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  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance



  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    ...And Doing Something About It.Thats Strategy.

    What is S trategy?

    Envisioning the changing landscapeof business

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    Strateg ic Pl ann ing is the managerial process of creating andmaintaining a fit between the Development Officers organizationresources and the evolving market opportunities.

    Also called Strategic Management ProcessStrateg ic m arket ing m anage m ent is co ncerned w ith h ow we w ill c reate va lu e f or theagent.

    What are its p r im ary g oa ls and h ow w ill the se be a ch ieved? h ow w illth is value be delivered

    S trategic PlanningS trategic Planning

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    The Business As UsualStrategic Planning Process

    1. Situation Analysis

    2. Establish Objectives

    3. Strategy Development

    4. Action Plan

    5. Execution

    Where are younow?

    What is success?

    Whats the plan?

    Detailed steps

    Monitor the results

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    The Art and Science of Positioning

    What is i t?

    A spo t on the m ap i n the mi nd of the consum er that we want to occup y re lat ive to ou r comp et itor in order to def ine and d ifferent iate the brand.

    What can it do?

    E ffe ctive posi t ion ing clear ly d ifferent iate s you r brand fr om the comp et itor with its o wn d ist inct ident ity and pl ace.

    A p r ocess that enab les you to s ee the consum er fr om the ir p er sp ective.

    C reate s sus ta ined intere st in you r brand by h igh light ing its mos t impo rtant benef its.

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    Strategic planning1) Develop a compelling vision of the future;(2) Translate the vision into a strategic plan;(3) Communicate the vision and the plan;(4) Motivate agents to embrace the vision and the

    plan so they spread the organization; and

    (5) Monitor progress to achieving the objectivesoutlined in the plan.

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    G OALS

    SMART goa lS -Sp ecif icM -M ea su rab leA -Ac h ievab leR -R ea listicT - Tim e bou nd

    Commi tm ent toward sgoa l is impo rtant

    Current Definition of G OALS Strategy for goal setting

    and achievingM Monitoring for givingdirectional change or motivationA Attitude check if negativechange any and correct if

    necessaryR Review often the progressfor filing the short fallT Techniques -observe thetime bound techniques removethe obsolete and induct new

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    Performance G oal

    (4) Achieving the objectivesshould be linked toIndividual or group


    (1) Developmentofficer musthave controlover theoutcomes

    (3) Objectives must be

    quantifiable,within a specific

    time period, and regularlymonitored; and


    (2) Agents must beinvolved in settingthe objectives;

  • 8/8/2019 Positioning for Performance


    Positioning Right Person in RightJob in Right Place

    In a marketing organization the teammember has to be placed in a segmentwhere he would perform well withreference to the knowledge he holds, thequalifications he possess and the experience

    he has. It is the prime duty of the leader for getting better result out of him.

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    It is like putting a geostationary satellite init orbit by the rocket for remote sensing thearea over it is stationed in the space. Anydeviation will not give better result.

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    Our process involves Market intelligence(survey), goal setting (SMART), action

    planning (pre fact find process), performance ie., Fact Find Process, andservice that results in customer delight.

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