins achieve their remarkable e¡ectiveness by enforcingspeci¢c strained structures. As applied to blue copper proteins it statesthat their rapid electron-transfer rates are a consequence of the dis-torted coordination geometry that is conserved in both Cu(I) and Cu(II)oxidation states.The perceived need for a distortion arises from the dif-ferent geometries ‘‘preferred’’ in the two oxidation states and the beliefthat to achieve rapid electron transfer requires minimal structuralchange.

As we have seen in Section II.E, the work of Rorabacher’s group hasshown that in synthetic small-molecule copper systems, rapid electrontransfer canbe achieved evenwhen there are gross structural di¡erencesbetween the two oxidation states, such as a change in coordinationnumber or ligand identity. Although the authors of this work interpretedtheir results as a vindication of the entatic hypothesis (self-exchangerate constants are greater when there is less structural change), an alter-native view is that a two-step mechanism (a square scheme as shown inFig. 5) provides a means to achieve rapid electron transfer in systemsshowing large structural change. Related insights are also emergingfrom studies of electron transfer rates in the blue copper proteins them-selves (22). The Canters research group has been quite active in this


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area, and their results have been summarized in a recent FaradayDiscussion (22).Among the relevant points to emerge from these studies is that yes,

the structural di¡erences between the oxidized and reduced forms ofthe blue copper proteins are rather small, but the structures are alsoquite similar to those of the apoproteins. Thus, the presence of thecopper ion, in either oxidation state, does not impose any signi¢cantstrain on the peptide chain. The amount of strain in the metal^ligandbonds has been debated, but it is clearly not a huge quantity in viewof the fact that the a⁄nities of the protein for the metal ions arequite high.More direct probes are based on assessing the e¡ects on the electron-

transfer rates of introducing speci¢c changes (mutations) in the proteinstructure. For this purpose, self-exchange rate constants are used,because they are independent of changes in the standard potentialsthat can accompany mutations. It is well established that self-exchangerate constants for the blue copper proteins are highly sensitive to altera-tions in the ionic medium and in the surface charges, because these fac-tors have a strong in£uence on the association between the tworeactants.Thus, for mutationally altered self-exchange rate constants toprovide meaningful insights into questions relating to the entatichypothesis, it is important that the mutations make no signi¢cant per-turbations to the protein surface. Among the speci¢c mutations studied,one was the conversion of the azurin methionine ligand to a glutamine;this mutation led to a protein that displayed signi¢cant oxidation-state-dependent structural changes yet had a self-exchange rate constantthat was only two orders of magnitude less than the wild-type protein.A second series of experiments involved mutations where the basicamicyanin ligand set was preserved but the adjoining peptide regionsnear the Cu binding site were altered (loop replacement); again, only atwo-orders-of-magnitude rate reduction ensued. In yet another example,the Asn47 residue of azurin, which is strongly conserved in blue copperproteins and forms hydrogen bonds to the copper-binding ligands,was mutated to leucine; this mutation altered E� by 110mV but it hadnegligible e¡ect on the self-exchange rate. This body of results seems toimply that the rapid self-exchange rate constants attained by bluecopper proteins are not a consequence of metal-induced protein strain,minimal structural change, or a highly speci¢c coordination structure.Although the authors have not ventured to claim that these resultsdisprove the entatic hypothesis, it appears that the evidence seemsto be accumulating that the entatic hypothesis is in need of signi¢cantreevaluation.


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Cytochrome P450 is a class of mono-heme enzymes that catalyzes theoxidation of a wide spectrum of organic substrates including hydrocar-bons by O2. In the resting state the heme is in the low-spin FeIII state,but other states such as high-spin FeIII, high-spin FeII, and low-spin FeII

have also been described. Electron-transfer steps are believed to beamong the components of the catalytic cycle. The heme site is buriedrather deeply within the enzyme (�20—), so that it is not an e⁄cient elec-tron carrier and is resistant to reactionwithconventional electron-trans-fer reagents. In a fascinating variation on the usual methods of proteinsurface-residue ruthenation, Ru(bpy)3 -based substrates for P450 havebeen designed that engage readily in electron-transfer transactionswith the buried heme site. The key has been to derivatize the[Ru(bpy)3]

2+ moiety with a long-chain hydrocarbon tail that is termi-nated by groups that are conventional substrates for P450 oxidation(23). The substrate groups employed include imidazolyl, adamantyl andethylphenyl, and the hydrocarbon chains range from seven- to nine-mem-bered alkyls.This design permits the substrate to bind in the P450 hemepocket and have a direct hydrocarbon link to a RuII located at theenzyme surface. A crystal structure (Fig. 10) nicely demonstrates thisbinding mode (24).

When solutions of P450 and the sensitizer are subjected to £ash photo-lysis, the RuII group is promoted to an emissive excited state that isquenched by the protein. Analysis of the quenching kinetics in terms ofa Fo« rster energy-transfer mechanism yields a Ru^Fe distance that is con-sistent with the crystallographic distance in the ‘‘wired’’ enzyme, thusimplying that the crystal structure is a good representation of the solu-tion structure (24).

Electron-transfer reactions between the bound Ru and heme centerscan be performed by a related £ash photolysis method (23). In a typicalexperiment the C9-imidazolyl substrate/P450cam complex is photolyzedin the presence of para-methoxy-N,N-dimethylaniline, which leads torapid reductive quenching of *Ru to form a bound RuI-imidazole sub-strate. Subsequent electron transfer from RuI to FeIII occurs withk=2�104 s�1, as detected by the characteristic shift in the heme Soretband. Similar results were obtained with the ethylphenyl and adamantylsubstrate derivatives. The e⁄ciency of this system is highlighted by acomparison with the reduction of P450 by putidaredoxin, a naturalredox partner that reacts two orders of magnitude more slowly. A fasci-nating outcome is the similarity of the rate constants for the various sub-strate derivatives, even though it is believed that the imidazolyl


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derivative is bound to the iron center while the other two derivativesare not.In a second type of experiment, oxidative quenching is achieved by use

of [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+ as the quencher. In the one example reported the ethyl-

phenyl derivative of the substrate was used, and the RuIII so generatedoxidized the heme with k=6�103 s�1. From spectroscopic studies it isbelieved that the heme is oxidized to a porphyrin p-cation radical andhas an axial water ligand. One might anticipate the generation of otheroxidized states with the use of other substrate derivatives.

VI. Double Electron Transfer



The self-exchange redox reaction betweenTl+ andTl3+ has been exten-sively studied since the 1950s. Several careful determinations of the

FIG. 10. Crystal structure of the P450cam : Ru^C9^Ad complex. The Ru substrate isshown in yellow to highlight docking of Ru(bpy)3]

2+ at the surface of the protein aspredicted by computer modeling and energy-transfer experiments.The methylene lin-ker occupies a large channel from the enzyme surface to the heme. A hydrogen bondconnects the Ru-substrate amide carbonyl (red atom) toTyr-96 (orange).The adaman-tyl moiety (center) resides at the P450 active site above the heme (orange) in the sameposition as the natural Ad substrate (magenta), shown in superposition from the 4cppcrystal structure. Although both� and� [Ru(bpy)3]

2+ enantiomers are present in thecomplex, only � is shown. Reprinted with permission from Ref. (24). Copyright 1999,National Academy of Sciences.


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thermodynamic properties of Tl�2+ are in agreement that this is a quitehigh-energy species, and it is now clear that the self-exchange reactioncannot proceed through formation of Tl�2+ as in Eq. (18).

Tl3þ þ Tlþ�!� Tl�2þ þ Tl�2þ ð18Þ

In the presence of complexing anions such as OH� and Cl� there is cur-rently a consensus that the reaction proceeds as a ‘‘concerted’’ two-elec-tron transaction through an anion-bridged transition state. There isless consensus regarding the mechanism of the reaction in the absenceof such potentially bridging anions. As summarized by Glaser, Taubehas discussed the mechanism of this process (25), and he proposes thatthe reaction proceeds through two sequential one-electron steps withoutthe formation of free Tl�2+. This could occur through the formation of aTl(II)^Tl(II) bonded intermediate as in Eq. (19).

Tl3þ þ Tlþ�!ðTl�TlÞ4þ�!Tlþ þ Tl3þ ð19Þ

Although the proposed Tl4þ2 intermediate has never been detected, ananalogous species is found in the classical Hg2þ2 cation, which also hasa metal^metal bond. Further support for this proposal is the observationthat low concentrations of Cl� and Br� decrease the self-exchange rate:such ligands are expected to stabilizeTl3+ more than Tl4þ2 .

Quite recently the mechanism of the Tl3+/ Tl+ self-exchange reactionhas received detailed theoretical consideration (26), and it considersfour speci¢c mechanisms. (1) The ¢rst of these mechanisms is the outer-sphere one-electron mechanism as in Eq. (18), and this paper rea⁄rmsthat this mechanism can easily be ruled out because of an excessivelyhigh activation free energy. (2) The second mechanism to be consideredinvolves simultaneous two-electron outer-sphere electron transfer; ifit is assumed that the two reactants approach to a distance of � 7^8—(contact between the two unperturbed solvation spheres) an activationfree energy of � 30 kcalmol�1 is calculated, which is not that muchgreater than the apparent experimental value of 23.4 kcalmol�1.Correction for the e¡ects of nonadiabaticity, however, renders the agree-ment unsatisfactory. An improvement can be achieved by allowing acloser contact between the ions, with the assumption that the Tl+ ion issu⁄ciently weakly solvated that it comes in direct contact with the Tl3+

solvation sphere. (3) The third mechanism involves two inner-spheresequential one-electron transfer steps as in Eq. (19), but it is argued thatthe ½TlII2 �

4þ species is ‘‘unstable, both thermodynamically and kinetically,and thus can be considered as a virtual intermediate only’’. From thisreader’s perspective such a statement must be quali¢ed, as there aremany examples of intermediates that are both thermodynamically


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unstable and kinetically £eeting but nevertheless are quite real species.(4) The last mechanism entails simultaneous two-electron transfer viathe ‘‘virtual intermediate’’, ½TlII2 �

4þ. It is calculated that an inner-spheresimultaneous two-electron transfer reaction through such a transitionstate would be adiabatic and have an activation free energy of� 23 kcalmol�1, in good agreement with experiment. Note that the analy-sis does not rule out the possibilityof sequential electron transfer as indi-cated in Eq. (19). These considerations raise the challenge of eitherdetecting a Tl4þ2 species or of setting limits on its lifetime. Further moti-vation for this work is the suggestion that similar considerationsshould apply to a whole suite of reactions, including the two-electronoxidation of Hg0 byTl3+.

VII. Electrochemical Electron-Transfer Reactions


A relatively untouched area is the kinetics of outer-sphere electrontransfer between an electrode and a main-group species. A signi¢cantrecent venture in this area is a study of the electrooxidation of aqueousClO�2 (27). When this species is oxidized with typical solid electrodessuch as platinum, gold, and carbon at 25 �C and pH 7, ClO2 is generatedas a stable product, and hence ClO2 solutions yield ‘‘reversible’’ cyclicvoltammograms at slow scan rates. Such reversibility is almost uniquein main-group electrochemistry, largely because of the tendency of theradical species to undergo further chemical reactions.As the ¢eld of electrochemical kinetics may be relatively unfamiliar to

some readers, it is important to realize that the rate of an electrochemi-cal process is the current. In transient techniques such as cyclic andpulse voltammetry, the current typically consists of a nonfaradaic com-ponent derived from capacitive charging of the ionic medium near theelectrode and a‘‘faradaic’’component that corresponds to electron trans-fer between the electrode and the reactant. In a steady-state techniquesuch as rotating-disk voltammetry the current is purely faradaic.The far-adaic current is often limited by the rate of di¡usion of the reactant tothe electrode, but it is also possible that electron transfer between theelectrode and the molecules at the surface is the slow step. In this lattercase one can de¢ne the rate constant as:

i ¼ nFAkfCR ð20Þ


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Here, i is the faradaic current, n is the number of electrons transferredper molecule, F is the Faraday constant, A is the electrode surface area,kf is the rate constant, and CR is the bulk concentration of the reactantin units of molcm�3. In general, the rate constant depends on the appliedpotential, and an important parameter is kel, the standard rate constant(more typically designated as k0), which is the forward rate constantwhen the applied potential equals the formal potential. Since there iszero driving force at the formal potential, the standard rate constantis analogous to the self-exchange rate constant of a homogeneouselectron-transfer reaction.

Measurements of the standard rate constant for oxidation of ClO�2were performed in three ways. The ¢rst was to obtain cyclic voltammo-grams of ClO2 solutions at a various scan rates: the peak-to-peak separa-tion, �Ep/p, is scan-rate dependent when the electrochemical rates areslow (not di¡usion limited), and with the use of appropriate workingcurves one can extract the standard rate constant from the scan ratedependence of �Ep/p. In the second method rotating-disk electrode(RDE) voltammetry was used. Here the current is measured at a seriesof ¢xed applied potentials as a function of the electrode rotation rate.Extrapolation of a plot of 1/i vs 1/j! to in¢nite rotation rate allows thecalculation of the value of kf at the applied potential. A plot of lnkf vsapplied potential can then be used to obtain kel.The third method deter-mined kel by phase-sensitive ac voltammetry, a technique that is too com-plex to be described here. Fine agreement between the three methodswas obtained, although it was considered that the accuracy of kelimproved from CV through RDE to ac voltammetry.

The results obtained include the values for kel at 25�C of 0.015 cm s�1 at

a gold electrode, 0.014 cm s�1 at platinum, and 0.0079 cm s�1 at glassycarbon. Identical values are to be expected for an outer-sphere mecha-nism, i.e. where there is no speci¢c bonding between the electrode andthe reactant in the transition state for electron transfer. The agreementin kel for Au and Pt is taken in support of an outer-sphere mechanism,and the mildly smaller rate constant at glassy carbon is attributed tothe di⁄culty in preparing a uniform surface on this material. In general,the rate constants can be described as slow (relative to di¡usion), andhence there is interest in considering the factors a¡ecting the rate con-stant. In this endeavor, an estimate of the internal reorganizationalenergy was made, based on the structures and force constants for bothClO�2 and ClO2. The solvent reorganizational energy was estimated bythe usual Marcus expression, and the substantial uncertainties intro-duced by choice of "op (the optical dielectric constant) were noted.Workterms were also applied, although they were calculatedwith the unlikely


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assumption that the potential of zero charge is the same as the potentialof the reference electrode. An estimate of the pre-exponential term wasperformed that included estimates of the nuclear tunneling factor (�n),the nuclear frequency factor (�n), the transmission coe⁄cient (k�el),and the reaction zone thickness (�r).These factors contribute to the rateconstant according to

kel ¼ �r k�el�n�n expð��Gz=RTÞ ð21Þ

Experimental values of �Gz and the pre-exponential factor wereobtained from a plot of lnkel vs 1/T under the assumption that the slopeis��Gz/R, and the hidden assumption that�Gz is temperature indepen-dent (�Sz is zero). Comparison between the calculated and observedpre-exponential factor was used to infer signi¢cant non-adiabaticity,but one may wonder whether inclusion of a nonzero �Sz would alterthis conclusion. From an alternative perspective, reasonable agreementwas noted for the values of kel and the homogeneous self-exchangerate constant after a standard Marcus-type correction was made for thedi¡ering reaction types.



A classic example of a coordination complex that undergoes coupledelectron transfer and spin-state change is [Co(NH3)6]

3+, which is a low-spin (diamagnetic) d6 species.The high-spin d7 species is produced uponreduction. Three reduction mechanisms may be envisioned: (1) promo-tion of Co(III) to the high-spin state and production of high-spin Co(II)by subsequent electron transfer; (2) electron transfer to produce low-spin Co(II) followed by relaxation to high-spin Co(II); and (3) concertedspin-state change and electron transfer.The two sequential mechanismslead to an electrochemical square scheme, while the concerted mecha-nism corresponds to a diagonal path through the square scheme, asshown in Fig. 11. As spin-state changes for coordination complexes tendto be quite rapid, they are generally treated as equilibria rather thanrate-limiting steps.This consideration has made it di⁄cult to distinguishamong the three possible pathways for the several systems that havebeen explored.In a new twist on this subject, electrochemical activation parameters

have been obtained for two series of redox couples that undergo coupledspin-state change and electron transfer (28). One series is [M(tacn)2]


where M=Fe, Co, Ni, and Ru, and tacn= 1,4,7-triazacyclononane.The other is [Fe(pzb)2]+/0, where pzb�=hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)borate


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ðHBðpzÞ�3 Þ, tetrakis(pyrazol-1-yl)borate ðBðpzÞ�4 Þ, and hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-

pyrazol-1-yl)borate ðHBðMe2pzÞ�3 Þ as shown in Scheme 2.

The cyclic voltammograms of these systems display quasi-reversiblebehavior, with �Ep/p being increased because of slow electrochemicalkinetics. Standard electrochemical rate constants, (ks,h)obs, wereobtained from the cyclic voltammograms by matching them with digitalsimulations. This approach enabled the e¡ects of IR drop (the spatialdependence of potential due to current £ow through a resistive solution)to be included in the digital simulation by use of measured solution resis-tances.These experiments were performedwith a non-isothermal cell, inwhich the reference electrode is maintained at a constant temperature

FIG. 11. Electrochemical square scheme for coupled spin-state change and electrontransfer. Reprinted with permission from Ref. (28). Copyright 2002, AmericanChemical Society.

SCHEME 2. Reproduced with permission in part from Ref. (28). Copyright 2002,American Chemical Society.


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while the temperature at the working electrode is systematically varied.The use of a non-isothermal cell obviates problems associated withre-equilibration of the reference electrode, and it yields absolute activa-tion parameters, i.e. parameters that are independent of �H� and �S�

for the reference electrode.The temperature dependence of (ks,h)obs thenyields the activation parameters�Hzobs and�Szobs.The [Ni(tacn)2]

3+/2+ and [Ru(tacn)2]3+/2+ couples do not involve spin-

state changes and thus serve as points of comparison.The [Co(tacn)2]3+/2+

couple has low-spin Co(III) and high-spin Co(II) and has a much highervalue of �Szobs than do the comparable Ni and Ru couples, as would beexpected for a sequential reaction mechanism. The [Fe(tacn)2]3+/2+

couple features a low-spin Fe(III) state and a high-spin/low-spin equili-brium mixture for Fe(II); in this case the intermediate value of �Szobssupports operation of parallel sequential pathways.Similar remarks apply to the pyrazolylborate systems. Thus, the

[Fe(B(pz)4)2]+/0 couple is low spin in both oxidation states and serves as

a comparison point.The [Fe(HB(Me2pz)3)2]+/0 couple has low spin Fe(III)and high spin Fe(II); it shows a large value of �Szobs, consistent with asequential mechanism.The [Fe(HB(pz)3)2]+/0 couple has low spin Fe(III)and an equilibrium spin mixture for Fe(II); in this case the spin mixtureis largely in the low-spin state, and the value of �Szobs is similar to thatfor the low-spin/low-spin analogue.Overall, the results are taken in support of the sequential (square-

scheme) mechanism rather than the concerted alternative. Detailedanalysis of the individual systems enabled the authors to distinguishwhich of the two possible square-scheme pathways was dominant.


An area of intense recent research is on photoelectochemical cells.Work in the area has increased exponentially since the 1993 report fromGra« tzel’s group that high-e⁄ciency photoelectrochemical cells could beconstructed around dye-sensitized anatase (TiO2) electrodes (29). Thebasic design of these cells is to use a photoelectrode fabricated of high-surface-areaTiO2 that is surface-derivatized with compounds related to[Ru(bpy)3]2+.The electrode is bathed in a nonaqueous electrolyte solutionsuch as I� / I2 / I

�3 in CH3CN, and the counterelectrode is a simple Pt sur-

face. Upon illumination with visible light, the cell generates current.The basic mechanism of operation is believed to be initiated by photoex-citation of the surface-bound Ru(II) species to *Ru(II), which is followedby rapid transfer of charge to the TiO2 electrode and the production ofRu(III). The corresponding cathode reaction is the reduction of I2 / I

�3 to


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I�. Steady-state operation is achieved by reduction of surface-boundRu(III) back to Ru(II) through the oxidation of I�. Thus, chemical reac-tions mediate the generation of current and the overall process issimply the conversion of light to electrical current. It is believed thatthese cells hold considerable commercial potential, and since their devel-opment entails research in synthetic, electrochemical, photochemical,and inorganic chemistry, the commitment of intensive research tothe area is understandable. The dynamics of several types of electron-transfer processes are central in the operation of these cells.

1. Electron-Transfer Dynamics inTiO2 /Sensitizer Systems

The kinetics of three redox processes have been studied for sensitizedTiO2 systems where the sensitizers are [Ru(dicarboxy-bpy)2(CN)2],[Ru(dicarboxy-bpy)2(SCN)2], [Os(dicarboxy-bpy)2(CN)2], and [Os(dicar-boxy-bpy)2(SCN)2] (30). The Ru(II) complexes display characteristicexcited-state spectra in methanol solution and decay back to the groundstate with lifetimes of about 200 ns. For the Os(II) complexes in solutionthe excited states decay much more rapidly (<10 ns). On the other hand,when these complexes are adsorbed on TiO2 excitation leads to theprompt conversion to the M(III) oxidation state, as indicated by tran-sient visible absorption spectra.These results imply that electron injec-tion from all four of the excited sensitizers into the TiO2 occurs rapidly(<10 ns).

E⁄cient operation of these cells requires, interalia, that theM(III) spe-cies (obtained by electron injection) be reduced by I� in solution prefer-entially to recombination with the electrons that were injected into theTiO2.To probe this competition, both recombination rates and iodide oxi-dation rates were determined. Recombination rates were investigatedby monitoring the recovery of the characteristic ground-state M(II)MLCT bands in the visible region. These recovery rates were found toobey a rate law having two second-order terms, as in Eq. (22).

�A ¼ a1=ð1þ a1k0tÞ þ a2=ð1þ a2k

00tÞ ð22Þ

Here, the overall absorbance change,�A, has two components, a1 and a2,and the two second-order rate constants are k0 and k00.The interpretationof this rate law is that electron injection leads to equal numbers ofadsorbed M(III) complexes and injected electrons.Thus, the recombina-tion process is ¢rst-order in [M(III)] and [n] where [n] is the concentra-tion of injected electrons. The concentration of M(III) is expressed inmolecules cm�2 because the M(III) species are surface con¢ned, whilethe concentration of injected electrons has units of electrons cm�3; these


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di¡ering concentration dimensions of the two species are unequal butproportional, which leads to an apparent second-order dependence on[M(III)]. This second-order dependence was con¢rmed by determiningthe dependence on the excitation intensity.The presence of two terms inthe rate law (22) is ascribed to the presence of a distribution of speciesarising from the heterogeneity of theTiO2 ¢lms. An amplitude-weightedaverage of k0 and k00 is then computed and converted to a rate constantk3 with units of cm3 s�1 by correctionwith a factor of�"d. A plot of logk3as a function of E� for the M(III)/M(II) redox couple, shown in Fig. 12,demonstrates that k3 decreases smoothly as E� increases, indicatingthat the recombination reactions are occurring in the Marcus invertedregion. Estimates of the driving forces for these reactions can be madebased on the assumption that the injected electrons have energies nearthe edge of theTiO2 conductionband.These driving forces are all greaterthan 1eVand are also plotted in Fig. 12. These large driving forces andthe small estimated reorganizational energies provide additional sup-port for the conclusion that the recombination reactions lie in theMarcus inverted region. Studies of the dependence on temperature andapplied potential were also performed, but need not be discussed here.For the three M(III) complexes having the largest E� values the recov-

ery of the M(II) signal occurs more rapidly in the presence of iodide inCH3CN, which provides evidence that iodide is oxidized by M(III) com-petitively with the recombination process. At high iodide concentrations(0.5M) the recovery obeys ¢rst-order kinetics, such that recombination

FIG. 12. Dependence of the recombination rate constant k3 on the ground-stateM(III)/M(II) reduction potential of complexes 1^5. Also shown is the estimateddriving force��G� for the charge recombination process. Reprintedwith permissionfrom Ref. (30). Copyright 2002, American Chemical Society.


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can be neglected relative to iodide oxidation. Although the dependenceon iodide concentration was not investigated, the pseudo-¢rst-orderrate constants for iodide oxidation decreased systematically withdecreasing E�, thus showing a trend opposite to that of the recombina-tion process.

The above results indicate the great progress being made in under-standing the electron-transfer behavior in these sensitizer/semiconduc-tor assemblies. They also highlight the need for further work toestablish the full rate laws for iodide oxidation, to obtain better resolu-tion of site heterogeneity in the recombination process, and to de¢nebetter the nature of the sites for the injected electrons.

2. ElectronTransfer withTripodal Dyes Bound toTiO2

Classic dye sensitizers in Gra« tzel cells are compounds of the type[RuII(R-bpy)2(SCN)2], where R-bpy indicates a derivatized bpy-typeligand that binds speci¢cally to the semiconductor (TiO2) surface.Time-resolved infrared measurements have shown that electron transfer fromthe *Ru to the TiO2 occurs very rapidly, with t1/2 less than 1ps. In thecase where R-bpy is 4,40 -(COOH)2^2,2

0 -bipyridine the half life is lessthan 350 fs (31). Despite this very rapid rate of interfacial electron injec-tion, two factors that can limit the net cell quantumyield are recombina-tion (back-electron transfer from the TiO2 to Ru(III)) and excited-statequenching (for example by reduction of I2 by *Ru(II) or byenergy-transferprocesses). Studies indicate that the rates for these limiting processesare typically several orders of magnitude slower than electron injection,which leads to the suggestion that with appropriate ligand design therates of electron injection could be slowed without deleterious e¡ectson the overall cell e⁄ciency.These considerations have led to a study onthe e¡ects of using dyes that are anchored to the TiO2 with rigidextended spacer groups (32).

The speci¢c rigid dyes have the composition [RuII(bpy)2L] where L isa bpy or phen-type ligand bearing a tripodal triester moiety as inScheme 3. The research entailed the design and synthesis of a series of5 ligands of this type and their Ru(II) complexes (32). Transparent thin¢lms of TiO2 were prepared and soaked in CH3CN solutions of theRu(II) complexes to prepare the derivatized surfaces.V|sible absorptionspectra of the soaking solutions and the ¢lms were recorded and usedto determine the surface coverage; these datawere ¢t with Langmuir iso-therms to obtain surface binding constants in the range of 106M�1,which means that 50% coverage is achieved at �10�6M [Ru(II)].Despite the good ¢t of the spectroscopic data to Langmuir isotherms,


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cyclic voltammetry of the TiO2/Ru(II) ¢lms revealed the presence of atleast two distinct populations of Ru(II).This heterogeneity was signaledby the magnitude of the integrated CV waves, which showed that only afraction of the bound Ru(II) was electroactive.TransientUV^vis absorption spectra showed that theTiO2/Ru(II) ¢lms

yield prompt electron injection upon photolysis (k>108 s�1) These same¢lms displayed photoluminescence decays with parallel ¢rst- andsecond-order components, the ¢rst-order component having a rateconstant of about 1�106 s�1. These two sets of results provide furthersupport for the existence of at least two populations of adsorbedRu(II), one of which injects electrons rapidly and another which does notinject electrons and is thus capable of luminescing on a longer timescale.The second-order component of the luminescence decay is attribu-ted to bimolecular triplet^triplet annihilation of surface-bound *Ru(II).(Note that the ‘‘second-order’’ rate constants reported for luminescencedecay have units of s�1 because theyare actually values for k2(�"l).)A suggestion for the existence of at least three populations of adsorbed

Ru(II) comes from the time evolution of the transient UV^vis absorptionspectra.These spectra show that the recovery of the initial Ru(II) spectraoccurs with two parallel (fast and slow) second-order components. Therate constants for these two components show remarkably little depen-dence on the nature of the coordinating ligands. Both of these compo-nents are attributed to recombination of the adsorbed Ru(III) with theinjected electrons. Thus there is a small luminescent population ofRu(II) that does not engage in electron injection, a non-luminescentpopulation that injects and recombines rapidly, and a third populationthat injects rapidly and recombines slowly. A detailed picture of thenature of the ligand/semiconductor interaction and how it a¡ects thebehavior of these systems awaits further study.

SCHEME 3. Reproduced with permission in part from Ref. (32). Copyright 2002,American Chemical Society.


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It has been shown that a variety of complex redox-linked properties ofmetalloproteins can be probed by voltammetry of these species adsorbedon the electrodes. Armstrong has been a key investigator in this area,and he has elegantly reviewed salient recent advances (33); the followingparagraphs merely summarize some of the highlights of his review.

Armstrong has typically investigated protein ¢lms adsorbed on pyrol-ytic graphite electrodes (PGE). These ¢lms are generally monolayers orless, and, for simple electron-transfer proteins such as azurin, they pro-duce reversible cyclic voltammograms indicating that adsorption doesnot denature the protein or signi¢cantly alter its redox properties.Adsorption, however, does eliminate the e¡ects of di¡usion and hencecan a¡ord considerable insight into complex associated phenomenasuch as gating and catalytic mechanisms.

One system probed in considerable detail is ferredoxin 1ofAzotobactervinelandii.This protein contains two redox-active groups: a [4Fe^4S] anda [3Fe^4S] cluster. Proton transfer is coupled to electron transfer of the[3Fe^4S]+/0 redox couple. Various chemical techniques have indicatedthat the electron/proton-transfer coupling is due to protonation of am-sul¢do group in the reduced [3Fe^4S]0 state. Cyclic voltammetry ofthe [3Fe^4S] site in adsorbed ferredoxin 1 is reversible at low scan ratesand shows a pH-dependent redox potential as can be expected. Rapid-scan voltammetry at high pH (pH 8.55) shows displacements of theanodic and cathodic waves, indicative of rate-limiting electron transfer.Quite di¡erent behavior is observed at low pH (pH 4.59); at this pH,when the sample is poised at high potential to place the protein in the oxi-dized [3Fe^4S]+ state, a normal reduction wave is observed at rapidscan rates but the reverse (anodic) wave disappears.This type of irrever-sibility is an example of gating; it implies that [3Fe^4S]+ is readilyreduced to H+^[3Fe^4S]0, but this species must be deprotonated prior toits oxidation and this proton transfer can be too slow to yield currentsat rapid scan rates. Digital simulation of the cyclic voltammogramswith a mechanism having rate-limiting proton transfer provided quanti-tative support for this interpretation.

A mutant form of ferredoxin 1 has been obtained in which the surfaceaspartate-15 residue is replaced by asparagine.With this mutant proteinthe voltammograms are similar to the wild type, except that the anodicwave at low pH disappears at a lower scan rate and reappears at veryrapid scan rates.‘‘Trumpet plots’’of the CV data, as shown in Fig. 13 arequite helpful in displaying these results. The fact that gating occurs atlower scan rates for the mutant than for the wild type implies that


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proton transfer in the mutant is slower than in the wild type, and it sup-ports the hypothesis that aspartate-15 functions as a proton relay byswinging its carboxylate proton acceptor group from a solvent-exposedposition to one that is proximal to the internal [3Fe^4S] site.Studies of protein ¢lm electrocatalysis have also been illuminating.

For example, succinate dehydrogenase displays an unusual optimalpotential for activity. The enzyme contains four redox sites: a £avin, a

FIG. 13. Representative‘Trumpet Plots’ for the [3Fe^4S]+/0 couple in native and D15Nmutant forms of Azotobacter vinelandii ferredoxin I adsorbed on a PGE electrode.The plots for D15N also show the fits based on koff = 2.5 s�1. Note the intermediateregion of the plot (pH 5.50) in which an oxidation peak is not observed because ETis gated. Data points shown in red are for the pH values indicated whereas datapoints shown in blue are for the uncoupled electron-transfer reaction occurring atpH>pKcluster . Reproduced from Ref. (33) by permission of the Royal Society ofChemistry.


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[2Fe^2S], a [4Fe^4S] and a [3Fe^4S] center. The enzyme catalyzes thereversible redox conversion of succinate to fumarate. Voltammetry ofthe enzyme on PGE electrodes in the presence of fumarate shows a cata-lytic wave for the reduction of fumarate to succinate (much more currentthan could be accounted for by the stoichiometric reduction of the pro-tein active sites). Typical catalytic waves have a sigmoidal shape at arotating disk electrode, but in the case of succinate dehydrogenase thecatalytic wave shows a de¢nite peak. This window of optimal potentialfor electrocatalysis seems to be a consequence of having multiple redoxsites within the enzyme. Similar results were obtained with DMSOreductase, which contains a Mo-bis(pterin) active site and four [4Fe^4S]centers.


The NSF (USA) is thanked for support of this work. Dr. Vince Cammarata (AuburnUniversity) is thanked for his comments relating to SectionVII.


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2002, 124, 7801^7811.33. Armstrong, F. A. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2002, 661^671.34. Roberts, V. A.; Pique, M. E. J. Biol. Chem. 1999, 274, 38 051^38 060.


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University of Debrecen, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1, H-4010, Hungary

I. IntroductionII. General ConsiderationsIII. Autoxidation of L-Ascorbic AcidIV. Autoxidation of Catechols and Related CompoundsV. Autoxidation of Cysteine

VI. Autoxidation of Sulfur(IV)VII. Autoxidation of Miscellaneous SubstratesVIII. Exotic Kinetic PhenomenaIX. Perspectives


I. Introduction

Indisputable biological signi¢cance, industrial applications and envi-ronmental issues have combined to generate considerable interest inthe redox chemistry of dioxygen which o¡ers an inexhaustible pool ofscienti¢c problems and has challenged researchers for well overa century. Indeed, considerable e¡ort has been invested into understand-ing both the basic principles and the ¢ne details of autoxidationprocesses. The most fundamental properties are discussed extensivelyin inorganic chemistry text books, and a recent monograph by Sawyer(1) provides a deep insight into oxygen chemistry. Numerous publicationsdeal with preparative, kinetic, mechanistic, theoretical, biochemical,analytical and other aspects of autoxidation reactions and thoroughreviews have been compiled from time to time to cover speci¢c areas.Due to the enormous amount of information reported on these reactive


ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY � 2003 Elsevier Science (USA)VOLUME 54 ISSN 0898-8838 All rights reserved.

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systems, such compilations usually re£ect the interest of the authors andwere often criticized as somewhat biased.This paper is no exception aswe will limit our discussion to recent results on the kinetics and mecha-nism of metal ion1 catalyzed autoxidation reactions. While we do notintend to cover older studies in detail, in some cases the most importantresults from earlier publications will be surveyed in order to put thenew studies in context.

Metal ions play an important role as catalysts in many autoxidationreactions and have been considered instrumental in regulating naturalas well as industrial processes. In these reactive systems, in particularwhen the reactions occur under environmental or in vivo biochemicalconditions, the metal ions are involved in complicated interactionswith the substrate(s) and dioxygen, and the properties of the actualmatrix as well as the transport processes also have a pronouncedimpact on the overall reactions. In most cases, handling and analyzingsuch a complexity is beyond the capacity of currently availableexperimental, computational and theoretical methods, and researchersin this ¢eld are obliged to use simpli¢ed sub-systems to mimic the com-plex phenomena. When the simpli¢ed conditions are properly chosen,these studies provide surprisingly accurate predictions for the ‘real’systems. In this paper we review the results obtained in kinetic andmechanistic studies on the model systems, but we do not discuss theirbroad biological or environmental implications.

A brief overview on why most of the autoxidation reactions developcomplicated kinetic patterns is given in Section II. A preliminarysurvey of the literature revealed that the majority of autoxidationstudies were published on a small number of substrates such as L-ascor-bic acid, catechols, cysteine and sul¢te ions. The results for each ofthese substrates will be discussed in a separate section. Results onother metal ion mediated autoxidation reactions are collected inSectionVII. In recent years, non-linear kinetic features were discoveredin some systems containing dioxygen. These reactions form the basis ofa new exciting domain of autoxidation chemistry and will be covered inSectionVIII.

1The term ‘‘metal ion’’ will be used in a general sense throughout this paper.Distinction between metal ions and complexes as well as between di¡erent iso-mers of the complexes will be made only when it is required for the clarity ofthe presentation. Furthermore, the accessible coordination sites of the metalions are always assumed to be occupied by the corresponding solvent moleculeswhich will be shown only when they are directly involved in a given redoxreaction.

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II. General Considerations

Dioxygen is a formidable oxidizing agent with relatively high standardredox potential under acidic conditions (2):

O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e� )�������* 2H2O "0 ¼ 1:229V ð1Þ

The redox potential is strongly pH dependent and it decreases consid-erably in alkaline solution:

O2 þ 2H2Oþ 4e� )�������* 4OH� "0 ¼ 0:401V ð2Þ

The thermodynamic properties are also a¡ected by the solvent and thecomposition of the reaction mixture, for example the correspondingvalues in acetonitrile are +1.79V (1M HClO4) and �0.53V (1MBu4NOH), respectively (3).The reduction of dioxygen to its fully reduced form, H2O, requires the

transfer of 4 electrons, and the transfer may proceed via a series of inter-mediate oxidation states, such as O��2 /HOO�, HOO�/HOOH, O��/ OH�.These reduced forms of oxygen exhibit di¡erent redox properties andin the presence of substrate(s) and/or catalyst(s) may open di¡erentreaction paths for the electron transfer process. Fast proton transferreactions between the corresponding acid-base pairs can introducecomposite pH dependencies into the kinetic and stoichiometric charac-teristics of these systems.Oxidation reactions by dioxygen are often kinetically hindered and do

not occur even if the reaction is favored thermodynamically.The simplestexplanation for this can be given by assuming that the electron transferto produce lower oxidation state intermediates occurs step by step. Theredox potentials for the formation of HOO� and O��2 are �0.05V (2) and�0.325V (4), respectively. It follows that only relatively strong reducingagents are capable of reducing dioxygen to O��2 =HO�2 and, in terms ofthermodynamics, the limiting step is the formation of the superoxideradical or its acidic form in any stepwise electron transfer reaction ofO2.The superoxide radical is a relatively strong oxidant and it can read-ily be reduced to hydrogen peroxide. Thus, once O��2 (HO�2) is formed,thermodynamic constraints are not expected to a¡ect the overallkinetics.For amore in-depth interpretationof the inertness of dioxygen, the fact

that O2 is a triplet state bi-radical, i.e. it has two unpaired electrons inthe 2pg orbitals, needs to be considered. It follows that the oxidation ofsinglet state substrates by the triplet O2 to form singlet products isspin-forbidden and, as a consequence, relatively slow.


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The main role of the metal catalysts is to enhance the O2+ e�!O��2transitionormediate the electron transfer betweenoxygen and substrate(S) via an alternative path. The following basic reaction schemes canbe envisioned:

Mnþþ O2 �!Mðnþ1Þþ þ O��2 ð3Þ

O��2 þ S �! I �! P ð4Þ

Mðnþ1Þþ þ I �!Mnþþ P ð5Þ


where I and P stand for one or more intermediates and products,respectively.

In this case, direct electron transfer between the catalyst and O2

produces the superoxide radical (or other reduced forms of oxygen)which can be involved in a series of subsequent redox reactions. If thesereactions are relatively fast, the rate determining step is Eq. (3) and theoverall process can be interpreted in terms of relatively simple rate laws.

It should be noted that the metal ion mayenhance the oxidation rate ofthe substrate without being a real catalyst. In this case the oxidation ofthe substrate becomes faster because of the formation of reactive speciesin Eqs. (3) and (4), but Eq. (5) does not occur and the metal ion is notrecycled to its original oxidation state. Consequently, the ‘catalyst’quickly loses its activity over the course of the reaction.

Mnþþ S �!MSnþ


MSnþþ O2 �!MS �Onþ

2 ð7Þ

MS �O2 �! PþMnþð8Þ


In this case, the actual redox step is preceded by the formation of anadduct or a complex between the catalyst, the substrate and dioxygen.The order of these reaction steps is irrelevant as long as the ratedetermining step is Eq. (8). If Eqs. (6) and (7) are rapidly establishedpre-equilibria the reaction rate depends on the concentrations of allreactants. In some instances, the rate determining step is the formationof the MSn+ complex and the reaction rate is independent of theconcentration of dioxygen.

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It should be added that MS�O2 is not necessarily a mono-nuclearcomplex. It could be shown in a few cases that the catalytic activity ofthe metal ion is due to the formation of dinuclear metal-substratecomplexes. Presumably in these species each oxygen atom of dioxygencoordinates to a di¡erent metal center. Such systems were extensivelyused to model the reactivity patterns of various enzymes containing abimetallic active center.

Mnþþ S1 �!Mðn�1Þþ þ I ð9Þ

IþO2 �! I0 ð10Þ

Mðn�1Þþ þO2 �!Mnþþ O��2 ð11Þ

I0; O��2 þ S2 �! P ð12Þ


This scheme implies that dioxygen is activated only in a secondary stepby an intermediate formed in the initial electron transfer reactionbetween the metal ion and a co-substrate, S1. The reduced form of themetal ion is re-oxidized to its original oxidation state by O2, but such areaction with a secondary intermediate cannot be excluded. If the ratedetermining step is Eq. (9), the overall reaction is again zeroth orderwith respect to dioxygen.The common element of Schemes 1^3 is that they each postulate direct

interaction between the metal center and dioxygen. Although it is notstated explicitly, Eqs. (3) and (11) most likely proceed via an inner-sphere mechanism. Thus, the metal^dioxygen interaction implies spinpairing between the reactants when the metal ion is paramagnetic. As aconsequence, the formation of theM^O2 type intermediates circumventsthe restriction posed by the triplet to singlet transition which seems tobe the major kinetic barrier of autoxidation reactions (5).It should be emphasized that clear-cut situations described in

Schemes 1^3 are uncommon and typically the combination of thesemodels needs to be considered for kinetic and mechanistic descriptionof a real system. However, even when one of the limiting cases prevails,each of these models may predict very di¡erent formal kinetic patternsdepending on where the rate determining step is located. For the samereason, di¡erent schemes may be consistent with the same experimentalrate law, i.e. thorough formal kinetic description of a reaction and theanalysis of the rate law may not be conclusive with respect to themechanism of the autoxidation process.


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The general features discussed so far can explain the complexity ofthese reactions alone. However, thermodynamic and kinetic couplingsbetween the redox steps, the complex equilibria of the metal ion and/orthe proton transfer reactions of the substrate(s) lead to further complica-tions and composite concentration dependencies of the reaction rate.The speciation in these systems is determined by the absolute concen-trations and the concentration ratios of the reactants as well as by thepH which is often controlled separately using appropriately selectedbu¡ers. Perhaps, the most intriguing task is to identify the active formof the catalyst which can be a minor, undetectable species. When theprotolytic and complex-formation reactions are relatively fast, they canbe handled as rapidly established pre-equilibria (thermodynamiccoupling), but in any other case kinetic coupling between the redoxreactions and other steps needs to be considered in the interpretationof the kinetics and mechanism of the autoxidation process. This mayrequire the use of comprehensive evaluation techniques.

The model shown in Scheme 2 indicates that a change in the formaloxidation state of the metal is not necessarily required during the cata-lytic reaction. This raises a fundamental question. Does the metal ionhave to possess speci¢c redox properties in order to be an e⁄cient cata-lyst? A de¢nite answer to this question cannot be given. Nevertheless,catalytic autoxidation reactions have been reported almost exclusivelywith metal ions which are susceptible to redox reactions under ambientconditions.This is a strong indication that intramolecular electron trans-fer occurs within the MSn+ and/or MS�O2 precursor complexes. Partialoxidation or reduction of the metal center obviously alters the electronicstructure of the substrate and/or dioxygen. In a few cases, directspectroscopic or other evidence was reported to prove such an internalcharge transfer process. This electronic distortion is most likely neces-sary to activate the substrate and/or dioxygen before the actual electrontransfer takes place. For a fewsystemswhere deviations fromthis patternwere found, the presence of trace amounts of catalytically activeimpurities are suspected to be the cause. In other words, the catalytice¡ect is due to the impurity and not to the bulk metal ion in these cases.

Examples of how the general principles apply to speci¢c reactions willbe discussed in the following Sections.

III. Autoxidation of L-Ascorbic Acid

Autoxidation reactions of L-ascorbic acid (H2A) have been the subjectof intensive studies for decades. It was shown that some of the most

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common transition metal ions are very active catalysts for this reaction(6). The majority of earlier studies focused on copper catalysis becauseof the biological importance of the reactions of ascorbic acid withoxidase enzymes containing copper binding sites. Under slightly acidicor neutral conditions the copper catalyzed reaction was con¢rmed toproduce dehydroascorbic acid (A) and hydrogen peroxide in the initialphase (7):

H2AþO2 �! AþH2O2 ð13Þ

The oxidation of dehydroascorbic acid to a higher oxidation product isrelatively slow and could be neglected for all practical purposes inkinetic and stoichiometric studies.Earlier results regarding the kinetics and mechanism of the copper(II)

catalysis are controversial. Reaction orders for [O2], [CuII], [H2A] and

[H+] were reported in the following respective ranges: 0.5 to 1, 0.5 to 1, 0to 1, and �2 to +1 (8). It is also disputed whether the redox cycling ofthe catalyst includes oxidation states +1and +2 or +2 and +3.The discre-pancies are too marked to be explained only by the di¡erences in theexperimental conditions applied.The ¢rst thorough study on the Cu(II) and Fe(III) catalyzed autoxida-

tion of ascorbic acid was reported by Taqui Khan and Martell (6). Theseauthors found evidence for a slow, overall second-order reaction betweenthe HA� form of ascorbic acid and dioxygen in the absence of added cata-lyst. The corresponding rate constant was reported to be 0.57M�1 s�1

(aqueous solution, 25 �C, �=0.1MKNO3). Later studies also supportedthe existence of such a reaction path (9), whichwas negligible under cata-lytic conditions.In the presence of Cu(II) or Fe(III), a two-term rate law was con¢rmed

in which the two terms correspond to the reaction paths via the mono-and diprotonated forms of ascorbic acid. The reaction was found to be¢rst-order with respect to [H2A]tot, [O2] and [Mn+] with both catalysts:

�d½H2A�=dt ¼ ðka14 ½HA�� þ kb14 ½H2A�Þ ½M

nþ�½O2� ð14Þ

The third-order rate constants for the Cu(II) and Fe(III) catalyzedreactions are: ka14 ¼ 6:0� 107 and 2.4�107M�2 s�1, kb14 ¼ 3:8� 105 and4.0�105M�2 s�1, respectively.The possibility that the metal ion is reduced by ascorbate ion in a rate

determing step could be excluded because in that case the rate would beindependent of [O2]. Thus, the following mechanism was proposed forthe catalytic oxidation of HA�:

H2A )�������* HA� þ Hþ ð15Þ


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HA� þ Mnþ )�������* ½MðHAÞ�ðn�1Þþ ð16Þ

½MðHAÞ�ðn�1Þþ þ O2 )�������* ½MðHAÞðO2Þ�ðn�1Þþ



�! ½MðHAÞþðO�2 Þ�ðn�1Þþ


½MðHAÞþðO�2 Þ�ðn�1Þþ

�! A�� þ Mnþþ HO�2 ð19Þ

A�� þ Mnþ�! AþMðn�1Þþ ð20Þ

A�� þ O2 �! AþO��2 ð21Þ

Mðn�1Þþ þ HO�2 þ Hþ �!Mnþþ H2O2 ð22Þ

O��2 þ Hþ )�������* HO�2 ð23Þ

In this mechanism, the rate-determining step is the intramolecularelectron transfer from the ligand to dioxygen, Eq. (18), via the metalcenter of the [M(HA)(O2)]

(n�1)+ complex for which the following struc-ture was proposed:

The intramolecular electron transfer leads to fast formation of semi-quinone and the lower oxidation state metal ion. The catalytic cycle iscompleted by fast reoxidation of the metal ion. Signi¢cant deviationsfrom this model were observed at low dioxygen concentrations and itwas suggested that another oxidation path becomes operative undersuch conditions. Although earlier they had been proposed to participate(10), side reactions with dehydroascorbic acid could be excluded.

The same model was applied to the oxidation of the H2A form of ascor-bic acid. In this case iron(III) was found to be a somewhat more activecatalyst than copper(II). The di¡erence could be explained by assumingthat Fe(III) forms a more stable complex with H2A than does Cu(II)because of the higher charge of the metal ion.

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The formation of the [M(HA)](n�1)+ complex was con¢rmed in indepen-dent pH-metric experiments in the case of copper(II).These studies alsoprovided evidence that ascorbic acid is coordinated to the metal centerin its monoprotonated form. Because of relatively fast redox reactionsbetween iron(III) and ascorbic acid, similar studies to con¢rm theformation of [Fe(HA)]2+ were not feasible. However, indirect kineticevidence also supported the formation of the [M(HA)](n�1)+ complex inboth systems (6).Electron transfer within the [M(HA)(O2)](n�1)+ complex was envi-

sioned as a two-stage process in which ¢rst, a 2p electron of theascorbate oxygen is transferred to a t2g non-bonding or an eg antibondingorbital of the metal ion.The subsequent step is the transfer of an electronto the p�y2p or p�z2p orbital of the oxygen molecule.Although some of the results reported by Taqui Khan and Martell (6)

were challenged in subsequent papers, several elements of theirmodel were included in the interpretation of the results obtained inrelated studies.The kinetic results reported by Jameson and Blackburn (11,12) for

the copper catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic acid are substantiallydi¡erent from those of Taqui Khan and Martell (6). The former couldnot reproduce the spontaneous oxidation in the absence of added cata-lysts when they used extremely pure reagents. These results imply thatascorbic acid is inert toward oxidation by dioxygen and earlier reportson spontaneous oxidation are artifacts due to catalytic impurities. Insupport of these considerations, it is worthwhile noting that traceamounts of transition metal ions, in particular Cu(II), may causeirreproducibilities in experimental work with ascorbic acid (13).Whilethis problem can be eliminated by masking the metal ion(s), the maskingagent needs to be selected carefully since it could become involved inside reactions in a given system.Jameson and Blackburn con¢rmed the following rate law in 0.1M

KNO3 and at 25 �C (11):

�d½O2�=dt ¼ k24 ½CuðIIÞ�½HA��½O2�1=2


with k24 = 2.2�103M�3/2 s�1.The di¡erence in the rate expressions shown in Eqs. (14) and (24)

probably re£ects the di¡erences in the experimental conditions of thecorresponding studies. It should be noted that the validity of Eq. (14)was con¢rmed at relatively high [O2] (6), and the deviations from therate law at lower oxygen concentrations found in that study seem to beconsistent with Eq. (24). The half-order dependence on [O2] led to the


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conclusion that a chain mechanism is operative in this reaction, and thefollowing kinetic model was proposed (11):

Cu2þþ HA� )�������* ½CuðHAÞ�þ K25 ð25Þ

2½CuðHAÞ�þ )�������* ½Cu2ðHAÞ2�2þ K26 ð26Þ

½Cu2ðHAÞ2�2þþ O2 )�������* ½Cu2ðHAÞ2ðO2Þ�

2þ K27 ð27Þ

½Cu2ðHAÞ2ðO2Þ�2þ�! ½CuAðO2HÞ�

�þ Cu2þ

þ A�� þ Hþ k28 ð28Þ


�þ½CuðHAÞ�þþA k29 ð29Þ

½CuAðO2HÞ���! Cu2þ

þ A�� þHO�2 k30 ð30Þ

2½CuAðO2HÞ���! 2Cu2þ

þHA� þAþ 2O2�2 k31 ð31Þ

Equilibrium studies under anaerobic conditions con¢rmed that[Cu(HA)]+ is the major species in the Cu(II)^ascorbic acid system.However, the existence of minor polymeric, presumably dimeric, speciescould also be proven. This lends support to the above kinetic model.Provided that the catalytically active complex is the dimer produced inreaction (26), the chain reaction is initiated by the formation and subse-quent decomposition of [Cu2(HA)2(O2)]2+ into [CuA(O2H)]� and A��.The chain carrier is the semi-quinone radical which is consumed andregenerated in the propagation steps, Eqs. (29) and (30).The chain is ter-minated in Eq. (31). Applying the steady-state approximation to the con-centrations of the radicals, yields a rate law which is fully consistentwith the experimental observations:

k24 ¼ k30ðk28=k31Þ1=2ðK25K26K27Þ


Chloride ion has a profound e¡ect on the kinetics because the rate ishalf-order in both ascorbic acid and dioxygen, but ¢rst-order in Cu(II)in 0.1M KCl (12). It was assumed that in this case the catalyticallyactive species is a [Cu2A]2+ type complex which somehow also incorpo-rates chloride ion; however, the exact composition of the complex wasnot clari¢ed. The role of this dimer is very similar to that of[Cu2(HA)2(O2)]

2+ in the absence of Cl�, i.e. after coordinating dioxygenit generates [CuA(O2)]

�� (the conjugate base form of [CuA(O2H)]�) andA��. These species are involved in propagation steps analogous to those

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in Eqs. (29) and (30). An additional reaction sequence was also includedin the model which postulates the formation of Cu(III):

½Cu2AðO2Þ�2þ�! ½CuAðO2Þ�

��þ Cu3þ


Cu3þþ H2O )�������* Cu2þ

þOH� þ Hþ ð34Þ

OH� þHA� �! A�� þ H2O ð35Þ

According to these models, oxygen is activated via the formation of thedinuclear oxygen complexes. It was hypothesized that the binding ofoxygen is perpendicular to the Cu^Cu bond and the px and py orbitals ofdioxygen interact with the dxz and dyz metal orbitals.Thus, the reductionof O2 may occur in a concerted two-electron process.This assumption isin strict contrast with the stepwise one-electron mechanism proposedbyTaqui Khan andMartell (6). A further di¡erence is that the formationof a Cu(I) intermediate was excluded from the latter models.Features of the UV^Vis spectra obtained in the absence of oxygen indi-

cate ligand to metal charge transfer in the Cu(II)^ascorbate complexes(11). This would suggest that the formation of complexes, formallycopper(I), is favored in this reaction even if the oxidation of ascorbicacid by copper(II), i.e. the complete electron transfer is thermodynami-cally unfavorable (14). First, Jameson and Blackburn presented con-vincing arguments that the electronic structure of the ascorbatecomplexes in the absence of oxygen is irrelevant with respect to theautoxidation reaction and the catalytic reaction proceeds via a Cu(II)^Cu(III) cycle (11,12). They proposed that the two-electron reduction ofoxygen in [Cu2(HA)2(O2)]

2+ yields two non-equivalent copper(III)^ascor-bate units.While one of them immediately dissociates into Cu2+ and thesemi-quinone radical, copper(III) remains bound to ascorbate andperoxide in the other species. It was noted that the oxidation state ofcopper cannot be established ¢rmly in the latter species and acopper(II)^semiquinone^peroxide arrangement can also be feasible. Inany case, the formation of copper(I) was clearly excluded, and a Cu(III)intermediate was explicitely included in the kinetic model in thepresence of Cl�.In a follow-up study, Jameson and Blackburn studied the e¡ect of

chloride ion in more detail and reported the following concentrationdependence of the pseudo-half-order rate constant for the dioxygendecay (15):

kobs ¼AþB ½Cl��

C þD ½Cl�� þ E ½Cl��2ð36Þ


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whereA, B, C,D and E are experimentally determined parameters.The e¡ect of chloride ion was interpreted in terms of the formation of

various ternary complexes between Cu(II)^ascorbate and Cl�. It wasdemonstrated that the involvement of copper(I) is feasible and a corre-sponding mechanism was presented as an alternative to the Cu(II)/Cu(III) model.

In the absence of chloride ion, the Cu(I)/Cu(II) catalytic cycle could beinitiated by an intramolecular redox reaction of the [Cu2(HA)2]

2+ dimerto yield unsymmetrical products:

½Cu2ðHAÞ2�2þ�! ½CuðHAÞ� þ Cuþ þ AþHþ ð37Þ

Cuþ þ HA� �! ½CuðHAÞ� ð38Þ

In the following steps dioxygen coordinates to the Cu(I) complex and issubsequently reduced to hydrogen peroxide:

½CuðHAÞ� þO2 �! ½CuðHAÞO2� ð39Þ

½CuðHAÞO2� þ ½CuðHAÞ� �! ½Cu2ðHAÞ2�2þþ O2�

2 ð40Þ

O2�2 þ 2Hþ �! H2O2 ð41Þ

The composite e¡ect of Cl� was interpreted by assuming that the for-mation of Cu(I) intermediates is enhanced via the [Cu2ACl2] complex.However, the relative concentration of this species decreases withincreasing [Cl�] because of the formation of the [Cu2ACl4]

2� complex,and ultimately this leads to chloride ion inhibition at higher concentra-tions of Cl�.

Reports by Li and Zuberbu« hler were in support of the formation ofCu(I) as an intermediate (16). It was con¢rmed that Cu(I) and Cu(II)show the same catalytic activity and the reaction is ¢rst-order in [Cu(I)or (II)] and [O2] in the presence of 0.6^1.5M acetonitrile and abovepH 2.2. The oxygen consumption deviated from the strictly ¢rst-orderpattern at lower pH and the corresponding kinetic traces were excludedfrom the evaluation of the data. The rate law was found to be identicalwith the one obtained for the autoxidation of Cu(I) in the absence ofCu(II) under similar conditions (17).Thus, the proposed kinetic model iscentered around the reduction of Cu(II) by ascorbic acid and reoxidationof Cu(I) to Cu(II) by dioxygen:

2Cu2þþ HA� �! 2Cuþ þ AþHþ ð42Þ

2Cuþ þ O2 þ 2Hþ �! 2Cu2þþ H2O2 ð43Þ

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The reaction features a complex pH dependence which was notresolved. Nevertheless, it was suggested that the variation of the reactionrate as a function of pH was consistent with an additional term in therate law which was proportional to [HA�].The kinetic role of [HA�] wasinterpreted in terms of its reaction with CuOþ2 , which is presumablyformed as an intermediate during the autoxidation of Cu(I). In thepresence of acetonitrile, Cu(I) can be stabilized as [Cu(MeCN)2]

+ and[Cu(MeCN)3]

+. As a consequence, the oxidation of Cu(I) becomes ratedetermining and the overall rate of the catalytic reaction becomesindependent of [HA�].The feasibility of the above model rests on the formation of Cu(I) in the

copper(II)^ascorbic acid system. A recent study ¢rmly established thatCu(I) can indeed accumulate in the presence of a stabilizing ligand,Cl�, and in the absence of O2 (14).The actual form of the rate law is deter-mined by the relative rates of Cu(I) formation and consumption, andfurther studies should clarify how the stability and reactivity ofcopper(I) are a¡ected by the presence of various components and theconditions applied.A non-participating ligand (L) in the coordination sphere of Cu(II) may

signi¢cantly alter the reactivity patterns discussed above. Whenbis(histidine)copper(II),2 CuL2, is used as a catalyst the initial rateshows saturation as a function of both [HA�] and [O2] at physiologicalpH (18). This observation was interpreted by postulating the formationof a ternary complex which undergoes an intramolecular redox reactionand produces A�� and O��2 in a rate determining step.These species areinvolved in fast subsequent reactions:3

½HA�”CuL2”O2� �! CuL2 þA�� þO��2 þHþ ð44Þ

HA� þO��2 þ Hþ �! A�� þH2O2 ð45Þ

A�� þO��2 þ 2Hþ �! AþH2O2 ð46Þ

According to ESR measurements, the semiquinone radical forms atnM concentration levels and its steady-state concentration wasreported to increase by increasing the total concentration of ascorbicacid. The kinetic role of O��2 was con¢rmed by the inhibitory e¡ect of

2The bis-complex, CuL2, was marked as a double positive ion in the originalpaper. However, the carboxylic group of histidine is expected to be deproto-nated and we prefer to consider this species as a neutral complex.

3For sake of simplicity, the recombination steps of A�� andO��2 are not shown.


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Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase. Essentially, these observations support astepwise one-electron model again. Interestingly, the oxidation state ofcopper does not change during the catalytic reaction, i.e. the solekinetic role of the histidine coordinated metal center is to alter theelectronic structures of the substrate and O2 in order to facilitate theelectron transfer process between them.

The coordination mode and structure of a given copper(II) complex areimportant characteristics in determining how the complex is involvedin the autoxidation reaction. For example, the dinuclear [Cu2(BPY)2(m-OX)]X2 complex (BPY=2,20 -bipyridine, OX ¼ C2O

2�4 , X ¼ ClO�4 ; PF

�6 )

catalyzes the autoxidation of ascorbic acid via a Cu(I)/Cu(II) cycle. Inthis case, ascorbic acid is presumably oxidized in a two-electron transferprocess after it cleaves the dimer by protonating the bridging ligand(19). This reaction was used to model the functional properties of dopa-mine b-hydroxylase and was shown to convert benzylamine to benzalde-hyde e¡ectively. The Cu(I)/Cu(II) cycle was also proposed in a series ofreactions catalyzed by dinuclear copper(II) complexes of Schi¡ bases(L), Cu2LCl3. However, detailed kinetic analysis was not performed inthese systems (20).

Iron(III)-catalyzed autoxidationof ascorbic acid has received consider-ably less attention than the comparable reactions with copper species.Anaerobic studies con¢rmed that Fe(III) can easily oxidize ascorbicacid to dehydroascorbic acid. Xu and Jordan reported two-stage kineticsfor this system in the presence of an excess of the metal ion, andsuggested the fast formation of iron(III)^ascorbate complexes whichundergo reversible electron transfer steps (21). However, Ba« nsch and co-workers did not ¢nd spectral evidence for the formation of ascorbatecomplexes in excess ascorbic acid (22). On the basis of a combined pH,temperature and pressure dependence study these authors con¢rmedthat the oxidation by FeðH2OÞ

3þ6 proceeds via an outer-sphere mechan-

ism, while the reaction with Fe(H2O)5OH2+ is substitution-controlled

and follows an inner-sphere electron transfer path. To some extent,these results may contradict with the model proposed by Taqui Khanand Martell (6), because the oxidation by the metal ion may take placebefore the ternary oxygen complex is actually formed in Eq. (17).

An interesting, pH-dependent mechanistic changeover was reportedin the H2A^O2^[FeIII(TPPS)] (TPPS=5,10,15,20-tetrakis(p-sulfonatophe-nyl)porphyrinate) system in aqueous solution (23). This water-solublemetalloporphyrin exists as a monomer under slightly acidic conditionsand reacts with ascorbic acid on the time-scale of several hours to pro-duce [FeII(TPPS)] in the absence of dioxygen. The formation of the[FeIII(TPPS�+)] radical was also reported at pH 5, but it is not clear how

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this species could form when no oxidizing agent was present. In the pre-sence of oxygen, the decay of the characteristic Soret band of[FeIII(TPPS)] becomes considerably faster. The kinetic model for thisreaction assumes a series of one-electron steps which are initiatedby the oxidation of HA� to A�� by [FeIII(TPPS)]. The reactions of thesemi-quinone and [FeII(TPPS)] products withO2 generate theO

��2 radical

which in turn oxidizes the catalyst to [FeIII(TPPS�+)].The model predictsredox cycling, but the experimental observations clearly indicate that asubstantial amount of the catalyst is lost during the reaction.Apparently, an e⁄cient reaction channel is not available to reduce the[FeIII(TPPS�+)] radical back to the original complex. The model o¡ersreasonable qualitative interpretation of the experimental data.However, it requires further re¢nement in order to explain why theinitial HA�^[FeIII(TPPS)] electron transfer step, which controls the over-all reaction, becomes faster when oxygen is added.In alkaline solution (pH 11), the complex is present as a m-oxo dimer

and ascorbic acid is fully deprotonated. In the absence of oxygen, kinetictraces show the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) with a reaction time on theorder of an hour at [H2A] = 5�10�3M. The product [FeII(TPPS)] is verysensitive to oxidation and is quickly transformed to Fe(III) when O2 isadded. This leads to a speci¢c induction period in the kinetic traceswhich increases with increasing [O2]. The net result of the inductionperiod is the catalytic two-electron autoxidation of ascorbic acid inaccordance with the following kinetic model (23):

½FeIIIðTPPSÞ�2OþA2��! 2½FeIIðTPPSÞ� þAþO2�


2½FeIIðTPPSÞ� þO2 �! 2 ½FeIIIðTPPSÞ� þO2�2 ð48Þ

½FeIIIðTPPSÞ� þ 2OH� �! ½FeIIIðTPPSÞ�2OþH2O ð49Þ

This reaction sequence is completed by protolytic reactions of thedianionic radicals.The kinetic consequence of the non-participating ligand was also

noticed in the autoxidation reactions catalyzed by Ru(III) ion,Ru(EDTA) (1 :1) and Ru(IMDA) (1 :1) (EDTA=ethylenediaminetetraace-tate, IMDA= iminodiacetate) (24,25). Each reaction was found to be ¢rstorder in ascorbic acid and the catalysts and, owing to the protolytic equi-librium between HA�/H2A, an inverse concentration dependence wascon¢rmed for [H+]. Only the oxygen dependencies were di¡erent as theRu(III)-catalyzed reaction was half-order in [O2], whereas the rates ofthe Ru(III)-chelate-catalyzed reactions were independent of [O2]. In thelatter cases, the rate constants were in good agreement with those


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obtained for the oxidation of H2A by the same Ru(III) complexes underanaerobic conditions.

The kinetic models for these reactions postulate fast complex-forma-tion equilibria between the HA� form of ascorbic acid and the catalysts.The noted di¡erence in the rate laws was rationalized by consideringthat some of the coordination sites remain unoccupied in the[Ru(HA)Cl2] complex.Thus, O2 can form a m-peroxo bridge between twomonomer complexes: [Cl2(HA)Ru^O^O^Ru(HA)Cl2]. The rate determin-ing step is probably the decomposition of this species in an overall four-electron transfer process into A and H2O2. Again, this model does notpostulate any change in the formal oxidation state of the catalystduring the reaction.

In the case of the Ru(III)-chelates, the crowded coordination spherearound the metal center prevents the coordination of O2.Thus, the corre-sponding kinetic model postulates that ascorbic acid is oxidized byRu(III) in two subsequent redox steps and Ru(II) is reoxidized by O2:

½RuIIIL�ðn�3Þ� þHA� )�������* ½RuIIILðHAÞ�ðn�2Þ� þH2O K50 ð50Þ

½RuIIILðHAÞ�ðn�2Þ� �! ½RuIIL�ðn�2Þ� þA�� þHþ k51 ð51Þ

½RuIIIL�ðn�3Þ� þA� �! ½RuIIL�ðn�2Þ� þA fast ð52Þ

2½RuIIL�ðn�2Þ� þO2 þ 2Hþ �! ½RuIIIL�ðn�3Þ� þH2O2 fast ð53Þ

where n=2 (IMDA) or 4 (EDTA). Reported values for logK50 andk51 are respectively 4.22M�1 and 6.7�10�4 s�1 (IMDA) and 5.23M�1

and 4.4�10�4 s�1(EDTA) at 25 �C and �=0.1M KNO3. On the basis ofthese results, it is not obvious why the Ru(III)>Ru(IMDA)>Ru(EDTA)reactivity order was proposed for the catalysts (24).

The similarities in the rate constants and activation parameters (25)for the reactionswith the Ru(III) chelates strongly suggest that the corre-sponding reactions proceed via the same mechanism. Peculiarly, theEDTA complex binds HA� about an order of magnitude stronger thanthe IMDA complex.This trend is in contrast to plausible considerations,because the number of available coordination sites and electrostaticinteractions would favor stronger coordination to the IMDA complex. Aclear-cut explanation is not readily available for this ¢nding.

An interesting aspect of the results is that catalysis by the IMDAcomplex proceeds via the one-electron instead of the four-electronpath. The three empty coordination sites in this complex would allowsimultaneous coordination of HA� and O2 and the formation of adinuclear complex similar to the one formed with the Ru(III) ion.

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This may indicate that factors other than the availability of emptycoordination sites may also have important mechanistic implications.In the autoxidation kinetics of a series of Fe(II)-aminopolycarboxylatocomplexes the signi¢cance of steric e¡ects was unequivocally con¢rmed(26). These results may also bear some relevance with respect to theRu(III)-catalyzed reactions.The Ru(III)^H2A^O2 systems were also used for the oxidation and

epoxidation of various organic substrates. These reactions will bediscussed in SectionVII.

IV. Autoxidation of Catechols and Related Compounds

The kinetics and mechanisms of autoxidation reactions of catechols(H2C) are similar to those of ascorbic acid in many ways. This is due tothe common HO^C^C^OH motif in these molecules, which are trans-formed into the corresponding di-ketone species in the oxidation process.In addition, most of these reactions proceed via an inner-sphere mecha-nism and the two neighboring OH groups are the key structural factorsin the formation of the precursor complex between the catalyst and thesubstrate. Beside the similarities, these reactions may also show signi¢-cant di¡erences in the product distributions. The oxidation of ascorbicacid always leads to the formation of dehydroascorbic acid in the ¢rststage of the reaction. This compound is reasonably stable and resistantto further oxidation which may occur only in very slow subsequentreaction steps. In contrast, the formation of the di-ketonic quinone (Q)is not necessarily preferential over the formation of other products inthe oxidation of catechols.These reactions typically yield more than oneproduct which can form either directly from the substrate in parallelreaction steps or through a common intermediate. Metal ions catalyzenot only the quinone formation but also intra- and extradiol oxidativecleavage of catechols leading to a variety of aliphatic products such asmuconic acid or furanone derivatives, (27^31) and various polymericspecies (32,33).In non-aqueous solution, the copper catalyzed autoxidation of catechol

was interpreted in terms of a Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox cycle (34). It wasassumed that the formation of a dinuclear copper(II)-catecholate inter-mediate is followed by an intramolecular two-electron step.The productCu(I) is quickly reoxidized by dioxygen to Cu(II). A somewhat di¡erentmodel postulated the reversible formation of a substrate-catalyst-dioxy-gen ternary complex for the Mn(II) and Co(II) catalyzed autoxidationsin protic media (35).


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In a thorough study by Balla and coworkers, it was shown that inslightly acidic aqueous solution (25 �C, �=1.0 KNO3), the mechanism isvery similar to that followed in aprotic media (36). Parallel measurementof the O2 consumption and quinone formation con¢rmed the followingstoichiometry up to 35% conversion:


At longer reaction times, the formation of an acidic product, probablycis,cis-muconic acid, and a copper containing precipitate were observed.This latter could be a polynuclear product of quinone and semiquinonefragments (37,38). In agreement with this stoichiometry, about 50% ofO2 was regenerated by adding a small amount of catalase to the reactionmixture at relatively short reaction times.

The stability constants of the mono- and bis-complexes between Cu(II)and catecholate were determined under anaerobic conditions and werefound to be the same as reported earlier, i.e. log �1 = 13.64 (CuC) andlog �2 = 24.92 ðCuC2þ

2 Þ (36,39). A comparison of the speciation and oxida-tion rate as a function of pH clearly indicated that the mono-catecholcomplex is the main catalytic species, though the e¡ect of other com-plexes could not be fully excluded. The rate of the oxidation reactionwas half-order in [O2] and showed rather complex concentration depen-dencies in [H2C]0, [Cu(II)]0 and pH. The experimental data were consis-tent with the following rate equation:

�d½O2�=dt ¼ ðka55 ½HC�� þ kb55 ½CuC� þ kc55 ½CuC

2�2 �Þ ð½Cu




with ka55 ¼ ð3:2� 0:2Þ � 103 M�3=2 s�1, kb55 ¼ 15:5� 0:7M�3=2 s�1 and kc55 ¼ð3:0� 0:3Þ � 102 M�3=2 s�1.

The possibility of a free-radical type mechanism was excluded on thebasis that neither superoxide dismutase (which would remove the super-oxide radical, O�2 ) nor acrylonitrile (which is a very e⁄cient radicalscavenger) had a signi¢cant e¡ect on the reaction rate. In contrast, thereaction rate went through a maximum upon adding acetonitrile inincreasing concentrations. A similar e¡ect was also observed incopper(II) catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic acid by Shtamm et al. (40).This observation was interpreted by assuming that the formation of aternary Cu(II)^acetonitrile-substrate complex enhances the rate ofintramolecular electron transfer, but at higher concentrations acetoni-trile stabilizes Cu(I) against reoxidation. Though this interpretation isnot con¢rmed thoroughly, the kinetic e¡ect of acetonitrile strongly

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suggests the formation of copper(I) as an intermediate.This conclusion isalso supported by the results reported by Speier for copper(I)-catalyzedautoxidation of 3,5 -di-tert-butylcatechol (H2DTBC) in non-aqueoussolvents (41). In that reaction, the formation of a dimeric species,[Cu2O2]2+, was postulated in a rate determining step.The following non-radical chain mechanism was proposed for the

reaction in aqueous solution (for sake of simplicity, fast protolytic andcomplex-formation reactions are not shown) (36):


Cu2þþ CuC )�������* 2Cuþ þQ k56; k�56 ð56Þ

Chain propagation:

Cuþ þO2 )�������* CuOþ2 K57 ð57Þ

CuOþ2 þHC� �! Cuþ þHO�2 þQ k58 ð58Þ

CuOþ2 þ CuC �! Cuþ þO2�2 þ Cu2þ

þQ k59 ð59Þ

CuOþ2 þ CuC2�2 �! Cuþ þO2�

2 þ CuAþQ k60 ð60Þ


CuOþ2 þ Cuþ �! 2Cu2þþO2�

2 k61 ð61Þ

It was suggested that initiation proceeds via the same dimer that wasproposed in aprotic media (34). Furthermore, the reverse step of thisreaction was considered to be very slow. The CuOþ2 intermediate isformed in a reversible step in this model, which is in agreement withthe results reported for autoxidation of Cu(I) (17). It should be addedthat Shtamm et al. assumed that this reaction is irreversible (40).Provided that the rates of the initiation and termination are

equal, the model predicts the experimental rate law, and it can beshown that ka55 ¼ k58ðk56K57=k61Þ

1=2, kb55 ¼ k59ðk56K57=k61Þ1=2 and kc55 ¼


Results from subsequent studies were consistent with the model pro-posed by Balla et al. (36) in that copper accelerates the autoxidation ofcatechins4 through the Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox cycle and complex formation

4The term catechin is often used for the derivatives of catechol (1,2 dihydroxybenzene).


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of the substrate with Cu(II) is an important part of the overall reaction(42^44). Nevertheless, in some cases one-electron oxidation and theformation of a semiquinone intermediate was proposed instead of thetwo-electron model.

Catalytic autoxidation of four di¡erent catechins occurringnaturally in green tea, i.e. (�)-epicatechin, (�)-epicatechin gallate,(�)-epigallocatechin and (�)-epigallocatechin gallate, was studied byMochizuki et al. by monitoring the reaction with amperometry, spectro-photometry and a Clark-type oxygen sensing electrochemical system(44). Special attention was paid to (�)-epigallocatechin gallate whichis particularly prone to oxidation. Typical kinetic traces showedan induction period (Fig. 1) which was presumably due to the initialaccumulation of a reactive intermediate.

After the addition of Cu(II), absorbance changes were identical underboth anaerobic and aerobic conditions. This was taken as evidence forsemi-quinone (SQ) formation, though it is not clear why the oxidationwould stop at the SQ stage in the presence of excess dioxygen. It shouldbe noted that the two-electron oxidation would also lead to the samespectral changes in the presence and absence of dioxygen provided thatthe spectrum of the oxidized species corresponds to that of the quinone.The dependence of the initial steady-state autoxidation rate (de¢ned as

FIG. 1. Amperometric monitoring of the autoxidation of epigallocatechin gallete inthe presence of (A) 0, (B) 2.0, (C) 5.0, (D) 10, (E) 20, and (F) 50 mm CuCl2.The measure-ments were performed in 0.1M Tris buffer (pH 9.0) with a Clark type oxygen electrodeat 28 �C.The epigallocatechin gallate concentration was fixed at 50 mm.The catechinstock solution was injected into the test solution at t = 0.The inset shows the (initial)steady-state autoxidation rate as a function of Cu2+ concentration. Reprintedfrom Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, vol. 1569, Mochizuki, M.; Yamazaki, S.; Kano, K.;Ikeda,T., Kinetic analysis and mechanistic aspects of autoxidation of catechins, p. 35,Copyright (2002), with permission from Elsevier Science.

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the rate just after the induction period) on [Cu2+] (cf. Fig. 1, inset) indi-cated some sort of complex formation between the substrate and catalyst,but this e¡ect was not further evaluated. A one-electron oxidationmodel, which postulates the formation of the O��2 intermediate, wasproposed:

H2C”Rþ Cu2þ�! SQ”R�� þ Cuþ þ 2Hþ ð62Þ

Cuþ þO2 �! Cu2þþO��2 ð63Þ

However, direct evidence was not presented for the formation of thesuperoxide radical in the presence of Cu(II) and, as indicated above, thereported observations can be interpreted in terms of the two-electronoxidation model equally well.It was established that Cu(II) promotes the formation of hydrogen per-

oxide. However, most likely this e¡ect was partly o¡set by a Fenton-typeside reaction with Cu(I):

H2O2 þ Cuþ �! OH� þOH� þ Cu2þð64Þ

In agreement with literature results (45,46), independent experimentscon¢rmed that the addition of an aliquot of a CuCl acetonitrile solutionto an H2O2 solution induced the immediate decay of H2O2 at pH 9.0 (44).Most likely, the OH� radical produced is involved in fast oxidation ofthe H2C^R, SQ^R�� or even the Q^R forms of the substrate and thestoichiometry shown in Eq. (54) is not valid anymore. The formation offree radicals was excluded under acidic conditions (36) implying thatthe Fenton-type decomposition of H2O2 may gain signi¢cance only inalkaline solution.Mochizuki et al. also demonstrated that the uncatalyzed autoxidation

of catechins is suppressed in the presence of a su⁄cient amount ofborate bu¡er (44).This was interpreted by considering the adduct forma-tion between borate ion and the catechins. The oxidation resumes onaddition of Cu(II) in the presence of the borate ions. This may indicatethat Cu(II) forms more stable complex(es) with the catechins than theborate ion, but direct oxidation of the catechin^borate complex byCu(II) cannot be excluded either.The autoxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol (H2DTBC) was frequently

used to test the catalytic activityof various metal complexes. Speier stud-ied the reaction with [Cu(PY)Cl] (PY=pyridine) in CH2Cl2 and CHCl3,and reported second-, ¢rst- and zeroth-order dependence with respectto Cu(I), O2 and substrate concentrations, respectively (41). The resultsare consistent with a kinetic model in which the rate determiningoxidation of Cu(I) is followed by fast reduction of Cu(II) by H2DTBC.


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In spite of the signi¢cant di¡erences in the catalysts and conditionsapplied, essentially the same kinetic model was proposed for the cata-lytic reactions with two pyrazolate-bridged dicopper(II) complexes,[Cu2(LEP)2]2+ and [Cu2(BLEP)(OH)]2+ in 1 :1 methanol^water mixture(47). The product was con¢rmed to be 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone(DTBQ).

In the case of these catalysts, the two metallic redox centers areprovided by the same molecule. Therefore, the reaction is ¢rst-order inthe complex and dioxygen concentrations:

�d½O2�=dt ¼ k65½Cu2L�½O2� ð65Þ

The metal centers are separated by 370 and 365 pm in the solid state in[Cu2(LEP)2](ClO4)2 and [Cu2(BLEP)Cl(H2O)]Cl, respectively. In bothcomplexes, two square pyramidal copper ions are connected in theequatorial plane with the apical sites located on the same side of thecomplex. This cofacial geometry is favorable for simultaneous bindingthe catechol molecule to the two metal ions. In the case of the reducedforms, O2 may bind to one apical site but coordination in a bridge posi-tion is also feasible. Additional coordination modes can also be envi-sioned in the case of [Cu2(BLEP)(OH)]2+ by assuming that the OHgroup is displaced. Thus, the substrate may bind to the Cu(II) � � �Cu(II)complex asymmetrically by replacing the OH group with one oxygenand coordinating to one of the apical sites with the other. In this case,the reduced form of the catalyst may coordinate dioxygen as a m-peroxobridge between the two Cu(I) centers.

Alternative kinetic models were considered for this reaction. Both ofthem predict rapid reduction of Cu(II) � � �Cu(II) to Cu(I) � � �Cu(I)by H2DTBC and subsequent formation of the CuðIIÞðO2�

2 ÞCuðIIÞintermediate in the reaction of the reduced form with O2. The ¢rstmodel assumes that the rate determining formation of the intermediateis followed by a fast, acid assisted dissociation into the oxidized form ofthe catalyst and H2O2. In the other model, the rate determining step isthe oxidation of H2DTBC by the intermediate. The two models predict

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the same rate law and cannot be distinguished. However, it is very likelythat the m-peroxo-bridged intermediate decomposes before any intermo-lecular redox reaction takes place, such that the second model can berejected.Autoxidation became slower when the pH was decreased. Because the

substrate is not involved in the rate-determining steps, its protolyticequilibria cannot account for this observation. A straightforwardexplanation was not readily available for this observation.At pH 6.40 and 25 �C, the values of k65 for [Cu2(LEP)2]2+ and

[Cu2(BLEP)(OH)]2+ are 77.5M�1 s�1 and 6.98�103M�1 s�1, respectively(47). The di¡erence in the rate constants indicates that the interactionbetween the reduced form of the catalyst and O2 is stronger with thelatter complex. This may re£ect that the BLEP ligand maintains thedimer structure in the reduced oxidation state whereas the LEP complexmay dissociate into monomers. An additional factor could be that thereplacement of the OH bridge allows the formation of a m-peroxo bridgein an equatorial position with the BLEP complex, while O2 can coordi-nate only in the apical position(s) in the other case.The catalytic activityof [Cu2(BDPDZ)]Cl2 (BDPDZ=3,6 -bis-(di-2 -pyridylmethyl)pyridazine)in the autoxidation of H2DTBC was also attributed to the adductformation between dioxygen and the two Cu(I) centers (48).A study with a series of [Cu(R-TMED)X2] complexes (R-TMED=

N,N,N 0-trimethyl-N 0-alkylethylenediamine, X=Cl�, Br�, ACAC=acetyl-acetone, R=CH3^, C12H25^, C16H33^) demonstrated that a micellizedenvironment enhances the catalytic activityof copper(II) in the autoxida-tion of catechols (49). The observations, in the presence of Cu(II) surfac-tants above their critical micelle concentrations (CMC), can besummarized as follows: (i) in large excess of O2 and at constant catalystconcentration the reactions were ¢rst-order in the substrate concentra-tion; (ii) when the samehead group and counter ionwere used the surfac-tant with longer alkyl chain was more active; (iii) when the head groupand the alkyl chain were the same, the bromide surfactant was a bettercatalyst than the chloride analogue; (iv) the [Cu(R-TMED)(ACAC)X]complex was less e⁄cient than the [Cu(R-TMED)X2] complexes(X=halogenide ion); (v) the reactivity order of the catechols was foundto be 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol>catechol>D- or L-dopamine.The results were interpreted in terms of the model proposed by Balla

and co-workers (36). It is reasonable to assume that the micelle formationproduces a somewhat organized pattern of the metal centers and, due tothe shortened distance between the copper(II) containing head groups,the coordination of catechol to two metal centers may increase the stabi-lity of the catalyst^substrate complex. Perhaps, the same principles


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apply to the interaction between the reduced form of the catalyst and O2,and the reaction may also feature the formation of an intermediate witha m-peroxo bridge between two copper centers.While these conclusionsrequire further con¢rmation, the e¡ect of added salt on the kineticscould be rationalized on the basis of the above model. It was assumedthat the addition of NaCl at low concentration levels increased the oxida-tion rate because it favored the formation of larger micelles with shorterdistances between the metal centers (50).The reaction rate goes througha maximum and ¢nally levels o¡ as a function of [NaCl]. The somewhatsmaller rate at higher electrolyte concentration is probably due to thesaturation of the cationic head group layer of the micelles with anionswhich obstruct the complexation with the catechols.

The catalytic activities of Cu(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) are considerablyenhanced by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the autoxidation ofH2DTBC (51). The maximum catalytic activity was found in the CMCregion. It was assumed that the micelles incorporate the catalysts andthe short metal^metal distances increase the activity in accordancewith the kineticmodel discussed above.The concentration of the micellesincreases at higher SDS concentrations.Thus, the concentrations of thecatalyst and the substrate decrease in the micellar region and, as aconsequence, the catalytic reaction becomes slower again.

In the presence of cobalt complexes as catalysts, the followingstoichiometry was reported for the autoxidation of H2DTBC in chloro-form (52):

H2DTBCþ 1=2O2 �! DTBQþH2O ð66Þ

The yield of quinone was practically 100% and H2O2 accumulated innegligible concentration.

A comparison of the initial rates obtained with various cobalt com-plexes (Table I) reveals that the chelate complexes of Co(II) are more e⁄-cient than the simple salts, the catalytic activity of Co(III) is lower thanthat of Co(II) and the reaction becomes slower by increasing thenumber of N atoms in the coordination spheres in both oxidation states.In general, the addition of amine derivatives increased the activity ofthe catalysts.

The reactionwith CoII(ACAC)2 was studied in more detail and the ratelawwas established.The reactionwas found to be ¢rst-order with respectto the substrate and the catalyst concentrations, and the partial pressureof O2. The corresponding kinetic model postulates reversible formationof a H2DTBC^CoII(ACAC)2^O2 adduct which undergoes redox decompo-sition in the rate-determining step. Hydrogen peroxide is also a primary

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product of this reaction, but it cannot accumulate because of fastdecomposition in a cobalt(II) catalyzed reaction:

H2O2 �! H2Oþ 1=2O2 ð67Þ

The kinetic role of amines was interpreted by assuming that they arecapable of promoting the formation of the precursor complex by partiallydeprotonating the substrate via hydrogen bonding with the OH group.Semi-quinones are formed as reactive intermediates in the autoxida-

tion of catechols and they are present either bonded to a metal center oras free radicals. Recently, Sima¤ ndi and Sima¤ ndi reported ESR spectrafor each type of these species in the triphenylphosphine-bis-(dimethyl-glyoximato)cobalt(II)-catalyzed autoxidation of H2DTBC (catalyst =[CoII(HDMG)2(Ph3P)]) (53). An 8-line spectrum with g=2.0017, aCo= 10.4G and coupling constant of 3.3G is characteristic of DTBSQ�� when itis coordinated to the catalyst as a unidentate ligand (Fig. 2a). At higherresolution, the 18-line spectrum of the free radical was observed atthe center of the 8-line signal with g=2.0046 and a2H= 1.7G, a18H 0.35G(Fig. 2b).Detailed kinetic studies con¢rmed a two-stage reaction for the

cobaloxime(II)-catalyzed autoxidation of this system in methanol(54,55). First, within about 30 s, the reaction reached steady-stateconditions via reversible oxygenation of Co(II) to the corresponding



Catalyst v0 (M s�1)

bis(acetylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.6�10�3

bis(benzoylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.6�10�3

bis(ethylbenzoylacetonato)cobalt(II) 1.8�10�3

bis(N-cyclohexylsalicylaldiminato)cobalt(II) 1.2�10�3

bis(N-phenylsalicylaldiminato)cobalt(II) 8.6�10�4

cobaloxime(II)-bis(pyridine) 2.1�10�4

tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) 1.4�10�4

chloro(pyridine)cobaloxime(III) b 0cobalt(II) acetate 4.0�10�5

cobalt(II) nitrate 0cobalt(II) nitrate-pyridine c 2.8�10�6

a [H2DTBC]=100 mM, [catalyst]=1.0 mM, 27 �C, in CHCl3.b [catalyst]=3.2mM.c [PY]=250mM.


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superoxo complex to which the substrate is bonded via a hydrogenbond (for sake of simplicity, CoII and CoIII correspond to the respective[CoII(HDMG)2(Ph3P)] and [CoIII(HDMG)2(Ph3P)]+ moieties in the follow-ing equations):

CoII þO2 )�������* CoIIIO2 K68 ð68Þ

CoIIIO2 þH2DTBC )�������* ½CoIIIO2 � � � H2DTBC� K69 ð69Þ

It was assumed that the hydrogen bond forms between the superoxomoiety and one of the OH-groups of the substrate.The rate-determiningstep is the redox decomposition of the hydrogen bonded adduct intohydroperoxocobaloxime and semiquinone. The latter participates in anequilibrium reaction with Co(II):

½CoIIIO2 � � � H2DTBC� �! CoIIIO2HþDTBSQ�� þHþ k70 ð70Þ

CoII þDTBSQ�� þHþ )�������* CoIIIðHDTBCÞ K71 ð71Þ

The major cobaloxime species, CoIII(HDTBC), was present at anapproximately constant concentration level in the slow stage, in whichthe following additional reaction steps were considered:

2CoIIIO2H �! 2CoIIIOHþO2 ð72Þ



FIG. 2. ESR spectra of free-radical intermediates during the cobaloxime(II) cata-lyzed oxidation of 3,5 -CatH2 by O2 in benzene. Reprinted with permission fromSima¤ ndi,T. L.; Sima¤ ndi, L. I. React. Kin. Catal. Let. 1998, 65, 301.

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CoIIIDTBSQ�� )�������* CoII þDTBQ ð75Þ

In agreement with the experimental results, this model predicts thefollowing expression for the initial rate of oxygen uptake after steady-state is reached:

vi ¼ k70aK68K69½O2�½H2DTBC�0½Co�01þK68K69½O2�½H2DTBC�0


where a is the ratio of free cobaloxime(II) compared to the totalamount of the catalyst. An analysis of the concentration dependenciesof the initial rate gave K68K69 = 6.9�103 and 5.1�104M�2 as well ask70 = 7.0�10�2 and 3.8�10�2 s�1 in benzene and methanol, respectively.It should be noted that the dioxygen complex formed in Eq. (68) would

ultimately be converted into cobaloxime(III) which is catalytically inac-tive. Thus, in order to maintain the catalytic cycle, the cobaloxime(II)species needs to be regenerated relatively quickly.A very similar kinetic model was proposed for the ferroxime(II)-cata-

lyzed autoxidation of H2DTBC in methanol (55). The catalyst was addedto the reaction mixture in the form of [Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)2] (MeIM=N-methylimidazole). Upon dissolution in methanol, this complex undergoessolvolysis and one of the imidazole ligands is replaced by a solvent mole-cule.The solvolysis occurs at the same rate under a N2 or O2 atmosphere.Again, the reactions between the catalyst, substrate and dioxygenleads to the formation of a hydrogen bonded precursor complex whichundergoes relatively slow redox decomposition into FeIIIO2H andsemiquinone. (FeII and FeIII represent the [Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)] and[Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)]+complexes, respectively.) Subsequent fast reactionsteps are:

FeIIIO2HþDTBSQ�� þHþ �! ½FeIVO� þDTBQ þH2O ð77Þ

½FeIVO� þH2DTBC �! FeII þDTBQþH2O ð78Þ

The intense blue color of the reaction mixture was assigned to theparamagnetic [Fe(HDMG)2(MeIM)(DTBSQ��)]+ complex which is char-acterized byabroad spectral band at lmax 680 nm and a distinct doubletwith g=2.00425 and a1H= 3.135G in the visible and ESR spectra, respec-tively. This iron(II) species is not involved in a direct redox step andacts only as a reservoir for the semi-quinone radical.The sole product of the reaction is DTBQwith the dimethylglyoximato

complexes. The high chemoselectivity was rationalized by consideringthat the cleavage of the substrate may occur when the semi-quinoneradical is directly attacked by O2 (presumably this is a slow reaction


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path) or by a superoxide radical coordinated to a metal center.The moste⁄cient path assumes adjacent coordination of the semi-quinone andsuperoxide radicals. However, such a coordination mode is not feasiblein the presence of HDMG because of the very strong di-equatorialcoordination which resembles that of a macrocycle. Consequently, thering scission is negligible in these reactions if it occurs at all.

An Ir(III) catecholate complex [(TRIPHOS)Ir(DTBC)]+ was reportedto catalyze chemoselective oxidation of H2DTBC to DTBQ via the forma-tion of a dioxygen adduct [(triphos)Ir(m-O2)(DTBSQ)]+ (TRIPHOS=CH3C(CH2PPh2)3) (56). This oxygen complex was prepared by bubblingO2 through a CH2Cl2 solution of the catecholate complex and charac-terized by using UV/Vis, IR, 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopies, as well asX-ray analysis (57).

An interesting feature of the reaction is that it produces exclusivelyDTBQ and H2O2 with the Ir(III) catalyst (Scheme 4). Deviations fromthis pattern were reported only at relatively high partial pressures ofO2. In contrast, other organic products also formed when the rhodiumanalogue of the catecholate complex is used as a catalyst, although theIr and Rh complexes were reported to possess the same structure(58,59). This clearly indicates that factors other than the geometry andthe overall charge of the catalyst may have an important role in themechanism.

The rate of the Ir(III) catalyzed reaction was found to be ¢rst-order in[Ir] and [H2DTBC], but independent of O2 concentration in chloroform(56). The mechanism proposed for the reaction (Scheme 4) postulatesthat the protonation of the hydroperoxo a-oxygen by the hydroxy groupof the bonded catechol in Int 1 leads to the formation of H2O2.The o-qui-none ligand of Int 2 is replaced by the partially coordinated catechol inthe next step. In order to comply with the experimental rate law, therate-determining step needs to be the reaction of the oxygen adduct (B)with catechol.

The di¡erences between the iridium and rhodium systems were inter-preted by considering that Int 1may open an oxygenation path via intra-molecular rearrangement. In this case, the scission of a M^O bondbetween the semi-quinone and metal center would be followed by intra-diol insertion of an oxygen and ultimately by the formation of muconicacid and water. The results indicate partial preference of the rhodiumcomplex toward the oxygenation path.

The cleavage of catechols with the incorporation of oxygen is clearlyfavored in the presence of some of the iron(III) complexes as catalysts.Que and co-workers proposed a substrate activation mechanism forthese reactions, wherein the delocalization of the unpaired spin density

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from the metal center onto the catecholate in the corresponding complexmakes the substrate more susceptible to dioxygen attack (60). The non-participating ligand was shown to have a profound e¡ect on the Lewisacidity of the metal center and, as a consequence, on the ligand to metalcharge transfer. This e¡ect also manifests itself in the kinetics andproduct distribution of the autoxidation reactions (28). It was shownthat oxidative cleavage of catechols becomes preferred over extradioloxidation to quinone when the Lewis acidity of the ferric center isincreased.In a systematic study, the reaction of [FeL(DTBC)] with dioxygen was

studied in various non-aqueous solvents (29). In the ternary catecholate

SCHEME 4. Reprinted with permission from Barbaro, P.; Bianchini, C.; Frediani, P.;Meli, A.; Vizza, F. Inorg. Chem. 1992, 31, 1523. Copyright (2002) American ChemicalSociety.


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complex, L represents the following (RCH2)2N(CH2R0) type tripodal

ligands: NTA, R=R0 =COO�; PDA, R=COO�, R0 =2-pyridyl; BPG, R=2-pyridyl, R0 =COO�; HDP, R=2-pyridyl, R0 =2-hydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-phenyl. These ligands induce relatively pronounced Lewis acidity onthe metal center in the following order: BPG>PDA>NTA>HDP. Itshould be noted that the isotropic shift of the 1H NMR signal of thecoordinated catecholate was considered to be the best spectroscopicparameter as indicator of the Lewis acidity of the ferric center. Theoxidation reaction yielded almost exclusively the intradiol scissionproduct in all cases (Table II).

The kinetic experiments were not performed under true catalytic con-ditions, i.e. the pre-prepared [FeL(DTBC)] complexes were introducedinto the reaction mixtures as reactants and excess substrate was notused. Nevertheless, the results are important in exploring the intimatedetails of the activation mechanisms of the metal ion catalyzed autoxida-tion reactions of catechols. In excess oxygen the reaction was ¢rst-orderin the complex concentration and the ¢rst-order dependence indioxygen concentration was also con¢rmed with the BPG complex. Asshown in Table II, the rate constants clearly correlate with the Lewischaracter of the complex, i.e. the rate of the oxidation reaction increasesby increasing the Lewis acidity of the metal center.

The scission product from the diamagnetic [Ga(BPG)(DTBC)] complexis considerably less (4%) than that from the corresponding Fe complex(97%) (29). Gallium(III) is a diamagnetic d10 ion with an ionic radiusvery similar to that of iron(III) and expected to possess similar Lewisproperties to that of Fe(III). Thus, the results clearly demonstrate thatthe ability of the metal center to transfer paramagnetic spin density to



Ligand %Scission b,c




�Hz b

(kJ/mol)�Sz b


HDP 91 0.33 0.49 0.81NTA 84 3.7 1.0 53.5 �92PDA 95 4.3 5.0 3.7 47.7 �113BPG 97 18.3 42.6 36.6 42.6 �117

aRate constants are in M�1 s�1 at 25 �C.b In DMF.cUnder 1 bar O2 in the presence of excess piperidine.

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the substrate is, besides the Lewis acidity, an essential requirement forthe scission reaction.The mechanism shown in Scheme 5 postulates the formation of a

Fe(II)-semi-quinone intermediate.The attack of O2 on the substrate gen-erates a peroxy radical which is reduced by the Fe(II) center to producethe Fe(III) peroxide complex. The semi-quinone character of the[FeL(DTBC)] complexes is clearly determined by the covalency of theiron(III)^catechol bond which is enhanced by increasing the Lewis acid-ity of the metal center.Thus, ultimately the non-participating ligand con-trols the extent of the Fe(II) ^ semi-quinone formation and the rate ofthe reaction provided that the rate-determining step is the reaction ofO2 with the semiquinone intermediate. In the ¢nal stage, the substrateis oxygenated simultaneously with the release of the FeIIIL complex. Analternative model, in which O2 attacks the Fe(II) center instead of thesemi-quinone, cannot be excluded either.According to a recent study with iron(III) complexes of tripodal

ligands, systematic variation of one ligand arm strongly a¡ects thesteric shielding of the iron(III) center and the bonding of catechol sub-strates (61). It was shown that the dioxygenation reactions of catechols

SCHEME 5. Reprinted with permission from Cox, D. D.; Que, L. Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc.1988, 110, 8085. Copyright (2002) American Chemical Society.


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depend on the redox potentials of the complex and substrate as well asthe steric properties of the tripodal ligand. As the redox potential ofthe catechol was increased the oxidation became slower. It was con-cluded that the ideal non-participating tripodal ligand needs to inducehigh Lewis acidity on the iron(III) center and to consist of non-bulkycoordinating groups.

The oxidation of adrenaline (H2C^RH+: R ¼ ”CHðOHÞCH2NHþ2 CH3)

to andrenochrome is e⁄ciently catalyzed by VO2+ in aqueous solution(62). The following experimental rate law was reported for the oxygenconsumption (�=0.1M KNO3, 25




A½VO�T½L�TB½Hþ�2 þ C½L�T þD½L�T

þE½Hþ�þ F

� �½O2� þ p ð79Þ

whereA, B, C, D, F, p are experimentally determined parameters whichcould be expressed by combining characteristic equilibrium and rateconstants for this system; [VO]T and [L]T are the total concentrationsof the catalyst and substrate, respectively.

The experimental observations were interpreted by assuming that theredox cycle starts with the formation of a complex between the catalystand the substrate. This species undergoes intramolecular two-electrontransfer and produces vanadium(II) and the quinone form of adrenaline.The organic intermediate rearranges into leucoadrenochrome which isoxidized to the ¢nal product also in a two-electron redox step. The +2oxidation state of vanadium is stabilized by complex formation with thesubstrate. Subsequent reactions include the autoxidation of the V(II)complex to the product as well as the formation of aVOV4+ intermediatewhich is reoxidized to VO2+ by dioxygen. These reactions also produceH2O2. The model also takes into account the rapidly established equi-libria between di¡erent vanadium-substrate complexes which reactwith O2 at di¡erent rates. The concentration and pH dependencies ofthe reaction rate provided evidence for the formation of a VðC”RHÞþ3complex in which the formal oxidation state of vanadium is +4.

V. Autoxidation of Cysteine

Earlier studies demonstrated a rich variety of oxidation states,geometries and compositions of the intermediates and products formedin the autoxidation reactions of cysteine (RSH). Owing to the complexityof these systems, only a limited number of detailed kinetic papers werepublished on this subject and, not surprisingly, some of the results are

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contradictory. The majority of available data was reported on coppercatalysis because of the signi¢cance of copper^sulfur interactions inenzymatic electron transfer, oxygen transport and oxygenationreactions (63).Zwart and co-workers con¢rmed that the catalytic autoxidation

produces cystine (RSSR) with 100% selectivity and the actual stoichio-metry can be given by the following equation in alkaline solution([NaOH]= 0.25M) (64):

4RS� þ ð1þ aÞO2 þ 2H2O �! 2RSSR þ 2ð2� aÞOH� þ 2aHO�2 ð80Þ

which is the linear combination of Eqs. (81) and (82)

4RS� þO2 þ 2H2O �! 2RSSRþ 4OH� ð81Þ

4RS� þ 2O2 þ 2H2O �! 2RSSRþ 2OH� þ 2HO�2 ð82Þ

The stoichiometry strongly suggests that HO�2 (the basic form of H2O2)also oxidizes the substrate.As shown in Fig. 3, the kinetic traces feature a speci¢c break-point

when cysteine is oxidized by excess H2O2 under anaerobic conditions,and in the presence of Cu(II). The break-point occurs when all of the

FIG. 3. Decay of the H2O2 concentration versus time during the anaerobic oxidationreaction with cysteine in the presence of CuSO4. First stage of constant rate (first-order in [Cu]) during the period of oxidation, second stage of increasing rateafter completion of the oxidation of cysteine to cystine. Reprinted from Journalof Molecular catalysis, vol. 11, Zwart, J.; van Wolput, J. H. M. C.; van der Cammen,J. C. J. M.; Koningsberger, D. C. Accumulation and Reactions of H2O2 During theCopper Ion Catalyzed Autoxidation of Cysteine in Alkaline Medium, p. 69,Copyright (2002), with permission from Elsevier Science.


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substrate is oxidized. In this part of the reaction, the rate of hydrogenperoxide consumption is practically constant, independent of [H2O2]and [RSH] but shows ¢rst-order dependence on the concentration of thecatalyst. Once cysteine is used up, the reaction starts to generateoxygen in the copper catalyzed decomposition of H2O2.

Acoherent qualitative interpretation can be given for the observationsby assuming that the primary product of the catalytic RSH^O2 reactionis H2O2 which also oxidizes the substrate. The latter reaction needs tobe considerably slower than the ¢rst one because accumulation of signi¢-cant amounts of H2O2 was observed under aerobic conditions. In theabsence of added oxygen, catalytic decomposition of H2O2 also needs tobe considered.The product of this reaction is O2 which in turn regener-ates hydrogen peroxide via the oxidation of the substrate.

Quantitative ESRmeasurements con¢rmed that almost all of the totalquantity of copper is present as [Cu(RS)] complex during the reaction(65). The kinetic data were consistent with a rate law which is zeroth-order in cysteine concentration:

�d½O2�=dt ¼ ka83 ½O2�1=2½CuðIIÞ� þ kb83 ½O2�

1=2½CuðIIÞ�2 ð83Þ

ka83 ¼ 2:2M�1=2 s�1; kb83 ¼ 1:2� 104 M�3=2 s�1

The half-order of the rate with respect to [O2] and the two-termrate law were taken as evidence for a chain mechanism which involvesone-electron transfer steps and proceeds via two di¡erent reactionpaths. The formation of the dimer [(RS)2Cu(m-O2)Cu(RS)2] complex inthe initiation phase is the core of the model, as asymmetric dissociationof this species produces two chain carriers. Earlier literature resultswere contested by rejecting the feasibility of a free-radical mechanismwhich would imply a redox shuttle between Cu(II) and Cu(I). It wasassumed that the substrate remains bonded to the metal center through-out the whole process and the free thiyl radical, RS�, does not formduring the reaction. It was argued that if free RS� radicals formed theywould certainly be involved in an almost di¡usion-controlled reactionwith dioxygen, and the intermediate peroxo species would open alterna-tive reaction paths to generate products other than cystine. This wouldclearly contradict the noted high selectivity of the autoxidation reaction.

Kinetic studies in the physiological pH range (6.5 to 7.8) provided con-sistency with the above results in that the accumulation of H2O2 wasalso observed and the stoichiometry of the reaction depended on the con-ditions applied (66^69). However, a simple 2 :1 stoichiometry was con-¢rmed between cysteine consumed and hydrogen peroxide formed indilute solution. The reaction followed Michaelis^Menten kinetics with

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respect to [O2] which is in clear contradiction with the half-order [O2]dependence in alkaline solution.The results were interpreted by assum-ing the formation and re-oxidation of Cu(I) in the catalytic cycle,though the mechanism was not explained in detail.Ehrenberg and co-workers found Michaelis-Menten type kinetics not

only with respect to [O2] but alsowith respect to the substrate concentra-tion at pH 7.2 (67).They pointed out that the independence of the reactionrate upon the substrate concentration at high [RSH] and low [Cu(II)] isconsistent with zeroth-order kinetics in [RSH]. The reported kinetictrace under such conditions features a slight induction period, but thisobservation was not addressed in that paper. For comparison, the cata-lytic e¡ect of iron(III) was also studied. It was concluded that the cata-lytic activities of the two metal ions are fundamentally di¡erent. Coppere⁄ciently enhanced the rate of H2O2 formation but practically had noe¡ect on further reduction of hydrogen peroxide. In contrast, H2O2 wasnot detected in the presence of iron(III). The reaction was ¢rst-order in[RSH] with freshly prepared catalyst solution; however, conditions favor-ing the formation of colloidal Fe(III) hydroxide(s) shifted the kineticstoward zeroth-order. This observation seems to be consistent with amechanistic changeover to surface catalysis in the presence of Fe(III)sol.Interestingly, the catalytic e¡ects of the two metal ions were not addi-

tive; the copper(II) catalyzed reaction became signi¢cantly slower onthe additionof Fe(III) to the reactionmixture.This observationwas inter-preted in terms of the model proposed by Zwart and co-workers (64) byassuming that one of the two copper centers is replaced by Fe in thecatalytically active dimer (67).The e¡ect of non-participating ligands on the copper catalyzed

autoxidation of cysteine was studied in the presence of glycylglycine-phosphate and catecholamines, (2 -R^)H2C, (epinephrine, R=CH(OH)^CH2^NHCH3; norepinephrine, R=CH(OH)^CH2^NH2; dopamine, R=CH2^CH2^NH2; dopa, R=CH2^CH(COOH)^NH2) by Hanaki and co-wor-kers (68,69). Typically, these reactions followed Michaelis-Mentenkinetics and the autoxidation rate displayed a bell-shaped curve as afunction of pH.The catecholamines had no kinetic e¡ects under anaero-bic conditions, but catalyzed the autoxidation of cysteine in the followingorder of e⁄ciency: epinephrine=norepinephrine dopamine> dopa.The concentration and pH dependencies of the reaction rate were inter-preted by assuming that the redox active species is the [L^CuII(RS�)]ternary complex which is formed in a very fast reaction between CuIILand cysteine. Thus, the autoxidation occurs at maximum rate when theconditions are optimal for the formation of this species. At relativelylow pH, the ternary complex does not form in su⁄cient concentration.


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Upon increasing the pH, ¢rst this species is present in increasing con-centrations, but eventually the non-participating ligand is replacedwith another cysteine molecule and the redox inactive Cu(RS)2 isformed. Consequently, the reaction rate decreases sharply.The followingreaction sequence was proposed for the redox reaction:

L”CuIIðRS�Þ �! L”CuI

þ RS� ð84Þ

L”CuIþ RS� )�������* CuI

ðRS�Þ þ L ð85Þ

CuIðRS�Þ þO2 )�������* CuI

ðRS�Þ �O2 ð86Þ

CuIðRS�Þ”O2 þ RS� þ 2Hþ �! CuII

ðRS�Þ þ RS� þH2O2 ð87Þ

In the presence of the catecholamines the following two steps also needto be considered:

CuIðRS�Þ”O2 þ ð2-R”ÞHC� þ 2Hþ

�! CuIIðRS�Þ þ ð2-R”ÞHSQ� þH2O2 ð88Þ

RS� þ ð2-R”ÞHSQ� �! RS� þ ð2-R”ÞHC� ð89Þ

The product cystine is presumably formed in the recombination of twothiyl radicals.This free-radical model is suitable for formal treatment ofthe kinetic data; however, it does not account for all possible reactionsof the RS� radical (68).The rate constants for the reactions of this specieswith RS�, O2 and CuILn (n=2, 3) are comparable, and on the order of109^1010M�1 s�1 (70^72). Because all of these reaction partners are pre-sent in relatively high and competitive concentrations, the recombina-tion of the thiyl radical must be a relatively minor reaction compared tothe other reaction paths even though it has a di¡usion controlled rateconstant. It follows that the RS� radical is most likely involved in aseries of side reactions producing various intermediates. In order tocomply with the noted chemoselectivity, at some point these transientspecies should produce a common intermediate leading to the formationof cystine.

In a recent study, spectral evidence was found for the formation of a[RS^CuI^RS] dimer when cysteine was added to Cu(II) under anaerobicconditions and at pH 7.4 (73). On exposure to air, the dimer slowlydecayed after the cysteine excess was consumed.This may indicate thatindeed all the reaction proceeds via an intra-molecular mechanism.

Kachur and co-workers found evidence for a two-stage autoxidationreaction in an excess of dioxygen (74). In the ¢rst stage, the formation of

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hydroxyl radicals could not be detected and 0.25 mole of O2 was con-sumed by one mole of cysteine in agreement with the stoichiometryshown in Eq. (81). Further oxygen consumption occurred in the secondstage of the reaction in a hydrogen peroxide-mediated Fenton-type pro-cess with sulfonate as product. Signi¢cant O�/OH production was alsoobserved. Copper was proposed to catalyze the reactionvia the formationof a cysteine complex and the corresponding mechanism postulatessimultaneous superoxide- and peroxide-dependent paths for the ¢rststage and a peroxide-dependent path for the second.Copper(II) retains its catalytic activity when attached to a polyethyle-

nepolyamine base.The synthetic conditions of the sorbents have a signi¢-cant e¡ect on the catalytic reaction which most likely is related to achange in the coordination sphere around the metal center (75).Metal ion catalyzed autoxidation reactions of glutathione were found

to be very similar to that of cysteine (76,77). In a systematic study, cata-lytic activity was found with Cu(II), Fe(II) and to a much lesser extentwith Cu(I) and Ni(I). The reaction produces hydrogen peroxide, theamount of which strongly depends on the presence of various chelatingmolecules. It was noted that the catalysis requires some sort of complexformation between the catalyst and substrate.The formation of a radicalintermediate was not ruled out, but a radical initiated chain mechanismwas not necessary for the interpretation of the results (76).

VI. Autoxidation of Sulfur(IV)

A review by Brandt and van Eldik provides insight into the basickinetic features and mechanistic details of transition metal-catalyzedautoxidation reactions of sulfur(IV) species on the basis of literaturedata reported up to the early 1990s (78). Earlier results con¢rmed thatthese reactions may occur via non-radical, radical and combinations ofnon-radical and radical mechanisms. More recent studies have shownevidence mainly for the radical mechanisms, although a non-radical,two-electron decomposition was reported for the HgSO3 complexrecently (79). The possiblity of various redox paths combined withprotolytic and complex-formation reactions are the sources of manifestcomplexity in the kinetic characteristics of these systems. Nevertheless,the predominant sulfur containing product is always the sulfate ion.In spite of extensive studies on this topic for well over a century, impor-tant aspects of the mechanisms remain to be clari¢ed and the interpreta-tion of some of the reactions is still controversial. Recent studies were


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designed to improve previous kinetic models and to understandhow speci¢c conditions and environmental factors a¡ect the overallreactions.

Due to the environmental and industrial signi¢cance of the reaction,the most thorough studies were reported on the iron(III) catalyzed oxida-tion of sulfur(IV). As shown in Fig. 4, the kinetic traces are distinctivelydi¡erent in the presence and absence of dioxygen.

Brandt and co-workers proposed a detailed mechanism for this reac-tion which was validated using kinetic modeling and the most viablevalues of the rate constants were estimated on the basis of sensitivityanalysis (80). In this model, the absorbance increase observed at the

FIG. 4. Absorbance-time traces for the iron(III) catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV)oxides: (a) [O2] = 0m; (b) [O2] = 7.5�10�4M. Experimental conditions: [Fe(III)] =5.0�10�6M; [S(IV)] = 5.0�10�3M; ionic strength = 0.5M; T= 25 �C; pH = 2.5; �=390 nm; absorbance scale is inV (10V=1absorbance unit). Reprintedwith permissionfrom Brandt, C.; Fa¤ bia¤ n, I.; van Eldik, R. Inorg. Chem. 1994, 33, 687. Copyright (2002)American Chemical Society.

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beginning of the kinetic traces was assigned to the formation of ageneralized iron(III) monosul¢to complex which undergoes redoxdecomposition in the rate determining step:

FeIIISIV�! FeðIIÞ þ SO��3 ð90Þ

Fast reaction of the sul¢te ion radical with a second Fe(III) concludesthe overall reaction and yields the main ¢nal products which are Fe(II),SO2�

4 . Small amounts of S2O2�6 are also formed in the reaction. In the pre-

sence of dioxygen, a characteristic break point (at time tbp) was observedin the kinetic traces indicating total consumption of O2. After the breakpoint, the absorbance decay was the same as in the absence of oxygen.An increase in [O2] increased tbpwhile variation of [Fe(III)] had the oppo-site e¡ect. The formation and decay of the iron(III)-sul¢to complexbecame slower when iron(II) was added initially to the reaction mixture,but tbp was only slightly a¡ected. Hydroquinone, a well known radicalscavenger, had no e¡ect on the decomposition rate of the sul¢to complexunder an argon atmosphere, although it inhibited the oxygen-inducedstep.This is a clear indication that a free-radical mechanism is operativein the autoxidation stage.In the presence of oxygen, SO��3 generates the peroxomonosulfate

anion radical (Eq. (91)) in a reaction step with a rate constant closeto the di¡usion controlled limiting value on the order of 1.0�109 to2.5�109M�1 s�1 (81,82):

SO��3 þO2 �! SO��5 ð91Þ

The SO��5 radical, being a reasonably powerful and stronger oxidantthan dioxygen ("0= 1.24V for the SO��5 =HSO�5 couple at pH 2.0 (83)), hasa central role in the mechanism, because it can easily oxidize either sul-¢te ion or Fe(II). Reoxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) is essential to establishthe catalytic redox cycle, and parallel reactions of SO��5 with HSO�3develop a branch of the reaction chain via the formation of additionalreactive intermediates such as SO��4 and HSO�5 . The possible reactionsof various sulfur oxyanions and oxyanion radicals in the uncatalyzedautoxidation of HSO�3 were discussed by Connick and co-workers indetail (84), and the rate constants for some of them were reported byDas recently (85).These reactions occur after the rate-determining step,i.e. Eq. (90), of the catalytic cycle, and only the ratios of their rates is rele-vant with respect to the kinetic model, because the product distributionis determined by the relative kinetic weight of the competing reactionpaths.The formation of S2O

2�6 at relatively low concentration levels com-

pared to SO2�4 con¢rms that the recombination of the SO��3 radical is of

marginal kinetic importance in the catalytic reaction. Warneck and


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Ziajka proposed essentially the same model on the basis of kinetic stud-ies in which benzene was used as a radical scavenger (86). They used asteady-state approach for evaluation of the data and reported the follow-ing ratios of the second-order rate constants for the reactions of a givenintermediate with di¡erent reactants: SO��4 reacting with HSO�3 andbenzene: 0.31; SO��5 reacting with Fe2+ and HSO�3 : 54.1; HSO�5 reactingwith Fe2+ and HSO�3 : 2.2 and the reaction of SO��5 with HSO�3 leading toSO��3 and SO��4 : � 0.04. Kinetic studies under hydrometallurgical condi-tions at 80 �C were also consistent with the considerations discussedabove (87).

The model proposed by Brandt et al. is consistent with the experimen-tal observations, reproduces the peculiar shape of the kinetic curves inthe absence and presence of dioxygen reasonably well, and predicts thesame trends in the concentration dependencies of tbp that were observedexperimentally (80). It was concluded that there is no need to assumethe participation of oxo-complexes in the mechanism as it has beenproposed in the literature (88^90). However, the model provides only asemi-quantitative description of the reaction because it was developedat constant pH by neglecting the acid-base equilibria of the sul¢te ionand the reactive intermediates, as well as the possible complex-formationequilibria between various iron(III) species. In spite of the obviousconstraints introduced by the simpli¢cations, the results shed light onthe general mechanistic features of the reaction and could be used toidentify the main tasks for further model development.

The most controversial issue is the number and exact stoichiometriesof the iron(III)-sul¢to complexes formed under di¡erent experimentalconditions. Earlier, van Eldik and co-workers reported the formationof a series of [Fe(SO3)n]3�2n (n=1 to 3) complexes and the [Fe(SO3)(OH)]complex (89,91,92). The stability constants of these species were deter-mined by evaluating time resolved rapid-scan spectra obtained from thesub-second to several minutes time domain.The cis^trans isomerizationof the complexes was also considered, under feasible circumstances. Incontrast, Betterton interpreted his results assuming the formation andlinkage isomerization of a single complex, [Fe(SO3)]+ (93). In agreementwith the latter results, Conklin and Ho¡mann also found evidenceonly for the formation of a mono-complex (94). However, their resultswere criticized on the basis that the experiments were made in 1.0Mformic acid/formate bu¡er where iron(III) existed mainly as formatocomplex(es). Although these reactions could interfere with the formationof the sul¢to complex, they were not considered in the evaluation ofthe results (95). Finally, van Eldik and co-workers re-examined the com-plex-formation reactions and presented additional data in support of

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their earlier results (96^98). The inherent di⁄culty of obtaining reliableexperimental evidence for the complexes formed is the strong overlapbetween concurrent complex-formation reactions and kinetic couplingbetween the equilibrium and redox reactions. Nevertheless, the complex-ity of the spectroscopic data seems to be consistent with the existenceof more than one sul¢to complex.A kinetic study was designed by Lente and Fa¤ bia¤ n to explore the

properties of the mono-sul¢to complex in the presence of a substantialmetal ion excess over sul¢te ion concentration. The observationsindicated surprisingly complex, multi-stage kinetic behavior (95). Inorder to separate the overlapping kinetic e¡ects and impede thecomplex-formation steps, the initial part of the reaction was studied at10 �C where the overall process lasted for over 20 minutes. Typicalstopped-£ow traces showed an absorbance increase within thedead-time of the instrument (1ms) indicating an instantaneous reac-tion. It could be shown that this absorbance change corresponds to theformation of the [Fe(SO3)]+ complex which is much faster than expectedon the basis of the rates of other ligand substitution reactions ofiron(III). This may indicate that the complex-formation occurs via anoxygen exchange mechanism instead of the usual ligand-exchangepath. Such a mechanism was proposed earlier for the formation of othersul¢to complexes, (99,100) and supported by the extremely fast complexformation between sul¢te ion and the otherwise substitution inertCr(III) (101,102).Simple ¢rst-order kinetics were observed in the next, well-separated

stage which was complete within 200ms.The main absorbing species at340 nm is [Fe2(OH)2]4+ and the absorbance decay at this wavelengthindicated that the hydroxo dimer is directly involved in the fast process.An analysis of the concentration dependence of the absorbance changecon¢rmed the formation of a unique dinuclear complex presumablywith the following composition: [(H2O)4Fe(m-OH)(m-SO3)Fe(H2O)4]

4+. Infollow-up studies the formation of this species was modeled without theinterference of redox steps, and the equilibrium and kinetic features ofa series of novel di- and tetranuclear iron(III) complexes with simpleinorganic oxoanions were described (103^105). The results seem to con-¢rm that the formation of a dinuclear complex from [Fe2(OH)2]4+ isalways feasible when the O^X^O moiety of the entering ligand has theappropriate geometry to replace one of the OH bridges of the hydroxodimer.These complexes should be regarded as reactive intermediates asthey dissociate into the corresponding mono-complexes at a rate compa-rable with that of the reactions between the monomer and dimerichydroxo complexes. The combination of these reactions typically yields


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composite kinetic traces, and the pH dependencies of the individualreaction steps complicate the situation even further.

The kinetic models developed for the formation of dinuclear iron(III)complexes served as a basis for the evaluation of the sul¢te ion reaction.Matrix rank analysis of the time-resolved spectra did not indicate theformation of additional absorbing species at longer reaction times, andthe common complex-formation model was modi¢ed by consideringredox reactions only with the monosul¢to and the dinuclear complex(106). A series of model calculations assuming di¡erent redox pathsrevealed that the dinuclear species is not involved in direct inner- orouter-sphere electron transfer reactions. Finally, the kinetic modelgiven in Eqs. (92)^(101) was veri¢ed by simultaneous evaluation of kinetictraces recorded at 340 and 430 nm under di¡erent experimental condi-tions.Thus, the equilibrium and rate constants were estimated by ¢ttingthe kinetic model directly to about 105 time-dependent absorbancevalues.These parameters are given at 25 �C and �=1.0M NaClO4 in thefollowing equations:

Fe3þ )�������* FeðOHÞ2þ þHþ K92 ¼ 1:91� 10�3 M; fast ð92Þ

Fe3þ þHSO�3 )�������* FeðSO3ÞþþHþ K93 ¼ 1:35; fast ð93Þ

H2O � SO2 )�������* HSO�3 þHþ K94 ¼ 1:82� 10�2 M; fast ð94Þ

HSO�3 )�������* SO2�3 þHþ K95 ¼ 4:57� 10�7 M; fast ð95Þ

Fe2ðOHÞ4þ2 þHSO�3 )�������*Fe2ðOHÞðSO3Þ3þ K96 ¼ 5:37� 103 M

k96 ¼ 3:9� 105 M�1 s�1 ð96Þ

Fe2ðOHÞ4þ2 þSO2�3 ðþH


3þ k97 4� 109 M�1 s�1 ð97Þ

Fe2ðOHÞ4þ2 )�������* 2FeðOHÞ2þ ka98 ¼ 0:35M�1 s�1

kb98 ¼ 3:5 s�1

kc98 ¼ 3:6� 10�3 M s�1ð98Þ


þ k99 ¼ 3:6 s�1 ð99Þ

FeðSO3Þþ�! Fe2þ þ SO��3 k100 ¼ 0:19 s�1 ð100Þ

Fe3þ þ SO��3 þH2O �! Fe2þ þ SO2�4 þ 2Hþ fast ð101Þ

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The three rate constants for Eq. (98) correspond to the acid-catalyzed,the acid-independent and the hydrolytic paths of the dimer-monomerequilibrium, respectively, and were evaluated independently (107). Theresults clearly demonstrate that the complexity of the kinetic processesis due to the interplay of the hydrolytic and the complex-formationsteps and is not a consequence of electron transfer reactions. In fact,the ¢rst-order decomposition of the FeSOþ3 complex is the only redoxstepwhichcontributes to the overall kinetic pro¢les, because subsequentreactions with the sul¢te ion radical and other intermediates are consid-erably faster. The presence of dioxygen did not a¡ect the kinetic traceswhen a large excess of the metal ion is present, con¢rming that eitherthe formation of the SO��5 radical (Eq. (91)) is suppressed by reaction(101), or the reactions of Fe(II) with SO��5 and HSO�5 are preferred overthose of HSO�3 as was predicted by Warneck and Ziajka (86). Recently,¢rst-order formation of iron(II) was con¢rmed in this system (108),which supports the ¢rst possibility cited, though the other alternativecan also be feasible under certain circumstances.Although the above model was developed under non-catalytic

conditions, some of the results may bear signi¢cance under natural con-ditions or in the presence of excess sul¢te ions.Thus, the decompositionof the mono-sul¢to complex was considered to be the rate-determiningstep in the catalytic cycle, but only estimates could be given for the rateconstant in earlier studies. The comprehensive data treatment used byLente and Fa¤ bia¤ n yielded a well established value for this parameter(106), which can then be used to improve previous kinetic models.Furthermore, the participation of reactions of the [Fe2(OH)(SO3)]3+ com-plex was never considered in kinetic studies where excess sul¢te ionwas used over low iron(III) concentration in mildly acidic solution (pH2.5^3.0). The above model predicts that in some cases the formation ofthe dimeric sul¢to complex could make a substantial contribution tothe spectral changes and omission of this species could lead to biasedconclusions. Reevaluation of data sets reported earlier by including thereactions of [Fe2(OH)(SO3)]3+ may resolve some of the controversiesfound in literature results.Recent studies demonstrated that the composition of the reaction

mixture, and in particular the pH have signi¢cant e¡ects on the kineticsof iron(III)-catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV) oxides. When the reac-tion was triggered at pH 6.1, the typical pH pro¢le as a function of timeexhibited a distinct induction period after which the pH sharplydecreased (98).The S-shaped kinetic traceswere interpretedby assumingthat the bu¡er capacity of the HSO�3 =SO

2�3 system e⁄ciently reduces

the acidifying e¡ect of the oxidation process. The activity of the


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catalyst was signi¢cantly reduced by increasing the pH or aging thereagent iron(III) solutions. These observations were rationalized byconsidering the formation of polymeric iron(III) hydroxo species whichare catalytically less active than the aqua or the monohydroxo iron(III)complex.

In order to model chemical features of aerosols, the e¡ect of oxalateion on the iron(III) catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV) was reportedin related papers by Grgic et al. (109,110) and Wolf et al. (111). Oxalatestrongly inhibits the catalytic reaction, and when the catalyst wasadded as Fe(II) the kinetic traces showed autocatalysis with an inductionperiod that increased upon increasing the oxalate concentrations. Theobservations were interpreted on the basis of the general kinetic modelproposed for iron(III) catalysis. It was assumed that the inhibitinge¡ect is due to the relatively low free iron(III) concentrations arisingfrom its consumption in the formation of complexes with the organiccomponent. According to Grgic and co-workers, the induction period inthe presence of Fe(II) is required to reach an equilibrium betweenFe(III)-oxalato complexes and free Fe(III) (110).

Manganese catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV) has been studiedin di¡erent pH regions and under a large variety of experimentalconditions. The results show spectacular diversity with respect to therate equations which may contain one, two or even three terms.Reaction orders of sul¢te ion and manganese concentrations that varybetween 0 and 2 and from less than 1 to 2, respectively, have beenreported. At the same time, there seems to be agreement in that therate of the catalytic cycle is independent of the oxygen concentrationand most of the studies support a free-radical chain mechanism.Recent studies clari¢ed important details of manganese catalysis, butveri¢cation of a generally applicable mechanism still appears to be aremote goal (112^115).

Connick and Zhang reported a three-term rate law for the oxygenconsumption at constant pH 4.5, 25 �C and �=0.05M (112):

�d½O2�=dt ¼ ka102 ½HSO�3 �2þ kb102 ½HSO�3 �½MnðIIÞ� þ kc102 ½MnðIIÞ�2 ð102Þ

with ka102 ¼ 3:6� 10�3 M�1 s�1, kb102 ¼ 1:23M�1 s�1; kc102 ¼ 98:6M�1 s�1.The ¢rst term was assigned to the uncatalyzed path which includes

the formation of the same reactive radical and non-radical intermediatesthat were reported in related studies. A clear distinction from otherkinetic models is that accumulation of the disulfate radical was alsopostulated during the autoxidation phase (84).The continued production

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of H+ after the total consumption of dioxygen was assigned to the rela-tively slow decomposition of this species with k104 0.013 s�1:

HSO�5 þHSO�3 �! S2O2�7 þH2O ð103Þ

S2O2�7 þH2O �! 2SO2�

4 þ 2Hþ ð104Þ

The obvious challenge in the interpretation of the data is to ¢nd a suit-able explanation for the independence of the third term of the rate law,Eq. (102), on the concentrations of HSO�3 and O2. The rate expressiondetermined experimentally could be modeled quantitatively by combin-ing the following propagation steps with the uncatalyzed reactionmechanism:

MnðIIÞ þ SO��5 �!MnðIIIÞ þHSO�5 ð105Þ

MnðIIIÞ þHSO�3 �!MnðIIÞ þ SO��3 ð106Þ

The above equations are not balanced for proton budget, and it wasnoted that a change in the pHmayhave signi¢cant kinetic consequences.Provided that manganese is present predominantly as manganous ion,

the kinetic model predicts a second-order dependence on [Mn(II)]and zeroth-order in the concentration of the other components at highcatalyst concentrations, as well as ¢rst-order in both [Mn(II)] and[HSO�3 ] when the [Mn(II)]/[HSO�3 ] ratio is increased and [HSO�3 ] isdecreased. Furthermore, it provides a coherent interpretation ofother kinetic e¡ects such as the inhibition by methanol or catalysis byS2O

2�8 . On the basis of the results, the formation of stable sul¢to

complex(es) could be excluded. This conclusion is in contrast to an ear-lier study which reported the formation of the stable [Mn(HSO3Þ]


complex (113).Berglund and co-workers (113) observed an induction period in the

manganese(II) catalyzed autoxidation of sulfur(IV) followed by strictly¢rst-order decay of HSO�3 at pH=2.4 and at a considerably lower concen-tration of sulfur(IV) than used by Connick and Zhang. In the presenceof added Mn(III) the induction period was eliminated and the reactionbecame faster.The validity of the following experimental rate expressionwas con¢rmed:

kobs ¼ k107 ½MnðIIÞ�1þB½MnðIIIÞ�0Aþ ½MnðIIÞ�


whereA andB are constants and [Mn(III)]0 represents the concentrationof Mn(III) initially added.


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First, the observations were explained on the basis of a kinetic modelwhich was centered around the formation of a stable hydrogensul¢tocomplex with Mn(II). However, in light of the results reported byConnnick and Zhang (112), the same authors reevaluated their data andpresented evidence for the formation of a mixed-valence dimanganese(II,III) complex, (OH)MnIIIOMnII (114). An attack by HSO�3 on theMn(II) moiety and the formation of a precursor complex were hypothe-sized and within the latter a bridged electron transfer occurs fromS(IV) to Mn(III). The mixed-valence complex was expected to be a moreactive oxidant than Mn(III) alone. The catalytic cycle is completed bysubsequent reactions of the products, Mn(II) and SO��3 . It was concludedthat signi¢cantly di¡erent rate expressions may correspond to the samecatalytic cycle, and the di¡erences can be rationalized by consideringrelocation of the rate-determining step when the experimental condi-tions are altered.

Connick and Zhang did not specify how exactly the catalytic cycle wasinitiated, though it can be inferred that the presence of some impurityis critical in triggering the reaction (112). Fronaeus and co-workers pre-sented strong arguments that trace amounts of iron(III) are su⁄cient toinitiate the catalytic reaction due to synergism between the two metalions (114). When iron(III) is added to the Mn(II)^sul¢te ion system, anequilibrium between the Mn(II)/Mn(III) and Fe(II)/Fe(III) couples israpidly established.The dimanganese(II,III) complex is capable of oxidiz-ing HSO�3 much faster than by iron(III); thus, the main kinetic role ofFe(III) is to reoxidize Mn(II) to Mn(III). This reaction produces Fe(II)which is quickly reoxidized to Fe(III) by SO��5 formed as a secondaryradical in the oxidation of HSO�3 . This qualitative model is supportedby the results presented by Grgic and Bercic (115). However, otherconclusions of these authors are inconsistent with previous results asthey propose a simpli¢ed kinetic model which postulates the formationof a high stability sul¢to complex with manganese(II). As in the case ofiron(III) catalysis, the speciation of Mn(II) and Mn(III) is crucial inthe mechanism, and further studies should be directed towardexploring the nature of complexes formed under di¡erent experimentalconditions.

While many important details of the iron- and manganese-catalyzedreactions are yet to be explored, the common features of the correspond-ing mechanisms are well established and also applicable in the presenceof other catalysts. Thus, the formation of the SO��5 , SO��4 and HSO�5intermediates was reported in all of the free-radical type reactions.These species are very reactive oxidants and this explains the apparent

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paradox of sul¢te autoxidation reactions that various substratesundergo oxidation with high yields, in the presence of the stronglyreducing sulfur(IV).The oxidationof twowater-solubleNi(II) complexeswith amacrocyclic

(CR= 2,12 -dimethyl-3,7,11,17-tetraazabicyclo-[11.3.1]heptadeca-1(17),2,11,13,15-pentaene) and a polydentate (KGH-CONH2= lysylglycylhistidine-carboxamide) ligand has been reported (116). The reaction with[NiCR]2+ shows typical auto-catalytic behavior with an inductionperiod which decreases by increasing the sul¢te ion concentration. Inthis case, the reaction was complete within 200 s in an oxygen-saturatedsolution ([[NiCR]2+] = 1.25�10�4M, [S(IV)] = 1.0^4.0�10�3M, pH=6.5)and the Ni(III) complex product is stable in solution over an extendedperiod of time. The oxidation of Ni(II) was found to be faster whenperoxomonosulfate was used instead of sul¢te /O2. The oxidation ofthe other complex is also auto-catalytic with SO2�

3 / O2 and considerablyfaster with both oxidants than the corresponding reactionswith [NiCR]2+. The formation of the Ni(III) product was observed onlyin a limited sul¢te ion concentration range and analysis of kinetictraces provided evidence for a back reaction to Ni(II) at longer reactiontimes. The kinetic model for these reactions postulates a Ni(II) /Ni(III)redox cycle and a series of redox reactions with various oxy-sulfurradicals.Most of the kinetic models predict that the sul¢te ion radical is

easily oxidized by O2 and/or the oxidized form of the catalyst, butthis species was rarely considered as a potential oxidant. In a recentpulse radiolysis study, the oxidation of Ni(II and I) and Cu(II and I)macrocyclic complexes by SO��3 was studied under anaerobic conditions(117). In the reactions with Ni(I) and Cu(I) complexes intermediatescould not be detected, and the electron transfer was interpreted interms of a simple outer-sphere mechanism. In contrast, time resolvedspectra con¢rmed the formation of intermediates with a ligand-radical nature in the reactions of the M(II) ions. The formation of aproduct with a sulfonated macrocycle and another with an addi-tional double bond in the macrocycle were isolated in the reactionwith [NiCR]2+. These results may require the re¢nement of thekinetic model proposed by Lepentsiotis for the [NiCR]2+^SO2�

3 ^O2

system (116).The oxidizing power of the catalytic sul¢te ion/O2 systemswas utilized

in oxidative cleavage of DNA (118^121), in an analytical applicationfor the determination of sulfur dioxide in air (122) and in developing aluminescent probe for measuring oxygen uptake (123).


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VII. Autoxidation of Miscellaneous Substrates

Copper complexes were used as e⁄cient catalysts for selectiveautoxidations of £avonols (HFLA) to the corresponding o-benzoylsalicylic acid (o-BSH) and CO in non-aqueous solvents and at elevatedtemperatures (124^128). The oxidative cleavage of the pyrazone ring isalso catalyzed by some cobalt complexes (129^131).

In the [CuII(FLA)2]-catalyzed reaction, at the beginning of the kinetictraces, a relatively slow induction periodwas observed; this was assignedto the conversion of the complex into a catalytically active species (127).The actual oxygenation of £avonol was believed to occur in the consider-ably faster second phase of the reaction which was con¢rmed to be ¢rst-order in the concentrations of the catalyst, the substrate and dioxygenwith k=2.0�103M�2 s�1 at 120 �C in DMF. The kinetic model wasdeveloped by assuming that a third £avonolate weakly coordinates tothe [CuII(FLA)2] complex. It should be noted that the reactive form ofthe catalyst was not speci¢ed, although it must be di¡erent from the ori-ginal bis-£avonalate complex because of the slow transformation processin the induction period.

The third ligandwas assumed tobe coordinated to the metal center viathe deprotonated 3-hydroxy and 4-carbonyl groups. This coordinationmode allows delocalization of the electronic structure and intermolecu-lar electron transfer from the ligand to Cu(II). The Cu(I)-£avonoxy radi-cal is in equilibrium with the precursor complex and formed atrelatively low concentration levels. This species is attacked by dioxygenpresumably at the C2 carbon atom of the £avonoxyl ligand. In principle,such an attack may also occur at the Cu(I) center, but because of thecrowded coordination sphere of the metal ion it seems to be less favour-able.The reaction is completed by the formation and fast rearrangementof a trioxametallocycle.

Essentially the same mechanism was proposed for the [CuI(FLA)(PPh3)] (127) and [CuII(FLA)(IDPA)]+ (IDPA=3,30 -iminobis(N,N-di-methylpropylamine) (128) catalyzed reactions. In the former case, compo-site kinetic features were found in the initial phase of the reactionindicating a slow transformation of the complex presumably to the samecatalyticallyactive specieswhichwaspostulated in theCu(FLA)2 system.

For the reaction of [CuII(FLA)(IDPA)]+ straightforward kineticswere reported, as an induction periodwas not observed at the beginningof the reaction, and the rate was ¢rst-order in the catalyst and O2

concentrations but independent of the substrate concentration, withk=4.2�10�2M�1 s�1 at 130 �C in DMF. In the absence of £avonol,the catalyst is also oxidized in an overall second-order process and the

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corresponding rate constant, k=6.1�10�3M�1 s�1 (100 �C), 2.9�10�2

M�1 s�1 (130 �C), is in reasonable agreement with that of the catalyticreactionunder the same conditions.This suggests that the rate-determin-ing step in the catalytic cycle is the oxidation of the coordinated FLAligand of the catalyst which is rapidly regenerated as long as thesubstrate is present in excess. The details of the mechanism proposedfor this reaction are shown in Scheme 6.A comparison of the rate constants for the [CuII(FLA)(IDPA)]+-cata-

lyzed autoxidation of 40 -substituted derivatives of £avonol revealed alinear free energy relationship (Hammett) between the rate constantsand the electronic e¡ects of the para-substituents of the substrate (128).The logarithm of the rate constants linearly decreased with increasingHammett � values, i.e. a higher electron density on the copper centeryields a faster oxidation rate.Catalytic activation of dioxygen by Co(ClO4)2�6H2O, cobalt(II) phthalo-

cyanines (PC= tetrakis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)dodecachlor-ophthalocyaninate) and cobaloxime(II) ([CoII(HDMG)2(L)2; H2DMG=dimethylglyoxime, L=Ph3P, Ph3As, Ph3Sb) has been studied in oxidationreactions of phenol, thiophenol, and aniline derivatives, primarily, atambient temperature and in non-aqueous solvents by Sima¤ ndi and co-workers (132^141). A common kinetic feature of these reactions is theaccumulation of reactive intermediates in a relatively fast initial phasewhich persisted for several minutes under typical experimental condi-tions. The rate laws were evaluated by analyzing the concentration

SCHEME 6. Reprinted from Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 320, Barha¤ cs, L.; Kaizer, J.;Pap, J.; Speier, G. Kinetics and mechanism of the stoichiometric oxygenation of (CuII

(fla)(idpa)]ClO4 [fla=flavanolate, idpa=3,30 -imino-bis(N,N-dimethylpropylamine)] andthe (CuII(fla)(idpa)]ClO4-catalyzed oxygenation of flavanol, p. 83. Copyright (2002),with permission from Elsevier Science.


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dependencies of the oxygen uptake rates measured after the initialstage, i.e. when the catalytic systems reached steady states. Theobservations were consistent with a mechanism very similar to thatpostulated for cobaloxime(II)-catalyzed oxidation of H2DTBC (54,55)(cf. Section IV). Thus, fast reversible formation of a superoxocobalt(III)complex, which is bonded reversibly to the substrate via a hydrogenbond, was proposed. The rate-determining step is the dissociation ofthis adduct into a hydroperoxocobalt complex and a radical derivedfrom the substrate. Subsequent steps include the recombination of thefree radical, its reactionwith cobalt(III) and decomposition of the hydro-peroxocobalt species. These ¢ndings were supported by results fromESRmeasurements whichwere used to identify some of the intermediateradical species (135,139,141).With some modi¢cations, the above mechanism is also operative when

the substrate is suitable for oxidative attack at more than one position.For example, in the cobaloxime(II)-catalyzed oxidation of 3,30,5,50 -tetra-tert-butyl-4,40 -dihydroxystilbene (H2StA), oxidative dehydrogenationyielded stilbenequinone (StQ), and simultaneous cleavage of the doublebond gave 2,6 -di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (141). When thesystem reached steady-state, the formation of the two products pro-ceeded at comparable rates presumably via the common StQ�� anionradical. This species can be involved in a further hydrogen abstractionstep with CoIIIOH (CoIII represents the [CoIII(HDMG)2(Ph3P)]

+ moiety)or attacked in its mesomeric form at one of the ole¢nic carbon atoms bythe superoxocobalt(III) species forming an alkylperoxocobaloxime(III)intermediate. The aldehyde product is formed in subsequent fast steps.Such a reaction does not occur in the absence of the catalyst and thisreaction serves as a rare example of the ability of cobaloxime(II) tocatalyze the oxidative cleavage of an ole¢nic double bond.

In a broad sense, the model developed for the cobaloxime(II)-catalyzedreactions seems to be valid also for the autoxidation of the alkylmercaptan to disul¢des in the presence of cobalt(II) phthalocyaninetetra-sodium sulfonate in reverse micelles (142). It was assumed that therate-determining electron transfer within the catalyst-substrate-dioxy-gen complex leads to the formation of the ¢nal products via the RS� andO��2 radicals. The yield of the disul¢de product was higher in water^oilmicroemulsions prepared from a cationic surfactant than in thepresence of an anionic surfactant. This di¡erence is probably due tothe stabilization of the monomeric form of the catalyst in the formerenvironment.

Ruthenium(III) was shown to be a potent catalyst for the autoxidationof various organic substrates by Taqui Khan and co-workers (143^148).

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Some of the details of these reactions are summarized in Table III. Thecorresponding kinetic models were centered around the formation of acomplex which included all the reactants, i.e. the catalyst, the substrate,in most cases dioxygen and also ascorbic acid when it was used as aco-substrate.This precursor complex was considered to undergo an inter-nal redox process in a rate-determining step. According to this generalmodel, the rate expression can take di¡erent forms depending on howmany components are assembled in the precursor complex and wherethe rate determining-step is located in the reaction sequence.The oxidation of allyl alcohol shows an interesting pH dependence

(144,147). When the pH<2.0, the main product is acrylaldehyde andthe rate is independent of, or inversely proportional to [H+], with thecatalysts Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA), respectively.5 In this case, hydride



Substrate Catalyst H2Ac Ph nO Reference

cyclohexene Ru(III) no 2.0 1 (146)cyclohexene RuIII(EDTA) no 1.0^3.0 1/2 (145)cyclohexene Ru(III) yes 2.0 1 (146)cyclohexene RuIII(EDTA) yes 2.5 1 (148)cyclohexane d RuIII(EDTA) yes 2.5 1 (148)cyclohexanol Ru(III) no 1.5^3.0 1 (143)cyclohexanol RuIII(EDTA) no 1.5^3.0 0 (143)cyclohexanol RuIII(EDTA) yes 2.5 1 (148)allyl alcohol Ru(III) no 1.0^2.0 0 (144)

no 2.0^3.0 1/2 (144)allyl alcohol RuIII(EDTA) no 1.0^2.0 0 (147)

no 2.0^3.0 1 (147)

aTypical experimental conditions:T=288^313K, �=0.1MKNO3 or KCl, in water, 1 :1water^ethanolor water-1,4 -dioxane.

bnO is the reaction order in O2. The reaction was first-order in the catalyst and the substrate con-centration.

cThe reaction was first-order in ascorbic acid (H2A) concentration when it was used as a co-sub-strate.

dFractional-order was reported for the substrate.

5In these studies Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) represent [RuCl2(H2O)4]+ and a gener-

alized EDTA complex of Ru(III), respectively. The coordination mode and com-position, in particular with respect to possible protonated complexes, were notspeci¢ed for the EDTA complex in the cited references.


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abstraction from the substrate to the metal center within the catalyst-substrate complex was considered to be the rate-determining stepwhich is followed by fast oxidation of the hydrido complex. Above pH2.0, the reaction becomes independent of pH with both catalysts, andepoxidation of the double bond occurs simultaneously with theoxidation of the alcoholic group. In the case of Ru(III), the formation ofa [S^RuIII^(m-O2)^Ru

III^S] (S stands for substrate) dinuclear complex,which decomposes via the cleavage of the O^O bond in a rate determin-ing step, was postulated. The reaction supposedly proceeds via mono-nuclear complexes when Ru(EDTA) is used as catalyst.

The above models imply that the proton loss of the OH group ofthe coordinated substrate shifts the mechanism from oxidation toepoxidation with Ru(III). Such a straightforward interpretation of thepH e¡ect was not presented for reactions of the other substrates, i.e.the protolytic reaction, which would act as a switch between the twomechanisms, cannot be identi¢ed.

The models proposed for the Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) catalyzed epoxida-tion of allyl alcohol replace each other in the corresponding reactions ofcyclohexene.Thus, mono-nuclear and di-nuclear paths were reported forthe Ru(III) and Ru(EDTA) catalysis, respectively (145,146).

The presence of ascorbic acid as a co-substrate enhanced the rateof the Ru(EDTA)-catalyzed autoxidation in the order cyclohexane<cyclohexanol<cyclohexene (148). The reactions were always ¢rst-order in [H2A]. It was concluded that these reactions occur via aRu(EDTA)(H2A)(S)(O2) adduct, in which ascorbic acid promotes thecleavage of theO2 unit and, as a consequence, O-transfer to the substrate.While the model seems to be consistent with the experimentalobservations, it leaves open some very intriguing questions. Accordingto earlier results from the same laboratory (24,25), the Ru(EDTA)catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic acid occurs at a comparable or evena faster rate than the reactions listed in Table III. It follows, thatthe interference from this side reaction should not be neglected inthe detailed kinetic model, in particular because ascorbic acid may becompletely consumed before the oxidation of the other substratetakes place.

It is not clear either how the Ru center can accommodate four ligandssimultaneously. The crowded coordination sphere around the metalcenter in the Ru(EDTA)^ascorbate complex is expected to hinder thecoordination of other ligands as was proposed earlier (24,25). Thecontradiction between the two sets of results reported in Refs. (24,25)and (148) is obvious.While the Ru(EDTA)(H2A)(O2) complex was not con-sidered in the kinetic model proposed for the oxidation of ascorbic acid,

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a relatively high equilibrium constant, logK=3.18, was reported forthe formation of the same species from Ru(EDTA)(H2A) and O2 in thelatter study. Because di¡erences in the experimental conditions cannotaccount for the above discrepancies, the need for a coherent re-interpre-tation of the kinetic data seems to be imperative and inevitable.The enhanced chemiluminescence associated with the autoxidation

of luminol (5-amino-2,3 -dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione) in the presenceof trace amounts of iron(II) is being used extensively for selectivedetermination of Fe(II) under natural conditions (149^152). The speci¢-city of the reaction is that iron(II) induces chemiluminescence with O2,but not with H2O2, which was utilized as an oxidizing agent in the deter-mination of other trace metals. The oxidation of luminol by O2 is oftenreferred to as an iron(II)-catalyzed process but it is not a catalytic reac-tion in reality because iron(II) is not involved in a redox cycle, rather itis oxidized to iron(III). In other words, the lower oxidation state metalion should be regarded as a co-substrate in this system. Nevertheless,the reaction deserves attention because it is one of the few cases wherea metal ion signi¢cantly a¡ects the autoxidation kinetics of a substratewithout actually forming a complex with it.The source of chemiluminescence in the oxidation of luminol was

explored byMere¤ nyi and co-workers in detail (153).The oxidation of lumi-nol yields aminophthalate as a ¢nal product and the reaction proceedsvia a series of electron transfer steps. The primary oxidation product isthe luminol radical which is transformed into either diazaquinone orthe a-hydroxide-hydroperoxide intermediate (a-HHP). The latter oxida-tion step occurs between the deprotonated form of the luminol radicaland O��2 . The chemiluminescence is due to the decomposition of themono-anionic form of a-HHP into the ¢nal products:


An alternative path includes oxidation, in the absence of light, of thediazaquinone with weak chemiluminescence (154). The effect of iron(II)on the luminescent intensity was interpreted by considering that itcan efficiently generate the O��

2 radical in a reaction with O2 and, asa consequence, increase the importance of reaction (108) in the overallprocess (155).


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Trace amounts of Cu(II) were reported to catalyze the oxidation of I�

to I2 (156) and the phosphinate ion ðH2PO�2 Þ to peroxodiphosphate ion

(PDP), which could be present as P2O4�8 , HP2O

3�8 or H2P2O

2�8 (157).

Individual kinetic traces showed some unusual patterns in these reac-tions, such as the variation between ¢rst- and zeroth-order kineticswith respect to the formation of I2 under very similar conditions, or anautocatalytic feature in the concentration pro¢les of PDP, but theseevents were not studied in detail.The catalytic e¡ect was interpreted interms of a Cu(II) / Cu(I) redox cycle and the superoxide ion radical,O��2 =HO�2, was considered as a reactive intermediate in both cases. Theaddition of radical scavengers strongly retarded the oxidation of thephosphinate ion con¢rming the radical type mechanism. It was alsodemonstrated that the reaction ceased when the catalyst was maskedwith EDTA.

Iron(III) chelate complexes were utilized as catalysts for oxidativeremoval of H2S from natural gas.The application of FeIII(NTA) is plaguedby the degradation of the ligand to weaker chelating agents such asiminodiacetic acid, glycine, oxalate and eventually CO2 is generated.According to Chen et al., the degradation occurred on the time-scale of3^4 days when air andH2Swere included in a reaction mixture originallycontaining only the catalyst (158). Substantial acidi¢cationwas observedin unbu¡ered reaction mixtures, and the pH dropped from 8.6 to 3.5 in atypical experiment. This combined with the fact that the reactionbecame much slower at constant pH 8.5 indicates the autocatalyticfeature of the overall reaction.

It was proposed that the degradation of the catalyst occurs simulta-neously with the following catalytic cycle:

2FeðNTAÞ þH2S �! 2FeðNTAÞ� þ 1=8S8 þ 2Hþ ð109Þ

2FeðNTAÞ� þ 1=2O2 þH2O �! 2FeðNTAÞ þ 2OH� ð110Þ

A free radical mechanism was considered for the reoxidation of theFe(II) complex involving the formation of H2O2. The decomposition ofhydrogen peroxide generates the primary OH� and the secondary O��2radicals.While O2 is not a su⁄ciently strong oxidant to attack NTA, thefree radicals are reactive enough to induce oxidative degradation of theligand and byproducts. The formation of H2O2 was con¢rmed inexperiments with the enzyme catalase and the reaction was inhibitedby addition of Na2S2O3, a well known free radical scavenger. Theseobservations fully support the proposed model.

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VIII. Exotic Kinetic Phenomena

A number of autoxidation reactions exhibit exotic kinetic phenomenaunder speci¢c experimental conditions. One of the most widely studiedsystems is the peroxidase-oxidase (PO) oscillator which is the onlyenzyme reaction showing oscillation in vitro in homogeneous stirredsolution.The net reaction is the oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinu-cleotide (NADH), a biologically vital coenzyme, by dioxygen in a horse-radish peroxidase enzyme (HRP) catalyzed process:

NADHþO2 �! 2NADþ þ 2H2O ð111Þ

Since the ¢rst report of oscillation in 1965 (159), a variety of other non-linear kinetic phenomena have been observed in this reaction, suchas bi-stability, bi-rhythmicity, complex oscillations, quasi-periodicity,stochastic resonance, period-adding and period-doubling to chaos.Recently, the details and sub-systems of the PO reaction were surveyedand a critical assessment of earlier experiments was given by Scheelineand co-workers (160). This reaction is beyond the scope of thischapter and therefore, the mechanistic details will not be discussedhere. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to mention that many studieswere designed to explore non-linear autoxidation phenomena in lesscomplicated systems with an ultimate goal of understanding the POreaction better.The main features of the copper catalyzed autoxidation of ascorbic

acid were summarized in detail in Section III. Recently, Strizhakand coworkers demonstrated that in a continuously stirred tankreactor (CSTR) as well as in a batch reactor, the reaction shows variousnon-linear phenomena, such as bi-stability, oscillations and stochasticresonance (161). The results from the batch experiments can besuitably illustrated with a two-dimensional parameter diagram shownin Fig. 5.At high [Cu(II)] and low [H2A] initial concentrations, the Pt electrode

potential, used to follow the chemical process, increased monotonously.Whenboth species were present at high initial concentrations, a monoto-nous decrease was observed. Various non-monotonic transient regimeswere found at approximate initial concentrations of [Cu(II)] 10�4Mand [H2A] 10�4M. Thus, the batch experiments properly illustratethat the system is sensitive to variations of the initial concentrations ofascorbic acid and copper(II) ion, and the observations can be indicativeof a transient bi-stability.


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The experiments were performed at a constant in£ow concentrationof ascorbic acid ([H2A]) in the CSTR. Oscillations were found bychanging the £ow rate and the in£ow concentration of the copper(II)ion systematically. At constant Cu(II) in£owconcentration, the electrodepotential measured on the Pt electrode showed hysteresis between twostable steady-states when ¢rst the £ow-rate was increased, and thendecreased to its original starting value. The results of the CSTRexperiments were summarized in a phase diagram (Fig. 6).

In Fig. 6, separate regions of bi-stability, oscillations and single stablesteady-states can be noticed. This ‘‘cross-shaped’’ phase diagram iscommon for many non-linear chemical systems containing autocatalyticsteps, and this was used as an argument to suggest that the Cu(II) ioncatalyzed autoxidation of the ascorbic acid is also autocatalytic. The

FIG. 5. Two-dimensional parametric diagram of system response at differentinitial concentrations of reagents in batch: n, monotonic growth of Pt potential[Fig. 1(a)]; ,, monotonic decrease of Pt potential [Fig. 1(b)];s, Pt electrode potentialfirst decreases and then increases in time [Fig. 1(c)]; �, various nonmonotonictransient regimes [Fig. 1(d^f)]. Strizhak, P. E.; Basylchuk, A. B.; Demjanchyk, I.;Fecher, F.; Shcneider, F.W.; Munster, A. F. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000, 2, 4721.Reproduced by permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry on behalf of the PCCPOwner Societies.

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following reaction scheme was proposed for the interpretation of theresults:

H2Aþ Cu2þ�! HA� þ Cuþ þHþ ð112Þ

HA� þO2 �! HO�2 þA ð113Þ

HO�2 þH2A �! HA� þH2O2 ð114Þ

Cuþ þH2O2 þHþ �! OH� þH2Oþ Cu2þð115Þ

OH� þHA �! HA� þH2O ð116Þ

FIG. 6. Dynamical phase diagram of the ascorbic acid/copper(II)/oxygen system ina CSTR in the kf� [Cu2+]0 plane. Fixed reactor concentrations: [H2Asc]0 =5.0�10�4M; [H2SO4]0 = 6.0�10�5M; [Na2SO4]0 = 0.04M. Symbols: s, steady state;�, oscillations; r, bistability. The asterisk (*) marks the Takens-Bogdanov point.Strizhak, P. E.; Basylchuk, A. B.; Demjanchyk, I.; Fecher, F.; Shcneider,F. W.; Munster, A. F. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000, 2, 4721. Reproduced by permis-sion of The Royal Society of Chemistry on behalf of the PCCP Owner Societies.


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This model is consistent with the results discussed in Section III inthat it also postulates the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycle. Otherwise, there aresigni¢cant di¡erences, such as the removal of H2O2 as in Eq. (115), orthe formation of the hydroxyl radical, which would require justi¢cation.Since calculations were not presented to support the kinetic model, it isopen to question as to how well the observations would be reproducedby reactions (112^116) or, for that matter, by the alternative models.

The oxidation of benzaldehyde with dioxygen in the presence of Co(II)and bromide ion also shows non-linear kinetic phenomena. The netreaction of the oxidation process is given as follows:

2PhCHOþO2ðsolnÞ �! 2PhCO2H ð117Þ

Jensen was the ¢rst to report in 1983 that the color of the solutionoscillated between pink and dark brown in the presence of cobalt(II)and bromide ions when the reaction was carried out in a 90/10 (w/w)acetic acid/water mixture (162). This color change was accompanied bya change in the redox potential and the oscillations were observed forover 16 h and 800 cycles. Presumably, the pink color corresponds to a lowCo(III)/Co(II) ratio, the dark brownish black to a high Co(III)/Co(II)ratio or to a Co(III)Br complex in this reaction.

In later work, Roelofs and co-workers discovered further details ofthe reaction by investigating the sub-systems, and they suggested a 21step chemical model (RWJ model) to explain the observed non-linearkinetic patterns (163). According to the experimental observations, theoscillation process can be divided into two distinct alternating stages,the stoichiometries of which can be approximated as follows:

PhCHOþO2ðsolnÞ þ 2CoðIIÞ þ 2Hþ �! PhCO2Hþ 2CoðIIIÞ þH2Oð118Þ

PhCHOþ 2CoðIIIÞ þH2O �! PhCO2Hþ 2CoðIIÞ þ 2Hþ ð119Þ

At the beginning of stage I the concentration of dissolved oxygen ishigh, and that of Co(III) is low. Equation (118) represents an autocatalyticprocess, and as the concentration of the product Co(III) increases therate accelerates, until it reaches a point where the rate of depletion ofdissolved oxygen becomes higher than the rate of oxygen transferfrom the gas phase to the solution. As a consequence, the concentrationof dissolved oxygen falls, and at the end of Stage I dioxygen is totallydepleted in the liquid phase. At this point reaction (119) becomesoperative, i.e. the Co(III) formed in stage I is consumed in a rapid reac-tion with benzaldehyde. The model postulates that the reactive Co(III)species is a dimer complex, and a number of radicals (PhCO�, PhCOO�,

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PhCOOO�, Co(II)Br�) were assumed to be important intermediates in thereaction. The presence of some of the free radicals was con¢rmed byEPR spectroscopy, providing additional support for the validity of theRWJ model (164).The model proposed on the basis of the experimental workof Colussi et

al. (CGYN) is not consistent with the RWJ model, in some details (165).The most important di¡erence lies in the interpretation of the role ofbromide ion and of bromine that could be formed from bromide ion.Roelofs and co-workers assumed that Br� is important only in thecomplex-formation and they did not take into consideration the forma-tion and further reactions of Br2 in their oscillatory model (164). Colussiet al. suggested that Br2 may form at low concentration levels and veri¢edexperimentally that bromine added to the system during the oscillationreduces the concentration of Co(III), and makes the periods shorter.A detailed molecular mechanism was proposed in agreement with theobservations on the overall reaction and sub-systems (165).The oxidation of benzaldehyde by molecular oxygen is an autocatalytic

process which may feature propagating reaction fronts. Boga et al.investigated this phenomenon in the absence of bromide ion by using amixture of Co(II) acetate and benzaldehyde solutions saturatedwith an O2^N2 mixture (166). The wave was initiated in a capillary tubeby addition of perbenzoic acid, an intermediate of the reaction. Thevelocity of front propagation as a function of Co(II), PhCHO, and O2

concentrations was explored. At low concentration levels, Co(II) is acatalyst, but at high concentrations it acts as a scavenger of thePhCOOO� radical and inhibits the autoxidation of benzaldehyde,Eq. (124).The authors proposed the following skeleton model for interpre-tation of the results:


k120 ¼ 1:9� 105 M�1 s�1 ð120Þ

CoðIIIÞ þ PhCHO �! CoðIIÞ þ PhCO� þHþ

k121 ¼ 1:6� 10�4 M�1 s�1 ð121Þ

PhCO� þO2 �! PhCOOO� k122 ¼ 5:0� 108 M�1 s�1 ð122Þ


k123 ¼ 3:9� 103 M�1 s�1 ð123Þ


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k124 ¼ 8:0� 106 M�1 s�1 ð124Þ

PhCOO� þ PhCHO �! PhCO� þ PhCOOH

k125 ¼ 1:0� 107 M�1 s�1 ð125Þ

It was shown that an appropriate combination of the above steps, i.e.(120) + (121) + 2(122) + 2(123) + (125), predicts autocatalytic accumulationof the perbenzoic acid:

PhCOOOHþ 2PhCHOþ 2O2 þ 2CoðIIÞ�! 2PhCOOOH þ 2CoðIIIÞ þ PhCOO� þOH� ð126Þ

Guslander and co-workers developed another simple skeletonmodel on the basis of the CGYN model, named Cobaltolator, whichconsists of only four steps (167). Numerical simulations with thismodel showed that it can reproduce the main features of the oscillationreaction, and it can also simulate the front propagation found byBoga et al.

Searching for other oscillatory autoxidation reactions led DrulinerandWasserman to use cyclohexanone as a substrate instead of benzalde-hyde (168). Unlike the simple stoichiometry found for the benzaldehydereaction, the ketone gives at least six or more products, and the relativeamounts of these vary substantially with the experimental conditions(Scheme 7).

The overall appearance of the oscillation in the cyclohexanoneautoxidation is di¡erent from that in the corresponding reaction ofbenzaldehyde, indicating signi¢cant di¡erences in the mechanisms.Theoscillation can be divided into three stages. In the ¢rst stage, organicintermediates, mainly KO2H and HOK, are formed in a slow autoxida-tion of cyclohexanone (cf. Scheme 7). During this phase the electrodepotential of the system is practically constant, which indicates that theCo(III)/Co(II) ratio is not altered signi¢cantly.When enough peroxide isgenerated the second stage begins, where ¢rst HOK reacts with Co(III)to give RCO�, and subsequent steps follow as shown in Scheme 8.

In this stage, the conversion of Co(II) to Co(III) is indicated by therapid rise in the electrode potential, and fast generation of Co(III)accelerates the formation of HOK. Finally, in the third stage the accumu-lated Co(III) oxidizes the organic substrates to radical intermediates,while itself is reduced back to Co(II). Because of the noted complexity,the oscillation model for the cyclohexanone reaction was not elaboratedupon in detail.

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IX. Perspectives

The results surveyed in this chapter demonstrate the composite natureof autoxidation reactions and the potential problems involved in explor-ing the intimate details of the appropriate mechanisms. The kineticobservatiuons have been interpreted to di¡erent depths, but there isstill plenty of room for improving available kinetic models. Most

SCHEME 7. Reprinted with permission from Druliner, J. D.; Wasserman, E. J. Am.Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 5270. Copyright (2002) American Chemical Society.



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certainly, a great number of future studies will be designed to character-ize better the reactive intermediates and to identify the dominantreaction paths in these systems. Recent developments in reactionkinetics o¡er sophisticated technical and computational tools to accom-plish these objectives. New fast kinetic devices allow the recording oftime resolved spectra on the millisecond time-scale with a reliabilitycomparable to that of high quality spectrophotometers; the sensitivity,detection limits and response times of electrochemical instrumentshave been improved by orders of magnitude using new technologies.Theavailability of micro and nano devices has opened new territories fortime-dependent studies.

The quantity and quality of experimental information determined bythe new techniques call for the use of comprehensive data treatmentand evaluation methods. In earlier literature, quite often kinetic studieswere simpli¢ed by using pseudo-¢rst-order conditions, the steady-stateapproach or initial rate methods. In some cases, these simpli¢cationswere fully justi¢ed but sometimes the approximations led to distortedresults. Autoxidation reactions are particularly vulnerable to thisproblem because of strong kinetic coupling between the individualsteps and feed-back reactions. It was demonstrated in many cases, thatthese reactions are very sensitive to the conditions applied and theirkinetic pro¢les and stoichiometries may be signi¢cantly altered bychanging the pH, the absolute concentrations and concentration ratiosof the reactants, and also by the presence of trace amounts of impuritieswhich may act either as catalysts and/or inhibitors.

By lifting the simplifying restrictions, the kinetic observations can beexamined in more detail over much wider concentration ranges of thereactants than those relevant to pseudo-¢rst-order conditions. It shouldbe added that sometimes a composite kinetic trace is more revealingwith respect to the mechanism than the conventional concentrationand pH dependencies of the pseudo-¢rst-order rate constants.Simultaneous evaluation of the kinetic curves obtained with di¡erentexperimental methods, and recorded under di¡erent conditions, isbased on ¢tting the proposed kinetic models directly to the primarydata.This method yields more accurate estimates for the rate constantsthan conventional procedures. Such an approach has been used sporadi-cally in previous studies, but it is expected to be applied more widelyand gain signi¢cance in the near future.

Reliable mechanisms can serve as the basis for the design of e⁄cientnew catalysts for autoxidation reactions. A systematic analysis of thee¡ects of the non-participating ligands on the kinetics of the overallreaction and on the catalytic activity of the metal center(s) could be a

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driving force to prepare novel complexes with special functionalities.Furthermore, the transfer of the catalyst to a non-traditional environ-ment may be an exciting ¢eld for mechanistic studies. Already there area few examples where certain catalytic properties are retained whenthe metal centers are attached to polymeric surfaces; however, theporosity and other properties of the carrier also a¡ect the reactions.Non-conventional solvents, such as supercritical £uids, or biphasicsystems can also be used to tune the activity of some of the catalysts.Finally, kinetic and mechanistic studies of autoxidation reactions

will not only lead to a better understanding of these essential reactionsbut also may trigger extensive studies on various areas of dioxygenchemistry.


This work was supported by the Hungarian National Research Foundation under grantNos. OTKAT 029568 and 042755.


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Actinidessolvent exchange reactions 3, 49^52

aqua ions 51Aldehydes, tris(imido)rhenium(VII)

reactions 198Aluminumreactions at labile Al(III) centers 122solvent exchange data 12, 16

Anthraphos rhodium complex 342^343L-ascorbic acidautoxidation 400^411non-linear autoxidation behavior 449^452

Associative ligand substitution reactions(A-mechanism) 5, 8, 18

Autoxidation catalyzed by metal ions395^396

autoxidation of L-ascorbic acid 400^411autoxidation of catechols and related

compounds 411^426autoxidation of cysteine 426^431

anaerobic oxidation with hydrogenperoxide 427

autoxidation of miscellaneous substrates442^448

exotic kinetic phenomena 449^454general considerations 397^400

Benzaldehyde, non-linear autoxidationbehavior 452^454

Beryllium, solvent exchange data 10Bismuth, reactions at labile Bi(III) centers


Cadmium, reactions at labile Cd(II) centers117^118

Carbon monoxide, activation energies forligand exchange 109

Catalytica system 261, 300Catechols, autoxidation 411^426Catenanes 137Chromiumligand substitution reactions in

octahedral Cr(III) complexes81^83

solvent exchange data

divalent state 19e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 33trivalent state 25

Cobaltcatalysis of autoxidation 419ligand substitution reactions in

octahedral Co(III) complexesaquation and related reactions

75^78base hydrolysis 80^81biochemical models and systems

78^80kinetic parameters for base hydrolysis

81rate constants for aquation and base

hydrolysis 76reactions at labile Co(II) centers 111solvent exchange data

divalent state 20e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 31

Copperdivalent ¢ve-coordinate structures 23non-linear autoxidation of L-ascorbic acid

449^452outer-sphere electron transfer reactions

at mixed-valent [Cu2]3+ centers

354^356reactions at labile Cu(II) centers

dissociation and ligand replacement114^115

¢ve-coordinate centers 115^116formation reactions 112^114

solvent exchange datadivalent state 21e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 31^32

Cyanide complexes, high oxidation statecomplexes 95^96

Cysteineautoxidation 426^431

anaerobic oxidation with hydrogenperoxide 427

Cytochrome c oxidase, electron-transferreactions 372^374

Cytochrome P450, electron-transferreactions 378^379


Page 465: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Density functional studies of iridium-catalyzed dehydrogenation 321^323,343^344

acceptorless reaction 337^338associative mechanism (A) 338dissociative mechanism (D) 339interchange mechanism (I) 339^340

anthraphos rhodium complex 342^343computational details 344^345cyclopentadienyl iridiumcomplex323^324basis set impact 326^328ligand replacement 328^329study methodology 324^325thermodynamic data 327

fundamental steps 329^336intermediates 330thermodynamic data 331, 332, 333

geometric factor 340model with tert-butyl phosphine 342reaction conditions 340^341free energy pro¢les 341

transfer reaction 336^337free energy pro¢le 337thermodynamic data 336

4,6 -Dimethyldibenzothiophene 183Dissociative ligand substitution reactions

(D-mechanism) 5, 8, 18, 28^29Dysprosium, solvent exchange data

aqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Electron-transfer reactions 352double electron transferTl3+/Tl+ self-exchange reactions

379^381electrochemical electron-transfer

reactionsactivation parameters for coupled

electron transfer and spin exchange383^385

metalloprotein ¢lm voltammetry390^392

outer-sphere oxidation of ClO�2381^383

photoelectrochemical cells 385^389electron transfer with metalloproteinscytochrome c oxidase 372^374electron-transfer kinetics of blue

copper proteins 376^377

internal electron transfer in sul¢teoxidase 374^376

‘‘wired’’cytochrome P450 378^379outer-sphere electron transfer reactionscomputation of self-exchange rate

constants 356^358dual-pathway square scheme 361electron transfer coupled to change in

ligand number 359^361ion-pairing inhibition of electron-

transfer kinetics 358^359mixed-valent [Cu2]3+ centers

354^356PAF studies of very rapid electron

transfer 352^353radical electron-transfer reactions

361^362electron-transfer reactions of phenoxy

radicals 368^369generation of SO3

.� in the oxidation ofS(IV) by Fe(III) 364^366

one-electron pathways for aqueouschlorine reduction 363^364

outer-sphere oxidation of thiols366^368

oxidation of Br2.� by ClO2

. 362^363small molecule intramolecular electron-

transfer reactionspicosecond events in intramolecular

molecular transfer 369^370structural models of inner-sphere

electron-transfer transition states370^372

Erbium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Europium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42divalent Eu(II) complexes 47^49e¡ect of non-leaving ligand 45

Flavonols, autoxidation 442^443

Gadolinium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42e¡ect of non-leaving ligand 45

Galliumreactions at labile Ga(III) centers 122solvent exchange data 12


Page 466: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Goldligand substitution reactions in square-

planarAu(III) complexes 108solvent exchange data

square-planar complexes 38

Helicates 137^139Hemeactivation of heme-containing enzymes

238^243reactions with nitric oxide 210^212

rate constants 210S-Hemoglobin, nitrosylated (SNO-Hb)

243^245Holmium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) 242, 449Hydrocarbon C^H bond activation and

functionalization with platinum260^263, 311^313

classical division of functionalizationcycle 263^264

functionalization sequence mechanisms306^307

alkane dehydrogenation 310^311carbon heteroatom coupling reactionsfrom Pt(IV) 307^309

mechanisms for C^H activation 264activation of R^H by Pt(II) complexespossessing a labile ligand 266^268

associative or dissociative substitution291^295

computational approach to ¢ve-coordinate intermediates and�-complexes 283^288

computational approach to theelectrophilic pathway 288^291

degree of electrophilic nature of Pt(II)complexes 295^299

direct oxidative addition of R^H tosquare-planar Pt(II) 264^266

¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediatesand Pt(II) �-complexes 263^278

stable ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes278^282

stable �-complexes and related species282^283

oxidation step mechanisms

oxidation by sulfur trioxide and redoxmediators 301^303

oxidation of Pt(II) by dioxygen303^306

oxidative addition versus electrontransfer 299^301

Incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering(IQENS), determination of solventexchange rate constants 4^5, 8

Indiumreactions at labile In(III) centers 122solvent exchange data 13

Interchange ligand substitution reactions(I-mechanism) 5, 8, 18

Intimate mechanisms of ligand substitutionreactions (Ia- and Id-mechanisms)5^6, 7^8, 18, 28^29

Iridiumligand substitution reactions in

octahedral Ir(III) complexes 83^84ligand substitution reactions in square-

planar Ir(I) complexes 108^109solvent exchange data 27

e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 36Iridium-catalyzed dehydrogenation,

density functional studies 321^323,343^344

acceptorless reaction 337^338associative mechanism (A) 338dissociative mechanism (D) 339interchange mechanism (I) 339^340

anthraphos rhodium complex 342^343computational details 344^345cyclopentadienyl iridium complex

323^324basis set impact 326^328ligand replacement 328^329study methodology 324^325thermodynamic data 327

fundamental steps 329^336intermediates 330thermodynamic data 331, 332, 333

geometric factor 340model with tert-butyl phosphine 342reaction conditions 340^341

free energy pro¢les 341transfer reaction 336^337

free energy pro¢le 337thermodynamic data 336


Page 467: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Ironcatalysis of oxidative removal of hydrogen

sul¢de 448iron(III) catalyzed autoxidation of

sulfur(IV) 432ligand substitution reactions in

octahedral Fe(II) low-spin complexescomplexes of macrocyclic ligands 86diimine complexes 85^86diphosphine complexes 86pentacyanoferrates(II) 87^89spin cross-over 84^85

porphyrin systems 212^219reactions at labile Fe(II) centers 110^111reactions at labile Fe(III) centers 119^122solvent exchange datadivalent state 20e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 33^34trivalent state 25

Isotopic labeling, determination of solventexchange rate constants 4

Knots 139

Lanthanidesreactions at labile M(III) centers 123complex formation 123^124complex^substrate interaction 124^125dissociation of macrocyclic complexes

125^126polynuclear cation formation 126

solvent exchange reactions 3absolute partial molar volumes 43divalent Eu(II) 47^49DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48trivalent metals 41^47water exchange mechanisms 44

Ligand ¢eld activation energy (LFAE)16^17

Ligand substitution reactions 72^75coordinated ligandsmetal-catalyzed hydrolysis of organic

compounds 129^133nucleophilic attack 128^129rotaxanes, catenanes and knots

136^139supramolecular chemistry 133^136template reactions 133

high oxidation state complexes

binary and ternary cyanide complexes95^96

platinum(IV) 94vanadium(IV) and vanadium(V) 95

inert octahedral complexeschromium(III) 81^83cobalt(III) 75^81iridium(III) 83^84iron(II) low-spin complexes 84^89osmium 94rhodium(III) 83^84ruthenium(II) 89^91ruthenium(III) 91^93

reactions at labile metal centers 109^110aluminum(III) 122bismuth(III) 123cadmium(II) 117^118cobalt(II) 111copper(II) 112^116gallium(III) 122indium(III) 122iron(II) 110^111iron(III) 119^122lanthanides(III) 123^126mercury(II) 117^118nickel(II) 111^112nickel(III) 123rhodium(II) 116^117sp-block elements 118zinc(II) 117^118

square-planar complexes 96^97gold(III) 108iridium(I) 108^109kinetic parameters for cyanide

exchange 97nickel(II) 107^108paladium(II) 105^107platinum(II) 97^105rhodium(I) 108^109

triangles and clusters 126^128Luminol, oxidation 447Lutetium, solvent exchange data

TMU exchange 48

Magnesium, solvent exchange data 11Manganese

catalysis in autoxidation of sulfur(IV)438^441

solvent exchange datadivalent state 19


Page 468: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 31Mercury, reactions at labile Hg(II) centers

117^118Metal catalyzed hydrolysis of organic

compounds 129^130carboxylate esters 131other substrates 131^133phosphate esters 130^131

Metal ion catalyzed autoxidation reactions395^396

autoxidation of L-ascorbic acid 400^411autoxidation of catechols and related

compounds 411^426autoxidation of cysteine 426^431

anaerobic oxidation with hydrogenperoxide 427

autoxidation of miscellaneous substrates442^448

autoxidation of sulfur(IV) 431^441exotic kinetic phenomena 449^454general considerations 397^400perspectives 455^457

Metalloporphyrins 208^209mechanism studies with iron systems

212^219Metalloproteinsblue copper proteins 376^377cytochrome c oxidase 372^374cytochrome P450 oxidase 378^379metalloprotein ¢lm voltammetry 390^392

trumpet plots 391sul¢te oxidase 374^376

4-Methylpyridine N-oxide 164Molybdenum, catalysis by 163^164Myeloperoxidase (MPO) 241^242

Neptunium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 51

Nickelligand substitution reactions in square-

planar Ni(II) complexes 107^108reactions at labile Ni(II) centers 111^112reactions at labile Ni(III) centers 123solvent exchange data

divalent state 20^21e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 31square-planar complexes 38

Nitric oxide, reaction mechanisms withbiologically relevant metal centers203^206, 245^248

chemical biology examples 237^238activation of heme-containing enzymes

238^243S-nitrosylated hemoglobin (SNO-Hb)

243^245formation of metal nitrosyl complexes 206

heme reaction kinetics 210^212iron porphyrin studies 212^219metalloporphyrins 208^209ruthenium ammine complexes 207ruthenium(III) salen complexes

207^208metal^nitrosyl complexes 219

disproportionation of NO 229^233electron transfer reactions 220^222electrophilic reactions 228^229nucleophilic reactions 222^225reactions with dioxygen 233^237reductive nitrosylation reactions

225^227Nitrosonium cation 205S-Nitrosylated hemoglobin (SNO-Hb)

243^245Nitroxyl anion 205^206Non-linear behavior in autoxidation

reactions 449^454Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

spectrometry, determination ofsolvent exchange rate constants 3^4

Organic compounds, metal-catalyzedhydrolysis 129^130

carboxylate esters 131other substrates 131^133phosphate esters 130^131

Osmiumligand substitution reactions in

octahedral complexes 94solvent exchange data

e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 35Oxidative stress 233Oxygen activation 190phosphine autoxidation

dissociation and substitution 193^194rate constants 195reactions with oxygen 194^195

phosphine oxidationkinetics 191^192rhenium-phosphine coordination 191

{ReO}2(mtp)3 catalysis 192


Page 469: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Oxidative activation (Cont.)competition experiments 193kinetics 193

{ReO}2(mtp)3 substrates 192Oxygen transfer reactions, catalysis by

rhenium compounds 158catalyst attributeselectronic structure 159oxophilicity 162^163oxorhenium compounds 163steric considerations 158^159structural data 159structural motif 161^162

4,6 -dimethyldibenzothiophene 183ligand exchange and substitution 173microscopic reversibility 173^174monomerization of dimeric

oxorhenium(V) compounds 177^179phosphine exchange and substitution

175^177pyridine exchange reactions of

MeReO(edt)Py 174^175rate constants 178turnstile mechanism 177

oxorhenium(V) compounds withtridentate ligands 186

OSO tridentate ligand 186SOS tridentate ligand 186

oxygen transfer from tert-butylhydroperoxides to sul¢des 180

catalytic cycle 182kinetics of sulfoxide formation 180^181reaction scheme and mechanism

181^182oxygen transfer from tert-butyl

hydroperoxides to sulfoxidessulfone-forming reactions 182thianthrene, oxidation of 183

PAr3 oxidation by a rhenium(V) dimer184^185

phosphine oxidation by tert-butylhydroperoxide 183^184

pyridine N-oxide, reduction of 165initial step 168nucleophilic assistance 169^170PR3 stage mechanism 172^173putative role of Rh(VII) 170^172pyridine liberation 169rate law 166^167reaction partners 165^166

reaction scheme 167^168reaction between 4-methylpyridine

N-oxide and triphenylphosphinecatalyst structure-activity correlations


Palladiumligand substitution reactions in square-

planar Pd(II) complexes 105^107solvent exchange datasquare-planar complexes 37, 40

Pentacyanoferrates(II), formation anddissociation parameters 87

Photoelectrochemical cells 385^386electron transfer with tripodal dyes

bound toTiO2 388^389electron-transfer dynamics inTiO2/

sensitizer systems 386^388Pincer complexes 322Platinum, homogeneous hydrocarbon C^H

bond activation andfunctionalization 260^263, 311^313

classical division of functionalizationcycle 263^264

functionalization sequence mechanisms306^307

alkane dehydrogenation 310^311carbon heteroatom coupling reactions

from Pt(IV) 307^309mechanisms for C^H activation 264activation of R^H by Pt(II) complexes

possessing a labile ligand 266^268associative or dissociative substitution

291^295computational approach to ¢ve-

coordinate intermediates and�-complexes 283^288

computational approach to theelectrophilic pathway 288^291

degree of electrophilic nature of Pt(II)complexes 295^299

direct oxidative addition of R^H tosquare-planar Pt(II) 264^266

¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediatesand Pt(II) �-complexes 263^278

stable ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes278^282

stable �-complexes and related species282^283


Page 470: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

oxidation step mechanismsoxidation by sulfur trioxide and redoxmediators 301^303

oxidation of Pt(II) by dioxygen 303^306oxidative addition versus electrontransfer 299^301

Platinum¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) intermediates

methyl(hydrido)platinum(IV)complexes 270^276

Pt(IV) alkyl halides 276^278reductive elimination in hydrocarbonsto give C^C bonds 268^270

reductive elimination in hydrocarbonsto give C^H bonds 270^278

high oxidation state complexes, Pt(IV) 94ligand substitution reactions in square-

planar Pt(II) complexesdissociative substitution 102^105intramolecular processes 105ring closing and ring opening 99^100substitution 97^99systems of biochemical andpharmacological revelance 101^102

Pt(II) �-complexesdihydrogen complexes 282electrophilic nature 295^299oxidation by dioxygen 303^306oxidative addition cleaving C^H bondsin hydrocarbons 270^278

Z2 -benzene complexes 282^283solvent exchange data

square-planar complexes 37^38, 40stable ¢ve-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes

278^282Plutonium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 51

Pseudorotaxanes 136Pulsed-accelerated-£ow (PAF) method 352,

353schematic of apparatus 354

Pyridine e¡ect 188^189Pyridine N-oxide, reduction by rhenium

compounds 165initial step 168nucleophilic assistance 169^170PR3 stage mechanism 172^173putative role of Rh(VII) 170

detection by low-temperature NMRspectroscopy 171

kinetic competition 170synthetic analogues of

dioxorhenium(VII) dithiolates171^172

pyridine liberation 169rate law 166^167reaction partners 165^166reaction scheme 167^168

Rheniumrhenium^oxygen bond distances 160^161solvent exchange data 27

Rhenium catalysis of oxygen transferreactions 158, 200

catalyst attributeselectronic structure 159oxophilicity 162^163oxorhenium compounds 163steric considerations 158^159structural data 159structural motif 161^162

4,6 -dimethyldibenzothiophene 183imido-rhenium compounds

hydrolysis, hydrosul¢dolysis andaminolysis 199^200

pairwise oxo-imido exchange reactions196^197

tris(imido)rhenium(VII) compounds196

tris(imido)rhenium(VII) reactions withaldehydes 198

ligand exchange and substitution 173microscopic reversibility 173^174monomerization of dimeric

oxorhenium(V) compounds 177^179phosphine exchange and substitution

175^177pyridine exchange reactions of

MeReO(edt)Py 174^175rate constants 178turnstile mechanism 177

oxorhenium(V) compounds withtridentate ligands 186

OSO tridentate ligand 186SOS tridentate ligand 186

oxygen transfer from tert-butylhydroperoxides to sul¢des 180

catalytic cycle 182kinetics of sulfoxide formation



Page 471: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Rhenium catalysis of oxygen transferreactions (Cont.)

reaction scheme and mechanism181^182

oxygen transfer from tert-butylhydroperoxides to sulfoxides

sulfone-forming reactions 182thianthrene, oxidation of 183

PAr3 oxidation by a rhenium(V) dimer184^185

phosphine oxidation by tert-butylhydroperoxide 183^184

putative role of Rh(VII) 170detection by low-temperature NMR

spectroscopy 171kinetic competition 170synthetic analogues of

dioxorhenium(VII) dithiolates171^172

pyridine N-oxide, reduction of 165initial step 168nucleophilic assistance 169^170PR3 stage mechanism 172^173putative role of Rh(VII) 170^172pyridine liberation 169rate law 166^167reaction partners 165^166reaction scheme 167^168

reaction between 4-methylpyridineN-oxide and triphenylphosphine

catalyst structure^activitycorrelations 164

thermochemical considerations164^165

Rhenium catalysis of sulfur atomabstraction reactions

abstraction from thiranes 189^190imidorhenium m-S compoundsreactions with phosphines 187^188structures 187

oxygen atom transfer between sulfoxides190

oxygen atom transfer from sulfoxide tosul¢de 189^190

Rhodiumanthraphos complex 342^343ligand substitution reactions in

octahedral Rh(III) complexes 83^84kinetic parameters for water

replacement 83

ligand substitution reactions in square-planar Rh(I) complexes 108^109

reactions at labile Rh(II) centers 116^117solvent exchange data 27e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 36

Rotaxanes 136Ruthenium

catalysis of autoxidation 444^447ligand substitution reactions in

octahedral complexesRu(II) 89^91Ru(III) 91^93

ruthenium(III)^salen complexes 207^208ruthenium^ammine complexes 207solvent exchange data 27e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 35, 36

Scandium, solvent exchange data 13TMU exchange 48trivalent state 25

Shilov cycle 261, 299^300Sitting-atop (SAT) complexes 114Solvent exchange reactions on metal ions

1^3classi¢cation of reactions 5^6experimental methods 3^5main group metals 8divalent ions 9^11e¡ect of non-leaving ligands on solvent

exchange rate constants 16trivalent ions 11^16

volume of activation 6^8Sul¢te oxidase, electron-transfer reactions

374^376postulated oxidation state changes 375

Sulfoxide disproportionation 190Sulfur

autoxidation of sulfur(IV) 431^441generation of SO3

.� in the oxidation ofS(IV) by Fe(III) 364^366

typical kinetic traces 365Sulfur atom abstraction reactions

abstraction from thiranes 189^190imidorhenium m-S compoundsreactions with phosphines 187^188structures 187

oxygen atom transfer between sulfoxides190

oxygen atom transfer from sulfoxide tosul¢de 189^190


Page 472: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Template reactions 133Terbium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Thalliumsolvent exchange data

aqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Tl3+/Tl+ self-exchange reactions 379^381Thianthrene, oxidation of 183Thorium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 51

Titanium, solvent exchange dataoxo-ions 30trivalent state 25

Transition metalssolvent exchange reactions 3, 16^17

divalent ¢rst-row metals 18^24e¡ect of non-leaving ligands 29^32¢rst-row oxometal ions 30second and third-row octahedralcomplexes 26^29

square-planar complexes 32^39trivalent ¢rst-row metals 24^26

Triphenylphosphine 164Tungsten, catalysis by 164

Turnstile mechanism for ligandsubstitution 177

Uranium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 51

Vanadiumhigh oxidation state complexes,V(IV) and

V(V) 95solvent exchange data

divalent state 19oxo-ions 30trivalent state 25

V|tamin B12 220

Water, mean liftimes for metal ioncoordination 2

Ytterbium, solvent exchange dataaqua ions 42DMFexchange 48TMU exchange 48

Yttrium, solvent exchange dataTMU exchange 48

Zincreactions at labile Zn(II) centers 117^118solvent exchange data, divalent state 21


Page 473: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,



Bioinorganic Chemistry of Pterin-Containing Molybdenum andTungsten Enzymes

John H. Enemark andCharles G.Young

Structure and Function of NitrogenaseDouglas C. Rees, Michael K. Chan, andJongsun Kim

Blue Copper OxidasesA.Messerschmidt

Quadruply Bridged DinuclearComplexes of Platinum, Palladium,and Nickel

Keisuke Umakoshi andYoichi Sasaki

Octacyano and Oxo- andNitridotetracyano Complexes ofSecond andThird Series EarlyTransition Metals

Johann G. Leipoldt, Stephen S. Basson,and Andreas Roodt

Macrocyclic Complexes as Models forNonporphine Metalloproteins


Complexes of Sterically HinderedThiolate Ligands

J. R. Dilworth and J. HuINDEX


The Coordination Chemistry ofTechnetium

John Baldas

Chemistry of Penta£uorosulfanylCompounds

R. D.Verma, Robert L. Kirchmeier, andJean’neM. Shreeve

The Hunting of the Gallium HydridesAnthony J. Downs and Colin R. Pulham

The Structures of the Group 15Element(III) Halides andHalogenoanions

GeorgeA. Fisher andNicholas C. Norman

Intervalence ChargeTransfer andElectron Exchange Studies ofDinuclear Ruthenium Complexes

Robert J. Crutchley

Recent Synthetic, Structural,Spectroscopic, andTheoreticalStudies on Molecular PhosphorusOxides and Oxide Sul¢des

J. Clade, F. Frick, andM. Jansen

Stucture and Reactivity ofTransferrins

E. N. BakerINDEX


Substitution Reactions of SolvatedMetal Ions

Stephens F. Lincoln andAndre¤ E. Merbach

Lewis Acid-Base Behavior in AqueousSolution: Some Implications forMetal Ions in Biology

Robert D. Hancock and Arthur E. Martell

The Synthesis and Structure ofOrganosilanols

Paul D. Lickiss

Studies of the Soluble MethaneMonooxygenase Protein System:Structure, Component Interactions,and Hydroxylation Mechanism

Katherine E. Liu and Stephen J. Lippard


Page 474: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Alkyl, Hydride, and HydroxideDerivatives in the s- and p-BlockElements Supported byPoly(pyrazolyl)borato Ligation:Models for Carbonic Anhydrase,Receptors forAnions, and the Studyof Controlled CrystallographicDisorder

Gerard ParkinINDEX


Advances inThallium Aqueous SolutionChemistry

Julius Glaser

Catalytic Structure^Function:Relationships in Heme Peroxidases

AnnM. English andGeorgeTsaprailis

Electron-, Energy-, and Atom-TransferReactions between MetalComplexes and DNA

H. HoldenThorp

Magnetism of Heterobimetallics:Toward Molecular-Based Magnets

Olivier Kahn

TheMagnetochemistry of Homo- andHetero-Tetranuclear First-Rowd-Block Complexes

Keith S. Murray

Diiron^Oxygen ProteinsK. Kristo¡erAndersson andAstrid Gra« slund

Carbon Dioxide Fixation Catalyzed byMetals Complexes



Organometallic Complexes ofFullerenes

AdamH. H. Stephens andMalcolm L. H. Green

Group 6 Metal Chalcogenide ClusterComplexes and Their Relationshipsto Solid-State Cluster Compounds

Taro Saito

Macrocyclic Chemistry of NickelMyunghyun Paik Suh

Arsenic and Marine OrganismsKevin A. Francesconi andJohn S. Edmonds

The Biochemical Action of ArsonicAcids Especially as PhosphateAnalogues

Henry B. F. Dixon

Intrinsic Properties of Zinc(II) IonPertinent of Zinc Enzymes

Eiichi Kimura andTohru Koike

Activation of Dioxygen by Cobalt GroupMetal Complexes

Claudio Bianchini and RobertW. Zoellner

Recent Developments in ChromiumChemistry

Donald A. HouseINDEX


Syntheses, Structures, and Reactions ofBinary andTertiaryThiomolybdateComplexes Containing the(O)Mo(Sx) and (S)Mo(Sx)Functional Groups (x=1, 2,4)

Dimitri Coucouvanis

TheTransition Metal Ion Chemistry ofLinked Macrocyclic Ligands

Leonard F. Lindoy

Structure and Properties of Copper^Zinc Superoxide Dismutases

Ivano Bertini, StefanoMangani, andMaria SilviaViezzoli

DNA and RNACleavage by MetalComplexes

Genevieve Pratviel, Jean Bernadou, andBernardMeunier


Page 475: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Structure^Function Correlations inHigh Potential Iron Problems

J. A. Cowan and SiuMan Lui

The Methylamine DehydrogenaseElectronTransfer Chain

C. Dennison, G.W. Canters,S. deVries, E.Vijgenboom, andR. J. van Spanning



The Octahedral M6Y6 and M6Y12 Clustersof Group 4 and 5 Transition Metals

Nicholas Prokopuk and D. F. Shriver

Recent Advances in Noble^Gas ChemistryJohn H. Holloway and Eric G. Hope

Coming to Grips with ReactiveIntermediates

AnthonyJ. Downs andTimothyM. Greene

Toward the Construction of FunctionalSolid-State Supramolecular MetalComplexes Containing Copper(I)and Silver(I)

MegumuMunakata, Liang PingWu,andTakayoshi Kuroda-Sowa

Manganese Redox Enzymes and ModelSystems: Properties, Structures, andReactivity

Neil A. Law, M.Tyler Caudle, andVincent L. Pecoraro

Calcium-Binding ProteinsBryan E. Finn andTorbjo« rn Drakenberg

Leghemoglobin: Properties and ReactionsMichael J. Davies, Christel Mathieu,and Alain Puppo



Biological and Synthetic [Fe3S4]Clusters

Michael K. Johnson, Randall E.Duderstadt, and Evert C. Duin

The Structures of Rieske and Rieske-Type Proteins

Thomas A. Link

Structure, Function, and Biosynthesis ofthe Metallosulfur Clusters inNitrogenases

Barry E. Smith

The Search for a‘‘Prismane’’ Fe^S ProteinAlexander F. Arendsen andPeter F. Lindley

NMR Spectra of Iron^Sulfur ProteinsIvano Bertini, Claudio Luchinat, andAntonio Rosato

Nickel^Iron^SulfurActive Sites:Hydrogenase and CODehydrogenase

Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps andStephenW. Ragsdale

FeS Centers Involved in PhotosyntheticLight Reactions

Barbara Schoepp, Myriam Brugna,Evelyne Lebrun, andWolfgang Nitschke

Simple and Complex Iron^SulfurProteins in Sulfate ReducingBacteria

Isabel Moura, Alice S. Pereira,PedroTavares, and Jose¤ J. G. Moura

Application of EPR Spectroscopy to theStructural and Functional Study ofIron^Sulfur Proteins

Bruno Guigliarelli andPatrick Bertrand



Cumulative Index forVolumes 1^47


Inorganic and Bioinorganic ReactionMechanisms: Application of High-PressureTechniques

Rudi van Eldik, Carlos Du« cker-Benfer,and FlorianThaler


Page 476: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Substitution Studies of Second- andThird-RowTransition Metal OxoComplexes

Andreas Roodt, Amira Abou-Hamdan,Hendrik P. Engelbrecht, andAndre E. Merbach

Protonation, Oligomerization, andCondensation Reactions ofVanadate(V), Molybdate(VI), andTungstate(VI)

J. J. Cruywagen

Medicinal Inorganic ChemistryZijian Guo and PeterJ. Sadler

The Cobalt(III)-Promoted Synthesis ofSmall Peptides

Rebecca J. Browne,David A. Buckingham,Charles R. Clark, and Paul A. Sutton

Structures and Reactivities ofPlatinum-Blues and the RelatedAmidate-Bridged PlatinumIII

CompoundsKazukoMatsumoto and Ken Sakai



The Reactions of Stable NucleophilicCarbenes with Main GroupCompounds

Claire J. Carmalt and Alan H. Cowley

Group 1 Complexes of P- and As-DonorLigands

Keith Izod

Aqueous Solution Chemistry ofBeryllium

Lucia Alderighi, Peter Gans,StefanoMidollini, andAlbertoVacca

Group 2 Element Precursors for theChemicalVapor Deposition ofElectronic Materials

Jason S. Matthews andWilliam S. Rees Jr.

Molecular, Complex Ionic, and Solid-State PONCompounds

RogerMarchand,Wolfgang Schnick, andNorbert Stock

Molecular Clusters of DimetalatedPrimary Phosphanes and Arsanes

Matthias Driess

Coordination Complexes of Bismuth(III)Involving Organic Ligands withPnictogen or Chalcogen Donors

Glen G. Briand and Neil Burford

Phanes Bridged by Group 14 HeavyElements

Hideki SakuraiINDEX


Clinical Reactivity of theActive Site ofMyoglobin

Emma Lloyd Raven and A. GrantMauk

Enzymology and Structure of CatalasesPeter Nicholls, Ignacio Fita, andPeter C. Loewen

Horseradish PeroxidaseNigel C.Veitch and AndrewT. Smith

Structure and Enzymology of DihemeEnzymes: Cytochrome cd1 Nitrateand Cytochrome c Peroxidase

Vilmos Fu« lo« p, Nicholas J.Watmough,and Stuart J. Ferguson

Binding andTransport of Iron-Porphyrins by Hemopexin

WilliamT.Morgan and Ann Smith

Structures of Gas-Generating HemeEnzymes: Nitric Oxide Synthase andHeme Oxygenase

Thomas L. Poulos, Huiying Li,C. S. Raman, and David J. Schuller

The Nitric Oxide-Releasing HemeProteins from the Saliva of theBlood-Sucking InsectRhodnius prolixus

F. AnnWalker andWilliam R.Montfort


Page 477: PREFACE Advances in Inorganic · own research, principally in mechanistic studies in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry,

Heme Oxygenase Structure andMechanism

Paul R. Ortiz deMontellano andAngelaWilks

De NovoDesign and Synthesis ofHeme Proteins

Brian R. Gibney and P. Leslie DuttonINDEX


High-Nuclearity Paramagnetic 3d-Metal Complexes with Oxygen- andNitrogen-Donor Ligands

Richard E. P.Winpenny

Transition Metal^Noble Gas ComplexesD. C. Grills andM.W. George

The Materials Chemistry ofAlkoxystilbazoles and their MetalComplexes

DuncanW. Bruce

Tetra- and Trinuclear Platinum(II)Cluster Complexes

TadashiYamaguchi andTasuku Ito

Complexes of Squaric Acid and ItsMonosubstituted Derivatives

Lincoln A. Hall and DavidJ.Williams

Applications for Polyaza Macrocycleswith Nitrogen-Attached PendantArms

Kevin P. Wainwright

Per£uorinated Cyclic PhosphazenesAnil J. Elias andJean’neM. Shreeve



Wheel-Shaped Polyoxo andPolyoxothiometalates: From theMolecular Level to Nanostructures

Anne Dolbecq and Francis Se¤ cheresse

Redox Chemistry and Functionalities ofConjugated Ferrocene Systems

Hiroshi Nishihara

NewAspects of Metal-NucleobaseChemistry

Andrew Houlton

Advances in the Chemistry ofChlorocyclophosphazenes

Vadapalli Chandrasekhar andVenkatasubbaiah Krishnan

Self-Assembly of Porphyrin ArraysLaura Baldini and ChristopherA. Hunter