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Summer Issue


Page 10Nailing It!!!

Page 18Dear Parents

Page 21Taking Healthy Eating to a Whole New Level

Page 23Summer Swimsuit Fashion Editorial Spresd

Page 46Rashad Ross

Page 49Mack Wilds

Page 52Big Rip

C o n t e n t s

Photographer: Atin MajumdarCompany: Atin PhotographyContact: [email protected]: CharlotteConcept and Styling Co-ordinator: Vimal Gudka (India)Makeup Artist and Hair Styl-ing: Charlotte, Janette HintonWebsite:,

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By Nikki Toledo Photos by: Jpeg Photography

As a parent my dream has always been to raise my children well mannered, and for them to take their education seriously. While my kids still have some growing to do, the John Fam-ily have raised a bright young boy, some say a young Prodigy, named Caleb. Caleb Noah John was born February 9th, 2004 at the Women’s Medical Center in Arlington, Texas, to the proud parents Christopher John and Anna Martinez-John. Caleb John not only did he take his education serious; he went above and beyond with his. At 8 years old, not only is he ahead of his 3rd grade class doing 5th grade assignments, he wrote his own biography, about himself, when he was asked to be a guest in Platinum Urban Magazine.

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or Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Geor-gia, where he would like to become a Professor of Greek Mythology. Caleb’s parents always told him he could do anything if he puts his mind to it, and he did. Caleb keeps up with a very busy schedule. It in-cludes soccer, which he learned how to play at the age of 3, Tae Kwon Do, Winching, and another form of Martial Arts called Kyukido. If that wasn’t enough, he also likes to dance. Christopher, Caleb’s father, is from Aruba and his mother Anna from Dominican Republic combined both their cultures and showed their 8 children a different style of music and dance. Caleb was a member

of a bilingual dance group called BESO, where he performed at an event called the Sociedad Cultural Dominicana Independence Gala. Caleb’s love for music is inspired by his favorite singers: Sam Cooke, The Drifters, Jackie Wilson, Benjamin Earl Nelson, and the O Jays. With all of that being said that’s how he gained the nickname “Old Soul” from his brother Giovanni. The Kid Prodigy also has a major love for swimming. He first became interest-ed in swimming when him and his father watched the 2012 Olympics Swimming Competition. He was inspired by Michael Phelps confi-dence and winning streak. When

Michael Phelps announced he was retiring, Caleb felt he could become a great swimmer and someday take Phelps place. So he asked his parents if he could take swimming lessons. Caleb Noah John shows us that with motivation, parents can teach their children that the sky is the limit, nothing is impossible if you work for it, and if you put time in to studying it will reflect on your grades. Hard work always pays off, you have to believe in yourself and have encour-agement from your family. Caleb John, may your journey be full of knowledge so that you may pass it on to your future students and your future off spring.

Caleb learned to read by the age of 4, making Reading one of his favorite subjects, along with Math and Writing. At his age he’s already read 11out of 12 of the Harry Pot-ter Books. Another subject Caleb is interested in is Greek Mythology.

He loves library day at school because it allows him to check out books to expand his knowledge on Greek My-thology. When he grows up, he would like to attend Georgia State University

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During your children’s grade school career’s, they learn the basics of personality, hygiene, social, dating, as well as other everyday living habits. Let’s take dating and expand on the importance of how it can help your child be more effective in life. Have you ever dated or know someone that says they act the way they do because of how they were raised? For example, a little girl that doesn’t receive affection from her father because he wasn’t in her life grows up to become a woman that desperately seeks attention from men in any form she can obtain it. Well in this issue of Dear Parents lets discuss ways and tips that are good for your young students in training for life. Parents when your child is between 5 and 7 you should have some type of one on one bonding time that’s set up weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This process will start the foundation of their dating life as well as time spent with you 20, 30 years down the road. It’s simple, find a slight moment to sit down with your child and pick a day of the week that will be their day. This day is all about them first and you as the parent second always remember that. This is the time for you to build that bond and let them know that they can always talk to you about anything and that you’re always there to help. This talking time helps them to be comfortable to ask questions, or tell you their dreams, or ideas or whatever is going on in the fast past minds they have. During elementary school years is the

best time to just let your child be a child and ask those 1000 questions that children do. Unless your child asks to go to a certain place during this time you the parent pick the place.The next few years during their adolescent time is the most important cause in 2 or 3 years they’ll be dating or wanting to date someone. When your child schedule gets more active because of sports, band or other activities, it’s time to sit them down and explain that you may have to change the day and play it by ear for your bonding time but you still need to weekly, or whatever is was before. When you spend time with your child ask them is there anywhere they prefer to go. Mothers this is the time to teach your sons man-ors on how to treat a lady and fathers this is your time to teach your daughters how a women should be treated. Mothers make your son open up your door for you and pull your chair out and if not already taught how to treat their elders with no Sir or no Mame. Fathers make sure you tell your daughters that when a man opens the car door to let you in while he’s walking on the others side to get in reach over and open his door too. For the boys give them some money that will be enough to pay for you both and let them pay for the meal. For girls make sure they have some money which you should give them a day before or earlier that day and just tell them it’s in case they need it. When you’re at the restaurant just decide one day to tell them you don’t have enough

money to pay for their meal and see if they have the money you gave them. This teaches little girls that when they are on a date always take enough money to at least pay for their own meal just in case something happens. Keep in mind every-thing your teaching them now will make sense to them once they actually start dating. Think of other tricks you can do to teach them about dating in-cluding getting stood up. Now when your children are in high school and old enough to start dating for real you have taught them everything and because you built that trust bond with each other they will be com-pletely comfortable with talk-ing to their own parents about anything even sex instead of talking to someone else. Dur-ing high school is when you teach them that regardless of your schedule or theirs you guys will always find time for each other. When they go to college they will be calling you telling you everything that happened. Even when they come home to visit they will make time for you and remind you that they need their bonding time. If you more than one child then you should be spending separate days with only one child at a time. Never do this with more than one child at a time, you wouldn’t want your daughter going on a date with a boy and he has two dates at the same time now would you? Single parents’ yes you can also teach your chil-dren to even though it may take some patients from you.

Dear Parents By: Professor X

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“When I first made major changes to my eating lifestyle I ventured into the Raw Food Movement. A very simple way of thinking of Raw Food is that its diet made up sole of plant foods that have not been cooked. I only lasted about a week but I’ve always been fascinated by it. “

Earlier this year I took a workshop taught by Antoinette St. Clair, or Toni, where she showed participants several Raw recipes and taught us some basics about how to incorporate more raw vegetables into our diets. I was quite intrigued by her methods and passion for health and so am now sharing her story with you.

In your own words, how would you describe the Raw Food Movement?

The raw food movement in its simplest definition is people choosing to eat whole plant food that is unprocessed, unrefined, and untreated with heat. Raw food is not a radical concept. Everyone knows it it’s healthy to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. The raw food diet simply suggests that these foods should be most of what we eat. Why raw? When you prepare fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and other things such as sprouted grains and other natural ingredients, you are preserving the maximum nutrition in these foods.

You can also save time preparing food and create the most delicious meals ever. The number of people choosing to transition to raw food to some degree has dramatically increased since I became a primarily raw food eater approximately 12 years ago. Many are enjoying more vibrant health, including the reversal of the following conditions:








What was the defining moment that made you decide to start this way of life?

There were many moments or steps that lead to my decision. I was a vegetarian (cooked and processed as well as raw) for many years. I chose this way of eating based on research, reading books, and my own intuition. However, I did not always feel energized and my health was not optimum. This is because I had become a junk food vegetarian…primarily consuming packaged and processed “food”. I did eat fruits and vegetables, but not in the abundance I do now. researched raw food, but could not determine how to simply and sustainably make the transition. I was fortunate enough to receive an invitation to attend a free lecture with raw food samples provided by Victoria Boutenko. The food had simple ingredients and was delicious. In addition to promoting the raw food diet, she was also selling her book 12 Steps to Raw Foods. Victoria is one of the pioneers of the modern raw food movement and developer of the green raw smoothies so popular now. She and her family were able to overcome some very serious chronic illnesses and they were also in


Taking Healthy Eating to a Whole New Level By: Sabrina Strang

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attendance. They all looked radi-ant and healthy. From that day on I embraced raw food and never looked back. Victoria’s book has simple recipes along with the 12 steps to help end the “addiction” to cooked food.

What was the hardest thing about getting started?

There was a lot of information on raw food, but much of it contradic-tory. Some “experts” said to eat primarily fruit, others said to eat primarily nuts and seeds, and still others said to abandon grains of all kinds including sprouted. Over time, I was able to find other people on the raw food path and we shared information and tips based on our own experience. I finally got a handle on it when I got formal train-ing from the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute and the Living Light International Culinary Arts Institute. I also learned there is no one right way to eat raw and much depends on our individual lifestyles and digestive systems. I rely very much on my intuition and find it serves me best.

What tips can you offer to some-one who’s interested in Raw Foods?

Simple steps to adding raw foods to your diet:1. Start the day with 16 oz of pure water. (For example, water that has been distilled or filtered.) Then have fresh juice (not packaged unless unpasteurized), a smoothie, and/or fruit.2. Begin typical lunches and dinners with a salad, maybe with avocado. Alternatively have a raw soup as a starter.3. If you snack eat raw veg-etable sticks, and/or green juices as

between meal snacks instead of other snacks. Drink pure water between mealsIf you do thee three steps you will automatically be eating about 50% raw.Then begin reducing or eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet:1. Start by reducing or elimi-nating junk food, packaged snacks, fried foods, alcohol, white sugar and white flour.2. Then reduce or eliminate animal products, especially red meat and pasteurized dairy products.3. Then reduce or eliminate cooked starches, especially wheat.

What tips can you offer to some-one who’s not ready to go full Raw but wants to incorporate more into their diet?

Make Raw food preparations easy. For example, buy books, videos, or use the Internet for information. There are MANY resources. How-ever, based on my experience, some are better than others.Prepare some things in advance once a week. Mince onions, crush garlic, juice lemons, and mince parsley. These all keep for a week and are used in many recipes. If you want to do more advanced preparation, make almond milk, a pate’, a salad dress-ing, and a dessert.Take a class, preferably from a trained raw food chef/instructor and/or a raw food nutrition expert. I happen to be both. My specialty is making raw food taste good. I have acquired a lot of knowledge from my experience eating raw for more than a decade, reading many books, doing research, and receiving formal train-ing. I am available to share this in-formation through food preparation classes and raw food nutrition classes or private sessions. Check out my

website for more information: In addition to gourmet and advanced classes, I also provide basic food preparation and nutrition classes. My website has information and descriptions for the classes and a contact page.

Any other thoughts you’d like to include?

Transitioning to a healthier diet and lifestyle does not have to be all or nothing and does not have to be a hardship. I meet you where you are. Small and sustainable changes based on your personal goals are best. Try not to think of your transition as giving up something as much as getting something (energy, vibrant health, weight management). With the right mindset and tools, even the smallest changes in your diet can reap huge rewards.I am passionate about educating people on the benefits of a plan-based diet. If you have any ques-tions or remain curious about this life changing way to eat, I would love to talk to you.

GET READY and suit up in your sexy two piece bikinis, chic one-piece bathing suits for women and killer swimming trunks for men.

This is the time to show off that chiseled body you have worked so hard for. Complete your summertime look with our swimsuit fashion spread.


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Photography: Nathan PaulHairstylist: Grasha LanfairMake Up Artist: Traci Moore, Shautavia WilliamsModels: Alan Brockington- The Campbell Agency Reina Brown- Demure Model Management Bruce Woods- Slamm Management Sydney Sargent- L.A. Models Deshawn Cornell- Mens Board Model Management Valerie PotterWardrobe Stylist: Willie Johnson

Swimsuit Fashion



GET READY and suit up in your sexy two piece bikinis, chic one-piece bathing suits for women and killer swimming trunks for men.

This is the time to show off that chiseled body you have worked so hard for. Complete your summertime look with our swimsuit fashion spread. 23

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Alan plaid swim trunks The Original Penguin North Park Center Reina bone colored swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle necklace by Phyre Studio

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Reina bone colored swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle necklace and cuff Phyre Studio shoes Model Own

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Reina sky blue swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle tribal necklace Phyre Studio shoes and hat Model Own

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Alan strip tank top plaid shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center

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Alan black board shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center necklace and bracelet Syd Justice Designs

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Alan black brief Reina black metallic swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle necklace Phyre Studio

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Bruce black board shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center Sydney ethnic print swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle tribal necklace Phyre Studio

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Bruce black board shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center

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Bruce light blue board shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center bracelet Syd Justice Designs

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Sydney black lace trim swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle chain necklace Phyre Studio Bruce red swim truck necklace Syd Justice Designs

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Sydney silver metallic swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle

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Sydney ethnic print swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle tribal necklace Phyre Studio

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Valerie red swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle black necklace Phyre Studio Deshawn swim trunks The Original Penguin North Park Center

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Valerie zebra print bikini Ladaska Mechelle necklace Phyre Studio manicure by Traci Moore

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Valerie silver metallic swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle necklace Phyre Studio manicure by Traci Moore

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Deshawn silver board shorts The Original Penguin North Park Center necklace Syd Justice Designs

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Valerie red swimsuit Ladaska Mechelle black necklace Phyre Studio

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Deshawn swim trunks The Original Penguin North Park Center

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Rashad Ross was signed as an Un-drafted Free Agent by the Tennessee TitansArticle and photos courtesy of World Wide Career Man-agement Special Thanks to Founder Brian Brundage

RRRashad Ross wasted no time estab-

lishing himself as the go to receiver

for Arizona State University, clock-

ing in an impressive 4.37 40 time

at his Pro Day. Ross’s speed made

him the optimal kick return man

and slot receiver for the Sun Devils.

In his final season he averaged 16.5

yards per catch, caught six receiv-

ing touchdowns and ran back a

kickoff for a 100-yard touchdown.

Ross’s explosiveness and dominating

hustle accounted for three touch-

downs and 139 receiving yards in

ASU’s 2012 Kraft Fight Hunger

Bowl victory. He’s a natural, savvy

ball carrier that is extremely danger-

ous on quick go-to passes, bubble

screens, crossing patterns and the

deep ball. He reaches top speed

quickly and has a knack for shaking

defenders no matter the coverage.

Immediately following the 2013

NFL Draft, Rashad Ross was signed

as an Undrafted Free Agent by the

Tennessee Titans where his skills

will be utilized as a wide receiver

and kick returner in the upcoming

2013 season.



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“Mack Wilds”By Nikki Toledo

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As I sit here listening to the new released single “Own It” by ac-tor turned recording artist, Tristan Wilds aka Mack Wilds, what comes to mind is a mix of old school R & B and new R & B, creating a hy-brid style with east coast flavor. So upbeat and contagious you can’t help but to nod your head to it. With lyrics like …..”You know you’re the fliest, they should call you your high-ness, and me the king cause I’m the dude…..” and “Tell me where you wanna go, what you wanna do…..we living like we own it….” would make a lady feel like a Queen for a day. P.U.M. had a chance to sit down with Mack Wilds in New York at the Sony Music Entertainment office and asked him a few ques-tions about his new transition from acing to music. Tristan Wilds is best known for his memorable roles as Michael Lee on HBO’s “The Wire” and Dixon Wilson on CW’s 90210. Mr. Wilds reminds us that before he ever thought about acting, music was his first love. As a kid he would

run around carrying a small speaker box and microphone yelling into it pretending he was singing…..and that’s how it all started! Mack Wilds wants his fans to check out the qual-ity of his music and how it is, and let them decide if they are going to fol-low him or not. “I put so much into my music”, says Mack. “A lot of love, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this album. I just think hard work always pays off”, were his exact words. When asked what’s expected from him in the future, his answer was very honest and positive, “More music, more music videos, more

movies, better TV roles, all around-constant growth, and a better man.” In his debut album “New York: A Love Story”, coming out September 17, 2013, he works with New York individuals like his producer Salaam Remi, Ne-Yo, Pete Rock, DJPre-mier, James Poison, Havoc from Mob Deep, Method Man, Rayquan, Dougie Fresh, and Bizz. With acting down, now music, there is no stop-ping Mack Wilds. He is taking over the big screen, the radio, and your TV screen. Mack Wilds is coming full force, and believe me, he owns it!

Photo by: Zav Le’Venity

Photo by: Smith Raoul

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Photographer: Atin MajumdarCompany: Atin PhotographyContact: [email protected]: CharlotteConcept and Styling Co-ordinator: Vimal Gudka (India)Makeup Artist and Hair Styl-ing: Charlotte, Janette HintonWebsite:,

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By: Erica McDade

Photos By: JPeg Photography

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Many underground shoves and pushes later I am still here in 2013. I have a passion and a purpose to make and affiliate myself with real Hip-Hop! That’s often hard coming from a region that’s not yet recognized for doing so. After recording countless re-cords and grassroots managing several artist here at TriCoastal Management & Promotions thru the early 2000’s, I have established myself as a veteran MC. I promote a handful of artist with handshakes and genuine love for their craft and careers. Mike Archie da Don (Boomin’) Texarkana, TX; Krash Diesel ( This is Crazy) Kansas City, MO; Blueshoez, Texarkana, TX and a few others! My Campaign now is TDTFLS The Day the Fat Lady Sang! The Mixtape is a studio offer-ing from myself, Artist & Founder of TriCoastal Entertainment; BigRip da Manuscript. We’re looking to release this July 2013. As the Dean of Stu-dents here at Tricoastal University I welcome you to a place where rhyme writing is key principle and also con-sumed. Forward thinking is encour-aged!! I’ve done numerous shows throughout East Texas, SW Arkansas and the DFW. I’m building my Video vault with Film Maker Recka.

Check for Keep Em so Stunned by BigRip da Manuscript on YouTube! Our motto is “This Is Hip-Hop”! And I am ya Mentor, ya Daddy, the Dean, Professor and the Coach! Rhyme Writing is Back!!!Platinum Urban Magazine had the opportunity to spend some time with BigRip and we have to say he is an awesome artist who knows the music game. His energy is so powerful and he best endeavors have been encountered in the music business. When you have a love and passion for something of this nature you shouldn’t second guess if he is a natural……you automatically know that he is. In our time spent with BigRip we captured a few interview questions with him and this what he had to say:PUM: How did you get your name? Where does the name originate?BIGRIP: My name Rip, it was given to me by my some of my clos-est childhood friends way back in the 7th grade. School was out due

to snow and we were all out eat-ing snow & playing basketball! The snow must’ve had us loopy cause we were making up the most silly names for each other and mine that day was Ripwall!! Several weeks past and I was no longer Rodney, I was then renamed Big Rip. My parents even-tually started calling me by my new nickname as well. When I decided to rap I added Manuscript due to my skill of writing, henceforth the moniker, BigRip da Manuscript.PUM: How would you describe your music for the public audience if they have never seen you before?BIGRIP: My biggest musical influ-ences come from 90’s Hip-Hop. I believe that’s the Golden era of the genre of music that I create. Nas, Common, Mobb Deep, early Rap-a-lot, Eightball & MJG & Sauve House. My mother was a Disc Jock-ey & On-Air Personality for KADO in Texarkana during my childhood and I know those records she played on air and in our home influence my

creativity today. I would say I make Hip-Hop not Rap. I’ve been labeled as a MC so I focus on actually writ-ing my lyrics and my subject matter may lean towards the Grown & Sexy along with Street and some Gospel tones as well. My upcoming Mixtape will have no twerk songs and I don’t make it rain very much either!!PUM: What do you think your “biggest break” or “greatest opportu-nity” has been so far in your musical career?BIGRIP: I don’t think I’ve had my “big break” yet. But I thank Jesus for the opportunity to make music and forge several relationships with some artist that are movers and shakers on the local and regional music scene. To be cosigned and spit alongside some of those folk is confirmation that my skill set is elite and one day may warrant a great opportunity or a big break.PUM: If you had to categorize your music, what genre would you best fit in? (Name up to three)

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BIGRIP: My music would fit with Hip-Hop artist like Little Brother, Talib Kweli, Common and Slum Vil-lage. Some real game spitters in Rap like UGK, E-40, Scarface.PUM: What do you feel distin-guishes an “artist” from just a musi-cian?BIG RIP: An artist and a musician aren’t really too different. I know for fact that both those people love their music and its way more than just a hobby or something to do on week-ends. It would be a way of life. The urge to create music with instrument makes you a musician. Writing mel-

odies with a piano, guitar, or drums; that’s a musician. An artist is what I am. I don’t play music or a particular instrument but I dive into music very differently from other people. I live inside it, I find the emotion of the beat or the track, and in return it pulls certain emotions and thoughts from my core. When I write, I take time to nurture and feed each one of my rhymes like I do my children. That’s what makes me an artist!!PUM: What are your immediate music career goals?BIGRIP: My career goals are a little different from the average artist or

rapper. I’m not doing this for money if u do it well that will come. Noto-riety yeah I want to be remembered as a lyricist and a guy that put on for my city. So that’s where the management and promotions part of TriCoastal Entertainment come in. I would love to help a few artist that I consider to be well worth my time and efforts make it through the next few levels in their careers. My ultimate and immediate goal would be to A&R at a label where they love Hip-Hop and believe in the artist they sign.

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