Download - Ph.D. Anca-Narcisa Leizeriuc Faculty of Letters “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.


Ph.D. Anca-Narcisa Leizeriuc

Faculty of Letters

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi

This paper seeks to determine:

*Whether the postmodern phenomenon, in generally, appears as a continuation of modernity or as a crash of level.

*How the epistemic changes affect the human being as it can be seen in literature.

*If the postmodernism has its legitimacy in the Romanian space since the third wave of post-industrial civilization is absent here.

*Starting from postmodern theorists studies (Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucauld, Alvin Toffler) there were synthesized the epistemic changes.

*An applied study on the cultural dimension of existence, namely the Romanian literature, highlights how postmodernism appear in this space.

*Is a cultural and social phenomenon, generated by the epistemic depth categories (Foucauld, 1992).

*The third wave of the post-industrial civilization affects the “infosphere” level (Toffler, 1983).

*The new epistemic model of knowledge is the pluralism (with his relativism and fragmentary ) and refuses any discourse of legitimacy.

*The text is seen as a fragment of a universal text.

*The literature uses the media, the internet, and the virtual book; therefore the art infuses in the social body and serves the common taste.

*The function of art is reconsidered: it is no longer the education, but only the textual pleasure.

*The substance and the main subject of the literary creation are the meaningless of existence and the vacuum.

*Without rejecting the tradition, the postmodernism is accepting a peaceful coexistence with the tradition, treated with irony or a parody spirit.

*The death of art or its silence means in postmodern literature:

(a) the negative echo of language, autodestructive, nihilist;

(b) its positive stillness, self-transcendent, sacramental, plenary (Hassan, 1971).

*There is no metaphysical truth but a multitude of points of view.

*As a prisoner of the reality, the human being has no longer the possibility to dream at his ideals or to communicate with the transcendent.

*The existentialism and the nihilism are leading to the alienation of being seen as "a floating entity” (Cărtărescu, 1999).

*A show of anatomical metaphors and visceral fantasy, where the eye is the essential organ takes place.

*The split between postmodernism and modernism seems to be a literary continuity.

*The new humanism of postmodernism captures human alienation, the anonymous individuals depending on the real world and even the robotization of human being.

*The Romanian literary postmodernism has emerged not as a phenomenon of imitation in relation to Anglo-American postmodernism, but as an organic evolution of Romanian Literature.

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*Foucault, Michel, in Sean Burke, The Death and Return of Author. Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida, Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 1992.

*Hassan, Ihab, „POSTmodernISM”, The postmodern Turn. Essay in Postmodern Theory and Culture, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1987.

*Hassan, Ihab, The dismemberment of Orpheus. Toward a postmodern literature, Oxford University Press, New York, 1971.

*Kristeva, Julia, Problèmes de la structuration du texte, în Tel quel. Théorie d’ensemble, Seuil, Paris, 1968.

*Lyotard, Jean-François, Condiţia postmodernă. Raport asupra cunoaşterii, Editura Babel, Bucureşti, 1993.

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*Toffler, Alvin, Al treilea val, Editura Politică, București, 1983.

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