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JAKARTA: A TRAVEL GUIDE Promoting Jakarta Through Tourism

Product: A Travel Guide Book

Sarah Nabila 10A

Supervisor: Ibu Mia

Global Jaya International School 2011-2012

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Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 3

Description of process………………………………………………………… 4

Analysis………………………………………………………………………… 7

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………... 9

Bibliography…………………………………………………………………… 10

Appendices……………………………………………………………………. 11














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INTRODUCTION The main theme of the project is to promote Jakarta (my hometown) to the school community. The goal of my project is to help foreigners or expatriates around school who want to travel to Jakarta in effective way, so they don’t spend too much time figuring the places they should visit/stay or spend too much money on going on expensive tour packages. To achieve the goal, I decided to make a travel guide book includes some information that most of other travel guide books usually and not deeply informed such as tourist necessities (type of plug, climate), dos and donts and some part of the city and transportation maps attachment at the back of the book.

The reason I chose this project was there’s no travel guide books that explore only one city specifically and provides what traveler needs because I was inspired by Budi Sulis, an Indonesian travel writer, who wrote complete travel guide books for one specific cities in Southeast Asia like Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. (See analysis of inspiration for more detail information).

Areas Of Interaction that is relevant to my personal project is Environments because through my final product, I could create something innovative and informative that can help the audience to know further about my hometown and surroundings and try to promote it.

In order to achieve the goal, I will firstly look up for the perfect city that I’m going to write. And then, I’m going to do a look up to the other travel guidebooks and find out their disadvantages and makes sure that I fulfilled most of it in my book. In the design, I decided the main outline or content of the book, in order to know first what I’m going to write. Once I complete investigating and planning, I started to create the product per chapter, started from introduction until the mini Indonesian phrasebook. These steps are going to be recorded in my process journal (see the appendices) in more detailed way, started from what I achieve or challenges that I overcome with.

From this project, I hope that people around the school, especially the new people in town will get interested to explore Jakarta through tourism. And for myself, I can gain a sense of nationalism and pride to my own hometown it’s a good chance to share what I really know about Jakarta.









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I came up with the ideas of the personal project when my mom bought a travel guidebook to arrange her itinerary with her colleagues. I have nothing to read at home, so I read the guidebook and I was so into it. So, I thought that it was an interesting and innovative idea. I was so impressed with the book that I read (Budget Traveling: Hong Kong) written by Budi Sulis because I can understand easily what he explained in such a detailed way and compared to any other travel books. So, when the personal project started, I chose ‘Melbourne’ as the main city to write, but in a two or three months, I changed the city to ‘Jakarta’ because by choosing Jakarta, I can show and reveal my true national pride and there is still no other people created a complete travel guidebook for Jakarta, especially in English.


For the main contents of the book, I bought some books as examples and compared their strengths and weaknesses. And then I sum up about what I should write in my book based on the comparison. Besides comparing books, I also made a mind map to help me to get more ideas for the book. After that, most of the information in the book was derived from Internet research, but about 30 % of them based on my knowledge, thoughts and some information that I got from friends, relatives or even my supervisor. They helped me so much during the throughout of the process. For some illustration (photos) in the book, I used to decide to get around Jakarta and took some pictures by myself, but then I had only 3 months left, so I decided to took most of the pictures from the Google images, Flickr or other websites and cite where it came from at the bottom of the photo. During the making of the product, I also should keep up-to-date to the references, so when the product is nearly finished, I just can change them into MLA format. So, at the back of the book, I put where all the information that came from.


After I decided what is the main city that I focused to write, I wrote the main contents per chapter and the detailed outline for the small parts in the chapter, so the reader won’t be confused to what I write and by providing table of contents, they can go directly to what information they need. The first plan of main content was:

- Cover page - Table of contents - Introduction - Plane and Hotel bookings - Entering Indonesia (visa, embarkation card, and customs) - Public transportation - Places to go - Shopping

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- Dining and Entertainment - Travel Tips - Bibliography

After I made the main outline, I got approval first from my supervisor (whether I should add or withdraw something), and then I could start the project from the first chapter.


Based on the process journal, I was starting the project at the second week of November. Since then, I started collecting the information, mostly from the Internet. In the first chapter, I wrote some of the essential information that people should know when about traveling in Jakarta including about Jakarta in general, the currency, climate, tourists’ general necessities (type of socket, telephone, internet, etc. For each of the subchapter above, I wrote one paragraph each, to make the reader not getting bored by reading too much information given. To make them easier to understand, I put some supporting illustration such as graphs (for the climate part only) and pictures. I finished this chapter for approximately 1-2 weeks and then move on to next chapter.

Since I had ‘not-so-much’ time for making the product, so I changed the main contents directly and make a priority list about what chapter should I write first and some of other extra chapters that I probably would write if I had more time. So, I classified two main chapters (accommodation and dining & entertainment) in my planning into ‘extra chapter’ because I didn’t think it’s more important and most of the people can find it themselves. After that, I continued writing the book to the second and third chapter, which are called “Entering Indonesia” and “Public Transportation”. In the chapter “Entering Indonesia”, I explained everything about how to get a visa (including the fees, maximum length of stay, and how to get the visa), how to fill the embarkation card, customs (what are goods forbidden to bring in, maximum quota of certain goods to bring in Indonesia, the example of the customs form). I tried to make everything clear in this chapter because it was kind of rare thing to discussed in the other travel guidebooks, even though this is one of the most important information that a tourist should know when entering Jakarta.

In the public transportation, I put information about how to get around Jakarta with public transportation, in aim of minimizing the expenses compared to rent cars. By riding the public transportation, we can also experience the soul of Jakarta directly. There are seven types of public transportation that I explained in my book, including TransJakarta (bus with special lines), Kereta Rel Listrik (Electric Rail Train), Kopaja & Metro Mini (public bus), Ojek, Bajaj and Taxi. In each kind of transportation, I put the routes, the fare and a little bit about how the transportation looks like. For TransJakarta and KRL, I put the route map as an attachment at the back of the book for easier to understand.

After I finished the third chapter, I did the fourth chapter, which is about the tourist attraction. I think this chapter is the ‘heart’ of this book because this is the most important content of the book, which this is the information that tourist should know when get around Jakarta. There are lots of tourist

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attractions in Jakarta, so I began to sort it out what I think that most of tourists want to see and highly popular among the society. In the book, I wrote about fifteen tourist attractions, consists of museums, amusement parks (Dunia Fantasi), monuments (Monas), cultural village (Setu Babakan), harbor, etc. For every place, I wrote a paragraph of brief explanation about the place, a picture, the address, operational hours, and entrance ticket price (if available). I put them up because to find the place, I think they should really know the address and the real picture and explanation to give an overview about the place, the entrance ticket to approximate the budget to spend and the operational hours to make less consuming time to visit a closed attraction. I keep doing researched until the end of chapter 5, which is about shopping.

The format used in the shopping is still the same as in ‘tourist attraction’ chapter. But the thing is, I removed the entrance ticket part. The shopping places that I included in the book consisted of various kinds of shopping places such as malls, traditional market, shopping streets, etc. I put some information of the famous markets such as Pasar Baru, Pasar Pagi Asemka, etc.

In the last two chapters (which are travel tips and Indonesian mini phrasebook), I barely doing some Internet research and do everything mostly based on my own thoughts or some other people that would help me. Based on my research, this feature rarely found in any other book, so I think this part is special. I put some tips of ‘to-bring list’ and dos and donts.


I finalize the product by adding the appendices at the back of the book consisting city maps and transportation route map. And in a few weeks before the product was going to be printed, I started designing the front and back cover (see the details in appendices). I decided the book to be in from of soft-covered and pocketsize because I think it will be easier to bring anywhere and little bit waterproof (it’s really light compared to be in a hard cover) and you can read it any condition (if it is a blog and there’s no internet connection, you can’t access it). And lastly, I tracked back the resources of the information and I rewrote everything in bibliography format and put it at the end of the book before the appendices. A night before it was going to be printed, I did two times on proofreading, get Ibu Mia’s approval for printing and ready to print.


After being printed (see further information in appendices), I asked some people including my supervisor about how was my product in overall. And I think, I’m not fully achieved my goal when it comes to help foreigners, but I did achieve it by making the book itself and get people to open their eyes what Jakarta is really like.

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To make this project came true, there are lots of person or in any kind of form behind that help me through this project by inspiring or gives me hope for finish the project successfully and achieving the goal. In this section, I will explain some of the main inspiration for creating this wonderful project.

Budi Sulis

Budi Sulis is a well-known Indonesian travel writer, that wrote many best-seller series of travel guidebooks about Southeast Asia cities such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. He started his career by writing some travel articles in his blog and many people likes it, so he decided to create a travel guidebook. I like his books because it explained in such a detailed way what traveler really need during their journey, started from the list of necessity they must bring or do, places of attraction (including the address, how to get there (detailed transportation direction), ticket prices, brief explanation, etc.), traveler’s safety tips, etc. which other travel guidebooks such as Frommer’s didn’t really explained it, so I guess that what makes Budi Sulis so special to me and influenced me the most during the making of my personal project product. And also my idea about having maps attachment in the back of the book was inspired from one of his books, the Hong Kong one. Because he only wrote for Indonesian (the book was written in Indonesian), I tried to write the book in English to attract more variable audience. In the creating process, I used this reference as the main concept of the book and the techniques to write a good travel guidebook.

DK Eyewitness (Europe) and Frommer’s (Beijing) Travel Series

This book series is really common in the society around the world and you can find it in most of the bookstores. Most of the travelers are using this book as a general reference on their traveling because the information provided here is accurate and keep to be updated in every certain period. These travel guidebooks series is helping me to meet the general concept and requirement to make a travel guidebook.

Skills and Passion

Since I was a kid, I really love to write anything fictional or non-fictional, so I think I had a compatible skill to make this product. And also, I had lots of experience on traveling abroad, so I really know exactly what it feels like to be a traveler. Since I am a traveler, I felt really ‘clicked’ to what Budi Sulis wrote because I think he fulfilled what we need and should do as a traveler. So, this project is about combining my two greatest passions, which are travel and writing. So, I think I really tried to enjoy myself doing the personal project. The skills and passion played a big role during the making of the product.

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As I explained in the introduction, I am really concerned that Indonesia’s capital city (Jakarta) is not one of the most visited cities in the world caused it was already stereotyped as overcrowded unfriendly city with lots of government issues. Most of the foreigners may prefer Bali than Jakarta. So, through this personal project, I’m trying to convince the foreigners that my hometown is also a really nice place to visit and get around with. (See the rationale in the personal project proposal at the appendices). The condition is one of the factors why I chose and made this project.

Internet Research

Internet research is playing a great role to help throughout my personal project. Here are some of the websites that I use the most as the reference in the making of my book.

<>. This website is really useful because it tells the detail (like address and operational hours) of all of the attraction places in Jakarta. This website helps me the most at the chapter four (tourist attraction) and a little on the next chapter, which as about shopping. <> This website helps me to find the perfect and updated complete tourist map for Jakarta and covered any parts of the city including the north, south, central, west and east. And I used these pictures as appendices in my product. <> This website is used to be aimed at KLM passenger who were going to visit Jakarta. But I think it’s also a good reference for me as a travel writer, because it contained so many information that you can’t find in any other place and explained in such a concise way.

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In these five months of making the product, I had been done such an amazing and excellent project. Though I’m not really achieving the goal, I still think that my project is 90% fulfilled my satisfaction. My supervisor also said that my product had done in good way. This also one of the priceless experience and this is also the first time to write and produced my own book. Even though the product’s not really matched to my expectation, I experienced so many kind of process through the making of this book. After the product finished, I had more broad knowledge about the environment surrounds me, so I think that through the process of making this project, it help me to understand deeper about the MYP Area of Interaction that I chose, which as Environment. Through this project, I can gain knowledge about what happened in the place where I lived and raised, what are some interesting things in Jakarta (some of them that I don’t really know before the beginning of the project) that can be promoted to foreigners and try to appeal them to come in and visit Jakarta. Besides appealing, I also want to raise awareness of the poor maintenance for most of the attraction and I tried to encourage the government to make it better.

The things that I do not really like from the making of the product is when I must reformatting all the pages’ layout with Microsoft Word, because it’s kind of hard to move and arrange the text and the pictures and about sorting which facts is accurate or which one is not by having lots of information in different kind of sources. But, in overall, I got so many benefits not only referring to Area of Interaction or even in real life application like measuring my own knowledge and exploring some interesting (or maybe fun) facts that most people (including me) do not really know about Jakarta. And this project is also about to sharing what I really know about Jakarta to people who really want to know.

If I could have more extra time to create the product, I will put some extra contents that are also important to know including dining, entertainment and annual events list. My plan for achieving the goal was publishing the book and if I had more time, I should be gave my manuscript to the publisher, so the goal would be achieved. Based on my research, most of the publishers took 18 months and ±25 people to create a complete travel guidebook. Compared to myself, I am only one and I should finished everything in 5-7 months! So, I think next time, I could improve all of my mistakes by managing my time more effectively to do everything right based on the plan and get some more effort to achieve my goal (not lazy to make a surveys around school) and make it more realistic.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY JAKARTA TRAVEL GUIDE -" INDONESIA TRAVEL GUIDE –, Reference and Guides to Travel in Indonesia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2012. <>.

"Things to do in Jakarta - A Destination Guide by KLM." KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>. Sulis, Budi. Budget Traveling: Hong Kong . Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo, 2010. Print. " DK EYEWITNESS TRAVEL - YouTube " YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. <>. "Jakarta travel guide - Wikitravel." Free Worldwide Travel Guides - Wikitravel. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <>. Marsden, Claire, and Ferdie McDonald. Europe. London: DK Pub., 2004. Print. Smith, Graeme, Josh Chin, and Peter Hadley. Frommer's Beijing. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub., 2004. Print.

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Personal Project Proposal (original)

Personal Project Proposal (updated)

Process Journal Entry

List of Contents (old and new)

Mind Map

Meeting Record Form

Documentation of Process

Book Investigation

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School Year 2011/12

Student’s name: Sarah N Tutor Group: 10A

Proposal Idea One

Topic: Promoting Jakarta Through Tourism (Jakarta: A Smart Travel Guide)

Area of Interaction focus: Approaches To Learning

Goal: To help foreigners who want to travel to Jakarta in effective way, so they don’t spend too much time figuring the places they should visit/stay or spend too much money on going on expensive tour packages.

Product : A Travel Guide Book

Preferred Supervisor 1: Ibu Mia Supervisor Signature: ___________

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PERSONAL  PROJECT  PROPOSAL    School  Year  2011/12  


Student‘s name: Sarah N Tutor Group: 10 A Topic: Promoting Jakarta through its tourismArea of Interaction focus: Environment Goal: To help foreigners who want to travel to Jakarta in effective way, so they don’t spend too much time figuring the places they should visit/stay or spend too much money on going on expensive tour packages. Rationale: I was really concerned about when people ask foreigners what came up into their mind when it came to Indonesia. Most of them always answered ‘Bali’ instead of Jakarta although Jakarta has wide variety of places to go and it is actually designated tourist city, where most of Indonesian historical event occured. Statement of intent: - I will be doing a research about Jakarta through any kind of media including internet, books, periodicals, etc. - I will create a guidebook (in English) that contains some important information to get around Jakarta (e.g. transportation, shopping, places of attraction, travel tips, etc.) - I will conduct once a week consultation with my supervisor - I will make a survey about my product with expatriate teachers around school Supervisor‘s name: Ibu Mia Supervisor Signature: ___________  

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Friday 4/11/11

This is my first private meeting with my supervisor to discuss further about my PP. At this meeting, I need help from Ibu Mia to decide which city that I should write and explore in my travel guide book. Because first, I used to write about Melbourne, but since then I haven’t visit Melbourne since 2 years and I won’t be visiting the city again in the next holiday due to short period of semester break. So, we tried to discuss and gave another alternative or suggestions to solve the problem. At the end, Ibu Mia recommended that I should think about it during the weekend and in the next meeting, I should know what the city I might like for the upcoming product.

Tue 8/11/11

For the second meeting, I decided to choose Jakarta as the city that I’m going to focus on my travel guidebook. So, after the decision was made, I present the main content of the book including what I’m going to explain (how to get there, a little facts about the city, visas, places to stay, places to visits, shopping guide and travel tips). Ibu Mia agreed about the main contents and let me started to do my PP product directly.


I started to do some things for my product, by doing some internet and book researches, making points on what I’m going to write and put them up into paragraph. Also, in this period of time, I started my introduction for the book such as quick facts, location, currency, electricity, public holidays, etc. and making some dot points about the places that people should visit and experience in Jakarta. It is divided into three types of category: attractions, shopping and dining. And I started to attach some supporting pictures and keep writing the reference (where does the pictures came from).


After a month, I finally made another meeting with my supervisor. We were talking about what I’ve really done so far. So, at this stage, I had done most of the introduction and going to continue to chapter 2 and making some points about recreational places in Jakarta.


After the semester break’s over, I already done so many things for the product. Most of the chapter 1,2,3, 4 are completed and I’ve been working on the tourist attraction part and travel tips. I put on the target that at the beginning of February, the product should be finished. My supervisor and I also talked about the printing for the book and setting

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up the date that when the book is completely finished before being submitted to PP coordinator.


In this session we were mostly discussing about how far that I get through the project and Ibu Mia gave some comments and suggestion. We were also talking about the ‘physical form’ of the product either to be printed as a book or a blog. Finally, I decided to printed it as a book with soft cover. And she said that I should be do the work faster to finish it on time.


In this meeting, as usual, I showed up the progress to my supervisor and Ibu Mia gave some comment and suggestion that I’ve been working on especially about shopping places in Jakarta. Because of Jakarta has a small variety of shopping places, so she and I collected some information that we knew that is ‘tourist-friendly’, especially for souvenirs, batik fabric, etc. besides, we also talked about that next meeting, I should finish until the travel tips part (do’s and don’t’s) and completed all the gaps in the book.


in the beginning of February, we only discussed how was the progress so far. The results completed that I brought in this meeting is chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, partly 5, 6, and partly 7, or can be said three-quarters completed. The problem that I faced during this stage is reformatting the layout of the book for the final. The target for the book’s finishing will be due on at least 2 weeks from now and started to look up some the place for printing the book and how long it takes to print out the book.


This is might be the longest meeting with my supervisor. So, in this meeting I discussed some of the things that I have done and trying to complete some of the missing information in each chapter, add pictures and keep up to date with references. The thing that I must do shortly is showing everything up in general, including the draft of the front and back cover page. Ibu Mia gave out some feedback for the organization of layout, language structure and reference.


This is the last meeting for the product. I showed to her all the parts of the book from the beginning until the bibliography par. I haven’t showed up the appendices part for maps because I still haven’t finished yet. The achievement I’ve got in this meeting is I already finished most of the works including the front cover, back cover, layout organizing references to texts and pictures. The supervisor wanted the complete version of the book , so I send her via email attachment for read-through and gave approval to be printed as a final product.

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15/02/12 - 16/02/12

Today, the book is already printed with soft cover. In these 2 days I’m trying to do some proofread before it is actually submitted to the supervisor on the D-day. I nearly forgot to attach the maps as appendices of the book, so I still had time to fix it. And also some of the tiny problems about the details of the book such as size of the cover, sizes, etc. Below, this is the picture of my final product.


This is my tenth meeting in the overall process of my personal project and the first meeting after the product’s finished. It is not really a private meeting and there were some other student showed up. The supervisors gave us some discussion and guiding question about the personal project report and I present her what I have done in the introduction and description of process.


Today, I’ve been finishing the personal project reports draft and submitted in to the supervisor. Generally, I had done most of the main parts that must be written in the report.


I already mostly finished the personal project report and I immediately submit to Ibu Mia the soft copy of the complete draft. Besides talking about my report in overall, she also informed me about the new assessment criteria for personal project, so I can matched my report and what I should withdraw caused by the word limit, which is only 3500 words maximum.

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LIST OF CONTENTS (OLD) CHAPTER 1 -Introduction -About the city (quick history/facts, geographic, season/climate, public holiday) -necessities (clothes, SIM card, electricity, currency) CHAPTER 2 -how to get there? -visa, passport, customs and embarkation card CHAPTER 3 -hotel and plane bookings -where to stay CHAPTER 4 -transportation CHAPTER 5 -tourist attractions CHAPTER 6 -dining and entertainment CHAPTER 7 -shopping CHAPTER 8 -travel tips -sample itinerary, budgeting -bibliography -attached: central city map and transportation route.

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LIST OF CONTENTS (NEW) CHAPTER 1 -Introduction -About the city (quick history/facts v, geographic, season/climate, public holiday v) -necessities (clothes, SIM card, electricity, currency) CHAPTER 2 -how to get there? -visa, passport, customs and embarkation card CHAPTER 3 -hotel and plane bookings (additional) -where to stay CHAPTER 4 - public transportation CHAPTER 5 -tourist attractions CHAPTER 6 ANNUAL EVENTS (additional) CHAPTER 7 -shopping -food (additional) CHAPTER 8 -travel tips -sample itinerary, budgeting (additional) - Useful Phrases in Bahasa Indonesia -bibliography -attached: central city map and transportation route.


in the new list of contents, we can see some of the little changes that I made during the process of creating the product. I used the bold font to prioritize which one should I write first, because some of them are the most important component of the book, so I didn’t get mixed up when writing the book. And the rest that written in regular font should be classified as ‘additional’ content and it’ll be written if I had extra time.

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MIND MAP Through this mind map, I can pour my thoughts on what are things that came up into my mind when I think of travel guidebook. This mind map also helps me a lot on the making of the book, especially when deciding what the book should contains and sorts what are the information that I should prioritize or not. This mind map also helps me when I got stuck or out of ideas during the creating process. The doodles written on the left side were added later after a

months of creating the product.

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This is what my project looks like at the first time, I researched and collecting all the information first, then I’ll reformat the page layout later, when 80% of the information were found and ensure to be accurate.

I put the tourist attraction and shopping chapter in separate file, because I think it’ll mess up if it get mixed in one document caused by one illustration in

each places.

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For the public transportation chapter, I used tables for explaining the routes list in specific transportation such as Metro Mini, Kopaja, and Angkot, while for Transjakarta and KRL, I used the route map at the back of the book (see below). I decided to transform the data into table compared than usual list because I think it will be easier to read and looks neat.

Above, there are two of the appendices attached at the back of the book. I put this two route maps as appendices because the picture won’t fit enough inside the book.

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This is the final layout of my book after it reformatted. Based on the explanation in the description of process, as you can see in each places explained, it contained address, operational hours, entrance ticket price and a brief explanation about the place.

This is an extract from shopping chapter, and I want to show that most in every visuals, I always reminded by my supervisor to put the website or other sources where you took it.

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And this is the last chapter I wrote for the book (excluding bibliography), which as the Indonesian mini phrasebook. I made it as 2-columns table, to make it easier to read and define which one is English or Indonesian.

After finished with the contents, I started to think about the design of the front cover and the back cover. Two pictures above are my first and second draft of the front cover.

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This   is  my   final   draft   of   the  book’s   front   and  back   cover  page   after   being   ‘polished’  and   going   through   some  changes   so   many   time   and  I’ll   use   both   for   the   printed  product.   I   used   the   Jakarta  map   as   the   background   to  make   it   a   lot   more   colorful  and  put  up  some  interesting  pictures   that   describe   the  culture  of  Jakarta.  And  at  the  back   cover,   there   is   written  a   little   bit   about   the  rationale   of   the   book  mixed  with   ‘biased’   phrases   to  appeal   people   to   use   the  book   as   their   primary  references   for   their   trip   in  Jakarta.  

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After   I   finished   wrote  everything   in   the  book,   I  look   up   the   resources  and   I   rewrite   it   in   MLA  format.   This   picture   on  the   left   is   one   of   the  excerpts   taken   from   the  book.   And   then,   after  everything   got   wrapped  up,   the   files  are  ready   to  be   printed   in   a   day   and  below,   here   is   the   final  result   of   my   product,   a  colorful   86-­‐pages   book  with   soft   cover   and  attached   with   folded  maps   at   the   back   of   the  book.  

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This  is  the  detail  thing  inside  my  final  printed  product.    As  I   explained   in   the  ‘description  of  process’  part,  the  book  has  attachments  of  folded   maps,   in   order   to  make   the   audience   to   see  and   understand   the   map  easier.   On   the   second  picture,   it   is   just   an   overall  layout   look   of   the   book,  which   is   back-­‐to-­‐back   and  had   page   numbers   at   the  bottom   right   corner.   The  type   of   paper   used   is   HVS  and  the  size  is  about  19.8  cm  x    11.4  cm  (  a  bit  like  A5,  but  I  cut  the  longest  edges  by  3-­‐4   cm.   And   the   last   thing   is  back   cover   page   that  contained   some   short  explanation  about  the  book.  

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BOOK INVESTIGATION RESULT Book Title Strengths Weaknesses

Budget Traveling: Hong Kong

- Light and easy to bring - Information supported with explanation - supporting visuals in each subchapter - contained travel tips - folded maps

- Black and white - Written in Bahasa

Indonesia - Specialized for

Indonesian - Not cite the


DK Eyewitness Travel: Europe

- full color - glossy paper - beautiful sketches in each important attraction - use their own photo as the illustration - complete information on where to stay, visit, eat, etc.

- thick and heavy - no personal touch in the writing caused by the general language use - explained in depth but not detailed - not really fulfilled traveler’s personal needs

Frommer’s Beijing - expressing words with personal touches

- chapters divided into specific classification (e.g. for food; cheap, expensive, etc.)

- maps at every chapter

- mini phrasebook - complete travel

tips for specific people (student, tourists, backpackers, etc.)

- not colorful (only red and black)

- mostly no illustration

- size is too big to bring anywhere






Page 28: Pp Report Sarah Finale



Here are the three books that I cited as main reference to my personal project results. Two of the book are written in English and one in Indonesian. This book helped me as the guidance for the content and to build up my own

concept of the travel guidebook.