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Perfect Skin from Inside Out Module 06

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Module 6: Diet and Detox

Table of Contents

Module 6: Diet and Detox............................................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2

Module 6 will cover the following points: ..................................................................................................... 2

6.1. Dieting Myths Debunked ...................................................................................................................... 3

6.2. Why do I need a Balanced Diet? .......................................................................................................... 5

6.4. Top Dieting Tips ................................................................................................................................... 8

6.5. Understanding Nutrition Labels ............................................................................................................ 9

6.6. Detoxing ............................................................................................................................................ 11

6.7. Weight Management .......................................................................................................................... 15

6.8. Powerful Metabolism Boosting Foods ................................................................................................ 18

6.9. When and How to eat for Weight Loss ............................................................................................... 19

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In module six you will learn the ins and outs of healthy versus unhealthy dieting. You will get a better insight

in to diets that work for the body and those that do not. You will pick up beneficial information and tips about

detoxing for health purposes and how to do it safely and effectively. There is a huge stigma around the word

dieting, and you will see how dieting through following a healthy regime can be beneficial to your weight loss

and how it will improve your overall health.

Module 6 will cover the following points:

6.1. Dieting Myths Debunked

6.2. Why do I need a Balanced Diet?

6.3. Things to Avoid

6.4. Top Dieting Tips

6.5. Understanding Nutrition Labels

6.6. Detoxing

6.7. Weight Management

6.8. Powerful Metabolism Boosting Foods

6.9. When and How to eat for Weight Loss

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6.1. Dieting Myths Debunked

Many people are misinformed about dieting and this is often the reason for not being able to follow a diet or

in some cases even losing weight. Here are some of the biggest dieting myths debunked.

1. Low-fat diets are healthy.

People are under the impression that they need to follow a low-fat or no-fat diet to lose their desired weight.

The human body needs energy at all times to function and we get this energy in forms of calories. To diet

effectively, maintain energy and lose weight a person should take a third of their daily calories from fat.

Additionally, the body cannot function without a little bit of fat consumption. Fat is necessary for the body to

aid tissue repair and also transport the necessary vitamins (A, D, E and K) around your body evenly. The

recommended daily intake of fat for women is 70g (2.5oz) and 95g (3.4oz) for men.

It is not necessary to follow a strictly fat-free diet. Instead it is recommended to cut back on the consumption

of saturated fats and swap them for healthier unsaturated fats that can be found in foods such as avocados and

olive oil.

2. Fasting and Crash Diets will make you Lose Weight Fast

Fasting and going on a crash diet may help a person to lose weight a little bit faster in the short term, but it

will hinder long-term weight loss. When a person loses weight too quickly they remove the fat they want to

lose, but they also lose their muscles and tissue whereas long-term weight loss goals will help a person to only

burn off fat.

When a person loses their muscle and tissue through crash-dieting or fasting, it causes the body’s basal

metabolic rate to dramatically decrease which means your body requires fewer calories to survive, thus making

it much easier for you to gain even more weight when the dieting stops. This is the main reason why dieticians

also recommend supplementing a weight-loss plan to increase muscle mass and maintain a steady and healthy

metabolic rate.

3. Eating Food Late at Night is Unhealthy and More Fattening

A number of diets instruct dieters not to eat after a particular time in the evening. It is believed that the body

is more likely to store fat because you are not as active and cannot burn it off. This is untrue and it has nothing

to do with the time a person eats, but the amount of food that is consumed in a period of 24 hours. If a person

skips meals throughout the day and they gorge in the evening then they will be prone to piling on more weight,

but generally if you eat smaller portions consistently at regular times then you will be more inclined to lose


4. Low-fat Milk and Dairy Products Contain Less Calcium than Full-Fat Versions

People are often under the assumption that low-fat milk contains less calcium and therefore in order to ensure

that they keep their calcium intake up, they consume full-fat milk and dairy products when dieting. Calcium

is found in the watery part of the milk and not the creamy part, therefore low-fat or semi-skimmed milk has

more calcium. For every 200ml, semi-skimmed milk has 10mg more calcium than full-fat milk has.

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5. You will Lose More Weight with Low-Fat Foods

Just because a product is low in fat or fat-free it does not mean it is low in calories. It is also necessary to

check the calorie content of all food, especially low-fat branded crisps, cakes, biscuits and ready-made meals.

Usually, to make these low-fat versions, extra sugar is added to improve the foods flavors and texture,

therefore it is highly possible that such products have the same amount of calories as normal products. This is

especially true with marketed low-fat sweets, they may be lower in fat, but they have a high sugar content

which later turns into fat.

5. Cholesterol is a No-No

Many people are misguided about cholesterol and think that it is completely bad for the health. To define

cholesterol, it is a fatty substance that is produced mostly by the body’s liver.

It is true that cholesterol can be bad sometimes. It sometimes deposits itself in places it should not and clogs

the arteries, which is the main contributor to heart disease. But our bodies need some cholesterol, especially

in the blood. It assists in building cells and producing the body’s vital hormones.

6. When a Person Stops Smoking they Gain Weight

Each person is different. Some people will gain a little bit of weight when they quit smoking, others will lose

weight and then there are those people who remain the same.

It is true that nicotine does help to increase your body’s metabolism, but its effects are minute. In essence, it

is healthier to be a little overweight and not smoke instead of not giving up for the fear of putting on weight.

People gain weight after stopping smoking because they turn to comfort food to substitute their previous habit.

It is possible to snack healthily or chew sugar-free gum and not put on any weight.

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6.2. Why do I need a Balanced Diet?

Having a well-balanced diet is often associated with just weight-loss. There is much more to it than this.

Changing your lifestyle and following a well-balanced diet will provide your body with all the right minerals,

nutrients and vitamins to keep both your body and mind healthy. When you eat a well-balanced diet, you will

assist in preventing a number of diseases and at the same time you will be able to control your body’s weight

and experience an overall feeling of well-being. There are many benefits to following a healthy balanced diet

with some of the most common ones being:

Weight Control Following a well-balanced diet requires you to consume a great variety of nutritious

wholesome foods which makes it easier to maintain a healthier body weight. To meet all of your body’s

nutritional requirements, it is essential to include a mixture of whole grains, fruits and vegetables into

your diet plan. It is also necessary to consume small portions of meat and dairy products to achieve a

complete balance. Follow the food pyramid for guidance.

When you consume the above-mentioned food groups into your diet there is less room for those foods that are

higher in calories, which are known to cause weight gain. Such foods include sugary snacks and processed


Healthy Immune System Following a well-balanced diet is extremely important for maintaining a

healthy immune system. The vitamins, nutrients and minerals your body will get when following a

healthy eating plan will ensure that your immune system will function normally.

Being deficient in certain minerals, nutrients and vitamins will impair your immune system, especially

vitamins A, B, C and E. Being low in iron, zinc and selenium will also affect the immune system. When you

have a low immune system, it will strongly affect the body’s vascular function since the immune system is

highly dependent on the body’s blood flow.

Healthy Heart When you have a healthy heart, you will most likely prevent cardiovascular disease.

Including whole grains, vegetables and fruits in your diet will help you control your weight and it

will also help you maintain a healthy blood pressure, which if not controlled, can be two of the

leading causes of heart disease. The American Heart Association suggests adding oily fish, such as

trout or salmon to your diet. These contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the

risk of having any coronary artery diseases.

Higher Energy Levels One of the greatest and most noticeable positive effects of a well-balanced

diet is the improvement in your energy levels. When you consume the right proportions of minerals,

vitamins and nutrients, you will fuel your body with energy. Such energy can be taken from

consuming healthy carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These healthy

carbohydrates will maintain your body’s healthy sugar and insulin levels and ensure that you have

an even supply of energy during the day.

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6.3. Things to Avoid

When dieting there are certain foods that you need to avoid altogether. These foods are generally full of

saturated fats, hidden sugar and/or preservatives – they are often referred to as the foods with ‘hidden calories.’

Consuming them will not only jeopardise your weight loss goals, but they will also negatively impact your

overall well-being and your skin.

Example: If you are following a 2,000 calorie diet, it needs to be in proportion. You should not consume more

than the following:

- 66g (2.3oz) of fat

- 20g (0.7oz) of saturated fat

- 2,400mg (0.08oz) of sodium

-300g (10.6oz) of carbohydrates (which includes sugars)

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Here are some of the foods that you need to avoid when trying to follow a healthy diet (some of which might

come as a surprise):

Margarine is full of trans-fats. These fats are the toxic fats that are responsible for increasing bad

cholesterol. It lowers the levels of good cholesterol, damages your body’s blood vessels and promotes

clotting. Each tablespoon contains 100 calories, so when looking for an alternative spread, look out for

those trans-fat-free versions.

Full-fat milk is full of saturated fats. Saturated fats promote inflammation, bloating, increase the levels

of bad cholesterol and it may also cause a clogging of the arteries. It is also much higher in calories than

skim milk is. Opt for low-fat milk or soy milk to minimise the calorie intake and the saturated fats. You

will receive more calcium, protein, potassium and vitamin D from the lower-fat versions.

Cinema popcorn is full of calories and fat. Cinemas pop their corn with high amounts of coconut oil,

which is extremely high in saturated fats (90%). Ordering a medium-sized popcorn without extra butter

has approximately 1,200 calories (more than half your daily calorie intake) and 60g of saturated fat.

Whole wheat pasta is often used as a substitute for white pasta when following a healthy eating plan,

but it can negatively affect your weight loss. It is extremely high in carbohydrates.

Multi-grained bread sounds healthy, but it does not contain the necessary vitamins and minerals that

your body needs. The bread’s grains are generally over-processed, which strips it of their fiber and its

essential nutrients.

‘Healthy’ frozen dinners are not ideal if you are trying to lose weight. They may state that they are low

in fat, but microwavable dinners are full of sugar. Sugar and additives are used to add flavour, thicken

sauces and enhance its appearance. The average ‘healthy’ frozen meal contains 1,000 calories per


Sugar-free products such as drinks, chewing gum and sweets have other unhealthy sugar-related

problems. It is possible that the body will mistake the fake sugar for real sugar and process it in exactly

the same way, increasing your body’s insulin levels and causing weight gain.

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Tropical fruits have a much higher level of sugar than normal fruits, especially ripened pineapples and

mangoes. Opt for apples - they are low in calories and full of fiber.

Peanut butter contains healthy fats, but it is also very high in calories. Just one tablespoon contains 200


Low-fat ice cream does not mean low in calories. Lower fat varieties of ice cream generally contain

more sugar (almost double that of the fuller-fat varieties)

Protein bars are usually just like consuming a chocolate bar. Usually, they are high in sugar and

calories. The average protein bar contains 350 calories.

6.4. Top Dieting Tips

If you are not used to dieting, it is easy to get disheartened and give up. However, there are some simple

dieting rules to live by that can affect how successful your diet is.

1. Never Skip Breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast aids weight control. Breakfast is a way of packing in

some essential nutrients and kick starting the body’s metabolism for the day. Opt for slow fiber-releasing

breakfast alternatives, such as porridge or weetbix. They release the energy slower throughout the

morning, making you feel fuller for longer, so you will be less prone to snacking.

2. Have Regular Meals. When you eat regular small portions throughout the day the metabolism will keep

working and burning calories at a quicker rate.

3. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to give you the right amount of healthy vitamins and minerals. Fruit

and vegetables are also very high in fibre, which will keep you regular, something essential for weight


4. Drink more water to fill you up and flush out harmful toxins. The average person needs 6-8 glasses of

water every day; however, this will be more if you are exercising.

5. Cutting down on your alcohol intake will reduce your daily calories. Excessive drinking leads to

weight gain and a standard glass of wine contains the same amount of calories as a small chocolate bar.

6. Eat more high fiber food to keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. Fiber also helps to keep

your bowels moving, which will reduce bloating. High fiber foods that are recommended for dieting

include: fruits, vegetables, oats, brown rice, beans, lentils and peas.

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6.5. Understanding Nutrition Labels

Learning to read a nutrition label correctly will help you make healthy choices between different products.

You will be able to tell whether the food you are consuming is high in salt, fat, sugar and additives.

By law, pre-packaged food must have a nutrition label either on the side or the back of its packaging.

These nutritional labels include information about:

Kilojoules (kJ)

Kilocalories (kcal)



Fat content

Saturated fats




All of the nutritional information that is provided is always per 100g (3.5oz). Additionally, it may also include

the amounts that are related to one portion, making it easier for you to do the math.

Food manufacturers also highlight other things on the front of the packaging in addition to the information on

the back, these include:


Saturated fat




If you want to follow a more well-balanced diet you need to:

Reduce fats, especially saturated fats.

Reduce salt.

Reduce additives and added sugars.

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How can I understand if my Food is high in Fat, Sugar, Saturated Fat or Salt?

The following guidelines will show you if the food you have chosen is high in fats, salt, sugar or saturated


Total Fat Content

High fat content: > 17.5g (0.62oz) of fat per 100g (3.5oz)

Low fat content: < 3g (0.11oz) of fat per 100g (3.5oz)

Saturated Fat Content

High saturated fat content: > 5g (0.18oz) of saturated fat per 100g (3.5oz)

Low saturated fat content: < 1.5g (0.05oz) of saturated fat per 100g (3.5oz)

Sugar Content

High sugar content: > 22.5g (0.79oz) of sugar per 100g (3.5oz)

Low sugar content: < 5g (0.18oz) of sugar per 100g (3.5oz)

Salt Content:

High salt content: > 1.5g (0.05oz) of salt per 100g (3.5oz) / 0.6g (0.02oz) of sodium

Low salt content: < 0.3g (0.01oz) of salt per 100g (3.5oz) / 0.01g of sodium

Reference Intakes (RI)

Some products include extra information about the reference intake (RI). These act as a guideline for adults

regarding the approximate amount of energy and nutrients that they need for a healthy well-balanced diet.

These numbers refer to the total daily consumption.

Total energy consumption: 2,000 kcal / 8,400 kJ

Total fat consumption: 70g (2.5oz)

Total saturated fat: 20g (0.7oz)

Total amount of carbohydrates: 260g (9.2oz)

Total amount of sugars: 90g (3.2oz)

Total protein: 50g (1.8oz)

Total salt/sodium: 6g (0.2oz)

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6.6. Detoxing

What is Detoxing?

Detoxing or detoxification of the body is the process of reducing or removing all toxins from your body. It is

considered to be one of the best ways to get rid of free radicals and toxins in your body. Such toxins and free

radicals can have negative side effects on your health, and your body will not function as well with too many.

There are different ways to detox the body such as:

Change of diet and lifestyle

Herbal detoxification regimes

Vitamin supplements


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Why do People need to Detox?

Every day the human body naturally detoxifies itself – it is the body’s normal process. It is one of the human

body’s automatic functions. The body eliminates and neutralises all the built up toxins through the liver,

kidneys, colon, lymph nodes and the skin. Today, there is a lot of pollution everywhere. It is in the air that we

breathe and the food and water we consume, therefore the body is under more pressure. The body’s internal

ecosystem is altered through the chemicals from animal proteins, trans and saturated fats, caffeine and the

alcohol we consume on a daily basis.

Because of the overload of toxins in the body, the toxic materials remain in our body’s tissues. The human

body tries to protect us from such toxins by surrounding them with fat and mucous so that they do not cause

an imbalance. Some people carry an extra 15 pounds of fat and mucous that takes care of this waste.

Detoxing through specially designed cleansing colonics and diets helps to clear out the waste. When a person

suffers from diseases that compromise the immune system, such as arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue and

diabetes it is essential to cleanse the body to aid the passing of toxins and free radicals. Through detoxification

you can:

Rejuvenate your internal eco-system

Rid the body of harmful viruses

Eliminate dangerous bacteria

Remove parasites

Benefits of Body Detoxification

Physical Benefits of Detoxing

Harmful toxins and free radicals amass themselves in the body’s major organs and the detoxification process

will help get rid of them. The body’s organs that are most affected are the liver and the stomach. Once the

body has been put through a detoxification process, these organs will be able to function more effectively.

After the detox has been completed, you will most likely feel lighter and you will also have a noticeable

amount of more energy. You will be less prone to illness and lower your risk of developing cancer as the

body’s immune system is freed of its free radicals. Detoxing also improves blood circulation and improves

the quality of your skin.

Detoxification will assist in ridding the body of excess waste. If you follow a special detox programme, it is

likely it has been designed to help the body purge itself. The liver, colon and the kidneys have a role in

helping regulate the body and they will be able to work effectively after a detox or cleanse. Your breath will

improve as a backed-up colon can result in bad breath.

Mental Benefits of Detoxing

When the body has a build up of toxins and free radicals the brain function can be affected. Prior to detoxing

you might have problems with sleeping, fatigue and concentration. After detoxing, these problems are likely

to disappear gradually.

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Beauty Benefits of Detoxing

The build up of free radicals and toxins in the body contribute to the ageing process. When these are reduced,

you will see long-term and short-term benefits. It is also likely that you will enjoy an increased longevity.

The largest organ of the human body is the skin. After detoxing, you will have clearer looking smoother

skin. Detoxing also improves acne. While detoxing, your acne is likely to get worse before it gets better, but

this is happening because the harmful toxins are being released. Saunas are also known to supplement a detox

programme as they help your body to sweat out all of its additional toxins and free radicals.

Detoxing for Weight Loss

The body carries a lot of extra waste, fat and water caused by toxins and free radicals. Doing a short detox

will assist you in losing weight.

Detoxification should always be done after consulting a doctor or dietician and it should not be done for a

long period of time.

There are a number of different detox programmes that are considered safe for a short period of time when

trying to lose weight. They include:

Herbal Colon Cleansers


Derived from plants

100% natural

Contains powerful detoxifying herbs

Contains soluble and insoluble fibers

Cleanses colon of toxic build-up

Promotes regularity

Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic Irrigation)

Safe and effective

Removes waste from the larger intestine

No drugs or chemicals

Regulated temperature water inserted into bowel

through disposable speculum

Softens and loosens faeces

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There are also other less extreme ways that you can help the body to naturally detox:



Dry skin brushing





When all of the toxins and wastes have been removed from your body through detoxification, the body’s

optimal function is renewed. During the rejuvenation process you should only consume simple nutrient-rich

vegetarian based food and drink a lot of filtered water.

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6.7. Weight Management

What is Weight Management?

It is a long-term approach towards having a healthier lifestyle. It means maintaining a healthy weight based

on your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your age. It consists of eating healthily and doing physical exercise.

Weight Management is not:

Fad dieting

Temporary weight loss


Weight management is:

a healthy long-term approach to achieving weight-loss goals slowly, which is then followed by the retention

of the ideal body weight based on your sex, age and height.

Weight management is important, in order to avoid obesity and other weight-related diseases such as:



Type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular disease

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Why People should not go on Fad Diets

Celebrity endorsement and the media are much to blame for fad diets. Fad diets are appealing to people that

want a weight loss quick-fix. There are many problems with fad diets. There is no science or research behind

them and they can jeopardise your health. The problems with fad diets include:

No long-term weight loss

Post-diet weight gain

No scientific research



Loss of essential minerals and vitamins

People are influenced by the tabloids and celebrities regarding fad diets. Some of the most popular, but

dangerous fad diets include:

Low-carb diets which negatively affect your mental and physical well-being. The body reacts

negatively by producing and storing more fat to make up for its loss of energy. Other negative side

effects of the low-carb diet are moodiness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, mineral and vitamin

deficiencies and constant hunger.

Restriction diets which promote eating a specific food such as, grapefruit juice or cabbage soup. Weight

loss is mostly water weight, which will return once the diet has ended. Negative side effects of the

restriction diet are dizziness, gas, gastrointestinal disturbances and eating disorders.

Popular Researched Diets

There have been diets and lifestyle plans which have had positive effects on those trying to lose weight. These

are not fad diets and most of them have had extensive research carried out on them. When assessing whether

a diet is the right one for you, you need to take into consideration your:


Food preferences

Medical conditions

1. Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers offers a dieter a range of dieting services and products that will facilitate initial weight loss

and weight maintenance through a restriction of calories. The Weight Watchers programme promotes making

healthy food choices and exercise in a supportive environment.

Dieter selects a viable weight loss goal under guidance

Encouraged to lose 2lbs per week

Reduction of calories through healthy eating

Meets all nutritional requirements

Exercise encouraged

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Points system

Food and activity plans

Support groups

Weekly meetings

Slower long-term weight loss

Drawback: Over time it can get expensive

2. Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet is a type of fat restricting diet. The dieter is allowed to consume fat, but it must be less than

10% of the daily calorie intake. This diet focuses on high fibre consumption and following a low-fat vegetarian

diet. It is recommended to combine the diet with exercise to promote fat burning.

Does not restrict your calories

Does not slow down your metabolism

Burns fat quickly with exercise

Promotes yoga and meditation

Reverses coronary blockage

Can eat whenever

Eat until full

Consume as many legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables, and grains as you like.

Low-fat dairy products recommended in moderation

Drawbacks: This is a restrictive diet and needs a lot of will power.

3. TLC Diet

The TLC diet is endorsed by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association. The TLC

diet is otherwise known as the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet. The aim of the TLC diet is to promote

better lifestyles through diet and lower the risk of heart disease. This diet has not been designed primarily for

weight-loss, but instead it promotes healthy weight maintenance.

Lowers saturated fat intake

Reduces cholesterol level

Simple and easy to follow

Promotes positive healthy changes in your lifestyle

Lowers high blood pressure

Education about healthy living e.g. reading food labels

Promotes food awareness

Drawbacks: Although you will lose a little bit of weight on the TLC diet, you will not achieve big weight

loss goals. It is a diet to maintain a healthy weight. You will also have to take the time to educate yourself and

learn how to calculate saturated fats and read food labels.

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6.8. Powerful Metabolism Boosting Foods

Everybody’s bodies are different. Some people have normal metabolism rates, some have quick ones, and

some have slower ones. Those who have slower metabolisms will be more prone to weight gain. Slow

metabolisms could be a sign of:


Being overweight


Thyroid problems

The way a person’s metabolism works is usually based on genetics, but it is still possible to boost your

metabolism by eating special foods.

Egg whites are full of branched-chain amino acids. These keep the metabolism working.

Lean meats are packed with iron. Iron deficiencies slow down the metabolism.

Water regulates the metabolism. Even mild dehydration will slow down your metabolism.

Chili peppers boost the metabolism due to the secret ingredient of capsaicin.

Black filtered coffee increases a person’s average metabolic rate by 16%.

Green tea contains the EGCG compound which promotes fat burning.

Low-fat milk contains calcium that helps the body to metabolise fat more quickly.

Whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice take more to break down therefore the body works harder to

burn more fat.

Lentils are very high in iron. 20% of all women have an iron deficiency. The body needs iron to burn

calories. Just 1 cup of lentils will provide your body with 35% of the body’s daily iron needs.

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6.9. When and How to eat for Weight Loss

In the past dieticians promoted eating earlier in the day to lose weight. Recent research shows that the time

you eat has nothing to do weight loss. Instead it is related to:

How much you eat throughout the day

How regular you eat

How big the portions are

The total amount of calories consumed in the day

The average female, who is not trying to lose weight, should consume 2,000 calories a day. The average male,

who is not trying to lose weight, should consume approximately 2,500 calories a day.

To lose weight, the total amount of a person’s daily calories needs to be reduced. There are three levels

depending how much weight you want/need to lose. Those who consume the lowest amount of calories should

always seek advice from their doctors first and consult a dietician that will formulate a diet plan to ensure that

you receive all recommended daily vitamins, nutrients, and minerals.


1 2,300 1,800

2 2,000 2,500

3 1,700 1,200