Download - Plague & Pestilence Player's Sheet

  • 8/10/2019 Plague & Pestilence Player's Sheet


    Plague & Pestilence

    Equipment:2d6Prosperity/Plague reference cards64 Population cards ( 5PPs, 10 PPs, and 50 PPs)

    70 Playing cards

    Object:Survive t e Plague! Play until only one player as a population a"ove 0PPs#

    Set-Up: $ive out a Prosperity/Plague reference card to eac player# $ive 50 PPs to eac player and set aside t e ot er Population cards# Set aside t e %eat S ip card# %eal out five Playing cards to eac player# S uffle in t e %eat S ip into t e dra& dec'# %eter ine a start player#

    Prosperity Phase: oll 2d6 and gain population (PPs) "ased on "ased on reference card (Prosperity side)# %ra& one or ore cards to a'e a and si*e of si+# Play one card or discard one card# ontinue until so eone dra&s t e %eat S ip#

    - en t e %eat S ip is dra&n, flip all reference cards over and starting &it t e player t atdre& t e %eat S ip, "egin t e Plague P ase#

    Plague Phase: oll 2d6 and lose population "ased on reference card (Plague side)# %ra& one or ore cards to a'e a and si*e of si+ cards# Play one card or discard one card# - en a player.s Population (PPs) drops to *ero, e is out# - en only one player is left, e &ins#

  • 8/10/2019 Plague & Pestilence Player's Sheet


    Plague & Pestilence

    Card Types: at sy "ols are generally negative Sun sy "ols are generally positive# ere are types of cards 3 prove ents, ounter ards, and ction ards# ll cards ave t eir effects e+plained in s ort and for #

    Improvements:e e "er to odify t e dice roll for each one of t ese you ave, "y 1 during t e Prosperity P ase and

    "y 1 during t e Plague P ase# ity -alls osses fro 8a9or -ar, 8inor -ar, and 8ongol raids reduced "y 5 PP s# :i'ing aids

    cannot effect t e Player# ity -alls can reduce losses even if destroyed at sa e ti e (8a9or -ar)# ;uaduct %roug t and