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Porifera: The Sponges

Steven Sadro

Found at all depths and latitudes, sponges are among the most ubiquitous of marine organisms. With the advent of modern laboratory and field techniques (e.g., electron microscopy, histochemistry, the development of molecular biology and biochemistry, and the use of SCUBA for collection purposes) our knowledge of sponge biology has mushroomed (see reviews by Fell, 1974; Bergquist et al., 1979). The phylum Porifera is divided into four classes, three of which occur off the coast of the Pacific Northwest. Of the three classes present locally, this chapter deals only with the classes Calcarea (Table 1) and Demospongiae (Table 2). It does not present the Hexactinellida, which are found only in deep water. Of the two classes of sponges presented here, the class Demospongiae is the larger; indeed, containing 80% of the known sponges, it is the largest of all the classes (Fell, 1974).

Reproduction and Development Sponges differ from other invertebrates in the maintenance of an almost protozoan like independence of their constituent cells (Bergquist et al., 1979). For this reason they are considered the most primitive of the multicellular animals. They lack organs but have well-developed connective tissue in which differ- entiated cells perform a variety of functions.

Sponges reproduce both asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction takes a variety of forms (e.g. fragmentation, budding, formation of direct developing gemmules, formation of pseudolarvae) (Wilson, 1902; Fell, 1974) and serves both as a dispersal mechanism and a method of survival during periods of extremely unfavorable conditions. Many features of sexual reproduction in sponges have been described in detail (Fry, 1970; Brien, 1973; Fell, 1974; Bergquist et al., 1979). Consistent with their lack of differentiated organs, sponges do not posses true gonads. Rather, a major portion of the sponge body is involved in reproduction. Generally sponges are hermaphrodites. Sexual dimorphism does not exist in sponges. Most sponges are viviparous and, consequently, the eggs are retained and fertilized internally. Some sponges are, however,

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Fig. I .Transverse sections

through generalized

sponge larvae. (A) Solid

parenchymella larva.(B)

Hollow amphiblastula

larva. (A from ~ u p b e r t

and Barnes, 1994; B from

Minchin, 1896, Fig 3.)


Identification Guide t o Larval Marine Invertebrates o f the Pacific Northwest {

oviparous; either fertilization takes place internally with the zygote eventually being released into the sea or oocytes are released and fertilization occurs externally. Within the sponge connective tissue, eggs develop from ameobocytes and sperm develops from either ameobocytes or transformed collar cells. Spermatozoa are shed into the excurrent canals and released into the sea.

Sponge larvae are relatively uniform in their morphology. They are always ciliated, but there can be regions of longer cilia or areas that lack cilia completely. There are two general types of sponge larvae, solid parenchymella larvae and hollow amphiblastula larvae. Sizes range from 50 pm to 5 mm in length. Differential pigmentation of the posterior or anterior pole is not unusual and commonly coincides with areas lacking cilia.

The solid parenchymella larvae (also known as stereo- gastrula larvae) (Fig. 1A) lack an internal cavity and bear flagellated cells over their entire surface, except (often) at the posterior pole. These larvae are similar in appearance to the cnidarian planulae (see Chapter 2). Many parenchymella larvae contain spicules that are frequently arranged in a bundle near the posterior pole (calcareous spicules would be apparent under crossed polarized light; see Chapter 10, Bivalves, for technique). Larvae may lack spicules at release, but these may develop later during the free-swimming phase. The amphi- blastula larvae (Fig. 1B) are hollow blastulae with one hemisphere composed of small flagellated cells and the other composed of large, nonflagellated macromeres (i.e. cruciform, macrogranular, and agranular cells) (Minchin, 1896; Lbvi, 1963; Fell, 1974; Franzen, 1988). In terms of cell differentiation, parenchymella larvae can be very simple or quite complex, whereas amphiblastula larvae are typically simple. Neither has any organization, however, beyond the cellular level of differentiation. Both amphiblastula and parenchymella larvae exhibit pronounced phototaxis and geotaxis and often reverse their response to light and gravity as metamorphosis approaches (Bergquist et al., 1979).

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Porifera:The Sponges 7

Most sponge larvae spend only a brief time in the plankton, usually less than three days, before exhibiting settlement behavior. As settlement approaches, the larvae enter a short creeping stage (2-3 hours) that may be interrupted by additional periods of swimming before settlement and metamorphosis finally occur. The larvae of some Demo- spongiae species have no swimming period at all; they sink to the substrate after expulsion, where they creep until settlement. Some species do not release any larvae; instead, propagules are incubated within the endosome of the parent (Bergquist et al., 1979).

Identification of Local Taxa Lacking morphological information on sponge larvae, this chapter does not attempt to serve as a taxonomic key. Rather, it compiles useful diagnostic characteristics based on information gathered from a limited number of sponge species within a limited number of orders. It is important to note that inferences are made regarding similar orders where no information is available. Identification to species is not possible from the information provided here, although identification to class and, in some cases, to order is sometimes possible. As is the case with many poorly studied larval groups, the only way to make an identification to species is to collect ripe adults and raise the larvae to the adult stage.

Relatively few characteristics are available to differentiate sponge larvae. Amphiblastula larvae are easily distinguished from parenchymella larvae based on their size (amphiblastula larvae are typically much smaller than parenchymella larvae) and their general morphology. Differentiating among amphiblastula larvae is difficult. The parenchymella larvae are morphologically more diverse and are consequently easier to distinguish. Important morphological characters include body length, distribution of cilia, cilia length, presence or absence of discrete bands of cilia (usually near the anterior or posterior pole), absence of cilia at the posterior or anterior pole, and pigmentation. Additional useful characteristics include larval phototactic and geotactic behavior and direction of rotation during swimming.

Class Calcarea All species of the class Calcarea produce relatively small (usually 4 0 0 pm long) amphiblastula larvae. Most are simple flagellated blastulae with some nonflagellated cells at the posterior pole, but a few examples of more complex forms exist (e.g., Granita compressa). It is not possible to differentiate further

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Identitication Guide t o Larval Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest

Fig. 2. Larvae from the

classes Demosponglae

and Calcarea 1,2, and 4-

6 illustrate Demosponglae sponge

larvae w ~ t h ~nternal splcules present

(A) Microciona


(B) Ophlitaspongia

senora. 1 I (C) Parenchymella larva

I of Clathrina, a genera In

I the class Calcarea. I (D) Halichondria

rnoorer (E) Mycale

rnacrlenta (F) Haliclona

sp (G) Amph~blastula

larva of Leucosolenia

vanab~l~s, a specles rn the

class Calcarea. Genera In

bold have local

representat~ves. (A, 6, D-

F from Bergqulst and

S~ncla~r ,1968, C from

Barnes, 1968, Fig. 4- 12E;

G from Mlnch~n, 1896,

Fig I )

among the amphiblastula larvae without specialized histological and biochemical techniques. Illustrations of typical calcareous sponge larvae are presented in Fig. 2. Table 1 lists local taxa.

Class Demospongiae The majority of the species in the class Demospongiae produce parenchymella larvae, although some species in Clionidae and Plakinidae produce amphiblastula (Fell, 1974; Bergquist et al., 1979). Typical Demospongiae larvae are depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. Table 2 lists local taxa.

Information compiled by Bergquist et al. (1979) and others on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the Demospongiae has been used to generate the following generalized larval descriptions, by order. Genera on which the descriptions are based are given in parentheses. Asterisks (*) indicate taxa represented locally.

Order Homoscleromorpha. (Oscarella, Plakina*) Larvae from two families have been described. Both possess small, uniformly ciliated and pigmented amphiblastula larvae.

Order Hadromerida. (Polymastia*, Cliona*, Tetkya*) Larvae from three families have been described. All Polymastia and some Cliona species produce small amphiblastula larvae; all Tetkya and most Cliona species produce small parenchymella larvae.

Order Dendoroceratida. (Aplysilla*, Halisarca*) Larvae from two families have been described, within which there is considerable variability in morphology and larval behavior. Both produce parenchymella larvae. Aplysilla species are uniformly ciliated, but the anterior pole can be bare of cilia and the posterior pole typically has a ring of longer cilia.

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Porifera:The Sponges 9

Table 1. Species in the class Calcarea from the Pacific Northwest (from Kozloff, 1996)

Subclass Calcinea Order Sycettida Family Amphoriscidae Family Clathrinidae Family Sycettidae Leucilla nutting; Clothrina blanca Scypha compacta Clathrina coriacea Scypha mundula Clathrina sp. Scypha protecta

Subclass Calcaronea Scypha spp. Order Leucosoleniida ?Tenthrenodes sp.

Family Leucosoleniidae Family Grantiidae Leucosolenia eleanor Grantia cornoxensis Leucosolenia nautilia Grantia ?compressa Leucosolenia spp. Leucandra heathi

Leucandra ?levis Leucandra pyriformis Leucandra taylori Leucopsila stylifera Sycandra ?utriculus

Halisarca species are colorless, whereas Aplysilla species are pigmented. Both rotate clockwise when swimming.

Order Poecilosclerida. (Paracornulurn, Coelosphaera, Ophlita- spongia*, Microciona", Holoplocamia, Phorbas, Lissodendoryx*, Mycale*, Anchinoe, Tedania*) Larvae from seven families have been described, all of which produce parenchymella larvae. Larvae are all of small to medium size (300-800 pm length) and ovoid in shape. They are uniformly ciliated, but in all cases there is a bare unpigmented region at the posterior pole. Only the ciliated areas are pigmented. Lissodendoryx species have a ring of cilia around the posterior pole. Spicules are present in larvae from all genera. All larvae have counterclockwise rotation while swimming. Only Lissodendoryx and Mycale species respond to light.

Order Haplosclerida. (Adocia", Haliclona*. Chalinula, Cally- spongia, Reniera*, Sigmadocia*) Larvae from three families have been described. Their larvae present a complicated assortment of morphologies and behaviors. All genera produce paren- chymella larvae, but larval size ranges over an order of magnitude (length, 100-1,000 pm). In all cases, ciliated cells are unpigmented while unciliated cells are pigmented and the pigmentation is more pronounced posteriorly. There are three distinct larval types. Reniera species have uniform ciliation over the entire larval body. Larvae from species in the genera Haliclona, Sigmadocia, and Adocia possess an unciliated, pigmented posterior cap fringed by longer cilia. Larvae of Adocia species have a bare unpigmented anterior pole. All larvae rotate clockwise while swimming. Larvae of Haliclona

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Identification Guide t o Larval Marine Invertebrates o f the Pacific Northwest

Fig. 3. Larvae from the class Demospongiae.

(A) Halichondria

melanadocia. (B) Large,

uniformly ciliated

crawling larvae of Halichondria sp.

(C) Completely ciliated oval larvae typical o f

Haplosclerida with


(D) Poecilosclerid larvae

(Phorbas sp.) with

uniform cilia, oval t o

spherical shape, and bare

posterior region.

(E) Larva o f Spongia sp.

(Dictyoceratida), illustrating posterior

ciliary tuft, posterior bare

ring, and left wound

metacronal spiral. Genus

in bold has local

representatives. (A from

Woollacott, 1990, Fig. 2; R E from Bergquist et al., 1979)

and Adocia species are photopositive, larvae of Sigmadocia species are photonegative, and larvae of Reniera species show no light response.

Order Halichondriida. (Halichondria*, Ulosa, Hymeniacidon*) Larvae from two families have been described, and all have parenchymella larvae. Larval size ranges from 200 to 1,500 pm. There are two distinct morphologies within the order. Some Halichondria species are non-swimming, crawling forms. These large, elongate, posteriorly tapering larvae are usually uniformly ciliated and generally rotate counterclockwise during their crawling motion. Halichondria and Hymeniacidon species produce small, oval swimming larvae. Ciliated areas are pigments. These swimming larvae either have uniform ciliation with or without a bare posterior region or (some Halichondria species) complete ciliary coverage with a ring of longer cilia at the posterior pole. Swimming larvae rotate clockwise. Positive phototaxis is seen in species of Halichondria.

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Porifera:The Sponges I I

Table 2. Species in the class Demospongiae from the Pacific Northwest (from Kozloff, 1996)

Order Homoscleromorphida Family Plakinidae Plakna ?brachylopha Plakna ?trilopha Plakina sp.

Order Choristida Family Stellettidae Penares cortius Stelletto clarella

Family Geodiidae Geodia mesotriaena Geodinella robusta

Family Pachastrellidae Poecillastra rickettsi

Order Spirophorida Family Tetillidae Craniella spinosa Craniella villosa

Order Hadromerida Family Suberitidae Laxosuberites sp. Prosuberites sp. Pseudosuberites spp. Suberites montiniger Suberites simplex Suberites ?suberea Suberites sp.

Family Polymastiidae Polymastia pacifica Polymastia pachymastia Weberella 7verrucosa

Family Clionidae Cliona ?argus Cliona ?celata Cliona lobatta Cliona .barren; Cliona sp.

Family Tethidae Tethya californiana

Family Latrunculiidae Latrunculia sp.

Order Axinellida Family Axinellidae Axinella sp. Phakettia ?beringensis Pseudaxinella ?rosacea Stylissa stipitata Syringella amphispicula

Family Desmoxyidae ?Higginsia sp.

Family Raspailiidae Hemectyon hyle

Order Halichondriida Family Halichondriidae Ciocalyptus penicillus Eumastia sitiens Halichondria bowerbanki Halichondria panicea Halochondria spp. Topsentia disparilis Hymeniacidon ?perleve Hymeniacidon sinapium Hymeniacidon ungodon ?Hymeniacidon sp. Prianos problematicus Stylinos sp.

Order Poecilosclerida Family Mycalidae Mycale adhaerens Mycale bamfieldense Mycale bellabellensis Mycale hispida Mycale macginitiei Mycale richardsoni Mycale ?toporok Mycalecarmia lobata Paresperella psila

Family Hamacanthidae Zygherpe hyaloderma

Family Cladorhizidae Asbestopluma occidentalis

Family Biemnidae Biemna rhadia

Family Esperiopsidae Neoesperiopsis digitata Neoesperiopsis infundibula Neoesperiopsis rigida Neoesperiopsis vancouverensis

Family Myxillidae Acarnus erithacus Ectyomyxilla parasitica Forcepia gaponica Hymendecyon lyoni lophon chelifer lophon piceus Jones amaknakensis Lissodendoryx firma Lissodendoryx sp. Merriamum oxeota Myxilla behringensis Myxilla lacunosa Stelodoryx alaskensis

Family Tedaniidae Tedania frogilis Tedania gu janovae ?Tedanione obscurata

Family Hymedesmiidae Anaata brepha Anaata spongigartina Arndtanchora sp. Hymedesanisochela rayae Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta Hymedesmio spp. ?Hymenanchora sp. ?Stylopus arndti

Family Anchinoidae Podotuberculum hoffmanni Hamigera ?lundbeck

Family Clathriidae Axocielita originalis ?Dictyociona asodes Microciona microjoanna Microciona prolifera Microciona primitiva Ophlitaspongia pennata Thalysias laevigata

Family ~locami'idae Anthoarcuata graceae Plocamia karykna Plocamilla illgi Plocamilla lambei Stelotrochota hartmani

Order Haplosclerida Family Haliclonidae ?Adocia spp. Adocia gellindra Haliclona ?ecbasis Haliclona ?permollis Orina sp. Pachychalina spp. Reniera mollis Sigmadocia edaphus Sigmadocia spp. Toxidocia spp.

Order Petrosiida Family Petrosiidae Xestospongia trindanea Xestospongia vanilla

Family Dysideidae Dysidea fragilis Spongionella sp.

table continues

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12 Identification Guide to Larval Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest

Table 2. Species in the class Demospongiae from the Pacific Northwest (continued)

Order Dendroceratida Family Halisarcidae Undetermined Family Family Aplysillidae Halisarca sacra Psarnrnopernrna sp.

Aplysilla ?glacialis Order Verongiida Chelonaplysilla polypphis Family Verongiidae Pleraplysilla sp. Hexadella sp.

References Barnes, R. D. (1968). Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd Edition. W. B.

Saunders Co., Philadelphia. Bergquist, P. R. and M. E. Sinclair (1968). The morphology and

behaviour of larvae of some intertidal sponges. N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 2:426-37.

Bergquist, P. R., M. E. Sinclair, C. R. Green, et al. (1979). Comparative morphology and behavior of larvae of Demospongiae. In: Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S. No 291-Biologie des spongiaires, C. Levi and N. Boury-Esnault (eds.), pp. 103-11.

Brien, P. (1973). Les demosponges. Morphologie et reproduction. In: Traite de Zoologie 3:P.-P, Grass6 (ed.), pp 133-461. Masson et Cie, Paris.

Fell, P. E. (1974). Porifera. In: Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, A. C. Giese and J. S. Pearse (eds.). Academic Press, New York.

Franzen, W. (1988). Oogenesis and larval development of Scypha ciliata. Zoomorph. 349-57.

Fry, W. G. (1970). The biology of the Porifera. In: The Biology of the Porifera, W. G. Fry (ed.). Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. Academic Press, London, New York.

Kozloff, E. N. (1996). Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Levi, C. (1963). Gastrulation and larval phylogeny in sponges. In: The Lower Metazoa, Comparative Biology and Phylogeny, E. C. Dougherty (ed.), pp. 375-82. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.

Minchin, E. A. (1896). Note on the larva and the post larval development Leucosolenia variabilis n. sp. with remarks on the development of other Asconidae. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 60:42- 52.

Ruppert, E. E. and R. D. Barnes (1994). Invertebrate Zoology. Saunders College Publishing, New York.

Wilson, H. V. (1902). On the asexual origin of the sponge larvae. Amer. Natur. 36:451-59.

Woollacott, R. M. (1990). Structure and swimming behavior of the larvae of Halichondria melanadocia (Porifera : Demospongiae). J. Morph. 205:13545.