Download - PowerPoint and Today's Students

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How PowerPoint is Destroying Our Students

(well, their creativity anyway)

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A Few Questions...● Do your students create PowerPoints in your

class?● Do your students create PowerPoints for

other classes?● Do the students cram their PowerPoints full of

text and proceed to read it aloud during their presentation to the class?

● Do the students seem bored or disinterested in creating PowerPoints?

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One Final Question...

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Are You Bored With

PowerPoint Too?

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Just Say YES!

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Step Away From The PowerPoint...

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No One Will Get Hurt.

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But I Know PowerPoint!

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Let Go

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It's Okay

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I'm Here

To Help

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How About A Few Ideas?

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What Can Students Do Instead of PowerPoint?

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Design A Webpage

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How About Asking The Students...

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...What Technology They Think...

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They Want To Use To Present What They've Learned.

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It's Time To

Shake It Up!

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Try Something


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Dare To Challenge Your Students

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Dare To Challenge Yourself