Download - Physical interaction design


Physical Interaction Design




This talk focuses on...

● My background in interaction design

● What interaction design is

● How interaction design can be applied to physical interfaces, not just software ones

● Teensy microcontroller demo that uses a pressure sensor to control mouse movements on the computer screen


Hullo. I’m Ariel Cotton.

● Artist who makes comics, interactive & figurative art

● Toy inventor

● Interaction designer

● Merges art, design & technology to create emotionally engaging and novel experiences

● Lives and dies by being interdisciplinary


The quintessential fine artist.@argoncobalt

I thought STEM was pointless.@argoncobalt

Boy was I ever wrong...


I went to Cooper Union for art.@argoncobalt

At Cooper I became intrigued by engineering.@argoncobalt

Took a break from art for a while. Eventually ended up coming back to it and combining it with engineering.


Now an artist + inventor + interaction designer!


My work


Distance Dolls


Lady Godiva


Les Fleurs du Mal


I’m obsessed with unconventional interfaces.@argoncobalt

What is interaction design?


Interaction design is...

● what defines the behavior of an interactive product

● shaping digital things for people’s use

● designing the experience of how users interact with an object or device, especially in the digital world.

● making digital things as user-friendly as possible

● a relatively new discipline


History of interaction design



Mechanical motion

Electrical devices@argoncobalt

Big computers@argoncobalt


Personal computers

Xerox PARC


Household digital devices & ubiquitous computing@argoncobalt

How do you… (a) do; (b) feel; (c) know?@argoncobalt

Isn’t interaction design more or less the same thing as user interface design, user experience design, human-

computer interaction, web design, product design, industrial design or visual design?


Yes and no.@argoncobalt

User experience design.@argoncobalt

User interface design.


Human-computer interaction.@argoncobalt

Web design.@argoncobalt

Industrial design.


Visual design.@argoncobalt

Product design.@argoncobalt

Interaction design concepts



Why do we need interaction design?

Hello there...@argoncobalt

Goal-driven designFiguring out what users want and need


“Interface as magic”The interactions should be so seamless that the users

don’t even notice the design


Amazon’s mega dropdown!


Most dropdowns have a bit of a delay.


If they didn’t, then the sub-menu would disappear.


No, it’s not voodoo. It’s merely a triangle.@argoncobalt

UsabilityThe user interface should be usable and easy to

understand. (Well no, duh...)


Being intuitiveEven if the user has never seen a product like yours

before, navigating the user interface should still come fairly naturally to him or her.


LearnabilityIn cases where the solution to your design problem calls for an extremely unique interface, the user should still be

able to internalize it with relative ease.


10 Principles of Good Design


Know when to innovate and when to stick to paradigms that have already

been established.


Be willing to learn, accept constructive criticism, and know

that you will make mistakes.



A couple more points about interaction design...


Being interdisciplinary

● Many art, design and tech fields are more interconnected than people think, and they use similar principles.

● I use principles of interaction design in almost all my work, be it art, inventing or web design.

● Ultimately anything that follows the principles I mentioned is a piece of interaction design.


Design as a way of life

● I see everything in life as a design problem waiting to be solved.

● I scrutinize all my surroundings with the same critical eye I use when I’m designing something or critiquing another person’s design.

● Interaction design deals primarily with software interfaces, but in order to be a good interaction designer, you need to notice how everybody interacts with everything.


Everywhere you look you’ll see examples of interface, layout, and color decision-making.


I take walks through Gowanus and get inspired by the old-school typography on all the signs.


Techniques that I use in my work



I never go anywhere without a sketchbook.@argoncobalt

The Arduino microcontroller platform.@argoncobalt

A microcontroller is a very small computer.@argoncobalt

The Teensy microcontroller platform.


DEMO: Turning an Arduino into a mouse input




FarewellIf you have any questions about Arduino, interaction

design or anything else I’ve discussed, or you’re interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to find me on Twitter @argoncobalt or look up my website,
