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Key Points of concern:1. As has already happened in other states*, business owners will be forced to violate their faith, beliefs and consciences. How soon will it be before a photographer, florist, wedding facility and others are prosecuted for declining to provide service for a same-sex ceremony even if their faith convictions are violated? * - (see “3 REASONS WASHINGTON STATE SHOULDN’T COME AFTER BARRONELLE STUTZMAN’S PERSONAL ASSETS”)

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2. Mayor Parker’s ERO creates UNequal Rights for a tiny elite group of people by taking away rights of safety and privacy for the vast majority of our women and children!

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3. It is patently offensive to claim that a sexual lifestyle or gender confusion are equal to skin color, AND to assert that these sexual lifestyles are a class that has suffered any documented systemic discrimination in employment, housing and public facilities that rises to the need of imposing this extensive policy over every citizen.

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4. The definition of “Gender Identity” is infinitely vague. “… Gender Identity shall mean a person's innate, deeply felt sense of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person's physical anatomy and also includes a person’s gender expression through external characteristics and behaviors including, but not limited to, dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns and social interactions, that are identified with a particular gender or sexual orientation.” Under this, a person’s gender and sex are completely separate.

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4. The definition of “Gender Identity” is infinitely vague. “… Gender Identity shall mean a person's innate, deeply felt sense of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person's physical anatomy and also includes a person’s gender expression through external characteristics and behaviors including, but not limited to, dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns and social interactions, that are identified with a particular gender or sexual orientation.” Under this, a person’s gender and sex are completely separate.

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Signature Requirements:

• By the standards defined in the Plano City Charter Section 7.02, the minimum number of qualified voters’ signatures to qualify a referendum is:

• 3,822 Signatures required * DOUBLE that number needed!

• Deadline is 30 Days from December 18 = January 20

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Key Dates:December 18 - Official publication of "Equal Rights Ordinance 2104-12-7December 18 - Start of 30 day window to collect signatures

January 4, January 11 - Critical Sundays to collect signatures at worship servicesJanuary 15 - Initial deadline to have petitions delivered from all locations to primary collection location. January 18 - Final Sunday to gather signatures (Please take to drop off locations first thing on Monday, January 19th.)  January 20 - 5:00 pm deadline to have all petitions delivered to Plano City Secretary.

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Voters do NOT NEED this number to sign!

Must be eligible to SIGN to be eligible to COLLECT signatures!

Person collecting signatures on THIS petition MUST have it notarized!

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SUMMARY:1.MUST be a registered voter in the City of Plano to SIGN OR Collect


2.Circulators gathering petition signatures MUST be present as each signer completes and signs, and then must have EACH sheet notarized, properly completing the affadavit section of the petion.

3.Petitions can be delivered to a Drop Off Location or mailed (all information listed at .

4.Petitions must be turned in to a Plano Equal Rights For All location by January 15 .

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