Download - Power to the People - · involving 10,000 individuals around the world, published in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. What we need

Page 1: Power to the People - · involving 10,000 individuals around the world, published in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. What we need

Power to the People This document describes a step by step implementation of a complementary social model called New Circle Movement launched on 5 June 2015 in Copenhagen. By utilizing the internet and the options available through modern software the model is scalable and self­organizing. Its aim is to return the initiative and power to act to the individual citizen and pave the way for a just and sustainable distribution of our resources on a global scale.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the

world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

Page 2: Power to the People - · involving 10,000 individuals around the world, published in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. What we need

Table of Contents

It is time to act

p. 3

A sustainable social model p. 5 ­ Crowdfunding of epicenters p. 5

­ Tinkuy ­ pilot project in Nørrebro p. 6

­ Exchange rate for a lemon p. 7

­ Launching of 10 pilot projects p. 9

­ A guaranteed basic income for everybody p. 9

­ A decentralized generation of money by the individual citizen p. 13

Platform for the New Circle Movement

p. 14

How the platform facilitates the paradigm shift p. 15

APPENDIX A ­ Heart consciousness and trust are the foundations of the paradigm shift p. 16

B ­ Explanation of the seven building blocks p. 17

C ­ An example of how to use the platform p. 18

D ­ Principles used by the platform p. 19

E ­ How the principles are reflected by the software p. 23

Page 3: Power to the People - · involving 10,000 individuals around the world, published in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. What we need

It is time to act Maybe you have already noticed ... What used to work does not work anymore. Inner and outer systems laboriously try to fight their way through with outdated tools and many collapse along the way ­ thus giving way for something new. What we are facing ­ and what we are right in the middle of ­ is a fundamental shift which materializes as a new mind set of values and the emergence of principles differing significantly from the principles adopted by our society’s habitual culture; a culture characterized by materialism, competition and individualism. The habitual culture of our society has had a profound impact on our way of acting and navigating in our world, and we are now invited to dare let go of all known habitual patterns and together explore unchartered territory. It is a quest requiring courage and trust. A quest navigated by courage and trust is not an irresponsible and headless ‘floundering about’ ­ even though seen through the eyes of the existing culture it may seem so. Quite the opposite is the case. It is the most responsible and meaningful action we can take. In her book ‘A return to love’ Marianne Williamson wrote [retranslated from the Danish translation of her book]: “Trust means to have faith in the power moving the Universe. Trust is not blind; it is visionary. Trust is to believe that the Universe is on our side, and that the Universe knows what it does. (....) When we move into a situation without knowing anything, something inside us knows. We allow our consciousness to ‘draw back’ so that a higher power within us can come forward and show the way.” It is this higher power we are invited to express through our actions and our being; and in this process there are not many fixed points to be found ­ apart from courage and trust. Such a gentle and at the same time powerful approach to life results in a shift touching all aspects of our life: our inner psychology, our interactions with other people, the way we distribute resources and our understanding of what is desirable and holy in our life. It means a shift from external direction to internal direction from a conscious and loving place. It is a paradigm shift in the true sense of the word, described by pioneers within different areas and using different concepts.

Consciousness: From brain to heart consciousness (Gregg Braden/ Heart Math Institute) Narrative: From a story of separation to a story of connectedness (C. Eisenstein) Culture: From a postmodern to an integral culture (Ken Wilber/ Spiral Dynamics)

Behaviour: From downloading to presencing (Otto Scharmer/ Teori U) Economy: From capitalism to gift economy (Charles Eisenstein)

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The development on each level (consciousness, narrative, culture, behaviour and economy) is based on the development on a more basic level. Appendix A illustrates the paradigm shift on the consciousness level. Put together, these tendencies have fertilized the soil for the paradigm shift which has been under way for 50 years or so. It is interesting that it is now they are manifesting for real; now they are felt by an increasing number of people, and now they begin to be taken seriously by politics and business. In part, this responsiveness has been furthered by the United Nations by identifying the situation of our planet and our civilization in 17 global goals. These goals make it clear how far the situation has been allowed to develop, how much we are out of step with all meaning, how serious the crisis ­ our collective crisis ­ has become. There is not only one crisis, but several. The climate change crisis, the refugee crisis, the job crisis, just to mention a few. The world we want to see which already has started to unfold and has been theorized about by several authors (as mentioned above) may seem to be confusing and utopian in light of the global crisis. But the vast extent of the crisis shows us that something new is beginning to break through. For many years to come the challenge will be to see the opportunities in these crises and find solutions. Many companies have already taken up this challenge ­ to find lucrative markets and sustainable business opportunities in the context of these crises ­ which is fine. Even though 62 individuals among themselves own more than one half of the world population as a whole ­ it is also very positive that well­to­do individuals like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are making a serious effort to alleviate some of these crises. However, the solution lies primarily in cultivating commitment, love and empathy among ordinary people. We think that the solution is a radical and committed democracy ­ no, not the solution, but part of the solution. And the time is right. Modern technology makes it possible for us to communicate, co­create and discuss regardless of the city, country or region we live in. The time is also right because people around the world simply have had enough. We have reached our limit for what we as humans, citizens and consumers are willing to accept. The population in general no longer trusts authorities and is now highly motivated to take action themselves ­ and in grassroot organizations. This tendency is supported by a new study involving 10,000 individuals around the world, published in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. What we need is to focus our energy on what we want, a system visualizing what we want and letting all other matters fade away naturally. When it becomes visible and clear what the community wants, and the tools to implement the vision are at hand, we then wake up from our dreamlike slumber.

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A sustainable social model This social model offers the following tools:

A general outline of who has control of resources. Means of organizing which activities the community chooses to carry out. A basic income for all citizens.

In combination, these three tools are sufficient to satisfy the needs of a community. In the model we have in mind, the citizens are members of the organization New Circle Movement. The organization of resources and activities is an expression of the citizens’ intention, and since this social model is based on democratic principles, the intention will theoretically result in a tangible manifestation in countries and local areas with a positive attitude towards it. Please note that if the social model gives control of a resource, e.g. in a certain area of land, or accepts an activity which is in conflict with the existing legislation in the country or local area in question, then the control of the resource or the activity in question is relinquished. The social model and the movement supporting it is in every respect peaceful and for the good of all. The social model represents a grassroot organization and works as a focusing lense for the intention of the community as well as a means of organizing the supply of resources for a speedy implementation of the intention. Crowdfunding of epicenters The social model is based on an electronic exchange unit called lemons. A lemon is an expression of the energy, attention and commitment of the citizen, and since it is the lemons that decide which projects are implemented through the platform and how the economic resources of the organization are distributed, a lemon thus represents both a voting paper and an alternative currency. We can use citizen Anne as an example. Anne has been a member of our organization since 1 February 2016. Anne pays DKK 108 per month for her membership in the New Circle Movement. Each month she receives 100 lemons which she can use in the following three ways: 1) She can suggest a new project. 2) She can support an existing project. 3) She can use her lemons to participate in an established project. A project can be an entrepreneur project, a one­time event like a festival or a case looking for support. In short, any idea the citizen wants to test for possible support. If at least 100

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other members support the idea with a certain number of lemons, the idea has been accepted. A project supported in this way is called an epicenter and has now the right to exchange lemons to Danish kroner within the organization. Furthermore, access is given to a website which the epicenter can use ­ a website the members already can log in to due to their membership of the New Circle Movement. The money and the access to a website with a suitable domain name is given as a gift to the project managers of the epicenter which also gains attention value from the members who now discover that another project has passed the magic line of being supported by minimum 100 members. The process of establishing an epicenter is illustrated by the following figure:

Tinkuy ­ a pioneer project in Nørrebro Like the 705 remaining members of the New Circle Movement Anne has decided to become a member of the first project implemented through the platform, i.e. the spiritual fitness center Tinkuy located in Skyttegade 3 in Nørrebro in Copenhagen. Tinkuy has been established as a private limited company with 86 individual owners who together have invested DKK 275,000 in the project. The 240 square meter center includes a lounge, a chill­out area, two treatment rooms, a workshop area with room for 50 people, as well as three toilets and a kitchen. The membership fee is 100 lemons per month, which by using the platform are transferred to the epicenter as a subscription. Being a member, Anne has free access to all activities from Monday to Friday. Activities like meditation, yoga, tantra, dance and movement are

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advertised on, where the weekly programme for approximately three weeks can be found. As all epicenters can offer their own fruits specifically to their members, Anne will receive 100 fruits each month as a local currency that can be used in Tinkuy. For these fruits she can e.g. book treatment rooms, and soon the fruits will also give access to weekend workshops. Furthermore, all members have access to lending all 240 square meters of the center for a weekend workshop they want to offer, the concept being that they themselves decide on the ticket price, offering a 50 percent reduction for members and furthermore offering from 2 to 6 free tickets for the activity. No rent is paid for lending the facility and the full amount paid for the ticket goes to the one offering the workshop. This concept has shown to function very well and has resulted in a variety of activities, also advertised on Thus, as a member of the center you have free access to activities and can also book treatment or workshop rooms. The whole thing for 100 lemons per month ­ the lemons are acquired by being a member of the New Circle Movement for DKK 108 per month. Each month the project managers exchange the lemons to dkk within the organization. The fact that this model works and allows the center to pay rent, taxes and wages to teachers and employees shows the strength of a dedicated community ! … and this is only the beginning, because as the number of members increases we shall see how much a community supported by the interest of its members in the good of all will be able to lift. At present, Tinkuy has reached its maximum capacity regarding membership, but further below in a section regarding membership size it is explained how the number of members of the New Circle Movement can be increased in general. But right now some words on calculating the exchange rate for lemons. Exchange rate for a lemon Out of the DKK 108 for membership DKK 8 are used for the operation, maintenance and development of the New Circle Movement software platform. The remaining DKK 100 belong to the epicenters established through the platform. The platform is constructed in such a way that each time the organization receives DKK 100 there are produced 100 new lemons among the members. Furthermore it is agreed that the organization does not pay any money without the community project exhanging lemons for them. From this it follows that one lemon is exchanged for one krone within the organization. However, maintaining this exchange rate would result in the organization heaping up money, for two reasons:

1) For each lemon there is a likelihood of 10 percent that it will wither away each month. 2) Not all lemons in circulation will be used for a project accumulating enough support.

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And since all the resources of the organization are to be distributed among community projects, the exchange rate is set to exceed one krone. In practice, this is done by following ‘the precautionary approach’, i.e. that in the beginning the exchange rate i set to 1 krone, and then it is raised slowly until balance is achieved. The following calculations and considerations point to a rate between one and five dkk for each lemon. The first milestone is to reach 10,000 members in the New Circle Movement, i.e. about 10 times more that the almost 1,000 members the organization has today (February 3, 2016). This is done by launching the crowdfunding platform with ten pilot projects (see the section below) resonating with a large group of people. With 10,000 members, each month one million dkk will be received by the organization, and an equivalent amount of one million lemons will be produced among the members. Leaving out of account the payment of kroner to established community projects , the 1

accumulation of kroner and lemons in circulation will be as appears from the following table:

Month Money (DKK) in NCM Circulating lemons

1 1,000.000 1,000.000

2 2,000.000 1,900,000

3 3,000.000 2,710,000

4 4,000.000 3,439,000

5 5,000.000 4,095,100

6 6,000.000 4,685,590

7 7,000.000 5,217,031

8 8,000.000 5,695,328

9 9,000.000 6,125,795

10 10,000.000 6,513,216

11 11,000.000 6,861,894

12 12,000.000 7,175,705

Since 10 percent of all lemons wither away each month, after 12 months there will be approx. 7 million lemons in circulation.

1 We do not know how much there will be paid out per month to projects at that time, but as a payment always means a corresponding reduction in the number of lemons in circulation this simplified model can be used.

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If all of these lemons were received by epicenters which can exchange them to kroner, it would result in an exchange rate of 1.67 per lemon. However, it must be expected that many entrepreneurs will try to start projects that do not receive enough support. Lemons received by these projects will just wither away (point 1 in the below figure). Furthermore, it must be expected that some members will not use their lemons, but only wish to be a member by paying DKK 108 per month to support a good cause (point 2 in the below figure).

By estimating that 50 percent of all lemons go to a project that can exchange the lemons, the exchange rate will be 3.34 per lemon. The New Circle Movement counting 705 members as per 1 February 2016, the exchange rate per lemon is one krone. In order for the above calculations to be accurate and the exchange rate to exceed three kroner per lemon, 10,000 members are required. But how to recruit 10,000 members? Launching of ten pilot projects In order to recruit 10,000 members for the New Circle Movement, a crowdfunding platform with ten pilot projects will be launched.

A center for psychic well­being (Lis Værgman and others) Spiritual Arcade: a meeting place for alternative treatment etc. (Laila Larsen) Compassion ­ a coordination platform for helping refugees (Mathias Kento Borg) A prototype for a new economic model: combi of restaurant, plantation &

entrepreneur center (Andreas Wolf and others)

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Psychomotor therapy behind bars ­ offering Danish prison inmates to work with their body, mind and relationships (Johan Haastrup and Gustav Högfeldt)

.. and five more projects to be selected prior to launching (if you have an idea for a project please send it to [email protected]). In addition to these ten projects which will receive special attention on the website and the day of launching, all members are invited to suggest a project by supporting it with one or more lemons on As each of the ten projects has the potential of satisfying a communal need, the project managers have the chance to reach a large number of people through their network. Each of them has then the opportunity to join the New Circle Movement and support one or more of the projects with their lemons. When a project has gained the support of at least 100 members with at least 30,000 lemons, the project managers receive ready money, attention value from the community and access to a website for activating the new community. The development of the individual projects will be advertised on the front page of ­ and will be exciting to follow for everyone interested in social developments, both internal and external. A basic income for everybody A society taking care of the basic needs of all citizens functions very differently from one not taking care of these needs. When we live an authentic life, common sense and interest in the highest good of all comes naturally, but when basic needs are not taken care of a regression to survival mechanisms involving fear and control may well be the result. Slowly a society of this kind will lose contact with joy of life, spontaneity and compassion, as life has lost its authenticity and is now based on calculations and considerations concerning one’s own security and that of the closest family. Humankind in itself is one big family, but when a part of this family is forced to live in destitution, the time has come for some serious action to reconnect the family. All humans have the right to have their basic needs taken care of, but even the most pigheaded economist has by now figured it out that a basic income also economically is in the best interest of our society. When citizens and families are free of the stress generated by constantly being forced to earn enough to pay rent, transportation and food, the detrimental effects of stress are eliminated. According to a White Paper issued by the Danish National Research center almost 25 percent of the Danish working force has to deal with stress problems, costing the Danish state DKK 55 billions per year . 2

2 Source: 'White paper on mental health, sick leave and return to work’, published by the Danish National Working Environment Research center on 12 April 2010.

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It is clear that rent, transportation and food are basic needs and that it is for the best of all that every citizen has these basic needs taken care of. But how to introduce a basic income? In order to introduce a basic income for all citizens, two different tools are applied:

1) A community certification for entrepreneur projects where employees receive a maximum wage of DKK 25,000 per month, and investors a maximum return of 20 percent per year.

2) A gradual increase in the number of lemons produced by the citizens.

Successful entrepreneur projects established through the platform, where it is decided to pay employees a maximum wage of DKK 25,000 and investors a maximum return of 20 percent, contribute to a distribution of resources, which may well have greater influence than perceived at først sight: According to an analysis by ‘Ugebrevet A4’ in 2012, a CEO for a company within the so­called C20 index is on average paid DKK 11.1 millions per year. If this amount were distributed between 500 people, they would each receive DKK 18,500 per month. In other words, the wages of ten CEOs would be enough to supply a small village. This is even more striking when we take a look at the 62 richest persons in the world, who among themselves own enough to supply around 1 billion people with a monthly basic income, corresponding to a large country like e.g. China. However, it is not the intention of the New Circle Movement to get hold of the saving boxes of these individuals, empty them and distribute the resources among those in need. On the contrary, our intention is to introduce a new social model ­ a new way of distributing resources. As more and more people support this social model ­ encouraged by visible and palpable positive results in their local area ­ the energy, attention and commitment of the citizens is directed to sustainable companies keeping wages at a just level and distributing them equally. The daily work of a social worker, who cares for us when we get old and need help, is not more valuable than the work of a CEO working on an organisational level ­ or vice versa. Let us take the pioneer project Tinkuy in Nørrebro as an example. With 705 member as per 5 February 2016, 59 of them being complete members and thus contributing with 200 lemons per month, and the remaining members contributing with 100 lemons per month, Tinkuy ApS receives 64,600 + 11,800, i.e. 76,400 lemons per month. With an exchange rate of 3.34 per lemon this results in a monthly income of DKK 256,176 for the company ­ DKK 150,000 being enough to pay teachers and employees a fair salary and a 20 percent return

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to the 86 shareholders per year. The rest ­ more than DKK 100,000 per month ­ is going back to (kept by) the New Circle Movement for the benefit of the community. This concept that already has been found to work for Tinkuy in Nørrebro is at the free disposal of projects managers wishing to start a Tinkuy center in other cities. Since all major cities supposedly will be happy to receive a meeting place like that, where all citizens for very little money can participate in healthy activities, each Tinkuy center in itself has the potential to contribute a great deal to the community. Additionally, there will be all the other successful epicenters we expect to grow up and flower through the platform. Each time a new successful entrepreneur project contributes to the community, the amount of capital of the New Circle Movement is increased and distributed among the community projects (and thus the citizens) in two possible ways:

1) by adjusting the exchange rate for a lemon in the organization 2) by adjusting the number of lemons produced by the individual citizen

The second method is used when the exchange rate lies comfortably between 1 and 5 kroner per lemon and will result in an increase of lemons circulating amongst citizens. With more lemons in circulation there will be more lemons to suggest and support entrepreneur projects, the lemons being exchanged to kroner within the organization when the entrepreneur projects have been established through the platform. Thus, we talk about a self­supporting cycle, where an increase in the projects launched by the New Circle Movement will result in an increase in resources available to the New Circle Movement, resulting in an increased production of lemons among citizens, again resulting in an increase of entrepreneur projects being established by the New Circle Movement:

A self­supporting cycle among citizens creates an increase in resources for the good of all

The social model here presented is meant to satisfy a need created by our present social model functioning like a pyramid scheme. The pyramid created by the traditional social model, where fewer and fewer people own more and more and an ever increasing group of citizens is forced to live on the streets or on subsistence level, has by now revealed itself as a house of cards which inevitably will collapse sooner or later.

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A decentralized generation of money by the individual citizen In the New Circle Movement the basic income is created by a built­in incentive for distribution and circulation of the mutual agreements used by the community. The amount of money supplied to and circulated within the community is increased each month. Simultaneously, the amount of organic currency in the community is also increased month by month. However, as 10 percent of this currency will wither away each month, it will gradually become stabilized on a fixed level and form a solid platform for a healthy, organic and sustainable economy rewarding circulation and creation of communal activities. The exchange units will be created by the citizens themselves and not by a centralized printing press, and they will therefore have the function of a basic income. Long gone are the days where a centralized printing press, a.k.a. the Danish National Bank, was responsible for creating money for the community. For several decades now this function has been in the hands of privately owned banks (cf. the 62 saving boxes mentioned above) who create the needed amount of money as electronic exchange units by their loans. Today a new tendency is surfacing: By using the tools offered by the internet and new software, money is created in the form of electronic exchange units by the individual citizen. The lemons produced by the individual citizen have a real value, as they can be exchanged to kroner when they support an established project, and they can be used as payment for membership in the established projects. When these units are given value by a large group of people, it appears that the group will also use them for mutual exchange; like a sustainable micro economy ensuring a basic income for each citizen and in the long run having the potential to become a global standard for economic transactions. With an electronic exchange unit that ­ like all other things in nature ­ will wither away over time and thus will be meaningless to hoard, circulation and co­creation with others is rewarded. What will our daily life look like when the activities and products generated are sustained by a desire for circulation and co­creation? When membership in the New Circle Movement has increased about ten­fold and the first milestone of enrolling 10,000 members has been reached, the result will be seen on a local scale. When membership once more has increased ten­fold and the second milestone of enrolling 100,000 members has been reached, the result will be seen on a national scale. Finally, when membership has increased ten­fold for the third time and the third milestone of enrolling 1 million members has been reached, the result will be seen on a global scale. The time frame for increasing membership ten­fold will be measured from the time of launching the crowdfunding platform until member no. 10,000 has enrolled. In order to support the increase the software platform for the New Circle Movement is scalable and self­organizing (cf. Appendix D).

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Platform for the New Circle Movement The platform is based on seven basic building blocks: User profile, epicenters, Roles, Location, Resource, Information and Fruitgarden. Three of them have to do with structuring and organizing information: User profile, Roles and Location, and three of them have to do with the variations and rich colouring unfolded through the platform: epicenters, Information and Resources. Finally there is the Fruitgarden belonging to each citizen, which through the choices made by each user guides the creation of activities and products.

The seven building blocks of the New Circle Movement

In Appendix B you will find a more detailed description of the seven building blocks. In Appendix C you will find an example of how to use the building blocks. Appendix D explains the principles of the platform design. In Appendix E you will find an example of how the principles are reflected by the source code.

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This is how the platform facilitates the paradigm shift The platform facilitates the paradigm shift through the following three focus areas:

The platform enables and encourages the creation of self­organizing communities The platform supports passionate and heart­based initiatives The platform has focus on what is emerging in the present moment within the

community Self­organizing communities Self­organizing communities, where interaction and co­creation with others is based on voluntary decisions, trust and openness, are an important focus point for the new paradigm. In the paradigm we are about to leave behind, the behaviour of groups is essentially dictated by culture instead of the groups creating culture themselves, which means that we listen ‘outwards’ to find the right tone and adapt our behaviour to what is expected by the community. In the new paradigm we listen ‘inwards’ so that our behaviour spontaneously is created from the inside, resulting in a culture­creating community. This development is supported by the New Circle Movement, partly by offering a platform with tools for organizing and planning activities without central leadership, partly by making it possible for self­organizing communities to exchange lemons for a higher exchange rate in the lemon bank than communities which are not self­organizing. Passionate and heart­based initiatives There is a reason for the uniqueness of each of us. The many different contributions we each have to offer ­ the many different talents we have ­ are all needed. The problem with the existing culture is its tendency to stifle the uniqueness and instead focus on conformity and on what ‘puts bread on the table’. But the small monthly membership fee of the New Circle Movement encourages people to share their heart­felt desires on the crowdfunding platform by suggesting a project and encourages people to place their lemons on projects based on heart instead of conformity or on what is most attractive economically. Focus on what is emerging in the present moment In order to escape from the old limiting labour market structure with its predominant idea that a 37 hour work week and the same working place every single day is best for all, an alternative organization tool is needed. An organization tool which through the internet and mobile units offers an immediate and updated overview of what is needed in the local area right now ­ local area both in the sense of a geographical local area and a local area defined by one’s sphere of interest (which particular epicenter you are a member of). This tool is offered by the New Circle Movement.

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Appendix A: Heart consciousness and trust as a foundation for the paradigm shift When a paradigm shift is about to occur a shift will take place on all levels at once, and the shift has its roots in the most basic level which is the very consciousness we understand our world with. If the most basic level is not part of a shift, it is not a paradigm shift, but a temporary ‘taste of it’ and an indication that it is on its way. For several decades now consciousness researchers have worked hard to reveal the consciousness represented by our heart. The many books published in this field are supported by specific empirical methods by the Heart Math Institute in California. Whereas the type of consciousness represented by our brain can be described with words like narrative, rational and based on experience, consciousness of the heart can be described as being in the now, intuitive and based on trust. First of all it is trust that opens the door to heart consciousness.

This illustration shows that the way to the paradigm shift starts with heart consciousness followed by the other levels

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Appendix B ­ Explanation of the seven building blocks of the platform A user is the unit used to interact with the social model. The profile contains the user’s real picture and name and is verified by other members. A resource is something a citizen has offered with the intent of letting it be a part of some activity. It could be a contrabass, a long john, vegetables from the garden, a book, a piece of furniture, etc. In short any article that is meaningful to show to the community with the intent of lending it out or giving it away. Roles are used when an activity needs organizing. There is always at least one caretaker role for all activities (epicenters). Other roles could be dishwashing, chauffeur, chef, DJ, etc. A role can either be filled (by a profile) or be available. An epicenter is any activity a group of citizens has chosen to carry out together. It can be a long­lasting activity, like an entrepreneur project, or a short­lived activity like a meeting on a specific project. An epicenter has status of either seed, sprout, plant or tree. An epicenter seed is an idea a citizen would like to get supported. An epicenter sprout is a fully developed idea planted as a seed and sprouting when it receives fruits. An epicenter plant is a one­time activity accepted by the community. An epicenter tree is an accepted activity which continues for some time in the community in question ­ however, this requires that some of the members continuously support the idea with fruits. An epicenter can exist on three levels: level 1 is the New Circle Movement itself and maybe other projects choosing the same platform; level 2 are epicenters crowdfunded by the New Circle Movement; and level 3 is an epicenter crowdfunded by an epicenter on level 2. A location is an area. An area exists on three levels, each with its own characteristic features. Level 1 is the whole earth, corresponding to ‘cyberspace’. Level 1 is also used to segment information into themes. Level 2 is a circle with a geo­location at its center and having a certain radius. A level 2 area corresponds to the field of influence of a specific epicenter and can also be used as a virtual meeting place. A level 3 area is the most tangible one, it can represent an actual room in a building or the outlines of a city park. If appropriate, level 1 and 2 areas may overlap. Level 3 areas cannot overlap. The remaining six building blocks are placed in a defined location. Information is either a text, a figure, a video or a hyperlink. The fruitgarden contains the fruit trees each citizen has in his or her garden. When the citizen gains membership of an epicenter with the status of tree (a community), the citizen receives a new tree in his or her fruitgarden corresponding to the local currency used in this particular epicenter, e.g. a lemon tree for the NCM and a mango tree for Tinkuy members. Apart from the fruitgarden, all building blocks must have fruits in their fruit basket, otherwise they will be deleted from the system. The fruitgarden is deleted when a profile runs out of fruit and thus is deleted (e.g. when the user leaves the New Circle Movement or for other reasons does not maintain his or her profile).

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Appendix C ­ An example of how to use the platform The following is an example of how to use the platform and the building blocks: Two new members are enrolled in the New Circle Movement. This results in the creation of two new users which swiftly are accepted by other members verifying their name and picture. Together they suggest a project, and by transferring lemons to the project a new epicenter with seed status is created. Three other members support the project so it now has received 300 lemons, the minimum number of lemons in order to shift to sprout status, where the project is planted at a specific depth and can receive support. The seed is planted at a depth where 200 members must support the idea with at least 40,000 lemons. And over the following 18 days the project receives this support from the members. When the necessary support has been achieved, the epicenter shifts automatically its status to plant. A plant can be ‘harvested’, and this means that all 40,000 lemons are exchanged to kroner and the project managers say goodbye and thank the New Circle Movement for its help ­ now with a bag of money and contact with 200 persons interested in the project. Now we imagine that the project used as an example here wants to continue the use of the provided software platform. This can be done by transferring 1000 lemons per month six months in advance, all in all 6000 lemons, to the New Circle Movement, giving the epicenter status of tree. A web domain is selected, and by pressing a single button a standard website is provided, the design of which may be altered later on. The website is now part of the growing number of websites using fruits and the functionalities otherwise provided by the platform ­ e.g. automatic login when the user is logged in to In consultation with the new community the name of the type of fruit the new community wants to use is chosen, and it is decided that 100 pieces of this fruit will be produced each month and 10 percent will be deleted each month ­ like on the lemon tree. If necessary, these figures can be adjusted later on, but the mentioned rates are considered appropriate taking into account the expected energy circulation in the community (these rates are applied by Tinkuy, where the fruits are used to book treatment rooms and enroll in weekend courses). The remaining 34,000 lemons are exchanged at an exchange rate of DKK 1.50 per lemon, resulting in a payment of DKK 51,000 from the organization to the project’s bank account. With this amount and support from the 200 members, the project managers are now convinced that the idea has sufficient support and therefore choose to invest DKK 25,000 each in the project. Another DKK 174,000 investor capital is allocated by investors who now can see an actual homepage with active members supporting an idea which suddenly has become very real. A private limited company is established, and a new community­supported company is now ready to contribute to the community.

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Appendix D ­ Principles used by the platform The three most important principles of the platform design are:

1. The platform supports and encourages activities that are self­organizing 2. Fractal construction ­ the whole is reflected by all parts 3. Organic structure inspired by nature

Self­organization principle A self­organizing community is a community where the allocation of resources, the assignment of roles and the creation of epicenters (activities) takes place in a flow based on how the members choose to use their energy/votes. All epicenters are either in phase 1 or phase 2. In phase 1 one or several caretakers are given authority to veto activities, get special admission to book resources, and the like. In phase 2 the epicenter is completely self­organizing, meaning that the creation of activities (epicenters) exclusively is based on the energy available in the community, the available energy being determined by different voting functions. Please note that in order to stimulate self­organizing communities (phase 2 epicenters), the exchange rate received by these communities is higher than the exchange rate received by communities with a more traditional management structure (phase 1 epicenters). All epicenters, right from the New Circle Movement as a whole to new epicenters under construction, start out in phase 1. Thereafter, the caretakers for the epicenter can shift to phase 2 when it is estimated that the community is ready for it: at what point have the culture­shaping myth, identity and behaviour (cf. levels in Appendix A) gained sufficient strength to allow self­organization? Should it turn out that the decision to shift to phase 2 has been made too early because it turns out that necessary tasks in the community are not taken care of or that there are other forms of frustration or stress within the group, the epicenter can shift back to phase 1. A natural way towards a self­organizing epicenter is by several ‘children’ of the epicenter becoming self­organizing. The children of an epicenter are epicenters established within the epicenter. In the case of Tinkuy this means all weekly activities repeated on a weekly basis. Each time one of these smaller communities within the larger community becomes self­organizing, it will help the whole community to become self­organizing. When enough ‘children’ of the New Circle Movement are self­organizing, the whole New Circle Movement becomes self­organizing, i.e. everything will be guided by the built­in principles and procedures of the software platform, and the management through caretakers and vision board within the organization can be dissolved. With the construction of ‘communities within communities’ the shift to a self­organizing phase will happen from the inside out, meaning that smaller communities are the first to become

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self­organizing as we can see it today with Rainbow Gatherings, Ting meetings and Burning Man festivals, and then the larger community follows. As a preliminary step to the self­organizing phase one or more caretakers will be needed functioning as space holders for the community in question ­ spaceholding will in this way happen ‘from the outside in’ ­ in principle illustrated by the figure below:

Spaceholding happens “from the outside in” ­ the last spaceholding ‘released’ is the one for the New Circle

Movement. Self­organization happens ‘from the inside out’ ­ where small communities show the way. Fractal construction The platform has been constructed to let the whole be reflected by all parts, i.e. the structure and construction of activities on any one level is the same as on other levels. The illustration below shows a construction with communities within communities:

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This construction makes it possible for the entire social media platform to form an energetic whole, and e.g. the realization of a one­time activity on a Friday afternoon in one of the projects is in coherence with the structural design of the whole community. This contributes to a feeling of ‘belonging’ to the community as a whole and also simplifies the basic software structure. Organic structure The organic structure is an integrated part of the platform through two mechanisms:

1. All objects in the system must receive energy/fruits or else they are deleted 2. All objects are organized by fields of influence

Objects wither away automatically A challenge in the field of software systems is the ever increasing amount of data requiring larger and larger storing units for the many terrabytes needing storage . For example, in 3

order to keep costs for cooling the enormous data storing halls at a minimum, Google has moved them to Finland to make use of the colder climate. But what if the system was intelligent enough to sort out negligible data by itself? In the software platform for the New Circle Movement all objects have fruits attached to them ­ and if an object runs out of fruit it is automatically deleted. It could be an epicenter no longer supported by its members, and (following appropriate warning) it is automatically deleted to keep the focus on something the community considers important. Organization by fields of influence When an area of land is seen from above, there are no visible borders. Borders is something contrived by the human mind (like so many other things). Nature does not use borders, but fields of influence. A large tree sets the tone for which plants will grow in its vicinity. Some species grow naturally close to each other and stimulate each other. In the New Circle Movement platform the building block location (cf. Appendix B) has been inspired by this fact, and a location on level 2 corresponds to a field of influence. Here the user creating it (a caretaker of an epicenter) establishes a center and a radius for the circle representing its field of influence. Furthermore, all fields of influence have a specific strength used to ­ intentionally ­ organizing activities. This strength is calculated as a function of the energy available at the epicenter (how many fruits it receives on a monthly basis) and the area of the field of influence.

3 Source: ‘The Next Energy Challenge of Computing’ ­ Sumit Sadana

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A large field of influence makes it possible to create activities within a larger area, but in return the strength diminishes with a growing circle. This principle is illustrated by the following figure:

To give an example, the center for the field of influence of Tinkuy is a geolocation in the land register of Nørrebro. For Tinkuy it can be meaningful that the field of influence exceeds its location in Skyttegade 3 and e.g. includes the nearby park. This makes it possible for the system to book the park for outdoors activities like Qi Gong. If at a point in time there is created an epicenter with its center in the park ­ e.g. en outdoors acroyoga organization ­ then their field of influence will be stronger in the park and now this epicenter will have the opportunity to book the park, and then Tinkuy must carry out its Qi Gong activities in communication/co­creation with this new epicenter. Epicenters on level 3 (like Qi Gong in Tinkuy) have a location on level 3 which contrary to the fields of interest on level 2 can not overlap. A location on level 1 is a purely virtual location and corresponds more or less to a theme or a specific filter organizing information. The epicenter New Circle Movement is placed in a location on level 1. To see locations in this way ­ inspired by nature ­ makes it possible to reflect the complexity of a society of today, where some areas will be more open to receiving new inspiration from newcomers, and other areas need to ‘find themselves’ and are not open to newcomers. In this way many controversies in the polarizing refugee debate could be avoided.

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Appendix E ­ How the principles are reflected by the software As an example for the software structure a list of rules for one of the seven building blocks (epicenter) is provided below. For anyone with greater interest in the construction of the software platform we refer to where the source code is freely accessible as en open source project:

An epicenter exist in one of three levels: Level 1 is New Circle Movement, level 2 is the epicenters crowdfunded by NCM, level 3 is the epicenters crowdfunded by a level 2 epicenter

An epicenter has a [epicenter_mother], which is the epicenter that it is crowdfunded from (NCM is

crowdfunded from NCM)

An epicenter has one of the following four status values: [Seed], [Sprout], [Plant] or [Tree].

A member can create an [epicenter_seed] by transferring [minimum_fruit_seeds] and type in the needed information about the new epicenter on [epicenter.epicenter_mother.my_www]

An epicenter has a depth ([my_depth]) defined as the needed amount of fruit and needed number of

supporting members, for it to change from sprout to plant. The needed amount is determined when creating the seed. The minimum depth is defined in [epicenter_mother].

A caretaker of an [epicenter_seed] can change it to [epicenter_sprout], when another profile signs in as

caretaker number two, and it has at least [minimum_fruit_sprout] in the fruitbasket.

An [epicenter_sprout] changes to [epicenter_plant] when it has support from enough other members and have received enough fruit (see xx about depth)

A caretaker for an [epicenter_plant] can change it to [epicenter_tree], by setting up a monthly transfer of

[epicenter_mother.fruit_per_month_tree], and pay for at least [epicenter_mother.months_in_advance_tree] months. Caretakers set the needed attributes (see list below).

The depth_status is either minor, major or giga. If the depth of the epicenter is at least

[depth_minor_limit] then it is minor, if it is at least [depth_major_limit] it is major, and if it is at least [depth_giga_limit] it is a giga epicenter. Values are defined in epicenter_mother.

An [epicenter_seed] can receive fruit from the caretaker(s) and other members of epicenter_mother.

An [epicenter_sprout] can receive fruit from members of epicenter_mother, either individual or monthly


An [epicenter_plant] can exchange fruit to [epicenter_mother.my_currency]. This is only possible if epicenter_mother has a fruitbank.

An [epicenter_tree] can exchange fruit to [epicenter_mother.my_currency], and also receive additional

fruit as monthly transfers from members of epicenter_mother.

An epicenter has a geolocation and is placed on [my_mainlocation]

If [epicenter.my_fruitbasket] has zero fruits the epicenter is deleted.

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A New Circle Movement initiative

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