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. It appeared in the December 2014 issue Vol. 27 No. 4, p. 570-579, OF PHYSICS ESSAYS.------------------------------------


PROOF AND PREDICTION OF EMPIRICAL FARADAY INDUCTION. P.T. Pappaa, L.P. Pappasb, T.P. Pappasc.a,b,c26, Markopoulioti Street, Athens GR11744, Greece.

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected].

Abstract: In this paper, induction is studied only with the appropriate forces on each standing/moving charge by all other standing/moving charges and not by any magnetic field or mysterious flux. These appropriate forces should be called with the older term electro-motive forces .

J. C. Maxwell, the Father of Modern Electromagnetism, who principally only had experience with DC currents in batteries, claimed three inaccurate theses:

1. Every current belongs in a closed circuit,

2. Every current is the same all along a circuit,

3. The Ampere force law is equivalent to the Lorentz force law, and therefore, the Ampere law should be considered redundant, all of which are propagated today. Realizing the actual inaccuracy of those three cases and taking into account the Ampere Cardinal Force Law, superior electrodynamics arises. In particular, consider the following:A. A static conductor with AC, with current that is not DC battery current, or B. A DC conductor moving perpendicularly, which produces a non-closed secondary current perpendicular to the conductor. Taking into account Amperes1 absolute, non-Relativistic, Electrodynamic Cardinal Law on other closed or open circuits, proof and prediction of all details of Faradays empirical induction law, the Lentz empirical rule is produced for the first time. These laws gave the wrong impression to Einstein11 Electrodynamics for the moving bodies (with similar title and exact subject as Lorentzs12 ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA IN A SYSTEM MOVING WITH ANY VELOCITY SMALLER THAN THAT OF LIGHT) since as early 1892 and 1895 and finally 1904, prior to Einsteins 11 paper in 1905, for the foundations of Special Relativity. In addition, Amperes absolute-nonrelativistic, Electromotive Force Law exclusively provides the real analytical distribution 4,5,6,7 of induction potential, which, for the very first time, is determined. The wrongly assumed equivalent Lorentz Law cannot determine this fact!Amperes Law and its authors modifications always retain the principle of action-reaction and momentum; in contrast to the Law of Lorentz which is violating the conservation of momentum and angular momentum. Thus, the Law of Lorentz cannot replace Amperes Law.

Amperes law may predict the propagation of electromagnetic near field waves (see section VIII, ELECTRODYNAMIC +/- FORCE NEAR FIELD WAVES), or better +/- electrodynamic force near field waves, without Maxwells equations. We use the term electrodynamic for the magnetic field of a changing current that is not what we suppose it to be for non-closed currents with quickly changing currents. For such currents, a current change cannot instantaneously occur at every point of a circuit, as it takes time to propagate, despite Maxwells considerations. Maxwell did not know of Teslas alternating currents during his time; rather, he knew only of batteries with DC constant currents.A changing AC current along a circuit cannot have the same value everywhere because of the finite propagation of the current (see also the experiments and measurements of Pappas3). Therefore, current changes cannot have instantaneous propagation, making the current vary throughout its circuit. Therefore, a + /- electrodynamic near field force interaction wave may naturally be expected for such AC currents but not for DC currents according to the absolute-non relativistic law of Ampere.

In both AC producing electromagnetic near field wave currents and DC non-producing electromagnetic near field currents, DC and AC are different types of currents with different results; nevertheless, these differences do not affect the relativistic Lorentz Law.The theory of relativity is irrelevant to this thesis, and relativitys founding considerations are proven incorrect 4,6. Ampere electrodynamics is meant to replace Maxwells electromagnetism, with its ill-conceived theory of magnetic fields for individual moving charges, elementary particles and changing currents.

Rsum : Linduction, dans ce cas, nest tudie que par les forces appropries sur chaque charge immobile ou en mouvement, par toutes les autres charges tant immobiles ou en mouvement, et non par un champ magntique ou flux mystrieux quelconque. Ces forces en particulier doivent tre appeles avec un terme ancien comme ' des forces Electromotrices'. J. C. Maxwell, le Pre d ' Electromagntisme moderne, qui na principalement eut dexprience quavec les courants continus dans les batteries, a affirm trois thses inexactes :

A. Chaque courant appartient un circuit ferm", et que

B. Chaque courant est exactement le mme le long de son circuit

C. La loi de la force d Ampre est quivalente la loi de la force de Lorentz, et donc la loi d Ampre doit tre considre comme superflue"

Toutes ces trois lois sont reconnues ainsi jusque nos jours.

En tenant compte de la vrit actuelle de ces trois cas et en appliquant la loi cardinale de la force d Ampre, une Electrodynamique d ordre suprieure prend forme. Considrez en particulier:

A. Un conducteur statique avec un courant alternatif qui n'est pas un courant direct (CD) de la batterie, ou

B. Un conducteur mobile CD (courant direct) se dplaant perpendiculairement

un CD, qui produit un courant secondaire non-ferm et perpendiculaire au conducteur. En considrant la loi absolue, non-Relativiste originale et Cardinale Electrodynamique d' Ampre1 applique d autres circuits ferms ou ouverts, la preuve et la prvision de tous les dtails de la loi de l' induction empirique de Faraday, la rgle empirique de Lentz sest produite pour la premire fois.

Ces lois ont produit une fausse impression concernant la Loi de la Relativit Spciale d'Einstein11. La loi Cardinale d Ampre, tant une loi absolue, naturellement non relativiste, une loi de Force Electromotrice qui fournit exclusivement la distribution 4,5,6,7 analytique relle effective du potentiel de l'induction dtermin pour la premire fois.

La loi quivalente de Lorentz suppos tre fausse ne saurait dterminer ce fait!

La Loi d'Ampre et les modifications par les auteurs de cet article conservent toujours le principe d'action-raction et du momentum , et ils sont en opposition la loi de Lorentz laquelle se trouve en opposition avec la loi de la conservation du momentum et du momentum angulaire, et cette loi de Lorentz, la loi d' Ampre et ses versions peuvent se remplacer.

La loi d' Ampre peut nous donner la prdiction de propagation des ondes Electromagntiques en champ proche, (voir au bas section C, sous-section nomme VAGUES DE FORCES ELECTRODYNAMIQUES +/- EN CHAMPS PROCHES ) ou encore mieux Ondes de force Electrodynamique +/- en champ proche, sans les quations de Maxwell.

Nous utilisons le terme "Electrodynamique" pour le champ magntique d un courant changeant, n'est pas suppos tre d usage pour les courants qui sont non-ferms, tels que toutes courants changeant rapidement dans le temps.

Pour ces cas un changement de courant, ne peut pas avoir lieu instantanment tous les points d'un circuit parce qu il faut un minimum du temps pour quil se propage, malgr les considrations de Maxwell. Lui-mme son poque, ne connaissait pas les courants alternatifs de Tesla, mais il connaissait principalement les courants constants continues (CD DC) des batteries.

Un courant alternatif changeant travers un circuit ne peut pas avoir partout (dans ce mme circuit) la mme valeur, cause de la propagation non instantane de ce courant, (voir aussi les expriences et mesures de Pappas3). Donc les changements de courant ne peuvent pas avoir une propagation instantane, de ce fait le courant ne peut tre le mme dans son circuit en entier . C est cause de cela, qu une onde lectrodynamique produit des interactions peut tre naturellement produites pour ces sortes de courants alternatifs et non pas pour un courant direct continu, selon la loi non-relativiste et appele absolue, d Ampre. Sil s agit de courants alternatif qui sont des courants producteurs dondes lectromagntiques en champ proche, ou sil sagit de courants continus non producteurs dondes lectromagntiques en champ proche, ceux-ci tant deux diffrents sortes de courant avec des rsultats diffrents, ils ne font aucune diffrence pour la Loi Relativiste de Lorentz.

La thorie de la Relativit est sans influence sur cette thse et les considrations fondamentales de la Relativit sont dmenties 4,6. L Electrodynamique d Ampre est destine remplacer l' Electromagntisme de Maxwell avec sa thorie mal conue du champ magntique concernant le dplacement des charges lectriques individuelles, des particules lmentaires et des courants changeants.

KEY WORDSAmpere, electro-motive, forces, their modifications, induction.I. INTRODUCTION In 1873, according to Maxwell2 himself, [Amperes theory] is summed up in a formula from which phenomena may be deduced, and which must always remain the cardinal formula of electro-dynamics (a treatise on electricity and magnetism, 1873, v. 2, p. 175) .

In 1891, Maxwell2 considered the specific Ampere law as redundant compared to the Lorentz law. He believed the two laws were equivalent and therefore experimentally indistinguishable. Here, we shall show that this is not the case, and we will show that the two laws are theoretically and experimentally distinguishable, despite the current general belief of now days. See also the incorrect statement of Tricker,1 page 55.

The key understanding of this paper is based on realizing the incorrect thesis of the assumed father of electromagnetism, James Clerk Maxwell, who stated that the current of a circuit is the same all over the circuit and that this is true regardless of the circuit and regardless of whether the current is AC or DC. As we shall show, this is an incorrect thesis, and it is generally believed to be true today. However, it is certainly incorrect for changing currents in AC circuits and moving circuits, for AC circuits because of the finite propagation speed of currents and for moving circuits because of their different interactions between various points, resulting in changing distances between the moving points of the moving circuits, which induces, in both cases, only changing currents. Maxwell, during his time, used only the constant currents of batteries. Nikola Teslas invention for alternating current apparently came too late for Maxwell. An apparent perfect differential, which is multiplied by changing currents, is not, as a rule, integrated to zero, as was wrongly generally assumed, for a closed circuit. The exception is when the current is the same over all of the integrated circuit (which, in general, is not true). This incorrect argument incorrectly makes the two laws equivalent in general. As we shall see, the two laws are theoretically and experimentally3 distinguishable when considering changing currents. A typical incorrect example is in the introduction of the first page of Ref. 13.

FIG. 1. Two fundamental examples from Modern Radio Engineering, NOT KNOWN AT THE TIME OF MAXWELL. The above tuned or untuned circuits with the loop and the circle are perfect closed circuits. The current induced by the right circuit is an arbitrary VHF changing current, and that on the left is a VHF sinusoidal changing current. Both currents in the circuits are sometimes zero, +maximum or - minimum.They are different at every point! Maxwell was teaching that in a closed circuit, the current should be the same everywhere!APPARENTLY, MAXWELL COULD NEVER IMAGINE THE REALITY OF THE ABOVE CIRCUITS.

The cardinal Ampere 1,2 Non-Relativistic Law of 1821-1826, between two currents I1 and I2 due to the element section ds1 of a circuit S1 on the element section ds2 of circuit S2, is: F12 =-k QUOTE

{2ds2.ds1- ds2.r12ds1.r12} (1)where r12 is the position vector from ds1 to ds2. , and the dot . represents the inner product of the corresponding vector elements. Therefore, because r12 = -r21, F12= -F21, with an inherent action-reaction, e.g., always respecting the action-reaction principle. This is a real existing law, but today, it is a hidden and secret law. The last appearance of this law was in 1891 by James Clerk Maxwell2 in his Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism; Maxwell was the founder of todays electromagnetism.This law, involving currents, or in other words, moving charges, is an absolute law. However, even though the authors versions (see below) involve absolute velocities, they should be considered as absolute only with respect to the dominant gravitational field. This fact has been established empirically on earth and on spaceships carrying electronics, which are always functioning with respect to the spaceships local dominating gravitational field.In addition, this superior and forgotten law of Ampere seems to relate directly to the gravity of yet unexplored nature. Consideration of these aspects will be published in another paper.Finally, by Amperes superior but hidden and forgotten law, unipolar induction, an unsolved problem, seems to be resolved.

. MATHEMATICAL THEOREM1,2,3Amperes law and its versions are equivalent to the relativistic

Lorentz12 law (SI units): F=q(E+VxB)

(2) applied only when the source B field is due to a closed current, as it is the usual and common application. (According to Maxwell, all currents are closed, which is, in general, incorrect! (Currents of an independently moving electron are not closed.) For example, the varying current, as we presented above, or approaching spaced currents, which cause induction, are not closed (see Fig. 1). Therefore, according to Maxwell (who is incorrect), the two laws are always equivalent, and the law of Lorentz, which is simpler, should be preferred, or the complicated law of Ampere, regardless that it is always correct, should be considered redundant.

We have to say that only in this case is the Lorentz law equivalent2 to Amperes law and its equivalent versions. This is the only privileged case of the equivalence of Lorentz, in which the Lorentz law respects mechanical action and reaction: a principle found correct for all of the universe at all times.III. THE AUTHORS MODIFICATION, Clarification and remarks On AMPEREs LAW.

First, consider the following mathematical proof of the very important identity Ids = dqv

(3)where dq is the total effective charge, even though, in reality, it is discreet, as it continues as a streaming liquid charge moving with an effective velocity v along the element ds.

With I=dq / dt = lim (q / t),

I.ds = lim (q / t ). ds = dq lim (s / t) = dq lim (s / t) = dq.v, with t0, Q.E.D.If we replace this identity 3 in the above Amperes Law, then, with similar simple mathematics, it takes the following forms in MKSA units for effective values of discreet moving charges:0. CURRENT ELEMENT TO CURRENT ELEMENT. The original Ampere formula WITH TWO ASSUMED CONTINUOUS CURRENTS: F12 =- I1I2 QUOTE


{2ds2.ds1- ds2.r12ds1.r12} (4) 1. CHARGE TO CHARGE. For a charge dq1 moving with velocity V1 and charge dq2 moving with velocity V2, we have: F12=- dq1dq2{2V1.V2 - V2.r12V1.r12} (5) 00=1/c2 2. SECTION WITH CURRENT TO CHARGE. For a static section dS1 with current I1 and a free - charge e (free electron) moving with V on axis S2, we have: Fe1 =- QUOTE

eI1. {2dSe.v- QUOTE

dSe.re1V.re1} (5a)

For a static section dS1 with current I1, and a fixed + charge p (fixed proton) moving with V on axis S2, we have: Fp1 =- pI1. {2dSp.v- dSp.rp1V.rp1} (5b) Immediate Remark: From 5a and 5b, we see protons and electrons of a neutral conductor axis S1 receive the same and opposite total force from a parallel moving conductor S2 with current I2. If some free electrons of S1, in contrast to the fixed protons, move, a closed current exists (see fig 3); then, on the closed and moving axis S2, an opposing motion force of axis S2 is exercised due to the repulsive, opposite currents on S1 and S2, and Amperes Cardinal Law, Eq. (1).This opposition respects the principle of conservation of energy. This is also known to be true experimentally. 3. MOVING SECTION WITH CURRENT TO STATIC CHARGE. For a section dS2 with current I2 on a static charge dq1 moving with V2, we have: F12 =- dq1I24. COULOMB PLUS MOVING CHARGES. Also including the Coulomb Law: (7)with , the forces between moving charges are (SI units): F12 = dq1dq2 {1/- 00{2V2.V1 - V2.r12V1.r12}} (8) 00=1/ec2 , F12 = dq1dq2 {1- 2V2.V1/c2 } , 1- 2V2.V1/c2 = 0 , V2=V1=V, 2V2.V1=C2,

V=C/1,41 = 212.765 /S.


E=ds=dqv, F=IdSXB=dqvxB, F=VXB/C2, F=Q(E+VXB)=, SIDE BY SIDE AT A DISTANCE ry, MOVING VX CHARGES, STATIONARY OBSERVER SEES, Fc/ = Fc - magnforce. -magnforce= Fc/ - Fc, AT VX=C, (FC+MF)=F, magnetic force q(CXB)= - F/ + FC - 0 + FCMAGNETIC FORCE, q(CXB) -0 +Fc, VxCDISPERSIVE COULOMB FORCE FOCUSING GNETIC FORCEAS VX C. BIOT-SAVART In S.I units, K=0/4, 00=1/c2B=0/4 I dl sin/r2B=(0/4)qv/r2 FOR V=C, B=(0/4)qC/r2E=(1/40)q/r2 B/E=C00=1/C, , =C.B, F=qE=qCB FOCUSING ME THN S.R. ON THE CONTRARY, SEE-GOUGLE SELF FOCUSING ELECTRON BEAMS, SEE NO 4 BELOW. ALSO, SEE SELF FOCUSING BEAM TUBES.Ascanning electron microscopescans a beam of electronsovera specimen to produce a magnified image of an object. That's completely different from a TEM, where the beam of electrons goes right through the specimen.

1. Electrons are fired into the machine.

2. The main part of the machine (where the object is scanned) is contained within a sealed vacuum chamber because precise electron beams can't travel effectively through air.

3. A positively charged electrode (anode) attracts the electrons and accelerates them into an energetic beam.

4. An electromagnetic coil brings the electron beam to a very precise focus, much like a lens.

5. Another coil, lower down, steers the electron beam from side to side.

6. The beam systematically scans across the object being viewed.

7. Electrons from the beam hit the surface of the object and bounce off it.

8. A detector registers these scattered electrons and turns them into a picture.

9. A hugely magnified image of the object is displayed on a TV screen. THESE ALL PROVE THE NON RELATIVISTIC AMPERE FORCES AND DISPROVE SPECIAL RELATIVITY. BIOT-SAVART In S.I units, K=0/4, 00=1/c2B=0/4 I dl sin/r2, , 4, Idl=qv, sin=1 :B=(0/4)qv/r2 FOR V=C, B=(0/4)qC/r2, E=(1/40)q/r2, B/E=C00=1/C, , =C.B, F=qEqCB, vc, vqvB,


Ascanning electron microscopescans a beam of electronsovera specimen to produce a magnified image of an object. That's completely different from a TEM, where the beam of electrons goes right through the specimen.

10. Electrons are fired into the machine.

11. The main part of the machine (where the object is scanned) is contained within a sealed vacuum chamber because precise electron beams can't travel effectively through air.

12. A positively charged electrode (anode) attracts the electrons and accelerates them into an energetic beam.

13. An electromagnetic coil brings the electron beam to a very precise focus, much like a lens.

14. Another coil, lower down, steers the electron beam from side to side.

15. The beam systematically scans across the object being viewed.

16. Electrons from the beam hit the surface of the object and bounce off it.

17. A detector registers these scattered electrons and turns them into a picture.

18. A hugely magnified image of the object is displayed on a TV screen. USING THE AMPERE LAW

COULOMB PLUS MOVING CHARGES. Also including the Coulomb Law: (7)with , the forces between moving charges are (SI units): F12 = dq1dq2 {1/- 00{2V2.V1 - V2.r12V1.r12}} , 00=1/ec2 , F12 = dq1dq2 {1- 2V2.V1/c2 } , 1- 2V2.V1/c2 = 0 , V2=V1=V, 2V2.V1=C2,

V=C/1,41 = 212.765 /S.

v>212.765 Km/s,