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Page 1: Personal Narrative

Santa Barbara City College: CLRC Writing Center

Abney & Guastella

Personal Narrative

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Personal Narratives are written about something important to the writer that will be conveyed to the reader.

It is a story about a MOMENT or EVENT in your life- Not your whole life story!

Includes: IncidentReactionReflectionReflection

What is a Personal Narrative?

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Personal Narratives are told in FIRST PERSON point of view

Use pronouns like I, me, we…YOU are telling the story of what happened to


Point of View- POV

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IntroductionThe beginning of

your story it is where you set your tale up.

Main elements are set up

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Introduction: HOOKHook: The starter of

your story. Catch the readers attention.Some examples are:

relevant quotation, fact, or definition. NOTE- Stay away from questions.

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Introduction: SET THE SCENE

Set the Scene: Provide background information. What does the reader need to know?

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Different from an argumentative or expository.

Can either tell the events of storyMoral or lesson learned.Identify a theme that connects the story to a

universal experience.


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Characters The characters are

the people (and sometimes animals) in the story. Personal narratives are told by the writer and are about the writer.

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Setting The setting is the

time and place of the story.

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Begins the telling of the story. Includes the rising action, climax and falling



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Include LOTS of details and descriptionsThis helps the reader understand writer’s

experiencesUse the senses: Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch,

Hearing.Example: I walked into the kitchen and could feel

the business of the kitchen: the mixers roaring as they prepared the batter and the oven exuding heat, creating an aroma of delectable treats, sweet to the nose.


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The writer’s experiences act as the evidence. Events of your story should connect back to

your thesis statement


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The passing of time is always evident in the plot and often in the characters and the setting.

Should follow chronological order: First, Next, Then, and Finally


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The plot is the sequence of events in the story. In personal narratives, the events in the story support and enhance the meaning.


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There will be change in a personal narrative. Either the characters, the setting, or the events change. Often characters learn something or change as a result of the situation or a conflict and resolution, but not always.


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Tell the reader how people reacted to the events in the story

What did you and the other people DO?What did you and the other people SAY?This is what makes the story interesting and

connects the reader to the events

Include REACTIONS to your story

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This is where you end the storyDoes not summarize information.Synthesize and connect back to thesis.Includes the falling action and the resolution

How did the story end?


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What lesson id you learn?How has what happened affected your life


Look back and analyze. Reflect.

Conclusion: MORAL

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Reflection tells why the story is importantReflection reveals what you and the other

people in the story learned from the experienceReflection indicates why the story is memorableThis is what makes your writing more mature!Use reflection throughout your story, but

especially at the end (as a conclusion)

Include REFLECTIONS to your story