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Java Portlet 2.0(JSR 286 Spec)

John A. LewisChief Software Architect

Unicon, Inc.

JA-SIG Conference

28 April 2008

© Copyriht Unicon, Inc., 200!. So"e rihts reser#e$. %his wor& is license$ 'n$er a

Creati#e Co""ons Attri('tion-)onco""ercial-Share Ali&e *.0 Unite$ States License.%o #iew a copy of this license, #isit http+creati#eco""ons.orlicenses(y-nc-sa*.0's

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. ortlet Specs an$ /eat'res

2. JS 281 a3or Chanes

*. JS 281 inor Chanes

4. 5'estions an$ Answers

Special than&s to Cris 6ol$orph fro" Uniconfor helpin to prepare this "aterial.

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ortlet Specs 7 /eat'res

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ortlet .0 JS 18 6istory

 – Ja#a Co""'nity rocesshttp+www.3cp.oren3sr$etaili$918

 – Le$ (y S'n an$ I:

 – Starte$+ 2; Jan'ary 2002

 – elease$+ 2! <cto(er 200*

 – eference I"ple"entation+ Apache l'to

 – Interopera(ility (etween ortlets ortals

 – Set of AIs $efinin ortlets – Lin&e$ to =S .0 Specification

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ortlet 2.0 JS 281 6istory

 – Ja#a Co""'nity rocesshttp+3cp.oren3sr$etaili$9281

 – Le$ (y I:

● Ste#en 6epper ?sthepper@$e.i(".co"

 – Starte$+ 2; )o#e"(er 200> – /inal Appro#al :allot+ * arch 2008 ?asse$

 – =aitin for %CB an$ eference I"ple"entation?l'to 2.0

 – Lin&e$ to =S 2.0 Specification

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JS 18 /eat're S'""ary

 – Lifecycle ?init, action, ren$er, $estroy

 – ortlet ULs ?en$er UL, Action UL

 – ortlet o$e ?iew, D$it, 6elp

 – =in$ow States ?)or"al, aEi"iFe, ini"iFe

 – en$er ara"eters

 – ortlet references

 – ortlet Session

 – ortlet eploy"ent escriptor ?portlet.E"l

● eEpiration-cache

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JS 281 H a3or Chanes

ortlet D#ents● '(lic en$er ara"eters

● eso'rce Ser#in

ortlet /ilters● Cachin Chanes

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JS 281 H inor Chanes

=in$ow I● )a"espacin

● Lifecycle hase

e'est Attri('te● D)D6DADS


ortlet Coo&ies● Settin ar&'p 6ea$


)eEt ortlet o$es

ortlet %a Li(raryChanes

● A$$itional CSSClasses

● ortlet e'estispatcher Chanes

● ortlet eso'rce:'n$le Chanes

● ortlet Container'nti"e <ptions

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JS 281 - Unchane$

ortlet o$es● =in$ow States

● ortlet references

ortlet Sec'rity● User Infor"ation

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ortlet D#ents

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D#ents an$ the ortlet Lifecycle

● )ew Lifecycle hase+ Event Processing

● /or each o#erall portal pae re'est+

 – Action Phase H calle$ on at "ost one portletwin$ow

 – Event Phase H calle$ on as "any portlet win$owsas necessary

 – Render Phase H calle$ on 'p to as "any portlet

win$ows that are $isplaye$ on c'rrent pae● D#ents "ay (e enerate$ $'rin Action Phase 

or Event Phase H not $'rin Render Phase

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iara" fro" Ja#aK ortlet Specification, ersion 2.0 '(lic raft , e#. ;

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EventPortlet  Interface

●  javax.portlet.EventPortlet  Interface

 – ay (e i"ple"ente$ (y a Portlet 

 – Contains one "etho$+

void processEvent(EventRequest, EventResponse)

 – EventRequest  o(3ect pro#i$es e#ent payloa$ an$other typical portlet info ?"o$e, win$ow state,etc


 processEvent  is si"ilar to processAction forcopyin renderParameters

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'(lishin D#ents

● D#ents "ay (e p'(lishe$ 'sin "etho$s on ActionResponse or EventResponse

 – setEvent or setEvents

 – 'ltiple calls to setEvent  an$ setEvents are


● D#ent $eli#ery an$ processin or$eris not guaranteed

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D#ent efinitions

● D#ents "'st (e $efine$ in portlet.xml 

● After e#ent $efinition, each portlet "'st$eclare what e#ents it will p'(lish or recei#e

ortal-$efine$ e#ents $o not ha#e to (e$efine$ in portlet.xml 

● D#ent na"in+


'st 'se the =*C 5)a"e stan$ar$ – ecei#in e#ents can en$ with a wil$car$

 – Can $eclare default-event-namespace in

portlet.E"l an$ 3'st 'se local na"es

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D#ents an$ JAM:

● JAM: 2.0 "'st (e 'se$ to $efine the D#entayloa$

● JAM: is necessary for interopera(ility with=S e#ents

● I"ple"entin e#ent payloa$ class "'st (eSerialiFa(le an$ annotate$ with JAM:annotations

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'(lic en$er ara"eters

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'(lic en$er ara"eters

● ay (e #isi(le to "'ltiple ortlets 7 =e(apps

● anae$ in portlet.xml 

 – efine$ in the <portlet-application> 


eclare$ in each <portlet>  that wants it● )a"e "'st follow the =*C 5na"e spec H

can $eclare a default-name-space

A portal can $eci$e which p'(lic ren$erpara"eters will (e share$ (y which portlets

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eso'rce Ser#in

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eso'rce Ser#in

● ortlets can create two types of eso'rceLin&s – irect Lin&s ?not new

 – eso'rce UL Lin&s ?newN

irect Lin&s – ore efficient

 – )ot 'arantee$ to o thro'h ortal

 – =ill not ha#e portal conteEt a#aila(le

 – )o portal access control

● eso'rce UL Lin&s – =ill o thro'h the ResourceServingPortlet  


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● ResourceServingPortlet  Interface

void serveResource(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse)

● ortlet can pro$'ce content with

 – ResourceResponseWriter 

 – OutputStream

 – eleate with a RequestDispatcher  call

● ortal is not allowe$ to "o$ify content

● ortlet sho'l$ not 'se 6%% GD% for statechane 'se 6%% <S%U%DLD%D instea$

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eso'rce ULs

● ortlet creates a ResourceUR to itself withPortletResponse.createResourceUR!"

● ResourceUR only #ali$ if a ortleti"ple"ents ResourceServingPortlet 

● oes not ca'se processAction to (e in#o&e$

● Cannot chane ortlet o$e or =in$ow State

All c'rrent ren$er para"eters will (e incl'$e$● )ew para"eters set $o not (eco"e ren$er


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Cachea(ility of eso'rces

● ResourceUR can control the Ocachea(ilityP ofthe reso'rce #ia the set#achea$ilit%  "etho$+

 – F!! H %he "ost cachea(le H UL $oes not nee$to contain state of the pae, the c'rrent ren$er

para"eters, portlet "o$e, or win$ow state – P"R#!E# H UL nee$s portlet state ?ren$er

para"eters, portlet "o$e, an$ win$ow state, ('t$oes not nee$ the state of the rest of the pae

 – PA$E H %he least cachea(le H UL nee$sco"plete state of pae an$ portlet

● Cannot create ULs with "ore $etail in

eso'rce re'ests fro" ULs with less $etail

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<ther eso'rce Infor"ation

● ResourceRequest  pro#i$es access to a "iE ofortlet infor"ation an$ infor"ation 'ni'e toeso'rces+

 – ortlet o$e, =in$ow State, an$ en$er

ara"eters of the re'estin portlet are pro#i$e$ – /'ll access to 6%% hea$ers

?can set on response as well

 – 6%% etho$ of the re'est

 – %he eso'rce I set on the eso'rce UL ?if any

 – %he D%AG for cache #ali$ation

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ortlet /ilters

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ortlet /ilters

● o$ele$ after Ser#let /ilters

● o$ify re'est $ata (y wrappin re'est

● o$ify response $ata (y wrappin response

Intercept in#ocation of a portlet (efore an$after it is calle$

● /ilters "ay (e chaine$

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ortlet /ilter Interface

● 'st i"ple"ent javax.portlet.&ilter  interface

● 'st pro#i$e a p'(lic no-ar constr'ctor

● init!" "etho$ will (e calle$ on all /ilters

(efore (ein calle$ on any ortlets● destro%!" will (e calle$ if /ilter is re"o#e$

fro" ser#ice

do&ilter!" "etho$ calle$ if processAction!", processEvent!", render!", or serveResource!" wo'l$ (e calle$ on /iltere$ ortlet

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eclarin ortlet /ilters

● eclare$ in portlet.xml  in <filter>  ele"ent

● <filter-mapping>  ele"ent "'st specify the

applica(le portlets

estrict to specific lifecycle "etho$s 'sin the <lifecycle>  ele"ent in <filter-mapping> 

● <r$er in portlet.xml  "atters for "'ltiplefilters of the sa"e portlet

● ortlet containers are eEpecte$allowe$ tocache the Ofilter chainP 

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=rappin e'estseponses

● )ew wrapper classes pro#i$e$ for all re'estan$ response o(3ects for 'se with /ilters+

 – Actione'est=rapperActionesponse=rapper

 – D#ente'est=rapperD#entesponse=rapper

 – en$ere'est=rapperen$eresponse=rapper

 – eso'rcee'est=rappereso'rceesponse=rapper

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ortlet Cachin

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● %wo %ypes+

 – DEpiration Cachin

● =hat eEiste$ (efore with so"e chanes

 – ali$ation Cachin

● )ew for eEtension of eEpiration cachin

● Cachin is now applie$ to (oth the en$eran$ eso'rce lifecycle phases

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DEpiration Cachin

● If no <expiration-cache>  #al'e is specifie$

then portlet will (e treate$ as always eEpire$

● )ew <expiration-time>  s'(-ele"ent


re#io's ti"e-in-secon$s #al'e oes here● )ew <expiration-scope>  s'( ele"ent

 – P!"#$%&$'PE "ay (e share$ across 'sers


 PR#*E%&$'PE "ay )<% (e share$ ?$efa'lt● Action or D#ent re'est will eEpire cache

● expiration-time an$ expiration-scope 

can (e chane$ prora""atically

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ali$ation Cachin

● ortlet sho'l$ set E*+ property ?#ali$ation

to&en an$ expiration-time when ren$erin

● )ew ren$erreso'rce re'ests will only (ecalle$ after expiration-time is reache$

● )ew re'est will (e sent the E*+

● ortlet sho'l$ eEa"ine it an$ $eter"ine ifcache is still oo$ H if so, set a newexpiration-time an$ do not render 

● 'st set the E*+, eEpiration ti"e, an$

cachin scope (efore writin any o'tp't

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JS 281 inor Chanes

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=in$ow I

● )ew PortletRequest.getWindo'(D!" "etho$"'st ret'rn the ortlet =in$ow I

● e#iew fro" JS 18+

 – Portlet %eplo&'ent ?not "entione$ $irectly inspecification+ portlet.xml  file infor"ation

 – Portlet %einition+ '(lish ti"e infor"ation

 – Portlet Entit&+ S'(scri(e ti"e infor"ation

 – Portlet indo*+ LoinSession ti"e infor"ation

● Use$ for portlet-scope$ session $ata

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● get)amespace!" "etho$ now a#aila(le on allortlet e'est classes ?pre#io'sly only onRenderRequest 

● ro#i$es a 'ni'e #al'e for the c'rrent ortlet

=in$ow● al'e "ay (e 'se$ to prefiE Ja#ascript

f'nctions #aria(les or other ite"s within a

portal pae that "'st (e 'ni'e● =ill ret'rn the sa"e #al'e for the lifeti"e of

the ortlet =in$ow

f l h (

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Lifecycle hase e'est Attri('te

● "#E$$"E%P.&E re'est attri('te of the

PortletRequest  interface $eter"ines c'rrentphase+

 – $*#'/%P.&E 9 ActionRequest 

 – EE/*%P.&E 9 EventRequest 

 – RE/0ER%P.&E 9 RenderRequest 

 – RE&'R$E%&ER#/+%P.&E 9 ResourceRequest 

● esine$ to let fra"ewor&s cast correctly

S ( h

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RE/0ER%.E0ER& S'(-phase

● %he en$er hase now has two s'(-phases ifthe render.eaders r'nti"e option is set tr'e

● Sho'l$ (e 'se$ when settin hea$ers,coo&ies, the title, or neEt portlet "o$es

● Strea"in portals will call render  twice an$set RE/0ER%PR* portlet re'est attri('te as


 – RE/0ER%.E0ER& on the first call, so perfor"

appropriate hea$er operations

 – RE/0ER%1R2P on the secon$ call, so now ren$er

the act'al "ar&'p

l C &i

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ortlet Coo&ies

● Coo&ies can now (e set on thePortletResponse an$ retrie#e$ on thePortletRequest 

● %hese coo&ies "ay (e store$ (y the ortal

an$ "ay not act'ally reach the client● Coo&ies set in the response of one phase will

(e a#aila(le in s'(se'ent phases ?e.. a

coo&ie set in the action phase will (ea#aila(le $'rin the ren$er phase

S tti & 6 $ Dl t

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Settin ar&'p 6ea$ Dle"ents

● Use esponse addPropert%  "etho$ with 1R2P%.E0%E"E1E/* constant as property

na"e an$ an org.'*c.dom.Element  #al'e

● ro#i$e$ < ele"ent sho'l$ (e a$$e$ to

the "ar&'p <head>  section of the response tothe client

● S'pport for this property is optional H #erify

#ia the 1R2P%.E0%E"E1E/*%&PP'R* property on the Portal#ontext 

● /or a en$er esponse, sho'l$ (e $one in

RE/0ER%.E0ER& s'(-phase

) t i(l tl t $

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)eEt ossi(le ortlet o$es

● %he RenderResponse can now in$icate theneEt possi(le ortlet o$es an$ =in$owStates

● ortals sho'l$ li"it a#aila(le na#iation

controls accor$inly● %o ens're this wor&s in all portals, set the"

$'rin the RE/0ER%.E0ER& s'(phase

tl t t i t h

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ortlet e'est ispatcher

● PortletRequestDispatcher  "ay now (e calle$fro" processAction!" an$ processEvent!", aswell as render!"

● All non-ren$er lifecycle "etho$s will not (e

allowe$ to (e write to any o'tp't strea"● PortletRequestDispatcher  now has (oth an

include!" an$ a +or'ard!" "etho$

● ortlet e'est ispatchers "'st follow anySer#let /ilters set 'p

tl t : $l

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ortlet eso'rce :'n$le

● ortlet eso'rce :'n$le can now "anae"ore infor"ation+

 – ortlet Info

● title, short-title, &eywor$s

● $isplay-na"e, $escription

 – isplay )a"es escriptions

● '(lic ren$er para"eters

C'sto" portlet "o$es an$ win$ow states● D#ent $efinitions

● User attri('tes

tl t C t i ti < ti

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ortlet Container 'nti"e <ptions

● efine a$$itional r'nti"e (eha#ior in portlet.xml 

● efine$ at portlet application le#el or theportlet le#el

● Use ,container-runtime-option ele"ent

● C'rrent <ptions+

 –  javax.portlet.escape/ml 

 –  javax.portlet.render0eaders

 –  javax.portlet.includedPortletSessionScope

 –  javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttri$utes

tl t % Li(

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ortlet %a Li(rary

● )ew resourceR" ta

● DEistin namespace ta re'ire$ to "atch the

#al'e of PortletResponse.get)amespace!"

● )ew copy$urrentRenderParameters attri('te

on Action an$ en$er ULs ?$efa'lt+ false● )ew escape31" attri('te on Action, en$er, an$

eso'rce ULs ?$efa'lt+ tr'e

● )ew property

 ta for 'se in Action, en$er, an$

eso'rce ULs to set re'est properties

● define'45ects ta now incl'$es all new

re'estresponse o(3ects an$ access to

PortletSession an$ PortletPre+erences

A$$iti l CSS Cl

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A$$itional CSS Classes

● )ow incl'$es the %a(le style $efinitions fro"=S .0

● So"e a$$itional /or"s an$ en's stylesha#e (een a$$e$

● )ote1 So"e na"es in the $raft still o#erlapan$ will nee$ to (e correcte$ (efore finalrelease

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● ain JS 281 =e(site – http+3cp.oren3sr$etaili$9281

● =S 2.0 Specification – http+$"l

I"ple"entations – l'to 2.0 ?In e#elop"ent● http+portals.apache.orpl'to

 – J(oss ?elease Can$i$ate● http+www.3(oss.orportletcontainer

 – <penortal ?elease Can$i$ate● https+portlet-container.$

 – eMo ?elease Can$i$ate● http+www.eEoplatfor".co"

S'pport in Sprin ortlet C

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S'pport in Sprin ortlet C

● )ew annotations 7 para"eters+

 – @en$erappin● win$owState

 – @Actionappin●

na"e ?re'est para"eter Q3a#aE.portlet.actionQ – @D#entappin

● na"e ?local part of the e#ent na"e● na"e ?f'll e#ent na"e


@eso'rceappin● I$

 – All s'pportin the eEistin para"eters for portlet"o$e an$ re'est para"eters

Sprin ortlet C oa$"ap

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Sprin ortlet C oa$"ap

● ortlet 2.0 s'pport planne$ for Sprin *.0

● )o i$ea when it will (e release$

?the tal& is so"eti"e this s'""er, ('t yo' $i$nRthear it fro" "e

● So"e $esin $isc'ssion in JIA+

 – http+3ira.sprinfra"ewor&.or(rowseS-42>;

5'estions 7 Answers

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5'estions 7 Answers

John A. LewisChief Software ArchitectUnicon, Inc.
