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Practical Nursing Preceptorship Evaluation Student EvaluationPreceptor Name: Irene Askew Student Name: Dave Jay S. ManriquezClass Number: 000361742 Preceptorship Site: Queen’s Park Hospital Type of Unit: PATH-MedAbsences: 0 Lates: 0 Final Grade: S____ U____Dates of Preceptorship: From October 10, 2016 to November 12, 2016This final practice experience provides learners with the opportunity to integrate theory from all courses into the role of the Practical Nurse. This evaluation tool is designed to assist you as a student to support your learning and professional growth. It is the students’ responsibility to act professionally and be accountable for their practice. The indicators illustrate how each goal is applied and met.

Clinical Policies:Please review the VCC PN Student Handbook for a review of all policies related to clinical experiences.Please note:

Attendance during the Preceptorship is mandatory. The college reserves the right to ask for a physician’s certificate to justify any absence due to illness.

At any time, a student may be asked to leave the clinical area for any breach of VCC or CLPNBC Professional Standards, Practice Standards, Scope of Practice Standards or VCC Student Code of Conduct.

This evaluation tool has been developed using the CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice Competencies (2013) as a framework. The CLPNBC Professional Standards (2014); and Practical Nursing Program Provincial Curriculum / VCC Practical Nursing Program Learning Outcomes (2012) are also reflected / incorporated into this tool.All students have developed a Personal Learning Plan as a program requirement in preparation for this final Preceptorship. It is expected that students will share this Personal Learning Plan with their Preceptor at the beginning of the Preceptorship and then again at midterm. The student will make revisions to this Personal Learning Plan as necessary, in partnership with the preceptor and instructor. A Collaborative Learning Agreement will be used if student requires further direction or if any safety issues arise. The Personal Learning Plan should be reflected in both the Midterm and Final Evaluations.

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VCC PN Program Learning Outcomes Graduates of this diploma program will have acquired the knowledge and abilities to:

1. Apply the CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Licensed Practical Nurses (2013) to provide safe, competent, culturally safe and ethical care

2. Practice within relevant legislation, CLPNBC Scope of Practice, Professional Standards and Practice Standards as set out by the Health Professions Act and the CLPNBC

3. Value and engage in continuous learning to maintain and enhance competence 4. Practice in collaboration with other members of the health care team to meet the collective needs of their clients5. Facilitate and participate in interprofessional problem solving and decision making processes6. Advocate for and facilitate change reflecting evidence-informed practice7. Make systematic practice decisions that are client specific and consider client acuity, complexity, variability, and available

resources 8. Use critical thinking, clinical judgment and knowledge of assessment to plan, implement, and evaluate the agreed upon plan

of care9. Provide a caring environment for clients by connecting, sharing and exploring with them in a collaborative relationship10. Provide person-centered care across the lifespan that recognizes and respects the uniqueness of each individual and is

sensitive to culture and diversity11. Provide leadership, direction, assignment, and supervision of unregulated care providers as appropriate12. Identify one’s own values, biases, and assumptions on interactions with clients and other members of the health care team

Midterm Formative Evaluation:The following are the possible values for each indicator at midterm:Not Assessed (NA):In Progress (IP): usually meets indicators; practices with reasonable guidance expected for a student at midtermLearning Need (LN): needs frequent reminders/support to meet indicator or lacks consistent demonstration of the indicator. This value can be used for the midterm evaluation ONLY. A Collaborative Learning Agreement will be used when there is a faculty/preceptor initiated LN grade for any safety issues. The student/preceptor/VCC faculty will review and revise the student’s Personal Learning Plan together at Midterm. VCC faculty will complete a midterm summary based on both the student and preceptor midterm evaluations. The faculty will email the student and preceptor a pdf copy of this midterm summary.

Final Summative Evaluation:The following are the possible values for each indicator at the final evaluation:Satisfactory (S): Consistently meets indicators; practices independently or with minimal guidanceUnsatisfactory (U): unable to consistently meet indicators. Any indicator evaluated to be unsatisfactory will result in the student being unsuccessful in NURS 4009 Preceptorship. CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice Competencies

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Professional Practice1. Students are responsible and accountable for their own decisions and actions:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Recognize and practice autonomously within own scope of practice. IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:Oct 10: I showed my preceptor a list of procedures that I have done in my previous experience, so that she will be aware of what other procedures that I need to do. I also informed my preceptor of the things that I am allowed to do and not to do basing to the PN scope of practice.Oct 10: I checked on the unit policies, vision and mission, rules, and policies.Oct 17-20,26: I always informed my preceptor of what I am doing, giving update on my assign patients, and relay significant information.Oct 12,17-20: I researched on patient medication and diagnosis on my rest day, and share this research to my preceptor and instructor thru email.Oct 12,17-20,26: I started giving meds to my assigned patients. I do preliminary review of the MAR, doing pre-assessment like vital signs, doing 3 checks and 7 rights, before giving meds asking for 2 identifiers.Oct 17-18,26: I did wound dressing maintaining the principles of sterile technique.Oct 20: I did staple removal with the supervision of the RN, still maintaining sterile technique.Oct 26: I did butterfly insertion with my preceptor supervision, demonstration provided by my preceptor prior to insertion.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am able to take 100% of my preceptor patients at the last few days of my preceptorship exposure. I am more organize and independent. I am able to complete all my task on time. I collaborated with the different personnel in the unit. My documentation is more clear and concise. I continuously doing research on medication that I am not familiar with.

b) Display initiative, beginning confidence and self-awareness, and recognize when to seek assistance and guidance.


c) Use critical thinking, inquiry and clinical judgment for decision-making. IP LN NA S U

d) Assess implications of various outcomes of decision making. IP LN NA


e) Demonstrate responsibility in completing assigned work and communicating about work completed and not completed.


f) Identify gaps in own knowledge, skill, judgement and/or abilities


Midterm Comments: I will be responsible and accountable for my decision and actions and be aware of the CLPNBC scope of practice standards, limit, and condition. I will continue to develop my nursing assessment, skills, critical thinking, and evaluate myself daily as stated on my learning plan. I will also ask my preceptor feedback about my performance. I will continue to follow agency policies, to continue to work independently, and minimally seek preceptor guidance when needed.

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Goal: I need to develop autonomy around filling knowledge gaps that relate to unit specific protocols.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I ask questions when unsure, utilize my health care team members and unit resources when unsure. I ask for my preceptor feedback on my performance and I also do personal evaluation of myself.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesProfessional Practice:2. Students develop the therapeutic nurse- client relationship:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Initiate, maintain and terminate the therapeutic nurse-client relationship appropriately.

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 17-20: I introduced myself to the patient as a student nurse. I set out professional boundaries by respecting their time, space, and privacy. I listened to their needs and responded to it appropriately. I encouraged them to talk about their feelings of being hospitalized. Before giving any medication, I informed them of what they are taking or if I am performing any nursing skills, I informed them of what I will be doing. If they refuse a medication, I inform my preceptor and document it.Oct 1217-20: I provided care appropriate to my patient needs. I demonstrated a caring and respectful approach towards the patient and their family.Oct 12,17-20: I used therapeutic communication such as active listening, maintaining eye contact, paraphrasing, and using open ended questions in communicating with my assign patients.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. I always respect and protect client worth, dignity, uniqueness and diversity. I always informed and ask permission from my patient before doing a procedure. I respect my patient if they refuse a treatment, I will just going to document it and the reason for refusal.

b) Provide client care in a non-judgmental manner, fostering an environment that encourages questioning and exchange of information.


c) Respect clients’ directives, right to self-determination and right to informed decision-making.


Midterm Comments:I am able to establish and maintain rapport with my patients. I keep the focus of the conversation client centered, making it more engaging to establish trust and mutuality. I will use empathy and clarification skills. Goal: I need to work on limit setting with overly demanding client in order for me to balance equal care to all and my ability to get my work done.

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Final Comments: I am able to meet the goal. I have been successful in developing strategies related to limit setting that are respectful and maintain the nurse client trusting relationship. I do have a patient who’s a demanding one and really needs a lot of attention. What I did is that I set some boundary, I explain to her that I have also other patient to take care with, she understand. Before I leave I take care all her needs and address her concern to lessen her anxiety. I will just go back to her when I am no longer busy later part of the day.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesProfessional Practice:3. Students demonstrate beginning leadership in all aspects of practice:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Assess and develop professional competence through a variety of professional activities

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 10: I showed to my preceptor my professional portfolio and certificates from ccrs.Oct 17-20: I collaborated with my preceptor regarding my patient’s condition such as pain and other significant findings with my assessment. I act as an advocate for the patient welfare.Oct 17-20: I’m aware and respect the members of the health care team in the unit such as the RNs, LPNs, doctors, NP, Unit clerk, PT/OT, clients and family.Oct 17-20: I updated myself with my assigned patient current situation thru collecting pertinent information on patient chart, kardex, MAR, and end of shift report. I also did research on my patient medication and diagnosis. Every duty I update my cheat sheet and plan of care.Oct 26: I filled out a form on the patient chart regarding discharge planning. I provided some thoughts that we can do as care givers to help the patient to go home as early as possible.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. I am able to collaborate with all the personnel in the unit after the midterm. I am more vocal to advocate my patients concern to the following: nursing practitioner, clinical care coordinator, social worker, PT and OT, RN’s, and other LPN’s. I take notes during shift report. I also take the initiative to read reports. I consistently doing research for new medication that I am not familiar with.

b) Maintain records of involvement in professional development which include both formal and informal activities (Professional Portfolio)



c) Articulate and adhere to own scope of practice


d) Understand and respect the roles and contributions of other health-care team members


S Ue) Participate in evidence-informed practice

IP LN NA S Uf) Advocate for clients, self, others and for

the health-care system IP LN NA S U

g) Participate collaboratively in the analysis, development, implementation and evaluation of practice and policy that guide the delivery of care if opportunity arises


h) Integrate quality assurance/quality improvement principles and activities into IP LN NA S U

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nursing practicei) Promote a quality practice environment


Midterm Comments:I will continue to demonstrate leadership skill as a student practical nurse, be confident, knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of nursing practice. Goal: I need to improve on my communication skill, be proactive in advocating patient concerns during shift report.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am starting to become a leader on my way by advocating my patient concerns to the other members of the heath team. I always promote safety and putting the patient’s needs first.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesProfessional Practice4. Students demonstrate professional conduct:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Adhere to standards of practice for the profession


Midterms Comments:Oct 10-11,17-20: I introduced myself to my assigned patients as a practical nursing student from VCC. I wore my complete uniform with ID. I practice my profession based on the CLPNBC competencies.Oct 17-20: I provided a safe, caring, and holistic care to my patients. I did research on my patient’s diagnosis, medical history, and medications.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: Every time I go for duty I wear my complete uniform. I have researched on patient’s diagnosis and medications so that I can effectively care for them. I am able to manage my anxiety and calm myself throughout the exposure even if the pressure is too high.


b) Demonstrate and model professional behaviour IP LN NA S U

c) Identify and respond to inappropriate behaviour and incidents of professional misconduct


d) Recognize, respond and appropriately report own and others’ near misses, errors and adverse events


Midterm Comments:I will continue to be aware of my own scope of practice, updating myself with CLPNBC’s Professional Standards, Practice Standards, and Scope of Practice. Goal: I need to familiarize myself on the CLPNBC mandate regarding professional standards.

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Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am aware of the my own scope of practice, professional standards, and practice standards after the exposure.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesEthical Practice5. Students apply the ethical framework of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Recognize and fulfill the professional obligation of the duty to provide care IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:

Oct 17-20: I asked permission to the patient first before doing a wound dressing. I provided some privacy by closing the curtains. If someone press the call bell I responded right away if I am not busy.I worked closely with my preceptor in doing hourly rounds. I always include the patient in the decision of their care.Oct 17-20: I continued to demonstrate a caring and respectful approach to all patients and family members.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. I demonstrate honesty and integrity at all times. I respect and protect client worth, dignity, uniqueness and diversity. I set boundaries and maintain a professional relationship with the patients and my colleagues in the unit. I recognize and respect the contribution of others on the health care team. I address my patients concern right away to prevent conflict.

b) Establish and maintain respect, empathy, trust and integrity in interactions with clients


c) Establish and maintain appropriate professional boundaries with clients and other health-care team members


d) Establish and maintain a safe and caring environment that supports clients to achieve optimal health outcomes.


e) Analyze the impact of personal values and assumptions on interactions with clients


f) Recognize and respect the values, opinions, needs and beliefs of clients and others


g) Identify and resolve situations involving moral and ethical conflict, dilemma or distress


Midterm Comments:I will demonstrate respect, integrity and honesty at all times to my patients, their family, and members of the health care team. I will not influence the patient values and belief with my own. Goal: I need to work on setting boundaries for demanding patients to equal care so work can be done.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I have respect for my patient values and beliefs. I don’t influence them of my values and beliefs. I maintain a professional relationship putting the client’s needs first. I collaborate with my colleagues in the unit as well to my preceptor.CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesEthical Practice

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6. Students promote clients’ rights and responsibilities:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Ensure that consent is obtained in multiple contexts (e.g. consent for care, refusal of treatment, release of health information and consent for participation in research)

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 17-20: I always respect and maintain client’s dignity and privacy by asking permission in doing assessments or when performing a procedures, by closing the curtain/drapes. I used their initials in my cheat sheets to maintain confidentiality.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. I did an admission and I let the patient sign some consent form regarding her care and releasing of information. When performing any procedure I make sure that drapes are close to maintain privacy. If a patient refuse a form of treatment, I respect their decision and I just chart it right away with the reason of the rejection. I did some advocacies for my patients such as asking the nurse practitioner about the timing of a nicotine patch administration, asking the social worker when my patient can go home and the status of the housing request, and so forth.

b) Protect clients’ rights by maintaining confidentiality, privacy, and dignity within and across health care agencies and with other service sectors


c) Facilitate and support clients’ capacity and right to self-determination


d) Advocate for equitable access, treatment and allocation of resources for all clients


e) Use an ethical reasoning and decision-making framework to address situations of ethical conflict, dilemma or distress


f) Demonstrate the ability to manage own anxiety in the clinical setting IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:I will continue to promote clients’ rights by maintaining confidentiality, providing privacy, and maintaining their dignity.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am able to ask for a consent, provide privacy, advocate for my patient, solve problems and manage my own anxiety throughout the experience.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesLegal Practice7. Students adhere to legal requirements of practical nursing practice:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Practice according to relevant mandatory reporting legislation and other reporting requirements under legislation, regulation, by-laws and policies applicable to licensed practical nurses (e.g. abuse, abandonment, communicable diseases, and mental

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 17-18: Wearing the appropriate PPE when having a direct contact with patient having a precaution such as MRSA and cytotoxic.Oct 10-11; 17-20: I’m always punctual. I don’t have any absences. I wore the right uniform with my nametag and ID from school on.Final Comments:

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health issues and concerns. Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. I don’t have any absences and late. I always come prepared and well groomed. I wore the right PPE needed. I have one patient who just undergone a chemotherapy so I need to wear the right PPE to protect myself and the patient. If in doubt I always ask my preceptor. I don’t want to assume and do things incorrectly. I observe the unit policy. When I have some concern with my patient Informed right away my preceptor.

b) Exercise professional judgment when practicing within own level of competence, established professional standards, employer policies and procedures.


c) Recognize, respond and appropriately report questionable orders, actions or decision made by other health care workers.


d) Comes to Preceptorship placement as per schedule and is punctual IP LN NA S U

e) Consistently appears well groomed and dresses appropriately (in VCC uniform as per Student Handbook)


Midterm Comments: I will continue to practice within my scope of practice and adhere to legal requirements of practical nursing practice.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am more independent in doing my task but if I am in doubt I don’t hesitate asking question to my preceptor. I always observe the rules and policy of the school and the facility where I am having this preceptorship experience.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesLegal Practice:8. Students maintain confidentiality in written, oral and electronic communication:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Disclose relevant information to appropriate individuals IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:I used client’s initials in writing on my cheat sheet. I am not sharing client’s information on individuals not involved in client care.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I have one patient who doesn’t want her medical condition to be shared with her sister for some issue. I respect her for that, I only disclose that relevant information to her about the result of her test.

b) Recognize and respond to the clients’ right to health care information IP LN NA S U

c) Be aware of personal health information and privacy legislation IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:I will continue to respects clients and maintain confidentially in all forms of communication.

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Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I respect my patients’ rights and I maintain confidentiality in all forms of communication as per patient request if mentally stable.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesLegal Practice9. Students adhere to legal requirements regarding documentation:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Document according to established professional standards, employment policies and procedures

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 10-26: I did document the patient status, medication that being administered, nursing procedures done, and significant findings on the patient chart. Usually I document right away to make sure the information is still fresh. If there are significant findings from my assessment I’ll inform my preceptor about it.Oct 11,19-20: I got the opportunity to closed a chart and verified order if it is already entered in the computer and signed.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the things mentioned above. After midterm I tried my best to be concise with my charting with few more words but still the thought is complete. Any significant findings that I observe physically and assess, I will chart it immediately.

b) Maintain clear, concise, accurate, objective and timely documentation without spelling and grammatical errors and using appropriate medical terminology


c) Initiate contact and receive, transcribe and verify orders IP LN NA S U

d) Complete occurrence reports as required IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:I will continue to exhibit thorough documentations and clear findings from my client’s assessments.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. My documentation is clear, concise, accurate, objective, and timely documentation. My preceptor has a good feedback on my documentation.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:

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10. Students complete comprehensive health assessments of clients throughout the lifespan:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Come prepared for client assignmentIP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:Oct 10-26: I researched on my patient diagnosis, medical history, and medication and shared it to my preceptor and clinical instructor.Oct 18: I had an admission that day, and there are pre-admission forms that you need to ask the patient. And this form mentioned about cognitive, spiritual, emotional and so forth.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am able to assess my assigned patients from head to toe. I always come prepared for duty physically, mentally, and emotionally. When talking to patient I am always professional, I set boundaries and only ask questions that are relevant and needed. I did my research on medication and patient diagnosis. I listen and read the shift report after midterm.

b) Perform physical, cognitive, spiritual, cultural, emotional, psychological, and social assessments


c) Select and utilize appropriate terminology IP LN NA S Ud) Research and respond to relevant

clinical data, understanding significance of relationships of research as it relates to client specific situations


e) Comprehend, respond to and appropriately report assessments IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:I will continue to research on my client’s diagnosis, medical history, and medications.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am able to assess my patient head to toe and holistically. I am able to provide their needs and give them comfort. I am professional with the words I used in communication with my patients. I understand my patient pretty well by establishing rapport and trust through communication. Any significant findings, I chart it immediately describing what I observe and assess.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:11. Formulate clinical decisions that are consistent with client needs and priorities:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Reflect upon practice experiences and apply critical thinking and inquiry to guide decision-making

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 26: I wrote some nursing diagnoses and possible goals and intervention to a patient chart for discharge planning.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: My preceptor allows me to update and add a new nursing diagnoses that I was able to observed physically and checked on the patient’s lab results. I am also able to add and write new nursing interventions.

b) Determine nursing diagnoses IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:

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I will continue to improve my critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving to provide safe and competent care to clients. Goals: I need to work on formulating nursing diagnosis that will match the real condition of the patient, in order to have the right intervention.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am able to critically think my actions while preparing to give medication, communicating, and performing nursing skills such as wound dressing, blood sugar monitoring, and butterfly insertion.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:12. Students implement evidence- informed nursing interventions based on assessment findings, client preferences and desired outcomes:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Perform learned skills efficiently according to principles and agency policy

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 12; 17-20: I gave medications on time. Doing assessment before and after giving medications. I do MAR review. Researched ahead unfamiliar drugs. I do observe the 7 checks and 2 identifiers in administering medication.Oct 17-18,26: I did wound dressing maintaining the principles of sterile technique.Oct 20: I did staple removal with the supervision of the RN, still maintaining sterile technique.Oct 26: I did butterfly insertion with my preceptor supervision, demonstration provided by my preceptor prior to insertion.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing the mentioned comments above. I am always on time in giving medications and done it safely by performing all the checks needed and 2 identifiers. I always follow the unit protocol and what was order for wound dressing. I always check the CLPNBC scope of practice document to make sure I am doing procedure that I am allowed to do. I ask for feedback from my preceptor and evaluate myself after drug administration.

b) Administers medications in a timely manner according to the appropriate rights and checks of medication administration


Midterm Comments:I am able to give meds on its due time. I’m still slow in preparing my meds. I need to get fast on this particular area. I’m always diligent in researching about the meds I am giving. Before I gave the meds to the patient I inform them of what they are taking. If they have question I answer them to the best of my ability. If they refuse I document it, after explaining to them why they need to take it. Goals: I need to develop my speed in preparing medications. I need to be attentively and focus always to prevent med error.

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Final Comments:I was able to meet the goal. I am very efficient in performing the different nursing skills. I am confident in doing the task on hand with little supervision. I am more independent. I have no medication errors throughout my preceptorship exposure.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:13. Set priorities and develop time- management skills for meeting responsibilities:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Organize competing priorities into appropriate actions IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:Oct 17-20: Making a plan of care, prioritizing patient base on their needs and condition. Observe and follow the plan of care as my patient workload increases.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: At the last few days of my preceptorship experience, I was able to take all of my preceptor assign patients. I am confident of myself, my preceptor is just letting me do my thing, I am only calling her when I am preparing an insulin injection, I do still ask if I’m in doubt but she doesn’t need to remind me all the time. I am more organize and familiar of the routine within the unit.

Midterm Comments:I am able to do assessment, document findings, and perform different nursing skills in a timely and organize manner. Goal: To be able to set my priorities, having a plan, and to improve my time and organization management.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am more organize in doing my task. I always complete my task on hand. I am always on time in giving medications and doing any nursing skills. I am flexible to any changes and easily adopt to the situation.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:

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14. Facilitate the involvement of clients in their plan of care:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Collaborate with clients to identify actual and potential health goals and outcomes

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 17-20: I do ask the patients’ like what are their plans, what is going on with them, have they spoken to their doctor, to know their health goals. I do research on the patient individual chart and find out what kind of discharge plan and intervention written for them. I do implement most of the intervention written by informing the patient or act it for them.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I involve my patients in identifying and prioritizing their own health goals and learning needs. For example I ask one of them, how do you like to received your care? when do you need my help? what time do you want me to do the wound dressing? what do you understand about you medication?, why are you refusing this TED stockings? Questions like this make my patient as the primary focus of my care. I talked to them about their plans while they are in the unit, and their plans when they go home. I encouraged them to join the daily exercise if their condition allows them.

b) Collaborate with clients in the discharge planning process


Midterm Comments:I am able to establish rapport with my patient. I keep the focus of the conversation patient centered to establish trust. I need to be informative to collaborate to them their written discharge plan. Goal: Promote independence to the patient to help them regain their strength and skills to become effective when they go back into the community.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I am client-centered in my approach. I include the patient in planning for their care. I set up some goals, and talked about this in front of my patients. I encouraged most of them to set up for breakfast, dinner, and lunch into the dining room except only when their condition doesn’t permit them.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:

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15. Facilitate health education Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.a) Assess clients’ health literacy and health knowledge IP LN NA S U

Midterm Comments:Oct 10-27: I researched on the client diagnosis, medical history and medication. When talking to my patient, I make sure that I am clearly heard that they understand every words that comes out from my moutn.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I have one client that I did a health teaching about the use of Dalteparin and why she is receiving it. The patient was able to understand the information provided. I also informed one patient the use of TED stocking in promoting circulation for the lower extremity, unfortunately the patient refused even she understand my teaching.

b) Assess, plan, implement and evaluate the teaching and learning process


c) Provide information and access to resources


d) Evaluate teaching effectiveness in promotion self-care capacity and safety


Midterm Comments:I am able to communicate with my assigned patient and assessed their level of literacy. Goal: Be able to provide health teaching, reinforce knowledge, and answer questions.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I provided health teachings on Dalteparin and TED stockings uses to my patients. I was able to assess, plan, implement and evaluate my teachings. I was able to ask my patients if they understand my teaching and if they have questions for me to answer. I always ask them if I can do something to make them comfortable. I don’t ignore my patient request and act on their needs.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:16. Contribute to a culture of safety Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Apply evidence-informed principles of client safety

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 17-20: I talked to my patient and ask them about their background, their preferences on how they want to receive care. I do also hourly rounds together with my preceptor or sometimes alone and document the findings.Oct 10-20: For my patients who are confused and at risk for falls, I make sure that bed alarms are on, side rails up, call bells are within reach, asking if they need anything before I leave, and always ensuring safety by assisting them per their ADL’s capacity.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am still doing things mentioned above. I do also an hourly checked throughout the shift both on day and nights I am into. I advocated for my assigned patient behalf by asking questions to the other members of the health team and relaying this

b) Implement quality improvement and risk management strategies to maintain and promote a safe work environment


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information to the patient.

Midterm Comments:I am able to practice cultural safety by asking them their preferences on how they want to be help. I don’t assume. I respond to what they are telling me. I ask question, such as “What can make you comfortable?” Goal: Just continue what I am presently doing. I will religiously comply with the hourly rounds.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. My priority always is my patient’s safety. I make them safe by doing an hourly checked, documenting any significant findings, talking to the patient and finding out their concerns and replying to them with words or action.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesFoundations of Practice:17. Perform ongoing evaluation throughout delivery of care:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions by comparing actual outcomes to expected outcomes

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 11-12: I did blood sugar monitoring. My preceptor is confident with my skill because I informed her that I did it so many times.Oct 17-18: I did a wound dressing following a specific wound protocol. I did ask for a feedback on my preceptor after the procedure.Oct 20: I did staple removal. The RN in the unit is the one supervising me. She mentioned that I did it perfectly.Oct 17-20: Each duty, I prepare a plan of care and followed it. I did some revision along the way for updates.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: Still doing the things mentioned above. I more focus in doing my task. I look ahead on the things I need to prepare. I did some research and review my old notes on previous discussion regarding the nursing skills I did such as medication administration in different route, wound dressing following a specific unit protocol;, and staple removal. I always asked for feedback from my preceptor and evaluate my performance.

b) Review and revise the plan of care, and communicate accordingly


Midterm Comments:

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I am able to do some nursing intervention such as medication administration, wound dressing, and staple removal. I was able to ask for feedback from my preceptor after doing the procedure. I am able as well to do self-evaluation of my performance. Goal: To become confident in doing all this procedure. To increase my speed with the conscious effort in maintaining safety to the patient. To continue making and improving my plan of care.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I prepared my plan of care every duty and update it throughout the shift. I did research on my patient diagnosis and medication and share it with my preceptor and instructor. I asked for feedback and evaluate myself.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesCollaborative Practice18. Initiate, maintain and terminate collaborative relationships with clients:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Initiate and maintain a therapeutic environment

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 10-26: I always encouraged patient to talk, to share their thoughts about hospitalization. I used therapeutic communication such as active listening, using closed and open-ended questions. I also asked question to my patient such as how you want to received help. I also involved patient in decision making for their care.Oct 10-26: I always encouraged my patients to do their ADL’s independently if they are able. I always encouraged them to go to the dining room for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also encouraged them to join the strength exercises.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I am persistent in reminding my assigned patients on those comments made from midterm. I do an hourly checked on both day and night shift. At night, when I do my hourly checked I make sure that the patient bed in lowest position and their call bells are within reach.

b) Promote safety, comfort and cultural sensitivity


c) Engage clients in identifying their health needs, strengths, capacities and goals


Midterm Comments:To continue providing safe and therapeutic environment for clients.

Final Comments:

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I am able to meet the goal. I make sure that my assigned patients are safe during my shift. I managed my nursing intervention properly to promote private time, rest, privacy, and space to my patients. In doing any nursing procedure that may exposed my patient body, I close the curtain to provide them privacy. I always encouraged them to be independent and join active activities within the unit if it allows them to do so.

CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice CompetenciesCollaborative Practice19. Communicate collaboratively with the client and other members of the health care team:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Gather and/or provide essential client information

IP LN NA S U Midterm Comments:Oct 10-27: Every day I prepare a cheat sheet. I am updating this cheat sheet throughout the day. I gathered the information on my cheat sheet from kardex, shift report, and patient chart.Oct 10-27: I seek guidance and direction form my preceptor as needed. Usually my preceptor will just gave her feedback right away after Im done with a procedure. I researched on my client’s diagnosis, medical history, and medications to better understand my client and provide appropriate nursing interventions.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 6: I am more organize and flexible with my time management. Before giving any medications especially to a new patient my preceptor asked me first what is the use of the medication, why it is given to the patient relating to their diagnosis, and other stuff. I don’t argue with my patient, I let them talk about their feelings. I listen to their concern intimately and react to it by providing them the right comfort measures that I am allowed to do. I plan for the day, and I easily adopt to situation especially when there are new admissions. I always asked feedback from my preceptor and continuously evaluate my performance.

b) Utilize communication techniques to promote effective interpersonal interaction


c) Demonstrate and apply conflict management and resolution skills


d) Seek support appropriately IP LN NA S Ue) Independently adjust to new situations IP LN NA S Uf) Accurately identify own strengths and

areas for improvement IP LN NA S U

g) Consistently seek feedback on performance and utilize feedback for improvement


Midterm Comments:To continue communicating clearly with clients and members of the health care team.

Final Comments:I was able to meet the goal. I always have a plan of care for a particular day. I update my plan of care depending on the situation. I easily adopt to any changes. I am more organize and flexible in how I manage my time. I am more independent in performing the task with a little guidance from my preceptor.CLPNBC Entry-to-Practice Competencies

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Collaborative Practice:20. Demonstrate beginning leadership within the health care team:

Midterm Final Specific examples of Anecdotal Evidence. Date each example.

a) Distinguish between the legislated scope of practice, employer policies and individual competence.

IP LN NA S UMidterm Comments:Oct 9: I researched about Queen’s Park in the internet. I’m looking for what kind of patients they are catering. I also checked the agencies policies and procedures. I contact my preceptor on the phone and asked what nursing skills they usually do and compared it to the CLPNBC scope of practice if I can do those skills.Oct 10-26: I communicate professionally to my preceptor and other members in the health care team. I update my preceptor for any findings on my patient.0ct 10-26: Im always proactive. Im looking to learn new stuff every day. If there is an opportunity, like a nursing skills that I have not done before I grabbed it right away without hesitation. I worked independently as a student practical nurse with minimum supervision from my preceptor.Final Comments:Oct 27-Nov 12: I was able to communicate with the social worker, nurse practitioner, clinical care coordinator, RN’s, other LPN’s and the physical therapist on the unit regarding my patient condition. I advocated for my patients behalf by asking questions about their medications, their mobility, and plans for them.

b) Build partnerships with health care team members based on trust and respect for the unique and shared competencies of each member.


c) Collaborate with other members of the health care team to plan, implement and evaluate care.


d) Integrate evidence-informed practice in collaboration with members of the health care team.


e) Provide leadership, direction, assignment and supervision to unregulated health care workers and others


f) Participate in emergency preparedness planning and resources, and work collaboratively with others to develop and implement plans


g) Demonstrate initiative to constructively discuss concerns with other members of the health care team to support effective teamwork and positive client outcomes


Midterm Comments:To communicate and collaborate with the other members of the health care team in planning for intervention and goal for care. To research the unit care policies comparing it with the CLPNBS legislated scope of practice.

Final Comments:I am able to meet the goal. I advocated for my patient behalf. I am checking the scope of practice document when I am performing a nursing skills. If I am in doubt I ask question to my preceptor as well to the other members of the health team. I utilized my resources properly within the unit.

Preceptorship Evaluation Criteria NB all components of course must

Satisfactory /Unsatisfactory Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

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be passed in order to achieve an overall grade of Satisfactory

Midterm Final

Clinical Update and Journal Submissions



Learning Plan S/UComments:


Daily Research S/UComments:


Daily Preparation (worksheets and research)



Midterm Self Evaluation S / UComments:

Midterm Preceptor Evaluation S/ UComments:

Final SelfEvaluation

S / UComments:

Final Preceptor Evaluation S / UComments:

Faculty Advisor Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________________


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How am I progressing towards assuming the workload of an entry level LPN?What percentage of the preceptor’s workload am I assuming? Midterm: 50%

Preceptor Name: Irene Askew

Preceptor Signature: __________________________________

Student Name: Dave Jay S. Manriquez

Student Signature: ___________________________________

Faculty Name: Pam Barbati

Faculty Signature: ___________________________________

STUDENT FINAL EVALUATION: Date: November 12. 2016

How am I progressing towards assuming the workload of an entry level LPN?

What percentage of the preceptor’s workload am I assuming? Final: 100 %

Preceptor Name: Irene Askew

Preceptor Signature: __________________________________

Student Name: Dave Jay S. Manriquez

Student Signature: ___________________________________

Faculty Name: Pam Barbati

Faculty Signature: ____________________________________