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Pitch Feedback

Page 2: Pitch Feedback

Person 1: The first person said it defiantly needs to be informal and chatty so they can relate to it.

Person 2: The second person added that its still needs to be easy to read and understand because if it to informal it will have no structure to it and a magazine needs structure.

Person 3: The third said I need to make sure its still profession and has order. This is because of the target audience they will want to read a professional magazine and has order so they can understand it.

Do you agree that my magazines mode of address should be informal and chatty? Why?

Page 3: Pitch Feedback

Person 1: The first person said it depended on the quality on my magazine and how much content ii has.

Person 2: The second person said that my target audience varies. This is because some of my audience will be students who will have no money, but my audience will also be people in there early 20’s who will have a job and be able to pay.

Person 3: The third person said it should be no more than £1 because no one will buy a magazine for more.

What price should my magazine be? Why?

Page 4: Pitch Feedback

Person 1: The first person said bright and eye catching colours in a key in my magazine and they suggested Yellow and pink.

Person 2: The second person said because of who my target audience is I need to use feminine colours. They suggested pink and purple.

Person 3: The third person said to make my magazine unique and stand out and catch the eye I need to go away from pink and purple together because most pop magazine are them colours. They suggested I used light blue and pink.

Which three colours would suit my magazine? Why?

Page 5: Pitch Feedback

Person 1: The first person I asked couldn’t choose the best out of two of them. She loved “Chart rave” because it connotes that the magazine is exciting to read, but she also loved “Listen L K, Love it”, because of the alliteration and the eyes makes a very effective masthead.

Person 2: The Second person loves the name “its what we call music…” because of the direct address, it drags you into the magazine and gives the feeling that the magazine is made just for them.

Person 3: The third person liked “Chart rave” because it sound like an exciting masthead and would defiantly bring in the teens just not sure whether it will be suitable for the people who are early 20’s.

Which names would be more effective? Why?

Page 6: Pitch Feedback

Person 1: The first person said there is a gap for a older teen pop magazine. She said that the pop magazines out there at the moment are aimed at children so don’t appeal to her and she would buy a magazine if there was one suitable for her!

Person 2: Person two decided that there isn't a gap in the market because older teens have there phone so would find there gossip and interviews on there instead.

Person 3: The third person completely disagreed with the second. She said that there is a gap in the market for pop magazines for her age and would love to buy a older targeted pop magazine

Would you agree that there is a gap in the market for a pop magazine for older teens? would they buy the magazine?