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My first job was in an FMCG environment at UK catalogue retailer Argos. Two promotions in four years (from Sales Assistant to Warehouse Manager) made me the youngest Manager in Argos history and an inventory accuracy rate (ranked 3rd highest) made me a known company figure.

A move to the Ministry of Defence in London working for Royal Air Force Security brought administrative experience requiring Top Secret level security clearance. However, government cutbacks 2 years later brought redundancy.

Gap year travel to Australia in 1995 led me to AAMI (at their North Sydney HQ). Becoming the 7th person in company history to make over $1 million in sales, spurred an attempt by management to retain me permanently, however due to the strict visa rules (extraordinary talent only) the attempt was aborted (pre 457 legislation).

During 4 years at Cable and Wireless UK (Winning Awards and having Corporate Case Studies published along the way), I project managed the delivery of Data and Telephony products and wrote Business as Usual (day-to-day) procedures for handover.

Progression to Programme Manager at UBS Warburg Private Banking yielded a £15,000 bonus for my part in successful delivery of the European Infrastructure project.

Experienced and confident, I created One3 Consulting Ltd, providing IT Project Management services to; Netscalibur UK (internet provider), the NHS and Essex Council but the IT bubble bursting in Europe (2001/2) impacted business detrimentally.

Considering a career change whilst on holiday in Australia, by chance I met a migration agent who provided the avenue to return to Sydney.

Pre-Accounting History