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Born June 12, 1929

Died Early March 1945

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1940 - 1943

December 1, 1940 - Otto Frank’s company moves into the premises at number 263 Prinsengracht

June 12, 1942 – Anne receives a dairy for her 13th birthday

July 5, 1942 – Margot, 16, receives a call-up notice to report for deportation to a labor camp. The family goes into hiding the next day.

July 6, 1942 – The Frank family leaves their home forever and moves into ‘Secret Annex’.

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1944 - 1945

August 4, 1944 – The residents of the Secret Annex are betrayed and arrested. They are taken to a police station in Amsterdam.

August 8, 1944 – They are all taken to the transit camp at Westerbork.

October 6, 1944 – Anne and Margot are sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.

March 1945 – Anne and Margot die and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp within days of each other.

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1946 - 1995

Summer 1947 – 1,500 copies of Anne’s diary are published by Contact Publishers in Amsterdam.

1951 – The diary is translated into English. 1955 – The play based on The Diary of Anne

Frank opens on Broadway. May 1960 – The Anne Frank House Opens 1995 – The ‘Definitive Edition’ of the diary is

published in the United States.

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Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany is where Anne and Margot Frank was sent and died.

Otto Frank was liberated from Auschwitz by the Russian Army.

Edith Frank was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau and died there.

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Anti -SemitismAnti -SemitismThis is the term given to

political, social and economic agitation

against Jews. In simple terms it means ‘Hatred

of Jews’.

Aryan RaceAryan RaceThis was the name of what Hitler believed was the perfect race.

These were people with full German blood, blonde hair and

blue eyes.

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Between 1939 and 1945 six million Jews were murdered, along with hundreds of thousands of others, such as Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, disabled and the mentally ill.

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16 of the 44 children taken from a French children’s home.

They were sent to a concentration camp and later to Auschwitz.


A group of children at a concentration camp

in Poland.

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Part of a stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp.

Before poison gas was used , Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Carbon monoxide gas from the engine’s exhaust was fed into the sealed rear compartment. Victims were dead by the time they reached the burial site.

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Jewish women, some holding infants, are forced to wait in a line before their execution by Germans and Ukrainian collaborators.

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Smoke rises as the bodies are burnt.

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A German policeman shoots individual Jewish women who remain alive in the ravine after the mass execution.

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Portrait of two-year-old Mania Halef, a Jewish child who was among the 33,771 persons shot by the SS during the mass executions at Babi Yar, September, 1941.

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In 1935, the Nazi Party passed what was called the Nuremberg Laws

These laws were designed to

•To stop Jews and Germans from marrying.

•To stop Jews and Germans from having sexual relations

•To make sure that German blood was not tainted by mixing with other races

•Pictures would be produced warning people about what could happen. People were degraded

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Soviet POWs at forced labor in 1943 exhuming bodies in the ravine at Babi Yar, where the Nazis had murdered over 33,000 Jews in September of 1941.

In 1943, when the number of murdered Jews exceeded 1 million. Nazis ordered the bodies of those buried to be dug up and burned to destroy all traces.

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It is important to remember that it was not only the Jews who were to experience any form of prejudice within Germany

… communists, gypsies, homosexuals, also faced persecution...

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The Nazis placed a great emphasis upon encouraging the children to view what Hitler was doing as being right

Posters encouraged children into recognising that Hitler was a saviour. Schools became places to pick on the Jews

Various efforts were made to ensure that the children were brought up to believe that the Jews were inferior and a danger to German people. The next page shows you

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Two extracts from school books. The one on the left shows you the dangers of Jews and Germans marrying

Children would be brought to the front of the class to see if they could be classified as Jews or not. If they were, then they would be humiliated

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In 1938, the situation took a more serious turn for the worst. Called the Night of Broken Glass, the Nazis start to use violence against the Jews

Jewish shops, churches and other buildings were openly attacked. People became subjected to violence

It would lead to the start of more systematic violence...

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From 1939 onwards, Jews were rounded up. They were forced to move out of their homes. To start off with they were sent to areas in cities designed only for them. These were ghettos

Jewish people had:

•Their property confiscated

•They were forced to move to new areas

•They had their citizenship taken


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By 1941, the Jews were to be moved to concentration camps

They usually arrived by railway. Camps like Auschwitz and Dachau were more than just concentration camps

Jews from all over Europe were forced to work here

… then from 1941 - 42 onwards...

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There was the Holocaust

… around 6 million Jews lost their lives in these death camps...

… these camps can still be found. Mostly in countries like Poland, they are a grim reminder of what racism can lead to...

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"The Holocaust." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 4 Apr 2008, 18:29 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 8 Apr 2008

The Jews in Nazi Germany presentation by Mr. Griffiths

Anti Semitism Leonard Lerer