Download - Portland Developing with Couchbase I: Getting Started

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Developing with Couchbase Part

I:Getting Started

John ZablockiDeveloper Advocate


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Development Environment: Development DB

• Downloads at

• Provision via wizard in Web Console– Or provision via REST interface: operations folks to automate provisioning

(i.e Chef, puppet, Rightscale rightscript)

• Linux: Ubuntu and Red Hat/CentOS

– Packages for most common distributions.

• dpkg -i , rpm -i, etc.

• Mac

– Download a .zip, open, drag to Applications,

• Windows

– Download a setup.exe, double click

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Development Environment: Obtaining a Client

• High performance, official client libraries for Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, C, Python*

• Head to for SDKs where you will find

– Client libraries

– Screencasts on Getting Started

– Getting started guides

– Tutorial with a sample application

– A complete API reference

*Current version 0.6 as of 2012-03-13

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Client Setup: Getting Cluster Configuration

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Client



"bucketCapabilities": [ "touch", "sync", "name": "default", "nodeLocator": "vbucket", "nodes"


Cluster Configuration over REST

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node

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Client at Runtime: Adding a node

Couchbase Client

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node

Couchbase Server Node




New node coming online

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Client Set up at a Code Level

// Set up at least two URIs in case one server fails

URI oneserver = new URI("");

URI twoserver = new URI("");

List<URI> servers = new ArrayList<URI>();



// Now create a client talking to the default bucket

CouchbaseClient cbc =

new CouchbaseClient(servers, "default", "");

System.err.println(cbc.get(“JohnZablocki") +

" is off developing with Couchbase!");

Use the Java client with your favorite JSON library: Jettison, Google

GSON, etc.

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Operations Available to a Client of Couchbase Server

• Store Operations– Add: Store the document if it does not yet exist

– Set: Store the document, overwriting existing if necessary

• Retrieve Operations– Get: Fetch the document

– Get and touch: Fetch the document and update the TTL

– Multiget: Fetch multiple documents at the same time

• Update operations– Append/prepend: Add data in front of or on the end of a document

– Delete: Remove the document from the store

– Compare and Swap (CAS): Replace the current document, if CAS matches

– Replace: Replace the document if it exists, otherwise do not

– Touch: Update the TTL for a document

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Common Questions with Metadata

Document Metadata:• TTL• CAS value• Flags

Q: What happens to a document persisted after it’s TTL?

A: A regular background job will remove expired documents.

Q: How do I use flags?

A: Frequently used to identify data type or other attributes, such as compression. Behavior varies from client to client.

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Distributed System Design: Concurrency Controls

• Compare and Swap Operations– Often referred to as “CAS”

– Optimistic concurrency control

– Available with many mutation operations, depending on client.

• Get with Lock– Often referred to as “GETL”

– Pessimistic concurrency control

– Locks have a short TTL

– Locks released with CAS operations

– Useful when working with object graphs

Actor 1 Actor 2

Couchbase Server

CAS mismatchSuccess






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A JSON Document


"_id": "beer_Hoptimus_Prime",

"abv": 10.0,

"brewery": "Legacy Brewing Co.",

"category": "North American Ale",

"name": "Hoptimus Prime",

"style": "Imperial or Double India Pale Ale",

"updated": [2010, 7, 22, 20, 0, 20],

"available": true


The primary key

A float

Date time as arrayA Boolean

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Other Documents and Document Relationships

{ "_id": "beer_Hoptimus_Prime",

"abv": 10.0,

"brewery": "Legacy Brewing Co.",

"category": "North American Ale",

"name": "Hoptimus Prime",

"style": “Double India Pale Ale",

"updated": [2010, 7, 22, 20, 0, 20],

"available": true }

{ "_id": "brewery_Legacy_Brewing_Co",

"name" : "Legacy Brewing Co.",

"address": "525 Canal Street Reading,

Pennsylvania, 19601 United States",

"updated": "2010-07-22 20:00:20",

"latitude": -75.928469,

"longitude": 40.325725}

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Adding (a document) to the Bucket of Beers

• Simply create the document, then add


include "Couchbase.php";

$cb = new Couchbase;


// defaults to the “default” bucket

// a very simple brew

$mybrew = new stdObj;

$mybrew->brewery = "The Kitchen";

$cb->set("beer_My_Brew", json_encode($mybrew));

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Simplicity of Document Oriented Datastore

• Schema is optional

– Technically, each document has an implicit schema

– Extend the schema at any time!• Need a new field? Add it. Define a default for similar objects which

may not have this field yet.

• Data is self-contained

– Documents more naturally support the world around you, the data structures around you

• Model data for your App/Code instead for the Database

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Adding a Document: Observations and Considerations

• Observations– Conversion to document was very simple, many JSON options

– Flexible schema: Did not need to add the latitude and longitude of Matt’s kitchen

– Flexible schema: Can add the brewery detail later

• Considerations

– Why use a particular key/_id : "beer_My_Brew”– Should I have a TTL?

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Common Questions when Adopting Couchbase

Q: What if I need to fetch referenced documents?

A: Simply get them one after another. It’s very fast owing to our cache and storage model.

Q: How can I update just a small portion of a document?

A: The best approach is to keep the document model live in your application, then use CAS operations to store modified documents. The Ruby sample application has a good example.

Q: I currently use serialized objects with memcached or Membase, can I do this still with Couchbase Server?

A: Absolutely! Everything previously supported and used is still there. JSON offers advantages with heterogenenous platform support and preparing for Couchbase 2.0 views.

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Couchbase Server 2.0: Views

• Views can spread a few different uses

– Simple secondary indexes (the most common)

– Aggregation functions• Example: count the number of North American Ales

– Organizing related data

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Storing a Message Document



"from": "user_512",

"to": "user_768",

"text": "Hey, that Beer you recommended is pretty fab, thx!"

"sent_timestamp": 1326476560



// store it

$cb = new Couchbase;


$cb->set("message_1024", $message);

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User Profile Document


"user_id": 512,

"name": "Beer Likington",

"email": "[email protected]",

"sign_up_timestamp": 1224612317,

"last_login_timestamp": 1245613101



"user_id": 768,

"name": "Simon Neal",

"email": "[email protected]",

"sign_up_timestamp": 1225554317,

"last_login_timestamp": 1234166701,

"country": "Scotland",

"pro_account" true,

"friends": [512, 666, 742, 1111]


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Game Score Document


"game_id": 12415115,

"scores": {

"user_a": {

"user_id": 512,

"score_a": 1,

"score_b": 57,

"score_c": 24


"user_b": {

"user_id": 768,

"score_a": 3,

"score_b": 67,

"score_c": 15



"score_timestamp": 1348560842


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Photo Metadata Document


"photo_id": "ccbcdeadbeefacee",

"size": {

"w": 500,

"h": 320,

"unit", "px"


"exposure: "1/1082",

"aperture": "f/2.4",

"flash": false,

"camera": {

"name": "iPhone 4S",

"manufacturer": "Apple",


"user_id": 512,

"timestamp": [2011, 12, 13, 16, 31, 07]
