Download - Plan Your Travels On Pinterest



Plan Your Travels On Pinterest

When planning a vacation theres no need to stress!

Pinterest can help you plan your dream trip that will make everyone happy.

Here are our 4 tips for planning and sharing your travels on Pinterest!

Options, Options, Options!

- Start by making a board.

- Search that country/state/region/town to find all of the top tourist sights vs local spots, restaurants versus street foods, hotels vs B&Bs, and exhilarating versus calming activities.

- Plan for a well-rounded mixture of exciting and relaxing moments with something for everyone to enjoy.

- Make sure to look for the lesser-known hidden jewels too!

Ask People Who've Been There

- Interact with people on Pinterest to learn about their experiences first hand!

- Comment on peoples pins asking QsIe: Where did you stay at?

- Learn everything you can about your destination by clicking through to the pins' websites.

- You can also learn a lot of general travel tips like what days of the week have cheaper flights.

Make It A Team Effort

- Have everyone going on the trip pin the things theyd like to see, eat, and experience so they can all feel more involved and excited!

- Making a group board is a great way to allow everyone to see each others dream trip activities!

Share Your Experiences After

- After your trip, edit your photos to make them Pin-worthy and upload them onto Pinterest!

- Help others who may be thinking about traveling there get the chance to plan and learn from your trip!

- Share your experiences with detailed pin descriptions and interact with people by commenting back!

One pinner who has used Pinterest for travel is Luke Dean Weymark.

Last month we featured him in a HelloInterview and he told us why he likes using Pinterest for travel!

I started using Pinterest in mid-2011 while I was overseas travelling Europe. I found it was a really great way to get some extra traffic to my blog and I also found a lot of cool places around Europe to check-out from other travel pinners.

The following are some boards we are loving for travel inspiration!

Leandro Toledo

Teodorik Mensl

Will UK

Paul Duncan

Tim Sullentrup

Pinterest can help you put together the ultimate traveling bucket list! Start with searching a country then get more specific as you go along!

Want to see more travel inspiration on Pinterest?

See HelloSocietys Wanderlust board & the Travel section on Pinterest!

Want to learn more about our network of Pinterest tastemakers?

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HelloSociety is a full-service Pinterest marketing and technology firm that helps brands optimize their efforts through strategic partnerships with influential pinners, robust Pinterest analytics, creative consulting and more.

HelloSociety evolved from its roots in HelloInsights, a comprehensive analytics platform that launched in April 2012. For additional information, please visit

HelloSociety is a full-service Pinterest marketing and technology firm that helps brands optimize their efforts through strategic partnerships with influential pinners, robust Pinterest analytics, creative consulting and more.

HelloSociety evolved from its roots in HelloInsights, a comprehensive analytics platform that launched in April 2012. For additional information, please visit