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  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    Vakrathunda Mahaakaaya, Sooryakotee Sama PrabhaNirvighnam Kuru Mey Dheva Sarva Kaaryashu Sarvadhaa .

    OM Hreem Kleem Shreem Sivaya Brammanay Namaha.

    Pilliyar Nonbu 05-12.2014-27.12.2014Inner secrets of Pillaiyar Nonbu

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    Shuklambharadharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam Chathur BhujamPrasanna Vadhanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vigno Upashanthaye.


    On meditating the Lord, who wears white clothes,white-colored, four-handed, charming-faced all the hurdles & obstacles would be gone orescaped. The above hymn is chanted & the for head is being knocked,which is said to simulate the spilling of Amrutha from the Amruthanadi in our fore-head.

    Lord Ganesha is the first person to invent the letters and start writing.

    Until then, the transactions were only in the form of sound. Hetranslated the sound form into a written script by showing his tusk in abent U shape manner (Pilliyarsuzhi). Henceforth before starting towrite, people pray to Ganesha to show their gratitude for giving life to

    the sound form by translating it to a script form .

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    God is One, Paths are Many . Everyone follows my path in all respects .

    (Krishna Says In Bhagavad Gita)

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    Once Obstacles is removed ,we can AutomaticallyMove Towards Success

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    Pilliyar StoryGanesha is the Ever-Blissful, elephant-headed god who is lovingly worshipped bymillions of people worldwide.

    Vinayagar represents knowledge and considered to be the remover and destroyer ofobstacles.

    The blessed Lord Ganesha has the form of OM and He is situated as the first syllableof the Vedas. In chasing material desires, fame and wealth, we lose connection withour inner selves.

    Most of the time, we ask ourselves questions like: Am I really happy? Have Iachieved all I can?Ganesha tells you that happiness is a state of mind that is achieved when you are

    able to communicate with your inner self.If you observe the Ganesha idol carefully, you will notice that while one of his feetrests on the ground, the other is neatly folded up. This symbolizes a healthy balanceof materialism and spirituality.While it is impossible to let go of ones material desires, it is important to maintain a

    healthy balance between ones spiritual and material needs to lead a happy andcontent life.

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    How Ganapathi was born?According to the Ganesha Purana , Ganesha incarnated in each yuga ina different form for a particular purpose to serve the Supreme Lord. There are many stories regarding his birth. The most popular one is as follows. Story I : One day when Lord Shiva was away, Goddess Parvathi wanted to takebath in the river. To guard against any unwelcome intrusion, she took a little turmeric

    paste from her body and created a young boy. She gave him clear instructions not to allow any body inside. Unfortunately at this time Lord Shiva returned. The new boy refused him admission, though lord Shiva told him thathe is the husband of Parvathi. Lord Shiva became very angry and cut off the head of this new boyand threw it away using his trident. At this time, Goddess Parvathicame back and became very sad, because the boy was created notonly protect Parvathi ,to protect the entire creation in the form of

    Omkaraka tattva.

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    Lord Shiva realized her vision wanted to console Parvathi. Lord Sivadecided to give Omkara form of Body to the new Sakthi ,So he senthis army to bring the head an elephant.Shiva fixed that head on the boys trunk and brought him back to lifewith Pravana Form.Lord Siva also adopted him as his elder son and made him chief of hisarmy. Story II :

    Goddess Parvathi wanted a son badly and did Tapas to Lord Vishnu.Lord Vishnu blessed her to have a son. Lord Siva and Parvathi wasvery happy about the blessing. Goddess Parvathi invited all Gods to come and see her baby. Lord siva suggested not to invite Sani deva to see Ganesha, butParvathi refused to accept . When Lord Sani (Planet Saturn) came and had a look at the baby, thebabys head was burnt. Lord Vishnu traveled throughout the world and brought back a head

    of an elephant which was fixed to the baby.

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    All Gods present there blessed the baby, that unless he is worshipped first, theywould not accept any worship.

    The two Upa Puranas, the Ganesha Purana and Mud gala Purana treat Ganapathi asthe Great Sakthi in the creation, to whom even the Trinity pay obeisance and ask forhis help to save the world from evil.

    The other Upa Purana, the Mudgala Purana, details eight incarnations of Ganesha,each of which set out to conquer the vices that afflict man and woman and turn theirminds away from righteousness.

    The first prayer always to Vinayagar because of his Omkara tattva.Lord Ganeshas two Saktis are Kundalini Sakti and Vallabha Sakti. Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss.He is the Lord of Brahmacharins.

    He is the foremost among Brahmacharins or celibates.He rides on the Vahana, the small mouse.He is the Presiding Deity of the Muladhara Chakra.He is the Lord who removes all obstacles in the spiritual path and brings worldlysuccess.

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    So He is called Vighna Vinayaka.His Bijakshara is Gang.He is the Lord of harmony and peace.

    Lord Ganesha Incarnated in the month of Bhadrapada or Simha ,Avanimonth in TamilHis birth Star is Hastha. The Specialty Of Hastha star is capable toshowing correct path of dharma to reach the lotus feet of supremeLord.Lord Ganesha represents OM or the Pranava. Pranava is the supremeSound in all Mantras.So without Omkara no mantra will give benefit.Hence the practice of invoking Lord Ganesha before beginning any rite

    or work is highly essential.The two feet are His Jnana Sakthi and Kriya Sakthi. Lord Ganesha hasthe elephant-head as that is the one figure in nature which is of theform of Pranava.

    Riding on the mouse represents that He has killed egoism.

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    He holds Ankusha. This represents that He is the Ruler of the world.This is the emblem of Divine Royalty.Ganesha is Adi-Deva of Supreme lord . Mouse is a small creature.Elephant is the biggest of all animals. Riding on a mouse and wearingthe head of an elephant denote that He is the Creator of all creatures,from the biggest elephant to the smallest mouse.This is small write up on Lord Ganesh Birth.

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    11/26Ganesh Chaturthi

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    Ganesha Chaturthi is one of the most popular of Hindu festivals. Thisis the birthday of Ganesha.

    It is the day most sacred to Lord Ganesha. It is observed on the fourthday of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada or Avani in Tamil monththroughout India. Clay figures of the Deity are made, and after being worshipped fortwo days, or in some cases ten days, are thrown into water. Ganesh Vrata that has become enjoined as a compulsory observance,as a matter of tradition. Ganesh Vrata for the attainment of some particular end in view,usually for clearing oneself of false and unjust accusations and

    charges, recovering lost objects, regaining lost status, and removal ofobstacles in an enterprise. It is to be performed on the fourth day ofthe dark fortnight. The divine sage Narada prescribed this Vrata to the supreme Lord SriKrishna who wished to wipe off the dishonor of the charge of stealingthe Syamantaka Gem.

    Ganesha Chaturthi and Ganesha Vrata

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    Lord Krishna instructed Yudhishthira to perform this Vrata at the time of theMahabharata war.

    This renowned Vrata was effectively celebrated by the Devas to obtain Ambrosia on

    the eve of churning the ocean.

    Damayanti adopted this vrata to find her lost husband. Lord Rama adopted this fast to get back Sita as instructed by Vashista. Indra performed this vrata to defeat Vritra Asura

    Bhagiratha followed this vrata to get down the celestial Ganges. Mother Draupadi suggested this vrata to Samba to get cured of incurable disease. From the Creation onwards so many people are benefitted by observing this vrata

    who performs this Puja with faith, devotion and concentration obtains all that hedesires and attains the Highest Abode.

    Ganesha removes all the obstacles to make progress in spiritual path for selfrealization and blessing for Bakthi to serve the Supreme Lord.

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    Pilliyar Nonbu

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  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    Karthika Masam is auspicious to both the devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnuand as well as for lord Ganesha, Muruga and Iyappa.

    Astrologically two Pournamis are very special.

    The first one is Chitra Purnima and the second one is Karthika Purnima.

    Planet Sun is very powerful (means uccha, highest happiness state)in Chitra Purnima. Moon is very powerful in Karthika Purnima.

    Moon Purnima is highly appreciated compared to Chitra Purnima because ofmoons powerful position in the highest dharma Natchatra of Rohini and sun wrongdirection during Chitra Purnima . Those who know astrology can understand easily.

    Karthika Purnima blessing both materialistic and spiritual benefits.

    Venus ,Sun, Mars and Sani are natural karakas for Kalapurusha financial houses. This Karthika Purnima is occurring in Kalapurusha 2 nd and 8 th houses. Sun is natural 5 th lord . So connection between 2 nd ,5 th ,8 th houses during thePurnima is highly auspicious for financial matters.

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    Bakthi means one has to engage his all senses for the Gods satisfaction.

    People happily concentrate on Business after getting blessing from the God .

    The Aim of Business is to make profit. But sometimes we fail to put limitation in tothat. Due to that we are forced to earn little karmas.

    The reason is Everyone implicitly recognizes that love alone can make him happy.People think that by giving more and more wealth to their loved ones, they will getmore and more love, thats why with short time they want to earn more money.

    When we learn to love the Supreme Lord , then automatically we develop true lovefor all living beings (including our loved ones).

    Bhagavad-Gita prescribes:

    A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is thefriend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. (Bhagavad Gita 6.5)

    The mind has to be trained in such a way that it can deliver the conditioned soulfrom the darkness of the material world and bring him into the light of Krishnaconsciousness.

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    This is a simple explanation of how we should view economics according to theprinciples of Vedic Dharma.

    First of all, the higher vision of Vedic understanding is that we see everything as theenergy of the Supreme Being.

    Doing business or managing economics in a way that deliberately cheats or exploitsothers will harden our hearts and our sensitivity so that we become unable toperceive the Divine in all living beings and even in ourselves.

    The point is there must be integrity in all transactions and business relations.If we use the above mentioned principle, then by seeing the Divine in all livingbeings we can minimize accumulation of negative karma.

    The Supreme lord is also observing our every act, not only from within us but from

    within the person with whom we are dealing.

    If business people fails to adopt certain Dharma , slowly the negative karma willdevelop and will spoil our good qualities and financial wealth .

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    The ancient sages suggested this Powerful Pilliyar Nonbu ,to be adopted for 21 daysto neutralize the bad karmas accumulated through Wrong Earning .

    The significance of 21 days fasting to lord Ganesha begins on Karthika Purnima day

    and ends on Shasti thithi associate with Sathayam star ruling day.

    People may think Shasti is connected with lord Muruga how this thithi is connectedto lord vinayaga.

    Shasti and Ekadasi are capable of controlling the highest dharma natchatra Rohini.

    The Highest negativity try to store on human system on these thithis ruling dayonly. Once it is stored it will manifest as samskaras .That's why the ancient Rishissuggested to perform purification in the form of vrata on these thithi days(Shastiand Ekadasi Vrata).These Two Thithi vrata more Powerful for cleansing the karmas.

    All stars of Rahu planets affects the opposite dharma Rasis (Mesha,Sima & Dhanur).The Sathayam natchatra affects Rasi of simha where the Supreme Lord Krishna andVinayaga are residing..Lord Vinayaga birth month is Avani and the birth star isHastha. The supreme lord Krishna born Avani month Rohini star.The combination of Shasti and Sathayam makes soonyam(inactive) of simha Rasi.

    Th i i i h k l d b h i di id l h h

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    The inner meaning is ,the karma accumulated by the individual acts throughSathayam natchatra and affect the sheytram of Simha Rasi and finally its makingthe person to forget lord Krishna and Vinayaga. So fasting worshiping lord Vinayagaon Sathayam and Shasti thithi combination day highly auspicious for purification.

    The impact is business person has to undergo financial sufferings, unhappiness inlife and also make our inner habits as Gajamukhasura .

    Sathayam natchatra is connected to Asura Gajamukhasura .

    Gajamukhasura Obtains a boon from Lord Siva that he may not be killed by Gods,humans ,demons or by any weapon. Armed with this boon, he starts oppressing thethree worlds.The Devas were forced to kneel with their hands holding their ears cross-wise asalso their legs,(Thoopukarnanm) during the worship of Gajamukhasura .Devas and

    saints continued to Thoopukarnanm to Lord Ganesha after the defeat of the Asura.If the Gajamukhasura developed in our heart is not destroyed will make us separatefrom divinity. Without the help of Gananatha it is very difficult to defeat the AsuraGuanas, Because he is controller of Muladhara and Ganas. Lord Ganesha mercy made the Gajamukhasura as his vahana.The Rat is represent by two stars Makha and Puram. both are residing in the Rasis ofSimha. This is the greatest evidence how lord Vinayaga is purifying his devotees.

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    Ganesha Kills Demon Gajamugasuran

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    The rat is said to be a servant of Ganesha and was originally an evil demon,Gajamukhasura, whom he had subdued in a battle.

    The defeated demon requested that Ganesha to transform him into a highly agile

    creature so that he could best serve the god.Ganesha agreed and Gajamukhasura became his trusty companion in the form of arat .What is the inner significance of the mouse as vahana?The mouse has a keen sense of smell.The mouse is a symbol of the attachment to worldly tendencies (vasanas).The mouse also symbolizes the darkness of night.The mouse can see well in the dark.As Vinayakas vehicle the mouse signifies an object that leads man from darkness tolight.

    The Vinayaka's principle, thus, means that which removes all the bad qualities, andassures good qualities, good conduct and good thoughts.

    Fasting 21 days and worshiping lord Ganesha from Karthika Deepam to Shasti &Sathayam natchatra combination day is highly auspicious for both spiritual and

    materialistic benefits.

    Th t i t t thi t I K i tti N th

  • 8/10/2019 Pillaiyar Nonbhu


    There are some stories to support this vrata .In Kaveripoompattinam a Nagaratharsfamily teenage girl was ill treated by her stepmother and accused of stealing herdiamond ring.The girl worshipped Lord Ganesha for 21 days from the month of KARTHIKAI. Shecounted days by a thread from her sari.On the 21st day from Karthigai Purnima she got an answer from the Lord and herinnocence was revealed. This fell on the day of Sathayam and Shasti.The inner secrets of Pillaiyar Nonbu festival is reveled astrologically for the benefitof devotees by Sri Veera Bramendra swamy ,Avatar of Lord Vishnu.Veera Bramendra Swamy temple is situated in Nesapakkam ,K.K.Nagar Chennai.

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