Download - Phil McCarthy - South Africa macadamia production


South Africa Macadamia Production

Prepared by: Phil McCarthy

Date: 15th October 2014

Resource Rich

• Huge resources of available land and water

• Large pool of accessible labour

• Increasing investor interest from other

industries to expand into macadamias.

• Some processors buying up as much available land with access to irrigation.

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Generational farming families

• Good general knowledge of farming practices

• Proactive farmers

• Positive response with managing the application timing requirements of their work programs

• Great work attitude in finding a way to get things done.

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Larger farms between 200 – 600Ha

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2014 AMS 40th Anniversary Industry Conference proudly presented by

Small farms 30 - 100Ha

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Growers planting out all available land

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Labour skills have developed

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All nurseries booked out for at least two years and up to four years

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2014 AMS 40th Anniversary Industry Conference proudly presented by

2014 AMS 40th Anniversary Industry Conference proudly presented by

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2014 AMS 40th Anniversary Industry Conference proudly presented by

2014 AMS 40th Anniversary Industry Conference proudly presented by

Micro grafted Macadamia seedlings

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From seed to planting in 12 months

• Seedling out in 6 months on a solid root system

• Than select and graft trees at 6 months

• Grown on for farmers in large bags and advanced tree planted out at 12months

• Just about to take this commercial

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New trial on an open hydroponic system with these Micro grafted trees

• On a continuous irrigation at 0.4lt/hr at 1 bar

• Goal is to bring the trees into production in 2 years

• High density planting

• No vigorous pruning but by tree manipulation

• Goal is 4 tonne per Ha in year 3.

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Advanced irrigation systems

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Fertigation with computer programming

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Mixture of sprinklers and drippers

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Very keen to learn

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Quick to pick up on central leader pruning

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Good tree health

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Accepting to change

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Spray application has improved

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Huge labour pool available

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Majority of nuts still hand harvested

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Modern post harvest equipment

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Labour has high management requirement

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Modern drying systems

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Move in land values

• Old Tobacco lands under irrigation are in the high demand

• 2012 value:- $5,000.00/Ha

• 2014 value:- $10,000.00/Ha

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Plantation Values

• Established producing plantations;

• 2012 value:- $15,000.00/Ha

• 2014 value:- $30,000.00/Ha

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Main Varieties, SKR & Yields:

50% of plantings Beamont, 27 – 35% SKR,

4 – 6 Tonne/Ha.

30% plantings Nelmac 2, 35 – 40% SKR,

3 – 5 tonne/Ha.

Balance of small plantings some 816 & A4,

38 – 44% SKR.

Sales 50 / 50 NIS to Kernal.

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Last trip in 2006, tree training

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Same trees in 2014

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814 was best yielding at 6 - 8 tonne/Ha

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High density in 2006

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Nine years later starting tree removal

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Growers on a high

• Great SKR price

• Good yields

• Lower labour cost than us

• Sell on the same market

• Great return on investment

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Lowveld South Africa

• Includes, White River, Barberton and Nelspruit growing areas

• Macadamias are a key economic driver

• Makes up a big part of the country’s R2billion turnover in this industry

• Processor Joint venture with Australian company, Green Farms & Suncoast Gold

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Macadamia nuts represent only 1% of tree nuts globally

South Africa just recently surpassed Australia and now is the largest supplier internationally

Processors now with volume by passing traders on a volatile market, no middleman

This has raised growers prices significantly

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2014 Season

• Samac projects an optimistic figure of 43,000 tones

• Green Farms Jill Whyte says 40,000 tones may be a closer figure

• SA tonnage down due stress issues with the older, larger trees this season

• Also spraying is a constant challenge

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Still planting trees

• Within 4 – 5 years all the suitable land around Nelspruit White River areas will be planted out with macadamias

• East Cape Macadamia are planning to plant a 4000Ha farm

• Another group is planting out a 1000Ha farm in Natal

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Long term grower security??

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Yes Big risk but big returns

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Roadside sales everywhere

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Land claims

• Even though land claims could put uncertainties in producers minds – the macadamia industry's success story has left producers positive and gave them confidence

• Green Farm played a significant role in turning things around after joining hands with the industry, they raised prices significantly

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Go with the flow

• We need to work with the South Africa growers and producers to develop a bigger and better sales and marketing system and develop an foster grower information transfer

• If we work together to develop the industry and markets we can all get the rewards

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