Download - Philosophy Design (draft and final version)

Page 1: Philosophy Design (draft and final version)

First philosophy design


Design is implicit in everything human kind has done. Whether it is just a fork to a whole car engine. But design can be used for much more powerful task. I believe design is a tool for social change too, and this is what makes my voice important. The reason I want to design is to have a positive impact in our society and make of this world a more humane place. Beyond any technical skill my design aims for a good story. Stories that motivates human hearts and minds to embrace the morals and values that fade due the constant exposure to violent or shallow entertainment. Therefore, I am designing for everyone, especially for the youth, whom I believe to be more likely to accept and perform these life lessons. I do this because I believe we are gifted to live in a beautiful world and it's sad to see how humans are leaning to cruel and selfish acts so that we are destroying not only our world but also our own kind.

In the last years I have been through college doing a minor in film and a mayor in animation and video game development, reason why I engage in a lot of self-opinion writing of certain film or video game and some storywritting for animation. That is the main reason I don’t have much time to read other texts that are not provided or requested by my teachers. But I have to admit that sometimes I read a bit of Japanese comic books. And that I am working on the script for an animated short film.

Second philosophy design


The world of entertainment is represented by a wide range of ludic experiences. One of the most popular is presented through a screen in which people can interact with the objects portrayed there. Most of these creations simulate war conflicts and allows people to pretend they take part in it, and although this has risen a lot of controversial opinions of how these can negatively impact society, the great effort to craft these games is undoubtedly admirable, reason why individuals around the globe feel currently motivated to potentialize the influence of this art in such positive way that helps to shape a and promote a more peaceful human society.