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Page 1: Potential locations

Lauren Jones- Locations for “Projection”

Potential Locations

Moors Valley

My first choice of location for the dream scene is Moors Valley Country Park. I think this would be a good location as it’s close to where myself and my actors live, therefore it will be easy to get there together along with all my equipment, day and night. As it’s close to home, I will be able to stay there for the entire day; therefore I can get scenes shot in the light and the dark, which will have a positive effect on my storyline.

Another reason Moors Valley would be good to film at is the trees are extremely tall, yet spaced apart. This will give a clearer view of the main character as leafs and branches won’t be in the way, and the height of the trees will add depth to my film. I also like the trees being tall as it makes Kitty seem much smaller, which works well as she is lost in her dream.


Page 2: Potential locations

Lauren Jones- Locations for “Projection”

Rockford Common

My second location is Rockford common. Again, this location is very close to where I and my actors live, and therefore it will be accessible at any time.

Another reason I would like to use Rockford common is because it has barely any trees, and so is very flat and clear land. Furthermore, early in the mornings it’s extremely foggy, which would look really effective in my film and create a “dream like” atmosphere. This would also give the film a spookier feel.


Page 3: Potential locations

Lauren Jones- Locations for “Projection”

Lakewood House

My third location is my friend’s house. In her garden is a boat house, which I feel will be perfect for the therapy room. This will be good as in this scene I want it to be raining to create pathetic fallacy, and the lake and water lilies will create a sense of tranquillity, which is what is needed during a counselling session. The room is a good size and is very simple and light- this is good as the juxtaposition of the therapy room and the forest will display the contrast in Kitty’s life.

Furthermore, like all locations, it’s really close and so will be accessible on a rainy day.