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  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    Perfume for Dishwashing composition

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    (Detaied Description of the In)ention(+ied of the In)ention(,,,1This in)ention reates to the perfume constituent for automatic tabeware ceaning agents containing the perfume

    component from which )apor pressure differs.(-acground of the In)ention(,,,"the perfume component of masing ( of the sme since a ceaning agent constituent dimension $ aromati/ation$ and

    deodori/ation ( at the time of washing and aromati/ation sae )arious inds is used for the ceaning agent constituent.Deodori/ing the ob0ect after washing especia! or the thing for which it ea)es a desirabe scent to an ob0ect it is

    henceforth caed asting note nature2 ser)es as an important eement.(,,,#

    % perfume component is cassified into a top note comparati)e! high )apor pressure2$ a base note comparati)e! ow)apor pressure2$ and a midde note both medium2 according to the difference in a )apori/ation rate$ i.e.$ )apor

    pressure$ and is mi3ed and used b! the good ratio of baance ( for the purpose of these as indicated b! nonpatentiterature 1 and nonpatent iterature ". 4enera!$ to the perfume component used for a ceaning agent constituent$gi)ing sufficient deodori/ation engine performance for an ob0ect and the aroma engine performance after the time ofwashing or washing is e3pected. Therefore$ the rate of aromati/ing to the inside of a ceaning agent constituent needed

    to be raised. 5owe)er$ if the rate of aromati/ing is on! raised$ the scent of the ceaning agent constituent itsefbecomes strong too much$ and dispeasure ma! be gi)en.(,,,6It is the artice which tends to be sensiti)e to the sme to which men$ such as tabeware and cooware$ adhere

    especia!$ and the aromati/ation asting note nature2 engine performance to the ob0ect after washing is not soimportant to the perfume bended with the ceaning agent used for the automatic dish washer used in coseout space.'ather$ the steam generated during operation and engine performance which reduces these odors to generating of afoods sme in the warehouse after operation are desired. Then$ the amount content of specification of the o3!gen

    s!stem beaching agent is carried out$ and the ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washers which stopped thecontent of perfume few is proposed patent reference 1 reference2. 7oreo)er$ the ceaning agent constituent forautomatic dish washers which contros growth of an o3!gen s!stem beaching agent$ a beaching acti)ator$ and the

    bacteria that remain in **** using a )egetabe water e3tract further$ and mitigates a disagreeabe sme is proposed

    patent reference " reference2.(Nonpatent iterature 1 8The basic information of perfume and the bending of perfumes8$ the Naa0ima machine******$ 199:$ and Sang!o Tosho Pubishing Co.$ &td.(Nonpatent iterature " 8Chemistr! of perfume8$ the edited b! Chemica Societ! of ;apan$ industria chemistr! series$

    '!oichi %aboshi wor$ Showa 1=#:9

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    is 1,,Pa or more$ The )apor pressure in ", degrees C one sort of ess than 1,,Pa ,.=Pa or more perfume component

    -2$ or two sorts or more %2 It is reated with the perfume constituent for automatic tabeware ceaning agentscontained at the rate of a mass ratio of A-2 B1, A 1 > 1A 1A< from the point of stopping

    ow the perfume constituent of this in)ention gi)ing the scent of paatabiit! to the ceaning agent constituent itsef$ and

    asting note nature. In a scent$ paatabiit! is good in it being this range$ and it has a feeing of the deodori/ationeffecti)eness$ and a perfume constituent with sti ess asting note nature can be obtained. %2 hen a perfumecomponent %2 bends man! perfume constituents with an automatic tabeware ceaning agent constituent e3ceeding A

    -2 B1,A1$ athough the paatabiit! of a scent is good$ its feeing of the deodori/ation effecti)eness wi not be enough$the dai! stabiit! of the sme of a product wi be sti more inade?uate$ and the scent of a product wi become wea.

    %though a feeing of the deodori/ation effecti)eness becomes high on the other hand when ess than %2A-2 B1A "A #A",,,Pa one sort or two sorts or more 1,,Pa ormore. Specifica! as a perfume component %2$ an acetadeh!de$ an isoprop! +O'G mate$ eth! acetate$ meth!acetate$ a but! +O'G mate$ a! acoho$ acetoin$ meth! iso )aerate$ an apha pinene$ but! propionate$ camphene$

    beta>pinene$ pren! acetate$ 1$=>cineoe euca!ptoe2$ para cres! meth! ether$ a m!rcene$ am! acoho$ d>imonene$1$ 6>cineoe$ ben/adeh!de$ a dipentene$ etc. are mentioned.

    (,,1#7oreo)er$ the oi of the natura origin containing a perfume component %2$ essentia oi$ etc. can aso be used. The oi

    of the natura origin and oi manufacture ha)e some from which )apor pressure is obtained b! using each component asan independent component as the case where )apor pressure is obtained as a singe component$ and mi3ture of two or

    more components. In the case of mi3ture$ an effecti)e dose **** thing is preferab! used in the %2 component. %s theoi of the natura origin containing a perfume component %2$ essentia oi$ etc.$ nutmeg oi$ Euca!ptus oi$ rosemar!oi$ ime oi terpene oess$ emon oi terpene oess$ grapefruit oi$ C!press oi$ tangerine oi$ Orange oi$ orange pee oi$ime oi$ citronea oi$ etc. are mentioned. Especia!$ d>imonene$ an apha pinene$ beta>pinene$ 1$=>cineoe

    euca!ptoe2$ Orange oi$ Euca!ptus oi$ and a dipentene are desirabe$ it is desirabe to ha)e the scent of aS5ITO'%SG s!stem from the point of the paatabiit! which suited the ob0ect for tabeware washing especia!$ and d>imonene$ Orange oi$ etc. are desirabe.(,,16

    Perfume component -2FThere is itte asting note nature to the washing ob0ect after washing$ the )apor pressure in ", degrees C is ,.=Pa ormore$ and the perfume constituent -2 of this in)ention is one sort or a thing incuded two or more sorts about a essthan 1,,Pa perfume component$ in order to reduce the unpeasant sme of the steam discharged from a soaping

    machine during washing$ and an unpeasant sme in the soaping machine after washing. It is desirabe to use a perfume

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    component "Pa or more especia!. 7oreo)er$ from the scent under washing$ and the point of asting note nature$ it is

    desirabe that it is especia! =,Pa or ess 9,Pa or ess. %s a perfume component which has such )apor pressure +ore3ampe$ ocimene$ the %'GDE hide C>=$ the %'GDE hide C>@$ T%PINO'EN$ &oweHs o3ide$ phen!eth! meth!

    ether$ apha>terpinen$ Tetrah!droinao$ 7E'ON%'G$ cis>>#>he3eno$ phen!acetadeh!de$ 7eth! ben/oate$ a!compound he3anoate$ a tetrah!dro geranio$ Creso$ meth! octanoate$ mato$ a ce ton$ ;I7ETO'G$ camphor$ born!

    acetate$ and an acetophenone >> being discosed >> rucsac acid >> Terpineo$ SGC5I'%'I'G acetate$ neroido$ >menthone$ >car)one$ iso menthone$ an iso c!co citra$ eth! ben/oate$ Citronea$ ben/!acetone$ ben/! acetate$

    prop! ben/oate$ % meth! S%'IS5I rate$ estragoe$ ina! acetate$ cumin %'GDE hide$ % citra$ a! compound am!g!coate$ acoho C>=$ a tetrah!dro geranio$ % nero$ a ?uinoine$ at.T%S5%'G-GC5I'G c!cohe3! acetate$

    7!rceno$ inaoo$ an anethoe$ piperitone$ geran! nitri$ % car)acro$ he3ano IG acid$ geran! acetate$ T%PI niacetate$ &>mentho$ >borneo$ isopuego$ a geranio$ apha>peet SGON$ damascenone$ thinner 7IG%'GDEhide$ anis> %'GDE hide$ 7eth!eugeno$ inaoo o3ide$ fora 'OJON$ diphen!o3ide$ % dih!dro0asmone$ beta>peetSGON$ citrone! acetate$ a cis> 0asmone$ thinner 7IG%'GDE hide$ anis! acetate$ Timor$ rhodino$ an eugeno$

    citroneo$ an ionone$ etc. are mentioned.(,,1mentho$ >menthone$ iso menthone$ >car)one$ >borneo$ camphor$ ina! acetate$

    born! acetate$ terpineo$ estragoe$ an eugeno$ Timor$ SGC5I'%'I'G acetate$ cis>>#>he3eno$ etc. are desirabe.(,,1:7oreo)er$ the oi of the natura origin containing a perfume component -2 contained more than

    mentioned perfume component %2 or a perfume component -2. The )apor pressure in ", degrees C is mentioned for a)aniin$ cedro$ &ii Eare$ meth! dih!dro0asmonate$ an ISOI supermaret$ a coumarin$ mus etone$ etc. as a ess than

    ,.=Pa perfume component.(,,1=

    The ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washersFthe ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washers of this in)ention >> the perfume constituent of abo)e>mentioned this in)ention >> ,.,< to # mass >> it is made desirabe ,.1>1 mass content. %though the ceaning agentconstituent for automatic dish washers of this in)ention can aso contain other perfume constituents$ as for the content

    of a perfume component %2$ it is especia! desirabe 1, > @, mass and that it is ", > =, mass and that it is ", > @, mass in ( a A thatis contained in the ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washers a perfume component.

    (,,19Perfume partice2

    In bending with a ceaning agent constituent$ the perfume constituent of this in)ention can contain a part of perfumecomponent as a perfume partice$ in order to raise aromati/ing nature and to raise the stabiit! of a sme. -! using a

    perfume partice$ it becomes possibe about the scent of the ceaning agent constituent itsef becoming strong too much$and gi)ing dispeasure on the contrar! ie ( at the time of aromati/ing i?uid perfume so much $ to protect to the

    minimum. 7oreo)er$ the dai! stabiit! of the sme of a product can be raised rather than it bends direct perfume witha ceaning agent constituent. %s for a perfume partice$ it is desirabe that asting note nature main! contains the

    perfume component -2 which is ow and has deodori/ation nature from a partice coapsing and gi)ing a scent duringwashing during washing. In that case$ as for especia! the content of the perfume component in ( a A that a perfume

    partice contains a perfume component -2$ it is desirabe to a pan that it is more than =, mass more than @< mass more than @, mass . hen heat>treatment is performed in the process in which a perfume partice is manufacturedespecia!$ a perfume component can be made to fu! remain into a perfume partice that the content of a perfumecomponent -2 is more than @, mass . %s for a perfume partice$ it is desirabe ,.,1 to

    #, mass content of the perfume constituent of this in)ention.

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition



    The perfume partice concerning this in)ention is good to corn mean partice diameter ",,>1#,, micrometerspreferab!$ 1,,>1

    1,,, gAm# is desirabe$ and : = 1, mass .


    %s for the perfume partice concerning this in)ention$ it is desirabe to mae it oi absorption support at the time of **.%s oi absorption support$ one or more sorts chosen from white carbon$ a de3trin$ a sat cae$ etc. can be used.(,," of 19 ines 19161@$% and the > of ", ines 191619$%$ the amorphous auminosiicate oi>absorption abiit!K "=1#"@96$%$;P$@>1,"@,m& A 1,,g2$ a fow ight the product made from Tou!ama Soda$

    oi absorption abiit!K6,,>:,,m& A 1,,g2$ and TILO&EL "< South orean -uddha chemistr! compan! mae$ oiabsorption abiit!K"",>"@,m& A 1,,g2 and a sio >> oi absorption support$ such as being pure the product made from+u0i DI-ISON$ oi absorption abiit!K"6,>"=,m& A 1,,g2$ can be used.(,,":

    % de3trin is obtained b! the partia h!dro!sis of starch. %though a starch moecue turns into a sma moecuegradua! and becomes a gucose e)entua! b! h!dro!sis$ the mi3ture of )arious saccharides is manufactured with the

    h!dro!sis e3tent. +or e3ampe$ the de3trins used b! this in)ention are the water soube choroph! deri)ati)es$modified starches$ or these deri)ati)es$ and esterification starches starch phosphate etc.2$ etherification starches

    carbo3!meth!>i/ed starch etc.2$ en/!me denaturation de3trins mato de3trin etc.2$ a roast de3trin$ etc. are mentioned.The! are en/!me denaturation de3trins mato de3trin etc.2 and a roast de3trin preferab!. +urthermore$ the de3trosee?ui)aent )aue henceforth a D.E. )aue2 defined b! the foowing formua is the nonreduction end starch$ watersoube choroph! deri)ati)es and modified starches$ or these deri)ati)es of ,>=$ and it is desirabe to use the starch

    which mi3ed and produced the starch which used the gucose end as the reducing termina b! h!drogenation at apredetermined rate. Nonreduction end starch is starch whose both ends are nonreduction ends it does not ha)e a

    reducing termina2.(,,"@

    D.E. Direct reducing sugar it dispa!s as a gucose2 A )aue B (soid content 31,,hat the range of a D.E. )aue is ,>=$ and h!drotreating is especia! gi)en as a de3trin is desirabe$ and the thing

    containing the starch support which mi3ed the starch to which h!drotreating was gi)en to the D.E. )aue in ,>#$ and itused the gucose end as the reducing termina further is desirabe.(,,"=5!dro!sis of starch can be performed b! standard method ie an acid>cata!st method or an en/!matic cata!st

    method. hat was manufactured b! the manufacture approach gi)en in ;P$=>16#:,#$% etc. as an e3ampe of a de3trinis mentioned. 7oreo)er$ that the oi absorption abiit! to a de3trin to whose specific )oume is 1,m"Ag is desirabeaso in these de3trins. 7oreo)er$ the gass transition temperature of a de3trin has desirabe ",, degrees C or more froma )iewpoint of the stabiit! in an ee)ated temperature.

    (,,"9% common commercia item can be used as a sat cae. +or e3ampe$ %: sat cae b! Shiou Chemicas etc. can beused. Specifica!$ that whose partice beow the partice si/e m of ", micrometers is more than 9, mass is desirabefrom a soube )iewpoint aso in these commercia items.


  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    7ore than @< mass

    is sti more desirabe. %mong these$ it is desirabe to contain a de3trin as oi absorption support$ and the oadings ofthe de3trin in a perfume partice ha)e three to #, mass ( from a )iewpoint of a perfume partice not becoming hard$

    reducing neither soubiit! nor producti)it! granuation nature2$ and not reducing partice reinforcement $ especia!desirabe < > 1< mass .

    (,,#1The perfume partice used for this in)ention can contain a water>soube binder further. One or more sorts chosen from

    the group which can use a thermopastic water soubiit! binder etc. and consists of a po!eth!ene g!co$ apo!prop!ene g!co$ po!o3!eth!ene a! ether$ po!o3!eth!ene phen! ether$ etc. especia! as a water>soube

    binder are desirabe. 7oreo)er$ athough that the meting point or softening temperature of whose is #=, degrees C isused suitab!$ this water>soube binder has a 6@,>degree C more desirabe thing$ and especia! its thing that is :,,:6 119"2 pubication etc.

    (,,#"hen a water>soube binder is a high moecuar compound$ the weight a)erage moecuar weight is desirabe b! the4PC method which made the po!eth!ene g!co the criterion in respect of the )iscosit! at 6,,,>",,,, and aso :,,,>1#,,,$ and the time of especia! the thing of @,,,>9,,, corning. It is more desirabe to use together and use the thing

    of a meting condition and the binder of a soid state which fused the abo)e binders in this in)ention from a )iewpointof the handing nature at the time of manufacture and the homogeneit! of a partice$ as for metingAsoid>state massratio2$ 1,, A , > ",A=, are desirabe$ further =, A ", > #,A@, are desirabe$ and it is desirabe that it is especia! @, A #, >6,A:,.


    The oadings of the water>soube binder in a perfume partice ha)e desirabe < > 6, mass from a )iewpoint ofmaintaining the reinforcement of a partice$ its 1, > #, mass is sti more desirabe$ and especia! its 1< > #, mass is desirabe.

    (,,#6%s for the perfume partice used for this in)ention$ it is desirabe that partice reinforcement and the mass ratio of the

    point of manufacture fitness to oi absorption support and a water>soube binder are oi absorption support2 A water>soube binder2 B@ A 1 > "A1$ and it is especia! < A 1 > "A1.(,,#

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    soube binder of a soid state which carried out meting to the perfume in the condition of ha)ing been heated$ and the

    mi3ture of oi absorption support$ beforehand$ for e3ampe$ and is desirabe after that. ( of the method of performing agranuation

    (,,61The addition approach of the water>soube binder of a meting condition has a desirabe spra! method etc.$ in order to

    add to homogeneit!. 5owe)er$ if the temperature of a water>soube binder is ow$ since it is difficut to carr! out aspra! to homogeneit!$ the temperature of the water>soube binder of a meting condition has desirabe =,>9, degrees

    C. %though it can become or fear of deterioration of a scent can be considered that carr! out a temperature rise toomuch and perfume tends to )oatii/e b! generation of heat of accumuation$ shearing$ etc. if the whoe ?uantit! is ept

    as a water>soube binder of a meting condition among the water>soution binders needed$ the temperature rise can becontroed b! using together the water>soube binder of a soid state. 7oreo)er$ the temperature of the mi3ture afterwater>soube binder addition has desirabe :,>=, degrees C from a )iewpoint which contros the amount of perfume)apori/ation$ and is especia! desirabe. ( of :,>@, degrees C

    (,,6"%s a concrete manufacturing method$ the! are a 5ensche mi3er 7itsui 7ining Co.$ &td. mae2 and a high speedmi3er it can fu! mi3 a front beforehand using we>nown mi3ers$ such as +uae Industries and a N%GT% mi3er5osoawa 7icron CO'P. mae2$ and$ subse?uent! the obtained mi3ture can be pressed and obtained with the

    e3truder of common nowedge$ such as peeter doube +u0i Pauda$ Inc. mae2 and twin dome 4G'%N +u0i Pauda$Inc. mae2.2$ for e3ampe. 7oreo)er$ neading e?uipment for aunching ie e3truding O7IGSG 5osoawa7icron CO'P. mae2 can aso be used$ mi3ing before the abo)e>mentioned can be omitted in this case$ and it cane3trude in the configuration of a c!indrica shape or a noode>ie granuation ob0ect.


    +urthermore$ a nown approach and e?uipment ma! perform grinding or a partice si/e reguation. %s a de)ice usedgrinding or in case a partice si/e reguation is carried out$ a we>nown grinder or crusher2 the +uae Industriesmae2$ for e3ampe$ a high speed mi3er$ the 7amo riser +u0i Pauda$ Inc. mae2$ a spa I'% fow +reund Industria$

    Inc. mae2$ the +ITS mi Daton 7ae2$ a power mi Powre3$ Inc. mae2$ O7I'G product made from uadro2$etc. are mentioned. It is desirabe to use a grinder caed O7I'G which forced and grinds a partice on a power mi$

    or the impeer and screen b! the nife cutter from a )iewpoint of a fines !ied and producti)it! especia!.(,,66In this in)ention$ in the process in which the bending of perfumes and the perfume partice of a perfume constituentare manufactured$ it can diute as occasion demands and can use with a so)ent. %s a so)ent of a perfume constituent$

    dieth! phthaate$ diprop!ene g!co$ the isoprop! m!ristate$ trieth! S5ITO'ETO$ etc. can be used.(,,6agent constituent containing a perfume

    partice$ the perfume component in a perfume particeK %s for a perfume constituent$ 1K1,,>9K1,$ especia! 1K1,>@K1,are desirabe.

    (,,6:moreo)er$ it is the scent which has paatabiit! in the ceaning agent constituent itsef to raising the feeing of the

    deodori/ation effecti)eness under washing into a perfume partice because )apor pressure contains the ow owperfume component -2 of asting note nature >> in order to obtain **$ as for the content of the perfume component inthe ceaning agent base of a ceaning agent constituent$ it is desirabe to consider as a perfume component %2 F

    perfume component -2. % perfume component %2 and perfume components other than -2 can aso be bended with

    the perfume constituent of this in)ention in the range which does not bar the effecti)eness of this in)ention.(,,6@

    The washing component genera! used to the ceaning agent for automatic dish washers in addition to the abo)e>mentioned perfume partice$ for e3ampe$ a surfactant$ aai chemicas$ an en/!me$ cacium cacium2 sca)enger$ a

    beaching agent$ etc. can be incuded in the ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washers of this in)ention.(,,6=

    %s a surface acti)e agent$ athough an anionic surface acti)e agent$ a cationic surface acti)e agent$ an amphotericsurface acti)e agent$ and a nonionic surface acti)e agent can be used$ it is desirabe to use the nonionic surface acti)eagent of ow>foaming propert! thruAor non>**** especia!. %s a desirabe nonionic surface acti)e agent$ anao3!ated nonionic surface acti)e agent this ao3! section is chosen from the group which consists of

    eth!eneo3ide$ prop!ene o3ide$ or its mi3ture.2 is mentioned. %s an e3ampe of a desirabe nonionic surface acti)eagent$ -asf ;apanHs Purafac trademar2 series$ the SO+GT% Norian EP series trademar2 of NIPPON S5OG-%ICo.$ &td.$ etc. are mentioned. In the ceaning agent constituent for automatic dish washers of this in)ention$ it isdesirabe /ero to 1, mass and to do ,.,,1>< mass combination especia! of a surfactant the washing engine

    performance and in respect of ow>foaming propert!.(,,697oreo)er$ it is desirabe to bend po!o3!prop!ene gi)en in the patent officia report No. "9#1

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    foaming propert!.

    (,, @, mass $ and a specific siicate for aSiO"ANa"O ratio 1 A 1 > 6A1 preferab! " A 1 > ". < mass is desirabe especia! in respect of the washing engine performance and cost.(,,:,,,&% ao Corp.2.(,,> a itte wea #K >> 0ust right6K >> a itte strong > strong2$ and the numerica a)erage was e)auated b! the foowing criteria.O K optima strength the a)erage is #.< or ess ( ".< or more 2

    **K >> a itte strong the a)erage >> "., >> super> >> ess than ".< and #.< >> super> >> ess than 6.,2$ or it is a itte wea3K >> a itte ess than >> too the a)erage is "., or ess and 6., or more2 strong ( pass or (,, a itte >> ies >> he

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    does not so ie >> he does not ie2 of a scent was boied and attached b! ten odor specia panes$ organic>functions

    assessment was performed$ and the foowing criteria estimated the numerica a)erage.O K =>1, personsH specia pane estimated that he ies or that he a itte ied.

    **K The @ person specia pane estimated that he ies or that he a itte ied.3K The :>1, person specia pane estimated that he did not not much ie not iing.

    (,,:,III2 the ground in a product s!stem >> masing of a sme

    > 1,,m gass botte >> putting in >> ten odor specia panes >> the ground >>organic>functions assessment was performed about the masing nature good >> bad2 of a sme$ and the foowing

    criteria estimated.O K =>1, personsH specia pane estimated that masing nature was good.**K The @ person specia pane estimated that masing nature was good.3K The :>1, person specia pane estimated that masing nature was bad.

    (,,:1I2 Stabiit! of the odor of a product s!stem< degrees C so that the description of a ceaning agentconstituent might not change.

    O K =>1, personsH specia pane estimated that there was no deer difference on!$ or the specimen did not ha)e a

    difference in odor compared with the criteria artice >degree>C preser)ation artice2.**K The @ person specia pane estimated that there was no deer difference on!$ or the specimen did not ha)e adifference in odor compared with the criteria artice >degree>C preser)ation artice2.

    3K The :>1, person specia pane estimated that a specimen had a difference in odor compared with a criteria artice >degree>C preser)ation artice2.

    (,,:"2 The deodori/ation effecti)eness under washing and after washing'etort curr!$ saad oi$ and roast meat hung down$ and two cups made from earthenware which appied two gass copswhich appied four earthenware teacups which appied roast fish respecti)e!$ four meamine pans$ chopstics 6 dinner

    tra!$ orange 0uice$ and cowHs mi$ coffee$ and tea were prepared as one set. %fter carr!ing out negect of thesetabeware for 1.< hours genera meatime and tabeware cearing>up time amount are assumed2$ 6.functions assessment b! ten

    odor specia panes was performed$ and the foowing criteria estimated whether the unpeasant odor of the ingestaorigin woud carr! out.

    O K =>1, personsH specia pane estimated that unpeasant odor carried out neither after > washing during washing.**K The @ person specia pane estimated that unpeasant odor carried out neither after > washing during washing.

    3K The :>1, person specia pane estimated a that unpeasant odor carries out b! either after > washing during washing.

    (,,:#I2 &asting note nature of the tabeware after washing

    %fter washing on the same conditions as the abo)e$ it was eft for #, minutes$ and organic>functions assessment wasperformed b! ten odor specia panes about a tabeware$ and the foowing criteria estimated.

    O K =>1, personsH specia pane estimated that unpeasant odor did not mae it tabeware.**K The @ person specia pane estimated that unpeasant odor did not mae it tabeware.

    3K The :>1, person specia pane estimated that unpeasant odor made it tabeware.(,,:6

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    (% tabe 1

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  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    (,,:industr! incorporated compan!2.(,,:@

    (% tabe #

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition


    (,,:=(% tabe 6


    #2 %ssessment resutIn a tabe 1$ the )apor pressure in ", degrees C e3ampes 1 and # % perfume component 1,,Pa or more %2$ The )aporpressure in ", degrees C ess than 1,,Pa ,.=Pa or more perfume component -2 It is the perfume constituent for

    automatic tabeware ceaning agents which bended the perfume partice which contains b! the rate %2 of a mass ratio A-2 B1, A 1 > 1A

  • 8/12/2019 Perfume for Dishwashing Composition
